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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 24 KB, 512x512, fTcxo8T3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3176968 No.3176968 [Reply] [Original]

Can't say I can blame him for accepting Adobe's offer but making his brushes exclusive to Adobe CC, shutting down his gumroad and creative market pages (even taking it off Creative Market entirely making it impossible to download your purchase) without any headsup to his customers is a appalling move.

Did anyone else get fucked over by this?

>> No.3176969

Is this a secret begging thread, cause I will beg for the megapack

>> No.3176970

>needs more brushes


>> No.3176973

Get fucked Kyle.

>> No.3176974

Is kyle even an artist himself? Where is his blog? Imagine getting paid hundreds of thousands per year making brushes and yet you don't even draw.

>> No.3176980

Does that include the Summer update?

>> No.3176981

When was the summer update I can't remember, this isn't my copy.

>> No.3176982

He's occasionally post sketches on twitter but it's basic level art class shit.

>> No.3176988
File: 124 KB, 700x525, webster-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Summer Update is from 1-6-2017 (that's 6-1 for you USanons)


>> No.3176990

Then this probably isnt it, I think I've had this since January.

>> No.3176996
File: 193 KB, 1200x450, manga_email_head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was dumb enough to buy the mega pack for like $13 some years ago, I'm proper pissed because of the way he did this shit out of the blue, he hid everything on creativemarket.com/kyletwebster/collections and took down every single one of his youtube videos about the brushes.

5 September he even launched a new brush set "Manga Mini Brush Set" and he went silent since then.

>> No.3177000

Just make your own brushes. Set things up and tweak them to suit your particular needs/style/workflow.

>> No.3177005

>this "manga" artstyle
Holy shit it's a good thing this guy just does brushes.

>> No.3177052

yall shoudl know the "megapack" isn't "every brush set he has" it's a completely original and very large set of brushes distinct from all his other packs so there's a lot more that people need to beg for

>> No.3177058


This. Just make your own brushes. It's not hard.

>> No.3177062
File: 14 KB, 254x469, explorer_2017-10-18_09-15-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have all the other ones, I just need the summer update senpai

>> No.3177075

I never understood why people gave a shit about this guy's brushes and why he became so famous for it.

>> No.3177083

And to add insult to injury, his halftone brushes are shit. They create moiré patterns even in the fucking promo image.

>> No.3177086

Don't you ever get to the point where you start thinking: "I don't really need 90% of these brushes and if I somehow need one for a specific situation that has never come up yet, I can just tweak the existing ones I already have"?

>> No.3177090

I haven't even used any of these except for the watercolor ones

>> No.3177094

I like his "runny inkers", but I guess I could emulate them using size jitter.

>> No.3177101

Then why do you say you need the summer update?

>> No.3177110

I compulsively need to complete my collection

>> No.3177136

Well, to be fair when he started selling brushes he was picking up the slack from adobe. In the end, I'd say Kyle is a wordsmith and that's how he's sold so many of his brushes.

>> No.3177146

Yeah. I realized that I actually only use about 10 brushes at most and that includes texture and perspective ones.

>> No.3177147

Kek, more reasons to pirate CC.

>> No.3177148

Anon, you need an intervention. I think you may be a digital hoarder.

>> No.3177150

Kyle has been a very successful freelance artist for sometime (decades?) now. But it's mostly commercial work. If you try and go to his site, it's empty due to this "exciting news".

>> No.3177151

To what ends exactly? It's useless if you don't use it. You're just eating your HD space for nothing.

>> No.3177157

Dang, another down side to this is that even his non-Photoshop brushes are gone and he'll probably never be doing any brush designs outside of Adobe.

>> No.3177185

He had non PS brushes? I'd love getting some nice CSP , I only use defaults most of the time but trying new things wouldn't hurt

>> No.3177186

*CSP packs

>> No.3177186,1 [INTERNAL] 

The manga brush set looks like a last stitch effort to rob people.

>> No.3177205

This is /ic/ we're talking about, they're lazy and would rather success be handed to them on a silver platter.

>> No.3177206

If this means Adobe starts to give a shit about brushes and drawing in Photoshop I'm okay with it

>> No.3177206,1 [INTERNAL] 

Someone please upload everything

>> No.3177249

I guess i just don't understand why anyone would care about his brushes in the first place. Like, I totally get it why beginners are so obsessed with brushes of artists they admire and who make really great looking pieces. Naturally, you want to use the same tools as your idols and try to create similar brushwork. But Kyle Webster doesn't have any impressive pieces of his own. He can't make anything impressive with his own brushes, so why do other people want them?

>> No.3177285

He's always been a massive faggot. He made six figures selling brushes to a public whose copy of Photoshop was pirated in 90% cases, yet he whined about piracy. Instead of being thankful that he struck gold instead of having to do hard work as a proper artist.

>> No.3177335

Because many artists use these brushes and recommend them. They're popular in the digital art community.

