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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 163 KB, 741x771, better than you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3238629 No.3238629[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Okay guys, I'm fairly new to this board (a month or so) and I came to the conclusion that all of you are pretty fucking BAD.

Like /beg/-tier bad.
All I've seen here so far is so fucking bad and pure cringe-material, DeviantArt Sonic-OC's are better than even the best /ic/ has to offer.

Please, prove me wrong, post something better than pic related (which I shat out in 5 minutes).
Fun fact: You can't because you didn't even draw anything today.

Oh and replying without posting your own work, you automatically admit that you're NGMI also automatically proves my point.

>inb4 bait
No, I'm dead serious. You are that bad. And you know it. No mental gymnastics can save you from this hard truth.

>> No.3238630

>outting yourself like this
Anyone can tell who you are by how you draw

>> No.3238642

OP you're right. I won't post my own drawing because I am actually bad. but I am not like the other people who try to pretend they're good. I don't shit on the other people. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with this board, but I genuinely believe that 99% here don't actually draw.

They're all fucking losers, but they do post good links for PDF's and similar. Anyone who gets advice from this board is NGMI

>> No.3238645

How do I get as good as you.

>> No.3238648


>> No.3238670


>> No.3238672

>goes to art improvement board
>surprised there's bad people there

>> No.3238675
File: 2.31 MB, 1275x1795, Andro2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't shit on people either. I'm not nearly good enough to do so.

>> No.3238709

>inb4 spends 30 hours analyzing your picture to find a detail so that I can shit talk you and be condescending.

>> No.3238736

nice tumblr nose

>> No.3238745

hey ruan jia failure wannabe

>> No.3238746
File: 103 KB, 583x800, 10b. 1919-22c Sir Henry Hughes Wilson, 1st Bt oil on canvas 54.6 x 39.4 cm © National Portrait Gallery, London..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself

>> No.3238760

Listen, faggot.

As much as I agree with what you wrote
Your shit is just as bad as everyone in /ic/

All of you faggots have incomplete OC's
Sketched out incomplete bullshit.
Pipe dreams about making it and other delusions.
You are all fanartists, not one person here is original. You are all hacks and copycats.
None of you do it for the love of doing the art.
You do it as a commercial endeavor.
OP, that drawing you posted, if it's yours, sucks.

Before you make this stupid thread, how about completing a full piece and then talking shit.

>> No.3238763

>None of you do it for the love of doing the art.
let me guess
you do? LOL

>> No.3238765
File: 916 KB, 245x285, 166.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl-z junkie with DK

>> No.3238767
File: 85 KB, 500x348, DM7i0gA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how about completing a full piece and then talking shit

We're just sitting here waiting for this guy to post art of his own, he'll do it..any second now... he's obviously not full of shit..right guys? Right?

>> No.3238768

Yes, I do, faggot.
I am not trying to "get gud"
Or become famous or known,
or work for some bullshit art related company you fucking art fag.
I don't give a shit if I ever have a show or not, faggot. I work on my own terms.
I do my art for the love of it, not for anyone elses viewing pleasure except my own because fuck what you think, your existence is irrelevant, and that goes for every single one of you hacks.

>> No.3238771


>> No.3238772
File: 742 KB, 1280x1400, chris-ofili-new-museum-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3238774

Yea, keep sucking on the dicks of your target audience, faggot.

>> No.3238775

Why does EVERYONE on here compare me to Ruan Jia? Is it because I use a similar texture brush? What's the deal?

>> No.3238784
File: 1022 KB, 1143x1600, Chris Olifi - 'the Crybaby Nigga Literally Made of Poo Poo From a Butt LOL'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3238800

I don't know what point you are trying to prove here.
It doesn't matter, you are still a faggot.

>> No.3238803

i've been looking for the color version of this sargent sketch for awhile, thanks!!

