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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 558 KB, 962x1036, Untitled-1234234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3227413 No.3227413[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is that snake torso, what is going on?

>> No.3227437

The kind of snake torso that gets her big bucks now git back to the grind you crab

>> No.3227471
File: 91 KB, 172x217, 1510756089865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sakimi-chan can't draw. What else is new?

>> No.3227479


>> No.3227490
File: 370 KB, 527x600, thangkin_emoji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sakimichan is rolling in 1.5 mil a year
>op takes pictures of her twitter posts and posts them on a south sudanese coconut carving message board

>> No.3227491

Her art still hurts my eyes to this day. True turd-polishing. If only she could by some taste and talent with all her McDonald's money.

>> No.3227500

It's fine
Sakimi created tangents that just make it look weird

>> No.3227553
File: 812 KB, 220x205, tenor (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ic brainlets that say really good artists are bad to boost their ego
>on an anonymous website
This board... man...

>> No.3227567

what she looks like irl?

>> No.3227625
File: 26 KB, 527x543, ee259f9e07b9b0e6066a1133a6cc4d29--spongebob-aesthetic-picking-cotton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddamn that sona is making me CUM

>> No.3227631

She wants a frontish view of the torso so both breasts are visible while also showing off her legs.
Obviously anyone who knows anything about anatomy can see how fucked it is but normies will eat that shit up.
And normies are the ones lining her pockets.

>> No.3227666



sakimichan is a guy, he just has "chan" in his name cause it increases profit. Even his profile says he's a guy.

>> No.3227676

Aint gonna fool no one satan!

>> No.3227682

are you retarded
there are photos of her
shes a small asian woman

>> No.3227688
File: 106 KB, 720x720, 567C27DE-BF29-4576-8A70-CE288D108E88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic related, the creepy larping lanklet on the right with my favourite artist artgerm holding one of her drawings while looking uncomfortable because sakimichan probably smells like silicone and old lube

>> No.3227721

I didn't get a lot of sleep tonight so I'm not sure if this is sarkasm

>> No.3227726

>Artgerm is a girl
>Sakimichan is a dude


who reversed these two in what timeline?

>> No.3227733

it is

>> No.3227752

everyone in the industry knows she has a penis.

>> No.3227791
File: 57 KB, 298x326, shhhh-no-screams-only-dreams-now_o_3354375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sakimichan threads bring out the most dunning kruger crabs out of their hidey holes than any other thread

>> No.3227795
File: 193 KB, 767x492, Screen Shot 2017-12-07 at 5.36.02 AM copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She reached her goal of $24k in the first 8 hours of her kickstarter. It's been 2 days and she's at $62k.
>34 days to go

>> No.3227807

Ngl I'm surprised why she didn't just use her Patreon cash for the books.

>> No.3227811 [DELETED] 

>Option A: use your own money
>Option B: have others pay for it and make several more extra thousands in the process

>> No.3227815

>Option A: use your own money
>Option B: have others pay for it and make several more extra thousands for yourself in the process

>> No.3227818

Oh yeah, I forget Sakimichan's just milking cash out of her retard fan's hands.

>> No.3227838

name one reason why that's a bad thing.

>> No.3227839

oh come on, as if you wouldnt do the same if you could.
the reason you autists hate her is because she is pretty much living your dream. making big bux off of fanart and drawing porn.

>> No.3227845

don't jump to conclusions fampai. I would totally do the same thing, and I don't hate her, I love her

>> No.3227846
File: 155 KB, 1239x627, Screen Shot 2017-12-07 at 5.39.39 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know that she worked for Disney

>> No.3227856
File: 32 KB, 583x328, dan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wew, that face is so cute

>> No.3227866

Her terrible art unfortunately has a big audience of people with terrible taste in art so it makes sense companies would cash in through her

>> No.3227867

If /ic/ would have it's way, only artists who are on par with renaissance masters would be allowed to make money doing art. Kind of strange considering a lot of people here are aspiring illustrators, but crabs gon' crab.

>> No.3227874

Why do people continue to give money to a crowd fund project when the goal has been reached? I'm not one of those jealous fags who think Sakimichan doesn't deserve to make money with her art, but this is just retarded. She could have easily paid for those book prints herself and then made the money back regularly by selling those prints. But instead she's gonna get a million $ as a christmas present for doing literally nothing.

>> No.3227880

I'm not saying it's bad. She's benefiting it from it.

>> No.3227892


I would like to know this too. Stretch goals?

>> No.3227898 [DELETED] 

in most cases kickstarter projects offer something in return for donations. in this case everyone is basically buying her book while funding its creation. As long as there are more people that want to buy it even after the goal is reached.... why not let them? Why have the possibility to make more money and distribute more products to more people, yet choose to stop here? Most people will say that if their goal goes over, they will use the money to promise even more things. Sakimichan already has a plan that if she goes over $250k, she will upgrade the size of the book, add UV to the cover design, add a dust jacket, and give out 2 prints.

>> No.3227899

in most cases kickstarter projects offer something in return for donations. in this case everyone is basically buying her book while funding its creation. As long as there are more people that want to buy it even after the goal is reached.... why not let them? Why have the possibility to make more money and distribute more products to more people, yet choose to stop here? Most people will say that if their goal goes over, they will use the money to promise even more things. Sakimichan already has a plan that if she goes over $250k, she will upgrade the size of the book, add UV to the cover design, add a dust jacket, and give out 2 prints.