>> No.3177346


i came for the >https://www.mediafire.com/file/1nacwufeqsee9ze/Kyle%20Ultimate%20Megapack.rar

>> No.3177357

That's the old one though, the newest version is 600+mb

>> No.3177360
File: 956 KB, 967x542, BAHAHAHA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


did he draw this ?

if so
>jeff koons balloon dog reference

>> No.3177363
File: 27 KB, 153x243, pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you can't write this shit

>> No.3177365

my sides

>> No.3177366

yeah just like how someone's opinion doesn't matter unless they can do what they're talking about better than the person they're criticizing
fuck off fallacious dumb fuck

>> No.3177378

Guys biggest claim to fame is a fucking children's book, a fucking kids book.

>> No.3177380


woah bro dont be a dick now

i loved pbj puppy goes on the schoolbus abc's and chicka chicka boom boom as a kid

you do not SHIT on those dudes, those guys are the real art cucks; so yeah

>> No.3177381
File: 683 KB, 245x243, tumblr_o0dbbzIqUj1sgl0ajo1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did anyone else get fucked over by this?
why'd you think i requested them from the book thread a few days back kek
but i never anticipated this

lmao that's some chris hart goodness right there

that's not a badge of shame, a lot of childrens illustrators are good. mr kyle seems a better showman than a craftsman to be fair

>> No.3177391
File: 89 KB, 475x700, stephen-gammell-artwork-monster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know what you're talking about and you have nothing to show for yourself, anyway.

>> No.3177420

Eh, creating brushes is a skill unto itself. Beginners are way better off getting good brushes than attempting to create their own from the start. It's easier to create your own brushes after you have good ones to dissect.

>> No.3177534

is every single brush he's done on adobe cc?

>> No.3177543

It would seem so, every single one of his brushes has been locked down where they were once available.

>> No.3177545

>paying an annual fee for software

>> No.3177553

it looks like someone ate a load of 90's clip art then threw up

>> No.3177558

I installed his brushes when I was /beg/ and found them really shitty compared to the brushes I dl'd from my favourite artists.

>> No.3177566
File: 89 KB, 220x149, 0eb8974e5c95f4a63e0c0870df5f6f74.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what an absolute dick. didnt understand that he deleted them from gumroad. guess i should upload what i have from, including the june update.


>> No.3177596

I can now finally rest in peace, you're a hero

>> No.3177619

The school I go to has photoshop cc
Is there any way I can access his brushes?
The program isn't linked to my school email though.

>> No.3177621

I love you.

>> No.3177629

Meh, I used the default hard/soft round brushes, so...

>> No.3177651


choose US

>> No.3177663

I paid for Photoshop but not his brushes. I don't give money to fucking baldies. Or editorial illustration faggots. What kind of a cunt would name her son Kyle? Jesus Christ.

>> No.3177680

I think I have another pack of his, I’ll upload later. This is fucking shitty.

>> No.3177701

They're not listed anymore but you can still download from Gumroad if you log in and check your library.

>> No.3177729

Creative Market buyers are out of luck apparently.

>> No.3177807

do these only work on CC or are they universal?

>> No.3177833

>chicka chicka boom boom
shit nigga, totally forgot about that book.

that book was my absolute favourite.

>> No.3177962

*share thread pin

>> No.3178015

But why do you want Kyle Webster's brushes and not the brushes from any random Deviantart kid who also can't paint well?

>> No.3178034


What a sellout

>> No.3178184

I can't even get into my account there

>> No.3178194

CC only, unfortunately.

>> No.3178307

webster's brushes are bought and used by industry pros who aren't him.

>> No.3178334

Am I the only one bothered by how nonsensical the shadows on this character's face are?

>> No.3178336

I'm no brushfag, but are there any decent halftone/screentone brushes out there? Seems like doing screentones in PS is a major pain in the ass

>> No.3178368

so err there's still no way to use ps brushes in csp

>> No.3178374

>millions of brushes online to choose from
I don't see why you NEED his brushes.

>even if you do NEED his brushes (you don't), CC is only $10 a month, which is maybe a few trips to the coffee shop or something.

>even if you NEED his brushes and NEED every single venti frappaccino, pirating CC is super easy

>and if you already bought the brushes you can still use them

I don't see why so many people are mad at this dude.

>> No.3178380

Not because they're objectively superior to alternates though. For someone so dedicated to photoshop Kyle was awfully bad at using it, next to none of the texture files he uses in his Watercolor set tile and all have very obvious seams, it's a really amateur job.

>> No.3178389

Patterns are better for screentoning, not brushes. I'd recommend a more traditional approach where you use lasso and fill rather than use a brush if you're going to be screentoning. If you want a brush that can screentone anyway, you don't need a fancy brush, you can use any brush, just hit texture in brush settings and select the pattern you want from your pattern library. You just need to make or download some patterns first before you can abuse them.

>> No.3178391

PS you can ignore my advice if you want. I haven't exactly gone looking for "screentone brushes", so maybe someone else will have a good suggestion, if what you're looking for is different than what I think you're asking for.

>> No.3178457


Children's books generally have better art than books for adults, moron.

>> No.3178462


I'm not mad. I have CC. Now I get all his brushes for free. Yesterday was great!

