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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 859 KB, 736x1095, phdynskts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3264100 No.3264100 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for the science and study of drawing anime and its aesthetics. Users of this thread are encouraged to participate and learn with each other; share feedback, resources, and discuss just how to fucking draw anime. Everyone, lets learn together!

If you're new, please read the pastebin link.
Thread assignment remains just as casual as last thread; highlighting on faces in different angles.

previous thread >>3260033

>> No.3264103
File: 648 KB, 969x820, kpixivg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pixiv how to https://www.pixiv.net/howto

>> No.3264118

>just as casual

>> No.3264156
File: 90 KB, 814x800, Scathach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything I should fix before I move on to lineart?

>> No.3264160

I'm /beg/ so I can't help you, but the way she is drawn lacks depth and makes her look extremely flat.

>> No.3264163

your life

>> No.3264174

the face and hands

>> No.3264184


everything to be honest. just take a picture of yourself doing the same pose and use it as reference to get a sense of weight and balance. dont forget the light source.

>> No.3264193

Boobs aren't the same size ever so fix the left one.

>> No.3264199

Learn proportions for god sake

>> No.3264202

You don't just "learn proportions", that's a very beginner thing to say. It's a thing you find. They can change from drawing to drawing, but you just have to find the ones you want to depict.

>> No.3264231

>Anything I should fix before I move on to lineart?
Dunno. I can tell you what could be improved: Gestures, structure, proportions, anatomy, composition and since I bet you will want to preserve that lineart, also the line weight.

>> No.3264237

I'd red line, but the entire thing is broken, it's reminiscent if a drawing I made when I was 13. Start off at the very basics of human anatomy and poses if you hope to get anywhere

>> No.3264242

This is absolute crap and you know it. Either be helpful or don't say anything at all.

>> No.3264265

Just "everything" is not helpful, dude would redraw everything only to make the same mistake all over again.

>> No.3264274

> dude would redraw everything

>only to make the same mistake all over again.
to most people practice leads to improvements. It would be sad if he had already stagnated at that stage.

>> No.3264277

Not that anon but what they say is true. The drawing suffers from far too many fundamental flaws for a redline to be particularly helpful. This artist needs more mileage, plain and simple. It would honestly be more beneficial to return to simple construction exercises with cubes and tubes than obsess over improving this piece. No matter what corrects are offered it's going to be capped at a certain level by the lack of knowledge and experience.

>> No.3264280

*corrections, not corrects

>> No.3264281

>this is what some people actually believe
This kind of thread wasn't meant for people like you. I would advise you leave.

>> No.3264290

If you really want to improve you're going to have to face some hard realities, anon. I had to do it to get past that stage too. Drawing anime girls is fun and all but to do it and do it well you will eventually have to master capturing form and perspective to even start to use anatomical knowledge effectively. Drawing simple things like cubes, spheres, and tubes isn't as much fun, but it makes it a lot easier to practice those skills and internalize them so that the knowledge translates to drawing people or anything you want to draw.

>> No.3264293

If you want emotional support instead of technical critique then perhaps /i/ is more your style? That anon is right and telling it as it is is the nice thing to do if that artist really came here with improvement in mind. /ic/ is not "mom". We don't praise stuff just for the sake of pleasing. You should know this.

>> No.3264295

>this is what some people actually believe
some people have passed that level without any kind feedback.grow a pair and keep drawing

>> No.3264296

source on manga?>>3264100

>> No.3264297
File: 52 KB, 352x588, suke133panzer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is the anime?

>> No.3264299
File: 175 KB, 960x800, Silva_A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, any more specific on what exactly I did wrong? this is my reference for the pose.

>> No.3264304
File: 445 KB, 814x800, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not much of a weeb, but I'd say it's nice.
Here's a quick pass with the liquify tool, to fix those pesky proportions, and a sugested edit for the head - it's a little more western, so if that's not what you're going for, feel free to ignore.
A long term solution to your problems is steady lines, mainly. Drawabox, Dynamic sketching, Scott Robertson or some book on industrial design is where you can find exercises to improve your line quality.
Good luck anon, after that come back and we can talk about adding more perspective and volume.

>here's a redline
>jk, instead here's a misleading advice and a casual mention of my own artistic prowess
Oh geez, how thougtful of you, anon.

Buried in shitposts, apparently.
Is that pic yours, anon?

>> No.3264311

your proportions are fucked,head and chest are too big,tits and ass are just simbols not actually in perspective,legs aren't even in the same position...just draw more

>> No.3264315

I'm not the one you quoted about the redline but I don't appreciate you dismissing mine and the other anons' feedback like that. This anon genuinely needs to hear what we told him. You drawing his pictures for him isn't going to make him a better artist. It's like instead of teaching him how to work a math problem, giving him all the answers instead. How will he solve problems when you're not around? It does him a disservice to paint a pretty picture on top of such a flawed foundation. The fact he can't tell on his own the difference between the drawing he referenced and his own sketch means he's not likely to see or take advantage of the important changes you made. He can't even draw a confident line yet. I hope this doesn't lead him into the habit of polishing flawed drawings instead of doing the deeper work that's needed to properly execute one.

>> No.3264321
File: 148 KB, 1366x768, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to get the hang of colouring in an anime style, I was wondering if my picture looks better with or without the extra shading.General criquiqe on proportion is welcomed but I'm no where near even finishing the line work for stuff like her other hand and legs yet yet.

>> No.3264326

your source is already a caricature of real life. It's made by someone who understands real anatomy and can push it while still leaving the important hints and form language. Your caricature of this caricature shows little to none of those traits and it becomes a mockery of the real thing. You know that thing about learning to draw properly before doing anime. You don't need to do that if you just want to draw shitty cartoons and you can still get popular through other means. But if you want to produce anime art of a professional level then you have to study the fundamentals. That does not necessarily mean loomis and he in himself wouldn't be enough anyway but it does mean actual studies involving composition, gestures, anatomy, construction, understanding of lineweight/values etc. Try redrawing it and then comparing the two drawings. Or wait and look at it again at a later date.

I can understand why many don't want to bother with going into details. Most here don't want to bother with handholding kids who have been drawing for a week just so they can make slightly less terrible fanart.

>> No.3264328

I honestly like both, but they're both kind of different. I would probably go with the left just because it has more values to it. The one on the right feels a bit foggy like she's in a bright diffuse light.

>> No.3264332

The extra shading looks fine, however it's dark enough to look like a shadow area and it should be used that way. While the other colors have soft edges and blend in, I think you should use the darker color with sharper edges and less blending, placing it along the bottom sides of the hair where light won't be hitting. It's hard to describe in text but I mean for it to be similar to how there's light on her chin but a very dark shadow underneath her chin across her neck. So less areas where the dark color seems to fade up into the lighter colors and more areas where it looks like a shadow is cutting across.

>> No.3264333
File: 328 KB, 900x700, suke132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's mine

>> No.3264339

Got a blog? Like your style, would like to see more.

>> No.3264344

My deviant art is Nan-Nya, but I don't have anything in the way of a tumblr blog.

>> No.3264355

Absolute shit, start again and actually think about what you want to draw.

