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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3233508 No.3233508 [Reply] [Original]

Got a confession that's art related or affects your art? Need to get something off your chest and maybe get advice on it?
Post here.

This thread is being made to give advice and keep blogposts contained.

>> No.3233531
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i just accidentally deleted an hour of work because im a fucking spaz. im barely hang on and this is making me so mad. please do a murder on me

>> No.3233534

Hey bud, just view it as warm up and practice and you'll make it in no time!

>> No.3233584
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Is art worth it if you don't enjoy it at first?

>> No.3233602

I got shaky hands with the new medication I take.
But at least people treat you better when you fail at suicide.

>> No.3233603

That's nice to know, figured they wouldn't change at all.

>> No.3233625

pretty much decided to not go to art school(wanted to go to kcai) so I could go into a career that actually made me money without putting myself 60k into debt, and I'm learning to improve myself on my own time.
I've been going to classes at a local community college.
Sad thing is it's all traditional: conte, charcoal, etc. everything. None of the stuff I'm doing is through digital programs, and the sad thing is-I really want to start doing digital art.
I picked up one of those $500 wacom intuous pros, but I haven't even used it. When I draw, I pick up my real sketchbook and I do warm ups in that. I'll pick up newsprint and draw my hand, or something out in my yard, or my pets, but I don't fire up my tablet because I have no fucking clue how to use it.

>> No.3233626

Literally just download the wacom program and plug it in.

>> No.3233627

not really

>> No.3233634

I guess I should've phrased myself better.

I know how the tablet works(keybinding, hardware, software, etc.), but I don't know how to do photoshop related drawings.
I'm not so hot with all this layers jazz, or trying to create a smooth line for your pen, or anything.
I don't even know what the recommended size for drawing should be in photoshop(so I basically just start things in 1000x1000 when I *do* decide to fuck around).
I don't know how to use digital screentones, or anything.

>> No.3233647

If it bothers you that much check CtrlPaint and watch some tutorials.

Being honest with you I drew digitally without watching a single tutorial for years, I was just testing things out for fun. There's no reason you can't do the same. It's like saying you can't pick up a pencil because you don't know how to draw a straight line. No rules just tools. There's no definitive answer for your questions, you gotta test it and learn for yourself.

>> No.3233690

>Start to feel stressed out over having to decide which request to do next on my nsfw blog
>At the end decide to only draw things I want to see
>Feel more motivated when I get to draw my fetishes
>Number of notes and followers start dropping
>That's alright

I genuinely feel better now that I focus on drawing what I want to. I shouldn't tried to please other people in the first place

>> No.3233692

*shouldn't have tried

>> No.3233924

I'm proud of you for being true to your expression. Maybe people will like what you create, and maybe people wont, but what matters is that doing it motivated you and felt good.

>> No.3234107

>tfw dropped video games, drawing every day and improving
>feels great
>tfw also no hobbies
>tfw I just browse mindelessy /ic/ or visit the profile of my favorite artists after I'm done drawing for the day

I need a hobby, /ic/. I'm not into TV or netflix, drpped games like I said, currently western comic publishers are garbage, and my favorite manga come monthly. Should I try to give some anime/manga a shot? Recommendations? Btw the manga I'm reading is Kuroshitsuji. I love it so much. Besides the common genres like shounen, etc I'm also okay with yaoi or yuri.

>> No.3234118

read a book, I've been trying to tackle the horus heresy lately, and it's inspired me a bit. especially after I paint a unit from my army. Yeah, books. My routine has been paint a model or two, read a little bit, draw, repeat.

>> No.3234133

Forgot to mention I also tried books. I'm too brainlet, stupid and immature for books, it's hard for me to stay interested. It's already hard for me to stay focused for the 6 hours I draw, having to divide this focus and try stay interested in a book is out of question. I need something more simple. Like an anime or manga. But thanks for the suggestion.

>> No.3234193

Would second this. >>3234118 Just finished up The Brothers Karamazov and it was great, now I'm winding down with some Huxley. If you think you're too brainlet for books try to ease yourself into the tougher ones by reading easier ones first. Like young adult stuff such as Harry Potter or The Hunger Games, etc. You could also try reading comics, there's lots of good stuff out there with neat stories. Plus you get to appreciate the art. I've been reading Saga (which has great art by Fiona Staples) and re-read Transmetrolitan (one of the best comics ever written, also has great art.) or try manga as well, I spent all last night catching up with My Hero academia and Murata's One Punch Man. There's plenty of different things you can read even if you consider yourself "brainlet."

Also I feel you on not playing any video games. It used to be a huge part of my life but I stopped because of art. However I still keep up with all the news about the latest games cause I shitpost on here or see trailers on YouTube. I'm actually gonna try to ease myself back into gaming pretty soon, I feel like I fell for the Feng Zhu meme of sacrificing everything you care about for art. I still waste time shitposting and it'd probably be better spent on getting acquainted with all the vidya I missed. You should also try to get back into games, just plan out your schedule carefully so you don't go overboard or waste too much time. There's nothing wrong with them in moderation.

>> No.3234205

Do you like webtoons? I've been reading a lot of webtoons lately. I enjoy them more than regular webcomics because they scroll vertically, and its perfect for viewing on my phone. I also feel like the vertical scroll kind of simulates a video, and it has the feel of watching an anime episode (especially if they add music.).

I'm trying to improve my drawing and storytelling skills to work on a webtoon, so that's been fun.

Also have you thought about picking up another creative hobby? Like learning an instruments, or music production? Or maybe something like customizing dolls, cars, etc. ?

>> No.3234242

I am not as talented as my friends or as I would like to be. I can succeed, but it is only through hard work and diligence, I will never have the natural talent that they have. The exhilaration I first felt putting pencil to the page was always marred by the end result, and now that I have more rigorous standards and discipline, I feel as though I celebrate my own work less and less.

When I was a child, it was as though any thing I drew, no matter its quality, had an enduring, endearing quality about it simply because I was the one who made it, and now I have that feeling less and less with almost anything I do.

Maybe this is what they mean when you learn that you are not special. As the quality of my work improves, the joy I feel is diminished.

>> No.3234259
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>tfw one of the few things that keep me going is thinking how my ex-gf would react seing the current level my art is
>same reason I'm trying to be someone
>tfw after 8 years I still think about her every day and still cry some nights missing her
>tfw it was all my fault she left
>tfw I had the chance, but I can't move on

>> No.3234268

you fell for 'the one' meme kid.
there is no, 'the one'.
there are billions upon billions of people in the world, all perfectly mismatched, not one of them perfect for each other yet all somehow perfect together.
Let go of 'perfect' kid.
Let go of 'the one'.

>> No.3234278

>tfw you try to get to know other artists on twitter but always end up embarrassing yourself

>> No.3234405

>start to feel good about yourself
>notice that everyone's way more popular than you

I-I'll get there one day...

>> No.3234406

What's so great about being popular anyways? Seems rough.

>> No.3234408

>there are billions upon billions of people in the world,
that's significantly reduced when you count only females of certain age and sometimes race.

>> No.3234410

You never know what the one will be anyways, it could be anyone of anything.

>> No.3234420

>old indigenous tribesman in the amazon rainforest

>> No.3234451

>you're bound to like one of these
Mayonaka no X Giten
Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro
Assassination Classroom
Strawberry Fields wo Mou Ichido
Joou-sama no Eshi
The Arms Peddler
Winter Moon
Jahy-sama Won't Be Discouraged!
Black Torch
Sumika Sumire
Binbougami Ga!
Shimanami Tasogare
God of Bath
Dame na Watashi ni Koishite Kudasai
Uchuu no Hate no Mannaka no
Usotsuki Lily
Takane to Hana
7th Garden
Apocalypse no Toride
Koe no Kitachi
Scumbag Loser
Sugar Apple Fairytale
Seifuku no Vampiress Lord
Song of the Cloud
Nanoka no Kare
Koudaike no Hitobito

>do you want an midlife crisis?
Oyasumi Punpun
Imawa no Kuni no Alice

Don't spend it all on one place.

>> No.3235234

Didn't feel like posting this in the Q&A thread but I need to get this blogpost off my chest.

How do y'all concentrate on art and fleshing out concepts when you're stressed out over non art related issues? My home life isn't absolutely miserable but my family has a special way of getting me stressed out and frustrated and when that happens, my mind can't focus at all on art or writing. Instead I just stay brewing over my problems for a few hours until I burn out on being frustrated. And once I get frustrated over whatever problem I have at my home life not even leaving to go work at campus or at a cafe gets my mind off of it, I just stay tilted there instead of at home.
Would appreciate any advice or hearing about related experiences lads.

>> No.3235272


You get frustrated because you let it influence you.

There's this story about a guy who's trying to start shit with buddha. The guy threaten to rape his mother,sister,wife pretty much all female family members including his female pets. But buddha just sit under a tree chilling, eating snacks and reading novel.

The guy finally get tired and ask buddha. Why doesn't he retaliate. Does he not feel angry?

