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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 125 KB, 900x679, qna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3218938 No.3218938 [Reply] [Original]

Ask and you shall receive. No need to make a thread if you only have a single question.

Don't know where to start? We have multiple stickies >>1579290 → → → → → → → → and https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98/edit#bookmark=id.15jx3pyuimvj please read them as most of your common woes are here.

Want to build a habit drawing daily? Then LAS is for you: >>3216506 → → →

Do you wish to submit your stylized or anime drawings, receive feedback and critique others? Then the Stylization general is for you: >>3215369 → → →

Are you a beginner? Do you struggle with drawing boxes? Do you wish to receive critiques from Anonymous? Join us over at the beginner thread: >>3216268 → → →

General Draw thread....you know, where the slightly cooler kids post: >>3213614 → → →

Artbook Thread (hey you got to thread watch this; it's FREE* resources!): >>3202223 → → → →

If you're into degeneracy then we have something for you, too. The Porn Thread: >>3217017 → → →

Animation thread: >>3199802 → → → →

Old thread: >>3205454 → →

>> No.3218948

What does it mean to 'git gud'? Is this some sort of standard and not some vagueness like 'you understand perspective, anatomy,...'

>> No.3218956
File: 183 KB, 386x406, Confused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen a graphic a while back that says before studying anatomy to practice drawing basic body parts, my question is where can I find a list of references for these and draw them concisely without having to browse through numerous tutorials/ videos and cross-referencing websites?

>> No.3219083

I want to do comissions to make money.
Im swiching fron traditional to digital, my art is bullshit at the moment.
Should I create an artist account when my art is decent or create it now and get some followers until my art goes better?

>> No.3219143

Literally makes no difference. Worry more about learning how to paint and draw. It's like worrying about creating a publishing account with ASCAP when you buy a guitar as a newbie player.

>> No.3219144

You need a list of body parts? Try an anatomy book, or website. It's not hard to find. You're going to have to do some work on your own, we can't hold your hand the entire way. Shortcuts create shitty artists.

>> No.3219169
File: 307 KB, 2058x500, 1509990813814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone explain each step further to me in this image, i'm fucking retarded

>> No.3219350

Anon, it tells you above the images.
Lines, base tone, dark spots, less dark spots, light spots, rendering.

>> No.3219359


>> No.3219366

it's a dark souls meme. when people were shit at playing that game, they'd be told to 'git gud'. it's like a variant of 'lurk more'.

>> No.3219383

Best way to digitalize my inked line work?
Can you turn traditional line work into vectors?

>> No.3219388
File: 380 KB, 1000x713, 5_2jeanne_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the hell do I draw from observation?

I need to improve my drawing skills very fast and want to get good at drawing bodies, figures, poses and such as well as general things but I'm fucking shit and drawing from looking at pictures always ends up looking like I had a stroke while drawing it and the scale to perspective never ends up looking right.

Any tips and advice?

>pic somewhat related on stuff I want to be able to draw

>> No.3219390

Best way is to actually scan and reink them digitally.

Easiest way is to bring it into photoshop, correct it a bit then bring it into illustrator and do a live trace.

>> No.3219392

I believe illustrator has a 'trace' tool that turns your stuff into vector. Would probably do something like this:

>Scan image at high dpi using manual adjustments for levels and stuff for quality
>any extra clean up in photoshop
>remove white background so only lines are left (might be unnecessary, I don't do this often)
>into illustrat and use trace
>boom vector

>> No.3219436
File: 80 KB, 243x247, vilppanza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How the hell do I draw from observation?

1. Draw gesture
2. Check proportions
3. Check verticals
4. Check horizontals
5. Check angles and diagonals
6. Check curves
7. Check positive and negative space

>> No.3219448


i meant to expand upon those steps, to go more in depth if possible

>> No.3219453

Have no idea how to do this or what this means. Im literallt a complete beginner, what the hell is positive and negative space.

>> No.3219501


this video helps a lot, thank you

>> No.3219688

How do I break habit of doing "hairy", or dark and deep lines?
Should I force myself to be proficient at using any utensil to draw (Actual graphite 'drawing' pencil or Ticonderoga Number 2)? I figure a 'good' artist would just be able to make do with literally anything, but I feel like I need some kind of handicap.

Smooth or rough paper? This is more of a preference question.

>> No.3219695

Any success stories about overcoming doubt and fear?

>> No.3219793
File: 198 KB, 540x686, force mike mattessi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hairy line and dark/deep line aren't the same thing, which do you have?

use shit paper. draw as much as you can, expensive paper is bad for that

>> No.3219815


>> No.3219829


Thanks for info.

>> No.3219902

Not easily, or at least not that I've seen. The conversion tools in illustrator will outline each stroke and convert it to an object, not a line. The best way is the most time consuming, drawing vectors over a scanned image.

>> No.3219904

It's not what you think it is. You want each ink line converted to a vector, that can be adjusted, but what the app does is convert the line to a shape, the outline of the stroke. Makes it vastly complicated with billions of points, and extremely hard to edit.

>> No.3219906

If you need this much hand holding, i don't know what to tell you, other than art may not be for you.

>> No.3220125

lurk more
draw more
research more

pro tip: there is no lifehack to drawing, you either put in years of effort or you're shit, that's all

>> No.3220392
File: 24 KB, 276x276, 7248930_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ALRIGHT d/ic/ks. I have been grinding boxes in every perspective and can do it well. What next? How do I include figures into it?
Do I draw the figures inside the boxes OR do I use boxes as the figures?
Also can someone upload an example?

>> No.3220445
File: 10 KB, 480x360, hqdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little bit from column A and a little bit from column b.

Draw a box for the overall figure. Draw a figure in that box as boxes.

>> No.3220517

this response is needlessly smug. why don't you recommend such a website/anatomy book, the guy is obviously having issues with locating one.

>> No.3220524

How does one get over the fear of not fucking up using a pen for outlining a drawing?

>> No.3220535

positive space is space filled with something, negative space is the space filled with nothing.

>> No.3220624

Recently hurt my elbow pretty badly. I always hear drawing puts stress on the wrist and the shoulders through repetitive motion, but does it also put stress on the elbow? I constantly have a sharp, stinging pain in my elbow even when I'm not doing anything, so It's kinda hard to tell right now if drawing makes it any worse.

>> No.3220776

what should I do after giving up for a few years and going back? just grind fundies?

>> No.3220780

Scan the drawing before inking? That's what I do at least.

Follow your own path instead of falling for formulaic approaches, memes, if you will. Study what you feel you need, draw what you want to draw...

>> No.3220816


>> No.3220842

anyone here use a numpad for hotkeys on mac? what's the best program to use for remapping?

>> No.3220909
File: 23 KB, 301x303, hlppls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I stop this from happening on CSP? It's driving me nuts.

>> No.3220948

How do you properly utilize the golden ratio in art?
Is it difficult to learn?

>> No.3220988

How do I make it as an artist if I don't give a fuck about drawing anything else other than sexy women? I literally cannot stand having to draw anything else. Animals? fuck them. Vehicles/architecture? fuck that. I really don't care at all about those things. I only feel good when i'm drawing sexy ladies doing sexy things. Everything else is just cripplingly boring to me.

I feel a constant pressure to have to learn how to do these things because i don't like being looked down on. If people look at my work they will say oh he's just some perv. He's just a perv who cant draw anything cool except for chicks. For that reason ALONE i do other types of artwork. It's agonizing.

How do i fix this/remedy this?

>> No.3221027
File: 5 KB, 129x233, mA6D0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to mimic the shading of this model from OSRS on Photoshop?

>> No.3221060

Mix sexy women with those other things. Draw pictures of sexy women in landscapes, sexy women partially covered in drapery, sexy women leaning on animals, sexy women bending over industrial machinery etc. And gradually shift towards more complex and extreme perspectives, wild colors and so on.

>> No.3221121


don't worry, I have a full time job and pay my own bills. art is just a hobby for me. keep on being negative towards people looking for help though i'm sure it does a lot for you

>> No.3221475
File: 426 KB, 836x1200, img000009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to find a font for a comic that doesn't look like hot ass.
There are a good video tutorials for the same method by Krenz and Yu Cheng Hong. Both are on CGPeers.
Krenzs videos have no audio on them and only come with instructions while Yu Cheng Hong actually walks you through it.

Basically what you do is you think of your pose, doodle how the pose would look from front to side and then contain them into boxes.
Then you lay out your grid, and build the box that would contain the form. Measure and mark for landmarks, ect.

>> No.3221476
File: 270 KB, 1558x801, kax3svp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It should look something like this.

>> No.3221505

Why I'm so good at copying from books but terrible at copying from photos? Why this keep happening?

