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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 46 KB, 437x501, fug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3181196 No.3181196 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ic/, I don't know if any of you are in the same situation, but I'm stuck.

How do I deal with the fact that I will never become a good artist? I dreamed to work in the industry one day doing cool projects but I think I'm just not fit for it. I'm trying to look away from that dream by working on other things I like, (studying biology) but nothing compares to my love for art and stories.

How the FUCK do I just get over with it? Depression is kicking hard because of this.

>> No.3181198

buy a shotgun. you know what to do with it

>> No.3181199

Direct your stupid blogposts to the general >>3170659

Thread hidden

>> No.3181202

will do but it isn't really a confession

>> No.3183551

take over germany

>> No.3183557

Lower your expectations?

Just because you aren't loomis or vilppu doesn't mean you can't keep drawing and maybe get in the industry.

Also why do you need to be in the industry to work on cool projects or make cool art and enjoy art and stories to the fullest.

Just keep drawing and putting your ideas out there. Also look at what's popular and mainstream. None of it takes much artistic skill to make. quality art=/= success.

Just do what makes you happy anon!

>> No.3183564

We're similar in three ways: art, biology (well, studying biotechnology in my case) and depression. When I feel like you I go to onejof my favorite artist's deviantart and find his oldest, hideous stuff. Alternatively, I look at some really successful artist who sucks at drawing and think "we can all make it"

>> No.3183579
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Fuck working on projects for other people. Make your own stories. The more invested in your art from a personal point of view the more invested you'll be in improving. That's more or less how I became "good".

Don't stop drawing anon.

>> No.3183787
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>tldr version: Become DeviantArt-tier fetish artist
Like pic related, choose which path to take and stick with it.

>> No.3183788

How long have you been practicing seriously? And how much do you practice each day?

Becoming a good artist takes years.

>> No.3183789

>yet another crybaby thread

>> No.3183791

>Just do what makes you happy anon!
if this what you wan tto do you're on the wrong board
this is a place where you're supposed to strive for progress, not stagnate at your below average level and be happy with it
OP, work on your biology and get a job stable where you're safe, then work on whatever project you want in drawing, you can start your own webcomic or porn and eventually you'll get something out of this
But if you start getting money from it, keep working on getting better

>> No.3184980
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>> No.3184987
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I'll try not to stop. Still hurts to know I'm not getting good fast enough

I said I'm in bio but I'm actually in bio informatics, so we're even more similar (I think)


thanks for the help anons, I though the thread died days ago

>> No.3185027

That mentality is very dangerous you lost even before the battle began. Join the army then go draw afterwards like Kim jung gi

>> No.3185061

I would have to quit my studies/current career.

I would gladly do that if I was sure to succed.

>> No.3185070

If you can get yourself to quit, do it. I have all the reasons to quit and none to stay but I just can't commit to the decision of quitting and it's tearing me apart.

I really like drawing and I really like comics, it's my dream but apart from that, my drawing skills are still pretty bad even after years of practice, I have bad writing ideas and I'm not prolific, I'm not in sync with the current generation of readers, I'm pretty sure I'm a pretty boring person. The only thing I'm thankful for is self-awareness about my limitations or I'd be even more pathetic.

I really want to quit and every day I keep telling myself I'm just wasting time, I'm no good and never will be, and I'll never manage to finish a comic, and more than a few times I managed to get on the very edge of quitting but in the end I always come back crawling. It's hell.

>> No.3185126

you're a fag. just study hard.

>> No.3185129
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>> No.3185151

I got a little spooked because this is literally me, down to the Biology Grad.
Since I'm in the same situation as you are, the way I see it is that there's places you can never get to in life no matter how you try. For example, I can never ever be president, and I can never ever be the best violin player that was ever born. That's just how life is, it's short and there's only so many oportunities around.

That said, there's things I CAN do. I CAN strive to be a great artist. Not the best, but a very good one. I CAN strive to be part of a symphony. Maybe this is projecting too much, but it's just part of growing up to learn there's limits to what you can achieve in life. Making it in the industry is hard, but not impossible, far, far, FAR from it. Measure your goals and align them to the person you are.

>> No.3185159

Let me guess...
>been drawing for 6 months
>KJG is your hero

>> No.3185220
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I'm not sad because I can't be the first astronaut to step on mars, because I know it can't happen. But I'm still sad that I can't draw well enough to be in the industry doing a creative project. Maybe it's because deep down I still know I can make it but I'm too afraid to drop my studies and make sacrifices?
Anyway glad to know some people are in the same situation.