Buddha said, you keep giving me all your anger and negative emotions, I just decide not to take it. All that shit stays with you.

If someone give you shit. Don't take it.

>> No.3235290

I vibe with that, but y'know no human being can take all the negativity they receive and be cool.
I'd actually say 8/10 times whatever negativity is coming from my family I shrug off easily but lately they've been getting under my skin, mothers just got a way of doing that. Maybe it's something much more deep rooted in my psyche considering my mother gets me frustrated in 0 seconds flat and this doesn't really happen with anyone else.
>Tfw would love to just have a huge emotional outburst but already know nothing constructive or positive would come out of besides just exhausting myself physically as well as mentally

>> No.3235292

>trying to create a smooth line for your pen

Because the not-so-secret secret is that we're all using stabilisers.
Go download the Lazy Nezumi trial right now, install it, get your tablet, create a new canvas at around 3000x3000px, set your line weight to around 19-30px, turn on the Always use Pressure for Opacity setting and set Lazy Nezumi to either Subtle or Massive, then start sketching and prepare to have your mind blown.

>> No.3235297
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well Im a failure at 22
>Had a chance to get a graphic design apprenticeship (hate graphies but it's in my field) blew it
>Now working as a wagecuck in a mice infested store
>Have many off days but instead of looking for a position in my field with my degree i draw nudes and fap to them all day
>I dont want to work for anyone as I want to be an indie comic/animator with my own business but I'm afraid I'll be stuck in this position forever
Have my own FB page and even DA for my comics but Im not even consistent on that as im too busy drawing nudes...

Why am I such a failure

>> No.3235298
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I think I have issues with gaining any kind of recognition. I'm a comic artist, and while I wish I were more well known or had more acquaintances or a larger readerbase or some such I find putting myself out there to be even more difficult than drawing itself. I can't stand being on social media or talking to anyone, but you have to do it if you want anyone to read what you make. I think even more irritating than that, people here are overly concerned with who makes comics than what's in the comics.

I just wanna draw comics man, nothing else. Things like PR and social media aren't my specialty. I guess I also tend to get overwhelmed with what to do about social media, since i'm unfamiliar with how it works.

>> No.3235439
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There are so many great artists here that just pretty much get told that their art is shit when I would fucking kill to be as good as them, their stuff isn't even that flawed.
Is it worth taking this place seriously half the time?

>> No.3235474
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I recommend Shirobako and Barakamon, both very art related anime.

If you don't think something should be taken seriously, then don't take it seriously. That's one of the better things about the anonymous thing; it forces you to analyse each post on its own merits, rather than taking someone's word as law when you see that they're some famous pro, or completely ignoring someone who's on a similar level to you.
People being told their art is shit can be down to anons being obsessed with very high standards, so if something doesn't look like it was made by Mullins with glistening perfect anatomy then it's not good enough. Or, it can be jealousy and they're salty about the person getting better or getting attention so they shitpost.
Don't take anything too seriously I guess.

>> No.3235479

in /ic/, when you're bad they'll treat you like shit. when you're good, they'll nitpick until they find some shit to say... not even professional artists with legions of fans, years of mileage and established skills are safe from it.

>> No.3235654

I'm currently having literally the best time of my life with my art. I just landed a job that I didn't think possible a few months ago, and I'm suddenly making good money for the first time in my life. I should be in constant elation, everything is going right. then i have a big argument through facebook with someone over shit that doesn't matter and it has ruined my mood for the past 4 days. i hate being an emofag with zero control of my emotions or reactions. last year i nearly puked at an artist alley just for socializing. this is what happens when you drop out of school and neet in your bedroom for 7 years straight without human interaction besides my family and the internet.

>> No.3235656

Thanks for the tip future me. I'll try to figure it out in the mean time. Although not sure how you managed 7 years straight.

>> No.3235841

It really hurts me to come to terms with this, but I fucking hate this board.

I've been here for 6 years and progressively it's just been getting worse and worse.
/ic/ has become such a miserable cesspool of misinformation and cynicism and I feel that it's genuinely harmful for anyone to be here for any extended period of time.
I know this can be said of 4chan as a whole but I've always felt like /ic/ was a tier above most other places on this site and it really helped set me in the right direction as an artist.
It was always harsh but the brutally honest critiques and "LOOMIS"s were always intended for the benefit of the person receiving them.

Now this place feels like a parody of itself.
I really hate the forced meme of calling posters "crabs" but it's hard to describe the problem with /ic/ better than with the "crab mentality" (look it up if unfamiliar)
/beg/s are trying to take down other /beg/s. Completely misleading advice. Critiques are always over the most pedantic shit. Good critiques get completely drowned out with all the shit.
Constant threads about the same pointless arguments
>hurrr is talent real
>loomis/vilppu/etc. is a meme
>y u need realism if i draw stylized
>x popular artist is bad
>if u draw digital/traditional/anime/stylized/realistic/etc. u cant be a real artist
These threads aren't necessarily anything new, but the frequency and "popularity" of these threads has definitely been on the rise.

I can only imagine the reason for this is as newfags came to /ic/, they saw it's seemingly hostile demeanor and memes, misunderstood them and took it all completely seriously in order to fit in; this cycle continuing for years, indoctrinating newfags into this hostile and cynical mentality.

Despite all this, I don't know if I can bring myself to leave.
I want to help. I want to give good advice. I want to bring value to discussions.
But the longer I spend here, the harder it gets.

tl;dr i'm sad that /ic/ is bad

>> No.3235855

You sound like a whiny cunt, desu

>> No.3235861

>I've been here for 6 years
I was under the assumption that once people git gud, they leave this place. So after 6 years you're still /ic/ level? If you're not, then do some good and give good critiques yourself.

>> No.3235863

Yeah, I don't know what's up with people around here these days. The way I see it, there seems to be several people around here jaded from not getting to the level of competence they want to be at after following the usual advice here, when all this place really is is just another artist community. I still browse this board because I definitely feel as though the people who don't fall under the "crab" category are worth staying for, despite the amount of crap they get from anons who just want to stir things up. It's pretty shitty to see that it's working because I'm definitely seeing a lot less redlines and fewer unique posters, especially those who would definitely benefit from help but instead get discouraged from people calling them trash.

I definitely miss the days when this board wasn't one big circlejerk, but not much we can do except ignore the trolls and continue on.

>> No.3235864

>I want to help. I want to give good advice. I want to bring value to discussions.
>But the longer I spend here, the harder it gets.

>> No.3235870
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I'm gonna do it, guys. After years of being a NEET and doing some soul searching, I'm going to apply for a non-matriculated course at a local school. My only concern is that it literally happens to be one of the top art schools in the nation (or so the online sources say), so I'm pretty nervous about how I'll stand compared to the rest even though I'm applying as a nondegree student. I mean I might not even get in in the first place but at the very least it's better than sitting in my room all day.

>> No.3235871
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Holy shit, this.

Personally, I think I'd enjoy art, but actual learning and creation is so frustrating, I just want to get pretty things on paper, desu.

>> No.3235875

Can I ask what the job is?

>> No.3235879
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Pic related is my photo copying level. Takes me like an hour, no tracing.

Whenever I try to draw from imagination, though, I just can't. I try to copy other people, did so many gestures, sketching, etc., but I can't draw no matter what. I just really want to draw comics.

The worst part is, I know that if I cut myself off completely, I could just grind and progress, but whenever I try, I find myself not enjoying this at all, as well as blindly trying to learn from anything I have, without any structure.
I wish I knew how to progress properly, and had a drive to do it.

>> No.3235885

I first joined /ic/ in 2011, left for a few years and came back this year. The change in attitude and general quality was staggering.
It's only good for shitposting in an environment where (almost) everyone at least thinks about being an artist. The only really useful thread is the artbook thread, they have a pretty large selection of literature archived.

>> No.3235907

>can draw everything but faces on their own
What is this

>> No.3235909

art for mobile games. the loading page illustration, characters etc.

>> No.3235916

The real question is: Why do you draw?

If you draw because you felt happy to draw and you're feeling less of that, then put art down for a while. When you pick it up later you will find that joy again.

>> No.3235973

I did the same, I stopped letting myself enjoy anything, except porn, because I was falling behind in school and because I wanted to spend more time on art, drawing and painting made me feel productive and alive at the same time. Several years later, I'm just above mediocre at art, and somehow managed to graduate with absolutely mediocre scores. I also have no meaningful social circle, and I am out of touch with everyone who tries to reach out to me.

I wasn't in a good place when I had the idea of no longer letting myself consume anime and enjoy games, my lifestyle was miserable and I was already losing interest. Though I don't know what possessed me to genuinely believe that cutting off these sources of enjoyment completely was healthy for me. I thought I was just wasting my time by gaming, which might have been partly true. But somehow I am still miserable and am not anymore productive. I'm only happy that I got somewhat better.

I've tried to enjoy things again, but I keep guilt tripping myself out of habit and can't stop.

