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File: 647 KB, 1645x1206, Wacom_Graphire4_tablet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3200343 No.3200343 [Reply] [Original]

Old Thread: >>3157095

Tablet Advice
Tablet Reviews
Tablet Support

>> No.3200377

Anyone looking for a lower cost tablet that is still well-made, I'd like to throw in a few recommendations:

>Pad Tablets/Off-screen tablets

Wacom tablets have always been regarded as being very high quality and very professional, and you'll be able to find replacement styluses for even discontinued models. Wacom's support is great as well. When it comes to off-screen tablets, I really suggest you do not go for the absolute smallest size. It's obviously still possible to create art on a very small tablet, but I personally found lots of hand cramping and difficulty with lines with the tablet I originally bought, which was a Wacom Intuos CTL480 with an active area of 6"x3.7". I would strongly suggest going for an older, larger model as opposed to the newer, smaller models when it comes to pricing and getting your money's worth.

Their newer Intuos Pro Medium would be the size I would suggest at an active area of 8.7"x5.8" which will run you about $300 USD.

If you go with one of their older models, I would suggest either the Wacom Bamboo CTH470. This is the second generation of the Bamboo tablet. I own this tablet currently and it has been my favorite off-screen tablet I've ever used. This tablet has a good texture and the pen is not too heavy, but still long enough to not feel like a toy. On ebay, it will run you about $40-$60 USD. I believe this tablet came out in 2008.

The third generation Bamboo tablets are going to run you about twice as much, and the only advantage I can find for the third generation ones over the second generation ones is that perhaps you will be able to find a little more support and the aesthetic is a bit cleaner. However, I have been able to find support for the second generation Bamboo tablets online perfectly fine and Have had very few issues. I would not go for the first generation personally because I have not seen much support online for them.

>> No.3200394
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As for Huion Tablets, I have not had good luck with them. The texture is very artificial and feels much more like drawing on heavily-textured canvas with a nail as opposed to pencil on paper. Their on-screen tablets are another story, but they run about $500.

>Digital Display Drawing Monitors/On-Screen Tablets

I strongggllyyy strongly strongly suggest you look into the Lenovo Thinkpad tablets in pic related. These are not just display monitors, these are full-on laptops that are well made and known be very easy to take apart and change out spare pieces. I had an x60t and it was my absolute favorite thing to use for drawing. I do not personally suggest this model though, because the screen did yellow quite quickly and the x60t is now over 10 years old I believe. I would suggest looking into an x201t or newer model. I personally have an x230t coming in the mail soon. The pen on these uses Wacom technology and has 1024 levels of pressure iirc....It felt very natural to say the least. The pen is very small and light which I like since I have smaller hands, but this may be an issue if you have larger hands. The texture is just like the wacom bamboo. When buying, just be sure to get the x201***T*** (or x220t, x230t,) because these were made without the rotation and stylus. These will run you anywhere from $90-$240 for one in good condition, but considering you're getting an older, very well-made laptop that doubles as a cintiq companion alternative, I think it's a very good option for the pricing.

I'd also like to mention two other tablets.
Surface Pro 4/Surface Pro 2017.
I hate my surface pro 4. I've had so many issues. I've gone through 4 styluses due to bugs and they're still not fixed. The diagonal jitter issue gets worse and worse each day. I don't know anyone that bought one of these that continues to use it today.

The Huion Kamvas GT-191 seems like a very good tablet. I haven't personally tried it, but I've heard lots of great things about it.

>> No.3200406

>go to Apple Store with someone
>start drawing with one of the iPad Pro and iPencils they have on Procreate
>feels fucking great
>used to drawing on a phone if I want to do anything digital so it's like heaven
>check price
>600+ for the iPad and like 100 for the pencil
>broke as fuck

>> No.3200416

Refurbished Apple Ipad Pro 9.7 inch $340 on amazon. Works with the pencil. Pencil is $99 or $89 refurbished. Check my earlier post too.

>> No.3200460
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>Bamboo CTH470
>5.8 x 3.6
>2540 dpi



>The texture is very artificial and feels much more like drawing on heavily-textured canvas with a nail as opposed to pencil on paper

Starting from the Intuos 4 and up, the Wacom texture is basically sandpaper, you're obligated to put a surface cover over it of some sort or you can kiss your nib's ass goodbye in like 3 days-not even exaggerating.

No arguments about the Huion stylus being garbo though, I hate how the nib projects out from the stylus like 5mm almost as much as I hate its pressure sensitivity.

Cut out non-essentials. Eat like a dog like I do and you'll be able to afford anything you want even if, also like I do, you don't make very much money.

>> No.3200611

Any good apps for iPad pro to mimic a cintiq for windows? Astropad still only works for Mac and I read duet pro still has some jitter issues.

>> No.3200654

>tfw I used this exact tablet for years (graphire 4)
>only just upgraded to an intuos last year
>even now it still feels weird to use for some reason
>slightly regretting paying $400 for it
>I miss my graphire

>> No.3200701

How do you access keyboard shortcuts and modifier keys with thinkpad tablets? Or convertible tablet PCs in general

>> No.3200715

I think most people either don't use the shortcuts or they get a separate pad or Wacom remote

>> No.3200720

>get annoyed that I can't completely accurately draw in the same spot 100% of the time while flipping images
>bought cintiq 13p
>remembered that my thick native skull strains my neck looking downwards for more than 20 minutes
>can't draw on it for more than 45 minutes at a time
>it doesn't have the wheel or keys for easy flipping while animating
>kind of regret paying $1400 for it

>> No.3200735

Reminder that you should 100% get a Cintiq. They're fantastically built and the screen will improve your art drastically.

>> No.3200741
File: 182 KB, 490x453, 7915ac302d38b69693d0c1ab9917ec1e--drawing-faces-line-drawings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I have an Intuos Pro 2017 and every few strokes my pen switches to full pressure, seems like the longer I'm in Photoshop the more often this happens, anyone know of a fix? I've just been undoing the full pressure strokes but it gets really frustrating

>> No.3200742

What about things like pan, zoom, and color-pick modes? Those are often invoked on modifier keys like control or shift, even by people who don't usually bother with hotkeys. Are you supposed to just use a colorpicker tool or zoom tool instead?

>> No.3200745

Sorry nvm I didn't read the second part of your post >>3200715

>> No.3200746

Confirming that the HUION GT-220 v2 is absolute top tier.

>> No.3200751

All you will ever need for deciding what to get:


>> No.3200845

getting the prices from our purchase department with a huge discount thus low prices
thanks anyway

>> No.3201087

What kind of screen protector should I buy if I want a feeling closer to drawing on paper? (got a Surface pro 2)

>> No.3201183


This is true despite the sarcasm. It definitely sped up things for me and I can draw with my whole arm and see what I'm doing with more accuracy. It just feels natural and I can't go back to a regular tablet despite using one for years.

>> No.3201184
File: 34 KB, 550x676, unnamed-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting here, cause I didn't see there was a new thread:

Hey, so I'm an aspiring professional concept artist. I still have about $2,000 in Graduation cash to use on a cintiq. For the past five years I used a medium Wacom Intuos pro.

Anybody have recommendation for which cintiq to get? I've been looking at the Wacom 16 inch one, anyone have any experience?

>> No.3201308

>have almost no budget for my first tablet
>put my eyes on huion 1060 new plus
>very good size and cheap
>all reviews are pretty good and almost no bad feedback
>not a single mention of bad texture
>first time heard of huions having this problem here and sounds like a big deal
and there it goes all my will to buy my first tablet good job guys.Now my only option is some old as fuck wacom from ebay with 75% chance its a scam

>> No.3201309

>aspiring concept artist
>posts generic fan art
nice b8

>> No.3201327
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That's been a recurring problem with some of the models I've used. Most notably the Cintiq 12WX and more recently the 27QHD (still can't believe it)-but it's happened with my Intuos as well a ways back. Try going back to an earlier series of drivers, that's pretty much the only recommendation I can give.

Yeah, a Cintiq is definitely an improvement over a Bamboo, I'll give it that.

Get an Intuos Large and upgrade your computer/get a second monitor instead.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with Huion's "texture" and it's the last thing you should concern yourself with. It's not a big deal in the slightest.

The most important factor of your tablet is what its drawing surface and resolution (lpi/dpi) is relative to the size and resolution of your monitor. Period. A close second is the stylus itself. Everything else is essentially immaterial.

>muh touch ring
>muh wireless adapter/bluetooth
>muh screen

>> No.3201370

A regular tablet is more than fine. Save up for a better computer seconded, that or get a ipad pro and pencil to sketch on the go and use it as a travel computer at the same time. Cintiques are way over hyped imo, in reality I found they're clunky and uncomfortable to use, don't take my word for it find somewhere who sells it and try it yourself before you invest in one.

>> No.3201447

Find a used 24HD, they're rock solid and probably the best ones of the lineup. I've seen them go for $1000-1500 often. I love mine, best investment i ever made.

>> No.3201458

wait till january~ish, they have new 4k models coming out

>> No.3201479

Is 5080 lpi the standard for a FHD monitor?

>> No.3202195
File: 142 KB, 1280x720, xp pen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been researching monitor tablets for a few days so far in preparation for potential black friday weekend sales, and at this point I feel that the XP Pen Artist 22E is probably the best fit for me. While I could technically afford the equivalent Wacom, I don't see the point in throwing 1,000 extra bucks at minor improvements. What do you guys think? Are there glaring quality problems that reviewers aren't reporting?

>> No.3202247

5080 is the standard for Intuos Pro tablets and up since the 3, I don't think it gets any higher.

>> No.3202259

pls save me, I looked everywhere and couldn't find anything to make this work

>> No.3202659

Hey so I have the Wacom Intuos Pro (2015 version) and the tablet works fine except when I try to use the wireless dongle, the second I flip the switch on the tablet my computer bluescreens. I'm running Windows 8.1.

Does anyone know what's causing this shit or how to fix it? I tried updating to the newest driver (one up from the one I'm using) but it's atrocious and not only does wireless not work but the express keys and pen pressure don't work either.

Wacom is a fucking piece of shit.

>> No.3203023
File: 49 KB, 500x333, 1290110816052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking to 'upgrade' from my Cintiq 13HD--namely looking for more real-estate for the price. Ideally, I would like to sell my Cintiq and use whatever money from the sell to go as big and best as I can.

I'm guessing and hoping I'd get anywhere from $400 to $600 for it--any suggestions to what I can get with that kind of money?

>> No.3203085
File: 22 KB, 384x329, 1276569158910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My recommendation is to go cheap initially and to use that as a baseline for what you want and don't want in a tablet.

If you happen to hang around Reddit's Hardware Swap, I'm actually posting my Cintiq 13HD--I'm selling it for just enough money to upgrade to a larger display. Aiming to sell it in the $400-$500 range if you're interested.

>> No.3203173
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I have this old piece of shit.
It has lots of issues that piss me off but I'm too much of a poorfag to put it to rest and find something that doesn't require manually turning it's drivers off and on every time I plug it in. However recently it seems like it stopped detecting pressure. I tried googling the issue but majority of guides are either for newer models or don't help at all. Anyone has any idea what to do or is it finally time to let it go?

>> No.3203175

I have a Tursion. It's relatively cheap and has pressure sensitivity, so I like it.

