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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3214097 No.3214097 [Reply] [Original]

Can we start an art movement opposing postmodernism?

>> No.3214105


>> No.3214113

Why not?

>> No.3214142

because you need a philosophy for that.
fuck postmodernism is not a philosophy, you need something to replace it.
In the end, you'll just go back to realism like the ARC wich doesn't really count as a new movement of it's own, but rather a continuation of the old traditions.
We are too stupid for our own movement, and have at most a couple of charcoal studies and anime girls to go by.
I mean, it would still be cool to try and do something as a board, but I just don't see it happening.

>> No.3214146

We if you think it would be cool we might as well try.

>> No.3214367

>(we) need a philosophy
>(we) have at most a couple of charcoal studies and anime girls to go by.
cuteism, qtpieism, waifuism. We don't even need to start it, we are in the middle of it already, we have only to name it.

>> No.3214369
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>> No.3214376

fucking retard

>> No.3214549

But that is shitcancer.

>> No.3214560

every art movement had it's haters too while being contemporary

>> No.3214573

Yes, and a lot of times they were right.

>> No.3214589

Yes it's called planning composition, the fact that 90 percent of the people here vehemently oppose it is proof enough that the evil post modernist mantra of "do what feels right" has taken over and these people aren't even aware of it. The majority of post modernists would be like, "I want to do some neoclassical style art, lets see, neoclassical art has temples, and people wearing robes and shit, and it's all realistic, now I can make neoclassical art, I sure showed those degenerate anti-traditionalists" they don't even think about composition. Da Vinci, Mucha, hell even Mondrian, all used composition, so you can be as degenerate as you want but if you don't plan composition you don't have anything beyond postmodernism.

>> No.3214599

That makes sense but it can't be that simple. Planning composition is a key component I'm sure, but what else?

>> No.3214629

That's literally it. For example there are a million Mucha imitators on the web and none of them plan their compositions like Mucha and that's why they are terrible.

>> No.3214635

so was postmodernism

>> No.3214640

I agree.

>> No.3214650

Not completely wrong.
Technically, we could use a pre-existing movement and rethink its principles making it a neo-movement.

>> No.3214665

>adding -ism is defining a philosophy
Actual advice here, never name what you are doing unless you have to, and then, let whoever needs it find it for you. You never benefit from getting out of ambiguity. Unless you're a shmuck that does not know what he's doing, then do your mistakes in front of everybody and learn.

>> No.3214679

Can you give me some examples? I think I get what you are saying but want to see how it could work.

>> No.3214695
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>let whoever needs it find it for you
>But that is shitcancer.

Shitcancer it is, then.

>> No.3214701

neo-romanticism, neo-formalism, etc.

>> No.3214718

Ok yes

>> No.3214727

Let's just pretend the last 100+ years didn't happen, and go from there.

>> No.3214753


I am no expert on art history but I am pretty sure you can only engineer such a movement so much. I would think they grow organically to a large extent and a movement is only as good as it's key figures. Until we can grow artists in a lab, the best bet is to git gud and lead by example, methinks.

>> No.3214765

they don't really grow naturally, it's just that they usually only exist in retrospective
what's more important is that you have a common meeting place
maybe a self-published magazine where every interested person can display their work or have exhibitions together
this also restricts the globality of movements unless you base one entirely around the internet or different types of communication

>> No.3214773

What exactly do you mean by composition?

>> No.3214789
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>> No.3214792

I don’t think you even know how to draw.

>> No.3214841
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>> No.3214852

What if we made an artstyle that is based solely on fundamentals and nothing but fundamentals?
none of that creativity or appeal shit, just pure anatomy, pure perspective, pure form.
it will be art in it's truest more basic form.

>> No.3214856

Sound boring

>> No.3214857

the perfect style for /ic/

>> No.3214867

That would be craft in it's purest form.

>> No.3214870

So just an instruction book? Thats nothing new, and nothing attractive.

>> No.3214872

God, you people are fucking retarded.

>> No.3214875

So this is the power of /ic/

>> No.3214881
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Figures rendered properly according to the fundamentals are intrinsically creative and appealing.

>> No.3214895

Should ic have a magazine?
I think you are on the right track but once again, I think there should be a little more to it than that.

>> No.3214897

>I think
you're thinking too much. /ic/ style should be pure technical based art. no opinions, just do the measurements.

>> No.3214901

No, that is too limited.

>> No.3214903

ive always wanted fine artist and concept artist working together to oppose those blank canvas and "abstract paintings" which they're not

>> No.3214906

>Too limited
I think you're missing the point of the /ic/ style of art.

>> No.3214909

Then lets do this.
We can make it whatever we want.

