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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 133 KB, 959x1280, photo_2017-12-23_05-08-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3246366 No.3246366 [Reply] [Original]

Bouguereau edition

>> No.3246367
File: 230 KB, 1564x2087, 29623490c114be29fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alternative version, I have no idea which is more accurate, pick whatever you like

>> No.3246369
File: 565 KB, 1654x2095, boogeroo study.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was interested in the subtle value changes and creasing of the body in this particular bit

>> No.3246394

this alternative version looks like complete ass

>> No.3246420

what brushes

>> No.3246436
File: 304 KB, 942x887, Screen Shot 2017-12-23 at 1.39.57 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is hard as shit

>> No.3246471

I get where you're going, but you really need to see his stuff in person to learn. His colors and brushwork are too subtle for photography. I saw his Nymphs and Satyrs in person, and stood in front of it for hours, taking it in. His colors are spectacular, in how subtle they are, especially in shadows. I've never seen photos do any of his paintings justice, because of how many transparent layers he put down. I would not doubt in the least an hour in front of a real painting will teach you more - but go on with this, because it's a valuable exercise regardless.

>> No.3246475

Experiment, and find out. You guys are like the people in photo forums, who bug the photographers what settings and lenses they used for a shot - and the pros all say, go figure it out. You'll learn more.
Learn your brushes. You have to do it, regardless if you're watercoloring, oil painting, or digital painting. Someone else's brush choices won't make you paint like they do. Put the time in, try different brushes and settings, learn how brushes work, and you'll never have to download a brush again.
Start with a round brush. Go from there. Change up opacity and edge hardness.

>> No.3246477

Goo response, I think the same way.
I experiment and by doing this one day all my paintings will have my signature in each brushstroke.

>> No.3246490

Exactly. I know what brushes I like, from years of experience, and I love trying new ones. Before the internet, I used to get art supply catalogs, that was my Playboy - I'd read the thing from cover to cover and find all kinds of cool things to try - and the stuff I didn't know about, i'd ask my teachers. If you don't enjoy exploration I don't know how you can hope to enjoy art, it's all exploration. The hand holding in this forum is enraging at times, I just want to slap some of them and shout in their face 'FUCKING TRY SOMETHING". You have these amazing apps with millions of possibilities for different brushes to try, that takes a couple pleasant afternoons to figure out how they work, and everyone just sits here and begs for links to brushes - or worse, buys them.
I LOVE making brushes. I make unique brushes for every painting i do. I love digital painting for a lot of reasons, and that's one of the big ones - I still have cans and jars full of brushes on my desk, but they're free in Photoshop!

>> No.3246571
File: 1.74 MB, 932x1002, IMG_20171223_0005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3246611


>> No.3246613

both probably, that's part of why physical paintings are good, translucent layers

>> No.3246620

i hope its a good whoa....if so thanks

>> No.3246621

From Bouguereau to Booger EW!

>> No.3246626

On the abdomen it looks like you were actually doing a study, then slipped back into your comfort zone for the rest.

>> No.3246652

you are right. i was looking more closely at the abdomen because i have been looking into how the area bends twists and squashes in other recent drawings.

>> No.3246691


From the w/ic/i

>> No.3246783

Just took a random brush shape from sai and replaced the shape with a square

>> No.3246861

I love everything but the upper arm, hands and feet. Keep at it.

>> No.3248398

Solid shit

>> No.3248560
File: 220 KB, 800x1000, bug eroo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3248856


>> No.3248867
File: 1.09 MB, 2309x2393, IMG_20171225_105520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're an inspiration, you and Tezuka. Keep posting drawings in this style!

>> No.3249312
File: 354 KB, 600x663, bugreal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my scanner isn't working

>> No.3249491
File: 1005 KB, 3264x2448, Foto 26-12-17 03 12 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only just started to paint oil on canvas, any advice would be much appreciated!

>> No.3249498

>work that hard on the body
>destroy it with shit anime face


>> No.3249509

This is way too advanced for you. Looking at what you've attempted, you have a lot more to learn about painting, especially color and using medium/glazes to build transparent color. This is advanced work, go back to the basics before attempting this, you won't learn anything.

>> No.3249513

Her chest cavity is way too wide, but not a bad start for being new to oil. Readjust the chest and keep going! The great thing about oil is being able to fix mistakes with ease.

