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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 6 KB, 415x120, Screenshot_2017-12-28-21-32-56-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3252998 No.3252998 [Reply] [Original]

i post i post i post and i fkn post and i still get no followers

what am i doing wrong?

>> No.3253005

Why do you want followers

>> No.3253007

I have more followers than you and I haven't posted a damn thing hardly lmoa

>> No.3253017

>i post i post i post and i fkn post
>1 post
What do you post, assuming pic isn’t you?

This, I literally only use the account to follow interesting and I have 324 followers.
I don’t repost anything, and I hid my likes and shit.
Yeah, they’re probably all bots, but you should be getting some numbers if you’re active.

>> No.3253021

Start drawing fanart.
Then switch.
It always works.

>> No.3253029


Like other people art and post comments. Do it everyday and some people will see your comment and if you have interesting profile photo that will make them want to see what your page is all about.

Really, all you have to do is be social on social media site...

>> No.3253033
File: 1.27 MB, 1280x1280, 17-12-12-16-11-59-137_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah the img related isn't me, the thing is I'm not gaining any followers. pic related is quality of my posts

>> No.3253034

Not OP but I have the same concern. The only followers I get are those that follow me back or if I share my blog elsewhere. Then when I do get a legit follower they unfollow me. I can find any shitty blog with worse art than mine and they have hundreds of notes per post. What the fuck am I doing wrong?

>> No.3253038

Charisma. You can be an asshole, and shit at what you do, but as long as you got charisma you get attention. The only way to make up for it is to work much harder, get lucky, or become more charismatic.

>> No.3253039

How to get lucky?

>> No.3253040


It's me because I use the web version or instagram is designed for retards ? I like a lot more the design of deviantart. The algorithm for IG seems to use some kind of snowballing effect, the more followers you have the more promoted you are

So... follow me, it's my first day on IG ! I will follow back



Creatively censoring my drawings is kind of fun for some reason

>> No.3253044

>posts random construction sketches of heads
>wonders why people aren’t flocking to admire his work
Would you follow a blog of a carpenter who posts pictures of planks with some nails in them?

>> No.3253045


Damn you, don't ask the unimportant question. Ask how do you get this so called "charisma".

>> No.3253046

This is shit, anon.

>> No.3253048
File: 5 KB, 248x250, 14366789989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3253061


Edited screenshots of anime have a lot of views


Post your IG

>> No.3253061,1 [INTERNAL] 


Only half true. If your work is appealing, then charisma will get it attention. If you're still not getting a following then you just need to work on making your work more appealing first.

>> No.3253682

Let's ask the important questions.
Would you follow yourself? If you found an account with similar skill and art would you follow? If not, whom are you trying to fool? Start treating followers as humans like you.

>> No.3253689

Yes because I'm into the fandom. And if they are similar skill I'd watch them to see progress. What kind of retarded question is that.

>> No.3253694

Anon, time for some honesty. I would only follow you if you drew a very specific combination of fancy tickling fetishes that no one else works with, and even then it would have nothing to do with the quality of your art or the fandom it was in. I wouldn't even follow you, just check in every now and then for a nasty fap. That is the mindset you have to understand to get recognition should you choose to go that route.

>> No.3253731

anon who in the world cares about actually following or watching the progress of some weirdo drawing animu porn on instagram, even more oddly, who in the world would invest time in it if not some basement dwelling freak

>> No.3253756

You seem to have an angry attitude. If that comes through in your posts at all, it's going to hurt more than it helps.

To be successful, you need to find your social artistic circle. These circles form around shared pop culture interests, shared subject matter, shared aesthetics, or shared themes. The circles are not formed around skill level. Don't suck up to those above you, don't look down upon those below you, and most importantly, don't be too generous when judging your own level among peers.

I'm not technically good, yet I have a recognizable style. I limit my interaction to likes and retweets. I follow artists I genuinely admire, as well as those who share similar affinities. When I get a follow from a good artist with similar tastes as mine, I find it worthwhile to browse through their follow list to find more like-minded artists. This is how one enters a circle.

Those simple things get me a moderate number of follows and retweets from much more popular artists, and occasionally show staff for fan art. Recognition from these bigger, established accounts will boost your visibility the most. Believe it or not, good artists mature and no longer treat art as a dick waving contest, and they respond to genuine enthusiasm and good taste more than skill level. So be genuine. Don't try to game the system too much, and give things time.

