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3275706 No.3275706[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>drawing while with family
>neice says "you're such a good artist! I wish I could draw..."
>say "anyone can learn how to draw if they're interested enough. It's like any skill"
>Mom hears this and suddenly starts lashing out "NO, that's not true! Not everyone can draw, it's s born-talent"
>Me: "Yeah some people can pick up drawing better than others if it's something they're really interested in, but anyone can draw-"
>Her:"No! Not everyone can draw! I know this for a fact!"
>I just walk away as shrilled screaming continues from other room

Why do some people get so aggressive when I tell them anybody can draw?

>> No.3275707

Literally didn't happen

On another note I showed my niece one of my paintings and she didn't like it seemingly, then when we went to draw with crayons later she said "you're so much better than me" in a really sad voice and I literally wanted to cry until I died. Felt like such an ass hole.

>> No.3275709

They have to choose between
>anybody can do x if they try. Im just lazy
>People can only do x if born with talent. Its not my fault im not talented.

>> No.3275711

Except it literally did. My family is fucking crazy. Or at least my mom. She's super sensitive and freaks out at the slightest things that annoy her. She's easily overwhelmed. And shes the type that will talk down to you, rant your ear off, but God forbide you try to talk back at her, she'll either talk over you or accuse you of trying to get the last word even though that's exactly what she's doing.

>> No.3275712

My mom does exactly the same anon! I let her though, she's just proud of my natural born talent. it's flattering

>> No.3275714

you're pretty much describing my dad. Ill never understand people with mean moms

>> No.3275715
File: 64 KB, 541x601, 1513361540975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they tried to become artists but failed due to being too lazy to put in enough effort or lacked confidence. And instead of blaming themselves and saying they didn't put in enough effort, they just pull the "omg no 1 can draw unless they are magically born to have the magical thing in their brain to make them talented, so it's not my own fault but biology's that I never could become an artist". That's many women because they're emotional and immature.

Inb4 someone calls me an incel for this, I'm a female myself.

>> No.3275719


I just go with the grain and try to shrug it off. Think of yourself as a illusionist. People don't want to know how you do it, they just want the end result and pretend it's really magic. There's a reason Frazetta famously downplayed how hard he worked to attain his skills or that he used reference (he often did).

>> No.3275720

Mom in a nutshell

>Mom: "coffee never goes bad"
>Me: "no but it loses its freshness"
>Me: "All I said was-"
>Me: "I'm just adding to conversa-"
>Me: "Holy shit, I'm not trying to fight with you-"
>Me: "I-"

That's when I just walk out the room because there's no way to reason with someone won't let you speak

>> No.3275721

Well there you go you said it yourself and you're right

Normal people don't get aggressive like that, your family does

I too had a fucked up family, just get a job and move out as soon as you can, even if you move into a shitty place with no gas you'll be better off

>> No.3275723

I'm female, and my boyfriend is the same way and believes talent is something you're born with despite me telling him its a learned skill. He compares drawing to playing sports

>"someone could play football all their life, and even with enough practice, they could still not be good enough to make the team. It's just something you're born with"

>> No.3275725

I mean once you find out what or who you like to draw it's not like you have some social obligation to continue drawing. Art is becoming more important to relationships because more people are artists now, but dude... we need farmers and doctors and truck drivers. Not everyone needs to be an artist. Maybe in 100 years we'll all be able to (or need to) give our full attention to art and relationships but thats not 2018

>> No.3275727

>I'll never understand people with mean moms

Mean moms are the result of insecure but spoiled children who got everything they wanted.

>> No.3275729

Honestly I'm sure whatever job your boyfriend has is 100% more important to our species survival than drawing pictures of you, girlfriend-chan

>> No.3275732

Noooo that's not true my grandma was always an ass hole, but my grandpa was always the happiest guy on the planet. Once you have a kid you'll understand why the good cop bad cop dynamic is important in a household. Someone's gotta be the mean one

>> No.3275737

He's finishing up his Masters in Athletic Training. Athletic Trainers are basically health care professionals for athletes ans/or performers, so you're right in some sense I guess.

