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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 31 KB, 640x360, Light_Goes_Insane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3198725 No.3198725[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've grinded drawing circles, I've grinded drawing squares, all these fucking shapes for months on end. Spent money on books which I read cover to cover-- Bought tons of fucking brain stimuli to help myself focus on the sole task of drawing hot cartoon characters.

So why the FUCK can't I produce anything good? Is it genetics? Am I fucking retarded? What do you assholes have that I don't? Is it money? What the fuck is it? Are you sucking dick for free Master lessons?

>> No.3198731

You either fuck off to the feel thread >>3190653 with this bullshit or post your art for critique

If you come up with excuses of why you shouldn't post your work do us all a favor and delete this thread.

>> No.3198734

Post your work
You probably can't even draw a circle or square

>> No.3198739

Why so you can meme link me to loomis you useless pieces of shit? Go waste away in the generals pretending you know how to draw anything. I'm not posting shit nor am I deleting this fucking thread. Go sort PDFs and reference shots for eternity.

>> No.3198746

Please post your work. Maybe you aren't as bad as you think you are? Not them btw.

>> No.3198759
File: 202 KB, 1712x1712, anthony jones laughs @ u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you've read the books cover to cover? Good job, do you think that watching a few UFC events will make you a Mixed-Race Martial Artist too?

Pathetic coward

>> No.3198760
File: 122 KB, 448x494, 1509121032527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just stop. Obviously it doesn't work for you, you'll have to try other ways before being demotivated. Did you try drawing plenty of hot cartoons characters instead of circles and squares? Not even joking, suffer through some Bargue plates to acquire a basic ability to copy decently, then copy hot cartoon characters from your favorite artists. Then draw them again from memory. See if it works better than circles and squares.

>> No.3198767

Let me let you in on a secret. The griding circles, squares, ellipses aka draw a box style shit is a meme. First of all before Draw A Box or Dynamic Sketching it was called "viscom" or visual communication. This was a course designed for concept designers and a niche course taken by art center students. By the time Han plagued the internet by his rebranding of "viscom" it was a matter of time before some loser(S) (yes that's plural) copied is teachings (though not really his, passed down to him) and poisoned the well with watered down version of Dynamic Sketching to what we know as draw a box.

It wasn't just the ISIS member, soon Matt Khor did it, SVS did it, every youtuber dick and ham did it to """teach""" beginners how to draw when this is far from the case of everyones goals. Back then on the internet there was no such thing of grinding circles like a mad retard. If you want to see what it was like in 2005 just go to CA and look through the old sketchbooks.

In short, too much information has plagued the internet with confusion.

>> No.3198773
File: 801 KB, 1462x1462, 1500359385808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not having the intuition to know that "grinding" gets you nowhere means you probably wouldn't have gotten far in art anyway. Fishing is a more suitable hobby.

>> No.3198777

I grinded in such a manner and I'm glad I did. I can put a line pretty much exactly where I want it very easily. If I wasn't a piece of garbage that takes months-long breaks from drawing seriously I would have substantially increased the rate at which I'd have been liable to improve, I guarantee it.

>> No.3198780


Find something else.

>> No.3198781

>Are you sucking dick for free Master lessons?

Is that how you join cgpeers these days? All I had to do was register with an email.

>> No.3198794

I feel you op. Ignore the crabs shitting on you

>> No.3198801

OP is dragging himself down. He is calling himself retarded. He is shutting himself off to criticism that would help him because the safety of the bucket is more familiar and safe than the pain of a wounded ego.

The most dangerous crab is the one inside your mind.

>> No.3198806

He doesn't need to post work because he will not get useful criticism from the crabs already attacking him

>> No.3198811

If youre gonna bitch about being shit atleast post your work so some anons can pump your tires a little.

>> No.3198817

All you’re doing is giving OP an excuse to stay in the bucket. You aren’t helping him, you’re hurting him.

>> No.3198825

If the op isn't lying he does more work than the crabs that give "critique" here.

>> No.3198830

You should assume he is lying until he provides evidence to the contrary. Lack of effort is the most common reason artists here fail - they claim they drew “sooooo many boxes” when they really just drew a couple pages and didn’t bother paying attention to perspective. Or they do as OP already admitted to doing and count passive research time as active practice time.

>> No.3198869


Months? You have to do this shit for years until you get it right. How close are you to the 10,000 drawings treshold?

>> No.3198894
File: 459 KB, 1280x720, 1446089738144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks throwing money at books and drawing squares is somehow going to draw his animays

>> No.3198900

You fell for too many memes. Just draw what you want to draw till you get good at it.

>> No.3198903


>> No.3198915

this 100%. Truth be told. You get better at what you draw more of. Doesn't mean you'll be super good at drawing lets say anime in this case, if your super good at drawing circles or squares. Silly me, but I used to think I could draw prettier anime if I worked on my handwriting... Back then I realize how delusional I was..

>> No.3198984


Thing is the overall goal for anyone practising art would be to eventually learn to draw anything from request. Of course you can't memorize every single thing on Earth so you need to work with references for specific requests but if you want to learn to "specifically draw anime", you have the wrong mindset for the overall learning process.

>> No.3198989

>I've grinded drawing circles, I've grinded drawing squares, all these fucking shapes for months on end.
No one told you to do this.
>Spent money on books which I read cover to cover
No one said reading books equals practicing drawing.
>Bought tons of fucking brain stimuli to help myself focus on the sole task of drawing hot cartoon characters.
I'm not going to bother quoting the rest of your post. This is obviously bait. How about you fuck off?

More shit bait.

Stupid meta shit just begging for (You)s doesn't belong here. Fuck off.

>> No.3199020 [DELETED] 

Thanks for the (you) you said didn't want give me. Now get your ass back to loitering /co/ and roleplaying artist.

>> No.3199022

Thanks for the (you) you said didn't want tp give me. Now get your ass back to loitering /ic/ and roleplaying as an artist.

Be sure to parrot and link loomis like you know what the fuck you're talking about too. This board has more frauds than /fit/

>> No.3199067

Objectively post your work

>> No.3199070

Stop bumping this thread, it's obviously bait. Look at how OP responds to everyone. They're not going to post their work. They're only looking for attention. And you're giving it to them. Stop.

>> No.3199077

Did someone tell you to "fuck off" and it hurt your feelings so you just GOT to tell random strangers to fuck off? Because that's how your post reads.

>> No.3199096
File: 146 KB, 605x345, 1475417293240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3199097

this t b h, stupid gullible OP got tricked by crabs

>> No.3199103

your forced meme wont take off

>> No.3199104

>your forced meme
fucking lol
also, I don't know if you've been paying any attention but it already has

>> No.3199115

Fuck off autistic crab

>> No.3199116

One or 2 people parroting the leftovers doesn't count as ingrained board meme. Keep spamming the word "crab" until it does, though.

>> No.3199122


>one or two

Ctrl+F 'crab' for me to show how retarded you are in this very thread

>> No.3199125


look at the # of posters to "crab" ratio and tell me that isn't just you and the same defeatist faggot I'm forced to reply to daily