>> No.3253768

Stick with a certain style. I'm not good at art but I have a few followers just because I work with ink a lot and they'll be into black and white photos, tattoos, moody stuff, etc.

>> No.3253774

Pffft. lol

You've got like nothing there. What is there is junk.

Some advice, don't pine for watchers. Focus on improving. Post on occasion pieces that you're kinda proud of.

Watchers and followers come with time and skill.

>> No.3253836

that not OP btw

>> No.3254108
File: 247 KB, 1235x1099, kylohamsT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 1500 followers on deviantArt and my art is average at best. What I did was spend a lot of time on the forums and engaging in the community - its a big time sink and I suffered for not keeping it up, but that is how it worked for me.

The way I see it, you have two choices : daily journals, polls, forum threads and replying to everything OR make some really fucking amazing art.

I've got a lot of flak for not being 'worthy' of having so many followers by better artists than I am, but fuck those guys, they do absolutely 0 marketing or self-promotion. Don't be those guys.

>> No.3254118

have you tried talking to people

>> No.3254155
File: 41 KB, 247x215, Screenshot_2017-12-29-18-16-41-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made this shitty profile picture, is it interesting enough to get some engagement?

>> No.3254158

Not really. Have you considered coloring it?

>> No.3254168
File: 507 KB, 1588x2500, Street Shark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always get about 100-500 likes when I post something on LevelUp or Ten Thousand Hours but I only have 18 followers on my ArtStation. I don't care though. Likes aren't worth anything and I'll start getting a bigger following when my art is better. At least that's what I like to believe...

People look at your thing and they click like because it's really easy to do. Next second they're thinking about what they're gonna have for breakfast. I'm like that too and so are you. It's just easy to start thinking your work is worth something when you get all those little thumbs up. I think the best way to get a following is doing fan art or something so original that you're the only person doing it. Third choice is being better than ~95% of people out there. Now you can probably guess which of those things is the easiest.

I'm just talking about art here. Not comics or meme shit. Oh, and none of that "YOU WON'T BELIEVE HE PAINTED THIS WITH JUST KETCHUP"- type of shit all though you could definitely get a following doing that with just some basic art skills...

>> No.3254170

But what's the point of followers that differs them from likes?

>> No.3254172

its weird i have had an acount for about 2 years and only have a little over 100 followers. My friend who just start one posted a picture of a sunset and a couple random things in his house and has over 80 followers. I look at his hashtags and he uses less than mine. Like what the fuck is going on?

>> No.3254174

i tried cleaning it up and coloring it but i looked worse lol

>> No.3254175

followers are like guaranteed likes to an extent and a more concrete way to show relevance. Followers on any platform is usually the first thing you see on a profile, while you may get a lot of likes on a post it will get buried by more current posts and the likes aren't really relevant anymore

>> No.3254176


>> No.3254178


If you ever do a big project and you need some financial backing for example it really helps to have >6000 followers. You release some tutorials for ten bucks and if a hundred of your 6000 fans buys them you get a thousand dollars. Same goes for prints, Patreon or YouTube.

It also helps if you're looking for work. Your stuff gets shared more and more people see it so you have a bigger chance of lucking out with some art directors.

It also looks good if you're applying to work. You send your shit to, say, WOTC and they look at your ArtStation. "Oh, this guy has a huge following so we'll sell more of our crap ^^".

You can't have any of this shit with likes...

>> No.3254187

yea he probably has a bunch of bot followers or he followed alot of people so that they follow him back

>> No.3254240

You have 19 posts, calm the fuck down

>> No.3254258


>> No.3254262

Shit 3D-photobash

>> No.3254264


No photobashing. My own 3D sculpted base.

>> No.3254309

i used to have 50 all accumulated from 2 years
ago, i archived them all and left the most recent ones, i used to have 200 followers but i blocked them because they were ghosts :P

>> No.3254329

You're really here bitching about numbers because people weren't as engaged as you wanted them to be?

>> No.3254381


It's kind of weird that you'd want to foster a atmosphere were people are discouraged to posts their art.

