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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 173 KB, 1250x640, krenz-cushart-villa5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3208522 No.3208522 [Reply] [Original]

New years is approaching and I bet a lot of you young artists are wondering what the optimal schedule is.

Year 1(2018): Focus on your basic draftsmanship skills. Practice figure drawing along with studying perspective, anatomy and gesture .
Year 2(2019) Now add values. Review everything you learned so far but this time actually shade that shit.
Year 3(2020) Now add some fucking color. You know values so color should be easy!
Year 4( 2021) Now just refine everything. Get that anatomy looking extra good. Add that extra layer of photobash to bring your environments to the next level. Sprinkle some kjg autism with your figure drawing. Congratulations, you've made it.

>> No.3208531


Nonsense, the world doesn't wait for you. Anything will break your "schedule". Simply just draw and you'll know what to work on.

>> No.3208533
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Not fast enough.

>> No.3208537

Just drawing is retarded. You won't get anywhere with that mentality. You need to set goals and meet them.

>> No.3208541

>Just drawing is retarded.

The hardest thing about drawing is just starting to draw for the day. Most people here have a difficult time doing just that. Creating a guide is just a form of procrastination and has nothing to do with Goals. Goals are targets that can be exceeded and you can't exceed a goal point without drawing.

A guide is a slab of tablet like the 10 commandments set by God. Funny that, those commandments did not change. The same goes for art; the wheel needs not to be reinvented by a bunch of kids on /ic/ who are only setting you up to fail.

>> No.3208545

Repeat after me frogposter!


>> No.3208552

You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. There are a lot of trash artists on deviantart who draw all the time and don't improve.

If you want to improve at art or anything really at life you need to set goals and try to meet them. Drawing random shit every single day won't lead you anywhere.

>> No.3208555

Find and pay for a mentor. That’s the best way to improve.

>> No.3208557


Nobody said anything about drawing random shit. What part of >just draw< did you not comprehend? Let me explain it better for you
1. You stop posting
2. You pick up your pencil/stylus/vaginal dilator covered in plutonium colored jelly
3. You draw. You Take courses/read books on weekends or whatever day you set time for yourself. Watching a man draw should never exceed you drawing.
4. Oh my God the gains.

What part of that 4 step process is confusing or needs a group of losers huddled together to fornicate some "guide".

>> No.3208559

If you are OP, you didn't set any goals either though. You just listed fundamentals everyone already knows you should study if you want to get good. A goal would be something like "be able to draw a complex interior and exterior in 3point perspective at the end of the year" or "be able to draw a complete turn-around of a human figure from a variety of angles from imagination".

Drawing random shit won't lead you anywhere, but studying random shit won't either.

>> No.3208562
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You're a tard

>> No.3208564

I can't tell if you're trolling or literally retarded. What part of "just draw" do YOU not understand. Just draw can literally mean anything. You can just draw flowers and scribbles all day if you wanted. It's unproductive and will not get you anywhere.
Practicing figure drawing is a goal, dipshit. You go to a life drawing class or practice drawing from photos on the internet. That's a goal right there. It doesn't need to be as specific as you practice drawing the serratus anterior for 6.5 hours.

>> No.3208569
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>You can just draw flowers and scribbles all day if you wanted. It's unproductive and will not get you anywhere.

How are you going to get better at drawing flowers if you don't draw them? Drawing flowers is a dynamic sketching type of thing and teaches you valuable skill. Maybe try drawing some flowers instead of shitposting.
>It's unproductive and will not get you anywhere.
What are your goals then. If you want to draw capeshit because it interests you then draw that. Where is the missing link I'm not getting here or are you clinically mentally deficient?

>> No.3208574

The missing link is deliberate practice and fundamentals you stupid fucking retard.

>> No.3208577

>Practicing figure drawing is a goal

It's not. Practice is practice. You practice FOR a goal. An athlete trains so he can perform at his peak ability during competition. An artist hones his figure drawing skills so he can improve whatever it is he wants to do with his art.

>> No.3208578

How can you do deliberate practice if you don't put a pencil in your hand and draw?

>> No.3208582

By using your eyes to project rays and then carving that into a wall.