>> No.3249515

i feel like its supposed to be ironic but i had the same reaction

u know what they say about if art makes you feel something it's done it's job or w/e

>> No.3249516

Noted! I'm currently in college break and were trying to expand my bounderies, but I'm definetly gonna have some classes when the summer break is over, thanks for the feedback!

>> No.3249517

Thanks! I'm not used to drawing proportions, will try to do it better

>> No.3249528

the body looks ok but man that face hurts to look at

>> No.3249529

>college work
whew lad, how long have you been doing art for?

>> No.3249593

bumpn this is a good study

>> No.3249596

thank ya anon. i will continue.

>> No.3249766

people like you shouldnt even study this at all, you cant even draw a proper circle let alone get anything from studying someone who is decades if not centuries better skillwise. Its like someone who just started lifting attempting to squat 250 kg because someone else did it, you get crushed if you can even move the weight

>> No.3249768
File: 1.25 MB, 3264x2448, image (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

work in progress

is there anything i can sort out now before i waste more time, assuming it will have to be replaced?

sorry for low-quality phone pic but my scanner is dead

>> No.3249773
File: 942 KB, 2541x2447, image (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3250100


>> No.3250149
File: 1.24 MB, 1560x2080, fgfgfgffgfgfgf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have noticed that a lot of you guys make rushed drawings. Isn't the point of a study to take your time and carefully draw all the little things that you see on the reference.
Pic related, I was drawing this in like 4 or 5 hours and I'm far away of finishing it.

Just spend a few days on your studies guys, don't rush it.

>> No.3250155

why did you draw a little baby one in the left htere?

>> No.3250317

just a doodle as I was figuring out some things , what about the actual piece?

>> No.3250394

I'm curious; why did you put the date so close to your "active" area?

>> No.3250413

I hate doing his studies, they take forever to do as expected from an old artist like William or Caravaggio. You're better off studying from Sargent as you can study his material in under 20 minutes.

>> No.3250414

>ignoring the drawing

>> No.3250428

I think it's really good. How long did it take you?

My problem is that I really don't like sitting down and spending hours on things because I never finish them.

>> No.3250446

About 2.5 hours so far. I know what you mean - I so many unfinished pieces where I just got bored. Although I am working on breaking the habit, for sure gonna finish this study for example.

>> No.3250564

I'm not studying art, I'm studying film, but i love drawing and painting, been doing it on a schedule for some years now

>> No.3250623

The point of a study is to learn something from it
hence the name study

Find what you want to learn in the picture (for example perhaps you're amazed at the value composition of the image but don't care about the anatomy) put all your energy into understanding what makes the value composition great and don't waste time on the anatomy

>> No.3250655

post study anon.
i assure you i can draw a circle.

>> No.3250681

What did "study" mean back in the day that it doesn't today? How did the old masters train?

>> No.3250691
File: 153 KB, 960x1280, 00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the frick do you render like that?

>> No.3250730

By copying their Masters, or going to schools, later on. Study meant the same thing - learning how the medium works, how to draw, render, and use color. They would sign on as an apprentice at an early age, and be taught the fundamentals by the master. As they they improved, and were'nt sent away by the Master for being unfit, they'd help out on larger works the Master was working on, often painting backgrounds and such, and preparing the panels and walls for the Master. They'd do this until they were ready to strike out on their own, or work under another artist, and try to get their first commissions.
They trained just like we do - they picked up a pencil or brush, and tried, and kept trying until they got it right.

>> No.3250731

Studies aren't finished pieces. It's experimentation and practice.

>> No.3250732

Practice, the right brushes, the right resolution, and paying close attention to value.

Not scribbling like you did. Learn to render. Start with simple shapes, and shadows. This is too advanced for you.

>> No.3250955

Idk man, I just put it there.

>> No.3251001 [DELETED] 


This is what happens when studying old paintings, women were ugly as hell, almost make Negresses look feminine in comparisson.

>> No.3251653
File: 624 KB, 657x860, weak shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my current WIP about 3-4 hours into it. Will probably update tomorrow when it's a tad more rendered. Idgaf about the background. Mostly interested in the green grey tones he's getting

critique away, cunts

>> No.3252090

Drawing sucks

>> No.3252246
File: 383 KB, 1310x795, study01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love a crit of this, particularly the sketch layin since it looks fucked and I can't figure out how to fix it.