>> No.3254389
File: 68 KB, 300x300, 1448819828512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you used to have around 50 followers in total 7 years ago
>Delete blog out of self loathing
>Make a Pixiv 2 years ago
>Try to stay Anonymous as possible using no tags
>Eventually someone you admire and look up to from /ic/ managed to find you and started to follow
>Get that "senpai noticed me" moment
>Self loathing returns
>Start feeling unworthy
>delete out of shame and embarrassment from being so bad
>Haven't bothered making a new one since

>> No.3254394

Tag your shit.

Even mediocre art should get you a few followers if you tag it properly.

Do fandom stuff and tag the fandom and you'll get more, but people will be following more for the fandom than the art itself. Or find a niche, it might take a while to get lucky and find a common ground of a subject matter that you like that also happens to have a good following on tumblr, but it happens.

Really though, tag your shit. First five are most important, I tend to do two specific to the drawing and three general (like "art" "artists on tumblr" "traditional art")

>> No.3254409

>>delete out of shame and embarrassment from being so bad
>why would senpai have followed you then????

>> No.3254417


I don't tag my work and yet somehow I end up seeing people from /ic/ on the recommendations to follow and some end up following me. How does this happen exactly? Like what the fuck honestly?

>> No.3254432

He must have thought it was cute seeing me try and post with the big boys.

>> No.3254471
File: 1.88 MB, 1838x1903, 17-12-29-21-47-20-833_photo-1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cleaned it up and added colour, now the question is, would you click on this?

>> No.3254474

I wouldn't because it's not a cute anime girl

>> No.3254478
File: 2.48 MB, 1516x1698, 20171229_215615-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made the shirt black, dunno if its better or not :P

>> No.3254485

you got a point there

>> No.3254492

I can tell you're the kind of person who would crumble under some real criticism of your work.

>> No.3254497

It looks clean but soulless and trying too hard to look cool in my opinion

>> No.3254498

Well at least you know he is the kind of person who would take screenshots of his computer monitor using his phone instead of actually using his computer and resizing it to a reasonable size.

>> No.3254510

No need to be snarky.

>> No.3254515

Your proof right here.

>> No.3254519
File: 2.34 MB, 1516x1698, 1514595555363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3254539

welcome to /ic/ >>3252998

>> No.3254558

I still feel that the design of instagram is trying to hard to be user friendly and It feels weird, is more like retard friendly just like facebook. But I've been there 2 days so maybe is that.


The best thread to get real comments is the "post your work thread" this kind of people never post their art when they critic something.

Pretty pathetic.

>> No.3254560

op here, i totally agree with you now that i look back on it, i may just start over with something more attention grabbing.

>> No.3254563

Go for it, that one looked well done but it wasn't very attractive.

>> No.3254599
File: 41 KB, 312x400, 7c390893e94c6a7b215a5d2362e8d2b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't really understand wtf you're talking about. I'm the guy who posted the Street Shark thing and the comment about likes and shit. I posted the image because it has to do with the thing I was talking about.

I never said it was good nor that I wanted any critique on it or anything. Obviously you're free to critique it if you have something intelligent to say... It's all ready finished. What's pathetic?

I actually said: "I'll start getting a bigger following when my art is better"

I hope your art is really god. I've never said this before but post your fucking work. I bet I could draw ~3.5 times better than you even if I sometimes use a 3D base. Also post your 3D work while we're at this.

>> No.3254618


Fampai... I was refereing to the comment of >>3254262 who said that the shark was bad without giving any base for that. People who give that kind of comments without posting his own work or at least giving a base for that kind of comment are the pathetic ones, not you.

>> No.3254622
File: 89 KB, 750x886, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Aww fuck man. I completely misunderstood you. Oh well... I'm fucking pissed so I hope we still niggas.

>> No.3254994

Yo dude, I can tell you're using designdoll because I recognize the body. You really need to study anatomy. Design doll is amazing for helping set up scenes with foreshortening and scale. But if you use it like you are where you're basically just tracing it and using it as a crutch, it's shit. The design doll model isn't 100% anatomically correct either which is why your shit looks ugly. Learn anatomy and build a solid foundation first then come back to it. If you keep using it at this stage you will never improve.

>> No.3255345

How many followers do you have?