"I want to get better at figure drawing" is a goal you goddamn retard. Athletes have goals and subgoals. Their main goal may be making the nfl but a subgoal could be bench pressing 500.

>> No.3208583


At this point I get the feeling you're trying to save your threads true intention. There are people on this board who get their jollies off by tricking people into spending a year (at least) of their life following a guide (you) helped create with the intention to mislead them.

Your hope is you can trick them long enough before they either catch on or give up entirely and become a crab like you as misery likes company. Because someone who actually, you know, draws, isn't this willing to be stupid.

>> No.3208585

Does this schedule apply to a complete newbie who don't know how to draw anything but shitty scribbles?

>> No.3208586

Breaking down something as complex as drawing/painting in manageable goals is so misleading. You're right, forget anatomy and boxes, just paint dragons all day from imagination, that's the secret to getting good!

>> No.3208587


You're being intentionally stupid. Have fun making your guide; you aren't worth any more of my precious time.

>> No.3208589

No, prepend 2 years to the schedule for stumbling around.

>> No.3208599 [DELETED] 

>Year 1(2018): Read Keys to Drawings, Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, and practice fundamentals
>Year 2(2019):Go to Anatomy classes and practice, then practice using digital art to get used to it
Is this good enough

>> No.3208602
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>3 years until you can even complete a piece
just another day at /ic/

>> No.3208604

snibeti snab

>> No.3208608

>theorycrafting thread
>OP can't draw for shit

>> No.3208609

i dont get this shitty ass new meme with crabs why are normies making shitty memes?

>> No.3208615


>> No.3208618

t. reddit

>> No.3208623
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n-not gonna m-make it...

>> No.3208626
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>> No.3208629

If you're a 500 pound man with diabetes who's never exercised are you gonna try to run a 10 km marathon on your first day or are you gonna start by taking it slow by walking every day then jogging then running a couple feet then maybe 1 mile, so on and so forth. There is so much to learn about the drawing stage. The goal with the first year is to make complete drawings not shitty fucking gesture scribbles. Do you realize how much knowledge you need to make a solid drawing? You need perspective, anatomy, proportions, shape design, composition, drapery, line weight, form, character design, the list goes on and on. Second year, you add rendering to the mix. Because you have an understanding of form, understanding rendering will be so much easier and you'll be learning a lot faster this way. Rendering in itself contains principles like values and edges which take years to master. Next you add color theory. Once you understand lightning, the rest is just changing up the hues. 70 percent of a painting is drawing. 85 percent is drawing and values. Colors is only the icing on the cake. Even Jeff watts recommends this schedule. If you can pencil render a drawing, painting it isn't hard. The problem with you dumbeginners is that you think polishing a drawing from the get go is gonna yield great results. If you lack basic fucking anatomy and form, you think shit polishing is gonna magically make you a better artist? And lastly, take Your fucking time. I'm sorry but you aren't gonna go zero to pro in 1 year by doing everthing. Even the famous algenpfleger had to study 12 hours a fag for 3 years to make it and he didn't even start from Complete beginner. Your typical untalented ic fag who puts in maybe an hour or 2 a day is gonna take a hell lot longer to get good. Be patient and take your time digesting information.

>> No.3208646
File: 141 KB, 800x600, crab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when crabs are placed in a bucket, they pull each other down trying to get out of the bucket.

anyway OP guide is dumb, you don't get anywhere doing only studies and never any personal work

>> No.3208679

I never said don't do personal work, I said focus on drawing Retard.

>> No.3208684

Don't worry about any of these things. This isn't 1935. There are tools that do these things for you in 2017 so just focus on coming up with interesting ideas.

>> No.3208692


>> No.3208697

>studying perspective when clip studio paint has simple to use perspective rulers.

Why? Learn how to use the rulers and spend 15 minutes reading a web page about vanishing points and 1 point, 2 point and 3 point perspective. Done.

>> No.3208699

>the tool does all the work

these are the people giving you critique

>> No.3208712

>pretend it's 1935 and limit yourself to only things that walt disney or jack kirby did even though they were using the latest technology available to them at the time because they had ideas to convey and they weren't trying to waste their time.

