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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 19 KB, 264x268, images.duckduckgo.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3276786 No.3276786 [Reply] [Original]

>Over 100 million artists
>Easy communication across the world
>Not controlled by AI
>Huge variety of art
>Not completely dominated by tumblrinas
>Groups to help find your audience
>Best place to find new artists
>Is dying

>> No.3276796

how is it dying? it's just not as popular as real art websites like artstation

>> No.3276807

>chock full of fetish shit
>populated by 12yo spamming OCs since its inception
>massive amount of bad art compared to other platforms
>plagued by people who think commissions should be free/too cheap, etc
It's really not dying tho, there's just less good things on it and people are starting to realize it. Good artists realized that it's not a good place for business.

>> No.3276820

>Good artists realized that it's not a good place for business.

Explain. I see it as just a tool for more exposure

>> No.3276825

There's still a lot of Europeans posting on the site, interestingly. Not a lot of English speakers as much as there were and if they are, usually they're fetish artists.

Makes you wonder..

>> No.3276827

makes you wonder what kind of audience a website called "Deviant Art" would attract

>> No.3276828

The UI and search function are shit and have barely changed since I first knew of the site 10+ years ago.

>> No.3276829

What's our alternative lads? Other than pixiv that is.

>> No.3276831

Twitter. For art focused communities like DA and Pixiv no idea.

>> No.3276832

Isn't twitter's user base about 30% bot accounts?

>> No.3276833

What? DA gets way more daily traffic than Artstation does.

>> No.3276838

wouldn't that make sense due to the large casual user base DA has.

>> No.3276846

then what would be a good alternative to start off? Artstation is good if you're established and professional, Twitter is good but its way to inter-connected and chaotic and Tumblr is just a hellhole.

What about Newgrounds?

>> No.3276857

what's with all the weird fetishes
inflation, diaper, vore, etc

>> No.3276876

> Newgrounds
talk about dead sites

>> No.3276880

Where do you see that stuff on DA these days without explicitly searching for it?

>> No.3276898

Yes but it's popular among artists regardless of skill level. Seems like the best place to make connections with other artists right now.

>> No.3276902

Where do Europeans post their stuff to get noticed? France, Belgium, Germany etc.

Do they flock to Twitter too? Or do they use some obscure website most of us don't know about? You hardly ever see them "making it" online but that surely couldn't simply be just because of the language barrier. They have to be posting somewhere.

>> No.3276903

Unwillingly, especially if you just want to see good fan-art, there's a lot of weird shit that comes up.
Its normally more advised to go through someone's favs or browse "Undiscovered" to find some really good work.

>> No.3276929


The userbase is a toilet that never improves. the only thing that you can do is build up thousands of followers, make money off of them, and ignore their messages because it's probably a hastily written note for a request.

I'll try it again after half a year, probably, of studies so my art is significantly more advanced than it was, and see if my second attempt won't be a waste of time.

But anything less than thousands of watchers is a waste of time. Don't make my mistake.

Probably people won't stop avoiding it because a site with 1 success strategy and entitled 'fans' isn't very likable.

>> No.3276940

>still no direct messaging
>just shitty notes

>> No.3276946

They use same platforms. But most use english when posting to get business internationally.

>> No.3276948

>thread discussing relevant, useful social media platforms for artists
>no mention of Instagram

How out of touch can /ic/ be?

>> No.3276960

>plagued by people who think commissions should be free/too cheap, etc
>write a rule saying no freebies/requests
>"omg you're just in this for the money!!!"
when can we kill this meme where art has to be free

>> No.3276964

>Good artists realized that it's not a good place for business.
idk m8, i think the opposite. Most people I know on patreon got there entirely on their DA audience, even sakimichan puts most of her patreon information on there. I've also heard of big legit companies contacting artists for work to DA as well.

>> No.3276972

Impose a quality control

>> No.3276989

It did slip my mind but I'm almost always on twitter because I don't like navigating instagram. Most instagram artists have a twitter as well anyways.

>> No.3276993

I remember hearing Pixar and Blue Sky Studios hired some artist from the site at one stage? Lady Gaga even spoke about the site at one point as well. I even heard that Avatar:TLA TV series became a thing when some folks from Nickelodeon saw teenagers posted some concept sketches of what it was to be.
The site even had its own tours and had panels at Comic Con at one point in time too.
What the hell happened?