>> No.3203209

>not using your tablet for everything you do on the computer instead of your mouse

why do people do this? are they just not serious?

>> No.3203214

using bamboo fun tablet
am i gimping myself?

>> No.3203241
File: 301 KB, 1280x720, guts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sort of unrelated but I don't feel like making a thread on /g/ about this considering I sort of trust your thoughts more than theirs: for those who have built their comps for the sole purpose of art, what are your specs? Just how much ram should I be looking at?

>> No.3203295

Are there any good exercises for getting used to drawing with a tablet?

>> No.3203340

As much as you can afford. Most painting apps will use all the ram you can throw at it, and still lag.

>> No.3203972
File: 399 KB, 1181x1671, __toga_himiko_boku_no_hero_academia_drawn_by_pauld__ba21a25d7991c4fa5b8cac5ab2eddd80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic unrelated

>> No.3205007
File: 24 KB, 914x256, toblot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how bad will i be bullied around here?

>> No.3205011

16 if you do lineart and regular painting.
32 and a 1050+ geforce graphics cards
If you do photobashing.
64 if you also use 3D applications in your workflow and don’t want to slowdown to swap softwares

>> No.3205012

Are you retarded or something? that's for signatures. You can't draw with something so small, even Wacom's smallest drawing tablets are larger than that. Save up and get yourself a decent tablet.

>> No.3205014

extremely badly

>> No.3205015

I use my PC for 3D work and art programs. I have 16GB, no problems. Photoshop needs RAM, it barely uses the GPU, and when it does it's only for 3D features most artists don't use. You don't need an expensive GPU unless you're doing large video editing and 3D work.

>> No.3205025
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i might be, as i already ordered it
i liked its portability, hopefully i'll learn the basics and move on to a better tablet
all those youtube reviewers that got the tablet for free wouldn't lie to me, right?
started this new job, and a bonus allowed me to afford this, still at college, so i couldn't spend more than i did, but things are looking up, i'll get a raise soon, be done with college (basically this friday it's all over) and i'll be able to afford better things, and have time to actually draw for pleasure

just like in high school! maybe this time i won't crush on my bully so hard

>> No.3205026

That's an extremely cool program
I remember there's a website that has challenges like that somewhere but I've forgotten the link, it had challenges that were something like that that measured accuracy, I think it may have had stuff like draw a line from point to point, does anyone know what I'm talking about?

>> No.3205080

I have an Intuos 3 9x12 coming in the mail. I'm looking forward to trying it out all these years later. I don't know why I bother with all this, no one's listening anyway as evidenced by posts like this: >>3205007

I would like to start teaching independently in a few years though so it's good for me to know as much about this stuff as possible regardless, I suppose.


Unless you bring it somewhere literally every day portability isn't a concern. Be realistic.

I reject "medium" sized tablets but at least they're usable even if they're not ideal. What you bought barely qualifies as a toy for anyone who isn't already a hot shit artist that can fight against his tools/software and win in spite of them. For everyone else it would hold you back from learning effectively I feel. It always makes me laugh when people refer to a piece of shit tablet as being "good for beginners" just because it costs a little bit less than something that's at least approaching adequacy.

>all those youtube reviewers that got the tablet for free wouldn't lie to me, right?

I guarantee they stopped using it the second their camera turned off. Huion has been aggressively soliciting reviews from artists of all skill levels on youtube over the past couple of years and the fact there's so many reviews out there is proof enough of that. Amazon itself is filled with bots as well as the blind leading the blind, and "independent review" sites are run by people that don't draw looking to get amazon affiliate revenue through referral links, too. Every tablet ever is "just great" when you don't use the damn thing (or even know how) and can expect a little pocket money for helping dupe someone else into buying one.

You can probably still cancel the order, you know.

>> No.3205148
File: 95 KB, 1080x360, BleedingLean_charlie_immer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

order's been shipped, so yeah.
thanks anyways fampai, i guess i fucked up when doing my research.
and i'll be moving this thing from work (CAD stuff/sketching/image manipulation) to home (drawing totally non-gay stuff), granted, not a huge distance, sometimes i drive here, sometimes i bike, that's why size was something to take into account, but yeah, thankfully i didn't over spend.
tbqh, i'll probably enjoy it too, because i don't know any better, and i'm a fag like that.
in my 3rd world shithole, """luxury""" items, that is, everything non-essential, get a huge mark up from importers, which made chink tablet more appealing. the "official" huion store here (i.e. first importer to snatch up exclusivity) sells the stuff 2x-3x than buying from, say, aliexpress.
used tablets are either 2expensive still, or fucked up.

>> No.3205164

If you really live in a third world country where $40 for me is $274 for you I suppose it can't be helped. I bring an Intuos Large into work every time and it's not a problem, but I never bike into work either so I can understand that at least. Personally I'd suggest just bringing in a clipboard, some pencils and some standard printer paper and drilling fundies a while with that instead.

If you have a way to digitize traditional media like a phone camera you could use your tablet to focus moreso on practicing color, rendering and inking etc. rather than drawing, and that way when you get something better the transition will be seamless and you can take that knowledge with you instead of wasting time wrestling with a small tablet that's more suited for photo editing than drawing.

>> No.3205196

The newer Cintiqs have touch, so you use gestures. Or, they use the radial menus that Wacom gives out (they're fantastic). Or, you buy a small bluetooth keyboard and dedicate it to the tablet. I use radial menus, a small BT keyboard, and express keys. I use a LOT of keyboard shortcuts.

>> No.3205200
File: 1.57 MB, 400x225, hugs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have my gratitude and appreciation m8, have a nice one.

>> No.3205332

Original guy asking here, I also do a bit of sculpting in zbrush and it's bare minimum lighting features -- none of that fancy bells and whistles shit) and that's the extent of my interests in 3D, is 32gb more than enough for that?

>> No.3205337

32 should do you fine.
About the GPU: It tackles manipulating photos so if you do photobashing or mattw painting 1050 is a superb budget option. If you don’t you can easily fet away with 16gb.
If you’re doing Zbush I’d go for 64gb tho. Crunch those Dynamesh sculpts real good and fast. The specs I recommend are for professional production when you don’t have time to wait for a shit PC. I have a laptop with a 1060 and a desktop with a 1070 and 64 gb ram. Painting in 20 000 x 10 000 without lag doesn’t suck but you don’t need it.

>> No.3205364

If you have unlimited money get the most you can obviously, but I think 16GB will be fine for you. Zbrush is a CPU based program, it needs good CPU. Photoshop eats RAM. I wouldn't go for 64GB right now because it really isn't needed. You don't need 32 either, but if you can afford it, knock yourself out. You can always upgarde if you're seeing major slowdowns in your workflow, but again this isn't likely unless you're doing something extreme.

>64GB 1060
Jesus christ anon. I don't even know where to begin with this, but good for you for having the option. Judging by his posts, he's only going to use zBrush occasionally. There's no need to get such monstrosity.

>> No.3205474

You’re very nearly correct. Zbrush uses RAM when it recalculates the Dynamesh and holds higher and lower levels of aub divisions that you sculpt on at the same time.

My desktop has 64 my laptop has 32. The 1060 in the laptop is a beast but it came with the MSI with the optimal
Screen for digital painting on the road and gaming for an hour or so whenever you feel like it doesn’t suck.

Optimal budget painting rig without photobashing is
Gen 6 i5 prossesor
8-16 gb ram
Any geforce over 950
The preformance of photoshop takes a hit without a graphics card, My cintique companion had a intel internal and it pissed me off.
Din’t skimp on your screens people!

>> No.3205481

On the note of getting such a beast.
It’s true, You don’t need it.
I 3D modelin Maya , Render using the arnold engine in Maya. Sculpt in Zbrush and render in keyshot. I know texturing in Mari. I paint digitally and photobash in Photoshop. Trying to pick up Marvelous designer... I really just don’t like any of these things to run slow. Even when I’m working in the go. I use these for concept art, Except Mari, pain in the arse tool...).

>> No.3205498

Please don't jump on me if this is a retarded question.

I've been starting to get hand cramps pretty recently, mostly from gaming but it also comes up when drawing. I've started doing exercises to minimize my chances of getting carpal tunnel, but I've heard from somewhere that there are gloves that you can use while drawing to help alleviate the cramping?

I'm posting this in tablet gen because I see a lot of stuff about tablet gloves but not much about gloves that can help with cramps.

>> No.3206071

I had two of those way back when they still had decent guides to follow. Sadly, when the pen pressure's shot, even after rebooting your computer, then there's nothing you can do to save it afaik.

>> No.3206127
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I'm assuming you're talking about something like pic related. They're wrist support gloves, given for people with wrist pain. What they do is basically they lock your wrist so you can't move it as usual and after a few days with them the pain goes away. Don't know if I'd recommend drawing with them, they don't slide on surface like tablet gloves do, and it's fairly uncomfortable and unnatural drawing on smaller surfaces having while your wrist locked. Give it a go, but my best advice would be to simply minimize your wrist use. Take breaks, draw large from the elbow and shoulder at least for the time being.

>> No.3206214

I own the intuos4 medium.
I still suck at art. Tools do not make the artist. Go for something cheap until you git gud.

>> No.3206527

My dad died, we sold his house and now I have 3200 USD, what tablet should I buy?

>> No.3206544

About to buy a Centiq, any good words on it? Is it worth it?

>> No.3206565

q11k or giano

>> No.3206636

Ah, I see what my options are now. Unfortunately, my fingers are usually the ones that get sore instead of my wrist, so I might just get arthritis gloves or something I dunno. Maybe I should start practicing drawing with my elbow/shoulder more often. Regardless, thanks for the detailed response.

>> No.3206680
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You're gripping too hard aren't you? get a soft pencil grip.

>> No.3206696

So ugh are Microsoft Surface Pro(s) even viable or not? My mom has a Pro 4 I could start out with if it's even viable. Already went for a small Wacom Tablet that's alright, don't get me wrong but it leaves some things to be desired

>> No.3206836
File: 852 KB, 4917x2766, 20161226_030411[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so i use this tablet for 1 year, yes it's fucking broken again
this tablet is clueless garbage
i give a chance twice on this brand by replacing cable but it's fucking dead, tablet it self won't recognize

just what the fuck. even /csg/ will avoid this shit
this tablet is fucking 260 usd it's expensive than Huion and it doesn't deserve that money
may Huion is chink stuff it has persuasive power at least but this garbage is fucking not
i will throw out this tablet just fuck this shit

i think may developers thought like this "let's make working hardware but ignore software"
i don't even get why i writing this BECAUSE THIS FUCKING TABLET EVEN NOT SELLING AT EUROPE,AMERICA,JAPAN that describes how bad this tablet is just FUCK IT

>> No.3206936
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Can someone identify this tablet?

>> No.3206946

>Lenovo Thinkpad
Those have been removed from the market years ago.

>> No.3206950

Wacom intuos, aparently the large one.

>> No.3206952
File: 16 KB, 500x404, 31SR-I4ytWL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got the Intuos 3 9x12 in, and what can I say other than this thing is sweet. As I suspected the "1024" pressure levels has no perceptible effect (I'm not saying that's the case with the more recent models-I just think the number itself probably doesn't have anything to do with the physical build of the actual stylus and might be some kind of arbitrary firmware thing), the huge size feels great to draw on, and the drawing surface provides some traction without the sandpaper-like "tooth" that the later models had which was specifically designed to eat away stylus nibs (planned obsolescence).

