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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3178701 No.3178701 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3178709

Draw loli porn.

>> No.3178729

just b urself lol

>> No.3178731

Should I just draw myself killing my mom then?

>> No.3178733

Basically this, if you're into that. If lolis are your biggest drive, you'd definitely should draw lolis.

>> No.3178735


Only if you put your name and address then post it on the internet.

>> No.3178736

kill yourself retard

>> No.3178737

I mean I dont want to kill her, but it would be very therapeutic to draw myself doing it. It would also avoid me a lot of legal issues.

>> No.3178742

Good point, but i hope if youre the anon who first brung that up, that you solve whatever probs you have with her,

>> No.3178746

The only thing that throws me off OP's image is the "not what you think should be inspiring you".

Shouldn't you always try to copy/learn from your inspirations?

>> No.3178761

I dont think that's possible. She used to beat me as a child, and generally dealt with me as I was a piece of shit with no value as a human being. As I grew older she realized she couldnt beat me because I could easily beat her back (despite I was sacred to death to do such a thing and she could perfectly beat me without any retilation), so she changed her strategy to be a generally unpleasent and narcissistic cunt.
I will never forget the day she outright lied to my psychologist when I pointed out how she used to beat me when I was a child and then proceeded to redirect the subject to how damaged I was.
What a fucking cunt. I will extinguish the life out of her eyes... with a pencil and a paper sheet.

>> No.3178775

That's what the first bit is about, recognize what it is that you actually appreciate and get inspired by, rather than maybe looking for inspiration in places that artists and people you admire find it. It seems obvious but it's something that gets lost especially with people of the "gotta git gud" mentality. Pay attention to your tastes and let them be in service to your work, and don't fool yourself into thinking you need to enjoy/study from X because your peers or favorite artists do.

>> No.3178780

Wow. That was a really great way to phrase it. Thanks, anon.

>> No.3178782

have fun, dumbass

>> No.3178850

Tarkovsky once said in an interview that inspiration is a cancer that obstructs an artist from leaving their comfortable space and truly express their own vision. He said that he cut every shot in his movies that resembles Bresson's or Bergman's films.

>> No.3178856

basically dont force urself to like things u dont like, and know when ur lying to urself.

Its alright advice. what inspires u ic? For me, its gotta be my family.

>> No.3178860

rofl fag

>> No.3178863

hope your floor is clean, then.

>> No.3178884
File: 113 KB, 280x468, tumblr_nwtc2oW85W1sp66aro1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if the only thing I wanna draw is bara shit?
I have to study and master figure drawing and muscle/fat anatomy until I'm almost dead.
Also, ain't so sure there's a huge market for that shit.

>> No.3178895

>muscle/fat anatomy

best way to learn that is by working out, not joking.

>> No.3178903

Aw shit, nigga.
Now you telling me I have to master TWO disciplines?
Like, that's crazy talk, nigga.
I ain't got time to practice my Vilppu and lift rocks at the same time.
I gotta work for food too, you know?

>> No.3178905

Draw yaoi porn

>> No.3178927


>> No.3178941


>> No.3178985

Hey I just want to mention that if you're struggling with drawing that starting to work out a little can't be overstated on how useful it is. Nevermind getting a better grasp on muscle/fat anatomy and all that, the way it helped me the most was realizing that getting in shape is actually pretty fucking easy. Proving to myself that I can reach my goals in physical fitness made me feel much better about grinding to reach my goals in learning to draw.

good luck anon

>> No.3178987

Well, now I feel stupid, but motivated.
Right, thanks.

>> No.3178996

comfort zone much

>> No.3179040

OP, are you retarded?

>> No.3179259


>> No.3179264

tl;dr: don't listen to /ic/

>> No.3179584

>love yoh yoshinari
>never bothered studying him cause muah fundies and loomis meme

I've been doing it wrong this entire time...

>> No.3181722

nah, just going to the gym once or twice a week is sufficient to get in touch with your muscles and how they work. Also seeing other people.

Bara is niche but because of that there is a need for good artist especialy for fat and chubby characters

>> No.3181730

hope u r doing better anon

>> No.3181904

>yoh yoshinari
Most likely he studied the same fundamentals you did before becoming pro. If he doesn't teach how he got where he is, blindly copying him won't get you far if you don't know the basics.

>> No.3182015

prove it.

>> No.3182108
File: 1.17 MB, 2240x1623, Yoh Yoshinari - Rough Sketches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3182124

it means i should keep drawing hentai instead of forcing myself to do portraits of random people so i can feel like a real artist.

>> No.3182128 [DELETED] 


>> No.3183069

fuck man you should draw yourself killing ur mom

>> No.3183200

I c.

I finally see.

>> No.3183224

>implying yoh yoshinari wouldn't be yoh yoshinari2 if he had an older version of himself to study instead of the fundamentals.

>> No.3183261

Sorry to hear that man. I hope you stay strong for the rest of your life. I say what ever way you can get out those emotions, do it.

>> No.3183266

His nii san is named Kou

>> No.3183283
File: 25 KB, 249x249, Mootdoitfaggot_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it.
We have hundreds of images of daughters killing their fathers for retarded reasons.
It's time to level the field, if only just a little.
Just ignore tumblr and it's soccer moms and you'll be fine.

>> No.3183317

Maybe you should kill her, holy Christ.

>> No.3183348


too many people are busy drilling fundies and grinding information and not enough practicing and drilling design sensibilities oof yoh makes me wan 2 cum