>> No.3214910
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Big write-up incoming:

I think as always the answer to where art is going is more and more towards memory and emotion, and art that is deeply personal to the artist themselves. Art has to continue to become more arbitrary and mundane, but not in an abstract sense, in a pictorial, illustrative sense. People need to start making paintings that are specific to their memories and experiences, whether that be nostalgia from childhood, or memories of good/bad times in their lives.

I am in a weird transitional period where I'm afraid to actually make work that is as personal as I want to make it. Is it inappropriate to make a painting of when a girl i had a crush on lowered the neck of her shirt to show me a mole on her breast? Would it be too personal to have paintings of my experiences of my friend's parents' funerals?

I think I should, but I'm not yet ready to do that subject matter justice, and the thought of doing those three paintings makes me uncomfortable, but that's probably because I need to do those paintings. They are memories to me that define much of my life and relationships to the people I know. I don't think it should matter if other people don't give a shit about my memories.

pic related is a painting I'm working on right now that is a little less controversial subject matter, and feels less like profiting off the lives of other people. When me and that same friend went to the beach and watched a storm come in. Fairly inoffensive. But a step towards a degree of honesty and arbitrary recollection that I think should more define the work of other people.

>> No.3214914

To be fair blank canvases and abstract paintings do have a place, and depending on how its done it can be meaningful.
For example if you have a progression gallery, a blank canvas could have thematic value in how its placed compared to others.
The same with more abstract paintings, if you show how it became that way in context then it becomes meaningful.
The problem is that many people see them as a solo piece, where its supposed to mean something by itself, and that's where it just looks stupid. But when you see it as the whole experience then it becomes something meaningful.

>> No.3214915

cont.: I think art needs to become more and more a detached observance of the way certain events have made each particular artist feel. Whereas maybe Goya painted his memories of war and violence, I don't have those kinds of memories. The things that have shaped me were much less momentous, but even where Goya's recollection of those violent world events might have struck a chord with the collective memories of people of the time, I think nowadays it needs to be more about the specific memories of the artist infused with the meaning that only they understand.

I think when painting or drawing something that is personally important to the artist, it brings out the best in them, the most emotion and feeling, in a subject that really matters to them.

It's the same principle as the more retarded members of /ic/ like to funnel into "fetishes". Where instead of painting something that actually has meaning, and could be the root of the fetish, through a little self-exploration, instead we get the results of their experiences in the form of an illustration style. That idiot that draws giant anime children walking through cities comes to mind. That art is awful, but I'm more curious what is the root cause of him painting that stuff, than the paintings he is making as a result of the event.

>> No.3215037
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I have an idea for a movement, but it might be a bit crazy. I think it should be called "actually-fucking-drawism"
It would be a philosophy based on actually fucking drawing instead of posting stupid shit in /ic/

>> No.3215066


I've noticed that a lot of modern paintings are just "hey look at how good i am at art" or "this is a combination of all the shit i like "
Our society is too decadent to produce anything of value.

Most people haven't been painting long enough to produce anything impactful.
Even if you had an emotionally driven piece of work, you'd need the mileage of a masochist to execute it properly.
By the time you'd amass the skills necessary, at best you will end up a husk of your former self.
If you do manage to acquire skills and keep your passion, you are left with the dilemma of appealing to sheep or to your starving peers.
Even more so the emotions must be related properly in order to have any sort of impact. Repin's 'Ivan the terrible' comes to mind.

The best way of putting it is that we are past the point of excellence.
All that's left are the olympians who train for several years to compete for fractions of seconds in races for medals.

The way forward is to rebuild. Every single artist in a given network would have to experiment constantly in order to invent some new movement or something.
Think of all the different genres of rock music. We've gone from one extreme to the other here. We live in a world where every person is the center of their own universe.

Nobody stands out anymore.
Better to accept it and move on.

The good news is that all it takes is one god-like artist to spearhead a new movement.
But the amount of skill required would be unprecedented. like fire for apes.
The closest thing digital artists had to someone like that is unironically Ruan Jia.

We are approaching a unified type-one civllization lads. A one world society means the death of individualism. Fads become cultures, cliques become nations, etc.
we are effectively a hivemind of subcultures. By the time someone comes up with something, it'll be played out.

The postmodern phenomenon is an existential threat that effects all decadent societies,
It's a blessing in disguise.

>> No.3215074

The actual answer is that with the feminization of men, men will have to compete for women's attention more so art history will become regressive as a side effect. Drawing Steven universe fan art will stop getting us pussy, so we'll start painting like Picasso, then monet, then Ingres, then da Vinci, and then around that time we'll probably hit the singularity and people won't die anymore so nobody will give a shit about impressing women. But your theories are cute too I guess

>> No.3215081


>> No.3215082

what a queer way of looking at things.

these are some good reads relating to the thread topic:

>> No.3215141

Wow Wikipedia articles. You dug deep for this research anon

>> No.3215144

>All that's left are the olympians who train for several years to compete for fractions of seconds in races for medals.
this has literally always been the case of

Eh fuck it I don't care

>> No.3215299

>All that's left are the olympians who train for several years to compete for fractions of seconds in races for medals.
Completely disregarding all of the races they have to win to get there.

