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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 58 KB, 500x375, 1508144741772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3178250 No.3178250 [Reply] [Original]

How's that comic coming along anon?

You ARE making a comic, right?

>> No.3178256

It's a slow period right now, but I mean to keep going with it as long as possible.

>> No.3178525

Bitch I can barely finish a sandwich, much less an actual project. Fuck you.

>> No.3178530

now im hungry

>> No.3178548

>agreed to be the artist for my friend and I's comic and the artist for a one-shot with my other group of friends
Lowkey hoping that neither of these projects come into fruition. These guys are already pissing me of with things like creative differences and really stupid ideas. I thought this kind of thing would be fun but I'd probably just be better off doing my own thing.

>> No.3178553
File: 33 KB, 300x300, laughing-in-the-grip-of-despair0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw quitter
>reading bakuman as waves of massive regret for wasting my life until it was too late wash upon me
It's coming along, any day now

>> No.3178560

The lesson most artists learn. Splitting the work is enticing at first, but as you get better you'll want to do more. Most "writers" are glorified idea guys regurgitating tropes from their favorite media, thinking that adding their own "personal touch" to the mishmash of other people's ideas makes it better.

99% of duos will end up with the artist eventually losing interest, as it takes much more effort and time to draw the thing, and you'll eventually ask yourself why you're slaving away for some retard's shitty ideas.

>> No.3178568

I would've never imagined how fucking presumptuous people who call themselves writers are. All they have going for them is the nerve to show their dumb, half baked 'ideas' around.

>> No.3178572

And all the while not getting paid for it, either. If you HAVE to do free work, don't fucking bend over and take it in the ass for it.

>> No.3178582

i have a buncha outlines for porn comics i wanna get to at some point but much more focused on trying to get steady (not porn) industry work

>> No.3178584

finishing a porn comic now. 4 pages left. Im almost free

>> No.3178618
File: 245 KB, 960x720, 1463556022766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not all idea guys are bad, sometimes ideas are the most important part. It's good to have someone to bounce ideas with anyways. Bakuman shows an interesting dynamic.

someone please draw my ideas

>> No.3178619 [DELETED] 

I got your back Anon


>> No.3178633

But my problem is that all the idea guys I'm working with have shitty ideas. They just want to shoehorn into the story stupid shit and tropes that suits their own shitty tastes and ideals. An ideas guy is worthless if his ideas are worthless.

>> No.3178655

>sometimes ideas are the most important part.

I disagree. Everyone can have an idea, not everyone has the skills to make it something more than that. You can have a great idea with shitty execution that means nothing in the end

>> No.3178665

Are (you) ?

>> No.3179279
File: 101 KB, 335x302, Screenshot 2017-10-20 at 9.24.15 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking this. Good ideas are garbage. It's all in execution.
i put my comic sort of on hold/slow burner to make a comic with my girlfriend.

>> No.3179291

Yes, you need a good writer for comics sometimes look at what how bad Asterix got after Goscinny died and Uderzo started doing his own stories or compare Gimenez's solo work to what he did with Jodorowsky. However writers like this are rare and shitty ideas guys are plentiful.

>> No.3179429

>TFW the writter in my duo was bretty good but didn't really enjoy the creative process or learning about creative writting and now is much happier person being a wagecuck.
>TFW I ended up as a wagecuck too while my ilustration career started to actually (albeit it slowly) kick off so I don't do comics anymore...
Shit man, I had it so good for a while...

>> No.3179430

>You can have a great idea with shitty execution that means nothing in the end
I love finding these, so I can steal its ideas and give them a better execution hopefully.

>> No.3179610

Please quit.

>> No.3179619

I can't really quit working on that first one, that would probably hurt my friend's feelings. I'm kind of trapped.

>> No.3179635

Writers are the absolute worst fucking type of people. I feel so bad for the handful of decent authors out there because they get to deal with these guys too. They want everything for free, think their super generic story is somehow going to become a hit and a half, act like fucking divas when they're a dime a dozen, and for whatever reason, think that the ability to draw = the inability to write.

This thread is giving me flashbacks to when I was a stupid teen and busted my ass drawing out shitty stories and webcomics for absolutely nothing. Someone on /ic/ told me that I'd be better off just drawing my own stories out, no matter how shitty they are, because it couldn't possibly be worse than working for free. Anon, if you're out there, I love you.

>> No.3179638

If they get really upset, it means they were never your friend to begin with. They just wanted your art all along. A real friend would understand. I'm not going to tell you how to live your life, but this is a lesson you'll have to learn one day.

>> No.3179660

Yes and no.