>> No.3276999

>but that surely couldn't simply be just because of the language barrier.
what language barrier? Most Europeans speak English. Plenty of Europeans on 4chan too.

>> No.3277016
File: 31 KB, 600x765, 1507946727343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make a DA account
>post shitty artwork
>gets a fav

holy shit never felt so good

>> No.3277082

It's probably just someone 'auto-liking' your work with a script / bot, in the hopes you'll check out their page and engage with them too.

>> No.3277115

Pretty much any time I search for anything I get weird fetish shit. Doesn't really bother me though, more annoyed when shit like "stock photos" or some other garbage have retarded names or tags so I get about a billion of the damn near same shit with slight alterations fucking up my search.

>> No.3277141

Will it ever be relevant again?

can post video clips and porn
can post video clips and porn

DA is dead

>> No.3277318

It is relevant. It's an art gallery, not a whoring website.
For storing and presenting your art at the highest possible quality, there's notthing better.

>> No.3277341

It died when it changed the logo to that abortion.

>> No.3277421
File: 95 KB, 492x529, otter1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>starting out on deviantart
>post some cool sci fi robot concepts
>1 favourite and comment "nice :3"
>it's a fat lesbian who draws nothing but inflation/fat art

>> No.3277428

>what is Artstation

>> No.3277461

>make a twitter account because there 3 or 4 dudes I found through pinterest and I'd like to follow
>2 days of inactivity later my account is suspended
>gib phone number
great website

>> No.3277512

Da is fine. You have to understand that a good chunk of the people who follow you are not active followers, the same with those who give you a "llama"; they do it so that you follow them back or that you review their profile, there is also a small piece of people who visit to see if you make requests.
Then you should consider the people who visit you in the graph of visits to the page, and remove the amount that visits you randomly. The same with the followers, it could be like a third less, even half, depending on your content, because the one you follow does not ensure that, in fact, they click on your publication when it appears in your correspondence, many will only eliminate the publication if the miniature does not appeal to them, just as they do with the dozens of other artists and groups that follow.

>> No.3277618

DA is still great, its pretty much the only decent site of this type where amateur and professional artist alike can co-exist comfortably. Artstation is good if you're a professional concept-artist wanting to show off your work to attract jobs but DA is nice because it pretty much has anything and everything both good and bad but that's what I like about it, there is an unpretentious and inviting aspect of DA which makes it popular, the variety on DA is also staggering if your willing to find it.

>> No.3277643

> Idiots keep using this like it's facebook
Does artstation have this problem? I think I should jump ship.

>> No.3277993

pretty sure you can post video clips on the site too. albeit, its not used as much as it once was.

>> No.3277995

so what is the site good for at the end of the day? meeting new artists and exploring?
doesn't sound like its the best place to start off with art. more i hear about it, it sounds more of a site for introverts desu

>> No.3278091

Instagram, Twitter. Tumblr is decent. Even Facebook is a better alternative at this point.

>> No.3278343

Not better storage than dA.

>> No.3278347

>Even Facebook is a better alternative at this point.
Believe it or not 90% of my comissions have come from facebook. I had nearly 8K followers on tumblr before closing that shit, never got a single job.

>> No.3280599


What is DA good for?

1. If you want to create your personal portfolio in an easy to browse and visually appealing, organized way.

2. To connect to artists you admire and get advice, if they´re nice enough to talk to you (like everywhere else desu)

3. If you´re just in for the stats to boost your ego or if you want to live of DA comissions and DA points for some reason, then you should pay 5 bucks a month and bloat up your own frontpage with numerous faggy widgets and bait people to visit it.

4. Even the biggest loser can get countless views and subs by simply spam-faving and subbing whoever pops up on the DA frontpage or by buying this shit at DAhub (group). Yay! You´re a superstar now!

5. It´s a good training ground for you to grow and show your progress, since the community is relatively friendly most of the time.

What is DA not good for?

1. If you expect to upload mediocre art and by some miracle you´ll get tons of views and meet new friends, then good night, sweet Prince. Even very skilled artists that don´t promote their art can starve there and barely get noticed at all if they don´t advertise it enough or share it in groups etc...