>> No.3221526

Could be a tablet problem.
I use CSP daily and never had that issue.

I remember it being present in that one Microsoft screen tablet, according to the Tested review, though, for example.
basically the pen registered an input even when the pen was just hovering close to the screen.

>> No.3221773

Anyone got a crack for Design Doll? All the links on google are dead

>> No.3221778
File: 233 KB, 1023x478, I like turtles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have two technical questions:

1. My computer is having a hard time detecting my Wacom Intuos Pro M. Sometimes it helps to go to services and restart the Wacom Professional service or plug it into another USB port but the problem never goes away completely so I end up having to restart my computer multiple times just so the driver figures out there's a device plugged in...

2. This just happened 2 days ago. If I zoom into my images in Photoshop CC and try to paint with a brush there's severe slowdown so it's pretty much unusable. I've reverted back to Photoshop CS6 for now as I need to get my shit done but this is still pretty annoying! I tried reinstalling Photoshop CC but it's not helping... Also updated my display drivers. My computer is an old piece of shit though so it might just be that.

I've fixed the overheating issue so there's that...

>> No.3221796

How much trouble could/would I get in if I were to make a custom skin of a League of Legends character and sell the image as prints? I have a golden opportunity in my lap but I don't want to end up in court or some shit over maybe a few hundred dollars. It would technically be an original piece since the skin has no trace of being in the game itself, but I am technically making money off their character. Should I just go for it and stop only if someone gets onto me about it? I feel like I could rake in a solid amount of money over this.

>> No.3221815


Aye aye. I found a solution for problem 2. Apparently Photoshop can get fucky if you have a bunch of groups within groups so I just unmerged all the groups and shit works perfectly again! I wish I'd got this figured out sooner as I've lost a good 8h. uninstalling and reinstalling everything and trying all kinds of shit.

Just writing this here if anyone ever gets a similar issue... This was fucking killing me as I'm right now trying to render everything out in a really large image.

>> No.3221847
File: 189 KB, 550x778, 8d0caf42672edc71e2175fdc2dfdfd3d--drawings-and-illustrations-contemporary-illustrations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's it called to categorize the group of words to describe like a feel(?) (Im sorry this i why Im trying to find the word for it) I thought it was aesthetic but idk if Aesthetic Art means anything
I don't know if this makes sense but, Like a word that generally describes other words such as
Vaporwave,neosynth,cyberpunk etc. In art styles

I'm trying to find new categories to explore

>> No.3221875

The equivalent to music genres would be art genres, but you could refer to them as different aesthetics. But there's no 'Aesthetic Art', just like there's no 'Genre Music' (but for some reason there is 'Genre Fiction').

You could even call it a feel, or maybe you mean atmosphere, or as part of a movement (cubism, etc..)

>> No.3221883

What are the resources out there to learn to draw characters & people like Kuvshinov? I really just want to learn digital drawing like him looking up digital drawing tutorials usually just gets me videos of "guy who barely knows how to draw himself teaching you the basics of photoshop" or "fantasy artist timelapses". I don't care much for either of those.

I already know how to use photoshop to an extent and have a background in art, just really wanna know like tips and a flowchart I guess of how to do digital drawings from start to finish.

>> No.3221924
File: 34 KB, 310x261, dfklsdffsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the same thing in photoshop. doesn't seem to have this problem. CSP just seems overly sensitive to the pen no matter what brush i use. is there some way to make CSP less... slippery??

>> No.3221925

Do you have stabilization on? reduce its value in the brush you're using.

>> No.3221926

yup, still happens even with stabilization at 0 :(

>> No.3221948

Nice page my dude, took a bit to process but when I figured it out it was 10/10

Regarding font. I've heard some comic artists make fonts out of their handwriting, or just handwrite the dialogue themselves

>> No.3222093
File: 201 KB, 500x734, gigi dg rosalina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't see why not, the original texture for the model was probably made in photoshop anyway

i don't understand what you're asking and have no idea what lol skins means. but a lot of artists sell fanart on etsy and get away with it. could you elaborate on what it is you're doing?

>> No.3222562

Ilya entered art school at the age of 11 to learn traditional painting. He's had many years of experience in realism before he really got into "anime" art.
If you want to be really good at it, you're gonna have to grind realism first or alongside it.

If you just want a shortcut, just copy anime art you like until you get it. You'll probably never be as good as the artists you're copying though.

>> No.3222577

can someone redpill me on the mixer brush tool? it seems like a really cool way to paint and i've seen good results for it but i just can't seem to get the hang of it. I usually use it on 'dry' which takes away the whole mix function anyway. pls it's been near impossible to find tutorials besides that shitty aaron blaise one

>> No.3222706

what's the best place to hire anime artists?

upwork and other general freelance sites are full of mobile toon shit

deviantart and most social media sites are full of sonichu levels of art

where can I find production-level anime artists looking for work?

>> No.3222931
File: 348 KB, 1920x1440, 1498730058133412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone has a good tutorial on how to create a woven textile effect?

>> No.3222934
File: 1.62 MB, 1366x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My own attempt is pathetic.

>> No.3222937

Everyone talks about paypal but what about bitcoin ?

>> No.3222965
File: 457 KB, 1282x747, emboss--bevel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks fine to me. Texture is totally solid.

The only thing that standsout is how perfect your lines and edges are compared to the real thing. Consider roughing up some of the edges and varying the lineweights so that everything isn't so mathematically perfect and smooth.

Also - consider playing around with bevel/emboss layer styles for the stuff that is not blue. This can help it 'pop' out a bit more and not make it look so flat.

>> No.3222968
File: 20 KB, 402x353, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. I realized right away that the smooth lines were a problem.

However this thing I'm working on is huge and complicate. It's 70 by 130 centimeters and it's for print so it's in 300 dpi. The individual elements were done as vector so the lines are really smooth.

So I'm kinda hoping there'd be some ways to automatically rough up the lines and edges. Any tips?

>> No.3222981
File: 154 KB, 1920x955, 1498727811595339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I'm making btw. If anyone cares...

>> No.3223116

You can't get such smooth edges on woven textiles. Closest thing would be pixel art, working digitally.

>> No.3223504
File: 1.87 MB, 1366x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried pixelating it a bit. Not sure if this is the right choice. I'm afraid it's going to look like a low quality image being printed a a bigger size when I print it out.

>> No.3223515

How do you discover artists?
I am in the need for inspiration (maybe mecha stuff)
Are there websites that lots of artists post?
If anon would be so kind to list some

>> No.3223517
File: 129 KB, 500x375, complete-peanuts-1967-1968-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make a hardcover print of a comic to give as a gift, but I don't know what paper to use for the pages or the cover. Any of you guys got a recommendation?
I feel this is kind of a specific knowledge to have, should I create a thread for this question?

Pic semi related, I love the materials from these books, but I have no idea what they are. I would be happy with anything that looks good.

>> No.3223545

I'm not sure how to do what you want, but I don't think pixelating is a good idea, it will be very obvious. What's the end goal exactly?
One thing you could do is work on the shapes separately from the background, and work with masks. You could try to use that effect >>3222934
which is pretty good, but use it as a mask just on the edges of the shapes.

>> No.3223546


>> No.3223614

send away for it to printed by a print shop or website. pic clearly was.

>> No.3223633

Would you guys recommend keys to drawing for a beginner?

>> No.3223714
File: 1.45 MB, 1311x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks this anon >>3223116 who pointed me towards pixel art. This is what I'm aiming for in the first place.

Still need to print test it of course.

>> No.3223716
File: 1.49 MB, 960x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compared with the real thing here.

>> No.3223767

Can anyone tell me how to map moving a layer around on CSP to a key instead of just a tool?

>> No.3223780
File: 62 KB, 395x363, weekend_at_saint_bernies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are so many artists retarded? I don't mean weird and socially retarded, that comes with the territory, I mean why are there so many fucking dumbasses. Intellectual vacancy and DUDE levels of not knowing how to do basic things seems to be the norm. There are more strippers that can hold a conversation.

>> No.3223797

shortcut settings (ctrl+alt+shift+k) > tool > 'move layer' (not 'move') > edit shortcut > enter key
you could also hold control while clicking and dragging on a visible part of the layer you want to move

>> No.3223799

maybe you just know too many artists, you do hang round an art board afterall

>> No.3223804

Thanks mate but holding ctrl to move the layer only works if the cursor is directly ontop of a line which is really fucking annoying because all I do is small linework.
Is there anyway to make it not do that, and just move the whole layer regardless of where the cursor is?

>> No.3223808
File: 545 KB, 2048x2048, A6A727A8-6EBA-47CC-B2CC-B846D9380828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is better: domino masks or surgical masks?

Context: A santa (girl) costume for a drawing.