>> No.3236007

I'd go MFA at george mason instead. My teacher said there are still some old school holdouts, but they push being shitty at 8 different mediums instead of being good at one. At least you can teach night classes at the community college (or real college) afterwards.

>> No.3236130

>Despite all this, I don't know if I can bring myself to leave.
>I want to help. I want to give good advice. I want to bring value to discussions.
Try to join some othe community or go somewhere else to contribute and help people, imo at this point (actually, I think it's always been pretty terrible) there's no value in enticing others to stay here by dumping a few gold nuggets in the trash pile. You're making it harder for others to leave too. You get miserable by staying here and give others an excuse to stay here and get miserable too, in the long term really no one benefits.
Try finding a place, virtual or irl, where your help really adds to something and isn't just a small attempt of resistance against a flood of shit, that is brought about through constant strain only to be swept over by the shit and sink.

tl;dr leave.

>> No.3236136
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>finally getting gud
>hentai dream job is almost real soon
>people are freaking out over NN
>tfw burger
I don't care about politics, I just to be able to create animu porn and circle jerk about it

>> No.3236162

Even in the worst case of an internet without net neutrality, you won't be affected at all.
Stop panicking about NN, they are not deleting the internet. Youtube and others are shilling to you because they're afraid they will be fined by the ISPs for making up 90%+ of the internet's traffic.
How exactly do you imagine any of this will affect you? Were you banking on selling your anime porn to netflix?

>> No.3236183

alright good to hear
I've been hearing my friends etc. kind of panicking and saying a bunch of shit so I started getting worried.

>> No.3236222

I feel like nothing I draw can ever be good. It'll always remain flat, poor, bland.

>> No.3236226

Then you'll always feel that way until you change your feelings.

>> No.3236227

I'll keep that in mind, am a bit far from GMU atm though.

>> No.3236229

Aw snap nice, you're an inspiration to all the NEETs here.

>> No.3236250

>they're afraid they will be fined by the ISPs
and who do you think is gonna pay for that? These big companies aren't just gonna pay extra fees, they're going to start up charging the consumers. This whole "net neutrality is bad" meme only started AFTER Trump got elected. Before that everyone supported it, even /pol/. Go check the archives, they used to shill for it just as hard as reddit did but now all of a sudden it's bad because of reasons.

>> No.3236402

- Been drawing since I was a child in elementary school.
- Diagnosed with mild Depression and ADHD
- Went to art college for 4 years, but dropped out when I failed too many classes cuz I took too long to finish projects and I'm terrible at coding.
- After my mother passed on three years after, I stopped drawing all together, but picked it back up last year(2016).
- Been drawing lewd art mostly besides a few character designs.
- Been told Ive gotten better, but still feel like somethings missing.

I don't know what exactly I was asking but does anyone suffer from depression and ADHD? Also, how do they cope with it besides meds?

>> No.3236440

Who are you talking to? I don't care, even though I highly doubt Youtube would charge you to watch videos, I am simply sick of everyone crying about it and somehow thinking it will affect literally everything. I've seen people talk about it like they are about to pull the plug on the entire internet.
I hope Youtube and Twitter start charging for access, then they can finally fuck off and die.

>> No.3236459

>Secretly pretty sure I'm one of those people who are going to be doing terrible drawings forever because I don't have the mind to adapt to art
>Can't even do a simple standing posture even after drawing a million of them
>I can't even stand drawing, I hate it so much, but I want to be good at it
>I should probably just be a stem-lord please kill me

>> No.3236573

I have inattentive type ADHD for what it's worth. Funny cause I'm also a college dropout (but only after trying several STEM majors) and only recently picked up art after years of not doing it due to muh depression. I'm starting to get better thanks to meds but therapy and new friends who are artistically inclined help a lot for me.

>I hope Youtube and Twitter start charging for access, then they can finally fuck off and die.

>I can't even stand drawing, I hate it so much, but I want to be good at it
Erm, pardon for asking but why did you get into art in the first place? Also you don't have to exclusively grind fundamentals if you find it arduous, you can just draw what you like until you feel ready to get back into practicing.

>> No.3236586

>I'm starting to get better thanks to meds but therapy and new friends who are artistically inclined help a lot for me.

Yeah, I'm taking meds for both, but Ive been feeling so anti social for some time. I basically wake up, go to work, come home draw'n play VG and go to bed and do all over again.

I wanna one day soon get into the animation industry, but it's so hard to stay focused all the time.

>> No.3236597

I wish I can offer some advice but I honestly got lucky with the friends thing, even though they're largely only online. It really helps to have that exchange of support.

As for the focus thing, well, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.3236598

Hmm hmm, I appreciate the responds.

>> No.3236928
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>Starting to realize how little thought I actually put into trying to make art a career
I was literally working off the mind set of "Get good and get a big social media following -> money's gonna come naturally from there"
How the fuck did I let myself coast by for months with this as my only thought on my financial future. Jesus, it was probably cause I'd always see Ilya and Sakimichan's Patreons and thought I could do the same and secure finances through there.

How's anyone make a living wage off art alone? Is it even possible to be financially independent on art alone without having a 50K+ social media following? I just wanted to make comic books and doujins but it feels like I don't have the time to get good and gain a following. Fuck. Silver lining I suppose is I'm young but I don't think I can jumpstart an comic book art career in only the next 2-3 years.
What are y'all's career prospects suppose to be? Maybe I'll get some insight from you guys.

>> No.3236959

>go to art school
>become a decent drawer
>pursue higher art education
I rarely enjoy drawing. I never draw unless someone else needs me to. I know if I decide to draw something, it'll turn out decent, but I still won't feel like drawing it. The last period of my life where I actively drew shit and enjoyed it was pre-puberty when I constantly drew dragons and shitty video game fan art. I rarely ever look at paintings, all I do is listen to music. The recreational aspect that art should've occupied in my life has been replaced by amateur music production.
I know this is partly my fault, I never really created a comfortable drawing environment (either mentally or workspace-wise) for myself, but it still sucks. Hopefully I can still fix it.

>> No.3237113

>still new
>spend an hour or more trying to draw basic things
>turns out shit anyway
>don't continue learning for another few days
I don't know how to stop caring so much that everything I draw turns out bad despite being really new

>> No.3237145

Thanks for the wakeup call, I was honestly nodding off into the same path.

>> No.3237187

>for months
try years
why am I still alive even

>> No.3237213

an hour is nothing. some people don't even keep their sketches. all that matters is progress.

>> No.3237214

who cares.

>> No.3237371

I'm black but my exposition to other black people is being kept at a minimum because I live in a white neighborhood. I mostly draw lightskinned anime girls and everytime I do I feel guilty. Guilty because I feel like I'm unconsciously favouring lightskinned to darkskinned girls. I want to draw more darkskinned girls to honor my race but everytime I start colouring, and even before i do, I automatically think lightskinned girl (maybe because the canvas is white?). I swear I don't have anything against darkskinned people. I sometimes stop drawing when I feel like this. I really don't know how to come to terms with this. It's slowly eating at me as I draw more and more lightskinned girls.

>> No.3237393
File: 40 KB, 397x373, gerh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were anywhere technically proficient at drawing and painting you wouldn't feel this way. There is nothing wrong with brownies and has nothing to do with real life. Never lump real life to anime.

>> No.3237435

Speaking as a PoC who prefers darker skinned people IRL, I definitely much prefer drawing lighter skinned people. Definitely a product of years of conditioning from the whitewashed media, blah blah blah, but I just find it more aesthetic at this point. I don't even find ethic features unappealing, it's just something I never think about when drawing my anime.

Tough predicament, though. You may want to practice more from reference when it comes to drawing darker skinned people. There are several differences beyond the obvious that come into play, but first and foremost if you believe that the white canvas is throwing you off, then you can just replace it with a darker canvas (which is actually what a lot of artists do anyways to help bring composition into play). I can try to give more tips if interested, but that's if it's more than just a psychological thing.

Maybe this is why I'm a furfag now.

>> No.3237446

you're also drawing in the style created by people who do not have ethnic features like blacks so what you see from your inspiration in their art also might be a reflection of what you draw

>> No.3237454
File: 343 KB, 1023x1629, Screenshot_20171215-163017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here(besides the living around whites), until highschool but after a while dark skin/tan skin for me became the default. I now have to make a conscious decision to make characters light skinned. Keep in mind, my coloring style isn't very animu inspired.

Pic related is an example of me drawing someone's very animu inspired oc.

>> No.3237458

I mean I seriously don't know what else I can do to try to pay the bills through art alone. Can commission's alone do it? Idk man. Maybe I'll try to peddle streams and tutorial videos and try to monetize off Youtube while I can before they completely stop caring about content creators.

>> No.3237462

There are a couple people out there I know who seem to be able to live off of commissions despite their skill level. It really comes down to how you market yourself and whatnot.


I know there's more out there, but these two give some information as to how they do it.