>> No.3264357
File: 64 KB, 814x800, Scathach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no intention to just abandon this work, though.

>> No.3264361

The head looks a little too small to me but it's a step up from last time, the bits of personality like the finger sticking up are good parts but the legs (specifically the back one ) still looks off and stiff

>> No.3264363

>I'm not the one you quoted about the redline but I don't appreciate you dismissing mine and the other anons' feedback like that.

The anon you quoted about the redline wasn't giving feedback, he was shitposting while masturbating about being better. He offered virtually nothing of value but the vaguest platitude (equivalent to 'work on your fundies'), and no, brainless put-downs like "it looks like something I made when I was 13" aren't valuable. 'Work on your anatomy' is also pretty fucking useless even if he does need to work on it, it's a lazy, half-assed "critique" that gives the person he's critiquing nowhere to go. At least the guy you're quoting offered him some resources and adjustments to show the dude what was wrong, instead of childishly going "it's wrong and I can do better, work on it"

>> No.3264364

The redline is a quick solution to his pending problem, that is finishing a piece he's been working on. A long term solution is, as you properly stated, improving line quality.

I wasn't necessarily dismissing you then, but a majority of replies were indeed either offering vague advice such as "everything sucks" or straight up ad-hominem and shitting on the work of the only person in this thread who had the balls to post something.
I don't know what else could possibly qualify as shitposting.

Left looks juicier because you shifted the hue as well, but I'd recommend waiting with those overlay gradients until you have the rest of the colors laid out. You might end up with inconsistent lighting.

Neat. Nice hand gesture.
You're out of my level of expertise, maybe someone else can give you a proper crit.

>> No.3264369

>I have no intention to just abandon this work
Getting over that is your first step towards improving.

It's consistent and follow a style. While it doesn't appeal to me beyond pretty colors I wouldn't call it shit.

>> No.3264373

these threads are shit

>> No.3264381
File: 365 KB, 852x1280, 05_011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I draw in the 60's manga style?

>> No.3264383

I'm not looking for crit desu

>> No.3264387

get a load of this cunt

>> No.3264389

What is up with these walls of text. Just redline and move on, Christ.

>> No.3264390

That's.. sorta true. Most pros seem to stick to the alt thread

Getting over what, exactly? Abandoning a work before you've identified and fixed the problem is one of the worst habits you can have as an artist.

>> No.3264391

jeez, that dog is ripped

>> No.3264400

Anon, plz. I can tell you have no clue about what habits are good for an artist who are trying to improve. But by all means, do things your own way. Eat junk food instead of your vegetables .

>> No.3264407

post work

>> No.3264408

I don't have any anime to post anon. Are you trying to derail the thread?

>> No.3264411

What are you, this anon >>3264304 , and maybe a few more other anon in this thread doing then?

>> No.3264412

If you can't back up your claims then why would anyone care what you have to say?

>> No.3264415

The question is more what this thread is doing on /ic/ is the ones posting in it doesn't want critique.

This is a display of cognitive dissonance. What claim is it that posting my work would confirm or deny? Explain this in a logical way that will not make you look stupid (That's a trick request).

>> No.3264443

All of you draw some anime or get the fuck out

>> No.3264454

says the guy not drawing anime.

>> No.3264467

Would the threads be improved if it was like the Post Your Work threads?

>> No.3264474


>> No.3264477

No. These threads are supposed to be for general discussion of how to stylize a drawing after anime and if any work is to be posted it should be specific exercises to that end. Honestly the guy who posted that picture for an individual critique should have posted it in the Alt thread.

>> No.3264484
File: 206 KB, 605x835, OIoAF0F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course! Nothing will be able to top my master piece here so my word would be law. If you disagree you are NGMI.

>> No.3264489

>What claim is it that posting my work would confirm or deny?
Everything you said? No one wants to take the advice of a rambling idiot who prefers talking more than drawing, would you listen to medical advice from someone who barely has any experience in medicine? Dumbfuck

>> No.3264491

Post your work shithead. At least live up to your own standards.

>> No.3264493


>> No.3264494

How is my work relevant when you're the one making claims? Another babbling retard exposed and going full butthurt. Keep giving shitty advice and sperging out when people ask to see you backup those claims.

>> No.3264502

What claims is it that you think needs to be proven by a drawing? Why is that question so hard for you?

>> No.3264511

>Why is that question so hard for you?
It's not? I just assumed you had two brain cells to rub together and could follow a reply chain

>I can tell you have no clue about what habits are good for an artist who are trying to improve. But by all means, do things your own way. Eat junk food instead of your vegetables .
Take a moment and look at this retard, this deep in the chain and he still refuses to post work and clings to any deflection he can so he can avoid posting his work and humiliating himself. We all know what comes next, more deflection and still no work. Few posts later he'll hope everything settles down and he can continue lording over people as if he could draw his way out of a paper bag.

>> No.3264521

anon, you got serious mental issues. Good practice habits are universal across fields and I could have told you that that anon is right years ago before I started on art just from lectures by pros.

You are asking for common knowledge to be proven by some anon posting drawings. Pretty stupid.

>> No.3264523

So uh....are these going to replace the Alt Style generals...?

>> No.3264528
File: 84 KB, 1200x1079, DPOsZOoVQAAxNzl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post some good anime thats worth studying

>> No.3264530

Just because it makes your FUCKIN dick wiggle doesn't make it good.

>> No.3264531

That's some serious projection right there.

>> No.3264532

>posts boring image of two lolis stretching and showing off their crotches to the viewer while wearing skimpy clothing

>> No.3264533

Lmfao let's see that common knowledge in action. Let's see the results of those good habits.

>> No.3264535

That neck is doing some weird shit

>> No.3264540
File: 110 KB, 736x537, 70a1515886dbb3a7d82e47117649ce06--battle-angel-alita-anime-manga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always liked the BAA style

I doubt anybody will be provoked into doing as you say by your stupidity.

>> No.3264541

No. I really regret that I don't have time right now to set up the exercises I wanted to for these threads. Next week I should be able to and I'm going to do my damnedest. The shitshow this thread is turning into is not what I was hoping for. Now that they're not being autopruned I want to see them get some real use.

>> No.3264545

Reminder not to reply to people who just want to argue in a circle.

>> No.3264555

>I doubt anybody will be provoked into doing as you say by your stupidity.
Right, because you know as soon as you post your embarrassing work it'd invalidate everything you tried to say. Blind leading the blind, in other words, someone who just wants to preach for the sake of preaching.

>> No.3264556

You're not the Op, I am. I don't know why you're pretending to be. Part of me still does not want to use my trip because I feel it's unnecessary. But this is getting ridiculous.

>> No.3264557
File: 206 KB, 835x1200, 1224261244246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3264563

Running away giving himself an out here

You are so meek it's pathetic, and you wonder why people don't take you seriously.

>> No.3264564
File: 9 KB, 688x157, DuXJIpt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For your own good you should probably step away from the keyboard and take a break from the internet.

>> No.3264568

Anyone have any idea on how to draw clothes like this?

