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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 190 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3277003 No.3277003 [Reply] [Original]

in honor of MLK day in the usa

Jean Michel Basquiat and Jimi hendrix (not visual art but w/e) are two inspirations of mine

>> No.3277009
File: 117 KB, 768x1063, 869189161651096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't think of any that really inspire me. Unless we're talking music, in that case I could name some, but we're on /ic/, not /mu/.
A large group of the modern black artists only talk about "being black" through their art, which I don't find very interesting anymore because it has been done so much.

>> No.3277013
File: 264 KB, 630x630, kehinde-wiley-napoleon-630px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kehinde Wiley

>> No.3277018
File: 207 KB, 600x800, BH10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barkley Hendricks

>> No.3277019
File: 281 KB, 1170x600, slider1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

El Anatsui

>> No.3277022
File: 98 KB, 550x412, Sugar-Baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kara Walker. I think her silhouettes are nice too but she has an Art21 on this piece that i thought was very good.

>> No.3277024
File: 59 KB, 474x598, 1f797f301bc8396d204d641d938d2ae5--arts-ed-jordan-casteel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jordan Casteel

>> No.3277028
File: 217 KB, 521x656, kerry+james+marshall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kerry James Marshall

>> No.3277034
File: 89 KB, 974x1300, 1994.17_1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edmonia Lewis

>> No.3277037
File: 181 KB, 624x416, hair002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Highwaymen. Not a huge fan of the art but the work ethic inspires me

>> No.3277051
File: 280 KB, 1098x1497, intimacy-thomas-blackshear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thomas Blackshear

>> No.3277149

Basquiat is like a /pol/ meme made flesh. No idea what people see in this cunt's work.

Technically proficient but no really any deeper than copying classical art and adding a layer of irony.

I like this.

Best in thread. Thanks for introducing me to this guy.

>> No.3277173

>mindlessly scribble "urban art" doodles
>accompany them with random excerpts of da Vinci notes and dictionary words

>> No.3277179

good stuff, thanks!

>> No.3277187

Basquiat is garbage. Please explain to me what is important about him without mentioning race. I fucking challenge you, because his art is so uninspiring and looks like a baby

>> No.3277199

>Please explain to me what is important about him without mentioning race.
if you don't like his work, than fuck off. Stop looking at Basquiat, that's all you ever need to do to stop being a REEEE screeching autist. We know you hate Basquiat. You are literally shitposting about how much you hate him for weeks. Can you please fuck off now? seriously, get another joke going for 2018, you boring asshole.

>> No.3277202

>because his art is so uninspiring and looks like a baby
>his art looks like a baby
are you that chinese ngmi asshole? learn fucking proper English you slat-eyed little cumrag.

>> No.3277206

My parents have a few of his sculptures in a display in their house. I forget if they said they actually bought them from him or somewhere else.

>> No.3277215

His paint application was amazing, the spontaneity in his work doesn't seem manufactured the same way it does with other expressionists. Pegasus is one of the most stylistic defining drawings of the 20th century and has influenced the drawing style of artists like thDark on this website for example. His forms and designs when making faces and bodies, with their flat confident lines and sinewy details foreshadowed a lot of what was to be done in digital art later in the 21st century. He took the traditional subject of portraiture and used it as a loose template to design flat yet sculptural imagery that stretched (at the time) the limits of what a painted face should look like.

>> No.3277218


>> No.3277224

To that last point, Basquiats work was still strictly representational, even if it was absurdly symbolic at points. He wasn't like the other expressionist garbage that de Kooning was doing for instance. Basquiat was still interested in the objects, people, and landscapes around him, and it's clear when looking at his work what exactly he was painting or drawing. It's the same with the work of post-impressionists. You wouldn't look at a Van Gogh landscape and go "it's just Trees". In a sense you'd be right, but that's not seeing the forest of brush strokes and purposeful art behind those trees

>> No.3277227

without Basquiat ==> no David Shrigley
but hey, they turned that "Pegasus" into merchandise wallpaper, lmao. watches, badges ...

>> No.3277232
File: 26 KB, 500x281, trumphotel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 some Basquiat hating anon is going to shit all over your posts.
writing passionately about why you like a contemporary artist is throwing pearls before swine on /ic/, just to warn you.

>"oooh, big words! so pretentious! Rick and Morty! intellectual crap!

>> No.3277252

if you like his work and know why then it would be easy to defend it... but apparently you dont... and it seems like your projecting a lot of your own personality faults on an anonymous person. The fact is I wrote that last comment and have nothing to do with whoever it is you were talking about that has been "posting for weeks" have you ever considered that maybe people actually dont like basquiat and they dont have some hidden meaning and motive behind not liking him? maybe they just dont like him because his art is uninteresting

>> No.3277257

your ideas and opinions arent individual gems that you can loose. You can only get better by talking about them

>> No.3277268
File: 60 KB, 768x768, basquiat-untitled-hand-anatomy-1982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe they just dont like him because his art is uninteresting
exactly. you either like his stuff or you don't. this >>3277187 is just "it's my opinion against yours meh meh!" baby talk.

i can look at some pieces of Basquiat and not get tired of it, although it is so rough and raw in its execution. it has an appealing composition, he knew how to make colors work with each other, the concepts he includes as texts evoke a large history (some are pseudo-scientific, some go into art history, some point at mortality and health) ... i can imagine looking at a Basquiat painting or drawing every day in my house and not be annoyed or bored by it after a few weeks. he creates a very refined tension and knows what he is doing and at the same time, he is very playful with it.
if that's not something you see in it, than that's fine. but don't go about yelling "oh you lot shouldn't like Basquiat, because I don't like his stuff at all!"

>> No.3277281

>and it seems like your projecting a lot of your own personality faults on an anonymous person.
oh sure, my child. spoken like a true shrink.

>whoever it is you were talking about
there are several people on /ic/ who regularly get together to talk philistine-type shit about how modern art sucks. one anon in particular has no other excuse than "i think it looks like baby scrabbles! boo hoo!", which is exactly what a shallow, unreflected /beg/-tier artist will be able to see, only the surface of it.

>You can only get better by talking about them
not on /ic/. most of the time, you will literally get responses like this
>"oooh, big words! so pretentious! Rick and Morty! intellectual crap!
or, the best of it all: "it's jew art! it's all a CIA joke up until 2018, everything! .... you just like it, because it's famous!" and so on.

>> No.3277302
File: 69 KB, 800x577, 1983.95.94_1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Edward Mitchell Bannister

>> No.3277311

the only good one in this thread

>> No.3277327
File: 1.52 MB, 2158x3000, c162bc287171b27b5f60794e27d8146c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Matt Baker

>> No.3277339

>the only good one in this thread
>muh opinion!
>respect muh opinion!

>> No.3277356

ikr, but the fact is that it's not many people posting this kind of stuff, there's just inveterate scumbags here who actively dislike the idea that art can be more than craft.

i mean i don't know if it's worth posting interesting stuff here really, but i'm sure you are turning at least a few people onto some interesting artists.

>> No.3277363

>turning at least a few people onto some interesting artists.
I've saved a lot of pictures from "post your favorite artist" threads and thought there's really some worthwhile stuff going on once in a fullmoon. saved some names to look into, based on these threads: Gustav Dore, Jordan Casteel, Jan Metjko, Phil Hale ...
but that is fucking rare, really. the most degenerate kids around here are unironically shitting on DaVinci and calling anime superior to his works.

>> No.3277365

>nobody noticing he moved the eye out of the correct spot so it could fit in the hole

>> No.3277379
File: 426 KB, 1280x1280, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Gyimah Gariba's stuff.

>> No.3277390

Keep drinking that kool-aid.

>> No.3277394

see? didn't take long ---> >>3277232

>> No.3277398 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 600x584, T_alberto_barbosa__737cd367a5474ddfa3ca272b30c0d3b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aberto Barbosa was a fairly unknown black artist
That doesn't get much recognition

>> No.3277403
File: 79 KB, 1000x672, The Great Sphinx of Giza Mythological and Mysterious Guardian-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Egyptians were probably one of the greatest African tribes
Their artwork is exquisite

>> No.3277405

Oh fuck off. Go to the /beg/ thread and there's a dozen Basquiat-tier draftsmen in there at any one time.

>Hurr culurrs durr furrms hurf werds

Wow so deep and inspiring. Oh wait it's not, it's trash that naked emperors in the burnt-out remains of once-great art schools have convinced you somehow has merit. Contemporary art is nothing more than a money laundering scheme, nothing interesting has been done with the format since 1920, just and endlessly-narrowing aperture of regurgitated, meaningless (often literal) shit with no greater design than the bastardisation of the human spirit for the amusement of bored pseudointellects.