>> No.3237465

>"Get good and get a big social media following -> money's gonna come naturally from there"
This is all you need, what are you saying. Did you think it only takes a few months to get good and get a big social media following? Idiot.

>> No.3237480

I think this is mostly it. I also make an effort to try and introduce black features in my style when I draw darkskinned girls but it's hard to make it look good. But then again, I get reminded that even asians give their girls blonde hair and try to pass them off as being asians, so I might just be overthinking?

Maybe it's like what >>3237393 says.
Should I only adjust the skin color and leave it at that? I don't know. I'm so confused.

Another thing I'm always pondering about is what to do when I eventually start making comics. Do I make the protagonist a darkskinned male? You never see that in manga. How many darkskinned characters do I make? Should I go for an all-black cast? Would that even attract readers? Would it seem too forceful? Keep in mind that to keep that asian manga feel to it. Would that be lost as soon as i go darkskinned/black male?
I don't know. I'm still confused.

Why is race even a thing?

>> No.3237485

do what you want dont allow anyone to force you into a box. Prince when he was alive was accused of selling out for white folks but guess who was mostly paying his bills by buying and supporting him??? Do whatever makes you happy if you wanna just change the tone then do that. No need to worry about what other black people think of you because to be honest any black person that would complain probably isnt into comics/manga/anime anyway so why does their opinion matter?

>> No.3237493

I never implied I thought it could be done in a few months, dipass. I'm saying how the fuck is gaining a big social media following suppose to promise financial success? Patreon donations? Youtube monetization? It's just something that suddenly seemed too ridiculous to me to be true.

>> No.3237498
File: 73 KB, 736x995, kgn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can do whatever. Now is your opportunity to add whatever flair to dark skin character you want. Don't let realism get in the way. The thing classic anime had in the old days was that its designs were so wacky it is almost impossible to do cosplay for some characters. Nowadays designs can be so simplistic that it's ideal to pull off a cosplay. This is the thing with modern anime that pisses me off.

here are some stuff for males https://www.noircaesar.com/hype-manga/ just something random w/e

>> No.3237684


>> No.3237827
File: 2 KB, 115x37, notifications.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get non-trivial number of followers
>constant notifications

this isn't what I wanted

>> No.3237829

>no followers
>no notifications
>day to day empty and lonely

This is definitely what I wanted.

>> No.3237834

draw porn and or fanart instant followers/notes, seriously what other way is there to get peoples attention especially on a site like tumblr.

>> No.3237835

>tfw you can feel yourself getting better and pushing even harder since you found your art rival
Thanks art rival-kun. I may be running behind you but one day I'll be running besides you. When that happens, maybe you will know that I exist. And then, you will know that my jealousy of your skills was the fuel to keep me going.

>> No.3237838

Rival-kun, keeps pushing himself to always be ahead while you being second fiddle

>> No.3237840

In that case, I would be very honored but I'm never stopping until I reach his level. I'm going to keep pushing. I'm driven like a jump manga protagonist.

>> No.3237906

For three years I thought I was going to an art school. Realized that’s a piss poor idea and am currently in school for game design. I ain’t the best, I know that, but nobody here in my department is at my (art) level. Every time I show people my art they get intimidated and I hate it. I can’t show it to anyone. I’m not trying to brag. I just want to have art friends that enjoy my art but also have something to teach me (and vice versa)
The best part about this is I’m not even that good. My insta has a very small following. Nobody has contacted me for commissions, I can’t draw anime, I’m a massive twat. Honestly, all I want is good art friends, but I know I’m always a step behind them and above the norm.

>> No.3237907 [DELETED] 

>The best part about this is I’m not even that good
Of course the guy who's really good would undersell himself.

>> No.3237914

This isnt a game anon. I’m lonely as shit. I spent a good minute trying to figure out if you’re complimenting me

>> No.3237989

goddammit I don't want to use reference it's boring and I can't concentrate and I can tell everything's wrong straight away

>> No.3237992

>Every time I show people my art they get intimidated and I hate it.
kek. anytime anyone uses the word "intimidated" to describe a reaction, it's bragging.

>> No.3238036

Just got out of a depressive episode and haven't drawn in weeks. Feeling rusty as fuck but wanting to draw. It's hard to consistently study when you have mental problems.

>> No.3238044

Is it weird that that's why I love this place? I always know exactly what to work on because everyone is so blunt. People IRL are way too worried about offending me.

>> No.3238086

I'm a dumbass and forgot to export my drawings from my Procreate beta before it expired. Now I've lost 4 months of work and cool life studies I did.

At least I took screenshots of some stuff for other purposes.

>> No.3238092

Hang in there, anon. It's not an easy road up ahead, but at the very least you have the drive to pursue your love for art.

>> No.3238093

It's nice, but there's constructive criticism and then there's "hurr durr her hand should be rotated 2 degrees to the right." I take all the constructive criticism I can get, but sometimes the bullshit that gets spewed around here gets aggravating.

>> No.3238245

Piss off. It’s the best way I could describe it. After I’ve shown my art nobody wants to show me theirs. Either it’s SUCH shit, or they’re scared I’ll hate theirs.

>> No.3238266
File: 7 KB, 240x320, 20030408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I want to do is be able to draw like Amaya does/did. His art's not even amazing or anything, but it's got this bizarre charm that I just can't get enough of.

>> No.3238284

I'm only happy when I drink

>> No.3239576
File: 146 KB, 749x957, 1457930077208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 4chan mate, the same thing happens in /fit/, /fa/ — I'd imagine /p/, /ck/, /gd/ and the like would react similarly.
I personally like it. Allows for self-improvement

>> No.3239729

I'm tryin. I always thought I'd be a sUpEr fAmOuS ArTisT but I've had to let that dream die since my mental stuff got bad. I still love art tho.

>> No.3239758

I feel you man, but what can we do?
Any idea we've had either comes down to
>"encourage people to ignore shitposts"
which is as reliable as new year's resolutions, or
>somehow take away the anonymity
IDs, or to form a group of people who understand drawing to have an authority of some sort - but anonymity is an essential part of /ic/, without it we're just another facebook group.

>> No.3239760

Protip (since Tumblr's insane porn regulations this year): Have two blogs, one for fanart and one for porn, so you can redirect them from the first to the latter without losing publicity.

>> No.3239769
File: 47 KB, 500x398, 1509924732674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys I'm changing my major from economics to art and art history with a concentration in 2-d studio art. Woo

>> No.3239771

>studying stuff for an animation
>dec 2016
>get cold feet and tell myself to animate the project in a year
>one year of studying later
>dec 2017
>having a hard time finishing it animation project
>want to tell myself to do another year of study
>realize im in a loop
>trying my hardest to just finish the project
>cant bring myself to animate

2 weeks left, really on the edge of the night this year

>> No.3240612

>tfw people have asked me if I do commissions but I'm worried doing commissions would ruin the fun

I kind of want to see if I could live off it but I'm scared of the unknown.

>> No.3240826

Running out of references for portraits studies. Who would think that the biggest struggle would be finding a good reference

>> No.3240827

That's actually one of the first struggles you realize after saving thousands of references that only about one in every fifty or so is good.

>> No.3240846
File: 23 KB, 240x250, 1510765562738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Been practicing since 2016
>Meager progress
>No one to blame but myself
>People here improve in one month while I keep struggling with the same shit from a year ago, either because I procrastinate, don't practice the right way, or can't figure out what I am doing wrong
>Feels like I will never, ever be good

Post your despair music

>> No.3240865

I'm a computer science major and I hate it. It takes so much out of me to do well in my classes when I don't care about the material and I just want to draw. I don't have the energy it takes to practice after I finish my school work so my art has plateaued. I feel disappointed whenever I draw because I know if I was able to put in the time, I could be way better than I am right now.

>> No.3240866

Quit and become the artist you were meant to be.

>> No.3240879


>> No.3240880

How long do yo pratice per day?

>> No.3240882

>been practicing since 2014
>abysmal progress
>no one to blame but myself
>people here improve in two months as much as I have in almost 4 years
>feels like I will never ever be good

Get on my level

>> No.3240886


Let Yana's art improvement inspire you anon.

>> No.3240906

We must all become sinix and show people how fun it is to draw.

>> No.3240917
File: 12 KB, 250x201, 1488729520710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>17 year olds in high school runs a webcomic and still makes portfolio pieces and gets scholarship
>meanwhile I'm NEET who maybe fills out a sketchbook page a day

>> No.3240919

They draw more than you and work harder

>> No.3240920

no shit

>> No.3240923

Do you enjoy drawing?

>> No.3241071

Lately, I have been getting a lot of followers and interaction, since I do fanart of a popular game with an active fanbase. Thing is, this is a bit overwhelming. I am a very, very shy person that have no idea how to make human interaction that sounds natural, i am always scared that I am sounding mean or bad. How some of you guys do it?

Also to make it worse, I take that as a huge responsibility, always forcing myself to update often and often, It took me years to finally reach a level that would make people follow and stay so I am scared of losing everything.

