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File: 10 KB, 1200x1080, stupid box.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3192220 No.3192220 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3192221


>> No.3192223

No but it helps

>> No.3192227


>> No.3192239

probably but it might not help

>> No.3192250

you don't have to grind them, but you must understand them. For example the middle school math homework box you posted is wrong from an art standpoint as it does not exist in 3 dimensional space, it has no vanishing points.

>> No.3192264
File: 249 KB, 1024x683, 1503520721902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when viewed through a long enough lens vanishing points become imperceptible, from an art standpoint it's close enough

>> No.3192268

also you do need to grind them, it's not enough to understand them you need to understand it well enough that you can do it without consciously having to think about it

>> No.3192347
File: 115 KB, 621x1000, Raffaello,_studio_per_la_trasfigurazione_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Draw a box in a hundred different angles. Now draw a sphere in a hundred different angles. Now which one did you do faster? Fucking boxes are a meme that waste time, rounded shapes like spheres is the actual way to learn to draw.

>> No.3192355

How the fuck are you gonna draw a sphere in a hundred different angles you stupid son of a bitch? I nearly choked on my fucking sandwich. A sphere looks exactly the same no matter what perspective. Oh my god. Lmfao. Shit.

>> No.3192370
File: 775 KB, 1636x882, burne hogarth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh sure, I'll go construct everything with spheres

>> No.3192373

OP's shitty attempt clearly has diverging lines though so even the lens excuse doesn't apply here

>> No.3192385

it doesn't, it's perfectly parallel

>> No.3192500
File: 2.88 MB, 240x180, 1507953172238.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Now draw a sphere in a hundred different angles

>> No.3192600

Pretty much. If you grind boxes in perspective for half an hour before each time you draw you'll see an insane improvement in your drawing skills.

It could literally save you years. You'll think, 'it can't be the boxes' and stop for a while, then realize you've lost the ability to draw in perspective because you didn't drill it into your head long enough. Then you'll go crawling back to the boxes.

Lots of people want to know the secret to drawing with no guides or references like Kim Jung Gi, boxes are it. He's so used to drawing in perspective with construction that he can do it by 'ghosting', by calculating it with his head, measuring things out with his brush before putting marks down, by using lines he's put down as details for perspective guides (like straight lines on a car window for example) etc.

Draw the boxes.

>> No.3192603


>> No.3192618


>> No.3192626

Honestly, putting a cross/X on a sphere and learning the basics on how it morphs as the sphere is rotated is extremely important for beginners to learn.

>> No.3192630

I wouldn't say 'extremely.' You can do it in a technical way but most people wouldn't, I don't think.

It's more important to get a 'feel' for how things wrap, your'e talking about drawing over surfaces, surface lines etc. Which yes, are important, whether over a sphere or otherwise.

Preston Blair famously has the egg exercise for building a memory/getting a feeling for wrapping features on a sphere. Where you draw a face on an egg then draw it from all angles.

>> No.3192633

inb4 you think i'm saying an egg is a sphere. It's close enough that the exercise is valid for learning to draw wrapping features and that's the point.

Anywhere but on the internet, and especially 4chan I wouldn't need to say this inb4. But I can feel the angry pedantic eyes on my post ready to pounce and miss the point.

>> No.3192635

And even though I address your post, I don't mean necessarily you, you're probably fine. Just any random person can and would.

>> No.3192639

What's the point of doing the boxes if I don't know how to use them.

>> No.3192654

actchually, in linear perspective, spheres near the circle of view elongate in the direction of the central vanishing point, resulting in an ellipse tilted toward the cvp.

>> No.3192775

>waah whuuuuh grinding harrrrd :(

You STUPID MOTHERFUCKERS aren’t following instructions. You’re supposed to be doing one, maybe two sheets of exercises per day, and the exercises are only partly boxes. The whole thing takes fifteen dumb little minutes. Grow a fucking attention span.

>> No.3192779

So I take 15 minutes to draw a part of a box a day? Got it colonel.

>> No.3192789

I've been grinding the Scott Robertson exercises and doing repetitive lines, and drawing boxes in perspective for days now, I'm trying to fill 1000 copy paper and I finished 500 so far. It's fucking excruciating and it take most of my day. Seeing this made realize I'm not wasting my time so that's good haha.

>> No.3192816
File: 704 KB, 1080x936, 22069509_116716362357454_6552573557577089024_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really. If you want to draw stuff from your head from different views it'll help tho.

Learn how to draw objects within a cube from orthagraphic view then redraw it from imagination. This is what Kim Jung Gi does but in his head. If you watch Krenz Cushart's and Yu Cheng Hong's perspective tutorials they show how to do this.

>> No.3192918

That's why artists never use that kind of lense you fucking dummy. As representational artist you are meant to show depth and 3 dimensionality and perspective is your tool in doing that.

>> No.3193003

This. The whole squares thing is a meme perpetrated by the media so art doesn't come in overabundance and loses its value. If you even spend a day drawing circles, you improve drastically.

>> No.3193005

box perspective is real fucking easy you really don't need to grind to understand it. I don't quite understand why people keep pulling away from even spend the smallest amount of time to practice basics.
the longest time I spent drawing is finding a appreciable style, not these "fundies". it took me close to 2 years, I sometimes look back and feel really stupid.

>> No.3193016

box will lead you to draw anything without stagnation. without boxes, you will have difficulty drawing about anything challenging.

i understood boxes better after associated then with geometry. think of parallel lines and sides, and think of Vanishing points and sides, it became sooo easy to understand.