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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3240721 No.3240721 [Reply] [Original]

i feel so overwhelmed stepping into digital. the frustration of having to learn to use a tablet coupled with learning and trying to find guides on how to use clip studio and photoshop. not to mention how to actually paint? switching from traditional and i have an okay grasp on light shadows and constructing form and figures. But this is just hellish, how do you learn to do this? Ive been to ctrl paint and viewed most of the videos but it doesnt exactly explain what to do in terms of actual painting and doesnt explain some specific techniques either. I just want to paint like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdYac6BD01o but theres obviously no guides for these anime paintings either.

>> No.3240749

1. Learn to use your tablet first, and be comfortable with its operation
2. Find an art program that you like and learn some of its basic controls. How to switch brushes, use different layers, what your shortcut buttons are, how a few of the brushes handle. Just pick 3 and work with those for now.
4. Make a few things in your new art program. If you're used to traditional painting, feel free to draw all on one layer. These pieces don't have to be finished, they can be studies or cute little doodles. But get comfortable MAKING things in your chosen program, and learn its limitations.
5. once you've made a few things in your chosen program, then you can look into more indepth tutorials, like some advanced features your program has to offer, or making your own brushes.

TL;DR: focus on using your art programs as basically as possible, and you can learn more about them when you're more familiar with their basic layout.

>> No.3240798

I would recommend slowing down that speed painting video to 0.25 and pausing a lot. Try and copy what they're doing. Just try and copy, and copy. Soon you'll get used to the tools as you experiment.

I also recommend learning your chosen program as anon stated >>3240749. You'll realize a lot of these artists are using certain brushes, and things of that nature. Makes digital painting a lot easier.

>> No.3240839

thanks for that, ill definitely try to slow it down, it just seemed so bad when i took into account that I had to learn all of this in one go

>> No.3240844
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Check Zin Lim on youtube he has a video on painting aswell as digitally

>> No.3240852

Oh, honey. You do NOT have to learn it in one go! With digital art, you're gonna find a metric fuckton of tools out there that are made for speeding up your workflow or assisting in areas where you have trouble.
Try one or two out every now and then, and if they actually do make things easier/faster for you, feel free to use them, but I'm willing to bet you'll toss back most of what you try. It all depends on your personal workflow, as there are many kinds of artists who use the same programs for different things.
You don't have to be proficient with every tool. :)

>> No.3240895



>> No.3242692


>> No.3244859

>and trying to find guides on how to use clip studio and photoshop

Nigga just play around with it
I started digital by messing around and experimenting and grinding 90% of the time

>> No.3244860

>Oh, honey
