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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3240434 No.3240434 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about /ic/ for a second. What do you guys like/dislike about this place? How do you see the general development of this forum? What do you think about the moderation etc.

I'd like to see some stricter moderation. People who constantly shit post should be banned for a while. It might also be a good idea to have separate forums for manga stuff, porn, traditional art etc. since a lot of shit posting comes from people who simply enjoy different things in art. 30% of the crappy threads are "hurrdurr this modern art piece sold for a billion dollars and I'm angry" or "who made this piece. I don't seem to know how Google works". What do you guys think?

I think the feedback is better than ever and I like that we have a sticky for beginners and constant threads like the draw/Q&A/Beginner Thread. It's just too bad that people coming in don't know about these threads..

>> No.3240585


>> No.3240614

This board has nothing to do with art. Just trying to repliacte Loomis or generic anime girls.

>> No.3240634

>Just trying to replicate Loomis or generic anime girls.
Do you know how many people anime girls bring happiness to on a daily basis? Lots. Do you know how many people your favorite works of art bring happiness to on a daily basis? Probably not nearly as many, given you're the type of person who shits on anime because it's not "serious" or "experimental" enough or whatever.

>> No.3240636

Post your work and let's see if your art is just bad

>> No.3240655

i think when /ic/ was a bunch of angry people who hated anime and really really wanted to be concept artists it was a much better place, now it's like, idk, a bunch of shit posting mainly. i only come back here every now and then, and it gets less focused every time. i think the board is on thin ice and will be kill sooner or later. you don't get the people like h! and teal and stuff who were community mainstays anymore, i'm surprised the drawthreads still get made desu

>> No.3240663

i wish people would stop calling the guide in the sticky a meme so i don't feel like i'm wasting time with it and won't procrastinate anymore cause everyone says it's a meme but it's the closest thing i have found that could be called "how to learn to draw guide"

i just want to fucking kill myself

>> No.3240676 [DELETED] 
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That's the dumbest thing I've heard, so just because some call it a meme that actually affects you and it's relevance. Though here is a guide to quickly get you started, Make use of ZIn Lim and the first 20 pages of G.E Hicks a guide to figure drawing

>> No.3240686


This is the thing I was talking about when I said this place should be split into parts... I don't like anime stuff myself but I understand the appeal. I'm definitely wondering if the people here are really <18 years old. I'm fucking old an I don't get into arguments about shit like that online. I just don't care enough and neither would any of my friends who this kind of thing.


This is another thing I see a lot. Who cares? Almost nobody here is a fucking pro. I just don't see guys like Phil Hale or, say, Anthony Jones making angry posts on an anonymous image boards because some edgy teenager is shitting on some stuff they like.


I disagree with you on the draw thread stuff. The people who produce semi decent work don't really get shit from people. Just the beginners who don't want to post in the beginner thread.

I still think this is a better place for feedback than shit like "Level Up". People are much more open when they're anonymous. If you can just filter out all the shit posting and never get into arguments with people you can really learn some shit here.

>> No.3240715

You're not wasting time, and the sticky is not a meme. It's just not the only way to learn how to draw, and I think that is where the meme part comes in.

>> No.3240717

Please keep posting this.

>> No.3240720

Telling people their drawings are stiff and they should go to /beg/ and grind boxes
People telling me my drawings are stiff and I should go to /beg/ and grind boxes

>> No.3240723
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Stop spoonfeeding newfags and promoute /ic/ on your shity streams. Loud newfags, tumblr autists and duscord shitters already ruined everything.
>i think when /ic/ was a bunch of angry people who hated anime and really really wanted to be concept artists it was a much better place

>> No.3240725
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>> No.3240726

The good
>a wealth of resources are made available to everyone
>very helpful information for absolute beginners on how to get started
>occasional critiques in the draw or alt threads
The bad
>just about everything else
>extremely toxic and negative community
>dogmatic meme spewing is taken as "serious discussion" or analysis
>harsh community can quite often be demotivating
>beginner thread is a lost cause filled with people aimlessly wandering around drawing floating boxes for years with a handful of people who aren't actually beginners anymore but whose work everyone ignores so they don't leave the /beg/
>/ic/'s knowledge base falls apart after the beginning stages
>"concept art" is the biggest thing on here even though a good portion of people don't understand what that entails
>discussion of other fields in non-existent or riddles with misconceptions
>little to no moderation allows shitposters to thrive
>no real sense of community like other boards, everyone's out for themselves

>> No.3240727

>"concept art" is the biggest thing on here
Doubt. No one cares about concept art anymore. Everyone already know sad truth.

>> No.3240729

I wish that there were instructions on how to give/take critique in the sticky. Everyone behaves like retarded little children on both sides, so it makes me really not want to sit there for hours analyzing someones work, redlining it, and painstakingly writing a long in-depth list of what is good and bad about it along with recommendations on books/websites/exercises to help with their issues.

