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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 209 KB, 799x751, want.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3267052 No.3267052 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: /ic/ memes you wish you had fallen for, ones you wish you hadnt, and ones you are glad you did. and also post your work

i'll start
wish i had fallen for no rules only tools
wish i hadnt fallen for asking for crits on /beg/
glad i fell for grinding fundies

>> No.3267079

>wish i hadnt fallen for asking for crits on /beg/
What's wrong with this one?

>> No.3267086

Asking for critiques from beginners.

That's right, there's nothing like passing around mistakes among yourselves. That's how you learn to get better.


>> No.3267213

Glad I fell for abandoning pencil and drawing in pen
Glad I didn’t fall for reading the sticky
Sad I fell for stop copying / studying and draw from imagination
Sad I didn’t fall for LAS

>> No.3267248
File: 22 KB, 384x384, hitchens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ones you wish you hadnt


>> No.3267254
File: 88 KB, 400x400, stupid lookign deer resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fallen for and regretted:
>Don't draw what you like to draw! GRIND FUNDIES FIRST!
>Do not draw in color, learn to draw values / draw in greyscale.

Fallen for and glad:
>life drawing

>> No.3267271
File: 3.63 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20180107_181826329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A3 or larger

>going on /ic/

>> No.3267277
File: 21 KB, 104x87, Math Cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pencil before Digital
Not Glad
>Loomis - not for everyone
>Studying Stylization before Realism - still unraveling that
Wish I had fallen for
>Drawing NSFW

>> No.3267278
File: 138 KB, 334x323, Twitch Icon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong image
>inb4 no wonder ur art sucks

>> No.3267283
File: 99 KB, 328x278, sad times ahead lads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3267317

>Don't draw what you like to draw!
that's literally the dumbest thing I've ever heard
who the fuck thinks this is useful advice?
if you don't draw what you like, why the fuck are you drawing?

>> No.3267323

I still hear it all the time on the board: don't draw animals until you can construct, and know perspective!
Don't draw anime until you master anatomy!

>> No.3267332

I don't understand how people can actually be this retarded and not think for themselves. And it's not even what people are told.

It came about because aimlessly drawing bullshit leads to no progress.You don't work on anything and nothing is accomplished. So it's better to apply some practice to what you do. What retards think is "I can't draw what I want to draw while applying these exercises that will make me better"

>> No.3267340


never heard the former, unless you started to draw yesterday maybe.

plenty of people who started with anime who never succeeded in anything but weeb scribbles. that's half-what i did actually because of an unsuccessful attempt to make art my job, now i have to go back to basics. i did study the basics before though.

its wasteful to try to draw like someone skilled (a japanese animator, say) before you actually are.

>> No.3267345

can't you stop shilling your fursona?

>> No.3267348
File: 277 KB, 540x716, 1515351878670[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and also post your work
You can have this instead if that's what you're into.

>> No.3267350

>Don't draw what you like to draw! GRIND FUNDIES FIRST!
Said no-one ever. It's just how people who can't handle critique like to interpret it. It's possible to grind fundamentals and draw what you like at the same time.

>> No.3267352

You are much better at drawing your fursona than humans. Still...

>> No.3267354

Thanks, I'm tryna better understand how to draw furries.

>> No.3267383


lmao this
just grind fundies WHILE drawing what you like
for example, I love cocks
so I got really good at drawing tubes and other rounded forms
now I'm fucking great at drawing cocks
but I'm also not half bad at the rest of the body because people are just tubes anyway

>> No.3267394
File: 215 KB, 800x600, bikestilllife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wish I had fallen for
Doing figure studies, my gestures and proportions suck

>wish I hadn't fallen for
Concept art, I can't get Feng Zhus voice out of my head, he is a part of my soul now

>Glad you fell for
Las, got in lots of mileage

>> No.3267453

>i wish i hadnt fallen for: practice 24/7 and no breaks ever

>glad i listened to: the fundamentals are the most important

2900 sunday (CAPTCHA KNOWS YOU)

>> No.3267483

>Don't draw what you like to draw! GRIND FUNDIES FIRST!

Nobody says this shit. The whole point of grinding fundamentals is so your can draw what you like better.

>Do not draw in color, learn to draw values / draw in greyscale.

Actually a good advice. Values are important. If you don't know your values you're just going to be diddling around with colors.

>> No.3267494

I noticed that I worded that wrong, but i feel ignoring color for a long time was absolutely detrimental for my art.

