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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 302 KB, 2000x1333, IMG_0968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3172801 No.3172801 [Reply] [Original]

This is my latest painting. It depicts the struggle of life, knowing no matter where you are the light always will be with you, guiding you on your journey. Notice the ripples? As does a wave deviates off course left and right, so do you on your journey of life, but no matter what you hold the reins and still keep moving forward.

Selling on ebay if anyone's interested.

>> No.3172802

What do you think it may represent, anons?

>> No.3172804
File: 492 KB, 623x662, 86 hours of work.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

astonishing... really touching, cant get enough of it
please post more of your work
im a modern art lover myself

>> No.3173270


This painting makes me contemplate on the nature of paint and color.
What is white?
As light, it is the apparent no-color that contains all colors except its antithetical no-color, black. But, as pigmentation, it rarely lacks some ghostly tint, and it is never without relative tone. (Juxtapose any two whites and watch one turn gray.)
If you notice the nuances in this painting that means that you have spent enough time for your perception to adjust, like eyes in the dark, to the pitch of excruciating discrimination that this painting demands. The exercise may offer its own reward, refining the viewer’s eye and mind, but it comes with ponderous intellectual baggage. This painting's reductions of painting to basic protocols are engaging only to the extent that you regard painting as an art that is both inherently important and circumstantially in crisis.

>> No.3173750

People shit on abstract when it's 10x better than the shit this board posts. Are you all just pretending to not understand what makes good abstract good?

>> No.3174467

post some good abstract art
not being a cunt or anything, I really just want to see

>> No.3174480
File: 632 KB, 1281x1600, Flowers I 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3174494

Watch MoMAs two Willem de Kooning vids on youtube, it gives you a decent feel for the thought behind especially abstract expressionism.

>> No.3174503

theres a place for abstract art, but its not front and center in the art community. this shit is held up as the best or the only art that should be shown. put it in the 'abstract art corner' and let the weirdos who actually like it go over there.

>> No.3174510

I agree. I think the main reason why they do this is because abstract still has a lingering aura of being avant garde. The reaction to abex, pop art, killed any real future avant garde by imploding on its own logic.

The meme about abstract is a result of art people chasing the high from when art wasn't dead.

>> No.3174512

you realize you are the minority in the art world who thinks this way right?

people who disrespect abstract art are the real weirdoes

>> No.3174518

Much of today's abstract is as shitty and uninteresting as non-abstract art. People trying to invent and miserably failing. How come that there are no new art movements since the 70s-80s except people making inane shit with computers?

>> No.3174523

i see plenty of good abstract art even today. you must not have been exposed to them then

or you dont understand what makes abstract art good

>> No.3174529

I appreciate abstract art, and you there is "good" (well made) abstract today - but it is often as uninteresting as hyperrealism, it's a derivative. Where is the modern avant garde? The challengers? Certainly not in the abstract we see today.

I think this modern failing of art is ultimately a result of us sinking deeper into the spectacle and capitalism.

>> No.3174533

>you dont understand what makes shit smears all over a canvas good

oh please tell us, high art elite

>> No.3174540

gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8 8$

>> No.3175544
File: 114 KB, 490x663, 1494726607935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

contemporary humans lack the philosophic or artistic knowledge -- even the intellectual curiosity -- to pursue abstract painting anymore. the entire landscape is riddled with hangups by a post psychologism world that tried to analyze artwork that never asked or could be analyzed by such a dumb way of engaging with reality. the whole abstract endeavor has been abandoned and now today doing abstracts just means you rub a squeegee over canvas. some legit abstracts are still being made but the work is largely dead because unfortunately it is both unrecognizable and unapproachable.

>> No.3175553

Fancy slight of hand to trick people into thinking its something more than it is. Abstract art is trash.

You dont need a lecture to understand the value of traditional art, every human being knows its significance simply by seeing it. Not only is it beautiful but often has a meaningful message, it just doesn't sacrifice artistic excellence to express it.

I have no problem with abstract art existing, but it is given a place far more prestigious than it deserves.

>> No.3175556
File: 865 KB, 1150x1266, 1506301981073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You dont need a lecture to understand the value of traditional art
yer full of shit. kids dont give a fuck about some old naked people wrapped in bedroom curtains. they only recognize value because the artwork is framed, large, and hung in a huge ass museum. and most of the beauty in traditional work isn't at face value either. a lot of it has to be extracted through CAREFUL INSIGHTFUL OBSERVATION. who the fuck does that today unless they are in a subfield of art?