>On the receiving end:
90% of the time someone gets triggered into a rage, responds with "its muh style", "lol I trolled you", or my personal favorite, "post your work fagget".They don't want to get better, they just want to fight. Maybe 10% of the time someone will react the way they're supposed to and either respectfully disagree or take the advice gratefully.

It's just not fucking worth critiquing if everyone's coming in here for asspats.

>On the critiquing end:
You have anons that don't know what they're talking about arguing about "the right way to draw" and just throwing in buzzwords and terminology they don't understand. You've got the hugbox faggots that white-knight for each other and only give compliments. Then there are the assholes that just say "git gud" or "you suck" but don't elaborate on WHY they suck (and the rule about this kind of critique is not enforced in the slightest). You can be rude/edgy and still give someone an idea of what they fucked up on and what to fix for next time.

I'm not saying you have to be hugboxy circlejerk fags about it, but at least put some real effort into it.

The anons on /ic/ are so jealous and easily triggered, god forbid someone leagues better than them comes along to hang out here and share their knowledge with us. It starts flame wars when we could learn their secrets and best them instead.

>> No.3240732

/ic/ is so focused on doing a high volume of work that they never finish a painting. Part of learning is having to deal with your dumbass mistakes all the way through to the end of the piece, that way it's blatantly obvious that you've fucked something up, and you can think on how to keep that from happening next time.

There aren't any more collab threads, and when there are you fuckers don't even participate. We don't do anything creative because everyone is lazy or insecure and uses the excuse of "no free work! no requests!" when before we'd do really fun paintings together as a board.

Some artists will self-promote or try to "meme" themselves here and it's just sad. Anons then fake being those artists for a laugh and will beat that dead horse for months. It's retarded, it's not funny, it's a waste of bandwidth and all you're doing is helping those artists get attention.

You fuckers always blame your issues on someone or something else instead of taking responsibility for your actions. I can't believe that you guys are in your mid-20's to mid-30's.

Moderators don't pay attention and generally feel non-existent on the board.

>> No.3240733
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/ic/ board has one weak point now. It easily can be terrorized by RP shitposters like old /a/ IRC squad or nu-discord autists from picrelated. Not a big problem for fast moderated board, but curse for /ic/.

>> No.3240735

Sometimes I wonder if any of us are gonna make it.

>> No.3240737

I think the "take tablet threads to /g/ or /gd/, but not here" rule is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. There is more of a selection now than there was before, and /g/ doesn't know shit about problems specifically between art programs/drivers/tablets. They just want to build sick master race gaming PCs. /gd/ doesn't even draw. /ic/ is actually fairly experienced with this shit.

I don't really care if it annoys people to see those threads, just make a god damn tablet info sticky and update it frequently. Or learn how to use the hide feature.

>> No.3240738

not gonna make it if you spend more time shitposting than creating art. thats for sure.

>> No.3240742

>little to no moderation allows shitposters to thrive
This, and ONLY this.
Boards with a serious moderation won´t get shitty posts or crappy text-only answers.
People are bored from /b/ and comes to troll her. "Your art is shit, you´re the worst", etc, would result in a ban from already existing board rules.
If i remember correctly, it was for a /ic/ fight that the last hack happened on 4chan during the Moot administration.

>> No.3240744
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Trust nobody.

>> No.3240757

I was talking about the collab threads where we start with blobs of color and make up shit and refine it as we go. Anything else is not to be trusted.

>> No.3240760

Someone made one of those like a week or two ago. Only 2-3 people besides the OP participated and the rest of the posts were just shitting on them iirc.

>> No.3240761

You already know the answer and it's the same answer for /fit/

>> No.3240763

>furry is disallowed outside of /b/
>still hordes of furfags post their shit looking for 'criticism'
>tell them it's shit because it is




>> No.3240764

Yeah well, you know how it goes. Those that can't do, bitch.

>> No.3240770
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>> No.3240777
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>> No.3240780
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>> No.3240785
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>> No.3240794
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I didnt know there were rules here. Im just glad this place exists.

Ive been drawing a bit tonight, someone give me advice. these are some warm ups and the first time ive used a pencil in years, having been primarily painting abstract and drawing with pens/markers/pastels.

also post an image of something you have drawn or ur ngmi

>> No.3240795

>I-I'm procrastinating from drawing because other people are saying something about this method, th-that's the reason
Just draw, jesus christ. NGMI

>> No.3240796
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and warm up stretches, plus my left hand drawing my left hand, and nifty mannican thing.

>> No.3240800

Still waiting for the new sticky, mods

>> No.3240835

/ic/ in a nutshell

>> No.3240842

I wish /ic/ had an official shitposting thread so all of the trash would be contained in one single place.
I also wish /ic/ would stop masturbating over sci-fi/fantasy/anime: anything that falls outside of these categories will be lambasted.
Finally, I wish there was more moderation, we need some structure on this board.