It's great, but not perfect

-It only has 4 hotkeys on either side of the tablet.

-This thing is a inch deeper than the already huge current generation Intuos Large models (two inches larger than the Giano) which means your keyboard/computer is going to be pushed that much further away.

-Being as big as it is and not having been built with the monitors of today in mind when you do "force proportions" mapping you end up cutting off like a fourth of the tablet's drawing surface which feels ridiculous. However, as it's already bigger than the newer models (just the wrong dimensions) the precision remains identical

-Old drivers: Right now I'm experiencing those same inconsistent pressure spikes I've had to deal with across several different tablets now (Cintiq 12WX, Cintiq 27QHD) and I'm worried I might not be able to fix it, thankfully it's occurring at a much reduced rate to the aforementioned models. I must be cursed.

Apart from the less than stellar hotkeys and the tremendous amount of wasted space this remains a great tablet, just as good for pure drawing as the newer models, if not better. They sell for under $200 used across amazon/ebay and I'd say they're definitely something to consider. They have better sensitivity than the Giano and much better precision than any Medium-style tablet, but they do have some of their own issues

>> No.3206953


Hanoven? Da fuq is dat

Intuos 4 Large

>> No.3206981

that's just garbage
people shouldn't mention this tablet
Therefore people can denying existence

>> No.3206985


>> No.3207058

Is there a slightly cheaper version of the Wacom MobileStudio Pro 13? Almost same functions and pressure sensibility?

>> No.3207484

Anyone have any experience getting hardware issue/broken wacom tablets bought brand new? I already went through their tech support and they said its a hardware issue despite coming fresh out of the box. I got the new generation intous pro large and two areas forming long strips are skipping the pen entering it then pushing its X coordinate on to the other side of the strip. I just want to know if their shipping or RMA process takes long. If it takes more than 10 days I would love to see if complaining to them could snag a free texture sheet and nibs.

>> No.3207548

Is the iPad Pro 10.5 worth splurging or would I be fine with the 9.7?

>> No.3207585

Not if you want to draw diagonal lines ever.

>> No.3207692
File: 9 KB, 355x203, tab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My good ol intuos survived 3 years of abuse so far.
It was covered in highly toxic and sticky liquids on many occasions, fell of the table and was genaraly irresponsably handeled.
I still have one unused nib left, after that I will buy myself one of those fancy screen thingies.
People say wacom stuff is overpriced but it was worth the shekels for me.

>> No.3207781
File: 64 KB, 1500x1500, CTL490DW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently got this one at a sale
Is really small but it works fine

>> No.3207790
File: 102 KB, 1500x1500, huionq11k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the Huion Q11K any good? I can buy either this or the 1060 Plus

>> No.3207872
File: 200 KB, 1500x1027, 81uvB+IvugL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought one of these with my tax returns. Completely recommend if you have the money to spend. Don't get the touchscreen version, though. It's not worth the extra few hundred.

>> No.3207971

tried one of these a few weeks a go at my friends place, i actually really liked it save for the color balancing (everything has a greyish/blue tinge to it that we just couldnt get rid of). first time dealing with a monitor tablet, so have no idea if its actually a good model or not for the price. anyone got any suggestions for an alternative to this tablet/fix for the color?

>> No.3207975

what tablet did you have before and how has it changed your art?

>> No.3208151

Had a Wacom Cintiq 22. The large size screen gives you so much room for fine detail and the screen is 1440p. Just all around more convenient.

>> No.3208205
File: 68 KB, 960x640, wacom mobile stuido 13 gallery g2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the Wacom MobileStudio Pro 13 worth it? What other tablet is as good as this one?

>> No.3208275

What touchscreen tablet should I buy?

>> No.3208458

HOW the fuck can I draw on the tablet good as on on paper?I'm using the wacom one small.Yes small tablet's are a meme but I got this right then I was getting "seriously" back then.Nowadays It kinda sucks because it's so small and I wanna draw with my shoulder more often but I just can't really do that.Also I fucking hate this weird unatural feeling of the tablet.My Eye coordination is fine but it just feels so weird.I even tried out taping the tablet with Sketchbook paper but that didn't helped enough.I should also mention that I use photoshop CS6 and use kinda like a chalk brush.Do I need a new tablet, an Intous Pro medium, a Cintiq, an ipad pro or am I just too autistic for digital drawing

>> No.3208503 [DELETED] 
File: 98 KB, 1249x856, sim tablet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to know what you're actually doing to yourself by using a small tablet look no further than your computer's mouse properties and try these settings. This picture sums up pretty much exactly what these tablets feel like to the best of my recollection, just without a pen obviously (I invite anyone using these tablets to give it a shot, yourself and see if you feel similarly). As you're using a small, turn your mouse up as high as it'll go and try clicking some small icons or maybe singling out letters to click on in someone's wall of text shitpost. Are you missing the target and how badly? When you draw you're trying to do something similar but it's significantly more important to have that kind of control that's being lost due to the slab you're using.

You're not too autistic for digital drawing, but you may not have great control to begin with and that's being exacerbated by having an undesirable tablet. Do you feel how natural using a mouse is to you on your preferred setting? In the same way that you can use your mouse in whatever video game you're currently playing without thinking about its position on the actual surface it's on, so too can you draw on a tablet much like the one you have now without needing to fry your eyeballs out of their socket with a Cintiq. You just need a better one and a little practice.

>> No.3208505
File: 102 KB, 1249x856, sim-tablet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to know what you're actually doing to yourself by using a small tablet look no further than your computer's mouse properties and try these settings. This picture sums up pretty much exactly what these tablets feel like to the best of my recollection, just without a pen obviously (I invite anyone using these tablets to give it a shot yourself and see if you feel similarly). As you're using a small, turn your mouse up as high as it'll go and try clicking some small icons or maybe singling out letters to click on in someone's wall of text shitpost. Are you missing the target and how badly? When you draw you're trying to do something similar but it's significantly more important to have that kind of control that's being lost due to the slab you're using.

You're not too autistic for digital drawing, but you may not have great control to begin with and that's being exacerbated by having an undesirable tablet. Do you feel how natural using a mouse is to you on your preferred setting? In the same way that you can use your mouse in whatever video game you're currently playing without thinking about its position on the actual surface it's on, so too can you draw on a tablet much like the one you have now without needing to fry your eyeballs out of their socket with a Cintiq. You just need a better one and a little practice.

>> No.3208521
File: 104 KB, 1000x563, 20171118_185012935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i replaced my garbage tablet to huion 1060
this thing is so much better than one

>lighter pen
>no connection out
>more accesories (nibs + holder + pen cab)
>more driver options

also i noticed tablet not working propely in first install but it works flawlessly now

>> No.3208529

for get to mention
express key is most using tool shortcut of photoshop
i fucking satisfy with this shit

>> No.3208610
File: 95 KB, 1000x1000, 61geiidZMoL._SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So my roommate gave me this exact tablet for like 30$ and is still in great condition. Did I do good or did I messed up?

>> No.3208613

question for people with huion tablets. is it possible to set the pen button to the space bar and have it hold when i press it? i want to use it to pan but it only registers as a single press when i hold the button.

this is how i've used my wacom pen for years and it's messing up my workflow

>> No.3208617
File: 80 KB, 1300x971, 1488261644892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to upgrade from my bamboo
should I get
>a decent tablet for £100
>a monitor tablet for £400
my flirts with traditional say the latter but my wallet disagrees

>> No.3208621

if you're just starting out, i think you're good

if you can afford it get the monitor tablet. use the 50-30-20 rule of budgeting.

>> No.3208850
File: 119 KB, 1600x1200, cintiq-13-gs--hd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ffs guys. i don't think i've ever done as much research before buying something. not even when i built my gaming rig back in 2014

I've literally watched reviews from every fucking display tablet there is, the cintiqs pros/mobile studios, the huion gt's, the XP pen artist 10/16, the ipad pro plus some other brands and i just can't fucking make up my mind. It seems that if you go with anything other than a cintiq you have a 50/50 chance of it being a piece of absolute fucking trash or just something "comparable" to an actual cintiq.

Just give it to me straight, as far as DISPLAY tablets go, are cintiqs the only way to go or are there any other (good) choices? I've been using my old faithful intuos pt small for 2 years now.

>> No.3208859

After having poor experience with a Chinese brand I refuse to buy something that isn't Wacom. If you're gonna blow up that much money on a screen display get a Cintiq. That's my opinion.

>> No.3208871

simple: if it's not a cintiq, it's not going to be in league with a cintiq.

they're not the only way to go though, huion is a good step-lower but still perfectly usable display tablet.

>> No.3208872

Wacom simply is the way to go in terms of future and legacy compatibility. I've used the Chinese tablets, screen and non screen and have only been met with disappointment with driver support.

>> No.3208904

I have a 20 inch Yiynova pen digitizer(2047 levels), and it is pretty good with a matte screen protector
The only thing i dislike about it is how hard you gotta press to draw, but it can be adjusted with the pressue curve anyway

>> No.3208925
File: 10 KB, 300x173, wacom_intuos3_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the intuos 3 working on high sierra 10.12.6 with WacomTablet_6.3.15-3 drivers??

>> No.3208938
File: 21 KB, 412x500, le canoli face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's one of the risks of older hardware, I really don't know if it will work on Mac OS or Linux. While it was great for its time and certainly good today (much better than any smaller tablets), I wouldn't be gun-shy about buying something newer either if you can afford it. While I've said in the past the hotkeys and touch input etc. of the newer models are mostly window dressing it's kind of a "you don't know what you have until you don't" sort of thing. I had to go back to earlier drivers to make it work, and those drivers were unfortunately experiencing the inconsistent pressure error I've suffered with a lot of different wacom products.

Anyway, there's no sense skimping out on something that ideally you'll be using for hours every single day, but a lot of people seem to have a hard time understanding that. I've spent a lot of time and even money promoting that idea in these threads to my own detriment and for what appears to be nothing-but this kind of decision is probably more important than any individual critique, suggestion or resource you might get from this board.

Think of it this way, if a Intuos Large helps you draw only 10% faster versus a Small (I highly doubt it's that little of a difference, by the way), just think of how much time you're basically throwing away over the months if you draw 20-30 hours a week.

As an aside...

>no one's made an offer on this shit 27 QHD I bought yet

I really hope I'm not stuck with this thing because I definitely didn't plan on spending $2,000 long-term, savings are already drying up as it is. Any ideas of how to get rid of it other than craigslist? If I can't sell it I might literally donate it to my local atelier and see if they want to goof around with it, I don't know. I made a big mistake.

>> No.3208947

Why the fuck did you get a 27QHD? Don't you shit on screen displays half the time? What a moron

>> No.3208958
File: 33 KB, 595x540, le hospital gorilla face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the past I'd said many times that the smaller Cintiqs weren't worth a damn (judging by my experience with the 12WX) but I'd also mused that "maybe" the larger ones were, and I felt I ought to buy one just so I could have the experience and know I wouldn't be misleading anybody. Now I definitely know better.


