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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 370 KB, 849x1200, frank_frazetta_selfportraet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3266298 No.3266298 [Reply] [Original]

How do I become like this man?

>> No.3266315

just stand in a trash can

>> No.3266366

You silly goose. You shouldn't be like a painting.

>> No.3266368
File: 295 KB, 863x1600, frank_frazetta_ellie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna be as alpha as Frazetta

>> No.3266370

frazetta was fucking based.

>> No.3266403
File: 58 KB, 640x640, kkkk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dont, he was natural born genius.

watching his documentary made me grumpy.
not only he was a chad mix of clint eastwood/james dean he didnt even identify himself as an artist and rather wanted to baseball.


>> No.3266442

I want to punch his son

>> No.3266450

He’s a handsome motherfucker.

>> No.3266501

Serious circulatory disease

>> No.3266578

Practice a lot.

Then pretend you never practiced in your life “except that one time I finished a manual in a night lmao” and you’re just making it up on the spot.
You know those couple hundred studies of rabbits you did?
No you don’t, you never even saw a rabbit in your life lmao, but you can give it a shot just for fu- oh look, it’s a 10/10 rabbit.

>> No.3266599

for starters you stop opening whiny posts on 4chan
frazetta was a badass, not a millenial whiny bitch.

>> No.3266601


I mean it isn't impossible. He drew his entire life and played sports his entire life. While you lazy fucks on here spend 4 hours a day watching anime and playing video games frazetta used that for sports and art. It's no surprise that when he hit in 20s he was multi talented. Those hours add up. It's not genius, it's just hard work.

>> No.3266606

>4 hours a day

You are small time

>> No.3266616
File: 187 KB, 466x492, 1511019378311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 hours a day

>> No.3266629

Yeah man dont even try under 18-22hr/day ffs

>> No.3266679

Men back then were hard working motherfuckers. It's true he was kind of a prodigy, but the guy studied a lot and lived a full life. It's also not a matter of just grinding, but grinding with a purpose. You have to have an objective of what you want your art to look like and grind towards that. Mindless practice will just make you good at practicing.

>> No.3268616
File: 485 KB, 1200x974, frank_frazetta_004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is everyone a soyboy these days?

>> No.3268661

>kind of a prodigy
>kind of
dude was the literal definition of a prodigy
he was doing shit at age 14 that his seniors (who'd worked as artists for decades) barely managed sometimes

>> No.3268673

is it just me or people here post frazetta A LOT less compared to past years. what happened

>> No.3268677
File: 212 KB, 1021x1210, frank_frazetta_bw_lordoftherings_I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan's normie population has been growing for years
Normies don't know about real niggas

>> No.3268682

What the fuck even are normalfags anymore? I've lost touch with reality to the point that I don't even know. They're like vapid and the opposite of hip to shit no one cares about, right?

>> No.3268684
File: 145 KB, 991x1210, frank_frazetta_bw_womanwithspear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A plague upon our good Vietnamese basket weaving forum

>> No.3268686

I was here 12 years ago. Anon wasn't normalfag but we weren't this arcanine neet abomination obsessed with right wing politics. We made fun of them or we're just amused by their stories. Ours were just regular bad shit that the normalfags knew nothing of.

>> No.3268690

a true master of disgustingly objectifying women for profit

>> No.3268695
File: 147 KB, 1210x836, frank_frazetta_bw_came_the_dawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funfact: Frazetta used live models for the majority of his art

And he banged every single one of them

>> No.3268919

And still considered one of the best comic book artists and a huge influence on American culture in the 70s, perhaps people were brainwashed back then - or perhaps you are a massive faggot who gets no pussy and can't hold a candle to Frazetta's quickest, laziest works

>> No.3268923

And thus art died forever because retards like you think beauty is too offensive and hurts your fee fees.

>> No.3268932

It's bait, retard.

>> No.3268938

You never know man, it's best to be safe and tell the lurkers what's up.

>> No.3268971

>And he banged every single one of them
I'd believe it, based on a truly ridiculous number of anecdotes from his coworkers over the years. That guy's probably sired a basketball team's worth of bastards.

>> No.3269094

get a paint brush and copy exactly everything he has done

>> No.3269099

even the stroke?

>> No.3269101

how do people like you exist.

>> No.3269128

Frazetta is a racist sexist and posting him here makes this an unsafe space

>> No.3269139

a genius

>> No.3269320

fucking lol, I love that bit from painting with fire.

>> No.3269349

>While you lazy fucks on here spend 4 hours a day watching anime and playing video games
This is true for me and it hurts
Being lazy is the worst

>> No.3269355
File: 159 KB, 828x1024, b2-828x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frazetta was a cuck lol

>> No.3269375

frazetta has a nice ass in a speedo too
anyone got a screenshot of the documentary

>> No.3269383


>> No.3269386

how does this make him a cuck?
Are you insecure about black men anon? :^)

>> No.3269387

where do you think we are?

>> No.3269388

Well, you seem to be deep inside some delusional dream world.