2. Making a living or going there for the cash is not very smart if you´re not a very talented guy that could easily work as a graphic designer or is somehow famous. The competition is huge and there will be countless faggots that give away their shit for free or at least cheaper than you. Also, they´re probably even better than you.

I have spoken.

>> No.3280922


>> No.3280937

Tumblr isn't actually that bad at the moment (All of the sjw shit starters have moved onto Twitter at this point) but I wouldn't depend on it for socializing with other artists or making connections, it's great for making a portfolio through. Artstation is pretty great and the "skill barrier to entry" is not as high as people on /ic/ would have you believe, you are also more likely to be contacted by companies and actual professionals there but you have to be REALLY good in order for either one to give a shit about you.

>> No.3280953

Is good for gain a fan base people. In fact all depends on what shit are you drawing. I can only speak from my personal experience. But I understand that several people who use Da also use other websites, which can eventually spread your work in one way or another, for example if you draw girls suggestive or naked, it is very likely that if you aim well some people start to upload for you your work to rule34, gelbooru, sankaku, e62, or similar, of course you can do all that work for yourself (what you should), but the fact that other people upload it for you is not a bad sign, and also you can upload your work in places you did not know, and add them to your list. For example once they uploaded one of my drawings to knowyourmeme, and i did not even know that now images of any topic other than "memes" are uploaded there.

In the long run it is like any other site that should be on your list, yes or yes. Because not having one is idiot and everyone can give you a small amount of followers.

>> No.3280963

Newgrounds found their niche and warped their rules for posting around it. I once tried posting some glitch art there but was removed for they were deemed "too photographic"

Some of the mods of the art portal have spoken out against tho so maybe there's hope. Still, the portal's bbs is just as cancerous as dA.

>> No.3281407

Exactly. Exposure.

Try selling a print on that site, it's near impossible. That's because most of the sites users are kids who'd rather spend their money on some microtransaction in their favorite videogame.

>> No.3282577

>Artstation is good if you're established and professional
>Artstation is good if you're a professional concept-artist wanting to show off your work

While this is tehnicaly right, you are wrong to advise people to avoid ArtStation. If anything, ArtStation as a concept is antithesis to DeviantArt and I'm saying this as someone who's had dA account for 10 years.

It was really fucking a bitch to dig trough dA's front page shit to find truly good artists because they were mostly somewhere below all of the fetish and fandomy crap.

dA worked mostly in favor of those who ammased popularity in early days or in favor of those who abused categories to hit front page easier (like, submitting artwork under ''wallpaper'' or customization because those categories are the least saturated with submission). Even in popular categories, your exposure is dependent of how many views your work has. You can have 200 likes on your artwork but if you only have 250 views then it means shitfuck. 100 first artworks on dA's front page all have minimum of 1000 views. And lo behold everything is fetishy art (there's even more inflation than few years back... at least certain bear is happy with that)

What surprised me pleasantly about ArtStation is how their 'front page' functions. I submited artwork last day of last year and while I admit it's painting of a popular video game character, people took liking to it (I did work some time on it), and it took 2-3 days to build up likes, however when you break treshold of around 200 likes (this is my estimate) it started appearing on community page, where you usually see the best of the best. Almost month later, I still regulary get likes and follows for it, because my painting appears randomly there from time to time.

So, my answer/question to this discussion would be, if you regulary browse ArtStation for inspiration, why not join it? I see no other reason than being afraid you'll get lost under all of ''muh professionals''.

>> No.3282582

Cont. of above comment because I hit limit:

I'm not suggesting to avoid dA completely because it's good for beginners, but with what I've observed it's rly not what it used to be.

I mean in the end people are mostly driven ti view/like fan art and this is true in all of cases, but it seems ArtStation is doing far better job in giving needed exposure than dA ever did.

These would be my 2 cents.

>> No.3282640

Go to "newest" and scroll down for a little bit. I did for about 30 seconds and saw Velma and Daphne bondage and furry feet licking. Pretty slow day, actually.

>> No.3283438

I've been on dA for 2 years, got 1000 views/month, if anyone wants a little guide for exposure without becoming a nsfw artwhore, feel free to ask !