>> No.3253450
File: 313 KB, 3264x2448, New Doc 2017-12-29_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a total /beg/, and this is what I have so far. Thoughts?

>> No.3253548
File: 955 KB, 1102x718, Manga Studio_2017-12-29_02-05-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the actual fuck am I doing

>> No.3253676

Build clear, concise value shapes, my niggas. There's essentially four simple values on the shadow side of her face, and there's five big shapes.
It's like you guys have never had a legit education before.

>> No.3253742
File: 371 KB, 2480x3507, squishy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried this out. Focused more on the shading than the lines in this one, which are too dark and make it clash. Had some fun though.

Your lines are a bit angular for one thing. Learn how to make them flow smoother.

>> No.3254025
File: 246 KB, 694x982, baugeraustudy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is rendering desu
Digital art noob so I studied on values and using shitty 2008 wacom tablet and PS.

>> No.3254076

Some kind of dry brushes, am I wrong?

>> No.3254549

You're right. Will drawing from the shoulder help? I'm too used drawing from the wrist.

>> No.3254754

Drawing from the shoulder is a nonsense meme from here. Draw whatever way you're comfortable with, and whatever fits what you're working on. If you're working on details and small drawings, drawing from the wrist is fine. shoulder drawing on a 6x10" tablet is pointless and somewhat hilarious.

>> No.3255007
File: 277 KB, 850x700, 3246366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3255470

shouldnt worry about rendering you noob, the problem is your drawing and your lack of that

>> No.3255608

this pleases my autism

>> No.3256209
File: 1.87 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_6173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is what I have after working on and off for the past two days. Sorry no scanner but critique is appreciated

>> No.3256291

jesus, nobody in here knows how to paint/draw

>> No.3256293

That's why they're here to study.

>> No.3256294

why is her foot the only thing showing in the reflection? where is the rest of her body

>> No.3256317

You can see the reflection of her other leg and then the puddle ends before reaching the level of her buttocks. Most people seem to interpret that green moss looking thing as the edge of the puddle instead.

>> No.3256319

This is nice. Tips on how to render like this?

>> No.3256466
File: 610 KB, 862x1275, oof4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oof, my scanner is acting pretty gay so the drawing scan looks a bit fucked up.

Here's a link to a better quality version. https://i.imgur.com/JY3uPof.jpg

>> No.3256895
File: 2.14 MB, 1224x1224, bouguereau.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'finished' it.

It looks okay, I think, but how could I improve it? Thanks.

>> No.3256991

get talent

>> No.3257862

you suck anon but dont give up

>> No.3257871

i like the painterly feel. background is uggo

>> No.3257910

The rendering is decent but the depiction of the woman is rather unattractive and "dumpy" looking, aka, it's ugly, and you didn't capture what the woman looks like, unlike >>3256466 which has an angular styling to it or >>3255007
which has excellent contrast control as well as some angular feelings. You don't look like you have any knowledge of anatomy and just copied what you thought you saw. Sorry to be harsh but that's my honest critique

>> No.3258119
File: 2.64 MB, 2069x2802, 20180101_105926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Total beg. Any critique helps.

>> No.3258360
File: 744 KB, 1014x1359, 20180101_233502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some proportion mistakes are obvious but I feel satisfied about this one (also, it's A6 format)

>> No.3258386

its not bad at all, keep working on hands i guess

>> No.3258515


A lot of you start laying in tones too soon, especially since you're using pencil. Get the pose right, get the forms and contours right, and get the larger angles right using line. Then draw the shadow shapes, still using line only. Retrace if you need it. Keep things clean and specific.

Fill in the shadow shapes, still keeping things crisp. Then take another rendering pass to get softer edges and darker tones.

>> No.3258546

Work bigger. The level of detail necessary to go beyond this requires more room. I can tell just from your pencil strokes you should be working at least twice the size if you're going to even attempt the subtlty of this piece.
Pay attention to your measurements, too. The face is off, and the space between the neck and jawline way off, that's an easy measurement to make.

>> No.3258668

those eyes bro, almost look like they come from a different drawing

>> No.3258893
File: 1.74 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_7301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Critique very welcome.

>> No.3258895

Ah fuck.. I'm too tired to try and fix the orientation right now. Sorry for being such a faggot.

>> No.3259862
File: 404 KB, 779x1000, boug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna take another stab at more subtle value changes in Bouguereau's original after I take a break from looking at this.