>> No.3277413
File: 86 KB, 400x533, chadart-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are the epitome of ngmi
stop masturbating to anime. go read a book.

>> No.3277414
File: 848 KB, 2000x2420, leo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not too wildly well known but Leonardo Da Vinci was actually south African.
In his younger years he went by the name 'Lione DaVitso'

>> No.3277422 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 1280x1280, 35a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now for something more modern...
The Ugandan Knuckles meme is actually a very successful viral marketing stunt pulled by BLM activists to raise awareness for the Ugandan Hedgehog a dying breed of hedgehogs
Absolutely amazing!

>> No.3277430

do a barrel role

>> No.3277433 [DELETED] 
File: 2.35 MB, 1299x2032, slave-whipping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A small tribe in central Africa was what originated the idea of tattoo
several centuries ago instead of inking there skin they would scar it
the scars would often be very complicated often showed lots of grace and strength

>> No.3277437
File: 535 KB, 1000x750, january-15-2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean I draw pic related and enjoy basquiat... just cause you understand why someone's art is good doesn't mean you just have to paint exactly like them. I think you are assuming anyone here defending Basquiat is trying to draw and paint exactly like him. He's influenced plenty of artists that don't necessarily want to be neo-expressionists.

>> No.3277438

neck yourself

>> No.3277445
File: 41 KB, 620x372, neck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3277446 [DELETED] 
File: 608 KB, 1280x960, n_holocaust_wiesel_130127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's my personnel favorite
possibly one of the greatest stage plays in all of history
Yes I am talking about the holocaust
It's popular opinion to believe that Germans were behind the holocaust but it was actually masterminded by African Intellectuals
Yes one of the largest stage plays in history was conducted by a African American Director!
With over 6 mil-
I mean 6 billion jewish actors helping take part
Absolutely superb

>> No.3277450 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 702x401, n1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>neck yourself
Ah! I see you are also familiar with the ancient African tradition of necklacing or necking for short
Truly a beautiful tradition
A volunteer places a tire around their neck and then they spray fake gasoline on him and fire works to light him on fire
It's believed that this tradition is what inspired the Salem Witch Trials

>> No.3277454


>> No.3277455

are you this boring and sarcastic in person?

>> No.3277463

>just cause you understand why someone's art is good doesn't mean you just have to paint exactly like them.
very good point.

>> No.3277489
File: 1.22 MB, 1700x1109, K32118C-R01-001A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3277495

Norman Lewis

>> No.3277496
File: 254 KB, 620x350, norman-lewis-title-unknown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot image

>> No.3277497
File: 262 KB, 1000x865, mark_bradford_Strawberry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mark Bradford

>> No.3277500

Leonardo Drew

>> No.3277504
File: 994 KB, 1000x520, leonardo_drew_64-4Penny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot image again.

>> No.3277505
File: 165 KB, 1600x920, Sam Gilliam Carousel Change.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sam Gilliam

>> No.3277507

Oh dear
Going to take some migraine meds now
Is this The 3 Degrees?
Waste of sugar
Waste of a pram
Waste of something
This one is okay
Fucking awful composition
Actually quite good

>> No.3277517

Did I miss a new copypasta?
2018 is bring the memes...

>> No.3277518

Fred Perry

>> No.3277633 [DELETED] 


>> No.3277640
File: 326 KB, 900x716, njideka_akunyili_crosby_5_umezebi_st_new_haven_enugu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always admired Njideka's work, dig the candidness it has.

>> No.3277642
File: 658 KB, 1649x1161, DLish-Biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dan Lish

>> No.3277657

i like this very much

>> No.3279162

He was the real deal.

>> No.3279166
File: 101 KB, 600x891, sunnie_by_dctb-dbytqld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to post some of my favorite mcdonalds-of-art black artists to break up from the "modern art" black artists


>> No.3279168
File: 729 KB, 1024x561, shonff4tt4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3279170
File: 334 KB, 1280x640, kalenckkf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kalen chock

>> No.3279172
File: 319 KB, 1280x1003, Marco_Nelor_Concept-_Art_Warcraft_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

marco nelor

>> No.3279173

Are there any black renaissance oil painters? There must be.

>> No.3279177
File: 68 KB, 598x487, wesleyffn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wesley louis

>> No.3279178

Flash me

>> No.3279179
File: 244 KB, 894x894, inktober17_1_by_chaseconley-dbpmyh8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chase Conley

>> No.3279181
File: 94 KB, 474x586, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3279182

forgot name....ken lashley

>> No.3279183
File: 878 KB, 651x1000, 09b3ded95bbb2c2ca81f771fae514e18-da3uqcw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3279184
File: 248 KB, 1150x844, so_much_by_mattahan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3279185
File: 33 KB, 474x237, wwgg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3279186
File: 101 KB, 539x810, tumblr_otrkdjhCTO1rm4wgqo7_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lesean thomas

>> No.3279188
File: 219 KB, 1083x1600, ITTY_BITTY_BLACK_BOX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alphonso Dunn

>> No.3279192
File: 190 KB, 900x601, 071810__ichigo_girls_ad_by_crybringer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3279197
File: 331 KB, 2048x1622, few.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm getting into irrelevant nobodies now

>> No.3279200
File: 596 KB, 900x1053, Kehinde-Wiley-Prince-Albert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kehinde wiley

>> No.3279206
File: 119 KB, 600x800, rough_sketch_by_mngapro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



that's it I think....I know I'm missing a couple small time people not worth mentioning in my bookmarks though

>> No.3279207
File: 152 KB, 900x651, yami_fan_art_by_mngapro-d2ynw1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3279209
File: 61 KB, 707x699, cumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and why not for the hell of it.

gumbo @jumbogumbo

>> No.3279285

Why should someone's race matter when it comes to art?

You don't see people making "white artist threads" or "asian artist threads" or "latino artist threads"... so why does this need to be a thing?

It's one thing if you're seeking a certain aesthetic, but someone's race contributes very little to that.

>> No.3279293


>> No.3279294

I am no expert on this topic but maybe because someone of a certain race might make experiences specific to that race and show this through their art?

>> No.3279295

if you're triggered by it literally just make the threads yourself faggot

>> No.3279296
File: 376 KB, 719x1111, dww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all you sperg, it was MLK day on monday this week for Americans. So this was a contribute thread. Unfortunately I didn't see this thread among all the shitposts so I contributed late.


>Why should someone's race matter when it comes to art?

It doesn't matter to you because you're white I'm assuming. Walk into any California house studio and it's dominated by white people followed by asians. You don't have to "matter" about race because almost everyone looks like you.

It's nice for the black bros here who might be wondering if there are others like them who pursued their respected field. Nothing wrong with a thread to share artists as inspiration for minorities.

>but someone's race contributes very little to that
You're right and wrong. Right that it doesn't but wrong that if you don't let others know about successful black men and women (which you can find in any field nowadays) it'll look like they can't DO it. It's like saying the only black inventor in the world is the one who invented peanut butter. If someone like me thinks that way then they'll think they are inheritely worthless when it's far from the case as others were able to succeed.

>> No.3279337

Maybe but they're probably lost to time. I imagine African art at the time was still mainly focused on sculpture

>> No.3279341

Love this thanks for sharing
Followed him for years and somehow never realized he was black. I guess i only ever see his art

>> No.3279394

>ask a simple question
>niggas chimp out and call you a sperg

The more you call race into question for various topics, the more you're gonna antagonize people. It's this black pride, victim complex that's really starting to get irritating. It's like you can give something merit based on its own inherent value, no, it has to be measured and highlighted because of the race of the people behind it. Like that makes it more valuable or distinct from other works.

It doesn't, and there's nothing holding you back from making something great, especially where you have to postrate this bullshit-ass victim complex for attention.

Art is art, race doesn't matter. Culture, sure. But not race.

If anything, the fact that you feel the need to call attention to this in such a specific way, really only suggests the idea that you internally believe that you're inferior to your white contemporaries, and because you can't create something of equal merit without the race brownie points, you need to be given a handicap. In short, if anything, you're suggesting that you're naturally less talented.

You know, I never looked at race until all this shit started going on. It didn't matter to me, it was only people. And some of my closest friends growing up were black weebs, who drew some bomb-ass shit. But all this black pride nonsense has ultimately done nothing but irritate me, because you can't go anywhere anymore without someone calling race into question for attention.

So again, what does one's race matter in regard to their work? This is about as stupid as the weeaboos who think Anime can only be made by Japanese people.