>> No.3255350

Get some common sense and try to see if your art is actually appealing

>> No.3255351

Trying too hard to be le funny wacky guy

>> No.3255358

Find whatever is popular on Tumblr, find the top people who are responsible for the largest number of shares and likes for that post, find out what drives these people (what do they post, what do they like, and why do so many people follow and like their posts), find one that you can gravitate towards, and after all of this you should start researching into the people who like their shit. After a while you’ll see some correlation in what these people like (maybe they aren’t even interested in people who post art. Who the fuck knows?) and you should then create some art work that caters towards some sort of like or attitude that is shared within this web of connections. Start following the people in these connections that are art conscious, like the shit that you do like from them, and try to put them on a pedestal without them thinking you’re just fishing for their likes and follows. Let it feel organic.

>> No.3255570

>1st day
>has 5 posts
>post kawai naked girls because its sure followers
>ass backgrounds
>does nothing special
>doesnt know why he's not famous
what a fucking retard

>> No.3255585

Because obviously you're not posting something worth following. Either you're not good enough or your subject matter isn't attractive. Keep at it and don't expect to hit it big for a few years. I'd had my deviantart account for about 8 years before I became remotely popular. So don't draw for others to like what you draw, draw for yourself. And if you continue that constant introspection eventually you'll find your own voice.

>> No.3255586

But kawai naked girls man
/ic/ said so

>> No.3255832

whenever i listen to japanese music, my anime drawings get so much better :)

>> No.3256055

>have a twitter acct with 10 followers
>get into a new fandom
>have an appealing art style (in my case it's uguu kawaii art style)
>avatar has to be eye catching as well
>upload stuff on twitter, make sure to put appropriate tags
>comment a lot on other people's artworks,especially the popular ones
>now that you have an interesting avatar, they'll look in your page too
>rinse and repeat

I just started my twitter early October and now i have 1k followers

>> No.3256062

How many tags do you use and how many jobs have you got out of this tactic?

>> No.3256092

I just use the main tag and its subtags like #fandomfanart #fandomdrawchallenge etc. But try not to overdo and be obnoxious with the tags

As for the jobs, this is just a hobby of mine as I already have a primary job. I don't really put up any commission info but I'm p sure there will be a few ones who'd commission me if I ever put one.

>> No.3256106
File: 463 KB, 2660x872, FA8421A0-194D-48A1-88AA-736FDCB5935D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having no followers on tumblr
Literally how?
How antipathic can you be that not even the bots want you?

>> No.3256188

5k on twitter, without using hashtags. So the follows largely came from other artists.

I almost never use hashtags to search for things either, I just look at other artists' retweets. I think that's a better quality/interest/bot filter.

>> No.3256192

Yeah, I don’t know any moderate following (2k-9k) artists on Twitter that use hashtags. I sure as hell don’t.

>> No.3256215

You say you limit your interactions to likes and retweets, does this mean you don't talk to anyone? What? How does that even work?

>> No.3256227

How the hell do you start without hashtags though? How would people find your page if you're a nobody with less than 10 followers?

I don't have a blog yet and am thinking to start with twitter. It looks like it has the least bullshit compared to other sites

>> No.3256230

Maybe people you follow actually look at their new followers notifications and check out their pages.

>> No.3256234

the roblem is that these people are shit

>open follower’s blog
>it’s the retard that keeps pushing his shitty ocs on “post your work” and other shit threads
>close tab and commit to forgetting what you saw

>> No.3256235

Do you draw anime?

>> No.3256241

My sides! grasshopper is far from wisdom

>> No.3256242

another thing is I try to target the jp/kr audience, bonus points if I ever get any from the westerner part of twitter. In all honesty, I don't like having westerners follow me due to some of them being too vocal and annoying. I'd like to draw my lewd sexy characters in peace without autists lashing out on me

>> No.3256243

Do you post in Japanese too

>> No.3256257
File: 126 KB, 2766x2980, 65832B99-D733-46FA-AA08-05253B774EDC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the same probm OP.


Is it because my stuff is too simplistic/pokemonesque?

>> No.3256279

>uwaaaa~ kawaii desuyo
>uwaaa~ sono chinpo oishisounane~
>uwaaa~ ketsuana ga biribiri dayo
Come on nigga, I don’t even watch anime, how hard can it be?

