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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 45 KB, 855x741, cutest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3200047 No.3200047 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get as good as yev-san?

>> No.3200055

why are there so many pedophiles on this board? it's disgusting

>> No.3200057


That looks more chibi than loli tho

>> No.3200064

That's the same thing except one has bigger hips

>> No.3200069

Someone call the Goblin Slayer

>> No.3200075
File: 44 KB, 680x510, 46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3200085

You dont OP. You just continue making crappy drawings like the rest of us.


>> No.3200095

>le chicken scratch ms paint style

>> No.3200096

Chibi is actually the re-escalation of the proportions to a smaller one so it isn't necessarily an underage character

>> No.3200101

You could always fuck off to literally any other art related place.

>> No.3200108 [DELETED] 


It is my inner pedophile speaking.

Why do we live in a society where is applauded and celebrated when a small white man gets banged by gargantuan musclebound negroes, yet something as natural as a tasty young female is seen as "evil"?

Why is this world so OBSESSED with chocolate 12+ inchers?

>> No.3200115


>> No.3200134

>chicken scratch
you dont even know what you are talknig about, do us all a favor and shut the fuck up.

>> No.3200135

yev is a god, you'll never reach him.

>> No.3200138

Chicken scratching is the result of inability to get the line right the first time, which is not yev's case.
In other words, you're talking out of your ass.

>> No.3200148

he just chooses to have his line be shitty but i guess pedopandering is doing wonders for him according to this thread

>> No.3200157

Kill yourself fag

>> No.3200159

Are people just memeing in the alt threads or do people actually love this guy's stuff?

>> No.3200166

guns kill people, so does yev

>> No.3200167
File: 25 KB, 145x191, ayy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le low res no rendering mspaint style
is this truly the most ebin of all styles?

>> No.3200169
File: 154 KB, 660x499, yevisgay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

traps arent gay

>> No.3201530

Then it isn't the same thing now is it?

>> No.3201621

no. this is the state of /ic/ now. people here have such shit taste and shit understanding of art that people like yev seem like gods to them. despite being complete trash.

>> No.3201622

post work

>> No.3201624

I'm disappointed this wasn't a full episode on how to draw the letter H.

>> No.3201662

go and suck yevs dick some more you 14 year old weaboo cunt.

>> No.3201666

nice work, oh wait, you're just a retarded DK shitposter

>> No.3201670


The bar to impress /ic/ is low because people outside of the promo threads don't draw or are beginners. We have the same regulars posting in alt for years so anyone new coming in is see--sorry not "SEEN" treated with respect.

Quite the opposite, really. You see whenever one praises someone too much it's usually to do so to keep them down. Reverse psychology is at work here. Now if you want proof of this in action just look at some regulars here: n*sebro comes to mind, and pops/pips, and even Fi*z to a degree.

>> No.3201721

You sound like a pretentious kunt. You need to realize that even if an artist is just slightly better than you, its perfectly OK to look up to him. That's how you improve after all. Just because you imply you are better than that (which, lets face it you wont probably prove), doesnt mean others cant appreciate, and benefit from

>> No.3201753

Yev has better work ethic than most of /ic/. A lot of you don’t even realize he’s underage too. The kid’s got a good work ethic and goals that he’s set for himself, which is more than can be said for a lot of us. He’s not the greatest ever, but he has more potential to be the greatest than a lot of you crabs in a bucket.

>> No.3201769

Good question.

>> No.3201793

hes 18 actually

>> No.3201954

Pedos seem relatively rare, but almost everyone in the porn threads is gay

>> No.3202504
File: 1.07 MB, 380x655, it just works.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is some really weird work, you only spewed shit and forgot to attach a pic

>> No.3202524

>good work ethic
he hasnt finished one drawing
just because he doodles the same shit over and over doesnt mean he has good work ethic

>> No.3202562

I'm sure you're gonna make it. Now go work on your 3 week rendering of a foot that you still haven't finished.