>> No.3241084

the more you interact, the more you'll adjust to socializing and your shyness will go away. there's no magic answer, just give it time and you'll get used to it

>> No.3241241

2-3 hours, sometimes less.
I usually do the drawabox line/box shit, then figure drawing, then draw faces/hands.
The most I've gone without practicing is a week and a half, sometimes I skip days.

>> No.3241788

>tfw you've been in your comfort zone so long you forgot how hard it is to get better

It's gonna be a while...

>> No.3241877
File: 116 KB, 618x378, 5a2d7bc6224f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

studied art for 2 years in highschool equivalency thing.

4years at university after trying to work in the industry for ten years.

learn nothing but semiotics and conceptualism. school openly hostile to aesthetics or art for intangible ideas or beauty.

realize artworld is money laundering scheme by jews who traffic children

everything i believed was an advancement in aesthetics was just a ploy by jews who hate beauty and wanted to be able to create "art" as cheaply and quickly as possible

working on gitting good in my 30s. bitter about the time that has been stolen from me and the bolshevik capture of the art world.

>> No.3241887

>le jews
sounds like you're just an idiot who blames everyone else. maybe you're just shit at art?

>> No.3241890
File: 135 KB, 476x368, no mercy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3241892

sure bud.


>> No.3242628

>tfw you feel the desire to fap for the first time in months
>but you don't wanna do it

>> No.3242647
File: 902 KB, 3924x4999, 1488818841810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just do it

>> No.3242686

I feel sad because I do not enjoy drawing.

>> No.3242833
File: 33 KB, 509x434, 5D288FCE-80A3-4885-9ED0-1F2B119EA127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slowly start drawing less
>find my style stagnant and too obviously anime inspired from weeb days
>experiments with a few toony drawings to shake things up
>still not drawing much
>whenever I do draw regardless, it tends to be in a simplified style because fanart
>stop drawing almost completely for about 2 years
>tries to get back into art
>toony and simplified has taken over, can’t draw old style
>friends comment they prefer my more detailed/realistic drawings
>can’t copy old style because at this point the art is so old it looks cringey

How do I fix this? I can’t get anything past a sketch anymore because it all isn’t right.

>> No.3242853

just be like the dog u posted

>> No.3243187
File: 67 KB, 960x480, Apokalypsis.Segodnya.1979.HDTVRip.AVC.AAC-[tRuAVC].mkv_snapshot_01.44.38_[2016.11.02_16.46.14].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just try not to promote my picture, you bastards, just try. Oh how I hate you all. I lack words to describe how I hate you and how I hate your tacky, crude and malformed tastes. The pointless fantasy without a pinch of imagination in it, the mouthbreathing pantsshitting toons standing in conventional hercules poses, overdone and overblown, proudly bearing the CG stigma like the leper proudly showcases his rotting and fetid ulcers while shaking the can. With none of your characters quickly slapped out of brushstroke samples I want to sit down and talk, no landscape crudely woven from stale ideas about what "soulful" and "fantasyish" I ever want to walk into. I hate your originality contests and I hate your fucking cliques.I hate your sycophant friends. But most of all I hate just how many there is of you. Cockroach infestation who caught on to the cg art fad from their social media feeds without a jot of artist in you. The people who promoted that made sure you've set your brute minds on that path with all the cubicle motivationals to come with it. I hate.

>> No.3243197

painting, like the physical kind is like a big blind spot for me, basically everything i'm good at naturally aside from painting, even watercolors i'm fine at, it's just like ink more or less, but acrylic or oil, forget about it

>> No.3243205

I'm bad at both tradicional and digital painting, I'm only decent with markers. I wanted to buy some oils for christmas but came to the conclusion it's wasted money.

>tfw you add too much water and your watercolour turns into garbage

>> No.3244086

>tfw someone paid you over $100 for a commission but it feels like you're ripping them off

>> No.3244089

>tfw can't wait to enjoy that feeling
Actually scratch that, I'm not sure if I want to feel that.

>> No.3244114
File: 12 KB, 186x206, WHADIDYOUSAYNIGGA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mostly require tracing at the basic construction, so I feel that my entire piece it's just tracing and changing a few things, like every deviantart artist does

>> No.3244134

this is what 90% of digital artists do nowadays, no shame in it. fake it till you make it, just trace over the basic figure and draw the rest

>> No.3244207

>tfw Disney contacts you for a storyboarding position
>tfw they haven’t followed up with you in over a month

>> No.3244213
File: 131 KB, 300x277, digitalfart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"fake it till you make it"
dat mindset of digital fartists

>> No.3244215

post work

>> No.3244237

>only digital artists do it
get over yourself tradfag

>> No.3244240

work smart, not hard. keep grinding boxes like a retard

>> No.3244241

No rules only tools. I recommend everyone get a 3D poser like design doll and trace over them for the basic figure, it gives you time to focus on the more important and fun things like color and details.

>> No.3244270

Yeah I recommend they not... it's better to just do gesture and train your eye, hand-eye coordination, movement/gesture/balance/weight distribution and sense of proportion.

That's a crutch, tracing 3d models. If you don't understand gesture your pose will be stiff anyways. Stop spreading misinformation.

>> No.3244275
File: 64 KB, 319x273, focks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3D poser like design doll
yeah that's your lazy, cheap ticket out of truely learning and understanding form on your own.
understanding is not an extension pack that you can buy and then you just have it and it works. you need to build it by actually seeing with your own eyes. if you use boxes and measuring, someone else has done the math for you and you've understood nothing. it will show and you won't even see that it shows.

>> No.3244674

>tfw no gf

>> No.3244676

Sounds like someone takes too long drawing to make money with it to afford a 3D poser like design doll.

>> No.3244678

Not everyone wants to be good. Some people just want to draw.

>> No.3244737

if that were true those people would stop at stick figures. eventually that stops being enough and anyone with a brain will want to be better

>> No.3244742

Better and good are different though

>> No.3244936

post work crabs, let's see those fundamentals in action

>> No.3244942

Question for artfags who went to art school.

I have no artistic talent that I have tried to Foster. But I am thinking as a new years resolution to start working on my art. About how many years would I have to study and work on my own before I could apply to an art school? Three, four, more?

>> No.3244945

Probably like 2. Go take some art classes at your local community college and that should be enough to get you up to average college applicant level. Most of the people who applied at the school I went to were pretty bad or mediocre at first. Grind fundamentals and then put what you learn together to make something from imagination. Do that enough and you can take your best studies and most imaginative work, put them in a portfolio and apply.

Good luck anon.

>> No.3244946
File: 7 KB, 228x221, sadfrog 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my fuck, am I glad I'm not you. you got a long road ahead of you boy

>> No.3244955

Thanks my dude.

Just to clarify. Are you saying I should just take art courses while studying fundamentals from home or should I study first and then go to community college?

>> No.3244976

You can just jump in to the community college classes, though studying some fundamentals beforehand won't hurt it isn't necessary. If I were to suggest anything to start with it would be visual measuring and proportion practice, that'll give you a good head start over everyone else.

They kind of just assume everyone there doesn't know how to draw or is just there to fulfill a degree requirement anyways, it's not like you have to submit a portfolio to sign up for classes.

The one caveat to CC classes is that sometimes the professors on tenure there are really shitty but they can't fire them.

I took a class where I was a noob but I was still better at drawing than the professor, and she was really weird and jealous about it, so she would come up behind me at the last 10 minutes of class, grab a stick of charcoal, and black out the work I'd spent an hour on and tell me to re-do it before class was over or I'd get a 0 on that project (she was mad that I was poor and couldn't afford nice paper, so would constantly make an example of me). She ripped up another student's work in front of the whole class right after that, and told him he was bad at art and needed to stop coming to class.

There are review sites for professors so you know what you're getting into before you sign up for their classes. I think the one I used was ratemyprofessor? Just make sure they're a prof that can actually teach and isn't a dickbag and you'll be fine.

>> No.3244981

>someone happens to find your blog
>likes several of your stuff, one after another
>doesn't follows

>> No.3244985

Try starting with a Drawing I class, then you can move on to Drawing II, Life Drawing, Painting maybe, sometimes they even have Digital Painting classes but you want to do drawing/painting first.

When you get to the point of picking an art school, look at the graduating student work that they post online. If it's riddled with beginner mistakes (I once saw "concept art" that was deviantart tier, the guy shaded with black and white instead of painting) then nope the fuck out of there because the teachers suck.

Try to find a trade school that just makes you draw all the time and doesn't have to make you take stupid courses to fulfill degree requirements, or a place where the teachers are working professionals. That way you avoid the people who fall under the saying "Those that can't do, teach". You know their advice is legit when they're getting steady work and understand the current state of the industry. Also you gain connections that way!

I hope all the info helps you on your journey, anon. Git gud and study hard!

>> No.3244988

Oh, another thing. Befriend the people you meet along the way who are passionate about art. Not even necessarily "best" artists, but the ones that improve quickly, the ones that practice at school and then take their time outside of school to keep practicing.

