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3176567 No.3176567 [Reply] [Original]

Remember Anon: Depression is the only True roadblock in making it as an artist.

If you want to make art as a job, not as a hobby and not as a fine artist, you will never be able to while you are depressed and depression never goes away.

>> No.3176569

im aiming for fine art so im good

>> No.3176570

>if you want to make art as a job you will never be able to while you are depressed

this part is just a lie

>> No.3176575
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>mfw only get counseling once every 14/21 days
>mfw I keep getting worse each time I go there because it does fuck all to help me

>> No.3176581
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>mfw counceling program ended
>mfw I'm worse now than before
I don't want to try again but I think about an heroing now more than ever, especially when i remember i'm NGMI

>> No.3176583

then stop going you retard

>> No.3179352

Vincent Van Gogh would like a word.

>> No.3179362

ITT spineless sissies.

>> No.3179365

akko had a rough life :(

>> No.3179368
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Just keep going.

>> No.3179370


This is important

>> No.3179380


>> No.3179504

Yea no it's not. If you can't find a way to work through your depression you don't deserve to make it.

>> No.3179506
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>a pile of shit is better than not having a pile of shit


>> No.3179512

What's the point of being an emo? Just pull yourself together.

>> No.3179519

Back in May I tried to kill myself because at the time I was at my lowest point of depression. I had become delusional and thought that jumping off of a bridge would make it so much easier.
I drank a concentrated dose of sleeping pills mixed with water, it tasted like cancer but I wanted to fall asleep by the time I fell. I didn't.
After a half hour I finally jumped because I heard sirens nearby.

Immediate regret.

It felt like I was still sitting on the side of the bridge before I hit the water. It was glacier water too, so it was beyond cold. I was in shock for the first five minutes before I was able to start trying to swim to shore. It was a miracle I was uninjured or wasn't pulled out by the undertow.
After 15 minutes of being in the water I made it to shore and I just wanted to sleep. But I knew I would actually die if I gave in so I went to the nearest house. It was an old couple. They helped me throw up the sleeping pills and some of the river water into a pale, gave me a warm blanket, and called the police.
I spent the next month in a program called QUESST I believe. They did give me antidepressants while I was there, but once I was fine to leave they let me off of them.
(Well my psychiatrist said my ADHD meds were for ADHD, but it turned out they were heavy duty antidepressants.)

I'm glad I'm alive. I have people who love me, and even if it was just one person that would be good too. I'm no longer depressed, it has left me completely and I'm off of those meds because fuck my psychiatrist.

Never give up anons. I've been there, and jumping was the worst mistake I ever made. I have PSTD now, can't put my head under water. And I have nightmares at least twice a week.

God speed anons, you'll make it.

>> No.3179530

As a fellow depressedfag: just post in the general confessions thread. I think too many threads about depression and other feels are going to only hurt the community and make people angry. Unless your intention is to shit up the board ofc

>> No.3179532
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>tfw no frog gf to help me through depression

>> No.3179835

depends on how bad it is.

Depression has nothing to do with sadness.

>> No.3179928
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considering seeing a doc for depression meds or adderall. a lot of my friends who take either have had good experiences with them- but im nervous because ive never taken drugs that mess with my head before.

>> No.3179931

never have i seen a worse ngmi attitude lol

>> No.3180009

Anon that posted the suicide thing above a few posts. Don't let them put you on Venlafaxine. The side effects of taking it are horrible and the withdrawal is literally hitler.

>> No.3180138


>> No.3180139

What if i want to kill myself because my art is bad

>> No.3180140

How do you get over feeling like a loser all the time

>> No.3180277

I use my depression to go further in depth of grasping an idea

>> No.3180409
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>> No.3180414

That's not true at all. Download something like procrastitraker and check how much time you actually draw vs scrolling internet. You're not depressed. Most of you'are just lazy fuck with attention span problems

>> No.3180418

What does depression feel like? How do you wish people would treat you and try to help you if they knew how you felt?

>> No.3180427

>What does depression feel like?
It's like being strapped to a hospital bed while the world around you goes by in fast forward

>> No.3180558
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It's almost as if a shitty attention span is something that comes with anxiety and depression, who knew

>> No.3180603

What's your cure?

>> No.3180631

Turn off internet for month.

>> No.3180896

>What does depression feel like?
No pleasure or satisfaction out of things you used to enjoy, basically. Makes it hard to find motivation to keep going after a few years of living like a machine, from day to day, only out of habit or sense of responsibility for people around you, so then either a miracle happens, or you commit sudoku.

>> No.3182384

made me chuckle desu