>> No.3269390

Because he literally painted cuck porn

>> No.3269403

>unironically saying this on 4chan

>> No.3269581

>think 12 years is a lot
>realise I’ve been here for 11 years

>> No.3269713

underrated post

>> No.3269824


People aren't blank slates though. We disproved that idea several decades ago. Yes, everyone needs to work hard to reach a high level, but talent is certainly a part of it.

>> No.3269890
File: 243 KB, 1164x1600, 1515250102654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf I hate Frazetta now.

Nah just kidding, I just wish I wasn't such an insecure autist who can't get along with real people.

>> No.3269891


where'd you hear that? I'm genuinely curious, of all the things I've read about him that wasn't one of them

>> No.3269973
File: 105 KB, 614x800, 071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anecdotal evidence from multiple artists

itd be a quest and a half to find all the sources

>> No.3270012


WTF is this?????

>> No.3270033

wtf I hate Frazetta now
I'm just gonna retcon this as "not drawn by him"

>> No.3272243
File: 1.06 MB, 703x907, 1510440260523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did he do this?

>> No.3272248

Where is the cuckhold in that art? You fucking blind, asshole?

>> No.3272256

IT&T: /ic/ finds out fraz didn't like niggers

>> No.3272273

>Dr David Duke visits Detroit, colourized

It wasn't drawn by him

>> No.3272309


it's not that he didn't like them. he just saw them for what they are: gibbering tribals frenetically lusting after white women.

>> No.3272422

Who really made this one?

>> No.3272582

It's Frazetta. It's his style and even has his signature on it. It's a porn comic he created in pencil and watercolor in one of his sketchbooks.

Here's a SJW ranting about it:

The man was a god damned NY wop so of course he harbored some racially charged fascination and contempt for blacks.

>> No.3272589
File: 8 KB, 120x113, 1515507418354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3272590

what the fuck lmao

>> No.3272605

hahahahaha i wonder if every artist is really degenerated

>> No.3272610

Don't underestimate libido as a driving force for accomplishment. Wars have been waged just so someone could smash.

>> No.3272614

Frazetta just painted comic book covers. Crumb mentioned that he tried redrawing Frazetta's art and noticed that there was just nothing to it. Ditch Fraz ASAP.

>> No.3272634

to be fair, Crumb has a pretty crass kind of taste. he really rejects a lot of good stuff, too.


btw, that website is probably the only mouthpiece he will entertain before he bites the dust.

>> No.3272635
File: 60 KB, 1022x862, Clp9KMMWAAAHUJm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>someone said he didnt like x
>therefore you shouldnt like x either

>> No.3272648

People who want to draw comics love Frazetta, but he's just not a sequential artist. Painters would have even less to learn from him. How many painters are going to get their colour sense or composition from him? It's better to study an animator like Glen Keane or old pulp magazine covers.

>> No.3272652


He is one of the GOAT when it comes to composition and design. Your opinion goes into the trash.

>> No.3272663
File: 15 KB, 300x225, s-l300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3272664
File: 20 KB, 254x300, s-l300 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3272845
File: 93 KB, 238x191, 1417310130822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to become Frazetta you must copy all of the illustrations from Bridgman's "Constructive Anatomy"
I can't believe some retards actually fell for that meme

>> No.3273111

I actually did the exercise and improved a fair bit, did not become Frazetta, but it helped.

>> No.3273157

so the guys and animals too then?

>> No.3273160

Animals probably

Guys? He didn't want to look at nude dudes. Why do you think he started lifting?

>> No.3273167

You can't, he comes from a world that doesn't exist anymore.

>> No.3273171

Considering he was born and raised in Brooklyn by an Italian grandmother, that's hardly surprising or unique.

>> No.3273175

This. He was unique, one of a kind.

He was so bad ass, he had a stroke and lost the use of his right hand, so he trained himself to paint and draw with the left hand. When he was already retired.

They don't make them like Frank anymore.

>> No.3273432

Are you sure it was contempt and not latent, racially repressed bisexual fetishizing? You never know.

>> No.3273502

Frank could do 10 one handed chin ups from full extension in his youth. Fucking chad.

>> No.3273507
File: 40 KB, 482x427, 1513544979128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw not a chad
>tfw poor
>tfw not even 1/1000th as talented as him
I could even ignore the banging part, I just wish to draw beautiful models from life. Damn it

>> No.3273523

There's an art studio in my area that does live model drawing every so often

I wish I never fuckin went

>> No.3274453

Why not?

>> No.3274474

/b/ is leaking again

>> No.3274496

Too many soyboys and hamplanets

Nearly ruined my perception of the human body

>> No.3274868

I think it might have been both. Frazetta depicted both the male and female body with a decidedly erotic eye. It's probably fair to assume he at least slanted towards bisexuality. It was of course culturally repressed at the time, but he could live it out through the art to some degree.

>> No.3275013

Be born in 1928 Brooklyn and be accepted into art school at age 8.

