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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 329 KB, 1005x1008, artnotsmart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3154098 No.3154098 [Reply] [Original]

Good art, garbage subject / "message".

>> No.3154102

Prediction: this will be a bad thread

>> No.3154107

whats the message here

>> No.3154108

>giraffe neck on girl in picture
>poster to the right of gucci has a really poorly drawn female face
>chin on prada billboard to the left is terrible
>b25 ww2 planes for some reason
>unfunny le sheep meme
>Breaking bad and shrek in there for some reason

>> No.3154109

oh yeah? well you're gay, buddy.

>> No.3154111

sheep spotted

>> No.3154115


You missed the part where the hack took the woman in the foreground straight from a magazine cover about muh no good millenials durr, us gen x and boomerbots were so much better, hurr.

>> No.3154116
File: 567 KB, 1005x1008, fixed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3154120
File: 101 KB, 900x734, mgs5ikd07w7z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3154122
File: 143 KB, 1016x768, tj5LMjkhmcGPOg-uEE5PUw2Asehf-ujLN_yvVY2UN2U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3154127

fuck this has so many layers, it's crazy because trump and hillary are both serious politicians trying to appear credible, but really we see them as silly, and clowns are also silly so he drew them like clowns.

fuckkk, /r/woahdude

>> No.3154128
File: 187 KB, 1764x1171, xip1d486mv4x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3154138
File: 30 KB, 540x405, centrist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3154145

Campaign Trump was a right wing populist

President Trump is a neocon/lib just like hilldog

>> No.3154201

soooo... all those other people are sheep... but not her... even though she is on an iphone....

>> No.3154284

Why Richie Rich though? He's an altruist. This guy's giving me mixed signals.

>> No.3154286

t. I don't know what a Centrist is

>> No.3154323

one of her fingers has also vanished

>> No.3154344

>hurr durr my choice of electronics makes me smarter than the plebeian masses
That’s not even a fucking iPhone, you literal third worlder.

>> No.3154354

being on a cellphone at all makes you a sheep is more of what i was getting at.

>> No.3154374

I’m sorry anon, some of us have friends we like talking to.

That aside, I’m pretty sure the whole “dead eyed girl with swollen under eyes on a cellphone” is the focal point of the entire thing, not something meant to contrast the rest of the image.

>> No.3154406

Don't text while herding your sheep in the city streets, or you'll be bombed.

>> No.3154413

>i get easily offended when people dont just adopt my personal beliefs without questioning them
>people who arent on MY SIIIIDE are all my enemies

fucking kill yourself senpai desu you are the cancer that is destroying politics
people like you are the reason no one has independent opinions on anything anymore
you just want it to be "well gee i agree with one thing on your side. i dont wanna be a silly centrist and i'll adopt all your other opinions too!"

fuck you

>> No.3154414


>> No.3154419

>you are the cancer that is destroying politics
Probably the first time I am rooting for cancer.

>> No.3154527

centrists literally offer nothing to anyone in an argument. If you don't have an opinion on a subject and you are truly neutral why would you even feel the need to say anything? Oh that's right, to jack yourself off.

>> No.3154531

I can't believe this guy is the only one who gets it.

>> No.3154566

Water flouridization leads to the collapse of nations.

>> No.3154589
File: 848 KB, 1434x1597, 1470259003947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but it's good for your teeth!
He tried to warn us, but nobody listened.

But also don't buy from Jones, his shit is 20-40% more expensive than similar stuff you can find on amazon.

>> No.3154601

Being staunchly partisan is probably the exact opposite of having an informed opinion. "My side is always right because it's my side" is not a positive contribution to any argument.

>> No.3154606

Typical centrist strawman

>> No.3154618


Because money is evil, of course

You can draw really well and still be dumb as a rock when it comes to politics. This kind of shit is what happens when people think watching the Daily Show entitles them to having an opinion on politics.

Everyone you don't like is a nazi, and a member of the kkk! It's very mature, thoughtful stuff.

>> No.3154621


That's fucking E D G Y!

>> No.3154634

probably because richie rich is a: a child and b: only rich because he has rich parents

>> No.3154636

>there are only two possible opinions on a subject besides absolute neutrality

>> No.3154828

my Kamerad!

>> No.3154829

This degenerated into a pseudo-/POL/ thread real quick :^)

>> No.3154946

Here's my opinion that I strongly feel about: You're an idiot.

>> No.3154947

Typical useless statement.

>> No.3154954

You seem surprised

>> No.3155037


>not eating 2 tubes of toothpaste everyday to have the best teeth

>> No.3155345

I thought centrists were supposed to have big brains?

>> No.3155384
File: 63 KB, 1000x800, ad812e9c4fde5e5b57815a469137b6a1839c7a040fd323cbcbfe4081302496dc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3155529
File: 144 KB, 640x640, kuczynski .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kuczynski is the best of the worst

>> No.3155532

Kuczynski hurts my soul

>> No.3155690

Nice projection there.

>> No.3155704

Add a Ben Garrison 'Good Goy' caption

>> No.3156030
File: 63 KB, 480x451, IMG_0373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