God, you're an idiot. Don't breed. And stop shitting up threads with these long winded neckbeard turds. Yes, you are, and just fuck stop already. You're not intellectual in the least, and all you do is vomit word salads.

>> No.3215308
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We can do it !

>> No.3215309
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>> No.3215310
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>> No.3215311
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>> No.3215370

I'm working on a philosophy. I'll let you guys read a write up of it soon.

>> No.3215377

Thoughts on this?

>> No.3215379

Sometimes it seems my blood spurts out in gobs

>> No.3215662

This is basically what I draw and paint, girls in a Slice of life context and things or experience of my life.

>> No.3215684


>> No.3215688

"modernism" is so fucking dated in 2017 its not even funny

>> No.3215695

yes, but "postmodernism" isn't. Wathever it is we have next, we haven't named it yet.

>> No.3215805
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I want Futurism to come back
Is like Modernism but high on speed and hatred

>> No.3215817

This is some of the most retarded shit I have ever seen on here. Jesus christ. Pay attention kids, this is what happens when you do nothing but shitpost on /ic/ 24/7. You actually internalize the memes and begin to believe them.

>> No.3215833
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>Not displaying construction lines as art
I bet you faggots don't find flower pollination and quadratic equations extremely arousing

>> No.3215839
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Oops, no wonder it did not highlight

>> No.3216132
File: 3.24 MB, 2583x1715, The_City_Rises_by_Umberto_Boccioni_1910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, futurism is the greatest, it''s insane.

>> No.3216190

>an artstyle that is based solely on fundamentals and nothing but fundamentals?
So uhhh... realism?

>> No.3216316


>> No.3216447


99% of critiques to better artists from this shithole are:

>Hurr durr shit is boring
>Hurt durr shit is so lifeless
>Hurt durr (this artist) is good, but his work is so fucking stiff and lifeless.

>> No.3217759

>can we start an art movement
we already have, its called fashwave

>> No.3217767

>muh postodernism is anything I don't like

>> No.3218143

Doing so, avoiding style would be a style itself.

>> No.3218155

I'd call it classical revivalism. Bringing the old ways back thus completing the cycle of art

>> No.3218160

needs more loomis

>> No.3218441

Do any of you faggots even know what postmodernism is?

>> No.3218458

Post an example of good postmodernism, I challenge you.
Even postmodernists don't know, that's why the movement has never evolved over all these decades.

>> No.3218460

it's shit

>> No.3218561

You need to have more of a vision than just being against something. What are you actually "for"?

>> No.3220124

You've fallen for the 'high culture is the real culture' meme, friend.
The digital world, particularly the internet is where the art of our time is being produced. There's a new mentality, a new way of living which has come into being with internet culture, there's new types of music, visual art and interactive storytelling which have become possibile thanks to new digital methods of production. This is where art is 'alive' right now, constantly transforming itself and the cultural landscape it exists in.

There was a time when postmodern art was revolutionary of course, no matter how much you hate to admit it, but the random assortments of junk people who want to appear to be cultured look at in modern art galleries nowadays simply don't represent the spirit of our time. People used to buy carvings of religious icons when religion was alive. Now they trade reposts of reposts of memes with each other, buy merchandise of their favourite franchises, talk about stories which somehow play a central role in how they define themselves.

>> No.3220140

Oh, and let me add that by the time internet culture starts getting displayed in art exhibitions it will be on the decline as well. Culture can only remain genuine until it's turned into a sacred cow.

>> No.3220497

You must go even before modernism for that. Drop the progress and revolution ideas, and adopt some of the emotion and aesthetic ideas.

You want interesting colors? Look towards Art Nouveau and early Impressionism

You want cute grills? The japanese influence, painters like Tissot and Zinaida prove grills and costumes are always popular

Designs and shapes? Take a pick from Deco, Nouveau and Neofuturism

I'll leave subject matter out, but you're damn sure we weeaboo af. If you want to go full neo-Japonist be my guest.

>> No.3220596

I'm pretty sure there's already a "movement" happening, you just can't see it until it's in the past. We live in a time where anyone can learn anything because of the Internet and everyone is copying every art style there's ever been. More and more people are doing digital drawings with tablets. It will probably just be called the tech movement or something gay like that 50 years from now.

>> No.3221196
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>Can we start an art movement opposing postmodernism?
So we just make a movement where everything is awesome and there's lots of positivity and hope for the future?
B-b-b-b-but anon! That would piss off the liberals!!