Idiots are still making blog posts about assembling a 'photo reference collection' when google images exists. Crabs in a bucket.

>> No.3208714


You're a faggot. Stay dead.

>> No.3208715

cause im right and u mad

>> No.3208718

This is why your drawings look like shit, anon.

>> No.3208723

There is only one way to do perspective correctly. Either the lines match up with the vanishing points or they don't. How is using the most precise tool available to achieve this inferior to pulling out triangles and t squares that increase the margin for human error?

How can drawings in perspective, where the preliminary pencils use a digital ruler 'look like shit' when there is literally no margin for error?
You can't answer this. Correct perspective isn't a matter of creative interpretation, it's literally rulers telling you where lines ought to go.

>> No.3208728

The mere fact that you think the concepts underneath perspective drawing are more complicated than a 20 minute read show how lazy and dull witted you are. Do you think it's magic? Does it require tireless hours of study and practice? Drawing figures in perspective is tricky, but that's an anatomy issue mostly. Once you have your rulers down, its not very hard to draw objects.

>> No.3208733
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>> No.3208734
File: 22 KB, 285x376, fempenis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Then why do design students spend 8 quid on perspective classes if there were "secrets those damn perspective teachers don't want you to know" in a 20 minute read of PME? Oh that's right, perspective isn't just about vanishing points, now is it, Mr. Shortcuts?

Have you given the thought that Art isnt for impatient people like you? Maybe programming is your forte.

>> No.3208736
File: 91 KB, 645x729, 1508005218393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here who unironically listens to OP is either a child or has never drawn.
Go ahead do what he says. Waste your time and forever limit yourself. It doesn't take that long to learn, and you don't learn by such limitation you learn through practice and guidance.
OPs time table should be set at the absolute maximum of one year. Just practice daily, take a course, a mentor is necessary since you can't eyeball your mistakes off the bat. If you don't have one post online for critiques. Guarantee you OP doesn't follow this shit because this is a shitpost, an unintentional unironic shitpost made by someone who can't draw.
Pic related when OP gets called on his bullshit.

>> No.3208739
File: 267 KB, 808x981, 1498881580241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. I can draw actually. I'm on the second year of my plan. Here is a sketch. Before this I was literally at zero.

>> No.3208742

If you actually drew that and think there's nothing wrong with it, you've proved my entire point. how could you fuck the jaw that bad? Also
>no sig
>no timestamp
Well if you're gonna claim this shit works do an original drawing right now. Prove it.

>> No.3208743

That's not even your work.

>> No.3208747

Fake and gay, take your RP shit threads to r9k you know as much as a nigger knows about obeying the law

>> No.3208749

There's literally no reason not to schedule your learning process if you want to master something. Yes just draw is the baseline, if you want to improve their are superior methods to learning than being scatterbrained. The Art of Learning mentions breaking things down into their simplest forms and mastering them like the op suggests, mastering gesture, line and human figure, then moving onto the value/rendering, then color. If you do all these things at once you're progress is going to be halted in comparison to mastering everything in it's simplest form because your focus is to wide spread. Dave Repoza formed a learning schedule, he went from armature to professional in 2 years, this could obviously be improved on.

Is op's schedule necessarily the best? No, he's simply proposing we develop a schedule for studying smart not hard.

>> No.3208752

The art of sucking my ass lol

>> No.3208754

>Then why do design students spend 8 quid on perspective classes
Literally idiots. Why do people spend thousands on classes to learn software that comes with manuals?

>perspective isn't just about vanishing points, now is it, Mr. Shortcuts?
It's literally just about vanishing points. If you need to go deeper spend an afternoon with the loomis book on perspective and you ought to know most of what you need to know unless you are autistic.

>Have you given the thought that Art isnt for impatient people like you? Maybe programming is your forte.
'patience' concerning mundane tasks such as ruling out perspective guides is for those who like to waste time on pretending to be old timey. There are ideas to be conveyed, yes I'm impatient to get them out of my system.

