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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 225 KB, 1145x1460, wow-really-nice-sexy-hentai-chick-maid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3242646 No.3242646 [Reply] [Original]

is it possible to draw high quality anime/manga style shit PURELY from imagination, with zero references? if so, then how do you get to that level?

im talking about at least just static, non-moving pictures. is it possible with animation as well? post your thoughts/tips/etc.

>> No.3242651
File: 324 KB, 750x400, 1498065854669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is it possible to draw high quality anime/manga style shit PURELY from imagination

>> No.3242655

Why do people ask these retarded fuckin' questions?

>> No.3242657

seems like a legit question to me, as i havent found much out there in terms of drawing PURELY from imagination, with zero reference

>> No.3242661


>> No.3242664

Doing stuff from imagination well means that you have a good knowledge of a subject. Have to go above and beyond in learning and drawing it, simplifying it in a way where it makes sense to you.

>> No.3242670


Drawing from imagination is pulling from your memories. Memories of those studies you've done from ref or life.

If you have good memories or have done a shit ton of studies then yes. You won't need to rely on ref anymore.

>> No.3242672

how long will it take until i can do this?

i have art books and i do reference studies. doesnt seem to improve your skill very fast

>> No.3242674


5-10 years perhaps

>> No.3242682

does it really have to take that long??

theres no faster way to do this? i feel like it doesnt take that long to learn other skills, like music

didnt take me that long at all to play songs from memory when i started playing guitar. started improvising within a year or two after i started playing, and that was without any kind of real instruction.

i have all these books and online videos but i feel like im progressing much slower than i did on guitar with no real instruction

>> No.3242694

any more tips? i just want to be able to draw sexy anime chicks from imagination and i feel like im not improving at all after 2 years :(

pls help

>> No.3242697

does it need to be purely from imagination? is there anything wrong with pulling up a scene from some obscure porn and a couple of waifu pics and just going at it?

this skill takes a long time of focused work to develop and you seem like the type looking for an easy solution so just take the easy solution.

>> No.3242703

>hey guys how do I draw this without reference? I want to be a drawing god and better than most people so please help me. I feel like this is very achievable and not a dumb ass question because using reference enhances you're artistic ability. and why would you ever just draw from imagination and make worse art than using reference and making things better.

>> No.3242709

>does it really have to take that long??
>theres no faster way to do this?

>> No.3242710

i feel like you havent fully made it as an artist until you can make pieces purely from imagination.

i guess its ok if youre drawing on thousands and thousands of memories of actual things in your head, etc. but the point would be that you can just do it from memory.. that the skill is IN you already, and you dont have to rely on reference.

obviously using a reference can make things easier, but its almost like tracing... its more original to invent shit from your head.

>> No.3242713

You should read up on how much time great artists have invested into their craft. You have to invest the time if you want results, and you have to be consistent. Not an hour here and there. Not 30 minutes a day. You need to practice a lot. Despite both being creative mediums, art is far more complex than music. You will see progress in months and years more than hours/days/weeks, and that's only if you are practicing the correct things and really trying to improve yourself. Otherwise you could draw for years and still be garbage.

>> No.3242715
File: 144 KB, 638x903, burne-hogarth-dynamic-figure-drawing-12-638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


im working on making manga pics from imagination. i havent done reference studies since about july. I still got years to go, but, i feel like am improving. If youre stagnating, that probably means one of two things:

1.) youve only made sketches, and never finished something
be like meh. ju see, i finished the eye before painting all of the face, because i just wanted to be able to say i have an eye under my belt.

2.) You draw the same thing every time
You got to change angles and subjects constantly. Cant say specifically why, but just visiting and revisiting things after experience help.

Read lots of burne hogarth; hes a master of construction (what you need to do imagination)

>> No.3242725

you simply haven't looked well enough then. this is indeed a very stupid question.

>> No.3242730

well, any links then?

the constructive approach hasnt helped me much. my shit still looks like garbage.

>> No.3242748
File: 50 KB, 512x512, wow-really-nice-hamburguer-quality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3242750


>> No.3242765

lol good shit. how long have you been drawing?

>> No.3242773

15 minutes. This is my first drawing ever.