>> No.3283504

Because twitter is a million times better for finding new artists if you ignore all the data mining and other bullshit they do

>> No.3283533

>feel free to ask !
Why don't you just write your post to answer the question "how do I get more views"? Do you really need someone to ask the obvious question if you're already willing to answer?

>> No.3283535

that would be awsome

>> No.3284123

It's funny, because I recently got my one and only online commission request from a person on DeviantArt. Made $30 off it. Not much but I do have a real job making real money too, so it was nice. Granted it took me nearly a decade for someone to finally commission me.

All in all, fuck DeviantArt. I use it to get traction for the audiences I appeal to and hopefully send them towards my other platforms.

I'm interested. I barely pulled 4k views in all of 2017. But I only uploaded maybe a dozen works out of the 400+ I made so I guess that's more my fault than anything else.

>> No.3284133

>Good artists realized that it's not a good place for business.
pretty much this. it might always have a large userbase, but that userbase is full of 14-year-old's sonic OCs. any artist that takes themselves seriously doesn't use DA as the main platform to promote themselves anymore. it's a site you outgrow

>> No.3286028

>Where do Europeans post their stuff to get noticed? France, Belgium, Germany
Polish people use facebook if youre curious

>> No.3286044

What is up with this place and maps?

>> No.3286246

With truly shitty artist like this motherfucker deviantart is the worst place in the internet:


>> No.3286289

so in short, if you are skilled go to artstation and if you want porn money go to dA?

>> No.3286293

>retarded fetish shit
>dominated by weebs and ponyfags and 12 year olds
>can’t post porn

>> No.3286294

i see a painting with 87 likes on community page, your argument is invalid.

>> No.3286296

Also forgot to mention they don’t give two fucks about art theft. apparently you have to be the original artist to report theft last time I checked.

>> No.3286299


>> No.3286409

Ok ok I'll do it anyway.
Let's go guys, hopefully your good art will get noticed way more with this :
- FORUMS : Post your stuff in the forums A LOT (go to thumbshare & as soon as you see a thread related to your work,no question => share.). Create threads as well : preferably threads that invite a lot of people to share their work with something a bit specific ("share 5 of your best DBZ super fanart" or "share your 1 of your best art & 1 of your best favourites").
If you find a thread in the complaints subsection that interests you, comment & debate. Interacting with others & appearing as a smart deviant will get you followers too!

- GROUPS : as soon as you post art, put all the necessary tags relevant to it (SEO) & after that, hunt for the most groups related to it! Example : I just drew Mario. I'll go to the group page, find the most groups where I can share Mario & Nintendo stuff, and I'll submit art en masse. (some groups force you to join, but it's not a problem if there's less than1000 members)
- If you get points => daHub. (this will make you featured based on the amount of points you give)

That's it for now. If you ask me, I have a very varied gallery with digital paintings & pixel art of tons of different characters (from Pacman to Kratos), everything submitted to its fandom-related groups & I get views without ever doing nsfw stuff/artwhoring myself.

>> No.3286412

You can join a group and unwatch its deviations & shit btw, it doesn't remove you or anything, unless there's a different reason you don't like joining groups.

>> No.3286432

True. I do this for super groups I'm a bit ashamed of... Example : I did a Fox McCloud sprite (I think I posted it here as well) & posted it to...Bestfurry... ( it's a huge super group and Fox is a furry character, after all)

>> No.3286435


I've had a DA account for like 8 years and I'm pretty decent and have made a career from art but I've only got like 5,000 views. I think that's why DA is dying; it's not like Artstation where being good is enough to get noticed. To be relevant on DA, you have to spend a lot of time trolling for views: drawing fanart, liking and faving other people's stuff and requesting that they reciprocate, posting on their forums, etc.

DA is too social-media oriented. You won't get views unless you really hustle for them. Similar problem with Tumblr, and I think a similar thing happened to Conceptart.org when it started getting really popular. Professional artists don't want to hobnob with amateurs who are always bugging them for crits or lessons; they just want to post their art, get noticed by employers, and get jobs. DA doesn't offer that so it's relegated to being a dumping ground for Sonic fanart and OCs.

>> No.3286444

I agree : you need to get yourself involved A lot to get more recognition, because this place is overcrowded. That's a good training for anyone who'd like to develop a fanbase though!

