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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 304 KB, 1157x1410, 1506271886606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3263360 No.3263360 [Reply] [Original]

How different does your drawing have to be from a reference before others accuse you of tracing?

>> No.3263363

You don't use one reference, you're supposed to use multiple references. Making this kind of thing not happen

>> No.3263365

Non-artists will always accuse you of tracing if they find your reference, they're stupid though because tracing is exact. They don't understand you can achieve near perfection copy skills, but it'll never be 100% the same unless you trace.

>> No.3263367

Id say avoid copying things like the pose and such. The shot is spot on as well so the artist hadn't even tried adding anything to the ref.

>> No.3263369

>take picture of yourself posing
>trace/reference, whatever with that
not hard

>> No.3263370

pillows are obv different

>> No.3263385
File: 893 KB, 1025x800, d2a550c9d5db4dcca0f614816c7ca485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dunno op

>> No.3263495

just don't trace, understand your reference

>> No.3263497

>but it'll never be 100% the same unless you trace.

No one is asking for a 100% copy of a photo though. It has no value to anyone and always looks way worse than anything not "perfect" drawn by a confident and skilled artist. Normies and artists alike rightfully look down on hacks like you.

>> No.3263500

I was literally taking your stance. You misinterpreted my words.

>> No.3263573
File: 62 KB, 482x600, 1349966798516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I say it like in any other monthly 'am I allowed to trace'? thread.
you are doing yourself a disservice. drawing and tracing are not the same things. I enjoy drawing, tracing is boring. so if drawing is really your passion, why would you want to rob yourself from that experience?
if you have fun tracing, then trace away anon. don't listen to the fuckers. if all you want is the end result and you like it, then just do it.
but to me, the route is the goal.
just don't steal someone else's work and sell it as your output. if you're not profiting from it, what's the big deal? it's your life.

>> No.3263575

Reducing the age of the girl by like 10 years usually does the trick.

>> No.3263594

You should have an idea in your head and the use of multiple refs should help you to draw it correctly and with detail, for your work to be considered original.

>> No.3263619


Whether or not your art is traced is a very middle school kind of question.
When you reach a intermediate level of drawing you will be able to copy a photo with decent accuracy without too much trouble. It's not an advanced skill by any means and no one with the least bit of skill is impressed by a decent copy of a photo.

The real issue is that the reference photo is immediately recognizable. If you an identify the reference photo you are doing it wrong.

>> No.3263660

Poses are arn't owned by anyone. Nobody owns poses, thats like saying someone owns the human body. Using a ref for a specific pose shouldnt be too bad and shouldn't be plagiarism. But if you copy too much such as detail and style then people will question if you copied or traced.

>> No.3263666


>> No.3263958

You get and idea, you compile a bunch of DIFFERENT images that might help you translate your idea from your head into the drawing. For example: I'm working on a drawing where there's a lot of ravens. I've never drawn a raven before. So I did some studies from photographies. Studies can be 1:1 because they're studies. After that I downloaded a bunch of pictures of ravens in different poses. Now, I don't plan on copying those pictures. Some of the pics the ravens are in poses that wouldn't fit the piece, but I still got them because it helps me to understand better how their bodies work. That's the job of a reference in my opinions. There are those who would set an entire scene to pre-visualize their work before doing it, kinda like Rockwell did, and that's fine too. Too much work in my opinion, I rather start as soon as possible. It can also happen that you get an idea for an illustration after seeing another picture. Maybe say that you like the pose of a person in a picture. It's okay to use it as a reference, but try to find different pictures of people doing that pose, it will help you see the different ways you may have to approach said pose. In case you wanna copy from a single picture because you're deliverately trying to reference that picture, then source it as your inspiration when you post the work.

>> No.3264007

Why would anyone care if the porn was traced. as long as it wasn't for a commission its fine, if the commissioner wants a traced pic that's fine too since it's just porn at the end of the day.

>> No.3264661

Absolutely disgusting. That is the most roastylike 2D I have ever seen. You ruined it.

>> No.3264706

There are no rules. Does the end result work? Did you steal another artists work and claim it as your own? If you answered yes and no then it doesn’t matter how you got there otherwise

>> No.3264759

This isn't /r9k/ faggot.

>> No.3264768

i learned gesture drawing and fluid shapes quite well from a lot of tracing

>> No.3264798

depends on the people, a while ago, like years now i guess there was some artist on cgpeers or whatever who had used tons of reference all stitched together to make a scene, sort of like photobashing, and she caught tons of shit for that even though in most circumstances it'd be fine. like one of the references was a flower, i mean come on.

>> No.3264800
File: 470 KB, 558x821, 1_by_linkense7en-d66vfnq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no rules. no care. only results matter, even if it looks like ass. just so long as you deliver and make that pleb wage.

>> No.3265231

yes, tracing can be a very valuable training tool. though that didn't seem to be OP's question.

>> No.3265257

I only trace when I am drawing porn for myself.
I also don't share it, and I don't sell that art.

I only draw as a hobby, I can't really see the harm of doing it as long as I do things the right way when I actually draw to improve, not just to have something to rub one out to.

