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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 47 KB, 520x245, 4109902429_491e5d15d3_z-520x245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3217511 No.3217511 [Reply] [Original]

We should create a general dedicated to artistic careers, for independent artists as well as for industry. Drop useful links and advices here.

As a first question, What studies, aside from art would be useful for an artist interested in the movie/video game industry? Some artists went as far as being directors of big projects, how did they do it?

>inb4 suck jew cock

>> No.3217520

Don't ever do porn, the money is just good enough that you don't have time to build a portfolio and move out of it. Fine art isn't as fucked as people make it out to be, but it's all about location.

>As a first question, What studies, aside from art would be useful for an artist interested in the movie/video game industry?
Light programming, general code structure/database/implementation knowledge, animation for making animatics and storyboards, business acumen, management skills, industry connections, etc. What you can't really learn or gain is the kind of personality that naturally sucks jew cock or pitches concepts in a way that leads to implementation. You can only improve upon what you already have, and for artists some of that is counter to the nature of their work. It does overlap with the entrepreneurial personality, which is a plus.

>> No.3217524

>no one can draw in /ic/
>Art/business General
Best thread for advices.

>> No.3217559
File: 943 KB, 400x298, ferret dancing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What you can't really learn or gain is the kind of personality that naturally sucks jew cock

>tfw hard working, loyal to autority, doesn't want a family or a girlfriend, always (seems) in good mood

Oh shit I might make it

>> No.3217578

Holy shit mate, you sound pathetic.

>> No.3217598

You'll never get what you want. Nice guys finish last.

>> No.3217614

good luck not sucking jew cock, loser.

I don't know about that meme, a lot of people I consider successful are very simple and nice.

>> No.3217621

Why do you all hate Jews so much?

>> No.3217626

Hey everyone! I'm super socially awkward! And because I'm socially awkward, I tend to worry about making good first impressions and worry about what to write and how to write it when looking for art projects.

So here's the thing, I had graduated from an art school that specialized in drawing comics in 2010.I have never had anything published since I graduated, but I'm hoping this year or next year will be the year I have been published.
A guy who graduated in 2011, is now an editor at Dynamite Entertainment.
I run into him maybe once or twice a year at conventions and do catchup. But this year, I decided to ask him if Dynamite was looking for any artists as Id love to provide some comic or cover work. He told me to email him and send him my work. You may have seen me post about this in the last jobs thread.

So this was the weekend before Thanksgiving. Ideally I should've messaged him last week, but I got caught up in freelance work and then Thanksgiving was around the corner.

So now that it's Monday and Thanksgiving is over, I gotta message this guy, but I'm not sure how to phrase it.
How does this sound??:

>Hi Anon! It was great running into you again at Comic Expo. I'm currently pursuing new projects and wanted to know if Dynamite was currently looking for new comic or cover artists as I'd love to provide some artwork. You can find my work at my portfolio: (site url). If you feel there is an upcoming project that would fit my style, please feel free to contact me. Thanks, and hope you had a great Thanksgiving! Best, my name"

>> No.3217627

t. scared jew

>> No.3217679

What exactly should I do to start making a living off of art? What if I wanted to stick to mostly freelance? Any good starting points?

>> No.3217684
File: 67 KB, 915x678, Income_Ranking_by_Religious_Group_-_2000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do you all hate Jews so much?

yea I wonder why... they only make up less than 1% of the population...

>> No.3217688

>target market
>brown nose on twitter
Ideally, I guess you'd start by working somewhere to make connections and then freelance once the right people know your name and you have some big projects in your portfolio. I have no idea how illustration works specifically, but that's how it goes in graphic design.

Or spend a few years building up a following in a niche fetish and charge up the ass for it. It's the same principle, just more clearly defined.

>> No.3217710

>What if I wanted to stick to mostly freelance

remember that the hard part in that is only the beginning (networking, finding clients and building a reputation). After that you're good forever.

if you mean commission work, of course

>> No.3217722

>an art school that specialized in drawing comics in 2010
name of school?

also your message is good don't worry about it too much, he's almost your friend.

>> No.3217745

Joe Kubert School

Idk can you really call someone you talk to 5 min once a year a friend?

>> No.3217766

>The Art of Freelancing with Noah Bradley - Everything I Wish They Had Taught Me in Art School

>Paul Klein on How to Succeed as an Artist

>> No.3217774

>Idk can you really call someone you talk to 5 min once a year a friend?
I don't think you need to talk to him too professionally, it's a contact, someone that can network you in the industry. these contacts are ''friends'' or business friends.

>> No.3217775
File: 878 KB, 1561x2267, Gonwhatdoesntkillme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say you have some idea for a superpower comic/manga. What are the odds it will become a huge worldhit like One Punch Man?

Is taking free request? on /i and /b and asking for people to share your page in return a good idea for promotion?

>> No.3217790

>Say you have some idea for a superpower comic/manga. What are the odds it will become a huge worldhit like One Punch Man?


>Is taking free request? on /i and /b and asking for people to share your page in return a good idea for promotion?

yes, but don't only stick to 4chan, go to websites with kid and teenagers.