>I have no problem with abstract art existing, but it is given a place far more prestigious than it deserves.
no one cares about your value system. get some money and start playing the bidding game at sothebys if you want to participate in the lunacy of trying to influence what other people value.

>> No.3175564

Thats complete nonsense, it doesn't take careful study to appreciate the statue of David or the pieta. It may take a better understanding of art to see the fine details of color used and appreciate that but fine art speaks for itself and it speaks to everyone.

>> No.3175568
File: 97 KB, 800x800, 1466264964892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're delusional or baiting for a discussion. do you even remember being a child? have you seen any today? how about watching the mona lisa curse. ppl can't even look at art or tourist locations. they go to say they did it.

>> No.3175569

Nothing you said is relevant to my comment

>> No.3175575
File: 33 KB, 276x233, 1448575890011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're arguing gallery or museum artwork can be distilled into comprehensible ideas by the uneducated masses then you are simply wrong and delusional. just saying X is SO GUD that anyone can appreciate it isn't an argument. it's a delusion that can be falsified with trivial experiment, let alone discussion with an average person.

>> No.3175579

What makes you think anyone from any walk of life would have difficulty finding the beauty in las meninas, or the sistine chapel? These are awe inspiring works that uplift us and light passions. Whatever language you speak you can see a sunset.

>> No.3175586
File: 114 KB, 700x374, 4f64ba76e9e4043058ab2cde824d9b9e--vatican-city-the-vatican.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be millennial
>forced school trip to some old religious building
>>omg this is SO BORING
>pull out phone
>post some mindless meme joke on social media

>> No.3175587

if a could would look at an abstract art would say ''I could do that'' and move over, but when seeing an old naked man wrapped in bedroom curtains it will stop and try to understand what he is seeing

The single reason why modern art is put in some regards by some some retards, is because abstract art takes away the attention of the viewer from the art itself and the artist, and moves it over the artist holder which only wants attention, and not to sent a message.

Instead of
>what did the artist want to say with this? and let's discus over it
we have
>why did YOU put on the wall something which means nothing and what does it mean to YOU?

>> No.3175588

if a child*

>> No.3175589

Boring, but you understand its good.

>> No.3175590
File: 36 KB, 500x389, RYZOSSq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3175592

you understand it's "good" by proxy of authority. if you're bored you clearly are not looking at something you recognize as beautiful.

>> No.3175594

Why would he? Its terrible

>> No.3175596

Being bored doesn't mean you dont understand its well made

>> No.3175604

it's not about if one did do something or not, it's the fact that it does not bring anything to table which the viewer doesn't know

if the viewer could do something, it means he know everything the painting can tell because he understands the process needed to achieve it

and good job dodging the main argument of my comment, and that being that abstract art is only a way for the art holder to jerk off his own ego, instead of using art as a way of communicating or starting a discussion

>> No.3175605
File: 106 KB, 554x439, shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

missing the point. every "i could paint that" idiot fails to realize they are evaluating something in retrospect. the actual conception of modern/ minimalist work is where the expertise lies.

the ignorance is pretty shocking if you transplant it to a rational field like math where you write out the simplified equations that took people's lives to simplify in abstraction. then someone comes along and looks at the final product and says "oh i can do that!"

>> No.3175606

if you think copying an existing picture shows you understand the work you're so far up your own ass chances are you can't even hear anyone when they try communicating with you.

>> No.3175609

when something is exiting, it's because there is a certain level of mistery involved, because the one exited can learn something from it if he involves himself deeper in it

on the opposite part, when something is boring it's boring because the bored one has nothing to gain from it, no ideas, no knowledge, nothing

abstract art is boring because it's shallow

>> No.3175610

So the most abstract art has is saying i came up with a weird idea and you didnt. Its still poorly made.

>> No.3175612

I like how the vibrant vivid colors are masterfully mixed into a gross brown mush. Really reminds you of flowers.

>> No.3175613

I wouldn't say its boring, more like irritating, angering. It sure can stir emotions, but theyre all negative

>> No.3175616

only shallow people are able to look at an object and find nothing in it.