>> No.3208756
File: 429 KB, 1570x1125, nick_first_schedule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's literally no reason not to schedule your learning process if you want to master something.
Yes there is. If you're a faggot beginner you cannot follow a "schedule". You mention Dave Rapoza...someone from /beg/ cannot follow the PIC I attached because their skill is limited. It'll take a year or 2 before they can religiously follow a repeating schedule like Daves.
>Yes just draw is the baseline
it is the flatline
>No, he's simply proposing
OP is a bubbling retard and so are you

>> No.3208759

I spend 8 quid to suck my ass lol

>> No.3208762

>Literally idiots. Why do people spend thousands on classes to learn software that comes with manuals?
To earn certification. Some jobs require being office certified or it helps with your resume. I don't think I need to explain why design students are taking classes to earn their degree.
>It's literally just about vanishing points. If you need to go deeper spend an afternoon with the loomis book on perspective
It's not.
>yes I'm impatient to get them out of my system
you're impatient to shitpost is more like it

>> No.3208763

No one follows schedules like this. It's too robotic and boring. Learn things as you encounter problems while making your work as they arise.

>> No.3208764

Lol who the fuck earns a certification for art? I'm certified to draw myself sucking my own ass like bro wtf lol.

>> No.3208765

The thread is about goals apparently. Make up your mind.

you need to be certified to read properly

>> No.3208766

We all know how very valuable art certificates are in 2017. Do you work for an (((art school))) or something?

>> No.3208767

you need a certificate in reading

certificate does not equal degree

>> No.3208768

You need to be certified to be certified, see I can reddit meme too.
Go certify my tongue in my ass lol rekt ggez.

>> No.3208769


Keep talking dork. I'll get you banned in no time.

>> No.3208770

Nice reddit spacing please go on about how complicated vanishing points are do enlighten me on the fine art of vanishing points (in my ass)

>> No.3208774

Thanks for the (you) didn't know you were a mod. Impersonation is a ban worthy offense by the way, in my ass. You did say you would have me banned ergo you are claiming to have the power to do so, the only way to have that power is to be a mod.
Reported. In my ass.

>> No.3208775

I didn't claim I was a mod. Announcing a report is against the rules.

>> No.3208776

But you did, you did anon, and you did it in my ass.
Reported again. Go give a three hour lecture on vanishing points.

>> No.3208779
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>> No.3208781

*Le breathes in*
*Le cough*
*Le picks up pencil then drops it in my ass*
*Le le*
Alright, now we can start.

>> No.3208782

>The thread is about goals apparently.
Make your goal finishing an art project. Any problems you encounter you solve them as they arise. Making artificial tables like this simply does not work and they make life a robotic hellscape.

>> No.3208783

I don't need your shit advice. I was making a statement to OP.

>> No.3208785

>optimal schedule

Currently reading a book about a specific physics exam. Author has 20 years of grading exams experience under his belt, so he must know a thing about the errors students most often make or what they shouldn't neglect to study. How do you know your schedule is optimal?

>> No.3208786

Like are you not familiar with Daves own schedule? It may not be his because I just grabbed it off google but his looks exactly the same. I only posted it because the OP mentioned that artist although (you) don't know what the fuck you're talking about and just blabbing any name that comes to mind. done.

>> No.3208787

take your shit advice and put it in your advice.

>> No.3208788

you responded to me directly. Enjoy your rigid schedules. remember to schedule 10 minutes for a shit every now and then.

>> No.3208789

I'm against schedules. This thread is all over the place and no one knows who is who besides the one with an anus fetish.

>> No.3208791

It's an asshole fetish not an anus fetish. Yuge difference.

>> No.3208794

You're retarded

>> No.3208802

Your already to laghte.

>> No.3208805

>hurr durr durpa durrrr

>> No.3208813

>Just drawing is retarded
The implication of the post clearly wasn't "just draw blindly". You don't need a schedule if you're simply aware what skills you need to work on.

>> No.3208815

99% of mentors are just a s crappy as the student.

>> No.3208833
File: 590 KB, 442x473, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls stob bulli

>> No.3208836


>> No.3208864
File: 145 KB, 414x400, 1472294361343.png.cf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the car, nerd

>> No.3209193

you can do it in six months, just enter cocoon mode and draw for 20 hours a day every fucking day. stop masturbating and procastinating.