>> No.3238805

Take your self-important "I'm not like those other girls" bullshit and kys urself you twink lmao

>> No.3238807
File: 542 KB, 423x713, abide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you're right OP. I am pretty damn shit. I've given up a handful of times and time keeps getting the better of me. I guess I figure so long as I keep trying and I allow myself to enjoy it that's what matters.

It's not better than what you did by any means but... proof that you're wrong about one thing. I did in fact draw today.

>> No.3238809

I like how your lack-of-creativity shows through in your basic responses. You don't need to share your work, your style of writing is enough to show the world your lack of skill.

>> No.3238813

what if, instead of trying to appease some nobody pretending to be good, everyone just leaves and goes back to drawing?????

>> No.3238818 [DELETED] 

She has a very masculine neck / face outline to be honest. Are you sure you want to start a thread like that?

>> No.3238821 [DELETED] 

btw you use a lot of construction crutches to be elevating yourself from the /beg/ crowd on here...

>> No.3238827 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 350x851, ghostclock_web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my work, for the lulz

>> No.3238829
File: 104 KB, 350x851, ghostclock_web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/ has absolutely zero creativity. these guys on here copy fetish manga off of each other and there's nothing more to it. no genuinely worthwhile works which tell their own story whatsoever. /ic/ is a waste of time.

>> No.3238830

are you chris ofili? why do you post his works?
can't you read??
>Oh and replying without posting your own work, you automatically admit that you're NGMI also automatically proves my point.

>> No.3238839

Your drawing is better. It has personality and isn't stiff like OP's. Also yours can be completed with some rendering. Yours is actually applicable to a market. Looks like maximillian. If you can consistently draw like that, then you should already be blogging (Just move onto the next stage of finishing the sketch. Your sketching skills are above average)

>> No.3238853

Oh fuck off. OP is better.
Anon that posted >>3238807 hid pretty much all of his face under sunglasses and a beard. Is his chin pointing up? Why is his nose pointing down then? How come his sun glasses and brows are angled as though he's looking straight on? What's going on with that hand? And don't even get me started on the entire structural mistake that is the arms being attached to the shoulders. AND they're both different sizes.

The only thing blatantly wrong with the OP pic is that the top of the ear fold is missing, the eyes are a little wonky, the chin is a bit too big and the neck is DEFINITELY to thicc. It's still more structurally sound that that other piece of shit excuse for art.

>> No.3238859

Quit being jealous, >>3238807 art is more stylistic and practical than OP's. So what if he has sunglasses & a beard? How does that make his art worse? This is absolutely stupid, you think art is only when someone is drawn generically. Go get bent if you think art should only be about replicating actual people line for line.

>> No.3238864

OP here, and while I'm grateful for the mistakes you pointed out in my drawing, I think that >>3238807 's drawing is meant to be stylized and all that. I'm pretty sure he didn't intend to go full loomis on "the dude"

>> No.3238892

>"I stylistically pointed his facial features all in different directions! It was on purpose since it's my style! It's also my style to draw my arms different sizes and avoid drawing the face because it's le dude! Even though he doesn't need to have those on, I chose it stylistically!"

Post something better if you don't want to be called shit.

>> No.3238904
File: 324 KB, 1053x1070, 1451157852121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the chin is a bit too big

the only reason someone would find her chin too big is because someone is used to little anime girl anatomy where they have microscopic chins

>> No.3238906

well, too long.

>> No.3238911

Like I said, you're jealous and seem to not understand how art works. If other people like it, then it's not shit. You're judging art by some stupid numerical requirements and not by whether it's art. People like you are NGMI.

You're just another nobody loser who's art is going to get lost in a sea like most nobodies. (Assuming you even draw, which I doubt. Which is why you care so much about details that don't effect peoples enjoyment of something)

I am not asking you to not call it "shit". Just to grow up and stop being a bitch that other people like someone who is better than you. You're just mad that you will never have art that people like .