>> No.3217827

Aight I'll send the message off first thing tomorrow morning then. Probably too late to send it tonight.

>> No.3217831

Is there a secret to getting into animation? Why do some, not all but some, of the animators and storyboard artists seem to not be as skilled as some rando intardnet artist. I looked through a storyboard artist's tumblr, she works on Reddit and Morty, and her drawings seem really lacking.

>> No.3217846
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Storyboard artists focus more on telling a story than good looking drawings. They just need to be polished enough for the animators to understand what's going on.

>> No.3217861

That's half of it. You have to have some cinematic skills and writing ability, but you also have to sit in the writer's room and that place can be a circlejerk where interpersonal chemistry is the name of the game.

>> No.3217872

What's your point? Do you hate Jews because they make more money than other religions? Do you then love Jehovah's Witness the most, because they make the least out of all of them? I don't get why your disposition towards different religious groups would be tied to how much money they make.

>> No.3217876

Bleh, didn't want to make a Twitter but I guess it's what all the cool artists are doing these days.

That's comforting in a way. I'm good at pandering to the people hehe.

Neat, thanks for the links anon.

>> No.3217894

Doesn't that just mean Jews are smarter and more hardworking?

>> No.3217902
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don't forget to update us!

>> No.3217905
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there are more whites with genius level iq than there are jews in total

>> No.3217907


>> No.3217918

>there are more whites with genius level iq than there are jews in total
Is that supposed to be surprising, or are you trying to make a point?

>> No.3217933

>Jews (ashkenazi)

This may be a shock, but what if I told you Ashkenazim is just one type of Jewish group. Ashkenazim are Jews fron Eastern Europe. Sephardim are Jews from Spain/Portugal and there are Mizrahim which are Asian/Middle Eastern Jews. There are also smaller groups like African Jews, Mountain Jews and Indian Jews. However I'm not sure what their IQs are.

>> No.3217935

There's hardly any conspiracy to this. Ashkenazi Jews just happen to have really have IQs, which is correlated to financial success

>> No.3217967

I think it has more to do with their group culture.

>> No.3217970

awesome, thanks

>> No.3217977

My girlfriends Jewish (more culturally than religiously), and I feel like I got to know Judaism pretty well over the past few years. I feel the "group culture" aspect of it is pretty true. Jews are taught to really value learning and to question things when they're young, as opposed to being closed minded and taking things in good faith. I've still met Jews that are absolute fucking morons, but it pales in comparison to how many retarded Christians I've known in my life (I grew up in a really Christian town).

I'm real surprised that >>3217684 shows that Evangelicals are on the higher end of average. Here's some more recent data (2014). Interesting to see that non-religious have seen their incomes increase.

>> No.3218012


I have recently decided to do this too. im starting seperate instagrams for..

> Fine art /Academic think lipking style paintings portraits.

another for my weird brain stuff.

> think miles johnston or james jean. i might use this one for my tattooing as well if i get into that.

and a final one for

>muh concept art. mostly going to be focused around cyberpunk worlds maybe some darkfantasy here and there but those will most likely get thrown into the illustraive shit.

Am i doing it right or should i just have 1 account for everything like how Karla Ortiz and some other artist do?

>> No.3218026

Make sure you have enough content to fill all your accounts up. I understand the desire and sometimes necessity of having split accounts but I would recommend keeping it to one account for now. Branch off with another account later but having multiple accounts means multiple streams of keeping people interested and if you fall back on one it might go unused from lack of posting already. Work on one at a time unless you have wildly different audiences you're trying to show your work to.

>> No.3218029


>> No.3218060

I'm Jewish, but also more cultural than religious. The stereotypes do exist though. As a kid, my dad always told me I should go into accounting, but I'm fucking horrible at math. Instead I decided to go into art, which Im sure is every parents nightmare.
My dad is great with numbers, but ironically he became a firefighter. How many Jewish firefighters have you heard of?
I never understood the money stereotype though since I thought everyone loved money. I personally don't care about earning a lot of money. Just enough to be stable, like everyone else.

>> No.3218396

This is completely wrong.

Literally just google sakimichan.

>> No.3218464

Whelp I sent the email almost 2 hours ago and haven't heard back yet

This is where I start worrying. I wish I didnt have such a fear of judgment.

>> No.3218465

Man its only 2 hours, not even a full day.

>> No.3218469

She doesn't do porn. She does nude pin-ups, but I don't think I've seen her do full on porn. I could be wrong though as I haven't seen too much of her work outside of her popular pieces.

I'm pretty sure most of her fans are not into her work because she does nude pinups though.
She does fanart of popular characters, rendered/painted realistically and are all done in a very pretty way. Her work caters very easily to certain audiences. Sadly, fanart sells, especially at conventions.

>> No.3219153

sup bro yea I also browse 4chan

you're hired btw just drop by monday

okay bye have a good day

>> No.3219466

Still haven't heard back. I'm starting to wonder if he doesn't check his email

I'm friends with him on FB, but I always felt FB messaging is too personal, and since it's more of a IM/texting system instead of an email, you never know when it should end.

>> No.3221994


what about now?