>> No.3264569

Calm down, I'm not pretending to be you and never claimed I was the OP. If you thought because I said I hoped for better for these threads I was trying to impersonate you that's a misinterpretation. But I am the one who brought up doing exercises like taking a photo of a real person and translating it to anime, and I have other ideas like that. Several people asked me, linking specifically to my posts about that, to start the exercises and I want to, and when I have time I will. You haven't given any exercises or been directing these threads in any clear way that I can see after the first "revival" one, so I decided I would put them together and offer them to the threads if you didn't start doing so. Given how this thread is going, I would think you'd be glad someone wants to contribute something meaningful to these threads and help them along.

>> No.3264572

? Never said you were the same person retard. Take a moment and think.

>> No.3264573

come up with a design and fill in lines for the generally proportions/volume, establish a lighting direction and then fill in details/textures.

>> No.3264578

>? Never said you were the same person retard. Take a moment and think.

Whoever said you are stupid was right.

This is what you wrote:
Running away giving himself an out here

>> No.3264590

>grade school level grasp of english
I can see how you misconstrued in your eagerness for any leeway you can find, but wrong.

This post was the retard giving himself an out.

>> No.3264594

he can't even recognize his own stupidity

>> No.3264595

How can he be giving it to himself if it was given by another anon? I don't think people need a way out from just not replying to you anyway.

>> No.3264606


>Given how this thread is going, I would think you'd be glad someone wants to contribute something meaningful to these threads and help them along.

You're more than welcome to. I'm not going to babysit and maintain another general for another year of my life (why I remained anon). But the starting exercise from palmie was used at the start, then you suggested extra things derailing the plan I had laid out. This is why I put "casual as last thread" in the header, because direction is being guided by 2 people.

It's not that I don't appreciate your efforts (I do). I don't appreciate too many cooks. You and one other person suggested something even more /beg/ level than the basic head drawing lecture. Another for hand drawing. And so this creates confusion.

>> No.3264613

Yes, you do. This far and still no work

>because you know as soon as you post your embarrassing work it'd invalidate everything you tried to say.

>> No.3264619

i sure wonder why the mods were killing these great threads

>> No.3264621

I don't see how you think I derailed what you laid out when I only just gave suggestions for things to do in the last thread. There were at least two more before that without any exercises or directions that I saw anywhere, and I didn't even post at all in one of them. The only one of my ideas that I shared in the threads was for translating from photo to anime and I'd consider that a high-end intermediate to advanced level exercise, not a beginner one.
If you want to be the only one "running" these threads, then fine do it and you won't have people like me who have been unsatisfied with the lack of productivity wanting to step up and try to fix them. If you don't want to be the only one "baby-sitting" as you say, then I don't understand why you're complaining about other people coming up with ideas and sharing what they'd like to see happen here. You could work them into your plan and consider it less work for you having to come up with something on your own every thread.

>> No.3264631

Also, I don't see how the mere suggestion of other exercises we could do could keep you from arranging and posting your exercises. As far as I know you've been the OP of every thread, so you've had every opportunity to go ahead with whatever you had planned, no matter what else was being discussed. I had no intention of trying to take over as OP of the threads but since several threads went by with no direction and several people did ask me to expand on the idea I shared, I was prepared to do so, so that these threads would have some practical purpose even if nobody else helped me do it. But I haven't and as far as I've seen nobody else has done anything to tangibly interfere with you posting and directing whatever you had planned, and there's no reason you still couldn't, so please don't scapegoat me or anyone else for the fact that you didn't post something nobody knew you were planning to post.

>> No.3264632

>alt thread completely dead
>let's just shit up the catalog with more threads
yeah here's an idea, how about some anime hand threads? oh and a thread for anime eyes too, that should have an entirely new thread because..why? fuck it LOL

>> No.3264643

What about the cloth itself?

>> No.3264674
File: 13 KB, 236x344, eplio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1st thread was a random shitpost that got derailed into race debates. 2nd thread was repost. 3rd thread was an idea to continue anime discussion. 4th thread was an idea to turn it into a general; there was a first exercise. 5th thread went through moderation team. And here we are present time. I was OP for 2nd, 3rd, 4th , and 6th thread.

There was no idea of exercises until the 4th thread. And you and I both know (hopefully) that /ic/ is lazy. So giving everyone so many different prompts and very little people do them is asinine. Quite literally all I had in mind was anime aesthetic discussion among everyone. I only included the study aspect to merge the "anime study" thread together peacefully. I also had no intention of this thread replacing /alt/.

The discussion aspect is what would have made it become an autopilot thing for me so I don't have to quote on quote maintain it and have fun reading your guys thoughts on anime drawing.

Anyway, I'm simply correcting you that "I had time to implement something" when that's false, since it was only at the 4th thread right after 'anime study' general was deleted. And the only reason I'm replying to you right now is because of your quote on exercises when exercises was only an added bonus to the thread and not the core idea.

Basically no memestyle tier exercises please.

>> No.3264690
File: 864 KB, 618x800, media.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quote on quote
This like that "doggy dog" or "diamond dozen" thing lmao

>> No.3264700

Then I'm sorry I didn't realize your intention. The 4th thread was the first one of these threads I ever saw and you posted an exercise in it that you said you meant to include in the OP so I thought the idea of the threads was to discuss how to draw anime AND put that discussion into practice. I thought that was the point, what actually set these threads apart from the /alt/ threads, making them study threads specifically for anime whereas those threads are for getting critique that's mindful of stylization as opposed to the more realism and classical centered critique from the Draw Thread. The alt thread isn't specifically for anime.

>> No.3264703

I think that if these threads only contain discussion, they're not going to be very focused. I think they will continually devolve into debates over anime as a legitimate art form and whether westerners should adopt it and the endless circular arguments that always leads to. I think giving focused exercises based around specific aspects of anime aesthetic would be the best way to not only keep discussion focused but to give each recurring thread a fresh topic and practical use as a learning tool. If that's not what you want these threads to be, these aren't the threads I want to participate in. I won't fight you on it and I won't try to make my own threads to suit those purposes. I hope you're able to have a good discussion, I'll be elsewhere.

>> No.3264705

Found the furry

>> No.3264721


>I hope you're able to have a good discussion, I'll be elsewhere.

That's fine but I think you're being overly dramatic. The first exercise I kept it really basic. Anyone* can do it (or so they say in fine print). But when you have multiple people wanting something easier or wanting more then it becomes something else. And you, I'm referring to you here, really don't want to put in more effort than needed for /ic/ when threads like this reach bump limit in a matter of hours because of a few special needs anons.

Then you're going to have to either come up with a new exercise or repeat the same one. You're committing too much energy for no reason. I hope you realize what I'm saying but if not, take care.
wow too lewd

>> No.3264724

Nice work flow/process video right there. Love how you can appreciate each and every stage. Sketch looks good, ink, then it goes to digital.

>> No.3264725

How do I get this good

>> No.3264727

Draw a lot!

>> No.3264728
File: 424 KB, 2276x1600, 071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just give us a ref in the OP. Start by posting five sketches by Tezuka, Urasawa, Otomo, Toriyama, etc. and ask people to draw them in their own style.