>> No.3202873

>anyone who disagrees with me is bad at art
sure thing

>> No.3203154

Yev stop making your own threads to shitpost

>> No.3204796

Yev's actually getting pretty alright.

>> No.3204849
File: 211 KB, 663x902, example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yev is shit, but can do so much better if he actually tried instead of posting chicken scratch.
Here you go. Some lines I've completed before coloring.

>> No.3204860


The other drawings by yev in this thread aren't chicken scratching moron. Fuck off to /beg/

>> No.3204861

Okay, Yev.

>> No.3204863

def prefer yevs over this.

your poses aren't static and the lineweight seems pretty inconsistent

>> No.3204872

no, but low resolution is

>> No.3204880


Chicken scratching isn't any line that isn't perfectly smooth.

>> No.3204884


Wtf im not the guy who posted the drawing , I don't see how this is beg tier even in the slightest. you people are so caught up in your own egos and trying to drag other people down that you try to morph reality by calling someone beg that is no way in hell even close to beg tier.

>> No.3204887

Firez actually improved though

>> No.3204888


Anyone who thinks the drawings posted are "chicken scratching" is beg tier. He is the anon trying to drag other people down desu.

>> No.3204898

lol no, have you seen his recent portraits? barf.

>> No.3204977

Took your advice on the line weight.
>aren't static
If you mean static, then I disagree. They may be standing, but there's still perspective and the characters are not just acting like dolls and being rigid. They fit into the positions.
Just because the perspective isn't from an ant's view, doesn't mean that it's static.

>> No.3204978
File: 204 KB, 627x900, example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3204998

This is why you should never post your art in /ic/. Especially in alt threads

>> No.3205003
File: 77 KB, 768x960, 1472065278685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yev is shit

>> No.3205017

>but can do so much better if he actually tried instead of posting chicken scratch.

Thank you for proving I'm a THRIVING ARTIST, crab.
I think the only things that would be negative for me would be criticizing, which is the point of this board, and talking about people.

>> No.3205021

>chicken scratch
You're not even trying. Go back to /beg/.

>> No.3205023

I don't understand why this thread exists, you could just ask him his process and follow what he did to emulate him.
This circlejerking and hating going on in here is pathetic.

>> No.3205029

Who cares about chicken scratching as long as the fundies are good, honestly

>> No.3205032

aren't dynamic yeah whoops
just look boring as fuck basically.

What are your trying to show with the figure's pose? what do you want us to know about the character? That they're in a neutral posture with no expression on their face and no clothing?
Am I supposed to be turned on? what is the point of your image? what are you trying to show the viewer?

>> No.3205037
File: 103 KB, 753x1178, DNuiaGEUMAABe3.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chicken scratching is buzzword

>> No.3205038

lol, no. Sorry. That's a nude alt. Nude is faster to do. The thing is that the character will be clothed and that was to be the nude alt.
Generally just to show what the character looks like nude. Also, the posing was to show that the older version of the character is more reserved and calmer, while the younger version is ready for anything that comes at her. More spunky I suppose. I'll probably post the final clothed version in the draw thread later.

>> No.3205044

to add, it basically looks like you were so obsessed/focused with getting some degree of accuracy you lost any sense of gesture or dynamicism. I prefer yev's work to yours because his is far more loose/fluid. There is a major difference in confidence between the two of you.

>> No.3205047

yeah if this is concepting or something then don't need any amount of dynamicism, since you're just showing designs for whatever character.

If you're trying to have some degree of interest/appealism this doesn't cut it

>> No.3205052

Using mspaint to hide your shitty lines as “style”, fucking lol.

>> No.3205194


>> No.3205202

It's really sucks. Now everyone will know that you talk shit about other artists.

>> No.3205204

Define talk shit please? All I said was that his lines are shit and that all he needs to do is spend more time on his drawings to improve them.
I'm not insulting the guy.