Surrounding yourself with people who have a voracious appetite for art is not only going to give you good connects (because anyone who practices that much is likely gonna get a job), but you can get art buddies that way and it's a great motivator for practicing a lot yourself.

If you're starting off from an absolute beginner, believe me, you're going to need the practice. Just remember that you need to get through a high volume of shitty work to get to the good stuff. Never quit.

>> No.3244992


Thanks a lot my man, I appreciate it.

>> No.3245014

Whenever I lose a butt ton of progress/forget to save/corrupted file, I always get a little angry first then shrug and be like, "Well, I'll just draw it better this time. Plus it'll be faster since I already know what I want and how it'll look."

>> No.3245071

That's called shilling son. I know, its disappointing.

>> No.3245100
File: 8 KB, 206x228, 1488722011252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you like/reblog some posts on a blog
>a little while later they reblog one of your art

>> No.3245110
File: 420 KB, 1247x1920, drawings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some dude added one of my drawings (pic related) to a cringe collection.

I know my art's kinda shitty but I had no idea it was "cringe".

>> No.3245114

lmfao rekt, why are you so cringey

>> No.3245135

looks fine. it was probably because "lel pokemon is for children" or "rough lines means it's terrible art, I'm so smart"

>> No.3245377
File: 126 KB, 861x1300, xtvP7ii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm practicing and improving
>start to feel like I'm going to make it
>get sick, allergies
>live in a shitty country
>dirt poor
>can't afford expensive medicine
>buy the generic one
>the generic medicine makes my "heart shakes"
>give me the impression my heart is going to stop at any moment
>now that I'm getting there, I might die
Also, on top of that
>Live with 7 relatives (like I said, shitty country)
>Hate all of them, all they do on their free time is scream at each other as loud as they can or play really loud and bad music
>It's December so most of them are on vacation, meaning they spend most of their time at home, fighting/arguing the entire day
>Getting there but not good enough to make money and get out of this shithole yet
>The only person who could help me (my father) decides to pretend nothing is happening because he thinks "I'm better off (safe) by living with these assholes"
Should I just give up on my art dreams (which are the only thing that's keeping me alive and fighting) and just kill myself?

>> No.3245392

Ah, also
>Can't make art friends, even online because I'm not likable, tried LAS a couple of times.
>the only art community I kinda belongs is /ic/ and even here I'm often ignored in threads
>there's nothing to ease my pain or distract me because I sacrificed everything for art (no hobbies)

>> No.3245405

>>I've explained to my parents numerous times what graphic design is and why I enjoy studying it.

>>They STILL believe i'll end up working in a museum or some shit just because it's "art" related.

>>Mom makes these terrible jokes that they might as well pay me social security cause she know's i'll never have a decent job.

>>Gets mad if I tell them that their generation fucked up mine and how incredible they are for not paying attention to what i've been doing for the past few years.

>>Pressure me to finish college faster when they aren't even paying for my studies.

It's gotten to the point where I can't even make a move on someone I like cause I feel like my career choice automatically makes me like a turn off. My parents are aware that my work, both graphic design and illustration has been in exhibitions, news papers and published in books yet they treat me like some poor bastard. Hell i've even had my moments of self doubt, suicide and all that shit cause I've never really received the support I wanted... funny thing tho, when it comes to non graphic design stuff they are really critical, yet if it gets some sort of recognition (interviews) then they boast about how proud they are of the things I make.

I can't wait until I'm done with this year to just fucking disappear.

>> No.3245448

Why the fuck would you give up now anon
You've got nothing to lose

>> No.3245472

>in articles
Awesome anon! Good luck. I have a couple friends in graphic design. You're going to do great!

>> No.3245473

Thanks for replying. I want to give up because I can't stand this situation anymore. I tried everything. And there's nothing else I can do.

For years, I tried to get along with these fuckers, tried to reasonable, explain how I feel, tried to make them up about their frustration, anger, sadness, nothing works. Nothing.

Just an example:
>there's this room I like to use to draw
>it's the only room where you can't hear the screams or fights
>also, i have this relative who's a 42 years old man who likes to smoke weed in the same fucking room
>he could smoke weed anywhere else, he wants, nobody bothers him because he turns violent easily
>if I tried to tell him to stop doing it, like I said, he will turn violent and will start screaming and breaking around the in the house like he does sometimes when he gets drunk sometimes.

>> No.3245478

Ah and sorry for the typos I'm drinking too much coffee and really upset.

>> No.3245523

that bottom one is pretty cringe

>> No.3245676

How so?

>> No.3245685

>>3233602I mean you're linework's gonna be fucked but you can leverage your pain for artistic points. Maybe try painting on big surfaces or something. As long as you have both of your hands, any bump in the road is probably only going to make normies like your art more.

>> No.3245725

Coffee will make your heart "shake" more anon, just so you know.
It sucks to be stuck with a big family but if you're improving and feel like you're going to make it then absolutely keep going. I don't know what you mean about not being likable enough for LAS, most people in the discord are autistic but still easy to talk with.

Maybe they just hate pokemon, looks fine to me.

>> No.3245777

Good feels
>started the year wanting to off myself so no art for almost 6 months
>slowly got back into it
>’wow I suck, but gotta keep going’
>get into the swing of things
>year gets better as time goes on
>semester ends really well
>cleaning room and find a fuckton of stashed supplies from 5 years ago
>12 sketchbooks of varying weight and old watercolors
>feel like I finally broke out of sad-bullshit phase
>pieces actually feel fleshed out and that I’m making progress

Merry Christmas to me

>> No.3245796

A couple months ago I was motivated despite my inability. Now I feel worthless and unable to finish anything. Instead of being creative my mind shits out trash and my abilities diminish once more to a sub optimal level. I know I cannot stop drawing or I will lose any spark I once had. But now I can only sit and stair at blank paper. Each line suddenly taking so much more energy from me than when I first began. I have begun studying less. And doodling less. And I don’t know why this has begun.

>> No.3245798

Sounds like burnout, don’t feel guilty taking a small break. Go do other things you like and look for inspiration elsewhere.

>> No.3245810

I feel you. I haven't drawn for pleasure in a few months. I'm sort of worried this is going to continue because I'm on an arts based scholarship and everything I've done is towards a a career in arts. I feel utterly lost.

>> No.3245820

Do you ever quickly draw clothes on all your figure drawings after you're done in case someone looks at it and accuses you of being a pervert for all your nude drawings?

>> No.3245829

I used to, but I hated how the clothes would ruin the figure so I just stopped giving a fuck. If people wanna be nosey they can deal with a few dicks and tits.

>> No.3245840

>being bad at drawing clothes

>> No.3245842

>being bad at drawing clothes
like this guy

>> No.3245948

Thank you anon, I wish you the best of luck with all your projects.

>> No.3245962

>Really want tablet
>Get job
>Manage to save $10,000 and can finally afford $2,000 tablet
>Decide its better to just practice traditionally until I'm confident in my abilities
>Also scared of the 0.0001% chance of me dropping it

>> No.3245968

just buy it and start tracing over references to learn. it's the easy way to internalize anatomy and produce good looking work at twice the pace.

>> No.3246058

looks cute to me

>> No.3246161

>got contacted by a major studio to do a board test
>haven’t heard back from them in over a month

This is fine.

>> No.3246186

keep trying. never surrender

>> No.3246454
File: 9 KB, 205x245, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so used to sitting alone at a desk that it's the only place I feel "right". I can't draw anywhere but my desk at home or it looks like total ass. But even then, I can't make it look like everyone else's super clean, sterile, bright works. It's dreary, messy, oddly composed, boring, with lone figures... just my expression of self.

There is a crippling numbness inside me that I cannot escape. I used to be in denial that my depression was existent or anything tangible, but it is everything. Edgy as it may sound, I know I will never get where I'm going, but the sadness was there before I even started moving.

>> No.3246457

Continue to express your self. You're going places anon. Don't forget it.

>> No.3246465

>I know I will never get where I'm going
how do you know this retard? you aren't God

>> No.3246548

For me it's the opposite. I love the process but the results are so shitty that it turns me off from doing it.

>> No.3246573

You're the same you retard, the result is part of the process. Both of you are babies upset that skill isn't handed to them on a silver platter.

>> No.3246574

I will. I won’t give up. But it does get discouraging seeing all your friends get picked up by big studios and publishers and whatever while I just sit here, sad and smelly and broke. I’m happy for them, of course. But I want a chance, too.

It doesn’t help that the show I tested for is really cute and I would love to be on the crew for the first season.

>> No.3246581

What do you know about the time and effort I've spent on it already? Jesus Christ you people on this board

>> No.3246585

How is that relevant to my post? Fact: the shittiness of your results turn both of you off from the process. You're a retard because you can't even see that and instead let your ego lead you by the nose on empty rationalizations designed to make yourself feel good.

>I love the process but the results are so shitty that it turns me off from doing it.
LMAO, yeah sure, there's an artist deep in you that just loves drawing, but it's your shitty results keeping you down. You're gonna make it champ, keep it up retard.