So, in the beginning of the year I attempted a 6 page gag comic which I did complete. I learned that I had issues with perspective, composition and expressions since before that all I did was floating figures. Then around April I tried doing a crime comic called monster but after revising the script like 10 times and completing a bunch of character designs I lost interest in the story due to my lack of writing ability. Same thing happened in august when I attempted a one-shot fantasy comic. Midway during my character design stage, I realized the story was shit.

Even though I canceled these last two projects, I still learned about character designing and script writing so it wasn't a complete waste of time. I also learned what my biggest weaknesses were(writing, composition and backgrounds) so I neglected those areas the most.

I spend the last 2 months completing a couple comic strips but I realized i'm more interested in telling more "deeper" stories rather than gag strips. Here is a one-shot I've written a few months back. I would actually like to hear your feedback on it since I haven't had any feedback on my storytelling. Bear in mind, that it doesn't follow screenplay format since i'm the writer and artist.


But yeah, other than that these past couple of days I've been analyzing movies on netflix and trying to figure out why they work. Last night I watched train to busan, which is a zombie movie, but what made it so great wasn't necessarily the zombies but the dynamic between the father and the daughter. The father initially comes across as this cold business man who neglects his daughter but overtime their relationship begins to develop.

>> No.3179673

you have long paragraphs of dialogue with little to no direction as to how it should be broken up and acted out.

live action script writing is mostly just dialogue and basic stage direction because it's a collaborative project, the actors bringing their own voice to their parts with feedback from the director. in comics-- especially ones where you're flyin solo-- you're the writer, director, cinematographer, costume designer, every single actor (unless you have people who're willing to help you shoot reference which is something you shouldn't be afraid to do when the option is available to you) an so on an so forth, world without end, amen, so it's usually a good idea to start thinking much more holistically during your scripting process.

also don't feel like you need to start with the script. i personally prefer to thumbnail the comic from a general outline, making up the dialogue as i go cause that's how my mind works and it feels much more natural to do. also also, keep in mind there's no "right" method (nor are these the only 2 methods), just whatever works for you.

>> No.3179680

Acted out? You mean like the expressions and body language that the characters are conveying? Because most of that is in my head. Since the script is for myself, there are a lot of details that are normally put in there that I leave out. I think it's better that I just complete the comic before asking for critique.

>> No.3179685

if you're like me and you routinely thumbnail/script out things you won't have time to work on for a few months it's good to write down so that you don't forget, even if (also like me) you end up revising those rough drafts when you can finally get around to them anyways

>> No.3179698

how old r u

>> No.3179701 [DELETED] 


>> No.3179784

everyone thinks they're gunna do a comic. But seriously unless you learned to draw specifically to make one don't bother.

>> No.3179793


>> No.3179797

it's always a way bigger undertaking than you think it's going to be and requires half a dozen different skills.

>> No.3179798

I'm half done an 18 page one-off and I'm already sick of it

>> No.3179824

Sick of it? why?

>> No.3181646

Not done writing the script

>> No.3181770

read the script out, you'll immediatly notice how stilted this is. read any script out loud is a good rule of thumb in general.

also wtf? if humans are the rulers why would goblins ever be allowed to eat human flesh? why is a human ruler if humans are food-tier, that's a far more interesting story

>> No.3183606

You guys know of a good program to scan my comics with? the default I have on my PC is bullshit.

>> No.3185758

Just working on the same thing for so long. I'm not used to it. It's a lot more work than I thought it would be.

Only a few pages left, though.

>> No.3186050
File: 332 KB, 1092x789, IMAG010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been doing my own bad webcomic for over 4 years now,and finally pushing the characters to the endgame,and hopefully wrap up the storyline in another year or so. Although the first 40 pages of it were never meant to see the internet as my strip,I feel being forced into a corner and required to visualize and write the sketchbook strips has been educational if nothing else. They certainly aren't repackagable for selling as compliation books offline,but there IS a story worth reading,the canon has been added to and the occasional glimmer of worth shines through the dross in each strip,be it imagery wit or sentiment. A flawed gem yet a gem. Now that I have discovered mechanical pencils next to the cheap pens in the stationary aisle,doing my original vision is viable:pencil-scan-cleanup-assemble strips that can be compiled and resold as physical books,and the training of thinking a strip out as I drew it in my sketchbooks will make the process even more effective.

>> No.3186087

Any good resources for script writing? Or how to turn your writings into good panels?

>> No.3186095

The ruler isn't human. She's a dragon that can take a human form. Can you explain why it's stilted?


>> No.3186100

Is there a discord for people trying to make their own comic?

To discuss and critique our writing/art?