>> No.3242775

6 years

>> No.3242777

You’re literally fucking retarded. Every pro uses reference, you stupid piece of shit.

>> No.3242778

How do I get as good as troll chan

>> No.3242780

How do I get as good as you?

>> No.3242785

>jap animators

>> No.3242788

Even they use reference you dumb ass.

>> No.3242809

Post references for dragon scenes from LWA. I don't think dragons are alive. But well maybe Trigger hired stuntgirls for references. And helicopters.

>> No.3242817


You can’t be this fucking retarded. You’re not serious, right?

>> No.3242821

You’re literally never gonna fucking make it if you can’t even conceptualize the fact that dragons are amalgamations of several different animal parts that can be studied and expanded upon, you can easily find and/or create references and models for machinery and fantasy objects/creatures, and even fantastical flippy human poses can be referenced from photos of people. Are you a fucking idiot? I’m serious. Are you an idiot? Do you know how anything on earth works?

>> No.3242822

This site is 18+
Post references or go away.

>> No.3242823

just fucking don't that drops quality of your work
every artist study with reference even musician
only asperger faggots draw everything with his imagination and result is deviant art tier shit

>> No.3242824

she's 12

>> No.3242827

>using a reference means copying a photo of the exact scene you’re drawing
I’ve always wondered how those Egyptians and Greeks managed to find so many lions with qt human heads.
Some even had wings

>> No.3242829

>he doesn’t know about the thousands of photo reference books that exist to aid artists all over the world

>> No.3242832

They can’t POSSIBLY use a combination of their developed knowledge and skill AND photo/video/life reference. That would just be RIDICULOUS.

Never. Gonna. Make it.

>> No.3242835

And? Are you trying to say this animation is not from imagination?

>> No.3242840

Please watch this video before proceeding any further.
It'll teach you a valuable lesson.

>> No.3242844

>Vilppu videos
>"animators draw from imagination"
>meanwhile /ic/

>> No.3242846

I’m gonna go out on a limb and say you know precisely jack shit about the animation process. Even babies know that animators, no matter how skilled, study and refer back to reference photos and footage— some of it they even make themselves. You ever heard of a mirror at an animator’s desk? That ring any bells at all?

It doesn’t mean they don’t use their imaginations and all their prior learned skills as well, you obtuse fruit.

>> No.3242850

Tell me how dragon was animated.
It's rotoscope of some bird right?

>> No.3242855

No thanks, Sinix.

>> No.3242856

Surely you know that people study animals’ movement and anatomy in order to make fantasy creatures look realistic. Surely, you’re not a complete fool.

>> No.3242859

So it's from imagination.

>> No.3242863

Do you know what “study” means?

>> No.3242870
File: 826 KB, 1023x721, a drawing by kim jung gi as an example of an artist that mainly works completely from imagination because he's no doubt studied a lot in the past from reference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are these newfags arguing that literally every good artist needs to rely on reference to make good artwork all the time or just that every good artist studies and memorizes reference before drawing from imagination and they equate this in their head as being the same as "drawing from reference"?

I could understand if they mean the latter, but surely nobody is stupid enough to believe the former. Right?

>> No.3242871
File: 34 KB, 624x464, 08_Figure Drawing For Animation[(020732)09-11-08].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. What's next? Drawing from imagination doesn't exist?

>> No.3242872

Sure. That’s EXACTLY my point.

>> No.3242873

No, it comes from the study of real life animals dipshit. Memorizing their features, how limbs work, etc.

>> No.3242874

>but surely nobody is stupid enough to believe the former. Right?
Sinix audience is not very intellectual. Don't bully them.

>> No.3242875

So studying something in the past means recreating that knowledge later in a drawing makes it not drawing from imagination?

>> No.3242877

You’re rarely going to be able to draw absolutely everything on earth solely from imagination (which in itself, of course, is just drawing from tons of memorized reference/study). What happens when you have to draw something new: a cathedral, a new kind of plant, a monster of your own invention, fashion from a specific time period that you’ve never studied before?

>> No.3242878

What exactly are you trying to argue here? That people just can’t possibly use reference while they’re drawing or animating because they may or may not have studied a particular subject before? I truly don’t know whether you’re trying to prove a point or if you’re just being deliberately obtuse.