>> No.3264735

No drama involved. I thought these threads were for one thing but they're apparently not. I was excited to do what I thought they were for, I'm not excited for what they are apparently for and what they have been for the last couple threads. I don't think it would take much energy to suggest a simple prompt for each new thread, and if the threads moved too fast it couldn be adjusted to a new prompt every two or three days while all threads in between keep the same one. That should be fine since presumably more people would be talking than drawing, it would give people time to draw the exercise if they wanted to and critiquing people's attempts at it gives even more ways to discuss the aesthetic device in question. I'm not leaving because I'm angry, I'm just not interested in hanging around for something that's not that. That would be something new here. Threads just talking about anime aren't new, I've seen what /ic/ has to say about it. I'd rather go draw.

>> No.3264738

This style is interesting, it plays itself to be simplistic by keeping line weight about the same all around from the faces, hair and body. The only areas in which it becomes thinner is areas of detail like the laces on the skates or the folds on the clothes. Also notice that the artist only uses three tones, but you don't even really think about that unless you counted them. There's no gradients, just flats. And once you notice the tones, you'll also notice that there isn't really an indication of a light source. You can see it in the hair because of the highlight glaring off of them, but else where? There is no shadows. The artists even had their body suit(?) black like it was a shadow, but it's really just the color of the clothes itself.

>> No.3264741

It sounds easy to you in theory. And you're very motivated now. But when you repeatedly make generals for years on multiple boards like me you just don't want to put your 110% into every thread. When you croak, the threads upkeep dies and spirals into something else. I'm just giving you some insight and I'll leave it at that.

>> No.3264742


>> No.3264745

Did anyone notice the head proportions on Kofuku? It's a little longer than two heads, but where the second head is measured to is about where the skirt length is making it more like a figure than a chibi once you draw on the legs after the skirt. I don't know if any one else has drawn chibi before, but the neck is usually omitted right? Or is it because the head is so big it covers it up? Would you see it from another angle? Although it is kind of there in this image since you can see the shadow being cast and that the shoulders obviously come to a close, it's just a tiny neck that essentially has no indication of such. The collar really helps frame it you could say. Since it might make you think necklace right? You were it around your neck, but it shows below the neck and more on your chest or the top of your sternum.

>> No.3264747

Why has nobody else pointed out that her head is enormous yet?

>> No.3264756

Senpai, that's just how manga looks like...

>> No.3264762

No way, look at this >>3264557 for example. Is this a manga too? Yes, it is! This page from Blame! is super dark, look at all those indications of shadow, especially on the bear and it's fur. You can really feel the texture of that bear. The walls have a small gradient, that you can just barely tell at the edge of the panel. But it fades into darkness right behind the bear. Like, absolute darkness, even though it likely is a path that goes somewhere. Not realistic lighting perhaps? I'm not sure, however, that's way more indication of light and shadow than the two ice skater girls. Also Nihei uses light to indicate certain stuff even if it's not exact local value, it's a way to balance and make them stand out from the overwhelming darkness, I would say. The backpack for instance and the girl(?). Killy's face is lit up too with pure white and some hatching around the nose and face just to indicate shadow, but it's not exactly correct in relation to the lighting because it doesn't have to be. Next panel after that really shows the bear's face head on, look at how dark the right side of his face is in comparison to Killy's. Completely different.

>> No.3264763


>> No.3264764
File: 290 KB, 1038x2048, DSY5aNgXUAEp4D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much do I have to grind realism to draw like this?

>> No.3264766

There's no exact answer, but if you keep drawing and learning about realism, you'll reach your goals!

>> No.3264777

Is that twist on the torso even possible? I've been trying to do it myself, but I can't.

>> No.3264778

Yes way. Obviously, not all manga looks like that but a lot do. It's nothing unusual to see an artists do his work in such a simple manner like you're making it seem, senpai

>> No.3264779
File: 943 KB, 736x1095, AsahiLight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also you can even look at >>3264100 which while it looks very similar, it brings to field a lot more complexity by introducing more elements such the folds in the clothes, the separation of hair details, as well as a whole other level of light and shadow interaction. Remember >>3264528 only has flat tones like, the black of the ink, the white of the paper and the grey screentone. This artist Akehi-chan(?), I think is her name doesn't look like she uses any screen tones for greys. Even though she could fill it in all black, she adds an area of crosshatching to indicate form and bring it to different effect than if it were just plain black. She completely does an amazing job with this on the skirt, like holy cow, what is she thinking? It's a spectacular result, can't even imagine how much work that must have taken to do. She carefully, balances out the skirt with the whites, blacks and hatching to not lose the form at all and it creates this amazingly realistic effect the skirt basically coming to life. Look for example at the right side, she lights up the skirt fold so that its form doesn't get lost with the completely dark side of the other side of the fold. Now, realistically, it probably wouldn't be completely black and could be hatched to be a mid tone, but she uses hatching more so for indications of life rather than indications of shadow. A bit up from the right side, you can see that the hatches here are crossed while the hatches on the left aren't. They create a different effect this way which is interesting. Some lines are thinner too, so I assume she must have used different pens as well. The hair is a whole other subject in which it seems to really depict the highlights with filled in areas, but just a bit of hatched lines to sort of blur them together like a transition of midtone. Also whatever hair color the girl in the top left has, it's completely blanked out, so if you want to make drawing manga less work on you, draw blonde characters!

>> No.3264780

T-thanks, friend. We'll all get there one day

>> No.3264801


>> No.3264813 [DELETED] 

>Also notice that the artist only uses three tones
He only used black and white.

>> No.3264842
File: 136 KB, 1000x1000, 05-01-2018-study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3264844

Good effort! If you want any help, just ask for it!

>> No.3264845

Thank you!
I only had the tablet (and as a consequence have been drawing) for a week now so I'll be sure to ask on the thread as questions pop up.

>> No.3264851

Good luck and have fun with your new tablet! It's alright to stick around for discussions too! If you have any particular style of some other artist you want to get closer to or get leads on but don't know how, definitely ask about it!

>> No.3264861

you need a better understanding of anatomy, period

>> No.3264896



>> No.3264913

Its always surprising to see decently drawn black people that are not just chocolate flavored anime people

>> No.3264927
File: 465 KB, 1578x1110, copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some copy i made in 20 minutes,result isnt exactly stellar but still way better than usual

>> No.3264933


>> No.3264937

Wow, you actually unironically need Loomis.

>> No.3264959
File: 314 KB, 1000x750, 01-05-anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love any tips or advice.

C's are copies, I's are imagination

>> No.3264962

I would ask what is your goal honestly.

>> No.3264963

So is this like a beginne's thread for anime where people can then advance over to >>3256965 when they get better?

>> No.3264965

No, this is a thread for the science and study of drawing anime and its aesthetics.

>> No.3264967

So far I would say Soejima's proportions mixed with Hirame's expressions.

Only thing I can think of so far is that I'm making the eyes too big.

>> No.3264973
File: 1.51 MB, 540x368, 1503806230621.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just watched kizu and now I want to learn how to draw in such a fapbait style

>> No.3264974


>> No.3264986

this kind of posts push me to get better thanks!
don't we all?