>> No.3186523

Make it and share I guess

>> No.3186564
File: 232 KB, 588x438, 1508283015824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wanna do my own anthology
>Reluctant because self-conscious of art
>Read comics to get over self-consciousness
>Find comics with relatively shit art
>Wanna make comics
>Go back to step 1, repeat ad infinitum

>> No.3186581
File: 56 KB, 614x768, tatersm8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>putting off dreams because of fear



>> No.3186613
File: 169 KB, 360x450, 59633022_p52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw gave myself deadline of halfway through december to finish my big ebic doujin
>decided I'd use sep-nov to make huge GAINZ to make sure it looked good
>spent september improving my fundies and construction, actually pretty successful and my figure drawing has made good improvement
>Oct was suppose to be where I improved my inking and rendering
>Instead got caught up trying to get used to new tablet and now working new part time job
>Have barely made any gains, made only one drawing this month that could pass off as "finished"
>Only 5 days left in October
>I work the next 4

Fuck how are there not better tutorials on inking and linework online man
I just wanna make a doujin and have it not look like muddy shit/pencil scribbles

>> No.3186635

I'm writing it still, but i just got some amazing insights from a college teacher that actually published some of his comics, so i'm way more pumped now

>> No.3186637

western comics are shit, so you got shit advice.

>> No.3186638

go back to your animu and mangos weeb

>> No.3186870
File: 219 KB, 750x643, 7832748923904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend 4 hours every night trying to improve art
>draw these two figures(pic) and post the comparison on /co/ to ask which one is better
>/co/: its very obvious man
>say i like the first one more
>get called a troll and to kill myself
I think im gonna take up drawing, writing and programming vn's instead of manga under a different name. I realize comics eat up a lot of time drawing that i should spend writing a proper story; especially when youre not a neet. At least vn's require very limited poses and shit, so i can still have fun. A part of me feels heart broken though, because ive been more of a manga person than visual novel. But at least i can be more like my idol Ryukishi. I really want to get back into writing again. I try not to overthink things and focus on just cool shit i want to see in stories. One quote thats always stuck with me was something along the lines of
>just write what you find funny
which was said by one of the creators of hunger force.
is your webcomic (pic)? looks pretty cool.
i feel the same

i dont know how your guys lifes are, but its miserable for me. Very little friends because introvert, get into arguments and told to die by everyone on the intermet, trouble keeping up with school, constantly sleep deprived, always up at night fearing what comes next and being single for rest of life; all while trying to balance writing and illustrating a story. Hell, its 2:30 am now, and im still the miserable sack of shit i was yesterday, and now i dont want to sleep because tomorrow will just be horrible like always. A part of me wants me to succeed not just because i want my work to be loved and meme'd by people in the future, but to show other people in a horrible state like mine to see they can make it. thanks for letting me vent.

>> No.3186895
File: 92 KB, 800x999, 1508756016532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Starts drawing h-comic
>Wants it to be short since I'm still in the beginning stages of a longer non-h-comic
>Ends up getting side tracked with outlining the story
>Becomes bigger than I wanted originally, but the perfectionist in me won't let go
>Gives up, and decides to make the original concept a prequel and just focus on the future relationships that are stable.
>Now stuck on progressing dating shit with the mains when I've only ever went on library dates
Never fucking fails

>> No.3186902

What are you trying to convey here? She is leaving while checking her phone, or entering the room while checking her phone?
The both look physically unappealing, mainly because of her breast, face and hair. You should change the hair and face to a more cartoon-ish style.
While checking her phone, she should hold it in her hand, and her hand should be horizontal.

>> No.3187025
File: 190 KB, 683x702, doujin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making a doujin for futaket next month. Almost done except for adding all the text and effects.

>> No.3187026


Thoughts guys? Again, I'm not trying to follow proper screenplay format but I wanted to get feedback in regards to the dialogue and whether or not it felt more natural.

>> No.3187348
File: 27 KB, 688x467, 11755179_397776403758844_5174270520802334086_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same fucking boat dude.

>Told myself I'll make a one-shot doujin just to go through the process of making a full 20 something page comic
>Priority goal over everything else was always just get it done so I get familiar with the whole process, don't even sweat making it look good or having it make sense
>Use beloved waifu as subject
>Get more and more inspired
>Keep getting more ideas for introducing other girls and relationship dynamics
>Ended up planning out 12 chapter mini-series with overlying thematics and convoluted shit like that
>End up studying art for months and trying to make gains so it DOES look good now
>all for what was suppose to be one shot 20 page hentai of my waifu

Every fucking time.
Wish you luck on your project Anon.

>> No.3187570
File: 120 KB, 912x489, IMAG007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a fellow artist who had little time to socialize, may I recommend Second Life. I was enamoured with it for years,and made clubs clothes and turned GIFs into animated paintings and sold them. The place in the pic was my last club,with textures made from PhotoShopped ice photos and flowers made from Mandelbulbs. People would dance to New Age music and meditate in the strange gardens for hours. Everything there someone made in the engine itself ,so you should see what you can find there. And maybe you can rescue a princess or two and sweet talk her out of her clothes,as well. Can't do THAT in Minecraft!

