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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3189619 No.3189619 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw been drawing every day for almost 2 years now
>tfw stopped improving like at the start of 2017 and been stagnating ever since
>still draw every day just cause its a habit
>no goals
>have no idea what I'm doing anymore or why I'm even drawing
>just draw
What do? What do you guys draw to facilitate improvement? How do you define your goals to maximize motivation and progress? How do you ensure that you're on the right track? How the fuck do you get out of a year long rut?

>> No.3189641

post work.

>> No.3189707

post work. If you're gonna bitch about "how do I improve !!!!" on /ic/ - Artwork/CRITIQUE, it helps to give people insight on where you seem to fall short.

unless OP pic is your work. In that case, do something about that shit perspective or anatomy, and then the other. That'll keep you busy for a while.

>> No.3189711

draw everyday. draw some bad stuff from imagination and then work on what you're weak on.

>> No.3189776

Always, try new things. New poses, angles, colors, styles, everything

>> No.3189844

If you can't draw without goals for over a year, art is not going to be your career. You should probably let it go as a hobby, too. I've had periods, like a week, where I didn't have ideas pop into my head, or find things I wanted to paint - I have a HUGE list of stuff I still havent gotten to yet, and I've been painting for decades. I just had a new piece come into focus today, doing the dishes. I've known since I was a kid, I wanted to have a creative job. Why are you pursuing art? From a real place of passion and interest, or a vague idea some mythical "cool" job as a concept artist, or something?

If your interest in art stops at repetition, art's probably not going to be your life's pursuit, and you probably need to find new life goals.

>> No.3190061

I try to do that already.
I definitely get ideas and stuff I want to draw/paint/animate all the time it's just that I don't know how to get there and half no short term goals anymore. Before it used to be like "I'll learn anatomy this month" or "I'll do perspective this month" but now idk. I'm not super into concept art though, I was thinking about maybe storyboarding.

>> No.3190065
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>Responds to posts saying 'already do that!'
>Completely ignores people saying to post work

that's it, this thread has peaked, nothing new can come of it, just go home

>> No.3190066

Sounds like you’re experiencing your first slump. Congrats anon. To get through it you need to remember why you like to draw or why you wanted to start in the first place.

Asking other anons for their reasons won’t help you all that much. Take a good look at yourself anon and ask yourself what it is that makes you want to draw in the first place

>> No.3190073

Post your work.

If you've been drawing consistently every day, there's no reason you shouldn't be at a decent enough level to begin sustaining yourself through art.

I experienced a couple slumps as well while learning, but it's honestly hard to give advice if you don't show any work.

>> No.3190082

Usually when people post their work they get laughed at or praised, either way the thread gets derailed. See the dude who made the thread about drawing anime for example.
Yeah that's probably it, guess I'll just reevaluate my goals and push through it. Thanks for the advice.
>but it's honestly hard to give advice if you don't show any work
Yeah fair enough, I should just stop bitching and draw. I'll try to delete the bread in a few hours. :\

>> No.3190085

When people post their work, they get told what to fix. For someone with goal-setting problems, this is valuable.

>the dude who made the thread about drawing anime

He got told what he needed to fix, and he ignored it. So are you, probably because you have the same problems and want a magic bullet instead of doing work.

>> No.3190091

He is just scared to be blasted

>> No.3190092

Aren't we all?

>> No.3190099

well the only way to get around without getting blasted is to develop a critical eye and gain the ability to judge oneself objectively. a mindset that knows where the next goal is.

>> No.3190103
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well you either post your work and get ass blasted or train your critical eye further to help guide you and not stagnate, otherwise this thread derails. There's nothing else for us to say that hasn't already been said.

>> No.3190212

read the sticky