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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3258754 No.3258754 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people crab here? A positive learning environment is conducive to learning, if we all encourage each other we all win. We really need to address the crabbing problem

>hateful shitposting just for the sake of being mean
>discouraging people to redline by shitting on them
>dismissive bullying disguised as "critique"
>giving people the wrong advice/resources to throw them off
>actively discouraging people from making art threads

Can things change in 2018?

>> No.3258755 [DELETED] 

I don't want to encourage you just so you can be bad and learn how to stay bad.

>> No.3258762

I can't even find the fucking draw thread anymore. Christ.

>> No.3258767


>> No.3258986

There are two types of haters. The first hate misinformation caused by noobs guiding noobs. The second are third worlders that are desperately trying to make a living out of this and who hate everyone they consider 'talented'.

>> No.3260161

I try to do my part.

>> No.3260163
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>> No.3260167

>hurr gotta be like old masters grind real life all day
Dust off your pen you dinosaur, technology has changed the way people can learn.

>> No.3260172

Careful bro you might get screencapped by a fat redditor

>> No.3260174
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>tfw 2012 was a lot better than it is now
Can't change people especially if they're from 4chan you change by moving away from ic.
Expect things to be the same but worse

>> No.3260194

Because positive people are annoying.

>> No.3260201

>A positive learning environment is conducive to learning, if we all encourage each other we all win
lol, no, see tumblr for proof.

>> No.3260202

They can draw better than /ic/.

>> No.3260213

>haha im gonna call him fat, that means im right and i win the argument
>brb gonna go trace some anime

>> No.3260214

This. Most of the useful threads are on 5th fucking page or something. And don't tell me to use the catalog you faggot.

Said it before will say it again the mods are complicit because they should be shutting this shit down before it takes over the front page but no.

>> No.3260219


>> No.3260281

You're literally asking 4chan to not be 4chan.

Why not try and start a community somewhere else? Why does it have to be here?

>> No.3260292
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Have you never heard of ecorche tracing studies? Both Scott Eaton and Proko use this as legitimate study methods.

Transposing images and making le funni zooms doesn't make you more right

>> No.3260299

successful jewish plot to keep the aryan anon from reclaiming the art world from their cynical anti-beauty memes

>> No.3260303

>a crab went to this much trouble to try to convince other people that 'le tracing so bad lol ic ridiculous xd'

>> No.3260380
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>learning fundamentals is a waste of time

>> No.3260382

This is literally nightmare fuel.

>> No.3260384

>people are actually defending tracing ITT

What the fuck? Is this the new epic meme?

>> No.3260397
File: 9 KB, 226x246, I+fart+in+your+general+direction+_9680528d61cd37266bc50dc3e2150479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do people crab here?
Too much theory and autism. Not enough practice, life experience and people skills

>> No.3260401

why? free food

>> No.3260405

>having something against tracing
No idea if your problem is snobbery or inexperience, but tracing is a valid way of studying.

>> No.3260408

Tracing only has a bad rep because people use it to mischievous things like lying.

>> No.3260440

4ch culture + immaturity. we either need mods that care or a different venue, like discord.

>> No.3260446
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None of those things really happen. I think OP is the crab trying to get people to start doing these by suggesting them, like some kind of crapception.

Be warned, don't fall for it.