>> No.3264988
File: 539 KB, 1280x720, 4L_fqj9Tcc6.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post more process vids desu, I feel the easiest way for me to be motivated is to try to replicate an artists drawing process because I'll feel motivated from it

>> No.3264990

Proportions feel okay from what I can see of Soejima's art. His eyes can vary from small to big, but you haven't drawn any that can be considered too big for his proportions. I see a lot of characters with even bigger eyes than you've drawn. This does depend on the type of character though it seems. A happy go lucky or young girl would have larger eyes while more mature women have smaller eyes. He's not always consistent actually in some parts so I'm not 100% sure what game in particular of Soejima's style you want, but he does have the eyes spaced apart a bit more than you are doing right now. I'm not sure if that'll be weird for you or anything. You also mentioned Hirame for expressions, you definitely don't have that captured as well probably because you're more focused on proportions. Hirame has more exaggerated expressions unlike Soejima, although I've never really studied expressions, they're more anime like I would say. Your expressions stick closer to reality since your mouths don't stretch or turn into triangles and such. I'm honestly not sure beyond that because Hirame draws differently depending on the character each time. I do see a pattern of thin eyes or enlarged eyes with a simple mouth as an expression itself, so there's that. Not together, but for different characters. Also, both Soejima and Hirame do eyelashes which you don't have. They do them differently, and I don't know which you want, but I would tell you to pick one of them, I will guess Hirame since you want Hirame's expressions. It's up to you to play around with it though.

>> No.3264997

Try and make sure your female faces don't look the same, as in pay attention to what feature that set this one apart and try drawing males as that seems to be what most manga artists struggle with.

>> No.3265000
File: 59 KB, 470x345, heads up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's all in japanese

>> No.3265010


>> No.3265014

you are a faggit.better now?

>> No.3265039

Can you suggest some good book full of sketches and poses and shit I can trace like a good monkey ?

>> No.3265048

just stop moron

>> No.3265050

Eh, this is more like a drawing done by someone who has an okay amount of training, and one day he did this, either drunk or half asleep.

>> No.3265061

thanks for the yous shitposter,pls gimme more of them

>> No.3265067

epic xdd

>> No.3265069

>Unable to get the gist of it by looking at the complementary images.

>> No.3265075
File: 480 KB, 1845x974, 0cd49349ef176c7f665ff1cc4d22c4c4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some anime sketches..

>> No.3265088

you are so simpleminded that reverse psycology works nice

>top and profile
pretty good
>girl on right with katana
tits are too high,proportion are wrong like she has no organs below her ribcage,her arms are too short,her hips are too narrow,face features aren't placed right

overall good work keep going

>> No.3265106

*tips fedora*
*types like a 4 year old*
*fucks up spelling*
we'll put my felow rick and morty fan

>> No.3265109

what board do you draw on ?

>> No.3265117

ah memes!i love memes pls post more

>> No.3265125

Who is the artist?

>> No.3265151
File: 66 KB, 448x700, 1497236261369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3265155
File: 122 KB, 768x1024, DOz92qdVwAAHS1p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be able to ink like Shirahama Kamome!

>> No.3265161

I like this thread

>> No.3265169
File: 197 KB, 605x353, wUSQjpG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I think I finally get anime now. Let me just reverse engineer that shit.

>> No.3265178
File: 10 KB, 400x300, suke121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This one mostly


>> No.3265239
File: 842 KB, 858x1226, [Inoue Kiyoshirou] Houshi-iin no Oshigoto [English] [Anonygoo & The Randy Rabbit]_009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know a good tutorial on how to work with screentones in CSP? all I found on youtube was referring to old versions of the program, where doesn't seem to be the screen tone function built in the gradient tool anymore.

>> No.3265258

holy fuck

>> No.3265267
File: 1.16 MB, 1024x1035, 1503437220800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3265300

thanks for the link anon

>> No.3265315

Really, no one cares.

>> No.3265320

What's we should learn from this is that They all look legit with these deformation.

>> No.3265339

Far left isn't human and doesn't have a skeleton

>> No.3265359


>> No.3265367

sailor moon's skull is kind of cute, looks like a pokemon or something

>> No.3265421

The stomach twist is just wrong

>> No.3265453

You learn that infant proportions on the head, small waists, less ribs, collarbones,slender fingers and hip bones are aesthetic.

>> No.3265620

haha epic! XDD

>> No.3265628

hands are too hard.
i just want to draw cute hands.

>> No.3265650

Use softer lines instead of sharp lines.

>> No.3265668
File: 42 KB, 1594x864, guppi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so kawaii

>> No.3265723

lit shit

>> No.3265795


>> No.3265808
File: 203 KB, 1000x750, 15152249525492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that doesn't look like anime desu senpai you need smaller noses, lips and triangular faces

>> No.3265810


挑战者 means challenger, and that is an art challenge.

don't know about the other one though.

>> No.3265816

LUL fucking busted, get out of here no-drawer

>> No.3265819

>claiming that he got a right to be here by that standard.

post your own work, crab.

>> No.3265870

Lol most "pros' stick to the alt thread!! HAHAHAHAHA thats the funniest shit I heard all of last year.

>> No.3265872
File: 178 KB, 625x550, krita_2017-09-13_21-23-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is the best shonen shit artist? I wanna copy him

>> No.3265883
File: 320 KB, 416x526, ow92.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is his face supposed to be damaged ? also those shoulders/delts look like mandarins . probably murata

>> No.3265885

>thats the funniest shit I heard all of last year.
Where did you hear that?

>> No.3265888

thanks mang

>> No.3265897
File: 1.61 MB, 1694x1200, 1488538489890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're filled with lots of mistakes, but I still really like kyuri's art. The soft colors and atmosphere is really appealing, more so than most other artists I've seen.

>> No.3265904

I can guess where you are coming from but my guess is also that what you see as mistakes aren't mistakes at all. I see more mistakes in a lot of polished anime works, polish that seems to be what makes them appeal to the general target audience.

>> No.3265927

Well its rather consistent across their artworks that some anatomy gets morphed and proportions look strange, and often just scribbled over instead of completing. Not that bad there, but in other drawings sometimes it looks weird.
Like even on that one, the dark brown hair girl in the front's face looks really awkward when you look at it. A bunch of small things that if rearanged a bit more would be easy to fix.

>> No.3265969

>Like even on that one, the dark brown hair girl in the front's face looks really awkward when you look at it.

I disagree. It's more a matter of many's anime proportions often in general looking bad if drawn consistently correct.

To me to eyes, mouth and ear of the left front-girl isn't random at all. To me it shows that the guy knows how perspective would work while he still tries to stay true to his style. His understanding of flow and rhythm is what make you find it appealing. IMO that image shows that he actually knows how to draw better than many manga artist.

>> No.3265975

Anon, her facial features doesn't match her heard.

He's great, but saying its perfect is retarded. And his anatomy is consistently far from perfect which is what I'm saying. It still looks good because they're a good artist, it would jsut be better with good anatomy.

>> No.3265978
File: 175 KB, 626x1024, 1515134316010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3265979
File: 475 KB, 1200x1752, 05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man what the fuck is the secret to drawing expressive facial expressions and appealing heads in an anime-like style?

