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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3160900 No.3160900 [Reply] [Original]

How long can you not draw before your skills start to rust?

Is art skill decay even real? Or do you get better after you come back because your brain has had time to digest all the info?

>> No.3160947

Sinix said he went 8 months without drawing and came back better. Drawing is unnecessary, just do mental studies and you're good. This /ic/ meme of drawing a certain hours everyday is a waste of time.

>> No.3160966

I want to learn French, but I hate watching French movies, talking to French people, listening to French music, learning French grammar. Can I still make it?

>> No.3160967

Discipline my dude.

>> No.3160972
File: 186 KB, 720x465, Can't spell fundamentals without FUN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always get better after breaks in doing art.
However I improve faster if I don't do breaks in art.
The periods where I've improved the fastest are the periods where I've drawn the most.

It's truly fucking rocket science.

Now draw more you faggot.

>> No.3160973

I know that feel. I always used to not draw for months and whenever I come back I seem to got better at it for no good reason. I think taking breaks every now and then is good, months maybe not so but whatever.

>> No.3160975

Nigga already tried that for a week and it failed.

>> No.3160989
File: 21 KB, 500x375, 1481955432356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frenchfag here. 2 things you must realize:
First, french is the language we speak, but it doesn't belong to us. Canada, Switzerland, plenty of other countries have stuff in french. Spare yourself our movies with hysterical bitches and our shitty rap game, go for that stuff instead. If nothing works, read Berserk in french or play your videogames in french. Everything goes, really, as long as you enjoyed it. I learned a fukton of english words just playing videogames.
Second, French grammar is a bitch you cannot escape from, but realize that it isn't that hard compared to things like knowing flies are feminine. It's a frog you'll have to swallow.
Also, how do you pronounce the 2 following words in english?
> charity
> charisma
French has the same issue so if you speak english, these cases will be super easy for you to remember. Imagine being chinese and discovering our irregular verbs.

Your brain sorts new data out, throws some of it away and puts the rest in long term memory: making it easier to access. When you stop doing art, your brain still does that, so you're under the illusion that the break was profitable. The same would've happen if you didn't take that break. See >>3160972 for anecdotal evidence of this.

>> No.3160997

Aren't French movies from the 60s supposed to be good? Anna Karina is so pretty

>> No.3161012

I've been drawing every day for 2 years and I feel like I've been stagnating for a long ass time. Maybe this will do me some good, I won't do it for 8 months but maybe a week or two. Any advice on doing mental studies?

>> No.3161013

What have you been drawing?

>> No.3161016

Watch some classics of "la nouvelle vague" and you'll see for yourself if you like it or not. They were game changers at the time they came out, but it was half a century ago, so they aged a lot.

>> No.3161020

>one person said something
>omg it was a meme all along
Goddamn you're stupid.

>> No.3161026

I think he was joking.

>> No.3161039

>mental studies

Visualization is a powerful tool. Being able to clearly see images in your head is a great facilitator of drawing clear images on paper. Visualization exercises are still work, though, and the people whining about wanting a break aren't going to want to study mentally any more than they wanted to study physically.

>> No.3161043

A variety of things, gradually learning anatomy, doing perspective studies of environments, photo studies, portraits, some figure drawing, animu/mango studies and lots of doodling from imagination. Lots of different shit, I guess I'm kinda aimless.

>> No.3161582

why the hell do you even want to learn frensh? Sounds like you dont like the culture

>> No.3161612

He's mimicking OP but replaced drawing with french you mouth breathing oafs

>> No.3161749

Dont take breaks. It takes no effort and time to at least draw something every day. I have a sketchbook on my bedside table that i draw in every night before sleep and i feel really guilty if i dont do it. You should try and make it a daily habbit

>> No.3161787
File: 121 KB, 800x575, 1494737429873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going on a trip for a few months soon. I'm gonna bring a sketchbook but for the most part it's gonna be a hiatus from my usual hour a day routine. So I guess I'll find out.

>> No.3161788

“Practice as much as you feel you can accomplish with concentration. Once when I became concerned because others around me practiced all day long, I asked [my professor] how many hours I should practice, and he said, ‘It really doesn’t matter how long. If you practice with your fingers, no amount is enough. If you practice with your head, two hours is plenty.’”

— Nathan Milstein, violinist

Also, let's not forget about muscle memory..Practicing for a few hours a day (PROPERLY) is still important.

>> No.3161792

smetimes you cand draw and draw without progress. try doing something different way than usual, don't worry bout ugly outcome
i have always been drawing harsh lineart. one day stopped, just for fun and it changed a lot

>> No.3161873

at least a year, if not several.
but really you'll start losing your edge after a few months already.

it really depends on how much you've practiced beforehand. skills that you really have down to your bone won't go away very easily.

>> No.3162142

nigga that ass was a violinist not an artist. holy shit faggot

>> No.3162500

looks blurry but otherwise pretty cool pic

>> No.3162505

This. You draw with your mind not your hands. You need to focus on what you're drawing.

>> No.3163154

Switch to your left hand and say that again.
You draw with all of it.

Of course the mind is most important, but you need to get the physical connection right as well, which is not as obvious as one might think.

>> No.3163196


When I googled visualisation exercises I just got meditation stuff. Are there any specific exercises which will help me more or should I just do whatever?

>> No.3163234

Look at an object and then try to mentally deconstruct it into simple shapes. For example, if you see a roman themed pillar or something outside try deconstructing it in your head. First you'll notice that it's just a big ol' cylinder, then you can break it down further. The tops and bottoms of these pillars are made up of smaller shapes, how are they proportionally related to the over all length of the pillar? What other shapes are the tops and bottoms made up of? Maybe they're made up of smaller cylinders and topped off with a cubic shape. Maybe something else. But try to break everything down in your head and then try to rotate the object around in your head. What would it look like if I looked at it from above? Would I see the cubic shape on the bottom? What would it look like from a distance? From close up? Etc. just shit like that.

>> No.3163241

>I just got meditation stuff

Because that’s what it is.

Start with the most basic visualization, of a simple object. Apples are the popular example. Keep your object visible in your mind. When you can do that for a few minutes, try moving it. Rotate it. Push it back and forth in space. Add more senses to the exercise; for example, if your object is an apple, taste it and hear its crunch.

This becomes art-specific when you visualize yourself doing art. Feel your pen in your hand. Smell the ink. See your picture develop as you draw it. See the lines going where your hand puts them. Then, when you’re actually drawing, visualize the object you want to draw. The “visual library” is a mental storehouse of visualized objects and scenarios.

>> No.3163262

Try visualizing stuff.
I like to take a mental walk through buildings I have a intimate knowledge of. Like where my parents live, or my grandparents. Mapping out where things are along the way.

>> No.3163268

>the time I wake up
>the time I seep
drawing means many things, drawing blood for example

I wake up around in the pm, go to class around 7 pm

>> No.3165336

there definatly is skill rust.
Havent you noticed the occasional thread of "I havent drawn for 3 years and I suck again help"

>> No.3165368

Yes but that analogy doesn't work because creating is not the same as speaking french, retard.

>> No.3165383

What if I want to write a novel in French

>> No.3165577

For every one day you ignore your art it ignores you for two.

>> No.3166762

way to completely miss the point, ngmi