>> No.3208971
File: 163 KB, 418x346, 6486e624b0d4528825b374ee1c81d0cf8c4fc29d90025eb408a8b00c1735109f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not just getting a tablet for your desktop and a 144hz monitor

>> No.3209010

tfw poorfag and cant upgrade to a screen tablet
but are huions still the best option for a cheap screen tablet?

>> No.3209017

>I felt I ought to buy one just so I could have the experience and know I wouldn't be misleading anybody
You're giving yourself too much credit. Your opinions aren't important at all. Throwing money on an item you weren't interested in just to test it is dumb as fuck.

You try to help people make good purcashes while making the dumbest decisions ever. How sad.

>> No.3209024


>> No.3209030
File: 65 KB, 715x350, c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can get a huion 191 now or wait much longer for a cintiq 27. what's really the difference besides 8 inches? i currently have an intuos small with a half broken pen and a 13in laptop screen. switching to either of those would feel like heaven.

>> No.3209100
File: 30 KB, 960x640, wacom cintiq pro16 gallery g4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you guys do, don't get the new "pro" version of the portable display (pic related).

I've got one last month, and it was finicky as fuck to be honest.

The screen didn't recognized half the time I plugged it in, probably because they tried to use the usb-c meme for video as well. There were even times when it simply lost connection while I was drawing on it. Don't know how wacom cleared this garbage for production, ended up returning it for an older version that uses hdmi instead.

>> No.3209196
File: 34 KB, 521x730, diddies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa now. Let me elaborate further. I wouldn't have gone through with it if $2000 was anywhere near "end of the world" money for me. I'm a lower income guy but in spite of that I'm also not uncomfortable-I have everything I want in life already short of a yacht or something like that, and frankly it's only been a few days, it will sell eventually. I also wouldn't have done what I did if I didn't have any doubts myself. I made the purchase with the same mindset I'd mentioned in an earlier post:

>Think of it this way, if a Intuos Large helps you draw only 10% faster versus a Small (I highly doubt it's that little of a difference, by the way), just think of how much time you're basically throwing away over the months if you draw 20-30 hours a week.

While I was skeptical from the beginning, I'd entertained the idea that maybe I WAS wrong and that maybe this enormous thing would represent some kind of substantive upgrade to my current setup. I didn't do it purely for philanthropic reasons. "After all", I'd thought; Aaron Blaise uses one, Eric Goldberg uses one, Daarken uses one etc.

Knowing for certain wasn't a waste or a dumb decision for me. I wanted to sate my own curiosity first and provide context and experience for my shitposting a distant second. Gnomesaiyan!?

>> No.3209217

The question is if you even draw enough for that. Do you draw 20-30 hours a week? You keep posting the same pictures from years ago.

I have a screen tablet and can say it's increased my drawing speed by a lot, I was surprised it mattered that much. But that's the only thing it did, it didn't make me a better artist.

>> No.3209238

You're not buying a Cintiq for its size, you're buying for its quality.

>> No.3209257
File: 35 KB, 498x495, gon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you draw 20-30 hours a week?

Short answer is I don't, but most of the work I do get done is either boring studies I throw away after the fact, visual shitposts like >>3200460 or stuff I'd like to keep to myself for now for various reasons.

I work from 9:30am to 8pm and by the time I get home from both the commute and any errands I have to do it seems like the day has slipped past me, though I usually do get at least some drawing in-just not nearly enough.

>I have a screen tablet and can say it's increased my drawing speed by a lot, I was surprised it mattered that much. But that's the only thing it did, it didn't make me a better artist.

I'd say it's definitely true that a screen tablet will increase your speed relative to the ubiquitous small and medium tablets out there, but after trying everything that matters including those I have an even greater appreciation for what I've been using. I's basically the same shit but superior in the ergonomic sense. I felt pretty silly with this giant screen in my face and I don't think I could have used it for more than a couple hours at a time. Though my environment light sucks so that was probably part of it.

>> No.3209624

Black friday draws near and amazon has 20% discount on the tablet i want.do i wait or order it now?

>> No.3209754

any good alternatives to wacom for a 16 inch monitor tablet? i dont really know whats good and whats not.

>> No.3209864
File: 167 KB, 2500x2500, wacom_cth490cb_intuos_comic_pen_1180860[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every time i draw, the noise that pen makes with the tablet is really distracting, it's like scratching a chalkboard.
does anyone know what i can do about this problem?
i got this tablet about a month ago and it hasn't smoothed out a bit.

i don't draw as much because it really bothers me. don't say cover it with grease.

>> No.3209866

change your pen nib? some of them are softer.

>> No.3209877

i bought cintiq that i had to return. the lines were jiggly, so i guess it was a driver issue, even though i made sure i had the latest one (lines look fine, but when you zoom in you screech in horror)
among were some other issues, like hand getting in the way and being extra careful not to hit buttons on software UI, having to wear a glove to prevent sweaty hand touching the screen and parallax.

like another anon said, buy a cheap secondhand screen tablet first to try it out and then use it as a baseline to decide what you want.

>> No.3209884
File: 26 KB, 500x500, l_shape_folder-clear-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

turbo low cost absolute poverty solution: put the tablet inside one of those thicker clear folder thingies. I did it because I couldn't get used to the gritty surface after my old tablet with a plastic protector, as a bonus nibs now live twice as long.

>> No.3209885

hey that might work. the tablet didn't come with extra nibs, but i have a stash from intuos large that i couldn't carry over.

>> No.3209888

>I did it because I couldn't get used to the gritty surface after my old tablet with a plastic protector,
that's exactly my problem, i actually have old sapphire3 that is not supported by any of the drivers anymore and i loved its plastic cover.
did you mean put the entire pen in a bag? wouldn't it slide around and tear a hole where nib is and make it difficult to press the side buttons?

>> No.3209898
File: 657 KB, 750x1333, yoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it works! freakin beautiful, there's still some noise, but it's softer now.

>> No.3209943
File: 123 KB, 840x980, smhtbhfam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tear a hole

I highly doubt that. It might get a little worn eventually but I really don't see that happening.

>> No.3209947

You would have to be stabbing your tablet pretty hard to rip a hole in one of those.

>> No.3209956

I would not recommend getting one of those laptops for drawing because of their age, weight and small screen size. It's not really worth investing money into a ten year old laptop with parts that are only going to become more difficult to find when you can purchase something new with a warranty or more advanced features.

>> No.3209960

Any opinions on Huion GT-185 SD?
I'm a massive poorfag and found one fairly cheap, used but in good condition.

>> No.3210020

Should I get the new Wacom Cintiq Pro 16 (DTH1620K0), Lenovog p40 Yoga, or the Surface Pro 2017?

>> No.3210043


Have it and the xp 16 inch for when I'm out etc.

Both worth it, zero issues. Used wacom for years, glad something better than ugee and other trash finally appeared. xp-pen = wacom except costing less.

Literally no regrets.

>> No.3210054

>all the youtubers reviewing tablets are totally fucking /beg/ tier
I guess it's because all the professionals just buy a cintiq but fuck

>> No.3210170 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 853x889, fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The great majority of reviewers are in it for the exposure a review brings to their channel as well as the amazon referral link money. They don't draw, or they barely draw, and then they want to sit and tell you what to buy as if they've spent more than a little bit of thought on the subject, themselves. I've watched tons of reviews, and I can't think of a single time I'd seen a negative really one. I may not be a good artist either, but I'm at least cynical enough to be honest with myself and anyone that's listening.

Whatever your preference, get the hell off youtube and look at actual consumer reviews, just keep in mind most of of the reviewers are going to be complete beginners, too. If a product doesn't have like 80% 4-5 star reviews on amazon for example I would be extremely skeptical, and even if it does, all that really means is "it works" and doesn't really tell you how well relative to other products.

>> No.3210174
File: 89 KB, 853x889, fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The great majority of reviewers are in it for the exposure a review brings to their channel as well as the amazon referral link money. They barely draw if at all and then they want to tell you what to buy as if they've spent more than a little bit of thought on the subject, themselves. I've watched many reviews, and I can't think of a single time I'd seen a really negative one. I may not be a good artist either, but I'm at least cynical enough to be honest with myself and anyone that's listening.

Whatever your preference, get the hell off youtube and look at actual consumer reviews, just keep in mind most of of the reviewers are going to be complete beginners, too. If a product doesn't have like 80% 4-5 star reviews on amazon for example I would be extremely skeptical, and even if it does, all that really means is "it works" and doesn't really tell you how well relative to other products.

>> No.3210202

I'm getting a new tablet and I was thinking of getting an Intuos but I heard Cintiq is a much better experience for the screen, which appeals to me since I like drawing traditionally. The problem is that it's not something I can afford right now. Should I just
>get a Huion tablet with a screen
>get an Intuos now and save up for a Cintiq later
What I have right now is a really old-ass bamboo that I'm surprised is still working.

>> No.3210205

still cant tell if buy giano or 1060newplus/q11k.
Giano's working area is fucking huge and all but 2048 pressure levels vs 8000 seems a huge disparity and new models are on sales right now,in your experience more pressure levels or bigger working area,which one would you pick?

>> No.3210219
File: 25 KB, 584x432, le pensive italian face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From using the QHD (still waiting for a buyer~) I'm very hesitant to compare drawing on a Cintiq to drawing traditionally. There's a distinct parallax between where the mouse cursor ends up and where your stylus is placed on the monitor thanks to the thick glass, so to get a truly good idea of what you're actually doing you have to maneuver your head around like the snake monster Vertigo from Primal Rage. That's why in most of the screenshots or videos where people are using a Cintiq you see them looking down their stylus like it's the barrel of a gun, but the only thing they're shooting is themselves in the foot.

>> No.3210237
File: 115 KB, 600x593, 1491152923864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigger you can't even see where your cursor is gonna end up on a screenless tablet; a rough estimate is better than your muscle memory's best guess

>> No.3210244

He's a fucking idiot. Best ignore him.

>> No.3210246

Pressure levels is a meme that I'm almost certain has nothing to do with the actual hardware of the stylus itself, see my review of the Intuos 3 earlier in this thread. The pressure of the Intuos 3 is functionally identical to that of my Intuos 5 despite having half the "pressure levels", whereas the Giano that has the same number of pressure levels the Intuos 5 does has perceptively worse pressure recognition despite the numbers being equal.

>> No.3210277
File: 45 KB, 563x517, lmoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot to say, between the two I'd say the Giano-but I'd take an Intuos Large always and it is worth the wait if you can't afford it now.

Actually you're much worse off; with a screen tablet you're getting the conflict of seeing that disparity between the stylus and your cursor right in your fuckin' face (hence having to follow your pen around like some kind of a gay lizard), whereas with a desktop tablet there is no conflict, there's your cursor on the screen and your diddlin' hand nowhere in sight.

It works just fine for the same reason a video game controller or a mouse does-as long as you're aware of how they operate >>3208505


>> No.3210281

check if you need to clean the nib hole

>> No.3210287

Parallax is generally an issue with the glass screen on top of the screen. The thicker the glass, the greater the parallax. Even with thin glass there will be parallax so with most screen tablets, keep focus on the cursor and not your pen nib and it becomes less of an issue, though apart from initial sketches I do use a tablet for painting.

Higher pressure sensitivity is useful if under the following conditions.