>> No.3178495

>pay for a month of photoshop CC for $10 (it's in the photography bundle)
>download all his brushes and other tools he's ever made
>export those brushes as backup
>cancel CC and patch your copy if you don't wanna keep paying for it

ways i sees it you can now buy every single photoshop brush/tool he's ever made for $10, i don't really see the complaints besides him removing the download options for his legacy brushsets that people already paid for which is legit kinda shitty and the way he's acting so obtuse about it on twitter has kinda chipped at the goodwill i have for him. still happy for him, but he's gettin paid a solid salary by adobe now so pirating his brushsets is like pirating photoshop i guess. an if you care about people pirating photoshop you're a cop.

>> No.3178496

Your advice is fair, making a selection then hitting a hotkey to floodfill is faster and more convenient than relying on a brush that is relying on a 4x4 pattern.

I feel like a dumb cunt having not done this myself despite knowing how it works.

>> No.3178722

>cancel CC and patch your copy if you don't wanna keep paying for it

Wait? How can you patch it? I don't want to keep paying for it.

>> No.3178724

Is that your idea of a joke?

>> No.3178765


>> No.3178772

they're not brushes special to his work, they're brushes that emulate traditional media in general. what actually good artists can do with those brushes is what matters in this case

but i guess nobody gets to use them now unless they're giving shekels to adobe

>> No.3178886

Wait you can still export brushes in CC 2018?

>> No.3178911

You can download all .abr files of these brushes from the official adobe webpage: http://www.adobe.com/products/photoshop/brushes.html?promoid=XKMMHH6G&mv=other

The only downside of being .abr (brushes files) and no .tpl (tool presets files) is that brushes files does not retains flow values of each brush (unlike tool presets that does), so there are some of Kyle's brushes that you have to manually adjust it's flow value in order to get the intended texture in some cases.

>> No.3178944

Wtf I love Kyle now

>> No.3179049

this shit is mad confusing

>> No.3179050

How long till adobe drops him and he's begging people to buy his new shit because adobe now owns all his previous work?

>> No.3179051

a month tops

>> No.3179141

Does anyone have the most recent set of screentone brushes he put out, the ones that included pressure-sensitive tones? I only have up to the set before that and now have no way of getting the update.

>> No.3179202

In Photoshop CC 2018 the flow/opacity and color can be stores in the .abr file / brush itself so you don't have to use tools.

>> No.3179336

this one?

>> No.3179341

What would Adobe even need him for long term? You can only make so many useful brushes before it becomes redundant.

>> No.3179455
File: 280 KB, 540x346, 1424416130244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

adobe noticed their product was shit, and they noticed a guy created an improvement for it, so they hired him to fix the product. instead of pissing around smugly trying to pretend his fixes weren't needed, changing the product so his fixes wouldn't work, or serving him a copyright notice.

this actually is a good thing. adobe is at least vaguely paying attention to its userbase and what the art industry wants out of its product.

>> No.3179657


see >>3179455
he's gonna basically be a consultant for how adobe develops it's future brush tech and most likely develop brushes that make use of new features with the aim of keeping photoshop the flagship illustration program in industry aka were the money is for companies that develop creative applications

i hope they show a bit more love to those who animate in photoshop along the way ;-;

i haven't gotten around to installing 2018 yet but it'd be crazy to remove the ability to back up brushes you may or may not have created yourself. also see >>3178911 they're just up there for free now i guess?? so you don't even need to subscribe for a month, jus grab the trial version. you'll need 2018 to get full use of the new releases of kyle's brushes as >>3179202 pointed out tho

googling UAP 2.0 (universal adobe patcher 2.0) should point you in the right direction. there was a thread somewhere else on the board recently that explained it p clearly but i can't seem to find it anymore so it mighta gotten taken down for being too explicit in helping you pirate. it's not up to date enough to have CC 2018 listed as a thing you can patch but if you scroll all the way to the bottom of it's drop down menu it has some generalized patches for 64 and 32 bit CC programs that should work from what i've been told. UAP 2.0 seems to be a lot harder for them to patch over because from what i understand it emulates the server authentication that adobe does to make sure your license is still being paid for, basically just lying to photoshop (or whatever program you have installed) so that it allows you to use the full version.

>> No.3179977
File: 208 KB, 728x518, 1412330006555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't surprise me if Adobe forced his hand and made him take the brushes down, per contract.
Just don't use PS if you can afford to.

>> No.3179985

>Just don't use PS if you can afford to
or just dont pay for it, duh

>> No.3180094
File: 256 KB, 476x411, 1360982792194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are an angel

>> No.3181478

These don't work with previous versions of photoshop then?

>> No.3181564

Works fine on CS6.

>> No.3182163
File: 646 KB, 900x682, 1500242862865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any of you have this particular set?
Kyle T. Webster Summer Brush Set, was the name of it

>> No.3182235

How has Adobe not cared about brushes? I've been able to make my own brushes for a long time. Oh, are you butthurt because they didn't hold your hand and make everything you wanted, for free? Brushes are fucking easy to make, get off your pathetic whining ass and learn how.

>> No.3182237

>adobe noticed their product was shit,


Okay, neckbeard. Whatever you say. LOL.