I love the art work of doujin artist like Sakurai Dai Energy, Hyocorou, and Eightman purely cause they draw some of the most radical facial expressions I seen in manga but I can never emulate it. No shape I try constructing heads with ever looks right, although I've always struggled with the head shape, especially the jawline.

Any tips?

>> No.3265980

>construct it
don't, just feel the expressions.

but for real, construction is useful, but sometimes you just have to say fuck it and do whatever just looks good.

>> No.3265992
File: 804 KB, 965x679, 3Gr05jP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her head is drawn in that style because it is "cute" the way a cheek pops out when you speak.

He's better than many manga artist I've seen just judging by that picture. Ignoring personal preferences of course.

Excuse my quick crappy redlines to show what I mean. There's an underlying structure that guides the placement of the features which is not something you often see in this perspective from your average manga artist.

>> No.3265995
File: 565 KB, 1113x1116, 20180106_214447-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this face alright ? im trying to do 3d bitches into 2d animu girls

i think the skull and the left eye are fucked

>> No.3265999

what the literal fuck are you trying to show anon?
Even your shitty red line should be obvious that he fucked up basic positioning, which is what I've been saying.

I brought him up, of course I like him, but he still has weak points like everyone else.

Also don't compare illustrations to manga art, manga art is not supposed to be compared to stand alone pieces of art. Pages like that are a rarity and noone has the time or energy to draw full illustrations for every panel. And as such their ability to draw a full illustration suffers because they're focused on comics, not illustrations.

>> No.3266000

Alright for what? Dunno what style you are going for. If you are asking about anatomy and general drawing critique then this isn't the place.

>> No.3266003

>what the literal fuck are you trying to show anon?
literally explained it
>There's an underlying structure that guides the placement of the features

Now i'm sorry I replied to you in the first place. You seem retarded.

>> No.3266004

Point of the question was, your redline is so god awful its impossible to tell what you're going for.

>> No.3266006

if it is alright to pass as animu or does look more like 3d wester

>> No.3266008

It looks like trash anon.

>> No.3266010

you must be half blind then. I can see it just fine.

>> No.3266012

but why

>> No.3266013
File: 633 KB, 1280x1868, 07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah my intuition always fails me when I'm trying to feel shit out, I could never draw an expression and then draw a head around it that looks right.

Also while I'd love to just rely on gesture I personally need something more solid, especially when I'm drawing to do page compositions for comics. I wanna be doing shit like this but I don't think I could just "feel out" any of those figures or faces, besides maybe basic ones.

>> No.3266102
File: 120 KB, 422x989, study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tried

>> No.3266123

love your taste in manga btw

>> No.3266169

Lines are unsure and wobbly but nice try btw

>> No.3266236

>just because she makes your dick wiggle doesn't make her beautiful

>> No.3266241

You are both right. Besides, wiggling is for the wiggle thread.

>> No.3266547
File: 461 KB, 512x512, hCewcIP[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just a retard's opinion, but from my limited experience, how you should approach heavily stylized anime (especially faces and expressions) is a lot like how you would approach pixel art. It's borderline impossible to base everything on construction - you simply have to put down a few marks, quickly check whether it reads correctly/"feels" correct or not and adjust accordingly. You also always need to take into account the surrounding marks and features as they can greatly affect and distort how your shapes read. It's hard to break this down into a general and formulaic process and it's simply something you will have to get a feel for through experience.

I guess a good start is to simply look at and analyze anime stills, manga panels and art, both good and bad ones, and try to figure out why and when it works or not.

>> No.3266591
File: 279 KB, 466x742, vidyachara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this anime enough?

>> No.3266650
File: 600 KB, 2220x2423, _20180107_141859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the way I draw noses look okay?? I would use dot noses, but they just make my girls look like voldemort

>> No.3266665 [DELETED] 

why don't you just outline a nose instead of trying to using alternative geometry to try and symbolize a nose? Might work

>> No.3266682
File: 26 KB, 688x644, sketch2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a weeaboo phase and then a westaboo phase in which I tried to stray as far from anime as possible.

That was all before 2010 and I haven't drawn since. Now that I'm thinking of starting a comic (casually, to see if I'd enjoy it) I find my art style pretty butchered, I can't really follow either style and I'm having a hard time telling what looks good and what looks like total shit. It's as though style-wise I'm still having some sort of teenage identity crisis.

Any advice? On anything, really.

>> No.3266684

Dot noses are not nostrils. They are nose outlines shortened towards the tip to the limit.

>> No.3266690
File: 125 KB, 540x675, IMG_20161105_000334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, but it just makes them look like they haven't got a nose, the faces I draw aren't small enough,,

>> No.3266691

do you like clowns anon?

>> No.3266692

>look like they haven't got a nose
That's the point anon. Noses are not cute and they should be hidden on your anime girls.

>> No.3266693

I mean, have you attempted anything recently in terms of anime styled artwork?

>> No.3266696
File: 121 KB, 571x669, _20180107_144643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want kawaii desu grills

>> No.3266698
File: 64 KB, 960x720, lodoss_bd_new1-1200x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem with this thread is that there is a common misconception about what anime is.
Apparently, if the nose isn't nearly non-existent (or very simple) with huge eyes it doesn't count

Look at this >>3264959

It's not the first time this has been happening. You might as well rename it "How do I actually fucking draw moe"

Even when a westerner manages to draw moe successfully there is always something that let us know it's not from Japan? There is something and I quite don't know what is it. Maybe >>3266547 is onto something

>> No.3266707

don't do noses like these if you don't know how they work

>> No.3266737

the picture you posted has a dot nose, except there's a strange stylized shadow that's circular and looks fine. You just drew the whole nose as a circle.

>> No.3266741
File: 601 KB, 1414x1000, 64325661_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no misconception. I'd say a lot of people here are trying to draw in the cute style that appears a lot in animation these days. There's a few people looking to go for a style like in your picture but obviously, they aren't here now.
I think the times when you can tell that a westerner drew anime, they ended up copying an element because it's present in other examples rather than intentionally putting it there to get an effect, if you get me.
Like >>3266547 said, you can't construct everything. You just have to wing it. Many people on ic are always trying to measure and guideline everything but I think most people (and from what I see on pixiv and stuff) just put some shit down for the face and eyeball the rest

>> No.3266743
File: 780 KB, 1759x1110, 1489046997227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is always something that let us know it's not from Japan
Traditional Eastern art put expression above realism. To them reality only applies when it goes with the artist's message, and not when it's against. Their culture developed an aesthetic sense of balance from dealing with abstraction for centuries.
Westerners tend to miss that fine balance and either let too much realism seep into their drawings, because that's what their art tradition commands, or go all-out "rebellious" and disregard reality altogether.

>> No.3266797
File: 3.46 MB, 1800x7324, chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no misconception. It just so happens that it is the current trends. Point to me on this chart for this season what looks exactly like the pic you posted. 80% of it is moe and the remaining 20% is experimental style, or a leeway into semi realism.

>> No.3266809

To be fair the humans in classic anime kinda look like shit with only a small amount of exceptions, why would you want to emulate that style?