1) You are using a a brush from which size can match the highest sensitivity in pixels (eg 2056 levels = 2056 px unless there is a smaller screen display unit). Might be useful if you are making something for large scale print designed to be viewed close and far and have a very short deadline.

2) The user can accurately vary the pressure they put on the stylus by the max pressure level degree (eg max force, 400g, initial actuation =1g, 399/2056 = 0.19g per level) which I think is out of reach for humans.

Some people also claim that most pressure levels = more smoother lines but that is mostly handled by the software.

Personally I felt a very small difference between 512 and 1028. Not so much to 2056.

The difference I would look out for is the starting actuation point. 1024 styluses usually start of 3g of pressure but most stylus's these days start at 1g and it is very noticeable.

>> No.3210291

>comparing using a mouse for gaming to drawing on a tablet

Oh god. There's a reason drawing on a monitor tablet is faster, you remove the uncertainty that comes with a screenless tablet. No matter how long or how fast you are with your tablet, it will never compare to traditional drawing or drawing on a Cintiq. Parallax isn't much of an issue as you make it out to be. It's fucking nothing especially when compared to screenless tablets.

>> No.3210300
File: 19 KB, 500x500, 41MFQW3V8yL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what should I upgrade to?

>> No.3210303

I'm planning on getting a 4k monitor as well. So what tablets would work well with that?

>> No.3210319

intuos pro large

>> No.3210321

A few tips. An advantage of a pen display and a tablet is mostly the 1:1 ratio. That is, if I move my hand this much, the cursor moves the same distance on screen. If you can chose a screen size closer to your monitor the best.

Pen weight. EMR pens like wacom are usually lighter. If you don't mind the weight of pens it opens up your choices.

Surface. I myself started with Intuos 2 and loved the hard white nibs and the slippery plastic and didn't like the surfaces from intuos 4 and over.

Get anything that fits at least the first criteria. You can always adjust to pen weight and the surface can be remedied with home solutions but the size can never be changed.

>> No.3210343

im in the same boat, anyone know of any screen protectors with this texture even for a larger device that i could trim down to size

>> No.3210463
File: 121 KB, 596x749, tablet buyers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's a reason drawing on a monitor tablet is faster


>you remove the uncertainty that comes with a screenless tablet

The reason people generally hold that opinion is because small tablets outsell their larger counterparts by six gorillion to one:


...and few people have the context to understand the true origin of the problem >>3208505
. The uncertainty you describe is the exact same feeling when your mouse speed is cranked up. It's not because you're not "drawing directly on the screen", it's because the movement becomes disproportionate.

>> No.3210469

What's the difference between a Cintiq and a Mobile Studio? Are the same?

>> No.3210470

Wacom's Mobile Studio Pros are full computers. A Cintiq is just a digitizer monitor, you have to provide a computer.

>> No.3210471

Oh and which one of those should I get?

>> No.3210474

If you have no experience with them at all, get whatever's cheapest.

>> No.3210476

They are almost the same price here

>> No.3210480

Link them, doesn't sound right.
In USD the smallest Cintiq is $1000+ cheaper than a Mobile Studio.
Don't go for the Cintiq Pro line.

>> No.3210486
File: 12 KB, 423x119, cintiq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1850,46 USD

>> No.3210488
File: 10 KB, 152x196, Mobile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2042,20 USD

>> No.3210494

The price difference seems a bit bizarre, but you can use the MSP as a regular ol' Cintiq (as in, you can hook it up to a computer so that it's a passive monitor tablet) as well as use it on its own. For a couple hundred dollars more that isn't bad.

>> No.3210499

Yeah, I'm also scared because they said cintiqs broke easily and I walk all the way to work

>> No.3210504

I personally wouldn't carry something that expensive to work and back, might be a case where you're better off looking into the cheaper Asian tablet monitors.

>> No.3210506
File: 32 KB, 388x330, he&#039;s retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think about having an expensive tablet but being a fucking disgrace at art?

>> No.3210511

Nothing wrong with a gear fetish.
Shiny toys can be fun :)

>> No.3210541
File: 30 KB, 659x483, le rich piana face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you believe your time is worth anything at all, you are better off buying a $2000 tablet as a beginner than an Intuos Small.

Luckily though you don't have to go anywhere near that far.

>> No.3210544

or you could learn to use your fucking brain while watching those reviews and look at how the tablet fucking functions in the video

>> No.3210548

If everything was as it appeared in universally positive incentivized <5 minute review clickbait youtube videos then there wouldn't be a point to buying any tablet other than the first one you happened to stumble across.

>> No.3210555

How is the Xpen 13 inch compared to the 15 inch version? I don't really want to shell out 100 dollars more if the 13inch is fine.

>> No.3210585


Contaste el iva?
Costará como 1 palo 300 pero si te la traen desde afuera agrégale el envío y el agente de aduana y son como casi 2 palos para esa MSP.


Cómprate una Cintiq usada, pide probarla, te ahorras lucas.

>> No.3210601


>> No.3210602

you know what she says, every inch counts.

>> No.3210631

see the problem is no matter how much i wait i will never buy a 300+ dollar tablet as my first one,few reason that are holding me back:
-i still need to grind on paper and pencil fundies 99% of the time and probably for a long time still
-dunno if i can get that money back because i am shit at marketing myself and probably i will fail getting commissions due to my anxienty problem

but i want to buy a tablet because i feel stuck with traditional,i cant produce good final illustrations no matter how many time i try with mouse.Probably i am just deluding myself but with a tablet and ctrl+z maybe i can produce something decent investing few hours into a single piece and then getting enough willpower to open myself to commissions

>> No.3210684
File: 524 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20171120-032916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of getting this. Thoughts? It would be my first. I have a mac (If that matters) and I'm wondering if I should know anything before I get it. It would be my first tablet.

>> No.3210702

Good luck getting the full resolution output on that. It's very finicky on what sources it'll accept, give it a google.

>> No.3210866

I use an x201t myself and until i get a better option, i just plug in a dualshock 4 with all my shortcuts mapped in joytokey and that works surprisingly well for me

>> No.3210931

I'm in the same boat. I research and research and the yt videos say the huion is the best thing, the people who write on forums say it's the worst, people say cintiq isn't worth it, other's say it is etc etc.
I just want something durable. I have had my bamboo for what almost 11 years, and I want to upgrade after doodling on my galaxy note 3. I don't mind coughing up the cash if it means I'll get something that lasts for 7 years or so but otherwise I'm at a loss for what to do. If I get a cintiq and it breaks after 3 years I won't buy it. If none of them lasts that long then I'll get something "cheap". One thing I'm worried about is a new cintiq coming out right after I buy one if I do. Fuck I've never been this conflicted about what to get.

>> No.3210935

thanks, guys for the input

>> No.3210937

What about 13 inches?

>> No.3210943
File: 41 KB, 640x470, 0d3476fc6482e14a95734c92566d7aeb1371610032_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since I'm going to buy a screen tablet this year during black friday or cyber monday I'm constantly afraid I'll miss a deal.

>> No.3210949

ARTISUL D13 is the bEST cintiq alternative??? im

>> No.3210959
File: 152 KB, 813x664, giovanna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>-dunno if i can get that money back because i am shit at marketing myself and probably i will fail getting commissions due to my anxienty problem

If you're just starting out drawing I would get any thought of doing commissions or recouping your losses for a long time. Even if you don't end up squandering 99% of your free time acting like an idiot on the internet to hide from your problems like I do you're still going to have to draw for years to get to the point where people are going to be willing to come out of pocket for your work.

Unless you're locked out of buying a $400 tablet by circumstance such as being born in a third world country it's absolutely worth making it your first one if you're at all serious about wanting to improve. Assuming you don't abuse it in any way, these tablets last for years and years, $400 is a negligible amount of money over that amount of time. Don't think of it as $400, think of it as $1.12 every day for a year.

>i still need to grind on paper and pencil fundies 99% of the time and probably for a long time still

Your heart is in the right place as far as that goes. Set up a clipboard in front of your computer, get some cheap paper and get to work.

>> No.3211186

Whats a decent tablet to get if I only want it for line art clean up and just beginning to color

>> No.3211560

what specifications do you take in mind when buying a tablet?
Does pen pressure matter for you? size? weight?

>> No.3211592

Scrub doesnt matter what shit you use if youre fundamentals are garbage youll always be garbage

>> No.3211601

There was some time ago a person in a community I was in was outed as a sexual abuser and had raped somebody, turns out the fucker had a 24in Cintiq and couldn't draw for shit, usually only would do redraws.

Needless to say I was tilted.

>> No.3211603

I just bought a numbpad and used autohotkey to change the keys to do the macros i need.

>> No.3211607

what surface pro do you have. I have the 8gb of ram and i5 one. I'm doing all my work on it but i did need to tweak the battery settings so that it gives me the most power. also do buy the wacom bamboo ink for it. the activation force is way closer to wacom feel and it's just great. Best tablet i bought. And i have a 24hd cintiq.

>> No.3211608

Which Pro Pen are you using? I have the 2017 Surface Pen and I think it services me well. Not sure if the Bamboo Ink would be worth getting if it's not a huge upgrade.

>> No.3211609

activation force is way more important then the leves of pressure.

>> No.3211612

well i didn't try the new pen. but the bamboo ink has 2 buttons...and if you use radial menu with it you can customize every button...so that's very important for me at least.

>> No.3211614

how do you check that on wacom?

>> No.3211623

if you have a wacom then you don't have to worry about it since the activation force ist the closest you can get to 1:1. But some ntrig pen have issues and i'm not sure about samsung pens or chinese tablets

>> No.3211949

This seems to be a good thread to ask.I was looking around for a cheap drawing tablet(I'm a newshit to digital drawing) and found some that seem promising however they are not big brands as far as i know so i'm not sure if it's a good idea to buy one of them:
- UGEE M708 Digital Painting Graphic Tablet P51
- XP-Pen Star 04
- Acepen AP1060
- UGEE HK - 1060Pro Graphic Tablet P51
Read some of the reviews of them and they SEEM to be good enough for a beginner.Also they share almost the same parameters but they have different price tags which i don't know why.
Any suggestion/review of these and others i don't know about is welcomed.Looking for one in the ~50$ region.

>> No.3211984
File: 407 KB, 660x660, 18628_FA17_DK_MKC_NAT_AD_THUMBNAIL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me bros.

I bought a cintiq pro 13 as my first drawing tablet last yet but never fucking used it, once the new iPad pro came out.

Should I sell it and buy the bigger huion drawing tablets or just stick with it till I eventually do shit like zbrush and actually use Photoshop instead of csp.

I just used my iPad way more.... I don't even see the point of my cintiq anymore bros...

>> No.3211989

i don't get it why people would consider huion or ugee

xp-pen is really good atleast the artist 16 and the artist 22E, don't know about the others but i'm thinking of getting the next version of the star series so i can replace my shitty wacom intuous draw.

i watched literally every youtube video about huion and xp-pen monitor tablets and xp-pen artist 16 and 22E are just better compared to huion 191 and 221, absolute no jitter compared to the huions and the parralax is also smaller than on the huions also the xp-pens come with a better screen protector (don't know if the textured glass on the 221 is better than that but i can always replace a screen protector.

xp-pen and huion seem to be at the same place with software support and keeping their program software updated atleast for xp-pen they still update their old tablets so i can expect my xp-pens to work for another 5+ years

but yeah i'm just some random cuck on 4chan so go and fucking do your own research wasting multiple weeks watching retards unbox and use all these different tablets

>> No.3212432

>Surface Pro 4 has BSOD 3 times in the last hour and a half while using CSP
>All I have open is a 600 DPI canvas trying to do lineart with vector layer

Thank You Microsoft.