And for the record, I'm Latino. So good job on that one buddy. Great way to dilute the tension between whites and blacks by assuming anyone who has a problem with your race baiting, MUST be white.

>> No.3279410
File: 3.14 MB, 480x360, Best+reaction+to+haters+ever+haters+gonna+hate_34d74e_3628254.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread


>> No.3279417
File: 82 KB, 650x349, 1297674030442_ORIGINAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So again, what does one's race matter in regard to their work?

It's as simple as "are there people like me who are successful in THIS field". What is so hard to understand? I'd hate to dwell into /pol/ shit but America is still a white nation. And being white brings you more opportunity because of your educational and financial background.

Black children aren't getting quality PCs and tablets for their birthdays. There is very very VERY rare chance they'd be interested in the creative industry that isn't rap. There are few black leaders shown to them at an early age for them to look to and want to be like as they're sucked into the many traps of the system. Instead they turn to drugs and gang violence; incarcerated in their early 20s while you're here on /ic/ as a Latino able to get gains in drawing because those traps aren't for your race.

The only reason the millennial generation of blacks are into painting and crafts is because of the whole obvious anime boom in that time. You have your different struggles in this country but it's different for African Americans. The ones that don't have to worry about half of this were blessed to be middle class blacks.

>> No.3279423

Actually anon is right. The race of the artist doesn't matter. As long I find it pleasant to look at I'll like it.

>Nothing wrong with a thread to share artists as inspiration for minorities.
You do know that blacks are only minorites in non black countries? And that whites are only a majority in european made countries. On a global scale are white people are a minority and black people a majority.

> It's like saying the only black inventor in the world is the one who invented peanut butter.
Say thank you do the "We wuz kangz" blacks. It isn't like nobody believes that black people can't invent something, but most of the invention list this people like to present is an joke.

>If someone like me thinks that way then they'll think they are inheritely worthless when it's far from the case as others were able to succeed.
Maybe it is because I'm european but most people I look up to aren't even from my country or a part of my race. I don't need someone who is exactly like me, who suceeded, in order to work hard on me to get better.

In the end if you need someone wo is like you to work on yourself it's your problem and not the worlds and stop shoving someone's race in the throat of people.

>> No.3279427

>You do know that blacks are only minorites in non black countries? And that whites are only a majority in european made countries. On a global scale are white people are a minority and black people a majority.

We're talking about America. This is an MLK thread. Please don't be stupid and try to divert my points.
>Say thank you do the "We wuz kangz" blacks. It isn't like nobody believes that black people can't invent something, but most of the invention list this people like to present is an joke.
It's not really just about inventions. It's simply just about hard fields and the successful men and women in them.
>Maybe it is because I'm european
OOOooh I rest my case then. You shouldn't even give your opinion as further typing is wasting my time.

>> No.3279428

How is this shoving race down anyone's throat? OP simply started a thread to spotlight black artists in light of MLK day. If you don't want to see the thread, just hide it. Don't click on it and read through all the comments and write up some response. No one is shocking anything down anyone's throat. This was a thread for people who wanted to share and look at and be inspired by black artists. If none of that applies to you it's simple enough to just go look at any other thread.

>> No.3279429

>Say thank you do the "We wuz kangz" blacks. It isn't like nobody believes that black people can't invent something, but most of the invention list this people like to present is an joke.
The "We Wuz Kangz" meme is funny because they perform revisionist history to claim that they were innovators or leaders. Some of it is legit like Yasuke, but a lot of the claims are dubious.

>> No.3279442

>It's as simple as "are there people like me who are successful in THIS field".
And why should that matter? I don't need to look at what other people like me have accomplished in order to be motivated. On the contrary, I'm more inspired to do something no one else has done before, than otherwise. Break new molds.

>America is still a white nation
Yes and? America was founded by white men, why should it be otherwise? As the other anon pointed out, on the global scale, whites are a dwindling minority, and always have been a minority. Yet whites, despite that, have accomplished a lot more than any other race on the planet.

>And being white brings you more opportunity because of your educational and financial background.
This isn't true at all, and you know it. There are plenty of whites in the US who are poor as dirt with no way of going forward. Among them, some still claw their way out of poverty through sheer willpower. The inverse is also true for blacks. There are plenty og blacks from rich middle class families with plenty of opportunity. Some of them have been posted ITT, like Whyt Manga.

Your race does not affect your opportunity. Socioeconomic status?? Sure sure, but that's not exclusive to race.

>Black children aren't getting quality PCs and tablets for their birthdays.

Oh wow, boo-fucking hoo. I didn't get a tablet for any birthday either, in fact, I had to buy my own tablets, and learn art on my own at the age of 23, by saving up money with my part time job. Computer? For one, you don't need a computer to watch anime. But two, you need a computer to browse this thread and shitpost about "muh black culture" on 4chan. Most blacks who make race an issue on the internet clearly have computers. Nothing stopping them from being creative desu.

>> No.3279444

cont. 2/2

>There are few black leaders shown to them at an early age for them to look to and want to be like as they're sucked into the many traps of the system.

It's no system. There is no system to keep you down. The problem here is that you blame your problems on others, rather than seeking ways to overcome them. And this is an issue largely true with left wing ideology. Creating a victim complex among people, by removing their agency by telling them it's not their fault, and that they are oppressed.

No, this is a problem caused by black "culture" in the US. Sticking to a clique bases on race and identity, instead of assimilating with as many people as you can and branching out, and thinking like an individual. In fact, by making "race" the issue behind all this, you're only further perpetuating these problems. You're giving people a simple excuse to fall back on and blame others for, rather than giving them the necessary advice to move forward.

You wanna give blacks advice on how to be successful. Tell them "look at what white people do, and learn from them, imitate them," because again, despite being the biggest minority on a global scale, whites have accomplished a lot more than any race on Earth. Blacks on the other hand have mostly only created violence and gang culture by copying each other.

>> No.3279446
File: 831 KB, 1796x2378, 4833FE36-BC6F-4A60-A161-CCD824F264F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3279449

It isn't about OP. I did actually enjoy the theard and have found some new artists to look into. The only problem I've with this theard is that some people were legit triggerd by an simple question and started like >>3279427
with the "you're white so shut up" mentality.

I do find the "we wuz kangz" meme also funny, especially the ones about my own country.

>> No.3279460

The continent of Africa is their artwork. It's almost like whites and blacks have different ideas of beautiful. I'd rather paint in Botswana than Los Angeles

>> No.3279462

basquiat was a fucking homo. props for making it tho and advancing shitty artists like illustrat.

>> No.3279467

“Shitty” artists? Honestly I have the best art itt

>> No.3279468

nigga your sloppy ass portraits aint shit word is bond. i respect the confidence and hustle tho.

>> No.3279469

Well, it's not like the bar is set very high, is it m8?

>> No.3279472

actually, nah. in /ic/ that work of yours is outsider art and definitely stands out in comparisson to the other generic shit you see here. but if you take it into context, my nigga, that aint a good look.

>> No.3279474
File: 206 KB, 634x800, 4522166_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nahem Shoa

>> No.3279477

>dem ears

>> No.3279482
File: 22 KB, 750x648, le_holocaust_face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nahem Shoa

>> No.3279483

The Jews have seriously ruined the visual arts in America. Almost all artists work under their suggestive thinking.

>> No.3279486

I am not trying to be a /pol/lock but this is true. if you read art history it becomes clear how the Jews ruined the art world as a whole.

>> No.3279493
File: 2.12 MB, 4032x3024, A6AA536C-F48A-4A1E-BB5A-2A86B4E1AE89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The art itt is African American art. My art transcends that distinction. I make art. I am the best on 4chan and rank nationally as a top artist. You can’t even tell I am black. I am an outsider art legend

>> No.3279498

I'm sorry but when's the last time a Jew put a gun to your head and made you draw anime, anon?

>> No.3279519

>outsider art
more like outhouse art lmao

>> No.3279522

My art is better than yours

>> No.3279525

maybe but you have posted more of your art so I have been less of a detriment onto the world

>> No.3279530

It’s the best itt too

>> No.3279535

alright, I'm gonna take a shit

>> No.3279553

/ic/ and DA don't count. And your art is Black-centric. Your work makes your blackness obvious actually.

>> No.3279555

your work is generic. same portrait shit as everyone else with a distinct skill lacking style

>> No.3279556

i mistook confidence for unwarranted arrogance. nevermind.