>> No.3266812

>smirk girl getting an anime
Picked up

>> No.3266828

>The humans in classic anime kinda look like shit
What is considered "classic" anime
Everything prior to 2000? There is at least 4 decades of animation before that with a broad range of variations.

By humans I believe you mean "cute anime girls" because otherwise it's the complete opposite. Males have never looked less than males in the current anime era

>> No.3266830
File: 1.81 MB, 1870x2794, 1404002183571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3266845
File: 129 KB, 900x500, 1499935016804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cute anime girls
in general people looked like shit. The style was in its founding stages and people were still working out what was appealing.
Its cherry picking but take murata's art in one punch man, the men look far better there than they do in most the older anime. But at the same time they display many of the same principles as the more "moe" type art. especially on men who are supposed to have a more elegant style vs a rougher blockier style.

If you look at modern anime men still look like "men" when they're supposed to be manly rough and tough characters, its just that those aren't the type men that are appearing these days. Thus the hard features on their faces gets smoothed down to give off a less rough vibe.

>> No.3266932

It's amazing how the appeal level increased tenfold the moment they stopped harshly shading the faces to shit in the early 00s

>> No.3266948


>> No.3267106
File: 557 KB, 768x836, witchqt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my lines are shit, but how do you r8 the proportions and construction? give me the red line, please

>> No.3267134

Holy shit this is literally me.

I wanted to draw more of a western superhero comic style for awhile but when I went back to drawing more anime style it looked worse from when I left it. Now I'm struggling with my art style.

>> No.3267182
File: 200 KB, 836x1200, kaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even your shitty red line should be obvious that he fucked up basic positioning
Just so we are clear, i'm not exactly following up the discussion so i don't know if this is what you are talking about, but "incorrect" positioning is very very common, especially when trying to draw cute (just see some chibi draws)
look at top right panel on pic related, you don't really think the artist messed up the mouth positioning like that accidentally, right?

>> No.3267223
File: 1.05 MB, 1113x1080, 1515003951983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate when someone's child does something normal and then they just go off thinking their child is a wizard or some shit

>> No.3267228

You would be glad to find out your child was actually normal too, anon.

>> No.3267366
File: 38 KB, 462x800, 1515332728376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at the pic you posted. There is a strong contrast between the eyes and the mouth and the rest of the face value wise. But between the nose and the rest of the face is as much contrast as between his cheeks and the rest of the face. And I suppose I don't have to tell you why drawing that line in lineart makes the person older right?

Consciously, we are more aware of the nose because of it's function and elevation, but when looking at a person, subconsciously, we don't pay much attention to it because of the reason I wrote early. Profile makes exception because obvious reasons.

And if you noticed, anime does just that. When a character is in profile you see the nose drawn, and when not, like with that kid, it would be draw with the line of contrast between the side of the nose and his right cheek, the line of contrast from his undernose, or, draw the shadow, because that's what we actually see. And all that while keeping the lines to a minimum length because, just like with that cheek, if you would draw the line all the way from the side of the nose to the underside of the mouth, it would make the person look older.

Obviously, with full rendering and full value range, and not just lineart, you would paint the nose as it is because the media allows it to. The difference between the west and the east is the background. One used in linedrawing a tool which allowed a wider range of values, the pencil, while the other used a tool which did not, a ink brush. The result on one side is attention to detail, and on the other is attention to the contrast And again, since the nose doesn't have such a big contrast on the face as the eyes and the mouth, it doesn't get as much attention in anime.

>but anon, what about eastern style artists which drew all the time with pencil and still do the nose thing
background, when you change tools you still use your old habits right? and peer influence, when you see a style all around you default to that when you start out

>> No.3267371

note: when I said background I didn't want to mean the actual background, but the history behind the current time

>> No.3267409

is that Hyocorou?

>> No.3267433
File: 482 KB, 842x1248, WWF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3267456
File: 140 KB, 1200x594, IMG_20171227_184027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know of any good manga/doujin artists who stream themselves drawing comics regularly? It's easy to find art streams but i can never catch people drawing comics besides Miura. I'd love to see people drawing using CSP or PS, hopefully gain some insight on how they make comics by watching.

Also very useful to catch their brush settings or seeing them in the sketching/composition phase which is what I'm looking for.

>> No.3267462

Correcto. Love his lineart and expressive bodies. He's a big goal for me to reach.

>> No.3267487

You missed all the artists working on their stuff for C93. They were streaming for hours on pixiv

>> No.3267492

link on the said stream? Will look for other available artists streaming

>> No.3267493

Before all of that, have you tried to make a comic by yourself?

>> No.3267497

You shaded it on the wrong side too. You made it look like she has a dent on her face

>> No.3267499
File: 124 KB, 561x229, raibu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were all, like, temporary links. But if you go to the pixiv main page, there's a list
Or just check on pixiv sketch

>> No.3267500

Did you make this?
Looks similar to gainax/trigger style

>> No.3267502

Try making multiple face practice instead of just one and share them to us

>> No.3267503

Kohei Horikoshi
Yusuke Murata

>> No.3267504

>Honestly the guy who posted that picture for an individual critique should have posted it in the Alt thread
We're not allowed to post anime artwork on an anime thread?

>> No.3267505

Toriko. You can't look at that and not tell me it's not shounen. It's manly as fuck.

>> No.3267506

thanks f a m

Might also be good to post speedpaints of anime artists here. I'll come up with links after I get back home from work

>> No.3267508

You are, but not what that guy who drew Scath was doing. He wanted fundamental critiques rather than style critique. You could already tell it was anime from a glance and even all the replies were giving him a critique on fundamental flaws. A good example of help was when that guy posted an attempted anime style that looked western and the thread turned it around into an eastern anime look.

>> No.3267511

the guy who drew r mika?
That was an interesting one. I'm hoping to see more of that and might as well join in

>> No.3267522
File: 68 KB, 185x218, abZ0vDd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol. Did Picasso draw this?

>> No.3267524

Superior 2010 ~ 2020 soon.

>> No.3267529

as long as it looks appealing, then it's fine
Asians trying to emulate anime style aren't that anal with fundies compared to westerners

>> No.3267532

>as long as it looks appealing, then it's fine

That's my problem with it. I don't think it's appealing.

>> No.3267533

your green line is the unappealing one t b h

>> No.3267535
File: 85 KB, 466x781, 05-01-2018-study-LINEART.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trained lineart with the pen tool today

>> No.3267536

Oh wow, anime Dreamworks face.

>> No.3267537

they are both unappealing. With the greenline I just emphasized what it is I find unappealing. I'm okay with it being even more unappealing.

>> No.3267540

Nice! It looks a lot better after being cleaned up!

>> No.3267543
File: 245 KB, 713x1172, DR_QYQfUQAA_p61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And thanks mang I'm currently looking at yoshinari's style at the moment. Here's an earlier one, though it's kinda messy

>> No.3267561

very nice, anon
do you have a blog?

>> No.3267568

These are nice. Gotta a blog?

>> No.3267652
File: 103 KB, 546x706, shizu-chan my wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C-could I get some feedback? Please be honest, but don't bully.