>> No.3246589

how much time and effort have you spent so far? genuinely curious

>> No.3246594

You sound like someone who doesn’t make art.

>> No.3246596

4 years

>> No.3246604

Source of that pic?

>> No.3246629

>want's to be an animator
>cute classmate supports me
>asks me for the prom dance
>I accept
>got distracted as fuck daydreaming about her and I lose focus on my projects
>almost fails art
>the big day comes
>she kisses the chink in front of me
I'm fucking done guys, for now on I will focus only on my "dreams" and projects.

>> No.3246635

>prom dance

>> No.3246636

That was 2 years ago anon.
But it still fucking hurts.

>> No.3246639

how do you fail school just because of "daydreaming about gurl"
the internet, fapping, video games, I understand, but this?

>> No.3246643

I'm that miserable anon.

>> No.3246653

>That was 2 years ago anon.
>I'm fucking done guys
>for now on I will focus

>> No.3246866
File: 92 KB, 633x758, 1449234068077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant draw for shit

>> No.3246925

>hit a "breakthrough" moment recently (few weeks ago)
>for a sort period of time I believed my art looked okay
>take a few days off because of this
>comeback, start drawing today
>stare long and hard on the drawings
>now i think all these drawings I was proud of are shit
Nothing makes sense. NOTHING.

>> No.3246927
File: 550 KB, 600x592, a51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it means you are better.

>> No.3246932

I'm including the drawings I did today but I hope you are right.

>> No.3246948

Hang in there bruh, keep at it and you're gonna make it

>> No.3246957
File: 21 KB, 600x375, There is no need to be upset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend 2 hours for drawing practice every day
>4 hours for videogames
>know I should play less vidya and draw more
Being lazy is one of the worst traits a person can have, it's absolutely abhorrent

>> No.3246971

>tfw you think you've finally gotten a handle on 3/4 view instead of just guesswork on where to put the facial features and ending up with enlarged cranium megamind looking shit

>> No.3246973

>getting cucked by a chink
if you're white just kill yourself you disgrace

>> No.3247042

That means your hand needs to catch up with your brain, or something. It really does mean you’re improving, Anon!

>> No.3247086
File: 13 KB, 391x391, 1512355223024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I absolutely love drawing but i spend all my time trying to make up chores to distract myself from it because I'm afraid it'll come out bad.

>> No.3247087

>tfw people rarely reply to your drawings and usually when they do, they don't say anything technical

Should I assume it's a good thing?

>> No.3247092

I found that the more shitty the drawing the more (you)s you get up to a point where its so good people ask you for more so its probably a good sign.

>> No.3247117

Pro tip: It will.

>> No.3247146

this guy knows what's up
there's hardly a lick of truth to these sorts of drawings.

>> No.3247150

>want a cintiq 22hd
>too poor to get it
>could make money doing commissions
>people love my stuff
>everything I make looks like shit to me

>> No.3247158
File: 155 KB, 1300x1221, texture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3247172
File: 22 KB, 656x488, suicide_meme__1_by_elkaez-d8owe4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'll spend christmas alone, no family, no friends, no gifts, no secret santa, no tree, nothing.
>just me, my tablet, my sketchbook and nutella (that i eat once a year because I can't afford it)
Ah... nothing like being an intermediate artist with shitty family and zero social skills.

>> No.3247193
File: 296 KB, 479x475, 1491620999567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>23 years, just started art school after 4 years of neeting and trying to git gud
>have zero self confidence
>live in shitty third world country
>no money, and nobody hires me for a part timer because i have no work experience
>depressive, wanted to kill myself a couple of times now
>no money for therapy or meds.
>draw everyday, but think everything i do looks like shit

i dont even know what keeps me going

>> No.3247204

I know this is petty but
I fucking can't get color. I just fucking can't get it or lighting and shadow, and I've read/watched tutorials, I'm reading Light and Color, I've done and do studies and I just fucking suck and my shit is never gonna have style or polish and I fucking haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaattttttteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeealkjgal;gjkl;

>> No.3247215

Fellow third world-er here. Stay strong, man. I know EXACTLY how you feel, expect I choose to go self taugh path. I'm finally starting to see the light at the end of tunnel (towards my art, everything else still a mess, see >>3245377, >>3245392, >>3245473). We'll figure this shit out and make it. Let's keep fighting.

>> No.3247231

im trying dude, i just wanna get good enought to get out of here and live a better life.

>> No.3247246
File: 49 KB, 615x446, depression.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wasted an entire decade trying to make games
>now I hate videogames and I hate to make games after I've completelly burnout trying to be good at like everything needed to make games
>thinking of killing myself because I have no alternative view of the world, it was my entire dream and goal
>tfw not even clue over how to make money now and everything seems like shit
>tfw my only two plans now are to finish to learn to draw and paint and seek people IRL
>tfw scared as fuck because I'm 29

>> No.3247272

That sucks anon. Draw a gingerbread man or something to brighten the mood.

Anyways, happy holidays

>> No.3247277

Thanks. I'm going to do the best I can with what I have. Happy holidays for you too.

>> No.3247280

eBay could help. I got my 13HD off there for like $600.

>> No.3247290
File: 173 KB, 1200x1600, homervana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saved up enough money to draw for a year
>quit degrading desk job
>decide to cash in on patreon hentai market
>practice every day since
>flash forward to december
>still haven't completed a single work of art
>realize this isn't for me
>resume empty now
>become package handler
>first real physical exercise i've had in months
>pay is low
>hours are long
>work is physically demanding
>still better than my office job somehow
>the people don't try to suck up to one another for positions
>no one has ten minute conversations about what they watched on netflix
>one of the best jobs i've had
>still do drawing as a hobby
>still haven't finished anything, but enjoy what I do
>realize that success doesn't matter
>life is good

>> No.3247295

I'm very happy for you anon.

>> No.3247305

People who drawing is not their main job / is a hobby: How do you find the time/energy to draw?

I wake up at 7 to prepare for an 8-5 job and I either go to the gym after work meaning I come back home at about 7:15ish,
or I come home first eat and sit for a bit before going to the gym at around 8:00 and then get back home at around 9:30ish in time to shower, eat, and go to bed by 10:30/11:00,
and I still feel exhausted in the mornings. I bought some Vitamin D supplements recently that I hope will help, and am possibly thinking about trying to get anti depressants again,
but got does it suck. I just have no energy to draw or really do anything besides laze around and watch anime or read light novels.

>> No.3247314

do drugs, cocaine helps

>> No.3247367

Please, if I want to do drugs I may as well just go back to welbutrin.

>> No.3247371

weird how you got older while typing the post, my condolences

>> No.3247448

Cocaine is the winner's drug, don't even put your retard pills in the same league

>> No.3247450

I don't like being on /ic, it's too much for me. You should enjoy art but none of you seem to so it makes me feel sick.

>> No.3247465

>I don't like being on /ic, it's too much for me. You should enjoy art but none of you seem to so it makes me feel sick.
sticky material

>> No.3247648
File: 14 KB, 468x60, royalties please.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3247653

Don't come on /ic/ unless you've got specific questions to ask or are looking for resources
Join an art discord or go on any art forum if you want to share what you're doing and find enthusiastic people.

>> No.3247801

I don't know how i'll resist the temptation of slitting my wrists tonight, /ic/.

>> No.3247844

Just do it.
Your waifu is patiently waiting for you on the other side.

>> No.3247877

You know what? Fuck that. I'm going to show up for christmas party of my relatives even if they try to throw me out. I'm gonna get wasted and eat good food. Fuck being miserable all the time. And you sad artists on /ic/ should at least try to do something fun today. What you guys have to lose?

>> No.3247888

everyone has some kind of family issues, nigga. you're not special. oh, but your are, you whine about how you're gonna slit your wrists over meeting unpleasent family members .....
oh boi. desperate cry for help ..... not.

>> No.3247960

lazy faggots.
hey what do you think of my cool painting method? i print out a photo and paint an anime face on top of it

>> No.3248077

>Get a message on Tumblr
>"Hi, do you want to collab with me?"
>Think about it for a moment, then tell them "maybe, what did you have in mind?"
>"I take care of creative side, and you do technical"
>Ask them to elaborate
>"I provide you with sexy idea, you draw the idea ^^ it's collab"
>my sides

Anyone have any other experiences like this?

>> No.3248126

All the time, people are fucking retards. every moron thinks their idea is worth shit because some scene from a movie made them feel something so they regurgitate a mishmash of tropes, delusional enough to believe it'll be the next big thing. Fuck writers, most of them are glorified idea guys

>> No.3248130

How did you really respond though? Did you block them? Ignore?

>> No.3248134

Eat shit, any monkey can learn to draw eventually. It takes true creative spark to write something that'll be a hit and remembered for decades. Go trace over some 3d models and shill on patreon you faggots

>> No.3248140

Post your ideas faggot

>> No.3248141

I'm starting to realize that success in doing art rarely comes as a bang. It's always slow and unceremonious. I think I had a romantic idea about what an artist is before starting out, and that kinda distorted my vision.