>She could have easily paid for those book prints herself and then made the money back regularly by selling those prints. But instead she's gonna get a million $ as a christmas present for doing literally nothing.
you say that as if the first option would have been the best choice. Sakimichan is a shrewd as fuck businesswoman who knows how to drain the last drop out of her cash cows

>> No.3227900


absolutely this,

in the meantime, thousands of fantastic artists struggle to even pay their rent.

I'm glad there are so many people who are willing to support an artist (whatever their motives are), but this is like they don't know where to put their support.. and just throw it all onto the "most well known" digital artist.

God I wish h3h3 would just do one about the kickstarter thing.. she's rich, and got no issues to prepare a solid book for their fans; for a reasonable price ofc. But nope, its grossly overpriced as it is, and she included shady goals for further leeching.
>2 mini prints for 50k
>9*12 inches from 8.5*11 inches for 150k

what are these goals omg

She can easily double the size, and still make triple the income as it is.. but nope she wants the sextuple profit beforehand.
I'm not a fan, and quite frankly I despise her work and what she stands for.. but I think this extremely unfair to the actual fans and people who look up to her.

Best scenario would be "Um.. hey sorry guys :3 .. I've got some copyright strikes in regards to the kickstarter project, and unfortunately had to cancel it. But thanks so much for your support ^o^ !!! I will invest all the money and support that you have given me, into future projects :3 byee~"

>> No.3227902
File: 220 KB, 325x313, 746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3227904

>favourite artist
>not knowing artgerm is the dude

>> No.3227905

>God I wish h3h3
>A jew calling out another jew


>> No.3227907

Are you retarded? The guy has a badge with ARTGERM on it and you still took the bait?

>> No.3227910

>thousands of fantastic artists struggle to even pay their rent.
that's entirely their fault for being shit at marketing. if they're really so great, yet struggle to even get minimum wage from their art, then there's something else that's wrong. you can't blame sakimichan for having brains and other people don't.

>Best scenario would be-
your whole post reeks of jealousy, but this is the definition of malicious envy.

>> No.3227914

God I love the butthurt from this. Good job for her, another proof people would throw money at ya if you're good and know how to market yourself.

>> No.3227919

Her most expensive pledge is $125 for all three books.... but for $148 more ($273), she'll throw in a PENCIL SKETCH (best part: this pledge is already sold out)

>> No.3227921
File: 140 KB, 1050x1400, 1503989689744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post the nude version

>> No.3227925

>she'll throw in a PENCIL SKETCH
Unique for each one right? makes sense why it sold out. Learn from her, she's a mastermind.

>> No.3227926

It's still kinda wrong imo. It would be like microsoft kickstarting windows 11.

>> No.3227932
File: 146 KB, 386x585, sakimichan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too bad

>> No.3227936

No, only the people with genuine talent with something new to offer should make money through art. Over-rendered anime character portraits is among the least inspired shit in the history of art and the fact that she makes more money producing a way worse product than a lot of people is a huge part of the problem

>> No.3227940

She's making money becasue she knows her audience and has appeal.
Create as many anatomically correct drawings as you want, you'll never reach her level because you don't think about your audience. Accurate drawings are very impressive but they won't build your fanbase. Many d/ic/ks needs to stop being retarded about this.

>> No.3227946

>If /ic/ would have it's way, only artists who are on par with renaissance masters would be allowed to make money doing art.
You say that like it's a bad thing.

>> No.3227947

Commerce kills art.

>> No.3227948

more like kickstarting windows 10
but so what? it is up to you whther or not to buy the same shit again.
why so jelly anon?
no one is backing your shitty ks?

>> No.3227954

please post your work

>> No.3227955
File: 755 KB, 962x1036, klgññ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit

>> No.3227958

sakimichan wouldn't make an ass that small, mr. krabs

>> No.3227972

I love the moustache

>> No.3227976

>55 replies, 34 posters
So it really is just one faggot calling everyone crabs wew

>> No.3227985

Is there a renaissance equivalent to sakimichan

>> No.3227988

nope, i'm just one of a few

>> No.3227993

Newfag (at drawing) here. Can anyone analyze how exactly does she make her drawings look so good? Because they do look very appealing, even if anatomically incorrect and people here hate her. People with no knowledge of anatomy can spot clear structural mistakes, so she must be good at hiding those incorrections, like using strange poses or blocking the view with clothes. Also she must be good at using that gained freedom to alter human structure to create good-looking poses.

Also does she have good skills at using digital tools and colors, or using compositions. I want to know what she does right apart technically.

>> No.3227994

>only the people with genuine talent with something new to offer should make money through art
tha amount of autism you produce is hurting me, crab.

>> No.3227997
File: 1.73 MB, 200x293, SuJ8PXF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>REEE This FANTASY magical anime snow angel with WINGS doesn't have realistic figure proportions!!!! SHIT ARTIST!!!!! SNAKE TORSO!!!!!

>> No.3227998

No. just trying explain why people might not like the Kickstarter. as for me, this along with all the other guys that aren't as good as sakimi, but still make a lot of money sort of makes me less worried about when the time comes for me to start earning money with "art". Basically it's wrong imo but it's good to know we can use the same tactics if needed.

>> No.3228001

you're the worst kind of faggot
>this setting has dragons/magic/supernatural in it
>therefore anything and everything cannot be grounded in reality

>> No.3228003

>Can anyone analyze how exactly does she make her drawings look so good
Gee anon, if only there were hundreds of video tutorials that record her whole process...


>> No.3228032

please never redline again