>> No.3267654

I have. it's kinda of a breeze whenever I have a tight script to work off but when I don't composing is a nightmare that takes weeks and eventually stops me. Always get stuck trying to think of scenes or panels to lead into the next plot point, but that's about my only big weakness.
Also haven't even tried my hand at having to render multiple pages but screentones are simple enough to work with.

Oh fuck, I never realized pixiv hosted livestreams. I'll definitely be keeping on eye on that from now on. Anyone know when next big doujin con in Jap would be happening?

>> No.3267664

Looks good anon

>> No.3267666

Stop copying anime.

>> No.3267667

kawaii XD

>> No.3267670

lines are too thin
I can't see shit

>> No.3267673
File: 188 KB, 640x456, 57203528_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I notice that a lot of Japanese artists who draw characters from western cartoons always seem to be really good at it, making them incredibly expressive, moreso than their western counterparts. What kind of resources are these people getting to learn this way, does anybody know what kind of books or resources they have? I'd love to draw like a westaboo

>> No.3267674

I'm assuming this is a sketch but if it isn't finish rendering. Use solid black lines, add shading, increase contrast, etc etc. Not my type of anime style but it's passable and people who dig that look would like this if that's the answer you wanted.

>> No.3267692

Thanks, anon-senpai
What do you mean?
I see. I'll try to use darker lines. Thanks, anon.
I just wanted to see what was wrong with my drawings so I could do it better. It was just a sketch, but I guess I could try what you said. Thanks, anon-senpai!

>> No.3267698

The lines are fine so much as you color it.

>> No.3267701
File: 350 KB, 837x1433, wt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3267702
File: 2.01 MB, 600x450, 2-5a1ccc683a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Westaboos tend to retain the cartoonish body of a character while mixing some anime style in it. See their expressions, actions, body language etc they all have that anime feel to it.

thanks, it's mrpuripurin
But I post bl and weird stuff there that might be cringy for /ic/'s standards. Just a heads up

>> No.3267705

I don't know what western artist you have been limited to but that's not true.

>> No.3267708

both west/east style are expressive in their own way. Personally, I like the westaboo style because it's more stylish/aesthetic to look at

>> No.3267731

Line stroke needs to be more defined. Also needs more line weight

>> No.3267739

DeviantArt or some other hugbox for the lazy and incompetent seems more your speed. If you actually want to improve, start grinding linear perspective exercises and build your figures from/inside primitives like KJG, Krenz, etc once you’re competent at sketching out shapes in three point perspective.

>> No.3267746
File: 807 KB, 1024x1528, 34AFD3CB-E9F8-450B-A11D-DAAD9BB601B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember not to neglect learning how to draw scenery, lads.

>> No.3267751
File: 260 KB, 1900x600, animie practice day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3267755

profile and 3/4 not tooo bad.... Although that eye on the right in the 3/4 view is a bit too big. But that face and those eyes on the 3rd drawing from the left. Eyes legit look like bug eyes.

>> No.3267756

A good exercise for this thread would be to post a /co/ related character and draw it in anime style

>> No.3267757

Guess this turned into another beginner's critique thread

looking at the wheels that bike seems a bit warped

>> No.3267758

>Not knowing the very language of art

>> No.3267760

Nice, looks better than an actual skeleton. Except the one on the left.

>> No.3267771
File: 215 KB, 900x900, product-141-main-original-1415039266[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So anime head = baby skull basically
Except for the left one, it sucks anyways

>> No.3267778
File: 380 KB, 915x1296, Elf Waifuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Can't draw the nipples fucking lol.
I will try more anime until a month later.

I'm used to realistc drawing so I have problem with anime style. Also I'm trying so hard with anime style that I forget perspective sometimes.

>> No.3267792
File: 149 KB, 605x835, P1u44bT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most good anime is heavily inspired by outside influences so not much practice there.

I may be biased but I always found European comics superior to both American and eastern that mostly tend to be factory produced concept productions (Another multiverse marvel version and yet another manga about some school).
This is just a quick small sample from random search words.

Most good scifi seem to have roots from EU too (Alien design, star wars(Heavily inspired by valerian, not the movie), etc).

>> No.3267796
File: 1.43 MB, 1779x1808, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After multiple attempts I realize about these issues.
I’m not creative enough to design, and make style.

I need to learn
hair cuts
Eyes styles (anime)
Skull ( proportions of a child face)

I will like any recommendations of books, art books, with these subjects or any recommendation how to approach these studies.
Even websites

>> No.3267806

Go onto pixiv or danbooru or whatever site you use, select a tag and then just go through all the nice pics you see and study them.

>> No.3267807

go to the artbook threads and study whatever animu artbook you can download. There's fuck tons of it

>> No.3267904
File: 104 KB, 800x600, DSJVRKFVoAEb7eC.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

COMITIA is in february、Retaisai in may, Comiket in august

>> No.3267966

New thread


>> No.3268159

>page 4

>> No.3268160

It was made on page 3 actually.

>> No.3268183

Wait for it to reach page 10 ya bums

>> No.3268184

It was just one guy anyways, who knows why he decided to make a new thread so soon.

>> No.3268202

For some reason I thought this thread was dead and posted in the alt one. Anyway here's what I did for the assignment thing, what do you think?


>> No.3268205
File: 59 KB, 800x768, p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3268212
File: 18 KB, 320x320, kantan deshou ne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was deleted as you may see

Follow simple rule: wait to page 9 or 10 and do not use a loli image. This isn't an /alt/ replacement.

>> No.3268215

>do use a loli image.

>> No.3268316

It's pretty mesmerizing putting these two on different browser tabs and alternating between them, not only because of the obviously stylized features but also because the edit somehow nailed it without looking like it was drawn by a westerner. Saved for future reference.

>> No.3268433
File: 132 KB, 500x500, suke133u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will you bakas learn?

>> No.3268439

It's not really what OP was trying to do, but whatever helps you, anon.

>> No.3268449
File: 56 KB, 460x522, shippygirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picking up drawing again after a month of breaks/doing irl shenanigans
that animation reminds me of moomin
regardless of what animation style its suppose to be, i love it

>> No.3269000
File: 32 KB, 606x58, ???????.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reverse psychology
>but they did what you told them to


>> No.3269006

>page 9 or 10
>not using catalog

>> No.3269035

please use at least a decent op image on the new thread

>> No.3269054

and actually post some useful references and studies instead of going on a 50 post back and forth tirade about some unrelated garbage

>> No.3269077

shutup lazy bitch

>> No.3270094

Scratch this. The OP pic here looks great. The one in the pruned thread is too moe

>> No.3270171
File: 19 KB, 192x182, 1499611108236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3270209

you're welcome

>> No.3270727
File: 463 KB, 500x281, 879cbdde510096ef37be0f970c0ec64ae0f3715623aefff33a2b831c4b7744c7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pleasing to the eye and cute, but doesn't get me hard.

>> No.3270735

try finding a brush. There's one in one of these, but I forgot which: http://digitalbrushes.tumblr.com/

>> No.3270739

>younger sibling had to go to speech therapy for years
>Baby bro will probably have to go, too
You should be very happy

>> No.3270774

Thats cause you are a grill and grills don't get hard

>> No.3270877

I still didn't get wet. There