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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 29 KB, 633x758, NGMI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3143988 No.3143988 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, so I've drawn literally tens of thousands of boxes and I still can't draw for shit. The only thing that happened was that I wasted craploads of time. What gives?

>> No.3143991

dump all your boxes in here. then at least you'll help others learn from your mistake and it wasn't for nothing. otherwise it's just words.

>> No.3144019

>falling for the box meme

>> No.3144022

At least you can draw boxes.

>> No.3144040

>he fell for the ISIS meme

>> No.3144046

No one ever told you to waste a crapload of time aimlessly drawing tens of thousands of boxes, so why the fuck should we care why you did it?

>> No.3144049

Post your boxes.

>> No.3144054

Good, now draw spheres.

>> No.3144063

It's called working on your fundies.

>> No.3144095

Why do people make threads like this and not post their work? I mean it's completely obvious that people would want to see

>> No.3144097 [DELETED] 

Because even after drawing tons of boxes, they still can't draw boxes for shit

>> No.3144102


They want to find solidarity and familiarity with their frustration but not a solution to it.

>> No.3144103

I have yet to see any teacher advocate drawing tens of thousands of boxes in order to learn your fundies. Obviously you need to be able to draw basic shapes in order to correctly depict any sort of volume and depth in representational art and some teachers really like the falling cube exercise, but no one ever says to autistically draw thousands of boxes for no reason whatsoever.

>> No.3144111


Even if it were a viable thing to do, it's not smart to stick to one particular subject and grind it. You wouldn't want to box yourself in.

>> No.3144116
File: 216 KB, 600x600, 1270756122707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just learn fucking perspective and draw what you actually want to get good at drawing. Want to draw characters? Draw lots of figures. You can even draw boxes in them if you need help or whatever.

>> No.3144117

>why didn't doing [x repetitive basic task] make me good at art?

Learning to chop wood doesn't teach you to build a log cabin, but good luck building a log cabin without logs.

>> No.3144127

Viscom didn't exist 10 years ago outside from prestigious design schools in hollywood. Peter Han poisoned the internet with his teachings. The guy from DAB had the fanciful idea to reteach his information on the cheap (and it worked) before his content was pirated. And now you have every veteran Joe in the industry trying to cash grab on the same information "you must know your boxes, draw many boxes guys" but they can't convey the importance enough like Han or his disciples.

>> No.3144130

>What gives?

You redid the first half of Draw A Box over and over instead of proceeding to the second half on transferring box skills to organic forms.

>> No.3144183

Maybe you are just slightly retarded? Yes, you do need to be able to draw boxes, how else could you ever draw anything in perspective if you can't even draw the simplest of 3 dimensional shapes? But not one of these veterans ever says anything about staying on that level forever. You're supposed to learn how to draw boxes in a week tops and then move on, you dimwit.

>> No.3144220


>> No.3144232

Both the people responding and the OP are completely fucking retarded. First of all, you don't move on, fundamentals isn't something you just get good enough and move on, you have to be continually practicing it otherwise you'll get worse. You should be drawing boxes consistently as a form of warm up and to remind you to think in 3D. The problem with OP is that he thinks that being Able to draw a box will allow him to draw any subject matter. If art was a language, boxes would be the alphabet, learning the alphabets isn't gonna make you an articulate speaker, it's simply a necessary foundation that you need to understand in order to communicate more complex thoughts.

>> No.3144246

no, it's called being an autist
the solution is talent and op doesn't have it.

>> No.3144248

>a talentfag and doesn't believe in working on your fundies
Every time.

>> No.3144284
File: 52 KB, 1242x960, FB_IMG_1505926685585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read in this Japanese art book that it's the artists responsibility to exceed the viewers expectations. Instead of just doing a box put some kind of texture on it or at least use value to dissern that one side is receiving more light than others. I like to do spheres with different materials like these.

>> No.3144320


My fucking boxes have gotten worse over time, and I'm supposed to keep drawing them as I simultaneously try drawing other things now?

>> No.3144327

I don't get what you're saying. Can you explain again?

>> No.3144328

Did I ever mention not moving on or just the fact that everyone is regurgitating Han, you utter imbecile? Read before replying to anyone.

>> No.3144331

Basically if you are drawing boxes push it to the next level by adding surface details. A box can be many things like a letter block you played with as a kid or a building. This is what I mean by exceeding the viewers expectations. Add surface details or textured to make the box more interesting.

>> No.3146340

lmao nigga draw something thats not a box whats the issue

>> No.3146360

Auv is that u

>> No.3146361

Nigga you aren't even done with your comics

>> No.3146365

No kina

>> No.3146370

What do you plan on doing? If you answer that maybe I could do. Overall, boxes are useful but that alone will only take you so far if that is all you've been doing to exclusion of all else.

Also are you using perspective lines?

>> No.3146742

lmao why the fuck are you drawing fucking boxes?

are you literally retarded? hello?

>> No.3146922
File: 82 KB, 535x346, ic..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3146928

So I am not the only one who thinks this is the same poster

>> No.3147895

This is why you don't listen to /ic/. This board is trash for advice. The sticky is also trash

>> No.3147989

If you can't easily draw simple shapes how do you expect to draw more complex shapes?

>> No.3148004


>> No.3148009

Yeah, he should stop being such a fag.

>> No.3148042

OP here, I didn't make those other threads, but I did make the one shitting on those abominations that loomis and bridgeman drew.