>> No.3279558

>And why should that matter?
I believe it does matter. MLK inspired many people before we (us) had the internet to be inspired by takamato sakurai the 3rd.
>I don't need to look at what other people like me have accomplished in order to be motivated. On the contrary, I'm more inspired to do something no one else has done before
You and the 900 thousand other wanna be rappers or X field. Do you know how pretentious (is that the right word?) you sound?
>Yes and? America...
Skipping this. That anon has no say in this.
>Some of them have been posted ITT, like Whyt Manga
yeah no shit, that was all my posts
>Your race does not affect your opportunity.
No but the MENTALITY does.
>Oh wow, boo-fucking hoo. I didn't get a tablet for any birthday either, in fact, I had to buy my own tablets
I didn't either. I bought mine when I was a kid with pocket money. Because I was INTERESTED in art. I got INTERESTED because of various things. Okay, not because of some random black guy on the internet because I wasn't exposed to /pol/ shit, but because of anime. That's besides the point you utter complete moron. I only brought it up because this is an
>MLK thread
and you're shitting it up by being triggered of me posting inspiring black artists

swear to God /ic/ can be so stupid sometimes..oh your part 2..
>It's no system.

This is a whole paragraph post in of itself I'm not going to waste more time. The "system" in a nutshell are the many traps black men fall for such as
>pregnancy out of wedlock
>crime to conviction to prison in early 20s because of gang affiliation
>drug use
>not pursuing higher education or trades or hard skills like (art)
blah blah spend 10 minutes on /pol/ and you'll know

>> No.3279559

last week and i told that heeb that i wasnt a weeb.

>> No.3279562

I laugh every time /pol/ brings up this whole "we was kangz" garbage.

In reality the we was kangs creators themselves are having the last laugh at the pasty dorks on that board. There is such a thing called the black conscious community. This community makes money off the mentally ill...black, white, Latino doesn't matter. You have
>we were the real jews
>we were the real kings
>the earth is flat do your research
>black lives matter

To name a few. The very people preaching this have a code to live by. You teach it enough and believe in it enough and your followers will support you with money. Everyone in the Black Conscious Community helps each other out. The BCC are full of ex-cons that can't get stable income, so they turn to scamming and cults.

"Buy our course for $9.99 and I'll teach you that we really came from the south pole". Next year you'll hear them talk about we were from mars. It won't end. But /pol/ honestly believes these people are that crazy when it's just a cult.

>> No.3279564

your work doesnt transcend shit. its basic portrait shit nothing more. your work has no meaning. drawing shitty portraits doesnt give them depth. maybe if you did something else that was leading to contemplate or ponder something bigger than your arrogance then maybe but the only transcendent quality of your work is your inflated ego going beyond its rightful place in mediocrity.

>> No.3279573

yea. like those faggots Shaka Amos and PoLight.

>> No.3279582

Exactly. And when one gets a big load of donations they eat each other alive out of jealously.

>> No.3279597
File: 136 KB, 720x463, 5AA6E312-9AB7-4021-9F37-F337336BDB46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Endangered Species”

>> No.3279601

true. it isnt even basic portraiture. its cavechild scribbles. i could fingerpaint your greatest masterpiece.

>> No.3279607

There's not a whole lot of legitimately good black artists and where they exist they're relatively unknown so this thread should offer courage to aspiring black artists

>> No.3279673

Courage for what?

What courage does it take to put pencil to paper and draw something?

You're treating art as if it's some massive achievement for blacks. No one is stopping you from drawing weebshit nigga, stop pretending people are.

It's one thing if you're interested in knowing what black artists there are out there, and make a thread asking for dumps. It's another thing to create a, "post black artists to get inspired" thread cause muh black culture.

What even is the point of this post? It just sounds to me like you wanna argue for the sake of arguing. You bring nothing constructive to the conversation.

Go take your black victim complex, and shove it up your ass. And quit pretending race should be a contributing factor toward the value of someone's art. That's retarded.

>> No.3279681

way to cherry-pick all the dumb posts and make it represent the majority of us in here because the dumb posts validate your dumb opinions and make you feel like you have something to contribute to the conversation. Idiots talking to idiots.

>> No.3279690

fuck off retard

>> No.3279694

SJW's and Alt-Right please go back to your holes

>> No.3279699

>"post black artists to get inspired
no one but YOU is saying this

all I did was post artists and you started this shit

>> No.3279700
File: 68 KB, 640x640, debe9ab8-3ac7-4ea7-b28b-e60326fcb820..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is you nigga
>pic related

>> No.3279702

gross wtf is that a thing people actually eat?

>> No.3279705 [DELETED] 

that pic is also you

>> No.3279707

>wtf is that


>> No.3279708

it me, the ball of corn

>> No.3279711

yea you and illacockstrap are cornball ass niggas

>> No.3279715

it's true, I'm black and my ass is a cornball

>> No.3279716

>Courage for what?

To devote hours upon hours upon hours every day for years and years on one craft takes courage, so if you're not aware of any members of your race who succeeded at that craft, it will be very difficult to persevere on your own.

>> No.3279720

but anon how did drawing came to be if I needed somebody of my race who succeeded in it?

>> No.3279721

your comments comes of as the type written by the palest of pale whiteboys. Holy shit. Same sarcastic ass shit they would respond with when some one said "Whatup lil nigga?".....this is why you are a cornball....along with illacockstrap.

>> No.3279727

it's true, I'm a pale, a ball of corn, a boy, and a white. Whatup lil nigga? We wuz cockstraps

>> No.3279729

You don't. The trailblazers followed the path of most resistance with no guiding light, to be the first to succeed requires great personal strength and is a feat all on its own, but that strength could be much better utilized towards the making of great art if they had guidance in the first place

>> No.3279731

Pack up your shit and go back to /pol/. One thread about black artists shouldn't be anything to be angry about, especial when countless other threads probably feature predominantly white artists. I came here from /pol/ because I like art and I'd appreciate it if you kept This and that separate.

>> No.3279732


You were living in caves with 60 to 100 people. There was bound to be one Chad who drew and inspired you to do the same to become Chad.

>> No.3279741

I know that I don't need that. Actually that's one reason why I've respect for the old painters who thought them-self human anatomy by dead bodies and wrote it down for faggots like me.

but who inspired the other Chad?

>> No.3279752
File: 182 KB, 1024x717, romicsoro-1024x717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shawn Martinbrough

>> No.3279756

God is the Chad of Chads.

>> No.3279772
File: 2.52 MB, 720x404, kekeflipnote.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you guys weren't going to forget about Keke. I loved his kirby animations.

>> No.3279798
File: 64 KB, 645x800, 21019_foto_4_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ut they're probably lost to time. I i
I bet one of those artists in Vasari was a bro.

>> No.3279807

So what you're saying is....

Whites have more courage and fortitude than black people, because we blazed the trail with little care for what others thought?

Sounds about right. I always knew we were the superior race.

>> No.3279824

It's very simple anon.

Asians, when threatened had no problem adapting, and LEARNING from Europeans in order to push ahead, and thanks to that, China and Japan are among the most powerful countries in the world. That's because Asians are a very intelligent race.

Blacks on the other hand have this retarded persecution problem, and lack the intelligence to humble themselves, and learn from the superior white man like the Asians did.

This is why Whites and Asians have gotten along just fine throughout the centuries, while Blacks just threw stones at each other down in Africa for the same amount of time.

Some of the greatest contributions to humanity have been made by Whites and secondly by Asians. You wanna know what Blacks contributed to humanity?


Oops, there's something no one likes to talk about.

Slavery was invented by Blacks, and adopted by Europeans. Who were also the first to abolish it when they realized that Slavery was inhumane. That's right, the English were the first to do away with the slavery the Blacks created. Because here's something no one likes to talk about, but different races have different genetic strengths and weaknesses. And the greatest traits that white people have is empathy. That's why we were the first race to push for human rights and all that jazz. If I were to categorize it, it goes like this:

Whites (Caucasians):
IQ - **
Empathy - ***
Athleticism - **

Asians (Mongoloids):
IQ - ***
Empathy - **
Athelticism - *

Blacks (Negroids)
IQ- *
Empathy - *
Athleticism - ***

Like it or not, this is the truth, and there have been studies that show a correlation between race and IQ. Why do you think Black communities, even in modern times are so prone to violence?

And the rabbit hole goes deeper than that still, but I'm sure this is already enough to trigger people into calling me a racist, so I'll leave it there. But the truth isn't racist, it's the truth. And this is why Blacks have such a jealous victim complex.