>> No.3238944 [DELETED] 
File: 595 KB, 573x529, crappydoodles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not the best judge of work, but I've seen a lot of art here I like, plus going on this board and seeing others stuff always makes me want to draw! :)

Your stuff is nice OP

>> No.3238946 [DELETED] 

Also I'm not saying my stuff is better then yours, cause it's not. I misread and just thought we were suppose to post our work, if we replied. :0

>> No.3238950

>Just to grow up and stop being a bitch that other people like someone who is better than you. You're just mad that you will never have art that people like

kek. i second this motion for that sorry ass anon

>> No.3238951
File: 682 KB, 567x846, moreshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ah, thank you for pointing out the issues with the face. I was a little heavy handed with the drawing so I'll see if I can't correct some of it in photoshop before I pull it into illustrator. Some of it is the mixed set of references I used to try and capture the character's likeness as it's going to be simplified and used for a lazer cut.
The hand is largely a stylistic choice on my part but it's cool if you don't like it. I was trying to simplify the forms so they'd read properly at a glance when they're much smaller. If you have any suggestions or examples I'd love to see them. It would be a huge help.

The glasses and the beard are identifiers for the character. I thought about having his eyes show but felt this would read more strongly. OP ( or >>3238864 ) picked up on it, so I'm not too displeased with the result.

Thank you very much for the encouragement but I'm not at all consistent. >>3238853 is 100% correct. My structure is awful and my perspective is kind of hilarious. I've been practicing but it's of an uphill battle, attached picture related. The school I went to specifically didn't have us practice drawing faces because our teacher felt we weren't ready. That anon had an issue with my face really isn't all that surprising, especially since I haven't been drawing actual faces since in lieu of the animus. Add that to the list of stuff I need to be practicing.


I really like this. It captures my curiosity, which I think is part of the story you're going for. I kind of wish there was stronger value contrast to make the character and different parts of the clock pop more so it didn't get lost in a vague haze, but that could either be intended (it seems very fairy tale-esque) or because of the scanner. All those nice details deserve to be seen, though.

>> No.3238953

Jokes on you, I'm gonna kill myself, so I won't even care that everyone else is better than me.

>> No.3238965
File: 46 KB, 400x400, 1491511909736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you are. This uninspired random doggo took me around 15 minutes and is 100 times more interesting to look at than your generic portrait number #2910382301092382039.

Nice ear, by the way, Majin Boo.

>> No.3238972

why'd you take your name off, ruan?

>> No.3239005

>so I won't even care
you need to off yourself for caring about it in the first place

>> No.3239019
File: 242 KB, 741x771, scrub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Square constriction line showing post loomis syndrom noob tier

*nose width to small.
*Cartoonish lips, shading doesnt show form
*jaw to wide to the left, ear misplaced
*Iris to small
*Trepezius muscle way to low, Inaccurate representation of Sternocleidomastoid. Strange twist, pit of neck misplaced.
*Retarded chin
*Overall unappealing shape of hair, even at this early state
*Curve of frontal process of zygomatic bone too flat


>> No.3239024

so fucked up

>> No.3239025
File: 60 KB, 400x400, 1498918305628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, the way I know you're not a newfag is you're too e-penis measuring and too focused on technique - like a true /ic/tard. Here's another 15 minutes of my life.

>> No.3239031

i fucking hate people like you, taking the moral highground while all you do is study portraits thinking 'teehee gotta get my fundies done' how about working out of your comfort zone, fag? how many finished pieces have you actually produced? also that head/neck is shameful. Draw the men you obviously desire

>> No.3239044

More please ? Really like your work.

>> No.3239055
File: 1.48 MB, 775x1100, partway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iunno, i like the people on this board.

>> No.3239057

DAMN SON, nice work. Check out Zin Lim on youtube he has a similar style to yours.

>> No.3239059

>zygomatic bone
You're being pretentious tho

>> No.3239063
File: 199 KB, 633x928, sdfs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3239069
File: 263 KB, 650x807, 1513383404502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3239075

still no match compared to op

>> No.3239093

not him but anyone who studies anatomy for art knows these names anon, if you don't, what are you doing here?