>> No.3267498

What's the point of trying to draw something if you don't understand the fundamentals? You'll just waste your time.

>> No.3267501

It is, but the first couple months are hard enough and no one wants to look at something that is bad on levels it doesn't need to be.

>> No.3267512

>What is drawing for fun
How does it feel to be dead inside, anon?

>> No.3267513

Why not both? Aimless doodling is fun and all but I don't particularly enjoy the result.

>> No.3267514

That depends. I'm not going to trash somebody who enjoy doodling weird circles while on the phone. It's only when they start complaining about why it didn't turn out like pro art and want me to view it as an equal alternative that I might decide to share my alternative and more well-informed opinion.

>> No.3267516

Yeah man, I totally got that, more fundies understanding leads to happier results, but the post I responded said >What's the point in doing it if you can't do it right?< and that's a pretty toxic idea, drawing anything is not a waste of time, even if it is crap you can still use it to know where you are lacking in

>> No.3267521

It's retarded, but somehow also true. It only applies to /beg/ though, which is all half the anons here know. Also I'm pretty sure you replied to a troll.

Still, "stop bullshitting, look at other art, and learn how it's done" is useful advice. The problem is that the autistic neet and schizophrenic quotient here is higher than /x/ and they can't process it. So you get the shitpost you quoted and anons that believe it to be true as written.

>> No.3267528

What's the point of working hard on something if it's just going to be shit?

>> No.3267534

even if its shit it will have elements that are good, or be a good and inspired concept
you can always redraw it later

you have to train your imagination too

>> No.3267548

But I absolutely hate putting in a lot of time and effort and having next to nothing to show for it.

>> No.3267549

Sounds like a personal problem. How do you cope with individual studies being essentially the same thing?

>> No.3267555

Because they're just studies, practice exams. Drawings are the real deal and are supposed to be good.

>> No.3267557

Says who? You have some fucked expectations.

>> No.3267558

wrong attitude. You are not entitled to get better just from work hard. But if you draw with curiosity and experimentation then you will get better through play. If the process is not a game for you then you will never reach the higher levels. Drawing shouldn't be something you have to force yourself to do if you hope to get there.

>> No.3267562

Real deal to who? Only for you unless you sell them. You make it sound like it's a frigging school test or that something really important depends on the outcome.
Chill out and enjoy what you are doing mate

>> No.3267565

How do I do that?

>> No.3267567
File: 1.61 MB, 720x2127, 1484718692623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's literally a guide that keeps getting spammed that says to spend a few hours a day grinding fundamentals first before drawing what you like. I have a feeling though that this guide is more for the creator to show off their art book collection and they haven't even followed their own guide.

>> No.3267575

You may want to read what you posted, it doesn't say that at all. Now we know what the problem is, reading comprehension.

>> No.3267586

>>Do not draw in color, learn to draw values / draw in greyscale.

This really isn't bad advice. It simplifies matters considerably, and values ARE more important than colours. Greyscale work is the easiest way to get the concept.

Your palette can be all over the place but if your values line up fine it'll probably look fine. If your palette is excellent and your values suck your work will still look bad.

>> No.3267587

In a way. I doubt they are sharing the process they went through themselves and instead are just trying to come up with a process they think could make more sense as a learning approach for new people (Which may not be true).

>> No.3267718

Na senpai
Values and Colours are the same thing, learn them together

>> No.3267727

What /ic/ memes are there, except for Loomis? I read him about 10 years ago, it was fine, but I didn't care that much.

>> No.3267729

That'll just confuse you, because of different colors requiring different values to reppresent them. It's easier to learn values and general color theory and then understand how to combine them.

>> No.3267816
File: 182 KB, 736x916, 196e50ea1986db1260416f481c751153--impressionist-paintings-impressionism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh really?

>> No.3267855

That awful composition.

>> No.3267933

youre a dummy poopyface if you really believe that
i mean i also think people should learn them together but "values and colours are the same thing" is one of the dumber things ive read today

>> No.3267936

This, they're the same things, light and shadow. One is just heavily desatured, usually to the point of null.

>> No.3267941
File: 404 KB, 1263x800, meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like this meme

>> No.3268024

I wish I had never found /ic/ at all.

Everybody here forces memes down your throat like they're the absolutes to drawing even though in the grand scheme of things they're very niche expressions of learning art.
There's so many other different ways to learn and understand concepts fundamental to art. Most successful artist that didn't follow the /ic/ way to get gud, and in the 5 years I've been here I haven't seen /ic/ produce any great artists either. That should tell you everything you need to know. It's the blind leading the blind.