>> No.3223825

I want to get in to drawing comics, but i also think my art is not good enough for that.But whenever i try to practice i feel so overwhelmed, like should i star with anatomy, or with composition. I don ever know where to start or what to practice to get better. any tips are highly appreciated.

>> No.3223848

proportions, then anatomy, and always keep going back to these. composition is very late on the list.

>> No.3223857

surgical masks are what asian people wear when they have a cold, it's not a festive association

>> No.3223874

change your brush sensitivity/falloff

>> No.3223875

Can someone explain to me anatomatically how people have different sized eyes? is it the way the skin wraps around the eye, the position, or the size of the eyeball?

>> No.3223965
File: 88 KB, 720x405, 1496471478097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey guys. I'm taking a studio class for fun but...right now it's hell. It's finals week and while I got done with all my other work, I'm stuck with having to make 3 works of art. Due tomorrow at 9AM. After this week I am utterly burnt out and don't trust that I'd be able to do something very complicated.

I'm thinking about making something like sequential art because...well, it's down to earth.

>size; I want each panel to be worthy+self-contained enough to be its own work but for each to cohesively follow one another

>maybe 3 colors only for each; should I use micron pens? Watercolors? Acrylics?

>also, I'm supposed to make it loosely based off the idea of a work of mine. The idea I chose is stupid; just about human friend/relationships, the bizarre things that keep them together.

>I did incorporate writing/messages into my original project but dunno if I should use it on my final

I 100% want to do sequential art but...any tips on how to go about it? Possibly with minimal time spent?

>> No.3223976

Peoples eyes does not grow even when they get older thats why babies or younger children are cure because they seem to have bigger eyes. Nose and ears grow until you die though thats why old people have big nose and ears. To summarize young people have big eyes and old people have big nose and ears

>> No.3223993

look up '24 hour comic day' on twitter or instagram to see the sort of thing people get accomplished in that kind of timeframe. generally pen and ink, basic stream of conciousness writing instead of a crafted story, generally not much colours or shading

writing takes a lot of time, if you don't already have a solid idea for a story and can write it out in the next ten minutes i'd just save yourself the pain and draw something else

>> No.3224002

Thing is, I was thinking about making more visual than word-based; just three well-crafted panels. Alone I want them to act as paintings, but then the narrative become more clear besides the others.

I'll check out some more sequential art/comics as inspo. Thanks!

>> No.3224197

no problem.
sounds like you're making a triptych. i'd look those up too

>> No.3224246

can someone recommend a website where starting artists can get paid to do commissions for cheap?

>> No.3224410

You should start now, the faster you get followers the better.

>> No.3224424

You could become an erotic comic artist and do requests/make a patreon.

Check out sakimi-chan, I didn't know about that artist before /ic/ but looks like them make enough money to live like a regular person.

On the side, never mention to anyone that you do erotic stuff. You of course will be looked down.
You could invent a recurrent excuse so people don't get suspicious on what you do.
Another way is to be a ballsy man and not give a shit about what people around you thinks and not telling them what you do for living.

>> No.3224431


>> No.3224453

Any tips for drawing open mouths/teeth? Every time I draw a face with an open mouth it looks retarded.

>> No.3224456

You should upload an attempt so people can point out the mistakes for you to fix.

>> No.3224474

He has some material recommendations and links to other tutorials in the description.

>> No.3224605
File: 87 KB, 364x517, brush_settings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lately I've been trying to import photoshop brushes to CSP and it's been hell so far since CSP has so many more options than photoshop. My question is what are the equivalent settings in CSP for the checked ones in pic related?

>> No.3224761

shortcut settings (ctrl+alt+shift+k) > tool > 'move layer' (not 'move') > edit shortcut > enter key

>> No.3224779

But what about differences between races? how does that work?

>> No.3224803

>csp more optoins
i mean it kinda does, but not very intuitive
photoshop has better and far more intuitive and user friendly settings, and just does it way better.

>> No.3224805

The copy of SAI i downloaded off cgpeers had it's trial expire. What the hecko???

>> No.3224845

What's the best app on google play store or apple store for drawing?

>> No.3224871

Need some help with my photoshop acting up.
To increase my brush size i do the hold alt, right click on your stylus and drag left or right thing.
But after I installed a new windows update a few days ago it doesn't work anymore.
It works just fine when i do it with my mouse, and I've tried doing with another stylus which
is compatible but that doesn't work either so there's nothing wrong with my stylus.
I've re-installed the drivers several times and idk what to do at this point. Really don't want to
have to resort to using the bracket keys to change the size of my brush size

>> No.3224880

Does anyone know another alternate to waifu2x? I remember there being another online version under a really different name that allowed you to scale to higher resolutions.

>> No.3224918
File: 76 KB, 500x667, imthebest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need some archive/random picture generator for still life/bare bone forms, like cubes stacked on other cubes etc. in perspective.

>> No.3224960

download blender and ask for someone to write you a script or learn to write a script that randomizes some primitive placements. for now, download blender and learn how to add stuff to a scene and then render it simply. this opens you up to a whole new world of reference

>> No.3224979
File: 606 KB, 3615x2411, eazy_e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have experience buying college level courses as a foreigner in asia? I found these nice chink courses online but they do not accept my credit card and I have to go through hell to make payments. My only other option is to get some kind of proxy middleman to do the payment for me.

>> No.3225146

asian people have the same size eyeball as whites, they just have epicanthic skin folds.

>> No.3225282

Brush technique: what works better? Do you do circular motions to blend or just side-to-side? Vertical or horizontal? Been struggling a bit trying to get nice blended-but-textured gradients with the hard round brush set to opacity.

>> No.3225525

im trying to draw but i have so much anxiety how the fuck do i calm down

>> No.3225527

I enjoy drawing but I am not naturally talented or skilled. What are some types of creative drawing I can do that I can still be proud of, but take less skill? Is there a certain style, subject matter, or something else that I can still do to have fun?

>> No.3225536
File: 140 KB, 739x1110, 205A8F67-6EED-4E26-B770-7B3D415F627F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what’s the deal with pros making scribbly lines for the initial sketch? like they never lift their pencil.

i’ve heard about this being taught in art schools but don’t get it.

>> No.3225539

How important is the angle of your work surface i draw on a flat service usually directly over it is that wrong?

>> No.3225545

stopping to erase ruins flow. by leaving the pencil down it can help capture the movement of some real life situations.

>> No.3225553
File: 257 KB, 1920x1236, __yakumo_ran_touhou_drawn_by_kazami_karasu__2b895d7b603f3415d76dd507bee4e1ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make these kinds of distinct shadow shapes with complex internal gradients in CSP, without blowing things out into a million layers?

>> No.3225555

>complex internal gradients
you clearly have no idea what youre even talking about

>> No.3225560

It's complex in the scope of the drawing. What I mean is that it has very gradual gradient in an otherwise cel-shady drawing, and I'm wondering about an efficient way to achieve that.

>> No.3225576
File: 815 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-12-05-06-14-41-878_com.google.android.apps.books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I'm trying to do the plates right way, so I found this book from 1853 regarding how they did it, it was by G.E Hicks a classical painter.

Just regarding measuring, I'm not entirely sure if I'm supposed to use the sight size method with my pencil to continue with the shape of the plate according to the book, or should I just find the width and the height with the sight size technique and then try to eyeball the rest with my eye. I'm asking this according to the page, as I heard that classical painters / drawers didn't really make use of the sight size technique.

>> No.3225593
File: 1.11 MB, 2545x3569, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure what to do with this, it's an abstracted piece and an experiment with faces and ideas but I haven't touched it for months, it's conte and other stuff but I don't know what to fix on it or work with, any ideas and critique?

>> No.3225692
File: 128 KB, 848x1136, 1504983973435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is the anon who made these , i want the blog.

>> No.3226178

maybe photoshop is programmed to ignore windows ink and CSP isnt? double check windows ink garbage features are turned off

>> No.3226187
File: 305 KB, 1248x762, 2017-12-05 19_44_37-CLIP STUDIO PAINT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>3226178 <me again
i found the possible issue (i think!) set that brush stroke feature to its lowest setting

>> No.3226224
File: 84 KB, 1210x806, maxresdefault(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the best way to learn anatomy (especially musculature)?
The only thing that occurs to me is to draw them again and again and again of different angles, poses, sizes.

