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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3235977 No.3235977[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Tip of the day

Drawing "warm ups" are just a meme, and if you honestly think you are drawing better because of practicing boxes or lines beforehand, thats nothing more than the placebo effect.

>> No.3235980

fuck off retard

>> No.3235990

hes right you know drawing boxes is a shitty meme

>> No.3235993


Sure, so is brushing your teeth, stretching in the morning, and brewing coffee. Surely the "warm-up" means nothing for the hand to eye coordination as you can do without the aforementioned.

You can drop back to /jp/ now; head first, please.

>> No.3235999

how do I do warm ups

>> No.3236000

"Warm ups" are meant to get you into the mood of drawing, not to instantly improve your art.

>> No.3236001

you do realize that no one is going to take anything you say seriously if you namefag right?

especially since you just dissed /jp/

>> No.3236002

Post work

>> No.3236003


>> No.3236005

You're new. My name has been a staple here for years. Now go back to your homeboard.

>> No.3236006

He needs to warm up first anon

>> No.3236009

also the name "derek" is a /jp/ meme. Although I'm using it incorrectly in this case.

>> No.3236011
File: 134 KB, 800x450, Queens-Blade00055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the namefag himself has to be the one to say hes been a "staple for years"

>> No.3236013

sese >>3236009

You're neither from /ic/ or /jp/ you're just an outsider. Leave my glorious board.

>> No.3236031

Shit sorry

>> No.3236034

not this

>> No.3236036

It's ok OP will blow our minds soon enough

>> No.3236041


>> No.3236046

No shit

>> No.3236055

oh /ic/ never change

>> No.3236059

Stay in here please

>> No.3236092

those are irrelevant lol

>> No.3236095

stay in here please

>> No.3236096


so is your existence lmao0oo

>> No.3236102

doesnt make any sense but i see what youre trying to say cause im not retarded like you.

>> No.3236103

why is this dork still responding to me?

>> No.3236105
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>> No.3236113
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>> No.3236123

I honestly find it mindblowing that we have a dunning kruger on this board who is literally too stupid to draw a fucking box, but instead of just learning how to do it, he made it his fucking life mission to fight some weird vendetta against an inanimate 3 dimensional form.

>> No.3236143

Welcome to 4chan

>> No.3236149
File: 127 KB, 602x702, 1439778220181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dunning kruger

There's that word again. He doesn't want to waste time drawing thousands of boxes like me? Must be a dunning kruger.

>> No.3236154
File: 423 KB, 1280x720, 2384723984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In fact. if anything, it seems like people who are so sensitive about the box exercise, use it as an excuse for being bad and think doing box exercises automatically makes it better than everyone when in fact, the only thing he can draw is boxes.

how pathetic

>> No.3236184

no one ever told you to draw thousands of boxes you weirdo. Really not sure where your obsession with boxes stems from.

>> No.3236189

The box exercise is something beginners do for a couple days or a week or so to get better at thinking 3 dimensionally and then they move on with their life. You are the only one who somehow got stuck on it and now spends his days obsessively trying to convince people that it is a bad exercise for some reason. No one who is above /beg/ tier is even thinking about this exercise, let alone having such a strong aversion towards it. You might be legitimately autistic.

>> No.3236376


You probably only draw shitty animu. Possibly only one character that you draw again and again.

>> No.3236418

>projecting this much
Wanna talk about it, champ?

>> No.3236421
File: 178 KB, 658x373, 1496502112041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why we need IDs
stop arguing start drawing you stupid /beg/ faggots

>> No.3236441

Post your work.

>> No.3236455

Post your work.

>> No.3236713

>not warming up by doing thumbnails and sketches for a finished piece


Seriously, why not let your initial crappy drawings of the day build up towards something bigger? Sometimes I wonder if people on here actually have something they want to draw.

>> No.3236944

It does help though. It helps me at least.

I rarely do warm ups, but if I haven't drawn for a day or two I like to get back with a 30 minute session of figure drawing. It helps me to losen up with the 1min gestures and get back into thinking 3D with the 5min ones. There's often a huge shift in quality between my first and second study run in a day.

I don't do line or box exercises anymore, but they're automatically included in most of my life studies, like drawing architecture.
If I were to draw boxes as a warmup I'd probably get a subject of choice and use boxes as a perspecive guideline around the object. I do this with heads. Idk but Loomis method never really worked for me, I always draw boxes for heads, it's easier to see the major planes.

>> No.3237106
File: 166 KB, 850x607, 1491356354515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of agree with OP a bit.
Theres "warmups" as people call them can't be compared to stretching out like with actual physical exercise.