>> No.3279830

this thread was a mistake

>> No.3279841

Currently. But there are always exceptions. If the pioneers of black art shown in this thread were the only ones allowed to progenerate their race then they would be the master race in that regard. The White race was made great through struggle, but the past few cataclysms in Europe have served only to rid it of its best, rather than its worst, and modern society has advanced that genetic degeneration. Intelligent, successful blacks would likely be the least likely group to face significant backlash from forming their own ethnostate where they can magnify their talents. Hopefully it happens around the same time that white nationalism consumes Europe, so that the black race isn't just at the mercy of those who hate them

>> No.3279849

Yup. For how much /ic/ complains about "why are they BLACK artists?!?" They in the same breath will start talking about Muh White Superiority.

>> No.3279860

/ic is a mistake on 4Chan, it's the worst of the boards I've come across.

>> No.3279868


Okay lets agree that for the record I and my race as a whole has a "victim complex".

Okay? Great.

Now what's wrong with sharing black artists who made it in the illustration/concept art world? When I said made it I mean it in this way
>you actually got up off your ass from /ic/ and obtained a high enough skillset to be noticed and employable at (example) Riot Games
>your work reflects dedication...something those ""victim complex"" blacks don't get

Because to me it sounds like you don't want me to share these heroes? It's almost as if you're trying to say "NO that's not allowed! You NEED to feel bad about yourself!!"

Just look at you both. You're already talking about IQ. This is the exact same shit I'm talking about. If people succumb to this "IQ" bullshit like you're too stupid to learn how to draw then they'll have this in the back of their minds and be crabs like you. Explain this to me please.

>> No.3279882


There's nothing heroic about being black and painting. That's the whole point, race shouldn't even be a factor. Don't you see what you're doing here. Rather than handing someone merit for their work regardless of race, as you should, you're only giving it value BECAUSE of race.

What you're transmitting is:
>this is special because it was made by a black person
rather than what you should do:
>this is special because it's good

Don't you understand that? There is no value in SEPARATING people by race. THAT is racist. If you really wanna bypass genetic limitations set by IQ and so forth, then the FIRST thing you should do is let go of the limitations set in your mind by looking at the world through RACE. This stupid as fuck Us vs. Them mentality.

What does it matter what other black people have accomplished? What's stopping you from accomplishing what other WHITE or ASIAN people have done?

You're human aren't you?

I'm human, am I not?

Michaelangelo was human, was he not?

Murata is human, no?

You don't see me hold myself back and think, oh, "I can't be as good as him because I'm not Asian." I'm human, he's human. If I work as hard as him, and learn what he learned, I can be as good as him with enough dedication. Simple as. I don't need to see another white guy draw anime to motivate myself to draw anime. So why are you looking at the world through race? Don't you see the separation that causes between people. This dumb clique mentality, rather than assimilating and working in unison, you create this retarded black pride that excludes your white and asian peers. And on that note, explain to me why it's ok for black people to have racial pride and black nationalism, while white nationalism and white pride as both seen as hateful and racist?

Can't you see that you're ultimately being a useful idiot for ((them)) in order to help divide (ergo weaken) society by separating and antagonizing people by race?

>> No.3279885

>if people succumb to this "IQ" bullshit
>"IQ" bullshit
>muh IQ isn't real

please be joking

>> No.3279889


You're playing games my dude. Just fuck off this thread.

>> No.3279892

>we wuz kangz

>> No.3279894

>Not understanding difference in lineage

>> No.3279904

If all of a sudden Egyptians aren't Africans, then white people need to stop taking credit for Italians and Greeks as Europeans. Just saying.

>> No.3279906

>In context of blacks

>> No.3279908

>stop bringing race into everything!
>derails thread with muh superior race and IQ

>> No.3279914

>There's nothing heroic about being black and painting.

Just as it isn't heroic for what MLK did? After all this thread is about appreciating black achievement. What the holiday was about. But apparently you're still here talking about irrelevant shit. And I just responded to you with your, and I quote
>Why should someone's race matter when it comes to art?
to which I respond, which added absolutely nothing to the artists I posted
>However, It's nice for the black bros here who might be wondering if there are others like them who pursued their respected field. Nothing wrong with a thread to share artists as inspiration for minorities.

But you have me into a marching war talking about all this nonsense about African inferiority. I could be talking to 2 peopl--sorry 1 person and one pig from /pol/.

Yes we're all human. Yes it shouldn't matter what race the person is. I didn't wake up one morning and found a black guy who drew and wanted to be like him. It was a chink or a sweatshop of chinks making my favorite cartoons on tv.

But I didn't think about that. And most people don't. And I most certaintly didn't think about that sharing the artists in this thread. Until you came up with this

This was a non-issue until you brought it up. It's like you want me to argue with you.
>You don't see me hold myself back and think, oh, "I can't be as good as him because I'm not Asian.

Of course. But you have assholes like this >>3279885 who want to put blacks down. You don't see it now but imagine going to /pol/ everyday reading about how inferior you are by a bunch of unemployed losers who worship a dead meme? It fucks with your mind. But sharing black artists who made it is a good refresher that you are not worthless just because you're black. Just because of these ((((statistics))).

These same people putting an entire population down and not wanting other anons like them to lift their doubts up.

>> No.3279916

>Say thank you do the "We wuz kangz" blacks. It isn't like nobody believes that black people can't invent something, but most of the invention list this people like to present is an joke.
There really isn't much of a selection to begin with, lmao....

>> No.3279918
File: 519 KB, 596x411, 11793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh sure, they were Africans alright. But they sure as shit weren't black, and thus, don't exactly belong ITT.


I'm >>3279824

I don't care if you bring up race. Go ahead. But if we're gonna talk about race, how about we do it accurately, ok :^)?

Like, about how Blacks are essentially a different subspecies from Whites. We descended from Homo Sapiens fucking Blue Eyed Neanderthals. Blacks descended from Homo Sapiens who fucked Monkeys. Not even lying:


>> No.3279920


>> No.3279921

kill yourself

>> No.3279930

>Oh sure, they were Africans alright. But they sure as shit weren't black, and thus, don't exactly belong ITT.
Oh sure, they were Europeans alright. But they sure as shit weren't white! Stop taking credit for Italians and their accomplishments then you pencil dicked white boy.

It must be nice to be white enough to be considered white, or black enough to be considered black, or so on and so forth. But in actuality anyone that identifies as a race and doesn't understand that each individual is a race unto themselves, is a literal cancer on this planet. If you unironically care about defining and grouping people into "black" or "white" or whatever, honestly, and sincerely, kill yourself.

>> No.3279932

The thing is, no one wants to talk about fucking race. Someone makes a thread because of MLK day and you autists can't even let people have that. If people constantly made threads about black artists then I could fully understand why you would sperg out about it but this shit really doesn't happen often.

>> No.3279933

So do you walk into black establishments and demand they kiss your feet? Have you ever made eye contact with a black person? Are you... why... are you... so retarded?

>> No.3279934

You can't possibly be this oblivious to the current political climate?

You come in here, and make a black pride thread, I ask a question, and people proceed to chimp out.

Anon's question was simple. Why should race matter? Why even create race consciousness when that only divides people?

Yes, it's really irritating to see black people play a victim complex, when they are a MAJORITY globally, and are SUPER well supported by the leftist establishment. Meanwhile, whites are not allowed to complain, they're not allowed to have racial pride, and are essentially being pushed into genocyde through race mixing, outbreeding, and imigration.

How about a little empathy and consciousness for others when a simple question is asked. "Why separate us?" "Why play the leftist victim card?"

8% mate. We are 8% of the global population, and dropping, and we're not allowed to talk about it, nor allowed to complain. We're supposed to feel guilty because we're somehow "the oppressor." Hell, we're not even allowed to have a white Ethnostate because that's seen as racist. Meanwhile, there are tons of Black and Asian ethnostates around the world. YOUR race isn't on the verge of extinction.

So to that, I ask. Why perpetuate this? Why make me your enemy. Things are getting very tense politically, and black pride only exists to undermine while culture. The way things are going, a race war is just around the corner. And last time whites "chimped out" we almost exterminated the jews. So again, why make m your enemy and create a separation between us in race? I grew up never seeing race. But all this shit that's been happening has really pushed me into seeing things from a totally different lens. And I have very little patience now for this stupid leftist bullshit.

Yes, it's irritating.

You have no reason to be playing the oppressed victim these days.

>> No.3279937

Someone who makes fun of black people on the internet this much definitely watches cuckold porn.

>> No.3279938

Funny you say that in a thread titled "Black Artist Thread"

Sure would be nice if people didn't give merit to others by race, huh?

This only ever started cause of the left, and I'm not gonna sit back and play nice any more. You wanna talk race, ok, lets talk race then.