>> No.3265483

If you use a particular reference and someone accuses you of tracing, show them the overlay. If you truly didn't trace, there will be a ton of discrepancies like slightly different proportions and thicknesses to the point that it is obvious you didn't do it. Or show your raw layers.

>> No.3265484

>implying they won't just move goalposts

>> No.3265490

If people are accusing you of shit they usually aren't worth responding too.
I wrote some silly hentai strip and I drew the entire thing off the top of my head, yet some no name artist accused me of tracing their art and I told em to fuck off because arguing seriously isn't worth time

>> No.3265509

I don't understand how this is bad? specially if you are using a photo... it MUST be as similar as possible since it is validation that what you are making is actually possible / similar to real life.

If you are drawing a number 1 you DO the fucking number one as in "1", not an "i" or a "7", even if you have photographic memory people can find a photo that looks 90% similar to your "imagination" since there is so much ways you can draw a human body.

Hell, photo REFERENCES are used to tell why

>> No.3265520

Non artists and shitters know nothing. Artists don't like tracing because it's obvious and looks like shit. Not to mention doing an exact copy is almost never as good as fixing the gesture a little.

>> No.3265618

>it's a tracers try to rationalize tracing
Look there's some minor differences when I overlay it! It's totally not because when I was tracing I made minor edits or changes, I'm just REALLY good at copying references!

>> No.3265626
File: 1.24 MB, 858x1024, tumblr_o1bwpoE9zl1r7nbrao1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get your cutie partner to be your model. Worked for Leyendecker.

>> No.3265640


You're doing it wrong if you can identify the reference photo from your drawing, anon.

>> No.3266073

Well you shouldn't really use a reference photo to copy it to a T. Just the "idea" of the pose really. Everything else should be in your own style with your own ideas.

>> No.3266083

Not easy when you're a fat fuck trying to draw appealing human beings of the opposite sex

>> No.3266105

you must be new here

>> No.3266880


No, you are doing it wrong if the drawing differs to much from the reference, the reference is the PROF that what you are drawing is possible, it must look mostly the same.

>> No.3266983

Fair. At that point, they're just being faggots.

>> No.3267045

wao sauce?

>> No.3267047

>No, you are doing it wrong if the drawing differs to much from the reference

imagine being this retarded

>> No.3267074


>> No.3267335

Honestly If someone accuses you of tracing, I like to think along this line "Motherfucker who cares"

Since, even if you don't copy, eventually it will be impossible to not accidentally mimic a pose twenty artists have done before.

Using a reference is really useful, it jsut helps to only use it as a reference, or to use the pose as a template at maximum, that way if it's your style going into it, nobody can really accuse you of tracing unless they're fucking retarded, or your style is REALLY similar to another's which happens literally all the time.

>> No.3268203
File: 34 KB, 342x298, 1467359093286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always a worrying topic considering with how many photos and art there are and ever was, and how anatomy and angles can only do so many things, there are bound to be exact matches by chance, no? does anyone consider this?

this too

>> No.3268206

>implying the people who have been hardcore raised to put essays through a computer that says that possibility of exactly matching is impossible will believe that a drawing can be in anyway not copied when matching

>> No.3268211

there are at least a hundred thousand ways to write something NOT including time period, culture and other tongues
there are only so many outcomes of a pose including angles

>> No.3268408
File: 288 KB, 620x1050, 10 years at an atelier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw traced for 10 years and internalized all my anatomy that way
>tfw can recognize novice tracers instantly from my decade of experience
I went through all the same rationalizations in my head too. No one owns poses, there's bound to be similar poses, if I make some changes people won't be able to overlay them exactly and I'll have an out, etc. We're all the same. We just want it the easy way.

>> No.3268463


To be fair, you usually don't need to have traced much to recognize novice tracers. Usually they're got the same shitty flat outlines.

>> No.3268482

I don't care about tracing. If you trace 100%, you add nothing to the photo. So your art is just a realistic drawing and those are worthless. After all why would a drawing that looks exactly like the photo be any better than the photo? A drawing that has the same value as a photo has the same value as someone's selfie.

But when you add something else you're adding value. By turning the woman into a trap you're exercising creative skill. There's no photo of that trap, because he's a fictional character, doesn't exist in real life. So a drawing which adds his face to anything is infinitely better than a drawing that just looks like the photo.

I'd also like to add that most realistic drawings are boring. If you traced two guys fighting, it'd be boring. But if you traced two guys fighting and added sword and magic and glowing blonde hair, that'd be much more interesting.

I believe that is art.

>> No.3268544

>take a photo or three
>copy it
>embellish the vascularity on the dudes and the hooters on the ladies
>add some fantasy or sci-fi shit
>make millions
You are now Frazetta. Or Kelly. Or Vallejo. They all did the same thing.

>> No.3268984

>needs 10 years at an atelier to see novice tracing

>> No.3269018

Tracing is for lazels... (or concept artists running out of time & complete beginners)

>> No.3269499

>Since, even if you don't copy, eventually it will be impossible to not accidentally mimic a pose twenty artists have done before.

This. There's only so many poses the human body can do and so many angles to tastefully/dynamically present them everyone's going to face some overlap time to time.

>> No.3269599

tracing != reference