>> No.3212459

>Blue Screen 2 more times
>File was corrupted cause blue screened mid save

Thank You Hitler

>> No.3212493

I have a cintiq 13Hd already. Thinking of getting an ipad pro 9.7 because theres a good deal on it.

Are ipad pros memes that some artist make look good? But in reality are a pain in the ass to use?

Maybe they are good but 9.7 is too small?

Is it impossible to work comfortably on it once you used cintiq+keyboard?

Is there something like astropad that works with w10

>> No.3212523

Anyone here wanna describe the transition from a shit tablet, to a nice display tablet? i wanna daydream.

>> No.3212648


Too small.
I've got one myself and in Medibang it's shit drawing in it

>> No.3212739

What about procreate?

>> No.3212773

wow anon, i do the same with a ds3, scp, and x230t

>> No.3212940

Hey ppl , I have a Wacom Intuos Draw(very basic) and I been noticing that the surface have some scratches that I can feel with the pen.

Is this a big problem? expensive tablets have this problem too?

>> No.3212954

Past intuos 3, this occurs QUICKER as people wanted a little more texture when they draw.

The higher end models have replacement sheets but maybe make a home remedy (like popping it in a plastic pocket from a folder)

>> No.3212961

As the nib gets worn down, it can actually get pretty sharp and start cutting into the surface of your tablet. When the surface becomes worn like that it will actually damage your nibs even faster. As ugly as it might look one thing you could try is cutting a piece of regular paper to size and affixing it over your tablet's drawing surface with tape. I'm not sure how much the paper itself might cause the nib to wear down (I've only tried it myself for like an hour) but it might be worth a shot in lieu of throwing that thing away and getting an Intuos Large ;^)

>> No.3212962

I don't think it's because "people wanted it", I believe it was planned obsolescence on Wacom's part. With the Intuos model 4 (or was it 5) and up, without some kind of surface cover your nib will be dead literally within a few days of drawing.

>plastic pocket from a folder

Yeah that plastic sleeve idea is probably better than paper actually, so that's something to consider as well.

>> No.3212967

I loved the intuos 2 surface. Other people DID want a more paper like feel. It was an era where the ratio of people coming from traditional was getting into digital so many people voice their feelings about it.

I like not to be negative and rather think the quicker wear and tear is just a downside from the decision to appease them, good or bad.

>> No.3212974

>not being incredibly cynical about everything ever

You might actually make it with an attitude like that.

I think the Intuos 3 is the best surface they ever had, the new surfaces are ridiculous. Not only do they wear super expensive nibs in just a few sessions, but they actually get worn down and leave you with this shitty plastic surface eventually which basically necessitates replacing the entire thing. Your explanation is plausible but it definitely worked out in Wacom's favor in either case.

>> No.3213083

unless you really can't work with the small canvas on the cintiq, you should stick with it because none of those tablets are gonna feel as good when it comes to drawing.

>> No.3213086

Procreate runs very well on the device and CSP, but I would opt for the 12.9, the 9.7 is too fucking small.

You'll most likely be using the ipad most of the time and then the cintiq to finish up your works ( depends you could just do it on ios CSP lol)

>> No.3213156
File: 19 KB, 800x495, wacom-intuos-pen-review-800x495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to upgrade from this, I like this tablet but it's fucking uncomfortable and at times I feel like the drivers don't do their work, I have 160 bucks but I should be able to get more if necessary, what a good option?

>> No.3213158

I use Ugee m1000l. Very cheap and good quality. Replacement parts are very cheap too, managed to pick up a new stylus and nibs for $10. Have had some trouble using it with some software though (namely mischief, also krita but that may have been on account of my shitty pc not being about to run it). Unlike other 'third party' tablets, the drivers are updately regularly and I've never had any issues with those. Very good deal for $50 but I'm sure another anon will have something better to suggest.

>> No.3213161

should i get an ipad pro 10.5 inch to draw with?

>> No.3213164


doesn't seems half bad, still, seems more like a replacement more than an upgrade

>> No.3213171
File: 40 KB, 700x458, hp-zbook-workstation-100739251-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's super fucking expensive, and I know all of us are poor, but has anybody else seen this beast?

>> No.3213175

it's $280? anon, that's less than huion screen tablets. better start making gay furry porn if that's super fucking expensive

>> No.3213180

No, it's 2800. Zbook x2. It's not out yet.

>> No.3213446

is 8192 pen pressures are meme?
i don't even figure out difference than 2048


>> No.3213477

lighter strokes register with greater accuracy. with 2048 levels you would have had to press fairly hard for light strokes to register.

>> No.3213749

That depends on your tablet stylus.
Some pens needed at least 3g before it's active.

It was one of the advantages wacom es had over other stylus's like n-trig.

Pressure sensitivity does not affect how hard you need to press for light strokes to register.

>> No.3213843

usb keyboard or use it against a wall.

>> No.3214049
File: 1.78 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this worth for a first tablet? It's the medium size

>> No.3214086
File: 223 KB, 1559x670, partician.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name a better tablet for the price

Monoprice is by far the partisan choice for low - medium skill artists

>> No.3214107

If we are going by value rather than price,

Wacom intuos 3.
Purchased 2008.
Still in active use. Replaced the nib 3 times, original surface.

Nearly 10 years, worth every penny.

>> No.3214418

Any chance of the Huion KAMVAS GT-191 going on sale for cyber monday?

>> No.3214422

I'm thinking of drawing with a surface pro 4 with a intuos pro medium. Would the surface pro 4 be high-spec enough to draw without lagging?

>> No.3214423

I can say the same about my Intuos4, bought in 2011, works perfectly to this day. Replaced nibs a few times, most of them are still unused.
I've written this a bunch of times in the past, Wacom products can last forever. So if you're planning to keep drawing you can't go wrong with a Wacom. Save up and get something decent.

>> No.3214424

Ipad pro <3

>> No.3214568

I was looking into upgrade from old bamboo pen to inutos pro m, but the surface stories kinda scare me. Is it really so bad? I never had to change the nibs and it was nice overall.

What about that intuos pro paper stuff, would it be better choice at this point?

>> No.3214628

Lads, I'm currently looking at a Cintiq 13HD (No touch) that's gotten it's price reduced by 66% due to a black friday sale.
Compared to what's currently on the market it's obviously an older piece of hardware but the price does make it really attractive.
Been doubting all day so far on whether to pick it up or not, I know the sale is continuing through out the weekend and I live in bumfuck nowhere so I have time to keep mulling it over, but I'd really appreciate a second opinion.

>> No.3214644
File: 42 KB, 666x500, 23755042_1702444599788109_2737896994623679748_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weird, just seen this this morning yesterday

>> No.3214646
File: 17 KB, 400x240, super complicated design by a genius inventor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you take the tablet
you put it inside the plastic file cover
you change the cover every now and again if you're secretly a gorilla and press on the stylus hard enough for it to leave traces on the plastic

>> No.3214669

Flash sale on amazon eu
I went for this one instead

>> No.3214674

get xp pen or huion instead dude

>> No.3214932


what website is it on?

>> No.3214960

>Wacom intuos 3

My school used those. pretty nice.

>> No.3215139

Ok, I'm hopping into the tablet market for the first time. Is there a decent, but affordable tablet out there that allows you to see what you're drawing on it without the use of a montior or a computer? I'm going to be working a job where I sit down all the time and work is going to frown upon me using the computer with non work related things, but ok'd the use of a tablet.

>> No.3215145

Drawing pad without screen = Graphics tablet or drawing tablet
Drawing screen = Screen tablet
Standalone machine = Tablet computer (or just tablet)

First figure out if you actually need a full-fledged independent tablet or would be okay with plugging a screened tablet into your computer with different displays on the PC monitor on the tablet

>> No.3215213

anyone here have the gt 191? is the screen protector really supposed to protect your eyes? should i wipe off the thin film of residue on the glass or is this a bad idea?

>> No.3215225

currently using a miix700

the pen is not the best, palm rejection sucks like most aes pens and it's an elan panel so you won't get feel drivers, means you'll need nezumi for pressure curve adjustments
but those out of the way, it's amazing, highly recommend it as a portable sketchpad with decent oomph to it and full windows, far cheaper than a surface pro, slightly worse, but you can at least change the battery easy[plus some other things] whereas if your battery dies in an SP, you're screwed

>> No.3215228

if you want to future-proof, go 16
the 13 only has FHD and far worse color repo
that and at 13inch at such resolution and aspect ration you'll be really struggling with screen estate, i don't recommend that unless you're mainly animating/sketching on it

for the 16, you basically need a thunderbolt usb-c or a usb-c that carries DP 1.2 signal, so not all usb-c will get it to go 4k

the pack-in cables don't do 4k, so you need to get a DP cable for the link that will carry the 4k signal, but despite what wacom says, the link does 4k

UHD and 15.6" will be plenty of space and DPP for most works, but you might want a second monitor for overview and can't litter the main screen with a ton of references [to maximize canvas space]

i recommend this over the 13 and the larger cintiqs
also keep in mind that it has fans, so if you want a stand, you'll need to look for something that doesn't cover the back

jitter has been allegedly fixed a while ago
mac's [as usual] may not work too well with it

>> No.3215595

DO IT FAGGOT Just fucking do it

>> No.3216069
File: 159 KB, 1500x1500, 7149ev9OqPL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was looking at this one, Anyone have any experience with it?

>> No.3216074
File: 75 KB, 1200x900, monoprice 625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't used it, but it's a good starting point, same specs as the low-end Intuos tablets on a nice medium-sized surface. I recommend shelling out $10 more for the 1060+, it looks miles better and has more shortcut buttons, not to mention an SD card slot. Or if you really wanna be a cheapskate, Monoprice sells pic related for only $45 - note the design!

>> No.3216372

Has Huion came out with anything better than the giano lately other than that wacky touchpad one? Can you use their newer design of stylus on the giano?

Mines okay but I hate how much desk space it takes up

Is going Intuos 3 really a legit option?

FWIW I’m the guy that bought a razer Tartarus thinking it would be hot shit for workflow shortcuts

>> No.3216461
File: 144 KB, 1314x535, chrome_2017-11-26_17-32-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought pic related to replace an old Intuos Pen & Touch Small, did I do good?

Also, will I look like an autist if I use it to take notes in class with my laptop? normally do I with the intuos but this one's way bigger

>> No.3216467

>Has Huion came out with anything better than the giano lately other than that wacky touchpad one? Can you use their newer design of stylus on the giano?
Check out the G10T, it seems pretty good and I've read good things about it

>> No.3216469

>11 by 7 inches
Yes, you'll look pretty autistic, but it may look interesting enough for a qt to come up and ask you about it

>> No.3216470

If you have $160 you can probably get a second hand Intuos Pro or something, alternatively, this anon's suggestion is a good choice if you want something bigger and better >>3216467

>> No.3216485

I recently got a tablet and am interested in getting into animation. I'm using pencil right now, but I'm annoyed by it. All the drawing/animation/painting programs anyone I follow uses is payed, but I was curious if there were any good free ones.