>> No.3279941

Alright well you go up to a black woman and try to explain to her how you're actually the oppressed victim, anon. I'm sure that'll make her wet

>> No.3279944
File: 212 KB, 1502x1145, porn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice projections there, sure would be a shame if you were called out on them though.

>> No.3279945

Why would I wanna fuck a black woman?

>> No.3279946

Good thread guys, let's do this again some time.

>> No.3279947

that pic is fake you idiot

>> No.3279948

Alright. White people are actually black people, because men are actually women, and if men all decided they didn't want to have sex anymore eventually women would rape us and force us to have sex, so in actuality our genders and races have been wrong this entire time. Technically white men are the most oppressed people on the planet, and are technically black women, so all of the accomplishments of "white men" are actually the opposite. All of the complaining about how unrepresented black women are is actually the opposite because black women are the biggest majority in every field.

If it's taken as fact that men are women, and black is white, it's better understood when taken into account that all sex men have is technically rape. We are being raped by women, because we have no actual choice in having sex with them. The fear of repercussions for global male celibacy are enough to empathize with the condition that "women" supposedly exist in.

Transgender people are one of, but not the last step in global understanding of these concepts, and complete gender reversal, although gender reversal will end up with all of us more or less functioning the same as we always have.

Once people move on from transgender, the next step will be "transracial". People will opt into surgery because they "feel black" or "feel white". The next step after that will be "I am a white man, but I feel like a black woman" and people will elect for surgery to "become a black woman".

This will all happen in the span of the next five or ten years.

>> No.3279949

>Anon's question was simple. Why should race matter?

It's one day in the year where a race remembers history. It's a day to be proud of for his and others achievements. Just like how the white boys on /pol/ proudly wave their achievements everyday including MLK day. So what you're saying is we're not allowed to be proud of others accomplishments? Then why is
taking credit for others IQ? Because clearly his IQ is far lower than those on the far right of the bell curve.
> when they are a MAJORITY globally,

My dude. We. Are.Not.Talking.About.The.Entire.Globe. We're talking about AMERICA. I don't give a ----damn----- about the globe and the blacks on the other side of the world. The blacks on the other side of the planet hate my ass just for being an African American.

We're not separating you. We're highlight the achievements of black success in America. Just 1 day. In the year.

The reality is racism will never go away. It's in human nature. I don't like and it seems you don't like it but that is the reality. If it wasn't meant to be then God would have made us all white.

Racial tension is a human thing. That's why we compete in the Olympics. To see which country is strongest.
>You have no reason to be playing the oppressed victim these days.

I don't know how many times I have to say it. It's not about being oppressed.

>> No.3279950

after that history will go in reverse, with art history going back to what it was before. We will rapidly move through all of the previous art movements until we reach the renaissance again. This could happen over the course of 100 years, 250 years, or 500 years. It's hard to say.

>> No.3279952
File: 356 KB, 1280x720, blackpink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure the left would love that, yes.

But we all know everyone wants to be white. We are the prettiest after all. I mean, just look at the whole of South Korea. These bitches aren't trying to look like Niggresses, they're trying to look white.

>> No.3279957

Stfu because you don't understand what I'm talking about little brainlet 4chan fuckboy

>> No.3279960

So uh, what about the white women who get injections in their lips, fake asses and tans? who are they trying to look like

>> No.3279961

Mexicans. The best part is when the races reverse Mexicans are still Mexicans. And we're more or less going to all look like them in a few centuries.

>> No.3279962

I'm sorry, but what has Whyt Manga ever accomplished?

His art is shit, basically discount Kubo, his panelling is all over the place, and his story couldn't be any more terrible.

I don't see much there to be proud of outside of his race.

>but muh America
You're posting in an international forum. I don't even live in America my friend. There are plenty of people who don't connect with ass backwards American holidays. I just see the current political climate, white genocyde ACTUALLY being pushed, and blacks pretending they are still oppressed.

To which I ask. Why should someone's race even matter in the first place?

All you're doing is you're gonna antagonize redpilled whites by pulling up the race card in the first place.

And I don't even have an issue with the thread being up. I just asked "why" and had people lash out at me for simply questioning the merit of this in the first place. If you'd begun with that in the first place, I probably would have left it at that, and that's it. But it's clear this has a stronger emotional pull for you than what you're letting on.

Also, there is no God, he didn't make you black. We evolved differently due to our ancestry.

And the Olympics aren't about race, they are about countries. The majority of competitors in them for the USA (who typically wins the most medals too), are also black. Lol. So it's clearly not a question of race there desu.

>> No.3279964
File: 403 KB, 2560x1440, gex2iT6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would help if you could type intelligently and not in incoherent babble there Jaden.

>> No.3279967

Would help if you were better at art on an art board

>> No.3279972

how about this:
>gays are actually straight
>straight is actually gay
>white is black
>black is white
>men are women
>women are men
>you are retarded for thinking the way things have been for human history were correct
>ITT people who think we got everything right from the start
>ITT people who haven't moved on
>ITT people who still haven't figured it out

>> No.3279973

And how do you know I'm not a better artist than you?

>> No.3279975

>all this reddit rambling ITT

>> No.3279976

because you're not Brian Comforti and I am

>> No.3279977

>this is black IQ
Ladies and Gentlemen... I present to you, "nigga philosophy," brought to you by the Jewish establishment,

>> No.3279978
File: 20 KB, 276x276, 1530259.543eea3335bff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So then, this is you?


Also, idk why you're bragging about your art, it's pretty shit.

>> No.3279980
File: 49 KB, 540x615, fggg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but what has Whyt Manga ever accomplished?

He's got a successful youtube channel. He has 10+ experience in making sequential art. His art is better than 90% of /ic/. I only included him because I was friends with him back in the day of old youtube.

As you can see it was clearly a list of some of my favorite mc donalds artists. If you can read. Which is clearly biased. That I wanted to share with others. That's all.

Nothing about victim complex. Nothing about IQ or race or any other /pol/ shitflinging you keep bringing up.

>I don't see much there to be proud of outside of his race.

You don't have to be proud of him my dude. That was never my intention. I just shared artists. Wow. Why can't you see that? Sharing other black artists who are successful enough in my eyes.

You might be getting confused about being proud of MLK. After all thats the thread topic.
>All you're doing is you're gonna antagonize redpilled whites
Mothers basement dwellers who will never amount to anything coming over to a arts and crafts critique board to argue about inane crap. Surely the epitome of redpilled.
>I just asked "why" and had people lash out at me for simply questioning the merit of this in the first place.

And here is why you got lashed you. It has nothing to do with why it should matter when it comes to art.

Read the god damn topic of the thread. It's a holiday. If you don't live in america hide the thread. That's all.

Don't make me have to go on a 50 post war on it with you.

>> No.3279983

Oh anon... you must be new

>> No.3279990

Whatever then, lets just leave it at that.

Instead lets talk about Whyt Manga, as I'm more interested in that desu. I can't hate on the dude cause of his hustle, and he legit seems like a nice guy. But man, 10+ years of experience for so little progress? HOW?

>his art is better than 90% of /ic/
Current /ic/ sure. Because people here come and go. But he's not even close to being the best western mangaka.

>> No.3279993
File: 115 KB, 1682x823, really..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I get memed? Because this is /beg/ tier shit.

>> No.3279996
File: 22 KB, 260x367, caught you boi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't beleive this thread reache 200 posts because this latino faggot keeps takling about race. Now that I think about it the only latino on here is that dog bashing fagmo from /pol/ ironically

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait a second

You must be manlysprit again. It has to be. No other latino boy knows this much about pol nonsense than him.

You dog shaming fuck show yourself. Put on your tip so I can see you.


>> No.3279997

It's cute you think that I guess? So I take it you're not like... so are you really bad at drawing or something? Are you just kind of confused and trying to fit in? Do you feel threatened by other art? When you're in museums are you just kind of not sure what makes good paintings good? It's funny because you probably say how much you like real art but all you care about is illustration. I mean that's okay, but I implore you to try understanding fine arts. Illustration is meant to be easily understood, but I have faith you would be able to understand fine arts if you studied it enough, anon! Good luck!

>> No.3279998


You're even interested in his manga. And you're working on / worked on manga for that contest. You are only confirming my suspicions, dogboi.

>> No.3280002


>> No.3280004

I'm sorry, who is this?

>> No.3280013
File: 75 KB, 512x471, cantrunaway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I caught you, bro.

You did the same thing when you made fun of my dog a year or 2 ago and you still haven't properly apologized. I don't think I need to refresh your memory as you already know what I'm talking about.