>> No.3187597
File: 276 KB, 1000x707, IMAG010 (18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The solution to this problem is SuperRoughs:take some cheap paper and very quickly sketch out a strip,concentrating only on panel outlay and plot. Details will be worked out in sketchbooks, and dialogue to be edited when composing the final drafts. Then you will have the skeleton of the story and not get sidetracked by nee ideas within it.


Yes that's my little corner of the internet. Google Jeremey Prickles and you'll find it. Have another recent one. The flaw in this strip is that drippy font that blurs the words,so writing more concisely is the lesson learned.

>> No.3187913
File: 281 KB, 799x485, 15835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same to you, man. Sometimes I wish I wasn't so damn anal with shit like this.

>> No.3188587

Isn't a one-shot doujin 20 pages long anyway?

>> No.3188657

Considering on average most one shot doujins are like anywhere from 16 to 32 pages long, 20 seemed like a good number to work with.

>> No.3188660
File: 229 KB, 1200x807, 1508794434073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decide to use hard-earned drawing skills to make a comic
>realize writing is a separate skill and I'm at zero

>> No.3188662

>realize writing is a separate skill and I'm at zero
This is terrifying to me. I feel your pain.

>> No.3188715
File: 154 KB, 486x419, Screenshot_11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my big brother from my family will be the writer

>> No.3188721
File: 127 KB, 601x508, 1507346784741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This so much.

All I ever do is draw the shitty ideas of others.

Writing guides and books are WORTHLESS because they only focus on grammar, text composition or how to tell things, which is useless for visual media.

>> No.3188765
File: 81 KB, 143x136, 1482007315195.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just write a fanfic and do a few illustrations. Trying to draw comics or mangas is the epitomy of self cuckery

>> No.3188775

/co/ have one in the How's Your Webcomic threads. Haven't checked it out yet though

>> No.3188776
File: 99 KB, 588x501, IMG_2970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ten pages in. Halfway done with the first story. I'm taking a short break until I finish all the rough pages and then I'm gonna continue posting.

>> No.3188779

You know what's a great boon for writing? Having shit taste. I feel really sorry for cultured /lit/ posters because they're standing on the shoulders of giants they're never going to surpass or be good as.

>> No.3188794

Haha yeah that must suck.

>> No.3188819

I do not bullshit one bit when I say Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics and Making Comics are the fucking Holy Grail for comic artist.
Download and read right now.

Also recommend Will Eisner's Comics and Sequential Art.

>> No.3188834
File: 1.39 MB, 2448x3264, Cartheft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every now and then I do simple 5 to 6 panel stories with mid-low tier sketch quality figures

>> No.3188840


Heres my comic under construction.

The art is horrifying but i put in quite an effort coming up with jokes

>> No.3188871

the jokes are funny I like it

>> No.3188905

>dick and clit

come on

>> No.3189006
File: 843 KB, 1618x2180, IMAG008 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once posted a link to MY webcomic in that thread,and I was banned for a week for "advertising" . Be warned!

>> No.3189178
File: 1.20 MB, 8624x6071, 3am_c1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea but I wasn't bothered enough to translate it, you just beat me to it OP.

>> No.3189179
File: 1.77 MB, 8624x6071, 3am_c2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and it's supposed to be manga, read it like it's translated porn i guess

>> No.3189181
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>> No.3189183
File: 883 KB, 4299x6071, 三点钟_007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3189271

I'm digging this. if anything I'd recommend some improvement with the line quality, they seem a bit too thin and I can see how they wobble. Your cross hatching in some scenes also looks more like chicken scratch in some scenes. I'd try improving line control over all.

Still tho, digging the aesthetic and your experimenting with how you use text. Blog?

>> No.3189379

Haha that's nice. It kinda works even with the art but that's no reason not to improve. Try to make it better visually even with a simple style, I know you can.

>> No.3189394

I'm dumb as fuck, what's the mosquito supposed to be symbolism for?

>> No.3189538

Just make sure your story makes sense, Anon.

>> No.3189565

She must be really lonely to latch onto mosquitoes of all things. What is this comic trying to tell us?

>> No.3189721
File: 599 KB, 1432x1936, 170811(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah that's what i've been doing since I drew that earlier this year. Adjusting line weight, clearing up and all that.
I've got a twitter. http://twitter.com/4830675775

long distance, one-way reltationship, someone who texts her in very early morning. I'm not that deep, don't overthink it.