>> No.3216516

>Has Huion came out with anything better than the giano

I don't think so, they've just been repackaging their Intuos Medium alternatives for the most part

>Can you use their newer design of stylus on the giano?

That's a good question, I'm not sure. Seeing as the stylus is the closest thing the Giano has to an achilles heel that'd be interesting to know. To be honest though I highly doubt it.

>Mines okay but I hate how much desk space it takes up

It takes up barely any more desk space than even the smallest Cintiq does man, if it's that big of a problem maybe a bigger desk is something you should be investing in rather than a smaller tablet.

>Is going Intuos 3 really a legit option?

Yes and no, the Intuos 3 is good at the large size but the minimal hotkeys and enormous footprint make it a bit less than ideal. It's substantially bigger than the newer models which are themselves bigger than the Giano

>a bigger drawing surface area (11x7 v 8.8x5.5) and a smaller footprint than an Intuos Medium

It seems like it's a pretty good compromise between a Medium tablet and a Large one. If its stylus is that much better than the Giano it might be something to consider.

Krita is unstable as balls but has a good animation timeline reminiscent of Adobe Flash/Animate. No guarantees it'll work consistently but if you want free you got it.

>> No.3216520

How is the Huion LB4 Wireless Battery Powered Artists Tracing Light Box - 17.7 Inch?

>> No.3216524

Can't really screw up a lightbox. I doubt too many people here have used one so just read the reviews elsewhere.

>> No.3216624
File: 320 KB, 409x420, 54nxxe4589246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't Huion tablets brake after a short time?

>> No.3216734
File: 465 KB, 475x578, bellsprout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any suggestions for a good screen tablet? I was looking at the Cintiq 13 but it's a bit pricey, so I was wondering if anyone knew of one that was a bit lower in price but of relatively comparable quality.

>> No.3216825

Just brought a intuos4M off of eGoy.

There still arent any chink tablets with tilt control, right?

>> No.3216836

Ok, I've got 3 options for a new display tablet
Huion GT-191
XP pen Artist 16
An iPad pro 10.5

I'm upgrading from a bamboo (2013) and I can't get over the disconnect of the tablet and the screen and I've been doing more traditional work so that hasn't made it much easier to adjust.

>> No.3216852

Any alternative to Cintiq Companion? I need drawing tablet that does not need to be connected to the computer

>> No.3216858

You're just looking for a tablet in that case, you should determine what specs you want beyond the drawing capabilities as well. Surface and iPad both handle pressure sensitivity for instance

>> No.3216956

>Wacom Bamboo CTH470
Doesn't that have an active size that's even smaller than the one that was suggested not to get?


>> No.3216968

I'm trying to consider what I should be looking for in the next upgrade of my future tablet purchases. I have access to a goofy looking Bamboo Fun (CTE-650) and I was wondering what were your guys thoughts on it. Not that I would necessarily get an Intuos Pro Medium, but it seems like a lot of you recommend it. The active area of the two seem relatively the same though: 8.5" x 5.3" VS 8.7” x 5.8”.

Is there anything that would necessarily make the Intuos Pro better than the Bamboo? Besides that though, do you guys have any specific recommendations of older models that have a bigger active area?

>> No.3216980

Off the top of my head, the intuos has a higher dpi. I'm happy with the giano, but it's a bit too much if you don't have a big monitor and work huge. As far as what to look for, the only place to go from the midrange is top of the line or a cintiq.

>> No.3216984

Oh yeah, the pro also has tilt and hotkeys. Tilt is something you either absolutely need or never use, but hotkeys are just nice to have.

>> No.3217005

Thanks for replying. Having more hotkeys is definitely something I've wanted. I'm looking at the Giano right now actually.

This right?

>$160 when the Intuos Pro Large is $400
So what's the catch here? Because for the price this thing is looking good.

>> No.3217063

What are the differences between the 13/16in screen tablets to the 20+ in screen tablets as far as drawing experience? Is it somehow suppose to feel more natural? I've heard people say once they started using big tablets they couldn't go back to the smaller sizes but I don't know if they're just memeing considering all the money you'd save just sticking to a smaller size Cintiq.

>> No.3217075
File: 67 KB, 507x624, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm upgrading from a bamboo (2013) and I can't get over the disconnect of the tablet and the screen

This is exactly how the Cintiq meme is born


the Giano is very good, but has worse periphery stuff, most significant of which is its somewhat overactive pressure sensitivity. Most everything else is almost inconsequential, but begrudgingly I still think the Intuos Pro Large is worth the extra money. The Giano is a strong second choice even disregarding price, but the Intuos Large is the endgame.

>> No.3217097

invest to a business venture

>> No.3217102

Get a Matte Screen Protector. I have one on my Surface Pro 4 and it's definitely WAY less glassy and slippery even with the plastic tip nib. With the textured nibs you'll obviously get WAY more grip. Before I had my tablet I tried it in a store and the normal glass display and texture HB pen tip felt AMAZING to draw on, but being a /g/eek I went for the matte screen protector. Some might have a extra texture on it so it's up to you to see what you want.

>> No.3217171

Thinking of getting a cintiq pro 13, but I don't think I have the correct port for it. I tried looking up some converter things, but I'm not sure if they are the right ones. Can anyone tell me how I can go about connecting a cintiq pro 13 to a computer with only a usb and usb 3 port?

>> No.3217186
File: 64 KB, 640x640, s-l640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking about getting a Cintiq Pro when my tax refund came in. But all I've read were mostly bad reviews on it because its a pain in the ass to get working.
I was also thinking about getting a 22hd. Does anyone know how the parallax is on it compared to a 13hd?

Also does anyone use or have a recommendation for a 10key pad for shortcut keys?

>> No.3217193

>Only a USB and a USB 3 port

Care to elaborate on that? Is your PC a All-In-One? Can you post your computer model specifically?

>> No.3217218

This is the desktop I have. I'm not really tech savvy so I hope the relevant information is shown in here.

>> No.3217268

Should I buy the intuos pro medium or should I save up for the ipad pro? I've heard pretty good things about drawing on the ipad pro and with csp on the ipad, it seems to be an attractive option.

>> No.3217272

Been using a n52 for god knows how long.

Get a Razer orbweaver, has the macro functionality everyone could ever need, unless you are one of the AHK freaks then you can combine that too with it.

Also had the clip paint studio nintendo nunchuck thingy but it felt lacking.

Parallax is all about the thickness of the glass on top of the screen, the thicker the screen, the thicker the parallax.

>> No.3217300

Orbweaver looks really nice.
>no version for lefties

Is there any worse fate than being left handed?

>> No.3217302

You should know that any kind of tablet with a screen heats up if you use it for long periods of time. Screenless tablets don't do this.

>> No.3217303

Alternatively if you have a game controller you can use JoyToKey to map keystrokes and macros to it. Never tried it

And maybe being a ginger lefty would be worse.

>> No.3217304

having no arms

>> No.3217308


teach yourself to draw/write with your right hand, it is not impossible, just needs practice like everything else

>> No.3217359

Looks like you would need that Wacom Adapter that's says it's included, so you're good to go unless you're using literally all the display ports and have multiple monitors already. Save a USB port dedicated to the tablet or buy a little multi-USB HUB.

>> No.3217526
File: 22 KB, 401x401, 1494963587939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my xp-pen artist 16 just came but I can't get the pen to work on the entire screen.
It doesn't go over the taskbar and the top of the screen seems like it's cut off as well
I did the calibration thingy with the red dots already but that didn't change a thing
however, if i am pressing down on the desktop and have the selection thingy with the blue rectangle, i can go over the cut off zones just fine

>> No.3217530 [DELETED] 

Sounds like you got a defective one, try calling XPpen's customer service.

>> No.3217532

IT Helpdesk fag who works with graphic artists within the retail industry--Wacoms are considered the industry standard--walk into any company and 98% of the time, they will hand you a Wacom. In regards to their driver quite, I consider them the best, but that's not saying much--they're still prone to the odd glitches that will be prevalent for years only to be magically fixed in a rando driver update. Hardware wise, they're better than most third-party tablets, but that's not saying much. Most tablets are fairly decent nowadays--it's the software suite you have to worry about. Nothing worse than having to fight against shitty drivers.

>> No.3217536

Try deleting all tablet drivers (except wintab or windowsink if your in windows) and then re-installing the one you need. If that doesn't work your tablet probably is defective, try calling XPpen's customer service and see if they'll fix it or send you a new tablet.

>> No.3217538

WOuldn't recommend it--the reality of it is, you'll still need a regular keyboard for basic tasks. Some people swear by them, but those are people I think are already established within the industry where time is money. Ohterwise, the half second you saved zooming out might be negligible.

THe gist is, whatever you decide to use and learn, you do it for the long run, and whatever you do get, make sure to purchase multiples of it.

>> No.3217548
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hmm, after fiddling around with it some more, i think it's definitely a defective unit
i'll try it on a different pc tomorrow, if it doesn't work there either imma just send it back
thanks for your help!

>> No.3217560

So, what's a reasonable priced starter tables? I'm thinking about starting to draw and also not sure if I should start digital with a tablet or analogue with pen/paper.

>> No.3217568

E.g. found the intuos draw s (CTL-490DW-S, active area 152 x 95 mm) for 55€ and the one medium (CTL-671, active area 216 x 135 mm) for 99€.

>> No.3217629

For beginners who have little to no experience with graphic tablets and questionable IT skills?

Any non-Pro Intuos

It's with the extra money over a Huion for any time or head aches saved over troubleshooting drivers.

Once you know what you want, then you can start exploring third-party brands.

>> No.3217635
File: 440 KB, 1264x3000, evan-lee-hegemony (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You did great! Evan Lee uses the same tablet, and look at his works!

>> No.3217725

I'm a beginner, is the ipad pro and pencil worth it?

it'd also be really helpful for me since i need some apps on the iphone for other things too

>> No.3217758

Since you are beginning I would usually recommend starting with paper and pencil first and once drawing becomes a regular thing for you then go for it but because you will have other uses for it, if you can afford it without being stressed about it, why not?

>> No.3217792

Personally, I think any mobile tablet-tier stuff is a waste of money--maybe the iPad Jumbo-size, but the surface area and software is too limiting.

That being said, one thing about learning to draw is learning to draw from the arm, using learge, broad strokes--you can't really do that either a mobile tablet, or even with some of the smaller graphic tablets. It's fine to learn and use both at the same time, but the one thing you want to avoid is picking up bad habits.

>> No.3217807

Yeah but he'll use it for things other than drawing so I'm interpreting as I want an Ipad but hey cool I get to draw on it too.

>> No.3217810

i changed my mind i'm getting the kamvas

>> No.3217819

Enjoy your purchase and if I could make do without the apple apps you said you need, I would definitely done the same.

>> No.3217822

Since the cost would be about the same, which would you say would be the better choice between the Giano or the Intuos3?

>> No.3217828
File: 7 KB, 494x301, 1437933690_Graficheskiiy-planshet-Wacom-Intuos3-A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used Intuos 3 A4 for about 10 years, everything still works just as it did in first days of purchase, but after using a smaller tablet I realised that it may be too big for me. I'm low on budget right now so i'm looking at Wacom One CTL-672-N. Is it worth it?