Obviously, drawing from imagination is drawing from memorized prior study and practice, to a certain point. Nobody here is disputing that.

>> No.3242883
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, 123143645876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drawing from memory = copying from references
>Drawing from imagination = drawing from memory
>Drawing from imagination = copying from references
Nice mental gymnastics.

>> No.3242884
File: 23 KB, 480x360, D87875EC-A608-4E79-902B-51FF2A6A15E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically, ITT:

>reference is very important for study and especially for double checking and correcting while you’re drawing and practicing, or making new pieces with subjects you haven’t studied as intently
>drawing proper-looking, high-quality works purely from imagination takes lots of time and proper study and memorization
>everyone on /ic/ is a Moran and needs to get a brain

>> No.3242887
File: 80 KB, 243x247, 1472557709768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What happens when you have to draw something new you’ve never studied before
You study it and then draw from imagination.

Let me break down my thought process for you

>People study real animals movement and anatomy to make fantasy creatures realistic (I agree with this statement)
>>3242859 (Not me)
>So it's from imagination (referring to the dragon animation cuts from LWA)

>> No.3242888

What are you talking about? That’s exactly what I’m saying.

Drawing properly from memory/imagination requires studying. Studying requires drawing from life and reference. Remembering what you learn helps you draw from imagination. Sometimes, while you’re drawing from imagination, reference helps keep things straight. It’s not complicated.

>> No.3242890

>this whole bait thread
>even has an eye catching OP image to get your attention

>> No.3242891

>You study it and then draw from imagination.

So you’re saying you’ve never had a reference image open WHILE youre drawing? It’s study, then immediately close the book and draw from memory? There’s a middle ground here I don’t think you’re considering.

>> No.3242892

>tfw sinix's video was all about the middle ground while people here are arguing extremes because tribalism and wanting to see the other side crash and burn

>> No.3242893
File: 1.88 MB, 288x288, my mfw when.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh....so THIS.... is the power ..... of animu and mangos

>> No.3242896

It’s gotta be one or the other, anon. It’s either tracing or drawing with my eyes closed.

>> No.3242897
File: 447 KB, 1600x900, trigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this, I guess. For every frame.

>> No.3242903

>So you’re saying you’ve never had a reference image open WHILE you're drawing?
No I'm not saying that?
Where did you read that in my post? Certainly wasn't in the part you quoted.
Obviously I do that a lot because I'm not very good yet, it's helpful when I forget about something.
The only reason I need to do that is because my knowledge is lacking and I haven't studied enough to not have to use reference occasionally to make sure my stuff looks right.
If my knowledge was more complete and I've had more practice I wouldn't have to refer at all and could just rely on my knowledge.
And that's called "drawing from imagination"
Many artists are capable of this legendary feat, because they've studied and practiced a lot more than me.

>> No.3242905

We're talking about animation, not professional concept art.

>> No.3242906
File: 284 KB, 650x581, 1511707364243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3242911

I... think we’re in agreement here.

>> No.3242919

I guess so.

>> No.3242925

but how do you actually MEMORIZE the stuff?? how do you get it locked into your brain?

I've been doing quick poses, gesture, studied anatomy, art books, copied anime, etc. Still feels like I haven't learned anything, as I can barely remember what I even studied when I try to draw from imagination. this is my whole problem.

>> No.3242936

Try to separate studies into manageable chunks, it's hard for information to stick if you're trying to learn too many things at once.

eg. if you want to learn to draw the muscles of the arm, learn each important muscle one at a time.
Learn its origin and insertion point on the bones and the general shape/form and draw it repeatedly from multiple references and also try to recreate it without looking at reference.
Once you think you can do it okay, move on to the next muscle and add to what you learned before.

>> No.3242945
File: 61 KB, 600x600, there there anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3242962 [DELETED] 

everything you post is disgusting

>> No.3242969

How do you practice

>> No.3242973

Study bridgman. You learn forms and how shit moves. Easy peasy

>> No.3242977


>> No.3242985

This is clearly the opinion of a dick loving faggot.