>> No.3210122

yeah this is mentally slow. just do it people. don't be afraid to try and fail. do it for as long as you can each day. most people who have some ability could get to a pro level in a year with dedication. hardest part of art is selling yourself and doing the job every day without burning out.

the act of drawing and painting is hard at first but gets much much easier with practise, like anything.

>> No.3210261

>he actually did it
absolute madman

>> No.3210266

frogposter had a rough life :(

>> No.3210270

My mentor is an art director working in the industry so maybe you shouldn’t project your lack of effort onto my advice.

You can buy a mentorship from people like Anthony Jones on Gumroad. Considering how shit the avarage of /ic/ is I’m 100% certain he could improve you.

>> No.3210272

How did you get a mentor though?

>> No.3210274


Yeah and my mentor is the president of the united states. In other words, post some work.

>> No.3210465

If you're spending a year on value, you're wasting time. Here's a more practical timeline.

Year one: Study and practice fundamentals of drawing and painting, and the human form. Learn technique, and media. You should be grasping the basics of value, hue, color, and lighting.

Year Two: Build simple compositions with the building blocks of year one, and move into projects like portraits, landscape, still life. Refine all skills and fundamentals, and start exploring advanced topics like color theory, perspective, and composition. More exploration of the human form, and other media, like sculpture and print making.

Year Three: more of the same, with more focused concentration on one area. Student should have mastered the basics at this point, and starting to fuse a style and conceptual program at this point. This is the year to push boundaries, make experiments, try new things, while starting and finishing complete projects. More emphasis on conceptual matters, not foundational, or technique.

Year Four: Focused study. Student should be working confidently in the area of exploration they've chosen, and working towards not only completed pieces, but thematic work. This year is all about concept and identity.

>Now add some fucking color. You know values so color should be easy!

is literally THE lamest thing I've ever seen posted here. Optimal schedule? You're guaranteeing that they'll stagnate, flounder about, and quit in disgust and frustration.

>> No.3210508

4 years is not enough to be a good painter or illustrator.

>> No.3210526

Odd, art schools disagree with you. They turn out artists ready to work commercially or professionally after 4 years.

Granted, it will take a while to reach "great" status, like the old masters, like a decade, but good? Happens every year.

>> No.3210724
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all of these git gud guides and schedules imply you're starting from absolute base level beginner and have no skills at all yet. nothing helpful for intermediates at all

>> No.3210840

This. Really hope this is a bait thread, Jesus Christ.

Rather than thinking about art like this, how about you make a schedule that lets you integrate art in your daily life. Make time for drawing and set short term goals, because I promise you, you will not stop learning during your career. Waiting two years before working in color is plain retarded and thinking you will not have to revisit things like perspective and anatomy is naive at best.

If this is not bait, I'm glad you're pumped and I think it's great that you're honestly motivated, but this dry approach to art will most likely not work.
How about you focus on consistency, drawing on a regular basis. Draw things you enjoy and try to incorporate new things in your work, stepping out of your comfort zone. If something is not working, your interest in art will lead you to research art books, instructions and tutorials on the subject. Learn what interests you.

Also not everyone who doesn't want to follow your dumb schedule is a lazy bum, stop projecting, faggot.

>> No.3210843
File: 27 KB, 658x564, 21623979_1857999614225118_998440852_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you truly are past /beg/ level, then you should know enough about your art to recognize which areas you're strong in and in which areas you need to focus on more.

>> No.3210844


You’re the same guy complaining about this in every single thread. The reason there’s no intermediate instruction is because there are no intermediate skills. There are only f u n d a m e n t a l s applied to more complex subjects.

>> No.3210862
File: 51 KB, 599x337, CVN9nczVAAEKJ7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a better schedule:

>Draw what you want to draw and try to mimic artists you inspire to me
>Fuck up, learn Basic figure drawing, Basic Perspective, and just finding/feeling form
>Keep drawing what you love more
>Learn how to draw what you love in different angles
>Learn more fundies but only what you feel will help you. Don't learn shit for the sake of learning it.

There. See you in 4 years.

>> No.3211261

exactly same mindset as me. this should be part of the sticky

>> No.3211304

same, but it's part of a learning process. you can't teach people to have fun drawing while aspiring to get better, they have to figure it out themselves