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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 30 KB, 372x285, steve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3239814 No.3239814 [Reply] [Original]

Is Steve the true god of /ic/?

>> No.3239821
File: 173 KB, 1000x666, 20120528123533-Huston_Fighting_On_24x36in.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3239841
File: 35 KB, 550x367, Evenly_Matched_1039_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude's a savage honestly, yoked as fuck; he could probably kick any other artist's ass and is worth listening to on that merit alone.


I don't understand the supposed logic behind his fuckin' triangle head construction method fucking AT ALL but everything else is okay.

>> No.3239845

Can someone post old tiers meme pic? With Proko being onahole tier and Feng in thug life tier

>> No.3239849

He gives free subscriptions to New Masters Academy to anyone who's a former veteran in the military

>> No.3239863
File: 208 KB, 1111x1106, Steve Huston (44).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how come he never seems to paint women's faces? they always seem to be obscured somehow

>> No.3239866

Doesn't beat ZinLim

>> No.3239875

Females aren't working class white men

>> No.3239877

Rumor has it that his wife left him and that's why you don't see a ring on his finger.

>> No.3239881
File: 13 KB, 480x360, the last vanilla gorilla of the art world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair he obscures the face a lot in most of his other paintings too, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was something to that.

He could have had a bad divorce which made him have a passive, subconscious resentment towards women. Maybe he's gay or just finds the male form a better vehicle for his expression of the working class. No way to really know without asking him yourself I guess.

If you dare.

>> No.3239885
File: 2.22 MB, 240x177, 1317755379904.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3239886

what are the chances that steve voted for trump?

>> No.3239894

As a physically fit older white man probably pretty high. I'm guessing he doesn't talk about it. He's alienated enough living in California proper but as an artist he'd lose a lot of friends over that.


>> No.3239895

he said a while ago his next project was going to be women
wonder what that'll be like

>> No.3239941

I bet he could fugg Prokomemes wife pretty easily if he wanted to.

>> No.3239970

I like Steve because I always felt like I was too much of a working class guy to be able to have any chance as an artist. I can't pull off the skinny hipster urbanite look very well and I feel like an ogre around most artists.

>> No.3239977

>I don't understand the supposed logic behind his fuckin' triangle head construction method fucking AT ALL but everything else is okay.

I thought of it less construction and more gesture. The point is to get down the energy of the head mass easily using the two strong gesture lines of the head: The front plane of the "face mask" and the top of the head protruding out and back from that mask. Then you add the gesture of the jawline going up to the ear and then rhythmically connecting it with the gesture of the back of the head. But he emphasizes the usage of the most characteristic shape of the subject rather than systematically relying on a triangle

>> No.3240014
File: 1.86 MB, 228x170, 1508980639440.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Am I the only one that finds Steve hot? He looks like the strong suburban white daddy type.

>> No.3240021

Watch his interview with Porko

>> No.3240033

i heard the dude used to be a bodybuilder. any body have a pic of yung jacked steve?

>> No.3240040

Nah, ur the only gay person on this bort heh

>> No.3240053

fuck, everything is low res.

>> No.3240060
File: 15 KB, 746x673, b66a79b37c389431d4cd3849272099b97d21aa6bb01a1a7f40a8bfa9a4a1295a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anybody have his head drawing stuff? I only have the first 2 chapters and can't afford to buy them

>> No.3240100


Craig Mullins had him as a teacher and was apparently quite intimidated by his swole arms

>> No.3241339

This was a good interview, I almost forgot that I watched it already.

>> No.3241342

whoops https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Var92xzU_Y

>> No.3241366

what is this woring class meme

>> No.3241378

Steve did some AMAs for those that don't know he does some pretty epic charcoal drawings while answering questions.

>> No.3241720

I really like how he thinks about art
He has this down-to-earth way of putting things, while still also considering emotion and art history

>> No.3241723

I'd like a source for this.

I already have an NMA subscription so I don't know how I can give him more money if this is true. Maybe upgrade my sub to the next level or whatever.

>> No.3241757

>He's alienated enough living in California proper
How so?

>> No.3241762

Just a joke based on him being hypothetical Trump supporter.

>> No.3241763

likes his black men doesn't he? I'm not complaining but he's drawn a lot of them lmao

>> No.3241998

why is there so much suspicion of homosexuality when it comes to artists?

>> No.3242108

Projection and insecurity

>> No.3242395

steve is like the father I never had

>> No.3242641

steve who

>> No.3242742

steve irwin

>> No.3243093

Is there any site that's better for learning than NMA?

>> No.3243096

No to be honest. Sheldon (((Borenstein))) makes it worth it alone heh

>> No.3243101

Wait, really? Finishing my contract in literally a month and would like to get in on this.

>> No.3243123
File: 21 KB, 600x330, f80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sheldon Borenstein is straight, married, and has a daughter

>Steve Huston is possibly gay

>> No.3243132

with jews you win

>> No.3243137


>> No.3245432