>> No.3217836

Not sure why people are hot on the Kamvas--the DVI connection irks me to no end, and I thought we've gotten past having to charge pens?

>> No.3217844

>$400 for a Huion 19"
>Or $350 for a re branded 22" Monoprice Huoin

Makes me wonder if I'm missing something

>> No.3217891

From a drawing standpoint the 3 is almost indistinguishable from my 5, ignoring the pressure sensitivity errors I was experiencing anyway. The real x-factor is whether those errors can be ironed out by experimenting with different drivers, because if not that would be pretty much a deal breaker even if they were relatively infrequent. I mentioned a lot of the other cons to it in my review, up-thread: >>3206952

Ultimately I'd take the Giano between those two but it's surprisingly close considering how old the damn thing is.

As usual though, I'd more advocate getting a newer model of Large over just about anything else. The very newest model in fact is only $400 at the moment (less than $100 more than the older models are generally going for, used), and one thing I like about them is that they leave a bit smaller footprint than their predecessors and that they also have the best (though mostly superficial) features like integrated wireless and tilt (something the Giano lacks completely). If you think it's not worth spending that much money, just look at how the older models are practically selling for the same amount they did when they first came out. Even if you only draw for a year and give up you could get 70% of that money back and quick if you really wanted to.

$400 is nothing over a few years of drawing,


The thing is pretty humongous-I don't think you'd be doing yourself any favors downgrading though even if you think otherwise now, especially if you're "low on budget". If you're really intent on trying something smaller I THINK you can just map the active area to a specific portion of the tablet itself through the Wacom software (and if you're not doing it already, you should definitely be using the "force proportions" setting which already practically cuts the motherfucker in half)

>> No.3217953

Is there a big drawback in choosing a surface pro/ iPad pro vs something like a cintiq?

>> No.3217969

Only real thing is perhaps screen size and maybe battery life, though all of this is of course dependent on the models we're talking about and of course everybody has their preferences.
Though I do want to strongly emphasized to not only to you, but also to remind myself that it's not the Blacksmith's tool, but the Blacksmith himself.

>> No.3217975

It's worth buying the Huion 1060 Plus (on offer on amazon), or it's better the intuos?

>> No.3217983

Is it worth it to return my Huion GT-191 and get the GT-220 while its on a flash sale?

Is the extra screen space worth it?

>> No.3217987

I don't know if they still have it in inventory, but you can get the rebranded Monoprice for $350.

As far as I figure, it's an 'old' model that they slapped the Monoprice logo on. You can still use the Huion drivers, and the supposed 'firmware update' may actually be a driver thing, if not hackable.

>> No.3217989

directly buy on huion website
you can get a 8192 meme pressure

>> No.3217992

Saw the H640P. It's like the 1060, but with less buttons?
I don't have enough money to spend.

>> No.3217995

customs and shipping make me sad

>> No.3218056
File: 492 KB, 2000x2500, fucc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know how to fix dead pressure sensitivity levels? ive tried the soft tip feel setting in the wacom settings but that didnt help at all. image here shows you what the sensor is like, compared to the exact same sensor on the pen. ive tried replacing the nib, but that didnt work and messing with the wacom pressure curves but that also didnt work.
do i have to buy a new tablet? i dont want to fork off 100$ for a new slate
also i have had this tablet since i started art now i have grown attached to it :(

>> No.3218093

Are you sure it's not your computer's fault?
I had a slightly grounded laptop and the pressure is fucked and my cable is also damaged. I eventually changed laptop and now it works fine but my pen is now fucked I don't know why but my pressure is shakey when I touch my walls

>> No.3218094
File: 89 KB, 432x324, Wacom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A wacom tablet is just a grid of wires under plastic, there's nothing to break or wear out. You need a new pen, or you need to clean the one you have - the nib rides in a copper coil, and if that gets gummed up, it will effect the sensitivity.

To take your pen apart, just slowly pull it apart. It should open up. DON'T pull out the eraser part, there are too tiny springs that are impossible to get back in right.
The culprit is in the coil, somehow. It's probably gummed up - clean it carefully with a toothpick or something, and look inside the cap and see if any skin/dust/whatever is in there. If that doesn't fix it, you'll need to replace it. It's almost impossible to break the tablet part of a wacom, short of ripping the USB cable out, or cracking it.

>> No.3218132

this >>3218056

I also recommend separating the two coils by thin tape so they don't touch each other. I just did mine on the eraser part and the pressure seems okay. I did mine on the pen part long ago.

btw what can you recommend me? my pen pressure is rapidly going up and down at a fast rate when my skin touches something that is grounded (usb port, metals, or walls). pressure seems fine when my skin don't touch anything.

>> No.3218136

I get ghost touch on random occasions. It's become annoying. Should I open up my tablet area? CTH470

>> No.3218141
File: 96 KB, 500x653, FUCCC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was seriously considering probably not doing it because of this websites history of phones in microwaves, snapping your thumbs tendons and suffocating yourself in ammonia but HOLY FUCK

i was legit scouring around the internet for the past 4 hours and all of them said to change ur drivers, switch to wintab, change ur pressure curves but i decided to go fuck it ill just buy another one in case it breaks but damn wow

>> No.3218159

Can you use fishing line for nibs with huion?

>> No.3218179

I did try that, the thing is, its frame is so huge I can barely fit it on my table. And this is vital for me right now. I'm not going to sell it anyway, just try something else that is physically smaller and kinda cheap.

>> No.3218237

is screen real estate that important for you? i personally find the gt 191 gigantic enough that i have to resize windows smaller to feel more comfortable. but if you can afford the gt 220 then why not?

>> No.3218313

Thanks anon

>> No.3218488

I guess this is the right place to ask, What FREE painting programs support pressure sensitivity? I borrowed my friends Huion but apparently Paint.Net doesn't support it.

>> No.3218538

In terms of support for a wide variety of tablets, Krita's the free drawing program to get

>> No.3218539

just talk to the customer service they will guide you through everything.

there are to many things to list that you could have fucked up by yourself.

>didn't uninstall all tablet related drivers before installing the xp pen ones
>doesn't have the same resolution on tablet and monitor
>didn't install the drivers first before plugging the tablet in

i had no problems with my artist 16 cause i did everything exactly how it's supposed to be done, installed all my wacom and other tablet related drivers before installing then downloaded the latest drivers on the xp pen website cause i know from all the shitton of reviews and unboxing i watched that the drivers on the cd are bad, restart pc after drivers installed and plugged in the device, checked that my screen resolution is the same on both screens and it works perfectly

>> No.3218542

just talk to the customer service they will guide you through everything.

there are to many things to list that you could have fucked up by yourself.

>didn't uninstall all tablet related drivers before installing the xp pen ones
>doesn't have the same resolution on tablet and monitor
>didn't install the drivers first before plugging the tablet in

i had no problems with my artist 16 cause i did everything exactly how it's supposed to be done, UNinstalled all my wacom and other tablet related drivers before installing then downloaded the latest drivers on the xp pen website cause i know from all the shitton of reviews and unboxing i watched that the drivers on the cd are bad, restart pc after drivers installed and plugged in the device, checked that my screen resolution is the same on both screens and it works perfectly

>> No.3218798
File: 35 KB, 640x480, 1329975407904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go a little overboard on Cyber Monday
>On a whim, purchase a 22" Monoprice graphic display tablet
>Heard they were rebranded Huions and didn't really pay attention to the model when I cross-referenced it off of Amazon
>Get the tablet
>"Oh boy oh boy"
>It's a completely different model than I thought it was

Don't know if I want to spend the time trying to troubleshoot it or just return it in shame

>> No.3218857

I'm quite confused /ic/, I just bought the Huion 1060+ which advertises 8192 levels on Amazon but the company answered a question saying it's only 2048, and my packaging says 8192 levels:

What do you think, and is there any way to actually confirm it? Googling all the serial numbers I can see yields nothing

>> No.3218868

There is an old Huion 1060+ which pen is 2048
The Huion NEW 1060+ is the one that comes with the unnecessary 8192 levels of pressure.

>> No.3218873

This review says it had 2048, so there are even more variations with the same name

I just noticed it says "Model: NEW 1060PLUS(8192)" on the bottom so I'm leaning towards it being a lucky deal now?

>> No.3219022

Apparently I bought the Parblo Coast Monoprice 22" instead of the Huion GT - 220 Monoprice.

Worth returning, the difference in price between $350 and $500?

>> No.3219030

Is the intuos art medium a good upgrade from an old bamboo small? They're on sale right now

>> No.3219049

Yes, medium size is really important. If you want a bit more than a starting tablet, Intuos Pro Medium has 8192 sensitivity, 8 shortcut buttons, and higher resolution

>> No.3219142

Welcome. That's why I posted the picture of my pen taken apart, I've had to clean mine a couple of times. I get why you were leery, tho, this forum can be pure cancer.

>> No.3219155

I bought my CTH470 at a Staples seven years ago and it has not given me a single problem to this day. I think I picked mine up for like $90 at the time, so I'm a bit confused as to why Amazon has these things priced at $250. Apparently nine year-old tablets only appreciate in value, or Wacom really needs those shekels.

>> No.3219947

this is a public service announcement guys

if you buy a cintiq you are legit the most autistic person in the universe

the new huion kamvas and even xp pen lines are WAYYY better than the cintiqs.

Unless your cock is thirsting for 4k there is legit no reason to get a cintiq anymore, the experience is almost literally the fucking same at a fraction of the price.

Buy a big off brand tablet ( huion/xp pen) and get an ipad for portability.

jesus christ why the fuck did i buy a cintiq instead of getting a xp-pen in the first place

>> No.3220429

I'm going to buy my first tablet, currently using an borrowed Wacom CTL-671, there are so many models on the market that i cant choose one. Should i settle for an CTL-672 with 2048 pressure levels or maybe jump straight into a Intuos Pro with 8192 pressure levels, i will primarily be using it for drawing on Clip Studio Paint and Photoshop. Help me guys.

>> No.3220441

Just to put things into perspective unless you can accurately control increments of 0.04 grams of force, use a brush with shape dynamics from 0-8192 of size, can really tell the difference between 80% opacity vs 80.01% and so forth, do not let the 8192 pressure levels be a deciding factor as it's mostly just a marketing gimmick.

>> No.3220631

pressure levels are a meme, do not take them into account.

>> No.3220632


There's a new XP-Pen display tablet that does 8000 pressure levels
might be good?

>> No.3220871

Always pick
>>Drivers > Size > Features

One thing wacom does do right is their drivers--some of the third-party drivers are iffy at best, especially if you're using a Mac. From there, you pick the size that you want--if you want a nice big tablet to learn to draw from the arm, forego features that you probably won't use. After that, everything is frosting on the cake.

>> No.3220883

By the way, I'm not specifically saying to get a Wacom--especially if you're on a budget, but I am saying taking into account proper driver support. If you have a Mac, make sure it explicitly supports whatever OS version you're on.

>> No.3220910

>One thing wacom does do right is their drivers

>> No.3220925

Are you really going to sit there and pretend that any random Huion, XP-Pen or Parblo is any better?

I literally have a Parblo sitting here that I can't adjust the sensitivity on under High Sierra.