Nice thread OP, and great work in the thread. Kudos to the tradfags.

>those lost and sharp edges in the shoulder blade
Fucking slick.

>> No.3259908
File: 342 KB, 1629x1170, pen_and_paper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick doodlin'
what am I doing wrong?

>> No.3260083

Fuck this is good.

>> No.3260283

Don't draw on gridded paper.
Don't use ink, use a pencil.
Work larger.

You captured the basic form well. Use real art tools and move up to the next level.

>> No.3260300

>Don't use ink

>> No.3260319

What does work larger mean?

>> No.3260356

I disagree, I feel like one should be collecting as many resources as possible. This might be their only opportunity for that brush which could be golden for them in the future. There are brushes I didn't use for months and then I learned how to use them later on. I'd love to know them too.

>> No.3260470


On a larger piece of paper, make the drawing big.

>> No.3260621

they probably havent you fucking idiot, this isnt art school

>> No.3260650
File: 1.79 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20180102_145855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3261015

There are good lines here, and the hands show patience and meticulousness. But the overall drawing completely misinterprets the weight of the pose. You're missing the forest for the trees.

The face bears only a small likeness in expression and is completely off the mark in proportions and shapes. The mouth in particular seems like a canned drawing method rather than anything done from observing the reference.

I'm not a stickler for accuracy in studies, but you should assess what it is you want out of the exercise. There's something here than could be good, but your goals need to be more clear.

>> No.3261124
File: 702 KB, 1540x2190, .20180103_123557-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him, but if you feel like you're still struggling with shapes and volume using ink isn't gonna help you improve on that. you can't really do subtle values or textures as easily as layering with a pencil and mindless crosshatching like >>3259908 just looks like complete ass. Also, unless you know your point sizes and work in a big enough page the lineweight can completely flatten the picture. Ink pens by themselves can be a good format for practicing linework but they're not optimal for rendering

Pic related, I like using ink but the subtlety of the light values in the reference is completely lost on me.

>> No.3261210
File: 321 KB, 855x1056, bouguereausmall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3261223

probably one of the best i've seen in this thread so far. very decent sketch!

>> No.3261377

I like yours very much. You've managed a very nice effect on the lightning of the legs and hands and proportions are very good.

One thing I noticed is that the shadow of her butt, as it goes behind her foot, bends to another direction. Sometimes this is evidence of an actual high attention to detail, when you might miss the big picture. You've noticed that the light area there forms a triangle, so you bent that line. But it is in fact the line of the foot that goes up to meet with the other shadow. Rendering seduces us to approximate here and there, but sometimes get away from it a bit, try to figure out what it is.

Be more patient with the background, it makes total difference. Look at the direction of the strokes, as much or even more than the form. The background seems kind of a mess in the OP, but if you look there is a direction there. When hatching on large areas you have to be extra subtle in your work.

I think every drawing must be signed and with a date, but put it on the very corner, away from your drawing and small. It must be big enough so that is legible, but it's not like putting a watermark. It's something that people can check if they want and only if they want, including yourself in the future when digging through your old stuff.

I'm picking on you not because your drawing is bad, it's very good, but because I see a lot of potential and I'm an oldfag.

>> No.3262132

Thank you for the critique and advice.

To be completely honest, I didn't put any effort or thought into making the background and just focused on drawing the lady.
I looked at the drawing again keeping in mind what you have wrote and it does look very off. It's like this lady was copy pasted onto some child's scribble. I will put more effort into the backgrounds from now on.

>> No.3263261
File: 51 KB, 482x631, 010bff177688e9216f758205b505e054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 or 5 hours
You mean 45 minutes? Do some speed tasks, try shading the values instead of drawing explicit details and get all the darkest and lightest values down before you go into details

Not bad! Quite nice face, glutes are huge, head is slightly too big, deltoid is too long down the arm (and bicep too short), female hands are smaller, your ankles and top of the foot are thicc, stomach too large, study the neck and shoulder blades and how it relates to the spine and its contour. Rear knee is too large, fingers on hand are too spread out and the gap between index and thumb is huge.

Values are a little muddy too, exaggerate contrast when you're starting out or it will be flat.