>> No.3256311

My problem with the western part of Twitter (or maybe just a lot of fandoms on general) is that they're just so damn political. It seems like half of their posts are whining about the latest political and social justice travesties. At least with the JP/KR twitters I know most of time I will get posts/retweets actually about Art (or cool foods/locations).

Kinda unrelated but I also find the trend where it seems like "every other" Western Twitter user user uses They or Them pronouns in their bio kinda bizarre.

>> No.3256315

How to stay away from the western part of Twitter as a westerner?

>> No.3256350
File: 1.65 MB, 350x203, 1511807102200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3256433

>not posting frequently enough
>bad tags
>no finished work
>fine art
>subject matter nobody cares about
>generic semi-realism style
>not doing fan art or anime
>are bad at drawing

If you do any of these, don't expect any followers.

>> No.3256448

Have cleaner lines and cuter pokemon

>> No.3256455

Keep retweeting from Asian twitters nd try making a network within them. Twitter will most likely recommended you to other asian users.

No. I speak to them in simple english. That's what the translator is for

I try to stay away with users who have preferred pronouns on their bio. They're mitt likely to get political. I also find that spanish- speaking countries are more chill than others westerners so I'm okay with them. My only problem is most of them are kids and reposters from Instagram

>> No.3256459
File: 62 KB, 1024x1300, IMG_20171231_135638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*most not mitt
Sorry I'm phoneposting right now

Try to study similar artists with simplistic style and try to figure out how they're able to achieve an appealing artwork

>> No.3256835

did you fucking photograph your monitor? you know you can take screenshots right? open snipping tool and boom you got it.
I wouldnt click on that, that guy looks like an annoying cunt

>> No.3256837

There are tons of reblog tumblrs that will shill your shit for you if its relevant to the type of content they regularly post.

>> No.3257265

Personally, my account was initially for following only, and getting followers was never my concern. These things happen organically. Trying to game the system or focusing too much on tactics like tag usage doesn't necessarily gain you more quality followers. Focusing on your art, following similar artists, and being genuine does.

Everyone tags. Long time users know to ignore it and rely on word of mouth. You may still want to tag to organize posts for yourself, but it's not going to help you stand out.

I don't see much need for writing on an art blog, and I'm not keeping a diary.

On social media, I don't need to know who you are, and I don't need you to know who I am outside of the drawings I post and the things I retweet. I don't need artists I like to be socially or politically aligned with my views. People who think like that are the absolute worst thing about the internet, and I don't care to be a part of that.

Similar to this poster >>3256311, I like the Asian twitters because they tend not to write about their politics, and when they do I can ignore them via incomprehension.

>> No.3257269
File: 10 KB, 441x408, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 300 followers
its ok man, we cant all make it.

>> No.3257274

>300 followers per 0 posts
post ur post to follow ratio faggot I'll wreck you m8 you don't want to open this can of whoopass motherfucker

>> No.3257298

I wish that all the retarded SJWs and retarded alt right fags would just die

>> No.3257301

I feel that politics is ruining everything good about the internet, art included.

>> No.3257302
File: 443 KB, 400x296, 1444036454830.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you follow people that follow you back, congrats my dude. thats the lowest of the low.

>> No.3257306

t. has to post art to get follows

spoiler alert: that's the fucking point

>> No.3257338

do u even draw bro?

>> No.3257376

I can't tell if you're trolling or just stupid at this point.

>> No.3257385

Not the same problem, but I do want to improve,


What do?

>> No.3257708

>tfw didn't even bother changing the default avatar

>> No.3257760

On IG 2k Follower in 1 year, only OC not fan art.
how badly am I going?
is it better that I delete everything?

>> No.3257770

>probably following 5k plus.

>> No.3257771

Are you retarded?

>> No.3257788

How do you deal with your more autistic fans?

>> No.3257791

If they're not paying you you block them. Unless you like babysitting retards; they aren't human, they're a username on the internet and the second you think they might be making other usernames uncomfortable in any way you kill them off

>> No.3257808

What I see from posting everyday is a problem I had where I used to draw for the sake of having something to post on a blog everyday; rather than actually learning and building upon my fundamentals. You're gestures and construction are par, but your values and color are weak. All could use an upgrade in skill - my advice is one week away from the blog and take that week to focus on your weakest fundamental.

