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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3176764 No.3176764 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3176766

it fucking starts with a model reference retard

>> No.3176768

He didn't copy it exactly so that's still drawing from imagination, retard.

>> No.3176769

if you apply that logic, every single one of his drawings qualifies. Besides, this is bad anyway.

>> No.3176774
File: 164 KB, 956x676, tumblr_ovqfzyuCwi1vvqp55o4_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet, it's still than anything you can or will ever be able to do.


>> No.3176777

wow. You can really feel how the super hero man broke his wrist by punching the ground. And now he is doing the same thing to his other wrist. Why super hero man? Why?

>> No.3176778

better than*

Just use reference, nosebro. You don't have the talent to draw without it.

>> No.3176783

But he uses one of his own references in the fucking video.

>> No.3176798

I don't want to be mean just for the sake of being mean since I don't think I'm any better but I just realized Proko is always quite awkward.

>> No.3176799

He has zero test

>> No.3176811

I hope you don't consider this to be good. Or at least don't consider it to be on the same level as the life studies proko usually does. I'm sorry to say this but Proko seems to be very very bad at drawing from memory. Which is quite mindblowing imo.

>> No.3176844

stop memeing low quality art "tutors" They're all so bad. He just regurgitates lessons he learned in school, but for free. Apparently free is all it takes for you NEETs to eat it up.

>> No.3176853

Couldn't have been said better anon

>> No.3176899

I expected...Better from him, but it's still okay-ish.

>> No.3176912
File: 718 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-10-17-17-31-18-531_com.google.android.youtube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy called Edizkan can draw from memory, check him out most of his vids are on insta though

>> No.3176923

So wait copying a model and adding a cape is drawing from immagination now? Is photo bashing drawing from immagination too?

>> No.3176930

literally shows the fucking photo ref he's using in the first minute of the video.

>> No.3177031

Perfect example of Reilly method

>> No.3177096

Anything that's not exactly 1:1 is from imagination. If I photobash but make enough changes, it's from my imagination.

>> No.3177104

Except you literally didn't draw anything from imagination...

>> No.3177114

Uh wrong, the change I made were from my imagination, and if the final picture doesn't resemble the original, then it's from imagination.

>> No.3177126

Fuck off with your semantics you fuckard, I can take a fucking photo and make a red dot on it and it would be considered from "imagination" for you. I don't even know why I wasted my time replying.

>> No.3177129

But that's what a referenced drawing is. If you say "drawn from ref", everyone understands you mean that the main focal point is referenced, but isn't a 1:1 copy, otherwise you'd call it a study. When you say "drawn from imagination", most people will assume you mean you drew at the very least the pose and main focal point from imagination and used references only for minor detail etc.

>> No.3177135

Wrong again, now who's arguing semantics? Making a red dot isn't making any real discernible changes. Don't waste time replying if you're so retarded

Drawing from imagination just means using your imagination to draw.

>> No.3177142

and who decides what a "real discernible change" is? you?


>> No.3177159

Even professional mangokoes use refs...?

"There are no rules, only tools." --- Glenn Vilppu.

Keep licking Kim Jung Gi's asshole.

>> No.3177162

anyone with eyes retard, you're just pissed that people aren't following your asinine definition of what imagination is

>> No.3177173

Tfw you can't draw from imagination so you change the meaning of drawing from imagination to incorporate the use of reference drawing. Drawing from imagination means drawing 100% from memory.

>> No.3177177

im not even the guy youre talking to, but drawing from imagination has always meant drawing without a reference. if you want to use a reference for 'likeness' or 'inspiration' for your figure or something, than you look at the reference, commit it to visual memory, and then put it away and draw it from imagination

>> No.3177194

>this is what 10 years of atelier training gets you
This is significantly worse than your average comic book artist. Proko is Sycra tier untalented.