>> No.3189770

Oh shit dude, I'm seeing the gains. That's nice as fucking fuck, would love to stay in contact with you. What is that blog my man? cause that link does not work

>> No.3189808

probably my dumb twitter client then. try this one: https://twitter.com/yunkie101

>> No.3189813

Sick work dude, you got stuff that appeals directly to my taste. I'll keep in touch with ya.

>> No.3189886
File: 1.66 MB, 960x8982, whole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes! It's my very first attempt after 3-yearish time wasted on animu drawing. Any opinion would be helpful to me.

Dialog may seem awkward as I'm not a native speaker.

>> No.3189901

it is not very clear what's happening in the beginning (may be it is supposed to be that way) but the scene direction in the last few panels are pretty good

>> No.3189907

it's the exact same thing with drawing, you're standing on the shoulders of artists you admire

>> No.3189909
File: 224 KB, 1080x1440, DNS14iBVAAIMftO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I quite like these - hoping to see both of your stuff in the future.

As for mine, it's going fine. Exams are a fucking pain though.

>> No.3189916

Can you elaborate more for me? Do you mean that the information itself is vague ( the reason why she is bleeding )? or that the scene's composition is messy?

I had a similar feeling about the first few cuts. It feels like that something has to be showed more and slowly. It feels I hurried to fast. but I can't find out why and how to solve this problem.

>> No.3189920

Different anon - I personally thought that it was readable, but I agree that it might benefit by going a bit slower in the beginning, to slowly introduce the setting and the mystery.

>> No.3190000

still at the script fase

>> No.3190001
File: 647 KB, 1334x1886, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck, forgot the pic

>> No.3190025
File: 97 KB, 720x960, a pencil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i think it'll look better when i use a pad.

pic related is what i drew with pencil

>> No.3190088

Nice quads

>> No.3190129


I updated it guys

>> No.3190146

This is easily the best thing in this thread. Keep up the good work.

>> No.3190159


>> No.3190200

>realize writing is a separate skill and I'm at zero
This is my fucking problem. What kills me is that it used to be the opposite. I had the writing and not the art. As it turns out, drawing is not the only skill you can negatively progress on when you don't practice enough.

>> No.3190211

This is dummy nice too, appreciate the webcomic format, different than all the other manga styled stuff here. Blog?

You're doing nice work Anon. Idk if it's lack of skill or mastery of skill but I dig that crude quality your drawings have. Gives your art a really nice style. Keep going man.

>> No.3190434
File: 658 KB, 2052x2789, 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Idk if it's lack of skill or mastery of skill
yeah, not the first time this has been told to me

>> No.3190870

Good - that's what i wanted to convey

>> No.3190995

No its not, you are just gay

>> No.3190998

No homo man

>> No.3191001

A gay, untalented, autistic man with shit taste

>> No.3191555
File: 327 KB, 800x1129, 14r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm adding sound effects and such now. Does this look ok? I'm trying to use other doujinshi as a reference but there's probably a lot of subtleties I'm missing.

Fair enough, it's from a different page but I fixed it.

>> No.3191819

I don't feel like the artist's i admire (as good as they are) are put on a pedestal as big as a lot of writers in the western canon.

>> No.3192148

As a writer i had a similar problem with a friend i worked with. He would keep adding unnecessary shit to the point of completely fucking up the original plot or would suggest terrible ideas and get emotional when i refuse.

I think duos need to trust each others abilities if they agreed to work with each other.

There are terrible writers but terrible team work is way worse in my opinion.

A solution would be to make the writer finish his story completely before you draw anything. And also agree on minor details in the middle

>> No.3192645

This was really good though.

>allow me to explain
Made me laugh out loud, senpai. How do you manage the inspiration?

>> No.3192647

Your art's nice, but that's gay af.

>> No.3192651

Anyone remember that book about learning how to do a comic or how to draw panels properly? I forgot where to find the link.

>> No.3192658

Really nice perspective, but I agree with the other anon, you need to now work on your line appeal. Try some thick vs. thin, etc. Study pro anime and you'll see it's not TOO far off from what you did here. Your perspective is worth a LOT, if you drew the exact same thing, but with some line variety (thick vs thin long vs short, curve vs straight) you'd be 'good enough' for this to be pro, I think. Some hyperbole would make it even better. (Big vs small forms etc.) but the perspective itself is extreme enough to provide that in this case.

Minor adjustments like learning your perspective better on her face or etc. would come with time and practice but just working on your line quality would take you really far at this point.

It would push your art into the pro zone, I think.

Then I'd also be careful of your composition. Having that see through speech box in perspective is not clear, it disrupts the composition.

>> No.3192898

I dont know why but i really laughed at this one.

>> No.3192978

you're definitely right. I should have built some atmosphere first. maybe adding some new scenes between the first few ones would help.

thanks a bunch! to me it was about time to actually start to make something; as self-judgement was dragging me in a slump for a long time.