I really feel you.
I also really like webcomics. I though that if I never went full time artist I could do part time biology and part time webcomics or something.

nice one

triple no

>> No.3185225

This mentality is even worse than the one where you think you will magically start practicing like a madman some day and become great.

I will give god tier advice that will be guaranteed to get you out of this slump in the short term. It's another matter entirely if you will take the advice or find some excuse.

Focus on radical change. Drop everything you don't need for your minimum living requirements and replace it with art. Format your harddrive, get a fresh start and fill it with only art related data. Browse only art related sites, drop 4chan entirely though. Get a crockpot, fill it with things that will keep your body performance at optimal levels and let it cook while you do art. Take a brush and write on your entire wall that you will become great in art. Tell your family and parents that you will become great in art. Get radical as fuck about art. You will fall back to old habits eventually but just get radical again and make it a habit. The key is not to stay on the path all the time, the key is to stay on it most of the time while quickly recovering when you take a bad turn.

Slow and steady change is just not powerful enough to really change people. Radical change is the only thing that will ever work for true change.

>> No.3185244

solid advice, screenshoted.

That's what I plan on doing. I'll switch my studies to art and never give up.

Actually, I hope I'll have the courage to drop the stem studies (I'm only in my first year) and then go radical.

>> No.3185251

>drop 4chan entirely though

I don't agree with this, I when I started 3D, I'd always post in 3DCG, getting roasted for your work without a filter is great. I'll always rememebr posting some work and getting compliments, that was the time I knew I could move onto other websites and show my work.

4chan can be the greatest place to receive the truth. But to sorta agree with you, it's a massive time sink. I dropped /pol/,/tv/ and /v/ not because I didn't like them, but they are a massive waste of time.

The art boards are great because people link all sorts of wild shit on here that I'd never fine alone.

Other advice is to lift weights, it can prevent depression. If you buy some dumbells, you can workout infront of the computer and watch art related videos while doing it.

>> No.3185253

>The art boards are great because people link all sorts of wild shit on here that I'd never fine alone.

>> No.3185313
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Just study STEM or work in retail or whatever and draw as a hobby. Not everyone can be a trendsetting rockstar industry artist.

>> No.3185350
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I can't be working in stem and be working on the next pixar movie at the same time

>> No.3185352

way too much shit

>> No.3186015

Funny finding this, I'm attempting a 1 month without 4chan or any social media based website etc. Will just tell someone I know to tell me of any big happenings but that's it.

>Slow and steady change is just not powerful enough to really change people. Radical change is the only thing that will ever work for true change.
I can relate. Been trying to rework my schedule constantly and trying to change slowly but I realize it's way too slow and not really impactful to make a change. More time passes by the more I realize about the needed sacrifices I'll need to make to make my dreams come true.

>> No.3186027

why are people here so retarded. op sounds pretty genuine, and I know how that feels btw.

let me give you some wisdom. The problem is you're comparing your art to others who have/are working in the "industry. This is a huge mistake and will cripple your self esteem..just stop. if you keep trying to make it into the industry you're only creating a burden and being very hard on yourself.

>> No.3186248

>I'm mediocre therefore everyone has to be too, except the "chosen ones"

>> No.3186425

>Will just tell someone I know to tell me of any big happenings but that's it.

This is why the news is fucking bullshit. How many events would you hear about if you don't watch the news? Maybe 3-4 a year? If something serious happens like 9/11, you'll hear about it straight away.

I've cut all connection to the news, I don't care anymore, I'm 'redpilled' enough on news topics that none of it is interesting anymore.

On social media, my brother never had any social media, and he's not a chad or anyhing, and he has way more friends and goes out heaps. I deleted mine a while ago because he didn't have worries. Feels great mang. Again, if people really care, there are many ways to contact you.

Just think about this one too brahs, If you make it, make it pure and sweet, then you go back to Social media. You'll fucking de_stroy everyone.

>> No.3186844
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>then you go back to Social media.
no. why? don't.

>> No.3186862

I mean If you're planning to gloat, if social media is 'important'. But you're right, If you cut if from your life, you'll 99% drop it for life.

>> No.3186867

>i want to be successful but i dont want to put in as much effort as everyone else successful in this career does
Nice mentality.

>> No.3186989

No it's just a statistical fact that not everyone is going to make it. The economy has room for x amount of professional artists which makes the industry competitive and discourages sadcunts like OP. There's no reason a hobbyist can't become exceptional at art.

>> No.3187061

Play videogames, jerk off and die from cancer.