>> No.3177255

I didn't say anything against using refs...? I'm just saying if you used a direct reference, then what you did was a drawing from reference. Why are you insisting on calling a drawing from reference a drawing from imagination? As you said, there are no rules, only tools, so no reason for you to be so embarassed about it.

>> No.3177265

OK you win. Srry for being rude.

Btw gurney also uses ref but he makes his own 3d refs, how would that work?

>> No.3177269

>Drawing from imagination means drawing 100% from memory.

That's not true either. In a finished illustration, anyone will look up references to fix things, add more detail and believability etc. What makes a drawing from imagination a drawing from imagination is that you came up with the composition, the figures etc. and then looked for reference to improve your vision. What Proko did is a drawing from reference, not because he used reference at all, but because it started with the reference. There was no imagination process to come up with the figure and pose.

>> No.3177299
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>come up with a sick idea for a picture in my head
>seek a reference to get a part of it more accurate
>its not from imagination anymore its a reference drawing

>> No.3177302

>a plus b is imagination but b plus a isn't imagination

Get the fuck outta here. Order doesn't matter. If you use reference at all then it's creative use of reference. I can start with a reference image of a simple pose and then create the rest without reference including the clothing, shape design, background, expressions, etc, does that mean it isn't an imagination drawing when starting with a simple composition from imagination and referencing the rest is? That's retarded logic. They are both creative use of reference. FYI, you retards, referencing isn't copying. It's literally referencing as in I'm looking at it to guide my decisions not entirely base my finished work on it.

>> No.3177304

But that's /beg/ tier garbage...?

>> No.3177323

All of you retards were drawing from imagination the whole time

>> No.3177331


generic comic book pose.
generic comic book scene.
Still rely on ref...

The problem is that he's been drawing FOR YEARSS.... and still can't draw from imagination. Still have to rely on ref. Probably sift through comic books images to come up with this scene.

>> No.3177336


It's not. As much as you want it because you hate proko for whatever reason. It's a pretty good drawing. The only sad part is he suppose to have mileage and can pretty much draw something like this without relying on ref.

That's why don't just copy photos or draw from life like a moron. You need to apply that knowledge.

>> No.3177344

>literally the guy from reference with skin tight clothes and a cloak
>call it superhero
its the blandest and laziest design Ive ever seen
proko has the skill, but no creativity whatsoever

>> No.3177359

post work

>> No.3177396

Dude it's terrible. The facial features are half obscured by thick hatching (on purpose) which nowhere in the drawing ever follows the form underneath, the muscles are really crudely drawn. The hand is completely fucked. There's no sense of volume, movement or force anywhere in the drawing. The composition is shit, the values are shit.

It would be okay in the /bg/ threads but this guy shouldn't be teaching.

>> No.3177405

It looked better before he put in thes hitty half tones.

>> No.3177408

Tell him to draw the same character in a different pose and without reference and he would crash and burn.

>> No.3177418
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relevant argument, how does proko taste

>> No.3177569

Use multiple references you goof

>> No.3178287

perfectly symmetrical front facing face. yea, wow, this is really something. da vinci is jelly.

>> No.3178295

>first step: uses reference
holy kek, you proktards are delusional.

>> No.3178304

post work

>> No.3178308
File: 411 KB, 679x845, fidgetspinnergirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3178315

>tfw proko literally can't draw this without a giant fidget spinner and a decapitated little girl

>> No.3178331

samefag, embarrassing. can't draw hands and tries to shit on proko lmao

>> No.3178335

Except it's not a samefag you retard.
More than one person think lowly of Proko's complete inability to draw from imagination.

>> No.3178551

>10+ years of harcore training for this

>> No.3178638

>proko just uploaded a video on hands

>> No.3178697

>that part where he critics the reference

I laughed desu

>> No.3178704

proko is better than 99% of you, stop bullying him

>> No.3178805

Post dic pic

>> No.3179069

At copying, yes. At drawing things from imagination, he's actually significantly worse than many posters and would fit right into /beg/.

>> No.3179102