>> No.3268026

Nobody is going to get good with a soulless, technical no fun approach to art.
All the good artists that post here had a strong foundation to begin with.

>> No.3268395

>That'll just confuse you, because of different colors requiring different values to reppresent them.
That results is so much awful greyscale to color work. It's better that people learn that about value and color to begin with so they don't go trying to make a gold shield yellow but it ends up looking like a turd. Color relativity and the relationship of color and their "hue value" are the most important parts of color work in my opinion. Value is still incredibly important to learn first but I think color gets held off far too long if someone is working primarily in digital.

Here's an example of what I mean. I constantly see colorized greyscale work and its hallmark muddy colors. People far too often give you a process but don't explain the vital parts of the process.

>> No.3268400

It bothers me too much that people pay so much money for this migraine inducing shit.

>> No.3268405

This is a result of never learning to draw & paint from real life. With traditional materials.
A year of painting still lives teaches you all about colour mixing & how to see colour, judge values, what to ditch from you pic & composition, how to suppress values, what colours to enhances, etc,
Then when you want to create something, you use that foundation to make the work believable.

>> No.3268415

a non-trivial amount of people don't have traditional materials or instruction to learn from.

>> No.3268425

What, while they ARE able to find a computer or tablet? Let me mail them a pencil in this terrible dystonia where traditional learning is banned from being studied...

>> No.3268489
File: 50 KB, 474x336, 2013_sargent_watercolors_09_846_ps6_428h.jpg?w=474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe. But for a search it popped up nicely as a way to display the impressionistic idea. It has produced some really beautiful stuff but the search engine is wonky in that area for some reason. Up until that point most stuff was brown and heavy with flat shadows

>> No.3268526

>art has an exact path that must be followed

>> No.3268529

>read and study all these figure drawing books
lmfao why
hampton's is the only one on the list that isn't full of useless esoteric bullshit

>> No.3268902

I find the videos so fucking dull, it takes him an hour to say something meaningful. How are they good?

>> No.3268910

Speed them up.
The way he explains gesture and drawing the figure realy easy to follow for me.

>> No.3268913

k thanks for the tip m8

>> No.3269053


>> No.3269060

Glad I fell for
> Read the sticky
> Watch Zin Lim
> Read G.E Hicks a guide to figure drawing
> Read Secrets of the Old masters by Albert Abendschein in order to learn how to paint like them
>Read A manual of oil painting by John Collier

Glad I didn't fall for
> People on Beg who critiqued my work in a such way that the critique wasn't of any use, but couldn't post work of their own to compete

>> No.3269350

post your work

>> No.3271160

>this kills the thread

>> No.3271270

Op do you have a blog? I like ur classical sensibilities.

>> No.3271316

that's something you'll have to figure out for yourself. i did not too long ago, and i'm much better off for it

>> No.3271644

>wish I hadn't
Trying Bridgman without any understanding or boxes and box duplication/subtraction in perspective
>glad I did
Pirating lots of books and learning how to use a grid in perspective from robertson and kranz

>> No.3271695

do you know any good artists who do their work primarily in pen? Clean/intricate designs and such

>> No.3272042

pretty much only begginers and those who have only just risen above beginner tier art browse /beg/, as such there is a lot of advice that is either A: unhelpful, convoluted, not explained well enough, or is otherwise unusable, or B: has a lot of vitriol and ego behind it, which you can imagine means /beg/ is the crab capital.

no doubt there are some kind souls who browse /beg/ here and there, but they are drowned out pretty hard by majority of crabs that browse that place.

>> No.3272101

no, im still /beg/ and cant draw from imagination. you shouldnt be asking someone like me for a blog

>> No.3272138

What’s good about the memegrip?

>> No.3272162


>> No.3272167

Glad I fell for
>muh realism

Glad I didn't fall for

>> No.3272169

They are both the same thing though.

>> No.3272217

Last Artist Standing. It was a website that you had to upload art to every single day, recording your streak. A competition of sorts, the longer you lasted, the better. The original website died, two members created replacements which then died as well. As of now LAS is pretty much dead.

>> No.3272691

op is what falling for loomis looks like btw

>> No.3272950

It's not a fursona. It's from a nip vn called morenatsu.

>> No.3272963 [DELETED] 
File: 931 KB, 996x745, NYOO..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no 1 currs

>> No.3275227

Drawing primarily from your shoulder and elbow, not the wrist

>> No.3275403

Not sure why you aren't shifting grips