>> No.3187189

There are no exceptional hobbyists

>> No.3187206

Not the OP. I'm trying to just give up and play videogames and I do shit like

>install steam
>make a new password (which I don't write down)
>install a game
>play for 30 minutes
>uninstall everything

It's retarded. I want to quit drawing and just relax my brain but I can't. After 30 minutes I tell myself that I should go back to the drawing board even though I'll never make it in this lifetime, my art is shit. My brain just doesn't want to accept the reality that no, you can't chase dreams past your late 20s unless you're talented. I just want to work and earn some money so I can live alone till I finally an hero

>> No.3187207

>you can't chase dreams past your late 20s unless you're talented
>tfw people would also tell you can't chase your dreams until you're old enough
>world is just a bunch of crabs

>> No.3187209

If you can't become a conventionally good artist, you could always try to become an artist who can create art that is still interesting and appealing. There are a lot of unique artists out there who aren't conventionally "good" by /ic/ standards but still popular and successful.

>> No.3187251
File: 284 KB, 2048x1152, IMG_0188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my fuckin dog chewed up my tablet pen

canines clearly NGMI

>> No.3187252
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>the fool as a negative

>> No.3187254

>pisses away time on vidya
>thinks being over 30 is why he won’t make it

Every. Single. Time.

>> No.3187263

>totally unfocused
>switches back between the thought of wanting to play video games or practicing art
>does neither and gets frustrated
This is the cuck mentality by its literal definition.

>> No.3187265

Actually I haven't played videogames in 5 years, until now. And my problem is that I can't 'piss away' my time like I'd want to. I want to quit art, it's led me to nothing but self-hatred

>> No.3187279

Your half assed passion for art actually keeps you from becoming just another degenerate that lives for pleasure and entertainment. If you actually, some day, get out of your little bitch mentality you may reach the age of 70 and look back at your life and see that it may have been difficult but it was satisfying and you reached some high degree of skill.

Other than that you have the option to kill yourself early or just be some old fag who pissed his life away.

>> No.3187286

>it's hard therefore you should just give up
Might aswell just kill yourself already.

>> No.3187288

>Your half assed passion for art actually keeps you from becoming just another degenerate that lives for pleasure and entertainment.
It's made my life worse under every aspect and I gained no significant skill I can work with. For all that I know if I don't get rid of this stupid shit right now I might not get to 70 at all, and if I will I might look back at my life and see someone who clinged on impossible expectations because he didn't want to accept the mediocrity he set himself up for.
It's painful as shit, I just don't want to keep at it anymore. It feels like banging my head against a fucking wall, I've dug an inch or two but that's it. I can't guilt trip myself into this motivational suicide.

>> No.3187290

Then just stop and fuck off. If you can't do it mentally start physically and delete all your art stuff on your hdd and block all art sites, proceed to burn all your art equipment including every picture you ever did. Can a worthless being like you not even do that much?

>> No.3187291

>I can't guilt trip myself into this motivational suicide

Because part of you knows that you’re a lying faggot, and you’d be a pro by now if you worked as hard as you pretend you do on the internet.

>> No.3187302

Ask yourself why you can't quit art if you apparently hate it so much. Earlier you mentioned all you want is make a living, so I assume you don't have a job? Could it be art is your excuse to continue your current lifestyle because quitting art for good would mean you would have to get a job, no matter how shitty it might be? In that case, it's not art that is to blame here. You aren't addicted to art, you are simply afraid and/or lazy and use art as an excuse where you can pretend it's the reason why your life sucks.

>> No.3187306

Thanks, I needed to get this shit off my chest. I'll think this over.

>> No.3187320

Once again a greentext strawman of the point. Anyone who lets themselves get discouraged by anonymous posts on the backwater art board of a Peruvian pan-pipe making forum is already setting themselves up to never make it. All I'm saying is that not everyone is going to make it because not everyone is cut out for it, but you can still find fun and enjoyment out of art as a hobby.

>> No.3187325

Then fucking quit, what the fuck?

Why do people bitch and moan about trying to make when they can't even put in 3 hours of work a day? Talk to any seasoned professional with that kind of crybaby attitude, they'll laugh you into the ground.

>> No.3187332

Work towards it and don't stop. Drawing is a skill you can train, not a talent you are born with.

Understand that failure is a must, and we fail all the goddamn time. If you keep avoiding your failures then you won't see much progress, you gotta persevere and see it through.

>> No.3187336

Still good boye

>> No.3187381

You need therapy, not art instruction.

>> No.3187522

>Drawing is a skill you can train, not a talent you are born with.

>> No.3187747

I'm getting therapy already, yeah. I'm not healthy at all.

I thought about this overnight. I'm just frustrated because I'm not satisfied with my work. I want to make great art but I haven't made significant improvements in a long time. There isn't that sort of scapegoat mechanic at work, I really do care.