But id like to experiment a bit.
Im willing to spend 10-15 minutes drawing a bunch of circles and boxes to see if they actually do help out, but in reality im just drawing circles and boxes and wasting time.

>> No.3237115

Your post is wasted time. In the time you typed all that out, filling the captcha (and probably failing it) and attaching /co/ filth to your post you could have drawn 20 boxes and 20 circles.

>> No.3237128

Put a ballgag in it, Derek.

>> No.3237131
File: 68 KB, 720x633, fgef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's 15 boxes you could have drawn with the time it took to to type that out and filter me

>> No.3237134

No one says you have to draw circles and boxes to warm up you unbelievable moron. The whole point of a warmup is simply to get the first drawings of the day out of the way before doing serious work so you can loosen up a bit. How are you incapable of understanding such a simple and completely self-explanatory concept?

>> No.3237223

If you draw a bunch of naked bodies and call it a "warmup" then im sorry you're beyond retarded.

The entire thing is fucking pseudo science and entirely pointless.
You may as well sacrifice a goat and dance in a circle if you are doing ritualistic shit like this.

>> No.3237229

that's at least 5.6 boxes you could have drawn

>> No.3237270


>> No.3237272

..just do warm ups if you want to

if you think they help then great, if you think they dont then also great!

as long as you porduce good art then whats the fucking problem?

>> No.3237275

The problem is you could have put in the time to do at LEAST 6 boxes with your post.

>> No.3237278

jokes on you, im ambidextrous. ive drawn 3 boxes while i typed this reply.

>> No.3237280

>pseudo science
Most people when they draw something for the first time that day, the drawing is stiffer, more awkward and less confident than the drawings that follow. Hence before starting to work on anything important they do a warmup in the form of some sketching, a quick study or some line exercises.

>You may as well sacrifice a goat and dance in a circle if you are doing ritualistic shit like this.
Not sure how you can think drawing something is a bad warmup for drawing. You might be slightly mentally challenged.

>> No.3237284

God damn youre like a kid that just got told santa isn't real.
Its Essentially the same as throwing salt over ones shoulder after you spill the shaker.
Its just something people do because what others told them and to convince themselves it actually makes them better.
I would demand an example from someone but itd be a waste of time since they would just draw badly on purpose before the "warm up" then go "see it works!!!"
There is no quantifiable proof that that doing warmups actually improves your drawing at all.

>> No.3237285
File: 50 KB, 553x457, dinoremosorus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post is about 20 ovals worth.

>> No.3237287
File: 87 KB, 759x448, 1361887728883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, OP here. this is just a reminder to report all the derek posts so we can get this faggot banned. i dont mind that hes somehow even less funny than nosebro, but i do mind hes attaching reimu with his posts, when clearly, hes a cuckold who will end up with fat ugly trap then a kawaii asian girl.

thanks. carry on with the discussion

>> No.3237296

It's against the rules to announce a report. I guess you know what happens to (you) next, right?

Also, reimu is my 2nd beloved 2hu. She doesn't belong to you.

>> No.3237334

you guys don't draw much, do you?

>> No.3237350
File: 44 KB, 485x407, sdnmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The funny thing is I probably put in more time today than you did this entire week and the day isn't over yet.

>> No.3237361

what kind of a massive insecure faggots posts something like this

>> No.3237365

It's only natural to doc your time.

>> No.3237386

>Drawing "warm ups" are just a meme, and if you honestly think you are drawing better because of practicing boxes or lines beforehand, thats nothing more than the placebo effect.
>Post chibi with wonky lines
No wonder.

>> No.3237421

I mean, you would kinda know this if you drew yourself. It's not really a subjective opinion or anything. There's a reason why any life drawing class you'll go to will start with quick gestures, then moves to 2-5 minute poses and then the long poses come last. It's plain logic and you're plain dumb.

>> No.3237427
File: 151 KB, 1280x720, PLACEBO EFFECT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its plain logic
Oh yeah. have you considered this before? If your sick, that probably means theres something really bad in your body. In fact, it probably has to do with the blood. So lets all start draining our blood when were sick. its plain logic and you're plain dumb.

>> No.3237442

Just out of curiosity, do you never do sketches or studies at all? Even if you don't call it a warm up, it's still logical to do a sketch or thumbnails or studies before starting what you want to become a finished piece, isn't it? It's pretty much the same idea. You do thumbnails and sketches because you know your first idea usually isn't the best, both technically and conceptually.

>> No.3237456

sketch layers are laughbly completely inaccurate 95% of the time and feeds into the clutch sketch fetish 95% of artist have.

You either draw accurate or have a skrtch fetish