>> No.3275738

Yeah don't sweat it, he just finds other activities more interesting. When robots take his job I'm sure he'll have plenty of time to draw you, for now just let him do him

>> No.3275748
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I'm more interested to know name of girl in pic than complain about my family's opinion about drawing being an unborn talent. Couldn't care less what they think.

>> No.3275750
File: 118 KB, 404x404, kanna2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is the cutie pie in OP's pic?

>> No.3275752

Your mom just needs a good, fat dick to settle her down. All women need the dick from time to time to calm their nerves.

>> No.3275755

Are you a girl? This is some shit a girl would say

>> No.3275756

definitely a girl

>> No.3275757

the old "pretend to be a guy, get called out, and then sarcastically say 'yep I'm a girl' to throw them off" trick. nice try, vaginanon

>> No.3275762


Statistically higher level of neuroticism. Being "emotional" isn't really it. Its more like the primal existential dread gnawing at the back of your monkey brain, making you act like a hysterical twat in your daily life to ease the built up tension.


He's biased because of biomechanics, metabolic rate etc. purely physical attributes being such dominant factors in sports. A lot of skills have a different dynamic though, where hardly anyone reaches the hard ceiling of physical limitations. Drawing is more about rewiring neurons and expanding your visual library than some mysterious ligameme. Lifespans are too short to get so good as to when a healthy average shoulder and wrist can't fallow the mind. If you're a standard issue homo sapiens you can draw, thats the bottom line.

If he doesn't accept that MASTERS of the field claim anyone can get on a professional level and above then he's just a stubborn dope.

>> No.3275771 [DELETED] 

My whole fucking family is like this. It's unbearable living with them and having to filter every single fucking word I say, day in and day out, just to avoid a shouting match.

>> No.3275773

My boyfriend is just retarded desu.

>thinks he's special and smart for thinking hyperrealism is the highest and best form of art
>gets autistic and angry when I give him polite constructive criticism on his edgy notebook doodles

>> No.3275783

Fuck! My mother is like this too. I know the way she acts is a result of emotional damage but Living with her makes my life so damn stressful; I hate having to constantly filter every goddamn thing I say just to avoid her passive agressive outbursts. Although I love her as much as son could love his mother, I can't wait to move out to college so I can get the fuck out.

>> No.3275785

ITT: Phrenologists and guys who hate their moms

>> No.3275788

Nice blogpost faggots

>> No.3275801


I'm sorry you're so fragile wikipedia-tier trivia triggers a fit--No, really, I genuinely feel for you. Navigating reality must be brutal.

>> No.3275811
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I think drawing is a really easy universal skill to learn, you just need a hand and a brain. Nothing makes you different than other better artists.

Compared to say, sports, making you need to get /fit/. Or any other things, anyone can do it. But fags will neber believe this words and just say it's a natural talent.

>> No.3275820

are you mad that I know what the word "phrenology" means? it's literally the name of the best album by The Roots... grow a pair.

learn some new words, dumb-chan

>> No.3275827
File: 81 KB, 378x357, pepehahahah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are you mad that I know what the word "phrenology" means?

Shiiit, you just manufactured a string of outrageous assumptions on no basis at all just to spin a lame ass narrative like that. I don't even know what to do with you at this point. lel

>> No.3275845

Oh I thought you were making fun of me for saying phrenology your post was such a word salad I couldn't tell what the fuck you were making fun of me for. Nice frog btw. Must be fun to be young

>> No.3275847

>anon can't into sentences

>> No.3275865
File: 2.15 MB, 1954x1091, spehs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When you're done crying over a single missing "that" or w/e it was I propose you to take time and consider that internet cables reach further than MickeyDland/Isle of Chav.

you're the minority here, time to adapt and realn plopel engrish.

>> No.3275906

Lol you’re just as passive aggressive and condescending as the moms being complained about in the thread are

>> No.3275916

These are the exact signs of a narcissistic parent. I hope you don't have to keep in contact with her for much longer.

>> No.3275929

>tfw I have the sweetest most caring mom and most respectable strict father

Now I feel like making them a present just for the hell of it.

>> No.3275954
File: 34 KB, 587x587, crying-dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my grandma is the exact fucking same, can confirm something like this would happen. reading OP's post made me feel like i was reliving childhood at home all over again

>> No.3276010

kiko mizuhara