>> No.3175617

the simple process of copying something involves a basic level of analyzing it

to be able to copy something you have to look and approximate angles and such, by which process you learn about that said something

and understand we are not speaking about photocoppying here

>> No.3175620

i know copying involves skill and is different from photos. so fucking what? you can paint a hyperrealistic scene of a government assembly in a foreign country. it doesn't mean you would understand a single fucking thing about what was going on. please do clarify at length wtf you are trying to share with the class.

>> No.3175625

if you want to talk about ideas, you use text, not visual shapes

painting, a visual medium, is meant for talking about the visual nature of thing (how they look, how they change their look in different scenarios). You know, very definitive things.

If you want to talk general ideas, such as a social construct, what is the use of art, or whatever your message you want to be, choosing visual art is a bad choose of talking medium. Even we right now choose words and text over painting to respond each other

>> No.3175631

>painting, a visual medium, is meant for talking about the visual nature of thing (how they look, how they change their look in different scenarios)
while this is true you still have a lot of misconceptions. painting isn't meant for any one thing and as soon as you've placed a preconception on what it should be you've failed horribly as an artist.

>Even we right now choose words and text over painting to respond each other
this is merely due to technical and economic limitations. if you were beside me irl i'd be explaining things with body language and sketches. i have a catalog of historical artwork i could browse through to better articulate my points.

>> No.3175650

if somebody judges a paper I wrote based on my calligraphy and not the text itself, when I payed no attention to the aesthetics of it but the message I wrote, I would be enraged by that fact

while writing can be used for more things, if the worth of my writing would be valued by different values than mine, I would not be happy

that is the base of the war between abstract art and the normal one focused on visual things. The problem is that both are called art, while for aesthetic writing we have calligraphy so there is no war going on.

The name ''art'' is already taken for normal painting, pic something different for abstract ''art'' and we are all good.

>> No.3175656

And get it out of the spotlight.

>> No.3175659
File: 515 KB, 744x655, 1437258188477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

art isn't taken for anything you arrogant pleb. it is used in nearly every niche of human life. even mathematicians use the term. and all of these uses are more or less correct. you're just some fuckwit that prolly prefers traditional art and decided to act on some self assigned false authority to decide what is or isn't """"art"""". i'm out of this thread.

>> No.3175842

Don't let the door smack you on the way out. ;)

>> No.3175883
File: 661 KB, 1600x1000, 1492978984103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you can't enjoy abstract art then you can't enjoy looking at reality, as reality is as abstract as you can get since it is not a representation of anything, it's the pure aesthetic experience

look at this photograph, it itself is not abstract of course, but the view in person would be even greater and that view would be completely abstract. What is it representing? Nothing, the vista is itself. You think an abstract painting is "nothing" when it is itself just like any other non-illusory object, the only issue is that it's too unique to yet be named

of course, that's not to say all abstract art is good

>> No.3175886
File: 25 KB, 680x383, kyoukai-3-19-mitsuki-look-of-disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally the most full of shit and pretentious answer i have ever read.

>> No.3175888

>anime reaction image
>dumb answer
it all checks out

>> No.3175891
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3175892

I don't think you know what abstract means.
>reality is as abstract as you can get
No it's not. Our physical world is as far from abstract as you can get.

>> No.3175903

abstract artworks are real objects though, without the pretense of illusion that representative artworks have, so if reality isn't abstract how can abstract art be?
the scale loops around, from complete reality to the illusion of reality to complete fakery, the far end is not divorced from reality because it is part of reality

abstract art can only be unreal if you view it through the lens of art as representation, which it abandons at maximum abstraction

but lets throw out all semantics and get down to the point: if you can't enjoy looking at something that is not trying to imitate something else, then you're a very unusual person

>> No.3175904

you need some spics to install that dry wall

>> No.3175908

artist having a thought is not abstract.

>> No.3175913

dude stop

>> No.3175915

Why should I? I'm right.

>> No.3175917

Do you have autism?

>> No.3175928

I don't know what confuses me the most, that most of the """""""good""""""" abstract pieces are trash at interacting with the only thing abstract art has over legit art, which is the composition; or that there are actually people who think that just because something makes you think, it is inherently worth of praise. These people must have to be really careful not to start compulsively hoarding candy wrappers or some shit like that, because literally the only difference between a candy wrapper wrapped in a certain way and "modern" art is that one is called art by some people.