Hook line in sinker, dog boy.

So tell me, why are you shitting up this thread?

>> No.3280015


>> No.3280020

Post more Kiss x Sis, my dick demands it.

>> No.3280022


I should catch up with the manga now that I'm posting it...the loli always has me in diamonds.

>> No.3280027

Haven't read the manga, only seen the OVAs. It any good.

>> No.3280031


Yeah it's good. I just don't like the chapters with glasses girl.

>> No.3280032

all this tl;dr

>> No.3280034

In short:
>muh black pride
>muh white pride

>> No.3280035

Is it more ecchi that the OVAs, cause I'm only in it for the borderline incest porn.

>> No.3280038
File: 133 KB, 550x689, IMG_6089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ronald Wimberly

>> No.3280040

Yes, but what's the point of having a dedicated black artist thread.

What merit does race give to art?

That's the entire point of my question.

>> No.3280043

>It's fake
Lol, no it's not.

>> No.3280047

Yes it is. It's recolored. They're all the same shade

>> No.3280049

>he actually believes this

>> No.3280052

isn't this pic about dick cutting?

>> No.3280054

I think so. But the amount of butthurt that image caused is astronomical.

>> No.3280057

I hardly remember the OVAs at this point. It's been a long time. From looking at my mal it seems I'm missing 3 episodes that came out much later so I wouldn't be able to make a good comparison.

>> No.3280058

Wait, who's Brian Comforti? Someone explain this meme to me.

>> No.3280060

Hmm, I'll give it a read anyway. Thanks anon!

>> No.3280063

>Yes, but what's the point of having a dedicated black artist thread.
Hide the thread [-]

It's not for you. Because you're not black.
>What merit does race give to art?
nobody but you brought this up
>That's the entire point of my question.

Your question was pretty simple as you can see, manlysprit.

>> No.3280070

I'm so fucking confused. I don't even know who's trolling who anymore.

>> No.3280072



>> No.3280075

Extremely high quality thread

>> No.3280076
File: 118 KB, 400x590, 0F8F1D3D-B5B2-4879-93C1-5B7380A56997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the best

>> No.3280080

This thread was actualy good for a day, when only art was posted.

Then poltards came.

>> No.3280082

>make a tumblr-tier thread on 4chan
>expect it to go well
I can't tell if you're either incredibly stupid, or just naive.

The entire point of 4chan is that we're all anonymous. Your race, gender, identity, etc... mean fuck all here. Not only that, but this forum is incredibly edgy and contrarian. You're just asking to get trolled with a thread like this.

>> No.3280083

>The entire point of 4chan is that we're all anonymous.
This'd be a great argument if this was a "Black Artists of /ic/ Thread" but... it's not... sooooo...

I hope you guys tard out this hard the next time someone makes a thread about another race's art

>> No.3280088

>The entire point of 4chan is that we're all anonymous. Your race, gender, identity, etc... mean fuck all here.
There are literally dozens of threads about anime. Unless we've decided officially that white American weebs are considered true anime artists, and that anime isn't a strictly Japanese thing anymore. Go ask the Japanese how they feel about that, I'm sure they'd welcome /ic/s anime artists with open arms.

So half the threads on /ic/ are about the Japanese and how great they are. One thread about African Americans and we're starting a race war.

You guys won't shut the fuck up about Asians. If we're going to get rid of talking about race on /ic/ maybe we should start there?

>> No.3280089

>make a tumblr-tier thread on 4chan
Because everything "black" is tumblr.
Race does fucking matter. Different experience doe fucking matter, we are all human but not all the same. Even men and women produce different art.
And as OP said: it is encouraging for a black artist see what other artists of their background
achieved. People have a strong sense of belonging. You should know that with your trump pol faggotry.

>> No.3280090

>Yes, but what's the point of having a dedicated black artist thread.What merit does race give to art?
I bet you draw anime and shitpost about how great Chinese and Japanese artists are

>> No.3280092 [DELETED] 
File: 201 KB, 1600x1800, KemetDheFrogeKang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mαrtin Lōōter Кang Daydžream

Mαrtin Lōōter Кang шas æ vεry sukcessful vudu praktitioner.
One шay in шhich he dženerated poШer to fjuel his revolušonary publik persona шas thru punčhing out VVVite prôstitutes dźuring nights of violent ťransaction шhere he шas often audio-taped by dhe F∴B∴I∴ æs šhouting,

>> No.3280093

literally people talking about Japanese artists while you all shit down OP's throat for wanting to see African American art and "bringing race into it"

>> No.3280096

>Funny you say that in a thread titled "Black Artist Thread"Sure would be nice if people didn't give merit to others by race, huh?
You're probably a weeb. Also there's a thread on the board right now about "cute artists" that has literally devolved into people saying Russians and Asians are the best artists.

>> No.3280097

That would be an argument... if those threads even existed in the first place.

Those are some nice mental gymnastics you're using to validate your thread. But I'm pretty sure people talk about anime art, cause it's anime art. Not to talk about race cause it's made by Asians. Plus, plenty of westerners make anime art too, so it's not like it's much of a Japanese exclusive thing anime, either.

Also, why are you jelly of asians? kek

>> No.3280098

fuck off weeb

>> No.3280100

>Plus, plenty of westerners make anime art too, so it's not like it's much of a Japanese exclusive thing anime, either.
You want so badly to be accepted by the Japanese that I can literally smell you squeezing your body pillow from across the internet.

>> No.3280101

I'm pretty sure they're talking about manga, not the artists.

Aka, separating the creation from the creator. In other words, what you should be doing, instead of stroking your dick to "muh black artiss."

Is it sad that I read this whole thing in the Ugandan Knuckles voice and chuckled to myself? Kek

>> No.3280103

Who said I even draw? I'm just here for the funposting?

That sure is a nice nonargument you got there buck-o.

What are you even doing on 4chan if you hate weebs so much?

>> No.3280104


Why do you think he tried so hard to win Jump contest? He is an asian defender and a betrayal to his race.

>> No.3280105

>Who said I even draw? I'm just here for the funposting?

Keep trying to mask your identity fuck boy. Either way you're admitting to shitposting which is a violation on the rules. So either confess your wrong doings, delete your post to avoid the boot in your ass, or keep playing dumb.

>> No.3280107
File: 552 KB, 785x719, 1516238785535.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3280109

>Aka, separating the creation from the creator. In other words, what you should be doing, instead of stroking your dick to "muh black artiss."
Mmmmmm I'm pretty sure there was like a full year of people masturbating over Kim Jung Gi and it wasn't just because of his art, it was because of his race. Same with Ruan Jia. You guys never separate those artists from their race, but when OP says we should celebrate black artists for their blackness it's offensive to you. So what I'm gathering from this is that you are all insecure about yourselves and """"probably"""" cucks. Worse. You're weeb cucks.

>> No.3280110


>> No.3280114
File: 426 KB, 576x574, kgnn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I promise if you just put on your tripcode we can all have a nice laugh over this.

>> No.3280116

No, I'm pretty sure people masturbate to Kim Jung Gi and Ruan Jia because their work is really good, and they want to be as good as them, not because of their race.

>> No.3280118

You guys couldn't even convince a black guy to fuck your fat hick wife if you paid him, so you can't even fulfill your fantasy. Plus you'll never get that Japanese chick you clearly masturbate over as >>3279944 so kindly provided us with the proof of.

You guys are the literal worst members of the white race and as a fellow white man I ask, no, I BEG you to neck yourself

>> No.3280119

Is this good enough for you?

>> No.3280120

what website have you been on? im sure it wouldn't take you long to find some autistic weeb talking about "Asian master race" or "Russians are gods". Keep playing naive though, weeb cuck

>> No.3280121

I saw tons of threads about WHY ARE ASIANS SO GOOD AT ART

Anyways if you want to separate a mangaka's unique experience as a japanese from the story and aesthetics of their work, you are either superficial and stupid or so narcicistic that you can't comprehend that different people from yourself have different experiences and visions.

>> No.3280122

What are you talking about you loon?

>> No.3280123

can we get this stickied so people know not to come here. jesus fucking christ.

>> No.3280124


Well it doesn't matter. I know it's you anyway.


It might just be that one kid who really loves Ruan Jia always doing studies of him. Nile I think. And he is white go figure.

>> No.3280125

It's almost like these weeb cucks' lives are so insignificant that they have no cultural identity themselves, so they have to attack people who are more interesting than them.