>> No.3226240
File: 581 KB, 1430x881, 2017-12-05 20_20_56-CLIP STUDIO PAINT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is less intuitive but the options are simply non-existent in photoshop.

example: you can tell a brush to adjust opacity by pen pressure but not how soft each individual brush feels. they all share the same pressure profile.

if you want a low opacity blurry brush for most of the pen pressure spectrum and a harder more focused brush tip with more pressure its simply not possible in photoshop. you must switch brushes, you cant really customise your sketching brush.

the brush tip, blurry or hard is what you get. the pen pressure curve applies to the brush in 1 linear way. if you want it to 'feel' like a softer brush, screw you, go adjust pen pressure curves, a change which applies to all brushes (wacom driver settings!

i have seen some tutorials reccomend/resort to buying different wacom pens with different pen pressure curves applied to each one so you get a soft feel! (cant remember where i saw those posts) its absurd!

i have tried to recreate the photoshop brush in post, but haven't made a custom material/brush tip yet. looking up a tutorial now. dont give up on making your own CSP brushes anon!

>> No.3226339

Thanks, man. I'll check it out

>> No.3226619

If I turn off windows ink my pressure sensitivity stops working though

>> No.3226624
File: 95 KB, 849x807, Dog study 6-12-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a big difference between doing studies on a screen tablet or on paper? I've been doing them on paper until now but wondering what the difference is, like if there are differences that could harm my practice, i'm mostly doing studies pic related

>> No.3226659

Also another question: Is this board not bumping properly or something? I've not seen posts bumped for a week

>> No.3226728

it can be helpful to get a bunch of pictures of people, lower the opacity, and draw the skeleton on top. same with muscles.

>> No.3226738
File: 41 KB, 363x242, JPEG_20171202_093708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 180 hand drawn frames I want to assemble into an animation with sound.
Easiest program to do it in? Basically I'm finishing the drawings and have until new years eve to hand it in.

>> No.3226860

One of my friends graduated from University 2 years ago and hasn't been able to find a job in the industry up until now. The problem is, he hasn't really applied for a job anywhere in the past year. No real work has gone into updating his portfolio for the past two years. And yet he keeps complaining how his art style is 'too anime' and how companies are just too stuck up and snobby to appreciate his work. All this while acting superior for having graduated from an art-focused university. No actual effort is being put in his social media presence, yet he constantly complains about his original content not getting the attention it deserves.
I know he could do it if he just fucking tried, but he's prone to getting angry at me over misunderstandings. How do I help him?

>> No.3226861 [DELETED] 

Gif Movie Gear
basic but easiest, every basic operation you can need (except layers and direct editing)
otherwise Photoshop

>> No.3226886

What are some good instagram accounts that feature your artwork?

>> No.3227159

honestly it's a lot easier to blame others for your own failures than yourself, he might not listen even if you do say the right things.

worth nicely asking him, if his style is too anime and he likes drawing anime, why does he want to work at those non anime companies anyway? where does he see himself at a job, and which industry? how will he get there? what will he do in the next month to make that happen? make him justify his own absurd thought process.

or maybe encourage him to talk to some of his art school professors, perhaps ones he was friendly with, for belated advice on breaking into the job market, since they've likely worked in the industry before teaching. if they're even vaguely competent they'll tell him to fix the portolio at least. and they're a messenger to shoot that isn't you

>> No.3227230

What's that 3D posing program manga artists use? I know the guy who does GANTZ uses it and I've seen it mentioned on here and used but I can't remember the name of it.

>> No.3227241

Do you mean DesignDoll?

>> No.3227246

lots of artists I admire mention using fashion magazines for reference. What should I be looking at and where do I get good magazines?

>> No.3227281

Yes THANK YOU. The hand and lighting reference features are a god send.

>> No.3227306

you don't necessarily need to buy a magazine. you can go on pinterest/ the sartorialist. that stuff is all online nowadays too and it's easier to save to your reference folder if it's already a picture.
if you're looking for fashion design, find out the name of a designer. if you're looking for a specific style find out the name of it.
90% of research is knowing what to google.

although you can't go wrong with vogue.

>> No.3227763
File: 542 KB, 1522x558, test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i see colors more accurately? when i try and paint on something it looks really flat and i am really afraid of using darks when painting because it looks really bad
pic related is an object painted on using colour picking while the one on the right is what i usually paint

>> No.3227788

Instead of painting using what you picked directly from the colour wheel, try "mixing" the paint as you would on a real life pallet until it looks right.

>> No.3227834

thanks for looking into this. the "lingering" for me happens at the start of the stroke though. is there some setting for this too?

>> No.3227847

Have you tried disabling all pen 'Touch and Hold' functionality?

>> No.3227878

Keep in mind that you picked colors from makeup. Paler skin tones are rarely this monochromatic.

>> No.3227883

I'm using Photoshop CC15. I'm trying to save a million versions of a picture I'm working on and it's getting annoying when the default file name is always set to "Untitled-1.EXT"

I want to change the default file name for [Save For Web] to sequentially name the files E.G
Without me having to enter a new number each time and see if it's in use. Is this possible.

>> No.3228048

sorry, how do i do that? i'm using a huion tablet...

>> No.3228070

Are there any cool /ic/ discords/irc chats?

>> No.3228112

i want to get a relatively cheap present for my medical illustrator friend. what would be a good gift do you think?

>> No.3228128


Windows7 also had a flick/gesture command, don't know if its still exists in windows 10, might want to disable that too.

>> No.3228266

I'm about to begin doing the exercises in Edward's "Drawing on the right side of the brain". I'm going to draw on computer, so do i need the viewfinder-things or can i just use my hands or something when i'm doing the viewfinder-related exercises?

>> No.3228298
File: 23 KB, 448x310, wacom_create_graphics_tablet2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suddenly my tablet is not registering anything below a certain pressure.
Meaning, I have to press kind of hard to get marks to show up. If I press softly, it doesn't register a click like it should.
Does anyone know if my tablet or pen are fucked, or if this is some kind of software issue, or what?

>> No.3228309

I assume you tried rebooting. Try going to wacom preferences and click "remove preferences" and select remove in all user preferences then you'll just have to set up your shortcuts again. If that doesn't work you might want to try updating with the latest driver. If that doesn't work then yeah there might be something wrong with the pen. You can find replacements on amazon.

>> No.3228355

The one thing I hadn't tried was drivers... I feel kind of dumb for that.
Lo and behold, it's fixed after downloading the latest drivers (from 2015) and rebooting. Thanks.
Sometimes I don't really understand how this shit works though. I've lacked these drivers for years and it's like my tablet has just realized this, literally mid-drawing.

>> No.3228654

Does anyone have athletic female references?

>> No.3228715

I'm pretty new here but i need some help.
How do i avoid this whole symbol drawing thing, i don't really know much on what it means, but what do i do to make my drawings stand out more?

>> No.3228817

in traditional, should I try not copying a reference at the same size that I see it and try changing scale? or not at all? it seems really hard

>> No.3228845
File: 26 KB, 500x534, great_gift.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even when I draw something as compact as a face I experience major problems with keeping it all in proportion (half of the face ballooning out, an eye/nose/brow/etc. drifting away from the rest and so on). What is my problem and what exercises besides simply keeping drawing people fix it?

>> No.3228849

Practice drawing faces and nothing but faces, from all possible angles. Keep a sketchbook and sit in cafes, places where people wait (trainstation, but) and sketch as much as you can. Try to practice drawing small faces with just a few defining lines, not bigger than a fingerprint in pencils, draw a few pages full of those and don't stop, if you get frustrated.
Don't always start in the same spot (eyes, nose). Try different starting points. Move on to bigger faces, the size of your palm. Hold the paper away from you frequently to get a more generalized sense of the composition. And try different pencils, HB 2B H, etc. see how that changes your drawing.

"Get out of your comfort zone" means, you should not keep drawing the same way you are used to. Start differently, try difficult face angles, use different tools, different paper etc. if it's easy and comes out shit, you aren't learning as much as you could.

>> No.3228850

* (trainstations, bus stops, waiting rooms, parks, public places with lots of tourists)

>> No.3228925


my problem is general, not with faces.

>> No.3229147

What type of paper or sketchbook is good to work with pen and ink?

>> No.3229173

anything around >200g
but you have to find out. there are papers with heavy grain and ones that are perfectly flat. both have their advantages and disadvantages. i use flat paper with hardly any grain for commissions when drawing with ink and nibs, because i will be scanning it later.

>> No.3229183
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, stupid fucking emoji this isnt a face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means don't draw emojis or the art equivalent of emojis, aka all those stupid anime faces that are made in every series despite barely resembling a human face anymore. (Pic related)

For a more in depth definition, basically when you make a mark, be 100% certain why you're making that mark and what it's suppose to convey. Don't just arbitrarily put lines down where you THINK they should go because you saw other people draw the same thing that way, place the lines where you KNOW they would go because you understand how what you're drawing is suppose to appear.
So rule of thumb
Even if you're drawing is heavily stylized, don't draw thinking of how other artists drew the same thing, draw picturing how the form would actually appear IRL/3D.