>> No.3205208

>tfw gonna make it

>> No.3205209


But his lines are better than yours, so it kind of gives a weird vibe anon

>> No.3205210
File: 1.09 MB, 2943x1797, 1321543654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chicken scratch

>> No.3205221

>All I said was that his lines are shit

>> No.3205222

Because you don't understand what chicken scratching is. Having loose and gestural lines does not equate to chicken scratching. Chicken scratching is when a /beg/ is too afraid to put a line down on the canvas so he feathers and pets every line, ruining his piece. The OP dude's lines are laid down with confidence and accuracy.

>> No.3205224

How about instead of "chicken scratch" let me replace that with "his lines are shitty and is clearly unsure of where to put them so he ends up making his drawing so loose that it only vaguely resembles what the form is supposed to look like. Vague enough to seem like he knows what he's doing, but still shit enough for anyone who isn't a crab to realise it's garbage."

>> No.3205230

no. Because as evidenced by your shitty, static line work, you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. His lines are much more appealing than yours so your advice isn't warranted. It seems like you're just salty now cause you got called out and are taking it out on the OP pic.

>> No.3205235


dunning-kruger detected

>> No.3205236

>static line work

>> No.3205240

Wow, you're so talented oh my god wow! Forget realism or rendering, just keep doodling, the quicker and looser the better! I'm sure you'll never plateau!

>> No.3205248

okay, kid ;)

>> No.3205249



>> No.3205253

bland, generic, plain, lifeless.

>> No.3205257


>> No.3205263

I just told you what it means gay boy.

>> No.3205279
File: 1.12 MB, 1181x1200, tumblr_oyr86w1Lqa1vmaoxfo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really don't think you're in a position to trashtalk other artists lmao

>> No.3205286
File: 105 KB, 800x800, IMG_000758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking chicken scratches

>> No.3205289

That's not chicken scratching. That's just a little rough.

>> No.3205291

you wreak of some butthurt autist thats jealous of another noname artist.

go spend your time studying how to paint and gesture its far more productive than what you're doing now in this thread.

>> No.3205303

chicken scratches? where?
You need to work on ur values, and composition. After that you worry about colors.

>> No.3205307

im not the dude, i looked at his blog because i wanted to compare. I'm just another anon here for the ride

>> No.3205318

I'll admit that was definitely one of my weaker pieces. I'll add value and composition studies to my list.

>> No.3205330

lose the fucking ego and just work on your own stuff dude, its super cringe-worthy and the only reason you get commissions is because you do lewdwork

>> No.3205444
File: 212 KB, 189x189, 1450489204528.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is 100% of the reason why I lurk and don't post art

>> No.3205477

But he's right though. Yev is not good. This isn't a normie highschool art class where style is appreciated more than technical skill. This is a place where mid-level artists come to hone their skills to git gud. The only art gods that were on here were Tehmeh, Cabib, Teal(to an extent, only famous for his redlines), and Acidenema.

>> No.3205479
File: 8 KB, 250x237, doggo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, I meant to reply to >>3201721

>> No.3205485

I don't understand yev's art what's the appeal behind the really pixelated lines. It literally looks like chicken scratch

>> No.3205507
File: 1.25 MB, 300x150, midlevel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is a place where mid-level artists come to hone their skills to git gud.

>> No.3205508

just don't have a giant ego about your work and you'll be fine

>> No.3205559

>draw nowhere to be found
artist huh

>> No.3207491

Just hide and move on. Your newfaggotry is showing

>> No.3207520

the answer is pretty obvious since 90% of these board is just degenerate faggots who want to draw porn.

>> No.3210298


>> No.3210357

Welcome to 4chan.

>> No.3212081

Messy lines =\= chicken scratch though

>> No.3212098
File: 132 KB, 359x265, 543235465476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anons that post these types of threads where an artist is mentioned of being good/bad just want to stir some shit up

>> No.3212105

Ebin bread

>> No.3212169

Natural talent and grasp on volume. Won't matter in the long run without proper practice. Read more books Yev.