>> No.3239094
File: 1.55 MB, 2368x3748, IMG_20170727_221746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This good enough?

>> No.3239099

How do I get as good as you

>> No.3239108

No, you just trying to show superiority by using anatomical terms. Even fine art teachers avoid terms such sternocleidomastoid in conversation with students.

>> No.3239112

please tell me this is a life study because i love that cat

>> No.3239114

my art teacher didn't don't be mad because you don't a few words anon

>> No.3239120

you need to work on your necks, fr bro.

PS don't get high and mighty unless your room is messy like DaVinci.

>> No.3239122

The irony of this response
is top kek

>> No.3239127

>not self taught
this thread is over guys, fucking abandon ship, he revealed his power level.

How does it feel knowing after all those years of schooling, you have yet to catch a glimpse of anything similar to raw talent.

No disrespect to anyone that takes art classes, this guy is just a fucking idiot.

>> No.3239133

Why don't you namefag anymore, Akirel?

>> No.3239141

op is really amateur

>> No.3239156

That him ? https://sir-cam.artstation.com/

>> No.3239157

stop ruining the website with your subpar shit

>> No.3239192
File: 1.73 MB, 1500x5368, guaranteed thread derailer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saged and reported ; )

>> No.3239214
File: 15 KB, 236x373, 558b746a299a0567610040683e326775--ethnic-fashion-face-masks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a sibling of yours or a self-portrait?

>> No.3239223
File: 173 KB, 890x897, the_three_muses_by_pastelchu-dbbv8p5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Three Muses

>> No.3239225
File: 213 KB, 744x1074, poster_child_and_fire_nymph_by_pastelchu-dbwhdwb (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poster Child And Fire Nymph

>> No.3239243

Wow, you should make your own playing cards anon, these are great. I don't see the signature though.

>> No.3239264
File: 387 KB, 202x200, op is a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post is Brian-tier.

Get fucked anon. I'm a better artist than you will ever be and I'm probably more successful than you ever will be and the only reason I'm not going to prove it is because everyone will recognize me if I do.

>lol year right
I've worked with Marko Djurdjevic

Your 5 minute drawing is fine, actually it's very average as far as artists far and wide go considering it's a sketch, but your attitude immediately kills whatever clout you might have.

There are plenty of artists on this board that are at your level or above (in their appropriate styles) and for those who are not, some are truly not going to go far with their work, some are dedicated to learning and enjoy what little feedback they get from this place, and others are don't give a fuck and just draw because it's fun. That's it. That's all. Move along you twit.

>> No.3239275

pyw your work

>> No.3239279

Because people kept complaining about it. And for better or worse, people recognize my art when they see it now, so it's not really necessary anymore.

>> No.3239280

>No, you just trying to show superiority by using anatomical terms.
lmao then how is he supposed to point out the part he's referring to? 'op, that muscle line thing that originates behind the ears and connects to the inner corners of the clavicle is a bit off, and by clavicle, I mean the u shaped line directly under the chin' . Get out

>> No.3239288

You're right, I didn't draw anything today. I'm limited in space and am preparing blocks to carve. Also I can't find any of my damn hammers.

>> No.3239289
File: 209 KB, 650x807, corrected.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and it's the fucking wrong way around again!

>> No.3239292

My anatomy professor also didn't avoid technical terms. Though he wasn't pretentious about it. Once he said purple, and a student said, "There's no such thing as purple, you must mean violet." He asked which professor he heard that from, then proceeded to call that professor "a fucking idiot."

>> No.3239300
File: 205 KB, 650x807, hmmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, stop looking over here!

>> No.3239302
File: 82 KB, 874x945, C-D0fMpVwAAIxU_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at me! I'm an anime artist and I hate modern art!
I'm ngmi, so I shit on modern art!

>Mommy! Look at my cute penguin!
>"Oh so cute, you are really really talented, I believe in you, Ching Chong!"