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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 138 KB, 1009x749, C4nzLh6XAAAdhQh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3234308 No.3234308 [Reply] [Original]

Are any of you planning to eventually come out with an art book? Is this something people do when they're at the height of their career? immortalize yourself with a collectable book?

>> No.3234311

no one here will get to that level lmao are you kidding? You're just making this thread to bait people into arguing about all samefacing patreon artists.

>> No.3234320

noo i'm serious, have some hope anon. some of us are actually trying to get good someday

>> No.3234336

how do artbooks even work? how do you make one?

>> No.3234342

they're a collection of your best works i assume. some people add pages where they talk a bit about their history, biography, process etc. i don't know how books are made, by usually artists start a kickstarter with an average goal of $20k that will cover all of the creation costs. Loish did one and went over $300k

>> No.3234346


>> No.3234378
File: 104 KB, 1000x708, yoshinari sketchbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eventually I guess.
I'd probably want to do a big collection of sketches, rather than just my best finished work that you could just find online for free anyway.

>> No.3234522

>Are any of you planning to eventually come out with an art book?
I'm not a R**ditor

>Is this something people do when they're at the height of their career?
Surprisingly yes

>immortalize yourself with a collectable book?
There are tons of books in this world but most of them are burned or forgotten. Go back to R**dit

>> No.3234525

My ego isn't nearly big enough.

>> No.3234526

>I'm not a R**ditor
>Go back to R**dit
How to spot a newfag in 2017

This book is lovely. Personally I find sketch collections more interesting as well, but full color illustrations are also nice.

Maybe some day I'll publish an anthology artbook with conceptart, side stories and illustrations I did for a project of mine, as well as some information on the design and working process and the world building.

>> No.3234529
File: 50 KB, 625x460, 1424740849036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How to spot a newfag in 2017
I'm rolling on the floor laughing m8. If you think calling out redditors started in 2017, I can't begin to imagine how new you actually are.

Well, I hope your first month is a memorable one

>> No.3234539

>trying this hard to fit in
Fuck off, faggot.

>> No.3234545

Is the amount of work this takes ever actually worth it? Unless of course you are so insanely popular that people will just throw money at you on Kickstarter I don't see how it's worth the hassle.

>> No.3234549

I feel like an artsy fartsy collectable book probably wouldn't immortalize me in any significant way, maybe a decade or two before being thrown in some second-hand bin, but still being too overpriced for some curious browser to take home.

>> No.3234615

Why do you people care about who's new & who's not? If anything if you have been here for a long time then you're a fucking loser. You need to hurry up and learn to draw so you can get a fucking life you retards.

>> No.3234618

Only newfags call out newfags

>> No.3234636

>Implying you can leave

>> No.3234642

Yes, for sure. I'm not sure if it's worth financially for most people unless you just recycle already finished artwork/sketches but it seems like a no brainer to me to want to publish my art.
I've even thought about getting my art printed for purely personal use. I think it's important to value what you create, no matter how insignificant it is on the world stage. So if I can ever amass a following big enough that selling art books is feasible, of course I'd do it.

Why do you create art if not to love what you create? How can you not appreciate the effort you yourself put in?

Don't you think it would be nice to sit back when you're old and flip through a book of artwork you created decades ago?