>> No.3257839

Someone else confirm this post, seems too good to be true.

>> No.3257856

What if i dont want to use any social media? At most id host on tumblr but id rather just use my own server domain.
Just post a comic there and whoever wants to read my garbage thats fine.

>> No.3257858

>i post i post i post and i fkn post
>1 posts

>> No.3259679

Then it doesn't matter.

>> No.3259935

What's the best social media platform to share art?

>> No.3259939

Twitter or Tumblr because reblog/retweet.

>> No.3259944


Thanks. I might set up a Twitter. Not sure how to 'brand' myself, though, most art accounts on Twitter are weebs and I don't want to associate with that style.

>> No.3259950

i don't know if you're trolling or retarded

>> No.3259952
File: 811 B, 215x89, hehehehe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ez pz tbph famallama, in under 7 months too

I draw as well as most /beg/s, loli porn is a hell of a thing

>> No.3259964

What SM is that?

>> No.3260055

it feels weird to me because the face is shaped relatively realistically but the eyes are built for a chibi-proportioned character
how hard are you forcing your style

>> No.3260058


>> No.3260101

- host your art on mutliple platforms (twitter, fb)
- draw fanart and link to your page in the appropriate subreddit
- draw fanart of your friend's characters or fanart of smaller artsits that you admire. they'll almost definietly reblog/retweet you, exposing you to their audience
- OCs will get new followers to stick with you if they like them, but you have to GET THEM TO FOLLOW YOU first. so grind out that fanart kiddo

if your quips are with instagram, i dunno what to tell you. i loathe it. it's deviantart but for basic white girls who post drawings of one poorly rendered eye.

>> No.3260103
File: 13 KB, 389x29, Screen Shot 2018-01-02 at 10.01.25 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art trades

>> No.3260127
File: 1.12 MB, 820x820, instagram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you want followers on instagram? i'm here to give you the secret

throw away your dignity and post your pictures like this. instagram is used mainly by basic bitches, so it doesn't actually matter how good or bad your art is. it only matters how many distractions you can pile on TOP of your art. no one actually cares about what's underneath. accept this and you will be swimming in thousands of dimwitted teenage girls :^)

>> No.3260164

I'm pretty new to this and I never been really popular in social media cuz I never bothered before but now that I started drawing some months ago I wanna put legit time into it.
So heres my tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/kinguofbel
I woud appreciate some tips to become a better artist and in how to become more popular with people.
Meanwhile all I doing is improving my art and sometimes I draw stuff for free but I realized I enjoy drawing what I want more, at least for now.

>> No.3260196

Moe shit always sells in Japan

>> No.3260198

> I bet I could draw ~3.5 times better than you even if I sometimes use a 3D base. Also post your 3D work while we're at this.


>> No.3260200

For how long anon?

>> No.3260205

While I can grind up to a few hundreds/thousands of followers, how do you deal with possible vocal followers about to pester you with some political agenda? Lets say they keep pressuring you to draw poc representation and all that bs.

>> No.3260206

How do you grind up followers

>> No.3260209

not the same anon, but isnt following people purely to get follows back, like, actually the lowest.?

>> No.3260218

It's on the thread silly. Especially this >>3260103
I'm just worried majority of my followers will eventually get into steven universe tier of fanbase

>> No.3260224

You forgot taking pictures at an angle and putting over a filter.

>> No.3260229

says you only posted once

>> No.3260231

You're retarded

Who the fuck cares. Post your shit, trust me.

>> No.3262033

i hate how right this post is. reddit is also full of this shit.

>> No.3263464
File: 2 KB, 233x79, ss+(2018-01-04+at+09.32.23).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how'm i doing

>> No.3263506

p good
looks like one of your post spiked up and gained a lot of attention/followers

Just keep creating good content, eventually one of those will spike up again and the follower cycle will repeat

>> No.3263518
File: 28 KB, 616x331, 1501957822333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3263520

What are you post to get such a high amount of followers?

>> No.3263548
File: 56 KB, 1079x602, _20180105_064452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only been around for like two weeks drawing nsfw fanart. Are these numbers ok?