>> No.3242994

have you ever wondered why humans evolved so their skulls werent concave potatoes anymore? because you might need to consider that

>> No.3243214
File: 2 KB, 142x138, 1500379078255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3243245

because you are shit at it, I guess.
how long have you been """"studying""""?

>> No.3243277

>5-10 years
5 years to become a good, solid artist sounds reasonable, but 10 sounds extreme. Back when I taught myself programming, it took a year for me to be able to write a Tetris clone from scratch. After a total of 4 years, 5 at the MAX, I was a professional-level programmer capable of comfortably executing pretty much any project I had in mind. I'd say I averaged around 2-3 hours a day of study and practice during that time, sometimes doing more during summer vacations off school. Are you telling me that learning to draw anime porn is harder, maybe even TWICE as hard as learning to program?

>> No.3243285
File: 1.61 MB, 720x2127, 1510748047080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came for the low-level graphics programming background.
After all these stuff i have done there, your average drawing book (loomis etc) is little baby tier.
Fundamentals are pretty simple.

>> No.3243301

>Using scenes that were created in basic 3D programs traced over on 2D
>"Japan isn't using references xD"

Yeah, they are another level of shit.
Watch any animation documentary on how animators go about drawing these scenes. Get your dreams fucking crushed you shit weeaboo.

>> No.3243302

Post them. Show me how Trigger tracing 3D models. Or Kyoani

>> No.3243310

As someone who learned Html programming in 6th grade n Java programming in 9th grade.....i can assure u that yes art/drawing is more difficult. Programming is basically all - if or else statements or loops or stand alone statements like defining items...art creation requires thousands of neurons firing off in your brain in a cohesive manner to take what you picture mentally or from reference and render it visually through movements while also taking into account and adjusting for what medium you are using.
As similar as it looms to draw with a pencil as it does to draw with a tablet...it's really not the same. Both take practice and getting used to.

As far as OPs topic....be obsessed with what you want to create. U want hot lewd anime waifus?....look up tutorials on how other artists rendered theirs AFTER you study tf out of anatomy and facial construction and perspective. (Or u could have very well rendered pices of anatomically inccorrect attempts at what you're making that are uncomfortable af to look at u can crange at later when u get better)

>> No.3243317

Do you think Japanese animators use reference for all their anime? At best, they'll have the time to look for reference for a few key drawings.
It's obviously possible. It just takes a lot of practice and dedication. For a lot of purposes, it's not even really worth it. Even most of the old masters generally used models for their paintings.

>> No.3243320

Sorry, but it doesn't sound like you really know enough about programming to be an accurate judge. Saying "programming is basically all if/else statements and loops" is like saying "drawing is basically all just putting lines on the paper that go in the right direction".

I don't want to start a pissing contest here. Becoming a good artist takes years of hard work, plural, no doubt about it. I just think that the people who are like "you can draw for decades and STILL suck" are exaggerating a lot. 4-5 years of dedicated work should be more than enough to become quite good.

>> No.3243326

As someone who finished "Fun with a pencil" in 6th grade n "Figure Drawing" in 9th grade....i can assure u that yes programming is more difficult. Drawing is basically all - simply placing basic forms in the perspective and applying some basic rules of shadow and light.. program creation requires thousands of neurons firing off in your brain in a cohesive manner to take what work you imagine mentally and define it explicitly through statements also taking into account and adjusting for what programming language you are using.

>> No.3243329

Programming was a bit more simple in my day
*tries to hide age*
If you are one of the people that suck badly after 4-5 years of practice with art and drawing either you are self teaching all wrong-the school u went to is a sham-or maybe you been getting way too high.
There's all kinds of different programming languages just like there are all kinds of art mediums. In both situations some stuff is easier to learn than other stuff. Being great at anything (well besides a total dissapointment) takes dedication and time. There's not really a short cut or easy route as much as there are ways to drag it out and make it more difficult.

>> No.3243341

I'm starting think it's the same anon seeking attention.

>> No.3243350


Drawing from imagination is also drawing from reference, you're just drawing from reference in your head.

Just kidding. Some people on here actually believe this, though.