>> No.3175936
File: 52 KB, 600x613, thm_ancient-harmony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all jokes aside, I think the only abstract paintings that I really like are Paul Klee's stuff. I just like looking at them, but they are in no way awe inspiring as say, Velazquez or Rembrandt.

>> No.3175937
File: 64 KB, 600x482, 9b2d4907933ab1cf2a3d43ed2d509d2b--abstract-art-illustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they work due to his solid understanding of colours and simple shapes.

>> No.3175969
File: 797 KB, 1000x742, december-22-2016-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill post some of my abstracted attempts

>> No.3175970
File: 824 KB, 747x1000, june-2-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3175971
File: 583 KB, 701x950, june-6-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3175973
File: 704 KB, 617x900, march-3-2016-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3175977
File: 846 KB, 778x1000, october-24-2016-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3175979
File: 774 KB, 658x1000, september-5-2016-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright last one. all of these are old and terrible, but this threads boring so far so im trying to liven it up

>> No.3175997

dude everything you do is abstract. I've never seen any attempts of you to actually just copy what you see in front of you. which would help you tremendously to abstract the forms in an interesting way.
you're good in combining the colors and creating a solid composition, but it always feels like you skipped all the how to construct lessons.
get out of your comfort zone

>> No.3176035
File: 767 KB, 1000x728, september-25-2017-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean the drawing on this basket was pretty intensive. It's not 1 to 1, but honestly I feel like if I can't copy something super realistic naturally I shouldn't expend more effort than is necessary. pic related took 5 days, which was well out of my comfort zone cause I did like 4 paintings yesterday alone. But I'm making huge strides towards more intense idealization and realism compared to where I was a year ago through a lot of smaller exercises and occasional longer paintings.

If my observational work looks abstracted or "impressionist" it's simply because I'm not a good enough painter yet because oftentimes I go into still lifes saying I want to make it as realistic as possible. Just doesn't happen that way yet.

I'm getting recognition for more abstract pieces though, they're getting accepted into shows, I just think they misrepresent me most of the time because I'm honestly striving towards realism and idealization like they did in the Renaissance, and view most of Impressionism and Cubism as fairly amateur compared to what had been done before it.

>> No.3176114
File: 200 KB, 1280x767, 1280px-Albert_Bierstadt_-_The_Rocky_Mountains,_Lander's_Peak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is abstract art. Well i don't despise it so much anymore

>> No.3176139

>retard doesn't understand the universal appeal of mimetic art vs the alienating nature of anything non-representational
well, I guess that's what happens when your so enthralled into the art world you forget how outsiders actually view art

>> No.3176160
File: 314 KB, 773x1033, anna_i_by_pastelchu-dbqvilh (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my friends love me and my art

>> No.3176175

>googles "abstract expressionism" once

>> No.3176203
File: 481 KB, 540x810, 1499659477546.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3176394

It looks like my floor yesterday when i dropped leftover taco salad on it

>> No.3176796

tbqh seeing a blank canvas is miles better than video game concept art loomis copy paste with no original design that's shat everywhere here

abstract art is more about aesthetic

>> No.3176871

nah, I said the picture wasn't abstract, but that view in real life would be non-representative

>> No.3176882

>be 15
>miss the point of thing
>cynically rib on thing anyway
>am laffed at
>think i'm misunderstood
>grow into embarrassing manchild with strong opinions

>> No.3177830
File: 52 KB, 272x363, 1457417391704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you've gone way above the head of every typical /ic/ poster. sad cause this is where art discussion gets interesting.

>> No.3178286
File: 294 KB, 636x800, 1501015832793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I'm even making a complicated point
I mean if you are able to appreciate a cool piece of mineral surely you can appreciate a nice-looking pattern or composition of paint

>> No.3178314
File: 609 KB, 1920x1200, aX8YLXF[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's obviously a very realistic portray of a polar bear in a snow storm

>> No.3178381
File: 71 KB, 494x500, robert-ryman-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what you are saying is pretty simple but it seems that many anons are not getting it, and since OP posted a white painting I would advice anons to check out the work of Robert Ryman, it's just white paint over a canvas (and sometimes with some neutral colors underneath) and that's the beauty of it, it's a painting that almost comes as a sculpture or as an object. There's nothing to understand about his work, it's just about how oils can produce something so simple yet aesthetically pleasing, it's almost like reducing a Vermeer or a Morandi to the core, and that core is light, space and surface.