I now realized that secusess will often happen in retrospect, and that takes some of its sweetness because I'll not feel it when it's happening, but at the same time it makes success more realistic

The idea that you'll get recognized suddenly, and gain fame in a short period of time is probably will not going to happen. Only when you look back you'll realize that you're slowly gaining recognition, and it will countries that way until you reach a point where you'll go "huh people seem to like my art, that's cool" and you continue as if nothing happened.

>> No.3248143

I told them that I unfortunately have to turn them down, but I asked them that what their idea would've been if I'd accepted their collab offer

>":( okie, i understand"
>"My idea would have been this - anonymous character, maybe female version of the sunglasses anonymous avatar from tumblr, in a threesome. She blow one man, while other man fuck her in pussy or maybe ass from behind"
>"if you change mind, i give you full permission to use my idea to draw the collab"

>> No.3248144

A boy falls in love with a girl.
Unable to confess, he is gifted with by a deus ex machina with the girl’s phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.
But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day’s confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn’t exist in this universe at all. She is the girl’s alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC’s own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.
Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.

>> No.3248145

Hoping it doesn't feel that way because that sounds like a mental disorder.

>> No.3248151


Why? It will empower you to keep going despite feeling shit.

>> No.3248153

"Making it" is literally just not having to work a straight job.

>> No.3248162

Those goody-good people who worked shitty jobs for bum paychecks and took the subway to work every day and worried about their bills were dead. I mean they were suckers. They had no balls.

>> No.3248554
File: 94 KB, 947x810, 1486437863623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can much more easily take an idea and flesh it out if I pose a model, have a reference, photobash, etc.

But I feel like I'm cheating. I'm not tracing, but I still feel like I'm cheating. I always got the impression from others that using references was no good and that I needed to draw from imagination. I can draw a completely different pose if I have a reference for the body itself. Sometimes I forget where things connect. But any time I make something that looks better than what I expect of myself, I feel like I cheated. Why do I want to fail?

>> No.3248581

You can go either way but the real reason you feel like you're cheating is you're not pushing yourself at the point you're at. When you go off pure imagination and struggle, you feel the exertion.

You wanna stop feeling that fear that you can't really draw? Push yourself further from imagination. Break stuff down further in your studies, then hide it, wait a day before you try that again in imagination pieces. That grind and fear take you out of your comfort zone.

Or just reference everything. Blew my mind to find out there are artists I admire who do that. Literally Hollywood visdev guys who can't start a demo without a photo. There's money in that too.

>> No.3248583

I'm trying to get to the point where I can go to freelance full time but it's rough right now. I'm sure I'm close, but everyone I deal with irl either does their hardest to talk me into staying at my bank job the rest of my life or refuses to even acknowledge that I'm looking to do this. I know their entire experience with freelance artists are furries and Tumblr kids taking commissions but it's exhausting and I can't take advantage of my support network of friends and family on the issue I could most use understanding on.

>> No.3248590

What’s your plan after quitting your job?

>> No.3250888
File: 50 KB, 380x380, 1483148343458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>told my mum im into art
>I'm really really not, I just wanted something to talk to her about
>only said it because I was nervous
>this christmas she bought me a ton of art supplies
I wish I wasn't so autistic. I feel really bad.

>> No.3250891

you should try to get into it. it's really fun

>> No.3250904

you have no choice now but to become the next da Vinci, faggot.
Nice trips btw.

>> No.3250951

>I'm currently having literally the best time of my life with my art.
That's all that matters anon keep going. Enjoy life

>> No.3251038
File: 591 KB, 640x480, 1476191144796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hate art
>do it anyway
>become posthumously known as the greatest artist of all time
>history doesn't record why the legend did it
>it was for mom

>> No.3251286

>tfw your blog becomes a ghost town, and you haven't got any requests for weeks
>someone sends me a message
>I wonder if this is a req--
>It's just one of those chain letters that people want you to send forward to people you like

T-thanks, i suppose

>> No.3251328

I want to give up. I've spent 5 years drawing and my art is still shitty and unappealing. I practice a crapton of heads but I never improve and they all look like shit. I'm just fucking tired of only failing over and over.

>> No.3251334
File: 3.44 MB, 1644x2466, reveriedindistraughtdisdain2 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats your Insta I will add you and we can inspire each other

>> No.3251423
File: 872 KB, 2048x2048, Untitled_Artwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I know ur not just gonna dox me?

>> No.3251442

>but nobody here in my department is at my (art) level.


>> No.3251459

>buy art supplies with intention of doing art
>keep buying supplies
>don't do much art
>buy more supplies anyways
>holy shit, I think I just enjoy shopping for and collecting art supplies

it's not a bad feel, it's more like realizing a personal truth.

>> No.3251464

ow my feelings
how will i recover

>> No.3251495

lol speak for yourself, i learned how to draw on fucking flockmod
if you use stabilisers your not gonna make it

>> No.3252017
File: 57 KB, 482x549, ref1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be degenerate weeb
>desperate for some form of expression
>looking at things I like feels good
>I want to draw the things that make me feel good
>try again
>fail again
>limp back because I have to have something
and just repeat those last few over and over. I want art to be the thing I love but I just can't bring myself to enjoy it. Then I have to live with the regret of being too weak to just fucking try. Either way I'm fucked, really. Life is hard when you are retarded.

>> No.3252020

>tfw it takes you days to finish a picture
>feels like I'm not learning fast enough because I'm focusing too long on one piece
>start drawing worse on purpose
>can pump out drawings in an hour or two

I can't tell if this will be better or worse in the long run

>> No.3252022

Speed in the beginning doesn't mean anything, it only applies if you're on a deadline which if you're studying there is no deadline anyways.

>> No.3252024


>> No.3252025

You just need to change your outlook on art. Those Japanese artists you like have spent years practicing to create something that makes others feel good. You will too if you want to create that exact same effect. Then there's loving your own art and your own progress. You were better than you were yesterday. It's almost impossible to regress in art unless you don't draw for long periods of time as in months and years. You say you're too weak to try but if anything you're one of the strongest who keeps trying despite failing. That's great, you understand how to work hard. You've also got it wrong with your last sentence, life isn't easy unless you let it be easy, it's hard because you try.

>> No.3252028

>haven't done shit in the past 5 days
h-here I go...

>> No.3252045

>haven't shit in the past 5 days

>> No.3252248

draw less nudes more comics
I’m nervous about applying as well. They may be highest ranked art school in the US but they are nowhere near the art schools that will actually get you a job after college

>> No.3252259

How'd you get out of being a neet? When I tried the only job I could get was cart attendant at Target. I took it but quit under a week cause it was around 10 to 13 miles of walking per shift and I sensed foot problems developing and decided to put my health as priority...

Now I don't know what to do...

>> No.3252277

Dude you are retarded if you think what this anon said is the truth. The reality is net neutrality dying signals the death of the internet as you know it. Get ready for your ISP to cablefy the internet with premium packages to your favorite websites. Also a ton of internet throttling will be coming too. Exaggerations? Not likely since ISPs we're already throttling internet at times and they got called out for it and reluctantly stopped. But as soon as neet neutrality dies it's all fair game. And before the muh free market posts come in. Do you really think ISPs will let new competition enter the market or that existing ISPs will compete against each other? They will all just devy up locations and get fat with all the price hikes they will implement while consumers have no say and get raped.

Also it won't happen overnight. They'll lull you into false security and then when you are feeling safe and sound they will penetrate you.

>> No.3252287

This, fucking ignorant retards like to parrot what's practically propaganda because it makes them feel safe as if nothing's changing and everything will be OK.

>we didn't have NN before 2014, we don't need it!
>internet will be fine, everything will work out
>no need to do anything, just relax and let it happen!
Fucking neck yourselves.

>> No.3252454
File: 28 KB, 798x798, Cross_of_crosses_of_crosses2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>art is swastikas
I'll get big someday. Right guys?

>> No.3252671
File: 486 KB, 1440x900, Apocalypse Now.Redux.1979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You people, you don't really care about art. You see no inherent value in beautiful. You only care about who makes the most out of their, seemingly to you, worthless crap. You marvel at that ability indeed, and that perharps is the only reason why you even bother. You don't care about beautiful, about the extra-normal and the subtle. You care only about who makes the loudest and nastiest fart in the pond, whose goatshit gains the most awards, what the goatshit is, you coldn't care less. You don't have the sensibility, the crazyness and lunacy or respect and nourishment of imagination of the artist of old, you only have your funny ambitions. Is it any wonder modern entertainment industry is so dogshit? It's made up of you, who made it.

>> No.3252711

this is like the third time i read this copypasta

>> No.3253141

>Realized that’s a piss poor idea and am currently in school for game design.
You just made a bad situation even worse

>> No.3254581

It's simple, don't go to the gym.