>> No.3263336
File: 507 KB, 490x634, bombo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol fuk

>> No.3264804
File: 278 KB, 582x748, nv9PGEk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been doing this for hours and it still doesn't look like the painting, i wanna die

>> No.3264826

are you by any chance mentally challenged

>> No.3264833

actually speaking of what a study actually is, it's always been a pet peeve of mine that traditionally a study is a preparatory drawing for an actual painting, and usually not the whole subject but only details, so for example if you were going to paint a wisen old guy you might do a study of his hands. if you were to paint the entire subject but more roughly that'd be a sketch.

people have always copied paintings as a way of studying them, but those are just called copies usually.

so it's annoying that copies are called studies here. and when people actually do do a study, which isn't very common, they call it a sketch.

>> No.3264835

my favorite

>> No.3264836

I'm so glad that someone else understands. People always say study this, study that, but they aren't studying for any full painting at all. They're just, learning? What's the term anyways? Training? What did they refer to it as traditionally? Never mind, it's copies like you said. They copied casts, they copied still life, they copied life itself. Maybe that doesn't make sense, I don't know. Correct me please. How does this all work?

>> No.3264849
File: 512 KB, 1632x920, study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jeez i get your point but i did say it's only a pet peeve. anyway here's the art dictionary definition to prove i'm not a pedant somehow :p

>> No.3265184

try breaking down the shape into smaller manageable ones? Also try not to make everything all round and smooth like it looks, focus on blocking it in, doesn't matter if it's hard edges/angular/what not YET

>> No.3265312

getting the hands right is the real test

>> No.3265556

Don't spend so many hours on something like that. Yours is closer than most, if not the closest. It will never be like the painting. Move on to other drawings, there are more things to discover in them than in the time you'd spent on details and adjustments of this one.

>> No.3266175
File: 262 KB, 890x1180, raku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3267203
File: 2.00 MB, 3317x2678, _20180107_230201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3267226

You are never going to match the painting, digitally. If you've never seen one of his paintings in person, know that he builds colors with numerous layers of transparent colors. His colors in real life are awe inspiring. You're only going to go so close with digital.
Take what you learned, and move on.

>> No.3267235

not bad at all, but I can see what youre struggling with based on what you basically gave up on (hands, feet)
pretty damn cool anon, dont feel bad

>> No.3269126
File: 184 KB, 1000x909, 01 03 2018 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave up lol

>> No.3269297
File: 529 KB, 855x490, a study.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I study these? Just spend hours trying to repaint them? I hate doing it, it's not fun and whatever I draw always ends up as a fucking 1/100th of what it's supposed to look like so the result isnt' even something you can be proud of

>> No.3269378

try doing the study like what you posted on the picture. have fun with it

a study's a study, do whatever you want with it / whatever your intent is/whatever you want to learn

>> No.3269435

>try doing the study like what you posted on the picture.

>> No.3269962
File: 839 KB, 700x933, derp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While his reply might have come off as a dick, he is correct. Bouguereau is fucking hard and as a study there are better choices which show the form in a way that is a lot easier to observe and construct the whole thing.

Also here is my work :^) we had a model. I will also point out that it could have used a lot more work and its very rough but the course was only few weeks sadly. I also received help of a russian professor and they, as you maybe know, at times come to look and draw over what you've done. It is very very helpful and that being said I cannot take all the credit, he sure as fuck deserves his share.

>> No.3269969
File: 743 KB, 1102x718, ree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What the actual fuck am I doing

I can tell you what you are not doing: checking the angles and proportions. I'm sorry about this shitty redline, but hopefully it is of some help. Rotate the pictures so that they look to another side, maybe it will be easier to see differences like that when you look it with fresh eyes once in a while.

>> No.3269992

I forgot to add that the blue lines are just the angles of which it goes, not like they are exactly on the same spot, just the angle.

>> No.3270358

That looks a lot like how I feel.

>> No.3271734
File: 3.34 MB, 1500x2200, StudyWip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Background finished, now for the hard part.

>> No.3271831
File: 3.75 MB, 1500x2200, StudyWip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muh progress

>> No.3271879

why not use bigger brush first?

>> No.3271888

You miss alot of the small value changes that way.

>> No.3271889

>big brush users getting blown out

>> No.3271973


You don't need to do the smaller value changes first.

>> No.3272077

explain how Sargent was so succesful then since he started with a huuge brush.