>> No.3240843


Are tou trolling? Move your shit to the fucking beginner thread man. Did you even read what people wrote in this thread? I'm not usually this hostile towards people here but fuck...

>> No.3240845
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I like /ic/ for the schadenfreude. I dislike /ic/ for making me dislike myself for lurking here instead of doing something more enjoyable.

I think this forum gets all it’s traffic from curious people exploring 4chan. No artists actually tells someone to come here for the great “no bullshit” feedback. Best feedback and critique comes from people doing what you want to do, or a small discord/skype group of creative friends with similair goals. If you’re here, it means you don’t have that, and don’t know how to find it.

Having an emotion stake in this forum’s culture or quality is mental. Being anonymous makes you never invest in anything, so no quality interaction is possible here. In some cases, taboo/weird subjects are best “discussed” here because why burden would-be associates with fetish material or something?

/ic/ is obviously not good, but most accept that as better than seeking a better ‘community’. I’m basically schizoid, and too much of what I want to “art” is basically rule 34, so it makes sense for me to be here sometimes, but I don’t relish in it.

>> No.3240849

I love those threads but don't come on here during the week anymore because of working. If they were a weekend thing maybe they'd have more success, or take advantage of people being off for for Christmas break.

>> No.3240856

I like how on a good day you can get decent critique because this is not a place for hugs and kisses unlike deviantart.

What I don't like is how there are losers here expecting some kind of cheat code that improves their art and then get mad when they're told that they're not as good as they thought they were.

> It might also be a good idea to have separate forums for manga stuff, porn, traditional art etc. since a lot of shit posting comes from people who simply enjoy different things in art.
That's why we have specific threads. If you're asking to split /ic/ up into smaller boards, then that's just a waste of time.

>> No.3240857

>If you’re here, it means you don’t have that, and don’t know how to find it.
See I do have that but my friends all just want to complement each other, they're not honest. At least I know you guys will tell me when something sucks.

>> No.3240860

Agreed, it's turned into a free for all rather than a group effort

Yeah furries and weeabos ruined this board

Not bad, at least you are draeing, one big thing I notice is you don't really understand how proportions or relative position work. Look up portrait painting processes on YouTube and see what they do

I used to come here alot. I'm serious about improving my art and I believe in realism and the method of improvement that this board tends to support. I feel like there are alot of people like me on here. We come to share in the struggles of improvement

But we are the minority

So many anime fags and furries and tumblr artists flood this board because it's some kind of meme that any discussion we could have is squashed.

Also people who don't draw and would rather cause drama which caused the good artists to leave.

Alot of issues and I think this board is kill as well. Not worth coming to anymore

>> No.3240864
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>I didnt know there were rules here.

>> No.3240868

I miss the days when we had all sorts of regular drawing challenges, collabs and study threads. Nowadays if we ever get one started, all the bitter tradfags immediately flood in and ruin it by bitching about anime and digital art.

>> No.3240869
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>> No.3240871

>/ic/ actually means /icrit/

>> No.3240902

>i think the board is on thin ice
Not even close, even disasters like /tv/ are not at risk of being purged.

>> No.3240910

/beg/ should be more focused on fun and inspiring people to draw. the negativity doesn't really help anyone, and telling someone to completely redo a drawing isn't really useful. crit should be useful and actually help.

I think outside of /beg/ there should be a bigger focus on making art for actual jobs. I don't see a lot of threads focused on design and ideas even though concept art is often discussed here, which is pretty strange. Perhaps Illustration and concept art should have their own generals.

>> No.3241249


why do people have meta threads like this and care about pointless shit like rules? not supposed to spend 24 hours a day on here. go outside or something

>> No.3241250

quality posts all around

>> No.3241254

I like the wealth of information this this place provides, but it's true that this is a pretty toxic community. A big portion of that is that there needs to be better moderation and the resources sticky needs to be updated.

I think once there's better moderation better artists will come here, but the problem still is that this is still 4chan that /pol/ around the corner and that still infiltrates this board.

No decent person wants to be associated with that.

>> No.3241260
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/ic/ belongs to the hobbyist. Literally none of you autists are ever going to "make it." It's funny to watch you all in short bursts, but if I stick around too long reading through all your autism starts to give me a headache.

Every few months I visit here to take books, grab some more references, shitpost, maybe *SMACK*post a little, and then I leave. This is the ONLY way to effectively use /ic/. It's a fun place to shitpost and bait autists, and to collect some nice resources. People who act like it's anything more than that are missing the point completely and are probably part of the problem.

>> No.3241298

I don't do anything even remotely related to art, I just like to lurk this board occasionally because it's interesting,

>> No.3241365

either make a thread or contact the wici person; it'll get added