>> No.3243378
File: 110 KB, 576x720, 3e06a481f60a9d2c6d0ddcdd5927e1ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drawing was a bit more simple in my day too

>> No.3243384

nahh man impossible

>> No.3243417

Point out the part where they mention using 3d.

>> No.3243911

Why do you think people like OP want attention so bad?

>> No.3243925

because idiots like you keep bumping his shit threads

>> No.3243943

You do the same with art. Draw from ref, simplify/improvise that method, and draw again.

>> No.3244097

>impersonating someone for (you)s
>giving shitty advise at the same time
>all while trying to bring down hogarth with you by saying you used it

>> No.3244119

Generic Modern Anime has a extremely simplistic "template" which overall the more effort and talent you try to fit into said template, the more it'll look weird and off. Even seen those really well rendered weeb shit pics with extremely well done skin and water only for the }:^D bland 1D face to just ruin the entire picture? Anime has a ceiling, and any "good" anime art breaks through and goes away from generic Anime, look at Berserk (before it started declining due to Idol weeb shit, see there's objective proof).
tl;dr - Anime is bad for you.

>> No.3244268

It can be done if you've developed your style i.e. you know how you want your lineart/shading/gesture be and have the tools ready. You start with cubes and build your way on top of them. I do however think that getting some reference is preferable as there are certain things, from poses to the way the boob sags to light, that you won't necessarily go for in your default state that will improve your work.

Thanks anon you killed me now i'm dead

>> No.3244299

>furry shit

>> No.3244960


>Too answer your question



References, ( As long as you aren't just tracing with the excuse of "I'm learning!" ) - Will help you save time and frustration in the long run.

That's it.

>> No.3245213

theres literally nothing wrong with using references

>> No.3245220

Retards are more abundant than ever now that asking questions has zero consequences.

>> No.3245221
File: 34 KB, 1012x1012, IMG_20171221_200349_458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my favourite and only reference.
>Pic Related

>> No.3245224

That's fucking deep.
>when were you under the impression that you never used references if you have eyes?

>> No.3245266
File: 33 KB, 1012x1012, IMG_20171221_200252_604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My eyes are round.

>> No.3245328

Yes with the exception of hands.

You can do bodies from imagination if you're really good. You can do hands from imagination if you're really great. But you cannot do bodies with hands that match from imagination unless you're .001% of superelite artists.

>> No.3246307

>is it possible to draw high quality anime/manga style shit PURELY from imagination, with zero references?
Could you post an example image? The one you posted is low quality. The wrist of her licking hand is all fucked up. 0/10 would not bang

>> No.3247085
File: 18 KB, 480x360, 24991515_757007557842678_3937694129460069326_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3247121

Who is artist?

>> No.3247557


>> No.3247624

>Like tracing
Well if you don't copy anime how the fuck do you know what it look like? Or shit, even human figure
Drawing IS copying

>> No.3247846

Look at what this motherfucked did with her feet. Her feet are so cute, youthful and girly. They're also somewhat unrealistic because they are exaggerated. But they stand in contrast with the extremely womanly high heels. The heels are realistic, unlike feet. This subtle contrast is so beautiful it makes me dizzy.

There are more contrasts like this. It's absolutely incredible and you won't find it anywhere else. This is comparable to works of old masters, except today

>> No.3250881

Found him! Souji Hougu

>> No.3251602
File: 254 KB, 751x946, ss+(2014-11-14+at+12.08.44).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>calling kjg a furry
cool and good troll my friend

>> No.3251605

What did the footfag mean by this?

>> No.3253385

Oh this is nice. Are there any other schedule/how to study posts like this? I remember there being a good one with cirno, if anyone has that can they post it?

>> No.3253397

desu kjg is overrated, and not really good imho. Much prefer stuff like art in the OP to his work.

>> No.3253919

Skill wise KJG beats most artist, he's insane when it comes to the bare figure drawing and drawing ANYTHING in general. Though I think he doesn't focus on making characters look appealing, which is an own kind of science for its own. Artists like OP think about every detail and how to make it look sexy or cute and take away all the little nasty details real people have. Though I bet OP's artists couldn't draw as quickly and freely as KJG and wouldn't have such a range of things to draw.