>> No.3263643
File: 26 KB, 656x357, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah they're ok. You'll prolly reach 1k in 2 months as long as you keep posting content.
That's what happened to me when I just opened a nsfw side blog 2 months ago

>> No.3263726
File: 30 KB, 477x268, Screen Shot 2018-01-05 at 8.34.06 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used my Tumblr to share my illustration work with the hopes of getting exposure and getting my work 'out there'. It was kind of an aimless goal, but I suppose I was hoping that eventually an art director (or someone similar) would see it and I'd start to get some freelance opportunities.

Looking at it today for the first time in a while - my Tumblr has been dead in the water for a long time now. I built it up to 9000+ followers over a few years (started in early 2014), but most followers are completely inactive. If I were to post something right now, I would struggle to get over 50 notes, which - out of 9000 followers - is absolutely pathetic. At it's peak a few year ago, I was getting regular posts with 500+ notes, and also regularly getting on the radar are trending in hashtags that garnered thousands of notes per each post. Now, it seems the people that once followed me have just straight up left the platform all together.

Pic related is my current activity feed for the past 30 days. It shows a little bit of engagement and a (very small) trickle of new followers, but it's very misleading. The reality is that I haven't posted anything in ages and all this engagement is from one post that went viral a year ago, and is still being circulated every day. As of today, it has 142,569 notes. I was flabbergasted when the post took off, any even more so when I saw how little it mattered.

I wish I could take back all the time I spent trying to grow my Tumblr page. I had a very low return on all the time & effort I put into growing it when I could have focus on different things and seen a much better return. Sure - I got a few small opportunities from my Tumblr, but social media is a passive approach to career growth that I feel is dwarfed by the power of more proactive, actionable things you can do.

>> No.3263818

Great, I'll work hard for those numbers.

By the way when's the right time to start doing comissions or posting pay-per-view content? Like comics and stuff? I know it sounds super scummy but my tablet is barely hanging and need some cash to keep going.

>> No.3263826

I have a 5k following in tumblr before I stopped posting for a while. I can't really explain it but I feel pressured after I reached that numbers.

I'm not really looking for exposure/job as this is just a hobby of mine. I mainly want to meet other artists with the same interests. Now I have a new twitter with still a small following and I'm pretty happy with what I'm posting. I just hope I don't get pressured again when the followers spike up

I hope you don't mind asking but what are you currently doing now, anon?

>> No.3263844

commissions doable at 1k-2k depending on how niche your product is
pay-per-view is scummy imo

>> No.3263871

On top of that you could always set up a ko-fi and/or start a tip jar patreon, get some friends to chip in with a dollar so it's less of a mental hurdle for new folks to start donating a couple coins. Depending on taxes you might want to avoid offering anything for the exchange so that it won't look like a transaction. Act humble but be serious about it, trust and goodwill is the way to free money.

>> No.3263893

>I know it sounds super scummy
Absolutely nothing scummy about monetizing your work.

Don't mind at all!

>what are you currently doing now
In regards to social media stuff - I mainly just post to my Instagram. I view it as a supplement to my main portfolio where I can share less-polished work and some other goodies that might not go up on my main portfolio site (I use Squarespace). I continue to try and grow my Instagram but I don't really expect to gain very much from it. I definitely have a different perspective now on the importance of social media than I did when I first started.

In regards to what I actually do - I currently get by solely on my art related incomes, which come from a few different revenue streams. Generally speaking, the different revenue streams fall into 2 categories: freelance illustration work for commercial clients, and passive income from print, shirt, & other product sales.

>> No.3264435

can somone make a summary that skips all the bullshit thnx

>> No.3264544

Just Google it

>> No.3265188

>get to 1000 followers after a few months
>suddenly stop caring about followers

I achieved my goal and now I can finally go back to drawing at my own pace

>> No.3265340

basically this
don't get too hung up with likes/follower numbers, you'll send yourself spiralling down to depression

>> No.3265474

The question I have is, on tumblr/twitter how do I go about asking for art trades? Do I just leave the fact that I'm open to them in my description or something or should I actively make a post saying I take them?

>> No.3265830

Make a post saying you're open for art trades or requests. If you're brave enough, ask users with a growing followers if they want to do art trades with you