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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3274925 No.3274925 [Reply] [Original]

I'm currently 21 years old and want to learn to draw. My question is if I'm to old to learn it. And when I'm not to old how should my daily routine looks like?

>> No.3274937
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you are too old. go away.

>> No.3274952

im 23 and i just started learniong to draw 3 months ago
its not looking good

>> No.3274957

Read the sticky, get on cgpeers, pirate ctrl paint digital sketching series (mostly applies to paper too), try draw a box.

>> No.3274958

No. With 21 years old you can learn everything. But if you are a woman i wouldnt try anymore.

>> No.3274962

>But if you are a woman i wouldnt try anymore.
why? just curious

>> No.3274964

you can do it. just draw a lot everyday, pay attention to your weaknesses/strengths, and try to have fun with it. everyone has a different daily routine cause people learn differently, it's the same with drawing textbooks and some people prefer hogarth to loomis or whatever.

i'm 22 and i started learning to draw since july. most of my drawings are here:

>> No.3274969

since you're actually really good, what did you use to study?

>> No.3274970

Every guide that I find have a difficulty jump with each step. Hell, they first ask to drawn a square then later ask to drawn fucking the last supper in 4 dimensions.

>> No.3274974

We really need a super clear FAQ in the sticky

>Am I too old to draw?
no, art isn't some esoteric thing that you have to start when you're young, it's a skill like any other and you can start at any age

>> No.3274975

Old people don't read stickies or instructions, they just do and give up when it doesn't go their way.

>> No.3274977

You aren't old and never will be, but what does become a factor is responsibility. I wish had the vision to see a career in art at 15 instead of 22. And now at 24 i can only draw as often as the free time i have from working. Will i get there? Yes. Will it be ideal? No. There are no short cuts you can take unless you want to become a hack.

The hardest thing for me to do was admit i was becoming a one trick pony. Once i did i grew more, but the problem i had after getting out of my safe zone was that i was shit. You will be shit too, you cant help it. You just have to be okay with getting polaxed and slaughtered a thousand times while you do it.

Sorry for typos. Mobile scum here.

>> No.3274982

thanks, i started with gestures right away and i think i spent the first 2 months getting 2k or more quickposes done. most were 2 mins-90 seconds. after that i would try to kinda apply the same stuff i learned to people irl. that made me remember quick poses in my head, and try to recreate them. i was also drawing from life a lot during that time. everything after that to now has just been anatomy grind and artist studies.

if i had more patience i'd probably start with books like keys to drawing or drawing on the right side of the brain and then skim perspective made easy about halfway through. i'd do a few still life drawings, a few bargue plates, and read through scott robertson's how to draw and THEN try drawing from photo ref or fig studies.

also: you don't have to be good to try your hand at designing stuff. john park's videos on mech designs are great and the principles in those videos can applied to designing pretty much anything, so i'd recommend them for any other beginner looking to learn design.

>> No.3274992 [DELETED] 

You will just not put the effort necessary, and when you fail you will wanna to kill yourself. Why you wont put the effort? Your inferior genes will distract you from art, "not to get weird in my room training all day urrgg, i need social life lol", and eventually you will get cocked. Many times maybe, as you wish. Your genes will make you thirst by cock till your market value drop or the pregnance. Because you are a "normal human" like the most of people, or like the most of woman and cant be diferent. Starting with 21 years old to get good you would have to be autistic, something that only males can do. And take risks too, another male thing. See every good female artist out there, every one of them start young, like 12 or 13 years old. Art will only make your depressed as your body starts to saggy really quickly and you feel all the cocks you are missing and the good old male to give protection for you. Females only do art for approval, not for passion. Females dont have passion for nothing, only for themselves. If you are bad you wont get any approval, if you dont make it clear that you are a cute female. Forget about this and be happy, as a female, trying to get the better cock you can by using the value of your body. Just remember about art when you get a divorce with your husband later, them you can make beautiful flowers with no fundamentals. Thank me later.

>> No.3275002
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What pencils does this guy use? He's been a mangaka for over fifty years

>> No.3275005

Op here thanks for answering my question!