>> No.3229197

>So rule of thumb
>Even if you're drawing is heavily stylized, don't draw thinking of how other artists drew the same thing, draw picturing how the form would actually appear IRL/3D.
very important, if not the most important rule.

I would however wheel back a little from "knowing exactly where to put the line". In the beginning, it's ok if you appropriate the shape you want to draw with light, thin pencil lines. Almost like in sculpture, you then go on to chisel away all the parts you don't need and just leave clear lines that accentuate the form you are going for.

don't be scared of the blank paper.

>> No.3229217

I would definitely agree with your sentiment, I never wanted to imply it isn't okay to sketch. None of us are KJG so no shame in having to construct our forms when we begin our drawings.

Of course, when you're finalizing your render is when you should be thinking of what each mark is suppose to be representing.

>> No.3229219
File: 69 KB, 800x600, kill-me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it normal to requests e gift cards as payment for commissions? Would people be willing at all to even pay you this way?

>> No.3229220


I know you didn't mean it like that. It just happens sometimes that something comes out a little differently than it was supposed to sound, so I was just clarifying.
When I used to practice drawing comic characters and faces of teachers / classmates in school, i wouldn't often sketch it first with very generalized pencil lines. Afterwards, if necessary, I would go over it again with a liner or felted pen. I never used those cool copy pencils in blue, which disappear when you xerox a page. I always just erased the pencil lines as good as possible afterwards. By now, I hardly ever sketch before I draw, it all goes from A to Z in one piece.

>> No.3229223

>i wouldn't often sketch it
I WOULD often sketch it first …

>> No.3229277

Never mind, it's not fixed anymore! Just a random stroke of luck or some shit. Fuck...

>> No.3229332
File: 254 KB, 598x885, 84189419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ok, so I want to create pictures similar to the ones made by Stephen Gammell in Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark. Even when I try using them as a reference, I have a hard time imitating their use of color/realistic qualities. Are there any techniques/paint types (I assume they're water color based) that I could use to better try to emulate them? I'm trying to make them digitally so settings for paint tools in photoshop would also help.

>> No.3229355

i think its graphite powder for the most part. there is a video of him doing watercolor some where but most of it looks like graphite.

someone else also thinks this over on plebbit when i looked in to see if i was right. and i think i have seen him using this in videos.

>> No.3229396

What are some good artbooks out there? With Christmas coming up I figured I'd ask for some nice books of pretty drawings. So far have Kim Jung Gi's stuff but after that I'm not too sure.

>> No.3229404

maybe not that related but i've seen some type of editorial illustration where they abuse of these types of "air brushes

here's a vid of the guy doing an illustration on photoshop try to check the way he uses the brushes not the flat illustration


found these but for adobe illustrator but there's a similar brush pack that guy from the vid made for photoshop


>> No.3229412
File: 159 KB, 572x754, asdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make the face a bit more realistic and eye-pleasing?

>> No.3229417

Pretty desperate right now so i'll do a tarot reading for anyone who answers this ;-;

>> No.3229420

Aside from practice and learning how to draw/render the eyes, nose, etc, you should learn basic proportions of the head first.
Proportions come first and foremost. In your case, the overall head is way too long. The jawline is also off (too narrow). I like Loomis' head construction the most, personally.

Whatever brush you used looks nice, though.

>> No.3229422

Thanks, will definitely work on it
I drew 8 of pentacles for your card of the day, you can google its meaning if you want

>> No.3229441

I feel like my fineline pen is running out way too fast. It's like I'm grinding down the felt tip or something but I don't think I'm pressing that hard. I'm practising a lot but I think I remember seeing 1km of writing which seems way more than I've been doing. Anyone know what's happening? They're only $2 or something so it isn't that big of a deal but still.

>> No.3229451

how to stay logged in in Patreon? I hate it when I have to reenter password and everything just to follow and support artist.

>> No.3229574

what brand are you using? or does it happen regardless of brand?

lastpass extension on chrome. you'll still get logged out but logging will just be one click.

>> No.3229632

Do you NEED clip studio paint ex or is paint pro good enough?

>> No.3229838

What is a good anatomy app? I like to have an anatomy book with me when I draw, but it's getting kind of tiresome lugging the book around all the time.

>> No.3229841

ask him what work he did recently. if he says he hasn't had a job, remind him that shouldn't stop him from working on passion projects anyway, and that's what he will be asked about at any interview.

final cut, sony vegas, after effects, maybe premier but i havent used that. basically you are just looking to import the images as a sequence and be sure to set them to the desired frame-rate. then its a case of adding audio just like any other clip. even if you have the patience to do it with windows movie maker or something just drop in the 180 photos 1 at a time into a timeline, it might be quicker than finding a program and learning to use it. whatever program you choose, just google a youtube tutorial video.

sorry man

>> No.3229848

Beginner here.
When I first started this book it felt like I was doing pretty decent, keeping everything I needed in mind and that, but now all those things are drifting off and as a result it feels like I'm getting progressively worse with each drawing.

Is this normal or am I just getting lazy/forgetful?

>> No.3229858

I'd say After Effects. You can import a sequence of pictures (folder) and it automatically creates an animation.

>> No.3229864

Hello. I'm gonna be buying a touchscreen art tablet today but i was wondering if it will use software directly from my pc? Photoshop for example. Or will i have to get software for the tablet itself. Thank you.

>> No.3229870

Shitpost. Just found out myself, sorry.

>> No.3229908 [DELETED] 

I bought a surface book that only has 64GB HDD.
What software is good to use since I'd rather learn on a tablet first. I used Autodesk sketchbook on android on my phone but it's not available to pirate that I can see on PC

>> No.3229940

I bought a galaxy book that only has 64GB HDD.
What software is good to use since I'd rather learn on a tablet first. I used Autodesk sketchbook on android on my phone but it's not available to pirate that I can see on PC.

>> No.3230064

What are some good ways to train edge control? Is it a subject they do in art academies?

>> No.3230104

EX is for animation or managing multiple pages of comic/manga in the same file. If you don't need these two features Pro is good enough.

>> No.3230144

how do i use a psd i created as a template for photoshop when i create a new document?
i dont want to copy the file again and again
there has to be a way where i create a new document and the template gets shown

>> No.3230159

is the template very complicated? you can record the steps to make the template in an action. then assign the action to a shortcut to use whenever you open photoshop.

>> No.3230280

This might be a really dumb question, but when people do commissions that are supposed to be printed in the end, you're supposed to work with 300 DPI, right? Are you supposed to then send the final photoshop file to the client so they can print it? Or does the DPI information get saved in an image file if you save it as JPG or PNG?

>> No.3230341
File: 343 KB, 850x1103, brekkist 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asking you guys' opinion on this
If something is drawn in a cute stylized way, is it less sexy? Pic related is the best example I could find. Would you say something like this would be sexier if it was more realistic (while still being stylized)?
Hopefully you understand what I'm trying to say

>> No.3230394

how do you decide what size brushes to use

>> No.3230591
File: 242 KB, 1000x1548, lixin-yin-23737765-1994914687414570-1411314465293213911-o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone point me to the big job thread we had recently? I can't find it anywhere and I really need to read that shit

>> No.3230613

Using the pen tool in Photoshop, its not saving the path when saving the files. I was fucking around with it, getting some line work done and actually liking it. Saved it and closed it down. Opened it back up today and it was fucking blank. Like didn't do shit. Thought that I accidently deleted the path before I saved it or something but I did some quick lines, saved the file closed and opened it up and again, fucking path was gone.

Anyway around this? I like using the tool but I'd hate to have to do everything in one sitting.

>> No.3230971

not really, stilization leads to exageration and expresiveness and those are more appealing(tho less impressive)than just photorealism

>> No.3230985

what settings that I should set in SAI so that the image I want to get printed has minimum colour value loss?
>image usually looks washout after being printed

>> No.3230999

you're gonna have to convert it to a .psd and tweak colors in cmyk mode in photoshop.

>> No.3231042

I have an old wacom tablet that I've lost the stylus for, is there any way to order a new stylus and is it worth doing? It's only in the last year that I've had both the technology (old laptop could barely run Paint Tool Sai) and motivation to draw more, but the Wacom always had issues with drivers and pressure sensitivity. Should I just look at something new?

>just draw in real life
I get this, but I really find digital tools to be more user-friendly and ergonomic, especially for doing multiple thumbnails and layering work.

>> No.3231659

When you create a path in PS, look on the Path Pallette. You'll see a new layer, called "work path". This is a temporary layer, to save it, double click it, or choose "save path" in the Path palette menu. Then save the file as a PSD, and the paths will be saved.