>> No.3272251

In sure it mostly comes down to personal preference/work flow. However I don't see much point in blocking some thing in with large brush, since you will have to switch to a smaller one anyways. Furthermore, it forces you to think about the subtle value and color changes from the very beginning, which I think helps the composition as a whole. Though I am still quite new to painting, so take it for what you will.

>> No.3272339


I'm not going to say it's wrong to start with small brushes. But I will say that for you specifically, your shapes and edge quality look very poor because you did start small. It's going to become a muddy mess when you go back to fix it.

At the very least, block in the silhouette so you can use it was a mask/clipping group.

>> No.3272400

Its on a separate layer, all I have to do to clean up the edges is erase around the silhouette. In more concerned with value and color, since cleaning up the edges is so easy.

>> No.3272517

Without wanting to appeal to authority, you'll realise in time why a lot of people work that way. If you're going to put up resistance to trying a new workflow then nothing can be said that will sway you.

>> No.3273116
File: 795 KB, 704x900, bouguereau_study.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3273120

How to get as good as you

>> No.3273183
File: 43 KB, 990x789, itriedstudy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really struggle with values and doing stuff in bigger strokes at the beginning. Here's my attempt.

>> No.3273200


>you'll realise in time why a lot of people work that way. If you're going to put up resistance to trying a new workflow then nothing can be said that will sway you.

The problem is nobody told him why people start big and go smaller. If people told me to do it x or y way and didn't tell me why I'd be resistant as well.


I'm bad at explaining but I'll try: One reason to big and switching to small is that it usually turns out to faster and much less muddy to get the main shapes and values in early, and also easier to check them and make sure they're right, and fix them if they're not. If you START with small value changes they tend to get blended early on and look muddy, whereas if you block in your main forms and shadows and then work on the shifts in value later you actually have more control over value shifts when / where to do them. It allows you to be strategic rather than sort of mindlessly blending stuff wherever it looks like it should blend. The reality is if your big picture looks good, the rest 'falls into place' far easier. If your details look good and the big picture doesn't, it will still look bad. This is also the reason people recommend doing things like thumbnails, to work on the 'big picture' without letting details bog you down too soon. Lots of people will waste a lot of time making sure things look good locally and completely miss the bigger picture, and by the time you zoom out it already looks like a mess.

It IS ultimately up to preference, but starting with a larger brush might save you some headaches.

>> No.3273754

This looks good in thumbnail, but the stomach creases need more care. The middle fold in particular pops out like a belt.

Do form shadows and cast shadows on separate passes.

>> No.3273990
File: 3.79 MB, 1565x2000, bouguereau_study.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the crit! I tried rendering the abdomen more accurately

>> No.3274218

late ass reply but this was very helpful, I'll keep this in mind for future studies

>> No.3274347
File: 2.55 MB, 5312x2988, 20180113_103312_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my pencil study, first I have ever made, and it was loads of fun. There are, of course some visible mistakes:
>the cloth is a tad misplaced
>woman's head is too big
>her face is different from the original
>eraser has been used on some spots, especially the eyes
Feel free to comment. I used 4H pencil most of the time, and did lines and darker shades with a 0.7 mechanical pencil.

Simple question (because of the head's disproportion): if I start sketching with a pencil, I need to erase those sketching lines eventually. Isn't it bad for the drawing itself ultimately? I started to draw the figure straight away as well as I could.

>> No.3274358

I am a total lurker, so sorry about that pic ending up on its side. Dunno why it happened on my pc it's straight. Phone picture.

>> No.3274436

lol fuk indeed

>> No.3274460

The face is horrible and some of the drawing sucks but the values are awesome and it reads well in that sense

>> No.3274461

You are now at a point where you should pay very close attention to the details and the overall read of it. This is in some ways one of if not the best in here

>> No.3274463

It's a drawing, it's an approximation and you should lay down lines as softly as you can, 4H is fucking retarded, it will cut your paper very deeply, you should use B or 2B

>> No.3275116

I've read about that just a bit, but do you know how they did it?

>> No.3275352

Thanks I'll keep it in mind for my next painting, as I said I am still very new to this, only got my tablet about a month ago, and haven't had much chance to use it with college taking up most of my time.

>> No.3275407
File: 3.83 MB, 1500x2200, StudyWip2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Le progress

>> No.3276361


>> No.3276364

I'm glad this thread went well, it's been a while since we've had a study thread on /ic/

>> No.3276468

nigga wtf

>> No.3276471

That is gorgeous man!