Yes, I was planning to upload this shit on someplace. couldn't decide where to yet.
It's as same as wasteland.

>> No.3193106
File: 2.94 MB, 404x720, iamgirlbtw.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>long distance, one-way reltationship, someone who texts her in very early morning. I'm not that deep, don't overthink it.
Reminds me of file related. Not that romantic.

>> No.3193121
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I think it's the other way around, m8. At least a comic is original and may be used for profit later on.

>> No.3193179

Dude this actually gave me a hearty chuckle, keep it up

>> No.3193185
File: 440 KB, 645x1260, justendthesefeels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm never gonna make it.

Same man

>> No.3193187

What advice did he give you? It might be useful

>> No.3193215

Thanks :)

I just look at the flow of the situation and twist it so the opposite of what you would expect happens. Reaction of the characters is a bonus

Thank you!

I am worried I might eventually lose the funny atmosphere as i furthur the plot since you cant have a story with jokes alone.

>> No.3193877
File: 35 KB, 275x374, 1452157673699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking christ

>> No.3193878

are you me

>> No.3195223

Shit did the Jump contest thread die?
Oh well, at least we can centralize everything here now. If only those people making one thread for their own comic would join.

>> No.3195238

Fuck comics are really hard. Probably the hardest thing after animation since you must know so many things. It's kind of discouraging as as an old beginner. I kinda like doing it but I feel like it would take me years to do something clean.
Maybe I should just keep loving reading comics and do illustration instead...(not saying it's easy but certainly kind of easier right? After all you just have to make one composition work whereas in comics you have to make tons of various ones not to bore the reader + panelling)

>> No.3195393

I finally figured out I shouldn't draw a comic. Nobody is going to read it anyway unless you're really lucky (no, good art or story alone aren't enough) and with my current job I won't be able to realistically do more than 1 page per week, and I don't even have a family of my own. What's the point of drawing comics? One page is an equivalent of 2 paragraphs in a book, more only if it's dialogue. It's so inefficient you're better off writing a novel and drawing illustrations for it whenever you feel like it.

If you're still in high school or in college, you have time for this shit. Maybe if you have some useless night shift job that doesn't require you to do anything. That's it. Nothing else. If you aren't paid to work on comics full time, you should never bother unless you decide it to be your one and only hobby you dedicate every free second of your time to and never stray away from it.

Fuck that.

>> No.3195412

Why not do it?

You may not be able to invest the time to turn pro,and very few reach that pinnacle, but as a hobby,there are worse ways of spending your time. Do it to please yourself and you can do no wrong. As for getting traffic,I printed up business cards with my website.

>> No.3195649

ESL here, hopefully it's understandable :

>Nobody is going to read it anyway unless you're really lucky
There are sites/apps like Webtoon nowaydays. Even webco with bad drawings get lots of view and some followers and comments.
I mean look at this
12 comments on this chapter, 11000 views and a few hundred followers.
So imagine for something hald decent. The top comics aren't even super well drawn or super good sometimes. Look at something like
It's cute and ok, but by no means has great art or story. And it has tons of attention.

I might be wrong but Webtoon could be like, whatever youtuber I forgot the name said, "the Youtube of comics". It's a good way to get views and if it gets successfull you can use some Patreon/sell merch etc.
So, I believe it's a really good opportunity, kind of like hoping on the Youtube train when it was just starting to get working well and when not everything has been done.
And also, I forgot, they actually pay something like 2000 a month I believe for featured artists.

Now, 1 page per week seems to be not enough, yes. Do you draw in a very detailed style or something? Maybe you could just adapt yourself to the fast pace of this kind of site and draw in simpler ways.

>What's the point of drawing comics?
If you're so preoccupied about this there must be a reason. I'm thinking about all this myself, but I believe there's only 2 explanations to self doubt like this : either you actually don't like drawing comics, or maybe you don't believe in yourself being able to do it. If it's the later, just push yourself all you can. I'm half depressed myself and want to give up everyday, but when I push myself instead of spending time on video games and shit, I'm actually really happy.

>> No.3196134

I'm about to order 100 copies to be printed but I'm too scared to click confirm.

>> No.3196778

Do you want to do it and fail, or regret not doing it? Also post work maybe

>> No.3196783

>You ARE making a comic, right?
yes but everyone hates it

>> No.3196784

it's almost done!
I'm almost free!!!

>> No.3196786

the poor guy. can you imagine what his family life is like if he ended up like this?

>> No.3196789

That has never happened to any of our regulars. Sorry if you got one weird janitor. /co/ is a crazy place.

>> No.3196850

Thanks for the nice posts, anons.
Maybe I'll get back to drawing comics after I sort out my life a bit. Right now I'm afraid it'll only serve as a distraction from more important matters.