You do understand that the pen tool is not really a drawing tool, and that paths in PS are for creating shapes and masks, correct? You can stroke the path, but it's a one time thing, if you adjust the path after stroking, the stroke isn't updated. If you want to draw lines you can apply strokes and color to and adjust later, PS's pen tool is not the right tool.

If you want to draw with editable Bezier curves, like with the pen tool, you need to use Illustrator or other bezier drawing apps.

>> No.3231754
File: 326 KB, 752x608, 20171210111456New canvas1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is too hard to make grass?
I have wasted many hours learning , tutorials and videos and every time it look awful, I feel like a retarded

>> No.3231831
File: 251 KB, 400x600, Based Fairy Goddess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Where can someone with about /beg/ level skill go to make commissions? I had dA and got commissioned there (for lower than minimum wage) a couple of times but now nobody's buying. Tried tumblr and furaffinty but I can't seem to get any traction at those sites either.

>> No.3231875

You could try looking at those who have success in whatever it is you want to achieve and see what they do. If you can't find anyone then there's probably no market.

>> No.3231956

How come I can't get the exact numbers I want in the HSV slider on sai? It goes from 5:220 to 5:320 on Hue, for example

>> No.3231976
File: 9 KB, 325x326, DALqUTMV0AAk_cH[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it considered a faux pas to primarily draw pron but also have a webcomic that is non adult but drawn in the same style and everything.

>> No.3231980
File: 146 KB, 960x660, BASEMDEL resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for photoshop: download some basic grass brushes or make your own, turn on shape dynamics, scatter 50%-75%, and background/foreground jitter (works best with foreground as the lighter grass shade and background as the darker.)

work from back to front, increasing brush size and switching occasionally between brushes as you go. use 3 or 4 layers, furthest grass on the bottom layer. possibly gaussian blur 1 or 2 pixels the furthest grass layers, leave the closer layers crisp

>> No.3232019
File: 123 KB, 1024x1018, 1512939752979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think it's a bad idea to buy a used Intuos3 off of ebay for like $60? Or should I get a new Huion? I've heard the old Intuos3 is pretty good, but I'm worried about it arriving broken or the drivers not worked.
Anyone still using an Intuos3? What do you think about it, in 2017?
I'm a beginner and this is still a hobby for me, so I don't want to spend too much money.

>> No.3232020


No, but people who look at pron will know that you draw pron unless you take care to avoid accentuating certain features. Do what you want, though.

>> No.3232060

I'm still using the same old 8x6" Intuos3 I was all the way back in 2006. There've been a couple of hiccups where the system updated and I had to wait a few days to update the driver because the new drivers weren't out yet, but apart from losing half the nibs the stylus originally came with, it's still going strong. I don't use it as much because I'm not as into digital art, but it performs as well as it ever did.

I dread the day I have to upgrade.

>> No.3232076

Do you think 8x6" is too small of a size?

>> No.3232095

How do I set GIMP up so the line thickness changes based on pressure?
I've looked at tutorials but nothing seems to work or i'm doing it wrong.

>> No.3232118

If I don't want to make it is it ok if I never learn to draw people and the human figure? The amount of grinding to draw good figures and believable characters from imagination seems insurmountable and I get way more enjoyment out of drawing still lifes and landscapes/plants/buildings/animals from imagination. The problem is I see people as the focal point of almost everyones art so it makes me feel inferior that I can't draw them and that people will find my art uninteresting as a result

>> No.3232147

Possibly, but I have personally never found it inhibiting. I guess it's more the scale you're used to drawing at that you should take into consideration. If you're used to making a sweeping line across an a3 page, then yes, it will be too small.

Remember, you can always work at a large resolution and zoom in for detail work, so a tablet not being gigantic is not always a huge deal.

I have tried a 4x3" (or thereabouts) before, and I did find that a bit cramped.

>> No.3232152
File: 256 KB, 1785x1017, Screenshot from 2017-12-10 20-57-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you tried this?

>> No.3232158

It's not necessary to learn how to draw people if that's not what you want to do.
However, the things you learn from learning how to draw the figure (gesture, line quality, observational skills, anatomy, design) can help you when you want to draw other things.

Though, honestly, the above worked the other way around for me. When I first started, I only drew animals. I learned about gesture and anatomy from Ken Hultgren's book and from studying photos. I then transferred these fundies into my figure drawings when I began to draw humans.

Ultimately, don't worry about what others might think of your art.

>> No.3232174

That's a really good point actually, it seems obvious but I never thought of the skills you'd learn from figure and gesture drawing to be easily transferable and make me an overall better artist. I guess you're forced to learn a lot to try and make sense of accurately drawing the body at different angles as theres way less room for error whereas plants and buildings especially you can be unsure of a lot of the details and it will still end up sort of believable. Might help break the rut I'm currently in too

>> No.3232195

I'm on the look for a high quality tablet. My price-range is about 300-900$, anyone got some recommendations? I'm left handed if that makes any difference.

>> No.3232262

bumping my question

>> No.3232269

Wacom Intuos Pro (medium or large). You can flip the orientation of the tablet to right-handed or left-handed mode in the settings. They're sturdy (the new models have the USB ports fixed, they don't snap off inside and fry the tablet anymore!) and have wireless options if you're into that stuff. Hell you can find one that's one generation behind and snag those on facebook tablet selling pages, craigslist, etc, for like $150-$200.

Throw a screen protector over the active surface and then it'll be like new if you ever need to sell it for something bigger/better one day.

I have an Intuos Pro Medium now, but my Intuos 4 Medium lasted me a good 7 years before I broke it (I was not kind to my tablet, didn't expect it to last long honestly).

>> No.3232271

Oh you can change scale easily. Train your eye for it, though. Get a reference picture, put a 1" x 1" grid over it (you can do this on the computer or with a plastic panel with lines drawn on top), then put a grid on your paper at whatever scale you're changing it up or down to. It could be 1/2" squares or 2" squares, who gives a fuck. Then you just sketch the whole object in and check the intersections between, say, outlines for the object and where they hit the lines on the grid. If you do this you'll train your eye to start seeing these points without the grid and you can just freehand it afterwards.

I know that sounds silly, but it's how I was trained to deal with scale. Just please make sure you don't use it as a crutch forever. Use it as a tool to learn from, and then work your way away from using it altogether.

Hope this helps.

>> No.3232278

That sounds like it's just fanart, so it should be fine, though do know that because the characters from League of Legends are the copyrighted property of Riot Games, they could at worst send you a stern cease and desist letter. For example, this happened with Balto fan art on Deviant art - the company got assmad and made people take their shit down, which they have every right to do, strangely.

It's still not likely for them to notice you and bitch about it, as a game developer myself I'd love to see people making fan art of my characters, it's like free advertising. But then again not everyone is cool about it.

TLDR if sakimi-chan can do it then you can too. Just make sure you stop if they send you a letter saying they're not cool with you using their shit, you don't want to get sued lol. Have at it until they make you stop bro.

>> No.3232282

Just go sign up for new masters academy or something. Same shit.

>> No.3232284

What happened to gilda's hut?

>> No.3232293

How do I do environment studies? I can't wrap my head around forms. Buildings are very easy, but any other thing is so hard to replicate

>> No.3232307
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>> No.3232309
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>> No.3232316

if by books you mean other artists works, then it's because the other artist has already done all the abstraction and simplification for you.

>> No.3232325

Is it fine to spend a long while (something like an hour or so) on a single exercise you do from a book that is aimed at beginners? I have a feeling I spend way too long should try to shorten the time I spend on a single exercise

>> No.3232332


An hour is not a long time to spend on an art related excercise. Better slow and steady than trying to cram in as many studies as you can.

>> No.3232434

Am I retarded for not doing a rough sketch of a figure? I always just draw everything at once, instead of doing a sketch then refining it. Is this setting me back?

>> No.3232442

I don't know, post your work and we might be able to judge if it's setting you back.
It's gonna depend on your level of experience and the method you use. I don't personally use full construction for every figure, nor do I use the "sketch to lineart" workflow, I just refine the lines as I go, it helps me flesh out the volume while also creating natural lines.

>> No.3232518

Might be more of an artbook thread question but does anyone know of good examples of sketchbooks of professional artists/anmators? All I can find on /ic/ are yoh yoshinari memes.

>> No.3232538


>> No.3232541

Check out the animation thread, they have a bunch of resources for that.

>> No.3232545


>> No.3232574
File: 144 KB, 1936x1096, ss+(2017-12-11+at+12.24.00).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know how to turn this curved perspective off and just make it 2 point?

>> No.3232727

Is drawing from reference of someone else’s work less valuable for learning than drawing straight from your own imagination?

>> No.3233184

How can I tell if I'm polishing a turd?

>> No.3233186

If you're enjoying it.