>read the sticky
oh should have done that, just saw that my age question was answered there.

looks good anon.

>> No.3275006

dunno about colored pencils but i think most japs use a pentel p205 with pentel ain stien lead, 2B mitsubishi/tombow pencils, and obviously nib holders and G/school/whatever nibs.

>> No.3275007

Only on /ic/.

>> No.3275018
File: 18 KB, 300x389, 6a00d8341ca18953ef0148c6f6a39f970c-300wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you anon, stick around.

Tough luck.

>> No.3275026

This rambling virgin wall of a post gave me autism.

>> No.3275044

accept it sub human. The Semen dont work as sunscreen and your face will still deteriorate, enjoy your ride.

>> No.3275066
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This is the worst fanfiction I've ever read

>> No.3275067

No, 21 is young as hell. I'm 26 and that's still young. What's important is your attitude and discipline.

>> No.3275101

>be 24
>get told i still draw at a middle schooler level

>> No.3275110 [DELETED] 

I need a bag that I can carry my tools (brush pens, a few pencil cases with markers and shit), sketchbook, a 12 inch tablet and phone and maybe a few other things in, like an all purpose kind of bag that I can pack everywhere which has enough space/durability for my stuff. Does anyone have anything they would recommend? Girly/cute looking stuff is fine.

>> No.3275139

That's a good time to start actually, many people don't even study the fundies until then

>> No.3275243

So what? Most people draw at elementary school level.

>> No.3275269

>You can be too old to learn something
No you dumb bitch. But if you're questioning this, you're probably too YOUNG to learn it.

>> No.3275976

What my shrink told me is
>You may not wake up one day at 30 and decide to compete in the Olympics, but you can always start running.
So you just have to be happy with mediocrity

>> No.3276038
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Age is not important
Important thing is what you studied, way of study that's the point

I draw since i was kid (yeah ) but can't draw anime from imagination why?,because i didn't studied that subject (anatomy etc) and waste time on uselese shit (replying on your thread,copying photo all time)
Now i'm 23 yrs old piece of shit and have to learn structure of body

So you can make decent art in 1year if you studied well
AlsoI highly recommend ctrl paint even retard can understand this lesson if you spending 3weeks on his video you can almost control photoshop

Pic is mine

>> No.3276660

you remind me of someone I know irl. He does a loft of gesture drawings like the ones you posted. He eventually left the uni I was in when he was halfway done with his course and proceeded to learn animation. He eventually landed a job in an animation studio. Hope you'll be successful like him, anon.

I also started doing gesture drawings too since I wanted to improve on my poses/anatomy.

>> No.3276665

tfw turning 25 in a few months and havent even gotten past the first loomis pdf

im fucking ruined, 18 year olds on tumblr are doing professional grade paid cg commissions and i cant even get the basic forms right

>> No.3276682

Gonna make it.

>> No.3277918

nigga i am 25, halfway to 26 and i just started out 3 months ago. stfu and draw

>> No.3277925

Ehh, you're getting up there in years, but at 21 you should still have some brain plasticity left so you might as well give it a shot.

>> No.3277930

The element I had in my youth that I no longer have is faith in my potential. I'm doing more or less fine without it, you can find other ways to make acting fun. There are plenty.

So no, you're not too old.

Your daily routine should be trying a metric shitton of thought processes, mediums, techniques, and themes. Take careful note of what you find fun, and persue it.

>> No.3277932

Also, worth noting; I started taking it seriously at 22. I've fell off several times, it's not the only skill I earnestly attempt.

I'm 28 now, still at it. Better than I started, still suck in my opinion. Satisfied with the progress regardless. I've managed in my incoherent bumbling to make it functional for my needs.

>> No.3278172

>My question is if I'm to old to learn it.
If you really have to ask such a bitch-ass question. Yes you are too old and should just kill yourself you worthless faggot.

>> No.3278247

you should already be drawing if that's what you want.
it's not too late for anything.

>> No.3278330

huh? is this a troll?

>> No.3278345

It's a running gag, don't take it seriously

>> No.3278506

No, you are not. Just start drawing and get away as far as you can from this board.