>> No.3221199
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It isn't a good idea, you'll end up being defined by what you dislike. It's better to do your own thing and create your own world.

>> No.3221201

that would be just modernism.
You need to transcend both (maybe).

>> No.3221203
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So, what about a movement where everything is meh?

>> No.3221207

the opposite of postmodernism is individualism

the death of individualism is AI

best to enjoy it while it lasts

>> No.3221316
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>Post an example of good postmodernism, I challenge you.
not that guy but a lot of great cinema is postmodern

>> No.3221336


>> No.3221351

this. it used to be a movie thing arose from post-boomer society/culture

then a fuckton of Gen X'ers tried to make it a universal thing like art deco and sort of hindered their own movement by appealing to young adults.

>> No.3221468

you cant possibly be this retarded

>> No.3223017
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Yeah, you go do that

>> No.3223300

Honestly i´ve been thinking of a movement,drawing autistic shit(hopefully stylized heavily)digitally with the crudest and shittiest posible tools,but while also showing some decent skill.Andrew Hussie and the entirety of /i/ are already a part of it,but then again,everyone knows that /i/ is a thousand times better than /ic/ when it comes to actually drawing

>> No.3224083


>> No.3225486

Online hate crime

>> No.3225858

Why do I even use this website.

>> No.3225861
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The problem is there is an irony to everything. Nothing is sincere anymore.

4chan is fucking retarded, okay? It is the epitome of postmodernism, always having to make a joke out of history, current events, and EVERYTHING. 4chan always has to pull the rug under everything and is without a fucking doubt the least sincere forum/imageboard in existence.

>uurgrhr hurr durr postmodernism is bad for da societe D:<
shut up man. 4chan is postmodernism.
If you want an end to postmodernism, be a bit more sincere about things. not everything has to be a sour edgy meme.

>> No.3225958
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Count on me. Create an instragram, facebook etc. account, group, create a community first. To counter the "one black line on white background" shit.

>> No.3225985

>"hey look at how good i am at art" or "this is a combination of all the shit i like "
you know, basically ever painter, from Rubens to Turner to Rembrandt, had that exact thought in mind. They weren't saying it, and if they did, they were eloquent and more modest, but that is the essence, the drive behind making art.

Why else would you make art, but to show that you do something you love? You have taken inspiration from modern art, as did every artist before that. You take a look at art that you like and make the decision to become an artist yourself. You don't live in the woods, inventing turpentine, grinding pigments and producing gesso all from scratch, because there is this unspeakable need in your mind that you want to create images. ...

What the hell is your argument all about? Modern art isn't any less self-reflective than art from the old masters. Vermeers "The Art of Painting" is all about painting.

>> No.3225986

>Even if you had an emotionally driven piece of work, you'd need the mileage of a masochist to execute it properly.
>By the time you'd amass the skills necessary, at best you will end up a husk of your former self.
>If you do manage to acquire skills and keep your passion, you are left with the dilemma of appealing to sheep or to your starving peers.
>Even more so the emotions must be related properly in order to have any sort of impact. Repin's 'Ivan the terrible' comes to mind.
You have given up. That is the difference between you and someone who has endurance. All you do now is justify why you can't do it / have given up. sorry excuses, nothing more.

>> No.3225989

>4chan is fucking retarded, okay? It is the epitome of postmodernism, always having to make a joke out of history, current events, and EVERYTHING. 4chan always has to pull the rug under everything and is without a fucking doubt the least sincere forum/imageboard in existence.
I was thinking the very same thing and you've put it into words quite aptly! But I would call it a naive nihilism.

>> No.3226042

this x100

>> No.3226062

We just need to move on to the next layer of irony. Like vaporwave's incorporation of Renaissance elements, only with actual craftsmanship.

>> No.3226079

Vaporwave is a parody of 80/90s postmodern CG art. All the neoclassical stuff you see is making fun of those early CG artists that tried to legitimize CG as an art form by coldly replicating classical subjects. So vaporwave is a postmodernist take on postmodernism, quite redundant, but as long as it's funny it's okay.

>> No.3226089

Modern art claims to be expresion. Realism is representation. Great art needs both. Read pre 1900 art books. Denounce hyperspecialization. Be whole person. Suddenly, your art will be whole art too, that is in peace with the world and human psyche. The thing is, even modernist expression is so much more powerful with proper technique and representation. Ancient greeks and renaissance masters werent just realists. They used known forms even further to communicate powerfully.

>> No.3226092
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So both modern art and realism is half the story

>> No.3226109

NO. we need to move AWAY from irony if we are to get rid of postmodernism.
We need sincerity, not irony.

>> No.3226328


>> No.3226404

underrated, time will prove this post right