>> No.3196903
File: 102 KB, 745x385, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah- i would have the first chapter done by now if i didnt transform into a retard every time i sit down to do the writing portion of it

>> No.3196913

How often is Jump going to do that? I don't think i'd win but i'd love to have a crack at it if they're doing it again next year.

>> No.3196918

thats why i havn't done mine yet , i'm still learning all the shit i need to know. the first time i tried after a 6 pages i saw the art was really bad and i had just wasted a bunch of time i could have been improving.

>> No.3196922

oh but i have been writing them so when im ready i will have some scripts i can just get to work on. i have like 4 so far i think. would do more but drawing all the time . but when an idea pops up i write it down.

>> No.3196943

Still in the writing phase. I wanted to start sooner, but realized I'm still really bad at drawing, so I'm taking the time to practice.

>> No.3196952

Wait, so what happens if you're an artist who is looking for a writer, and not the other way around?

>> No.3196955

It's once a year it seems.

>> No.3196957

I'm really bad too but I'm wondering if the way is not to learn as you do it. Having a deadline and being forced not to skip what I don't know is probably good.

>> No.3196984

I'm trying

>> No.3197233

If we're talking about international, they have contests once or twice a year, but I'm not sure if an actual serialization was ever a price before, plus the past contests were more about shorter forms, sometimes with a specific theme.

>> No.3197262

Im currently making a half life comic based on Marc laidlaw's episode 3.
I've made 2 pages so far.
Rate pls

>> No.3197902

How easy is it for screentones to end up looking horrible upon printing?

I'm going to do single printing batch so I'm considering not using screentones at all (just black and white) just in case they come out all fucked up and I waste $300.

>> No.3197933
File: 1.28 MB, 1165x1642, cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's... Coming along. I'm very slow at it because I'm trying to balance life with art but I want to get this out. If not for people who are interested, then for me.

>> No.3197947

cute, i like this picture, can i see ur comic?

>> No.3197996

Looks cool! Post site/blog/webtoon/whatever

>> No.3198028

It's called Juneau, it's about a girl who is not too bright, rash and generally weird getting God tier superpowers and is basically silver Age superman but... Dumber. The story is supposed to follow her and her cohorts travelling space to protect the galaxy.
Here's a link. I'm working on the third chapter now. It's my first time making a comic and this simple story is basically me teaching myself all about storytelling and comics and getting better at drawing. I want to do a more serious comic later but I'm not at the skill level I want to be. So this is just me testing the waters. Essentially.

>> No.3198033

post your work

>> No.3198091

Why don't you post it on Webtoon? I feel like you would get more views here, I don't know why people still use personal websites, is there a reason?

>> No.3198415

I didn't really know where to post it to when I first started posting it. I can post it there too.

>> No.3198435
File: 10 KB, 182x268, MV5BMTk2NDQ2Nzk1OF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMTU0MzU2MjE@._V1_UY268_CR87,0,182,268_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A question:

I just joined webtoon to hopefully post my own work and promote my site for traffic,but not sure how to go about it? The website,at least what I am accessing on my phone so far,doesn't explain much...

>> No.3198453

Indian men really are some of the saddest men are Earth. Also he did all of that and she still didnt block him? Something tells me she lowkey liked the attention

>> No.3198455
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>> No.3198563
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Putting together a doujin has been my dream all year long. I don't think I have what it takes, though.

>> No.3198596

>I don't think I have what it takes, though.

There's not all that much to it as long as you have time. If you mean "to make a good one", then you'll never get there unless you make a bad one first.

>> No.3198673

In hiatus because I want to make decent human beings and backgrounds, I can wing it for so much time.
I can't stand it anymore.
I need to improve.

>> No.3198735

Why is it so hard? Like why can some people doing illustration online make money out of it and not comics?

>> No.3198890

>Also he did all of that and she still didnt block him? Something tells me she lowkey liked the attention
It's fun fucking with people to a point.

>> No.3199231

A personal website lets your readers immerse themselves a little more. Or at least- well-designed sites do

>> No.3199246
File: 152 KB, 1002x1194, 4C87B56E-F2E5-4DCA-BEF8-E140F766254E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I want to sell my illustrations, I can make a bunch of prints for pennies on the dollar (regardless of how many I order) and sell them each for 5-8$
Easy money.

If I want to sell my comic books, I’m going to have to pay anywhere from 4-9$ for each copy if I’m ordering a quantity of less than 100. And I can only sell them for up to $12-15 each, because no one is willing to pay much more than that for comic made by a nobody.

>> No.3199262

If you’re talking about Patreonbux, illustrators make more because they can shit out some fanart porn a couple times a week for little to no effort- all while appealing to a wider audience (and their wallets).