>> No.3275019

Mostly. Social media has ruined us.
Before 2007 you needed to be good at something to be noticed so our inner drive to belong made even basement dwelling grognards try to fit in a strive to be better. Now everyone's got a platform and all that does is make worthless people believe they're indispensable.

>> No.3275032

>In college for /gd/
>One year of mandatory figure drawing classes
>My friends tell horror stories about their models
>Botero fat woman with stretch marks all over
>Skinnyfat old guy with a leak
>A doppelganger of the biker from Village People

I prepared for cringe but my models were a 4'11" 90 pounds girl. A super ripped dude from the swimming team and a pretty hot goth/fetish model who tried to cover her self-harm scars with bat tatoos.

My bros were fucking irate when they looked at my life drawing sketchbook.

>> No.3275053

lemme get dem sketches of dat 4'11" gril

>> No.3275203

this >>3275053

>> No.3275354

Maybe later, that shit's in storage.

>> No.3275357

can i see the muscular swimming team dude?

>> No.3275530

Ahh well, the thread will be up for a while, be sure to keep this in mind and post it when you can.

>> No.3276270

I had one semester of fantastic models - a small, shapely Japanese girl who could go into a Michelangelo pose effortlessly, a hot dark haired girl who admitted she stripped, and a blonde beach bunny type, and a couple of body builder type guys. The next semester, we got a 400 lbs woman and her baby (that was so wierd), a skinny, ugly old dude with ratty beard, a guy who looked like a homeless drunk, and a couple of not-in-the-good-way chubby middle aged women. The teacher thought fat was beautiful and fun to draw. Ugh. Oh, yeah, and a neckbeardy young guy, deadhead type, who lasted 3 minutes before he got a hard on and couldn't continue.

>> No.3276429

Leyendecker was a gentleman

>> No.3276588

>interracial couple
>someone must be being cucked
>ALL white women are owned by white men

All this projection lol

>> No.3279058

You never know in this day and age

>> No.3279541

>Leyendecker was a gentleman
Leyendecker was a bottom. Look it up.

>> No.3279544

umm... what do I look up exactly?

>> No.3279563

do you know what a power bottom is, anon?

>> No.3279621
File: 72 KB, 595x799, Boris Vallejo - Cucknan the Cuckbarian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Boris

>> No.3279632

Whatever, just draw loli porn.

>> No.3280416

You don't need to be high test for loli

>> No.3280850

Take my strong hand

>> No.3280983

Shit, I want to be an autist at drawing so bad. To actually not care for anyone, work on your art your whole time, without anyone trying to get in touch with you so that they can include you into their futile plans. It's such a waste of time, the only reason I keep seeing people is so I have people to see if I ever feel lonely.
Sorry for blogpost, anyway Frazetta is the shit.

>> No.3281006

Really, I'd like to see some collegiality guided works!

>> No.3281054

he wanted to be a baseball?

>> No.3282209

Wheres my nudes mf

>> No.3282599

watch his documentary. at one point in his life he had the opportunity to play professional baseball because he was also a sportchad - he regreted he didnt choose it.

>> No.3282768

Autists get lonely too.

>> No.3282996

this doesn't look like frank's art.

>> No.3283010

Boris was a hack who ripped off Frazetta's style. He was referred to as "the cheap Frazetta" back in the 80's. His colors suck, his compositions sucked, and his ideas sucked.

>> No.3283043
File: 512 KB, 720x1061, J-347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like some works, but is true he is "cheating" and seems to it's allways the same generic works. Not the mension his wife ugh.

>> No.3283046

why does only the sword have linework?

>> No.3283054
File: 181 KB, 1200x1600, lifeoil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By becoming an superhuman ubermensch

Who has time to fuck when there isn't enough time to work out and create?

>> No.3283148

>90 pounds
S-same height and weight as my waifu? A-are you sure she wasn't my waifu?

>> No.3283161

>Boris was a hack who ripped off Frazetta's style

alot of people dide around that time, Boris stood out with his clean heros

>His colors suck
I disagree

>his compositions sucked, and his ideas sucked.

>> No.3283703

I refuse to believe that this is his

>> No.3283735

>raised in Brooklyn by an Italian grandmother

Well that explains a lot and this >>3272243

>> No.3284222

Thing about Boris is that his sketches and color studies in pen and ink are pretty great. I have an old art book of his, and all of the prelim drawings before the actual paintings are so much more interesting.

>> No.3284223
File: 239 KB, 500x681, zfox_boris_51_the_magnificent_color_ink_rough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot image

>> No.3285111

are most of works here posted watercolor?

>> No.3286204


>> No.3286254
File: 252 KB, 713x1063, 21f12e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3286376
File: 277 KB, 2048x1783, weredawhitewimmenat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He sure was a unique man.

>> No.3286433

das racis

>> No.3288135


>> No.3289024

You don’t . You find your own voice and someday some kid will ask an anonymous message board how they become like you

>> No.3290600

But I wanna be just as alpha

>> No.3292582

be born