>> No.3233194

My sister's in her early teens and really likes drawing and anime. I'll be getting her some anime art book things, are there any 'general' art supplies that I should buy alongside the books that make good Christmas gifts? Thanks.

>> No.3233240

is it cheating/detrimental to growth if you're practicing values by desaturating a colored picture through photoshop and using that as reference instead

>> No.3233255

Pens/pencils. Mechanical Pencils, lead holders (which is like a mechanical pencil but with a thicker lead, needs a special sharpener) and erasers. Pens by pentel are good, but so are uniballs. Personally I like the pentel 0.5 needle tip and you could probably pick it up in an office store. A white ink pen is good for fixing mistakes and adding highlights (Uniball signo is good).

Brush pens (pentel pocket brush is very well respected, copic multiliners are good for smaller work and thin lines). If she already has this or has expressed any interest in ink specifically ink pots and brushes are good, but are somewhat costly and not everyone likes working with brushes.

Sketchbooks are always appreciated. try to go for at least 100 gsm. If she likes working with pencil and pen then I'd suggest hot pressed or 'smooth'. It should feel a bit rougher and thicker than regular old computer paper. Toned (brownish) are interesting but white or off-white paper is the standard. She might also like screentone, which is basically manga shading stickers that you put on your work. Needs a knife for this.

Sounds boring, but a good ruler also makes a nice gift - 6 inch is handy, so is the regular 12. Metal and clear both have their place. There are others like t-squares (for ruling lines perpendicular to the edge) and speed quares (the triangle ones) that are also pretty helpful.

Good luck anon, you seem nice

>> No.3233299

I get this stupid annoying circle thing when I make small movements with my pen on my tablet. I've tried all the videos on youtube by going to pen and touch settings, disabling enable press and hold for right clicking box, and it still doesn't work. I'm seriously about to find this fucking wacom guy and smash this tablet in his face for making such a shitty product.

>> No.3233305

Thanks you very much, I'll look into them now.

>> No.3233578

make sure the anime books are good ones and not chris hart garbage. art book thread can help.

art supply shops sometimes do gift vouchers, if you're really not sure.

>> No.3233583

no, not at all.

>> No.3233737

I tried to avoid learning humans for a long time and it actually kept me from drawing for many years. It doesn't have to be your priority but you will benefit tremendously from learning how to draw the human figure. There are a lot more lessons than grinding straight anatomy. Gesture, perspective, volumes, lines, measurement, observation - so many things that you can carry into anything else you try to draw. It's a focal point because of how much you can learn from it and always improve at.

>> No.3233781
File: 2.54 MB, 452x500, 0ab.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, this is going to be a bit far fetched but it bugs my mind.

There was once a thread where someone asked how to draw like this one guy.
He got told the example is from a Glen Keane wannabe, and that Glen Keane is a (???) wannabe. If you want to learn that style go for the source and such.

Now who the fuck was that guy??? I tried searching for a Glen Keane forefather but found nothing. He drew loose sketches of girls that got really popular, and apparently got sold with the name "the (???) girls".

Can anyone help? What the fuck as his name?
gif unrelated

>> No.3233886

How do I stop being so sloppy? The edges are either razor-sharp and aliased or mushy with thousands of visible strokes, the sketch layer always manages to creep into the final stage, if in the middle of the painting I decide to add extra object I'll struggle for hours to incorporate it seamlessly, etc etc etc
Are there any artists who shared their pipelines from sketch to rendered finish? I don't need theory or commentary, just their process to copy

>> No.3233908

>How do I stop being so sloppy?
>The edges are either razor-sharp and aliased
smoother brush/don't use pencil tool/don't work at 200x300
>mushy with thousands of visible strokes
don't rely on opacity, train your hand to vary pressure better or just paint over it when it's too muddy my dude
>Are there any artists who shared their pipelines from sketch to rendered finish?
yes, almost every artist will do this in one form or another. just search for it online, it's really not hard to find.

>> No.3234124
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What I need to know to paint?

>> No.3234134

A decent understanding of form and values.

>> No.3234137

What board should I visit to find a writer willing to make a comic with me?

>> No.3234143

graphic design, color, values, composition, form, light, perspective.

>> No.3234149

What do I do if I only have lewd ideas? I want to be clean and just make regular art that I can actually show people. However i can never think of anything to draw except blatantly sexual things.

>> No.3234153


I have a minimum wage job and I draw nude toddlers.

Dora the explorer is the hottest, Hanazuki full of treasures? more like full of cummies!

>> No.3234225

Still pretty new but is it worth investing in those mechanical lead holders (staedtler specifically)? The holder, sharpener and extra leads together seem a bit pricey.

>> No.3234264

Daiso sells one that are ok. The sharpener in the cap is pretty jaggy so it sometimes snaps the lead, but they also sell the 2mm lead with anime shading colors eg red, blue etc for cheap. The leads are more brittle than the staedler variety.

Bought it because it was cheap just to try it out, came back to the staedtler as the daiso one didnt work my sharpener.

But in all honesty, I just like it as it is quicker to sharpen'and probably the main reason I use it. A few turns around the sharpening barrel and its back to drawing. If you don't mind sharpening a regular pencil then I wouldn't get it.

>> No.3234288

Wrong. Desktop inkjet printers convert RGB images automatically. What you're telling him to do requires knowledge of how color management works, and picking the right print/RIP profile, so PS uses the right CLUT (color look up table) for the right printer - and none of the SWOP/offset profiles in CMYK will be correct, and requires color management to set up correctly, the monitor calibrated, and the soft proof enabled. What you're recommended require experience in color correcting, and "tweaking" color on an uncorrected/calibrated monitor is a good way to waste ink and paper.

To the other person who's printing with washed out images, check your printer settings - in the print dialog, make sure "Photoshop manages color" isn't selected, choose the right printer driver, the right paper settings, and "let printer manage color", and you should get better prints. Most likely you're using a default for the wrong kind of paper, and the printer isn't using enough ink.

>> No.3234353

Are there any good books out there for helping you learn stuff like industrial (e.g. cars, mecha, mechanical stuff, etc) design, or environmental design?

>> No.3234355

Where online do you go for drawing stuff if you are too skilled for /ic/?

>> No.3234359


Concept Art

>> No.3234369

Scott Robertson in general

>> No.3234375


Cool, thanks.

>> No.3234517

Is there a kind of definitive guide for learning how to use watercolors?

>> No.3234604

How bad is it to copy Photographs as a beginner?
I was told it trains me to not see things in 3D so I should avoid doing that.
Should I concentrate on basic technique and drawing from life for the time being?

>> No.3234630

drawing from life is preferable, but it's not always possible
photos are fine

>> No.3234632

What I don't really get right now is the way of constructing the image.
Should I draw what I see as accuratly as possible?
Should I draw a simplified version of the image with geometric shapes and add details little by little?
Should I draw a gesture-version of the image I'm trying to draw and build on that?
Also some tutorials say I should go by shape, while someone posted a video a couple of days ago that I should draw following form.
What's the best way to actually improve drawing then?

>> No.3234685

For how many days / weeks are clients able to cancel the paypal payment they sent you? Do you usually immdiately withdraw the money to your bank account when you receive a payment on paypal? I just got ripped off by someone, not like I can do anything about that, but I'd just like to know for the future.

>> No.3234911

Recently I posted an illustration on here, with some encouragement from my friend who just wanted me to go all "rate me, XD", so he could see my scores and how I'd get "slashed to shreds" by the swift swing of the blade that is artwork critique. I supposed that I might as well humor him and myself, being new to 4 chan and all. Thus the drawing was uploaded for the eyes of the internet to see.
But to my plesant surprise I was given a lot of helpful pointers as to where to improve and what to look out for. Yet when I showed it to my friend he almost feigned physical pain at the sight of the response. I get that it wasn't a very easy-going or extremely encouraging response, but I didn't ask for such a response either, I was out for the hard cold facts of what i was doing wrong. He still refered to the ordeal as me being "roaseted", though it wasn't so much demaning, as it was pointing out flaws. What's up with that? And have any of you had similar experiences?

>> No.3234918

Your friend is a crab
Abandon him immediately

>> No.3234923
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The best way for a beginner, is to start splatteirng colors on a paper and see what happens. The way to learn the tricks and limits of a medium is always to experiment, and only after you have tried to make something bad within the medium, can you start working towards making something good in the medium. Don't get shy, mix it with your elbow grease.
If your first peice looks good that is a BAD SIGN. If this happens you must IMMEDIATELY take a NEW paper and make it as MESSY UGLY and NEW as possible. Don't create limitations for yourself, that's only gonna make you trip on your way to success! MORAL OF THIS STORY: DON'T USE GUIDELINES WHEN STARTING OUT WITH YOUR WATERCOLORS. JUST PUT PAINT, PAPER, BURSH AND WATER INTO THE MIXER, THAT IS YOUR HANDS, AND WATCH. WHAT. HAPPENS!
Maybe make a firebreathing dragon that melts off a baby's face or something.