Comics on the other hand- take a long-ass time to make, and a ton more effort- even for skilled artists. You have to work your ass off to meet deadlines or risk losing readers. And for all your efforts, your original characters and story won’t appeal to much of anyone outside your immediate following.

>> No.3199597

I am making a comic, some people really like it but to be honest I kind of regret it. I'm not making any money out of it, I feel like a slave cuck making it twice a week, and can't stop doing it or I'll lose the few readers I have.
Feels bad man, also my art is pretty shitty so the comic doesn't even help me get proud of myself.

>> No.3199599

Can't you sell merch/open a Youtube channel etc to make some money? (I'm honestly not exactly sure how it works but from what I understand nowadays you have to make some sort of business model when you do all of the above + other small things to get enough money at the end of the month to survive)

Also post work

>> No.3199609
File: 1.28 MB, 1378x2039, 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As you can see the art is so shit I can't sell merch and after the adspocalypse I'm pretty sure youtube doesn't work anymore sadly.

>> No.3199671

Why did I laughed lol
About Youtube I thought it could just be a way to get yoru comics more views, like you do tutorials or art vlogs and mention your comic in your vids, it worked for some other artists, I was looking for tuts vlogs and ended up looking at their comic.
But yeah not everyone wants to make YT vids anyway.

>the art is so shit I can't sell merch
idk, something simple, some sort of strong moment/quote from your comic might work as merch material, but it depends on how much followers you have yeah, don't make merch for 50 readers.
Maybe use Patreon too idk. Yeah, seems hard to make money with comics, damn.

>> No.3199680


>> No.3199685

There are only a handful financially successful webcomics if you exclude the porn ones

>> No.3199692


Writing a script out for a twilight zonesque of graphic novel.

It's going to be about a bunch of anthro mice mice trapped in an enclosure 10 miles wide like in the mouse-utopia type experiment. They never knew how they got there, but they continue existing, never ending or beginning, perpetually stagnating at steam technology level. Throughout the history of their society they have been ruled by the most friendly of monarchs; a king, a queen and his knights who's only job seems to be protecting the citizens and working on the most dangerous tasks of escaping the enclosure. The knights work on a grand staircase around the wall to the top of it (which can't bee seen), and they continue to dig below to try and get under it. The citizens are not allowed near these projects as they are deemed "too dangerous" for them. The citizens work non stop on bricks, mortar, supplies and are allowed to use any inventive way they can conjure up to try and destroy the wall on the surface side.
The main character see's no point in their existence as they all just work and essentially get nowhere in life. This feeling haunts her until it almost drives her insane from living in isolation and becoming absolutely bored with not living her life. Stressed by constantly thinking about the true meaning of their existence she starts her own business as a mail courier to explore the land and get to know everyone in it. Her adventures in delivering mail across the land will lead her in the right direction and she'll meet the wisest and wackiest of people in her adventures. It will also lead her to finding the antagonist of their small and insignificant species. This antagonist will introduce her to the most horrible secrets of the world and they both will come to realize why the king and his knights are so eerily humble and "protective" of them all.

I feel like a graphic novel would be my best as I just want a complete product to be made and potentially larger profit.

>> No.3200322
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Do it if you have a story to tell. The thing is,stories and fully realized worlds they happen in are rarer than imagery, and every strip you make will educate you for the next one. Sometimes I find the writing of a strip more surprising than drawing it. You never know what the situation will produce. In this strip,for example, the heros are fighting robots,a familiar enough trope. But somewhere philosophy slips in,and the theme changes to Why are we Fighting? And through my characters a revelation sees light:

Can fighting be fun?
No. Reason failed, kindness failed.
So force mustn't.

What profundity will the world miss if YOU don't feel like putting it to paper?

Work at your own pace,don't be a slave to the process. Just the ideal.

>> No.3200493

who is this semen demon?

>> No.3201056


>> No.3201218

kekking at this post and all the replies. frustrated artists with no idea how the industry works thinking they should get all the credit

almost all comics published that aren't japshit or big two trash are duos composed of writers with a full script prepared hiring an artist or two good friends with ideas they want to carry to a comic book.

>> No.3201219
File: 207 KB, 524x956, Pilot 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making it right now.

>> No.3201266


>> No.3201342

Not sure about the coloring but cool style. Neck a bit long maybe? Maybe on purpose idk

>> No.3201344

I guess i like to make things longer.
Tell me about all the wrong stuff with coloring here, anon.

>> No.3201352
File: 1.52 MB, 3024x4032, comic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first comic. Am I gonna make it?

>> No.3201356

It's not necessarily wrong, just doesn't appeal to me but it's totally ok.

You're on the path, just don't stop.