>> No.3286457

guys I'm looking for a private drawing-log type website (with tag based categories, obvsly windows folders wont help much), not for finished stuff but for the journey/evolution of my art

i tried google blogger set to private, and have basic categories due to the tags, but these motherfuckers upload every image to fucking pi fucking casa or google photo or whatever shit it is.

i tried wordpress but you must pay 25 per month to use plugins

so i tried a localhost wordpress but have to manually save & batch the files + sql dump every now and then

and on deviant art, anything u post is public, any movement u make, it is notified to the artist, its unbearable pos website with 1995 design,

wtf i do? suicide? :) lel

>> No.3286984

dA literally lets you submit anything to your own private folder called sta.sh
It's right fucking there whenever you upload something.

>> No.3287090

da is cancer lets just forget about it.
also tumblr is from yahoo now, and yahoo will collapse, also they are stupid (they wanted to make account cleared and all email void and re registerable some years ago, insanely stupid and criminal)

>> No.3287298

What would someone’s experience on artstation be with /beg/ or mediocre art?

>> No.3287306

There’s also wysp but no one’s heard of it.

>> No.3287401

>lots of shit you just said isn't true.

It's dying all right, because it's dominated by shit artist. Not only that but there's tons more shit on that site that isn't even art (drawing/painting) There's photographs of chicks and shit like that to the point of it being cluttered as fuck. It's a terrible site that needs to die.

ArtStation generally has good art without needing to look hard to find some, while Deviantart feels like you need to bath in the shit to find something that's somewhat decent.

>> No.3287553

I do this but I can't find any deviantart like bots. It's time consuming but I'll just put a bunch of crap into a labelled folder to attract potential watchers and only put stuff I genuinely like in my favorites.
If anyone does know of an actual bot to run for favorites please share

>> No.3287631

I remember that somebody wrote a Tampermonkey script to boost the viewcount, if you need this to show your friends that you´re a popular artist or whatever. Testruns said it gained them around 100 views per hour.

It should be working similar to other bots that refresh the page and get feeded with a proxy list to appear as a new user everytime. Don´t be too greedy, I´m sure it might gains attraction if you jump from 10 views a week to 2400 a day.

Where to find? Google for "deviantart bot" or script, viewbot, bla-bla-bla, I´m not in the mood for spoonfeeding today, sorry.

>> No.3289904


>> No.3289930
File: 145 KB, 766x1043, my_lips_are_sealed_by_cuestionador-dbpjrsb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>9 years drawing and this is hes current level
some people really are never gonna make it.

>> No.3289994

You won't get negative comments, but you won't get noticed either. I have a fairly sizable following on ArtStation for the art I do that's in my professional field and I get a lot of likes and comments on it, so I know I have an audience. When I post my non-professional art, which isn't bad by any means but also isn't at the level my professional stuff is, I get just a fraction of the response.

For someone with no established audience, it might be difficult to really take off on ArtStation before you get more technical skills.

>> No.3291936

this guy is better off pursuing something else that isn't art related.
hes doomed to be trapped into his belief of being a "good artist" if thats all he can do.

>> No.3292659

>post work
>get virtually no views
>submit to a shit ton of groups
>views go up some likes
>feel okay about self...
>check other art in groups
>roughly same amount of views
>artist with sonichuu style art's ratio of views to favs is much much higher than mine
>art is vastly worse than mine

I just don't understand. Maybe it's time to give up.
>see really good artist work
>lots of views
>very few favs

I truly and really do not understand.

>> No.3292662

If you're looking for other people's praise, you need to give people what they want, and it needs to be appealing and convey feelings.

>Maybe it's time to give up.
Probably, you don't seem to be doing this for fun.

>> No.3292667

I mean giving up as a joke.

>> No.3292700
File: 1.23 MB, 1121x1158, mons1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I good enough to start posting on artstation or deviantart?

>> No.3292766

Draw and improve for yourself not for the approval of others

>> No.3292819

I tried google for scripts long ago, but I can't find any that work anymore. Deviantart blocked the scripts of the old ones and the sites not relevant enough for people to bother making a new one.

>> No.3292980


Mate, there are browser Addons that do exactly this for you.

>> No.3292998

yeah go for it

>> No.3293016
File: 333 KB, 430x559, 19247298345723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Huge variety of art
>Best place to find new artists
lost it