>> No.3280128

kill yourself you alt-right weeb cuck

>> No.3280129

I'd say Asians are good at art because of their insane work ethic, and the fact that they have mandatory art classes from a very young age. Not because of their race.

Also, Asians have nothing on Europeans, so idk what you're on about. Dumb weebs being dumb weebs doesn't give you an excuse to be stupid as well.

>> No.3280130


Yeah nile was his name. This board is small as fuck it's real easy to tell who is who making what threads.

>> No.3280132

Is this better?

>> No.3280133

jesus why do you have to bring race into it, anon?

>> No.3280135

Look at this guy bringing race into it. What a loser. Why does it have to be "Asian" work ethic. You never see white artists complaining the way Asian artists do. They always play the race card.

>> No.3280136

Ok, so a white kid is inspired by someone else because he likes their work, and studies them. And in your eyes, that makes him a pathetic race traitor, and he deserves to be made fun of for it?

You're a joke m8.

How about you start learning art, and working on your skill like the people you're laughing at instead of jacking off over your race.

>> No.3280137

Clear example of you can't even comprehend what I talk about.
Fukumoto is not a skilled artist. Still his stories and works, his characters, both in representation and in character are what they are because of his unique life experience as a japanese person.

>> No.3280138

Next you're gonna start an "Asian Artists Thread". Fucking SJW's. They have to make everything about race. You never see a "White Artists Thread" but apparently there's such a thing as an "Asian Artist".

>> No.3280139


You were the one who initially brought on that topic dude, not me. You're the one who thinks people praise those artists cause of their race, and not their work.

And yes, it's "Asian" work ethic, cause it's cultural.

>> No.3280142

Asians always playing the race card, as usual. You don't see whites talking about their race all the time but these fucking Asians, man, I swear to god.

>> No.3280143

>next you're gonna start an "asian artists thread"
No, because I'm not a stupid race baiter. I don't care about someone's race. Only their work.

>> No.3280146

>And yes, it's "Asian" work ethic, cause it's cultural.
here he goes again with this "Asian" shit. Whites never do this. Fucking Asians.

>> No.3280147

Japanese, Chinese, Koreans all take influence from each other.
If you were to make a collection you could see the similarities.

If you were to make a Chinese collection, you could find things uniquely chinese.

>> No.3280148

>And in your eyes, that makes him a pathetic race traitor,

Back up bro. I'm just responding to these white kids worshiping asians. But when we blacks have 1 thread in the year to be proud of you all attack us about this "why does race matter" bullshit.

I already brought up the industry is dominated by whites and asians already. Lets not forget this fact.

You wanna play victim now?

>> No.3280150
File: 10 KB, 176x58, can you see it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn the insecurity ITT
Don't you people have something better to do than spend hours arguing about stupid shit?

>> No.3280151

You're probably one of the guys that starts Ruan Jia threads and can't stop talking about "ASIANS SO GOOD"

>> No.3280153

No one is worshipping Asians cause they're Asian, they're only worshipping their work. Get off your fucking high horse.

>> No.3280157


Not going to be assed to quote the post above me. There are several threads about Japanese/asian artists and how they are soooo good. Now and in the past on this board and in the future as well.

You don't even need to pretend to lie. It is /pol/s fantasy for a Japanese waifu because they're honary white or w/e.


That's besides the point.

Why can't you let us have 1 thread? This had nothing to do with race until you "people" showed up.

>> No.3280158
File: 58 KB, 550x401, traditionaljapanese_painting9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, Japanese, Chinese, and Koreans take most of their influence from Europeans.
-Every Japanese animator worth a damn owes everything they know to Walt Disney.
-Every mangaka, to Frank Frazetta.
-Every painter, to the great masters.

Their influence is evident in their work. Hell, anime wouldn't even exist if it weren't work Walt Disney and the French. If it weren't for Nips copying Europeans, anime would look like this, not the cutesy shit weebs love.

>> No.3280159

you are literally a racist weeb cuck. The Japanese don't want you in their country, and nobody except other Anglo-Saxon fucktards want to talk to you in America. Must be nice to suck


I swear the white people on this board talk about Asians being Asian more than Asians do.

>> No.3280161

I'm pretty sure /pol/ hates weebs and anime, and consider it degeneracy. If you're not making babies with a white girl, you're a filthy beta male making disgusting Happa kids like Elliot Rodger.

>> No.3280162

>we wuz influence and shit

Oh joyous day. Look at this shit.

>> No.3280163

Influence from disney, and stil lan uniquely japanese interpretation of it.

French cartoons and American cartoons aren't the same either.

>> No.3280165

I didn't call them Asian. You did. I just quoted you.

>> No.3280166

We're not the Master Race for nothing. Stay jelly.

>> No.3280167

But none of those losers have a sex life and half of them don't have a job and love to LARP. The best part is many of them aren't even white.

They have 23andme threads to prove they are 100% white because they're so insecure.

>> No.3280173

Look you're doing it again. Taking credit for the 6 or how many of them, old men at Disney as something YOU did. You didn't do shit. You're on /ic/ arguing with a couple of stray blacks for hours on end.'

You can't wait for this thread to hit bump limit so you can reach behind yourself to tally off the "internet fights won" scoreboard.

>> No.3280174

I'm pretty sure the majority of /pol/ is people from GenX and up and married. Especially going by the posts you see on /r_thedonald. Plenty of posters there who are parents of millenials who discovered /pol/ and 4chan thanks to the election, and became regulars.

I'd post the screencap, but I'm too lazy to dig it up.

Most /pol/tards are older and better adjusted than you though, I'm sure of that.

>> No.3280176

lol /pol/ is like r9k, only with people pretending to have a political ideology

>> No.3280177

Good for them.

Why are you here? Go back to your homeboard and stay there.

>> No.3280179
File: 277 KB, 240x287, dTkdWwP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stay mad.

>> No.3280181

Thread proved polfags are literaly tumblr.

>> No.3280182

Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.

Won't change the facts though.

>> No.3280184

I mean a guy literally just said anime happened because of white people. The whites are so far up their own ass it's impossible to take them seriously anymore. You guys are a joke

>> No.3280185

Hey that's the creators of Steven Universe, transgender people, and McDonald's hamburgers you're slandering!

>> No.3280186

looks like "black" is a switch that makes pol fags absolutely flip the fuck out and derail a thread

what if i made a thread about gipsy artists?
would the same thing have happened?
No. And that is all there is to say about this.

>> No.3280187


That's pretty much it. Why that is I'll never know but I have me theories.

>> No.3280190

>I have me theories.
oh great now the fucking Irish are in this thread

>> No.3280192

I have yet to see a single /pol/tard that doesn't draw like a literal retard.

>> No.3280197

Yes. Fuck Gypsy's. Literal subhuman cockroaches.

>> No.3280199

hurr durr race doesn't matter but gipsies are subhuman cockroaches? :^3

I would imagine a cockroach would produce very uniqe art!

>> No.3280203

Have you ever met a Gypsy? They're absolute scum. The lowest of the low. Digging in garbage bins, begging for money, selling drugs. Doesn't matter that the government gives them free housing, and etc... It's ridiculous.

Gypsies are nothing but scum, and contribute nothing of value to society. They only make whatever area they infest that much worse. Like a cockroach.

>> No.3280208

He has the comfiest youtube channel.
I wonder if those child drawings in the bg actual child drawings because if they are an emulation they are great.

>> No.3280487

im better than you

>> No.3280492

shh this is pure entertainment. this is improv comedy.

>> No.3280506

Black people who can draw is something that the whites of /pol/ look at as contradictory to their confirmation bias that someone of darker completion simply cannot wield a pencil to recreate what God created into another beauty.

It pains them to see this. And so they lash out.

How dare this inferior being be good at something.

How dare other inferior anons try to inspire other inferior anons to become better, upstanding, superior anons so that one day they can be an ethnic inspiration to other inferior anons.

How dare they!! I need to remind them about their low IQ and that I'm better than them just because I said so.

Grrr I don't even draw and these gringros are trying to 1 up me in some area that I'm not even interested in! Fuck!

>> No.3280629

>it's the worst of the boards I've come across.
You innocent sweet child, clearly you've never been to /co/ (after a Capemovie has aired)

>> No.3281411

I've seen so many japanese praise threads over the years with no complaints. This place is so hypocritical when the tables are turned. They want to make a big deal out of nothing constantly. The people here are mostly insufferable cunts. This place has been ass and always will be.

Best thing to do is ignore him since arguing with people who have selective memory is pointless.

>> No.3281634

Man, these always devolve into shit posting, but I am always glad to add a few names to the mental rolodex for what it's worth, OP