>> No.3234929 [DELETED] 
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>Should I draw a simplified version of the image with geometric shapes and add details little by little?
mostly that, yes
>Should I draw a gesture-version of the image I'm trying to draw and build on that?
gesture can be different for each person. you have to find your way of doing it.
>Also some tutorials say I should go by shape, while someone posted a video a couple of days ago that I should draw following form.
not sure what that means but avoid following the contours. as a general rule, work from general to details. you can adjust for your comfort somewhat, as long as it works.

here's a pretty good picture. for everything you put on the paper, you're always doing a little bit of each of these, but none is THE way to do it, and it's never perfect. always try out what you're told or read about,

>> No.3234936
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>Should I draw a simplified version of the image with geometric shapes and add details little by little?
mostly that, yes
>Should I draw a gesture-version of the image I'm trying to draw and build on that?
gesture can be different for each person. you have to find your way of doing it.
>Also some tutorials say I should go by shape, while someone posted a video a couple of days ago that I should draw following form.
not sure what that means but avoid following the contours. as a general rule, work from general to details. you can adjust for your comfort somewhat, as long as it works.

here's a pretty good picture. for everything you put on the paper, you're always doing a little bit of each of these, but none is THE way to do it, and it's never perfect. always try out what you're told or read about, if you don't feel like it's helping, set it aside and do something else, and maybe try it again later. always try to do things and see for yourself, but don't treat it like gospel.

>> No.3234951

I'm trying to get into digital painting on photoshop, I am wonder what is a good brush for basic painting.

>> No.3235003

Why do some people seem to regress in skill over the years?

>> No.3235036

I'm not sure where else to ask this, but I'm finally getting back into drawing and the newest version of photoshop has a problem even though it used to work just fine. I can get work done for about half an hour then I develop 5-10 seconds of brush lag with anything, I can't even make a selection in a reasonable amount of time. I have tons of unused RAM, an SSD for scratch, I've done a clean install with full defaults and I've tried all of the gpu and complexity options...

Does anyone else have this problem or know what else I can do to fix it?

>> No.3235130

Hard round, basic brush.
I personally prefer to set the flow below 50%. Play around with the opacity/flow/size via pen pressure settings to see what you prefer.

>> No.3235134

How much space is free on the SSD? Check the available space when it starts to slow down. I feel like the new version uses up a lot more space for scratch than before.

>> No.3235136
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>sensel morph
Is pic related real? Anyone is using it for art? does it compatible with SAI, Photoshop, Medi, CS? Can you make video review?

>> No.3235156

Alright, what's an actually effective exercise that will improve my ability to draw from imagination?
I already do figure studies (30-60+ minutes) and value studies (~2 hours) and I'm fairly decent at it. However, I still hit a big wall when I have to draw from imagination. In particular, when I have to decide on a specific pose and depict it correctly. If I just doodle and draw random poses, I can usually or often create poses of comparable quality to my studies.
But when I decide "okay, this pose should look like this" and try to figure it out, I just lock up and don't know what to do.

>> No.3235166

46GB, but in case that's too small I also have a nearly-empty 3TB HDD selected. I've tried different combos of scratch disks being enabled and I still get the enormous brush lag that runs away until PS crashes. The odd thing is that this occurs even if I just open PS, minimise it, and walk away. When I come back it's unusable. With next to no resources used, with Purge All and Clear Video Cache doing nothing. The UI still works fine, but if I try to do anything inside of the canvas the entire program goes unresponsive for too long.

>> No.3235168

Memory leak. Either go call adobe or wait for some cuck who paid for it to.

>> No.3235184

I wish it were a memory leak, right now it's in the brushlag state one a fresh blank canvas and it's taking up almost exactly one gig, I have 20+ free for use. Photoshit has so many problems for different people that it's a real bitch to troubleshoot.

>> No.3235212

Just get CSP. I'm not going to pretend it has all the features, as the only plugin it comes with is a mosaic censor with a lot of options, but it does everything else better than photoshop. The brushes work like you'd expect them to, the pens are pornographic, the pencil is almost something like a real pencil, there's perspective rulers and models and weird manga shit just like the real thing and other shit I don't use but when I do it's less than 5 minutes on youtube and I come buckets because it fucking works as expected. There's screen tone. Colors.

I don't know how you use photoshop to do anything but edit photos. Seriously consider switching. My life is better for it. I'm down to using paint.net,, CSP and the real thing. Painter if I'm drunk enough.

>> No.3235269

I would if I could export CSS from it. I wish I could draw well enough to do real art.

>> No.3235273

You don't have to draw to do real art. It's mostly a healthy balance of painting, drugs and alcohol. Your pain comes through in the brushstrokes.

>> No.3235596

im trying out the clip studio tutorial. What pencils/brushes can i use for a light rough sketch drawing?

>> No.3235598

Lighter Pencil or Rough Pencil obviously

>> No.3235600

idk but lighter pencil comes out dark. I thought it would be light opacity like in photoshop even with black

I also don't like that you can't press the numbers to change the opacity

>> No.3235947
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what do you think was the artist's reasoning for adding red towards the edges? seems like you wouldn't want to lead the eye away from the subject, so what is the idea there?

>> No.3235950

Photorealism. Old prints turn red and it goes with the focus and bokeh.

>> No.3235955

that makes sense but it still strikes me as an odd choice. maybe im overestimating the importance of not leading the viewers eye off the canvas.

>> No.3235975

What are the best ways to promote my art and start getting commissions?

I've been asked to do stuff through word of mouth before, but breaking into social media and/or the internet seems intimidating.

>> No.3236088

I've seen this pic several times over several years. I've never noticed the red color splashes before.

I fucking love the guy but can't remember his name. Russian guy right?

>> No.3236091


who did this? it's very unsettling in a good way

>> No.3236106

can't remember his name, but yeah I think he's russian

>> No.3236180
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stand strong, draw it out even if its crap. then after, look at references and realise what you did wrong. this should help patch up the holes

freddie moore probably. pic related.

>> No.3236182
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what is the minimum length of time one can become competent at something

>> No.3236221

Anyone able to recommend some good resources for character design and concept art?

>> No.3236386

is there a way to transfer photoshop brushes to clip studio

>> No.3236396

i googled. his name is Sergey Kolesov. he also goes by peleng. https://www.artstation.com/peleng

>> No.3236422
File: 6 KB, 231x218, 1428163328855s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help. I fucking hate when commissioners/clients do this. I applied for a "test" illustration job where the client asked several people to paint the same illustration so that they can hire the best one to illustrate their entire book. I was paid $130, I assumed that's what all of the real illustrations would be priced at. I was chosen and now the client is asking me how much I want to get paid for each? I don't know what to answer, I'm afraid of underselling myself or asking for much less than I could have gotten - or asking way too much and turning them off. How much do you think I can comfortably stretch the price?? The illustrations are somewhat complicated, they involve painting dragons and medieval castles in full color, and I obviously assume they're going to sell it in book form. I'm just starting out though, so I would have gladly accepted $130 without question..helppp

>> No.3236424

If they're good people, they won't fuck you over anyways if you let them decide the price. They would be burning bridges if they fucked you over and you found out later.

>> No.3236514

What would you value that work as? Triple that number, and present it as a starting point. You'd be surprised what people are happy to pay.

>> No.3236659

what do i do if i dont know what to draw

>> No.3237150

hey is it a good idea to do neutral poses like in 3D
been doing that

>> No.3237302

What's sort of stuff do you guys recommend studying/practicing to get better at drawing fictional characters? I find it hard as hell to draw characters on-model, and the more intricate the design the worse it is.

>> No.3237328
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YES YES thats him thank you!

>> No.3237382

If I want to get a piece of art printed for home use do I need to deal with copywriting?

>> No.3238088
File: 95 KB, 647x705, boenne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is a good way to slap down base colours on a drawing in photoshop? that's better than freehanding on a multiply level.

no prob anon!

>> No.3238097

Is copying whole reference books worth it, gains-wise? Will it help me draw my own poses in the end?

>> No.3238148

Lasso+fill on multiply
Fill+mask. It has the advantage of easy shading, just grab greys. Requires lots of layers, though

>> No.3238152

>Fill+mask. It has the advantage of easy shading, just grab greys. Requires lots of layers, though
hm? mind going into more detail on this approach?

>> No.3238160

Can't upload the pic, but there was a good shingworks tut on it, so I'd try googling.

>> No.3238162

alright. cheers!

>> No.3238356
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