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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3133112 No.3133112 [Reply] [Original]

>started freelancing
>start to get enough work to (barely) sustain myself
>used to be really "gung ho" about working, excited everyday to get towards my goal of being an illustrator
>now I'm here
>start being a lazy POS
>do nothing but watch TWD on Netflix like a basic bitch for the past two weeks
>losing all self discipline
>question if I even like drawing I'd just fuck around instead of doing it


Please call me names like you used to so I'll be motivated again

>> No.3133113

Post your work

>> No.3133121 [DELETED] 

I used to do this on and off for a while. I realized that I simply don't have enough motivation to do art when I want to, but I have enough discipline to make art when I need to (aka commissions to pay bills).

The fix ? Put yourself in that situation or, if you can't do it by yourself, have someone doing so;
Deprive yourself doing things you enjoy when you don't draw and/or have yourself doing excersice if you don't draw. It's a win/win situation simply because excersice will give you energy and boost your hormones, giving you the will to be creative.

>> No.3133128

I feel you OP. It sucks when you start drawing for a living and the magic slowly fades, partly because now its something you have to do and partly because drawing other people's ideas constantly can be very draining.

Moreover, complaining about this to anyone (unless they're also a working artist) won't get you much sympathy because you're doing what you love for a job and they just assume its easy and fun all the time.

>> No.3133165

Why do you think drawing isn't enjoyable to you anymore?

>> No.3133208

Ah, a classic case of the motivation meme.

>> No.3133213

While I don't like to use these terms.... But... Anon. Motivation is a meme. Art like anything else that's worth doing, isn't easy. Art is about discipline. And the process won't always be fun. What you need isn't motivation, is something to keep you accountable, you should look at your work and be honest to yourself. You know there's something that you need to work on. So get to it. And find something to keep you on that road. You know yourself, find what works best for you.

>> No.3133218

you can hide behind all the memes you want but the reason you're a failure is because you're a pathetic faggot.

Same with everyone else here who asks stupid questions.

>> No.3133222
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>> No.3133306

>on't get you much sympathy because you're doing what you love for a job and they just assume its easy and fun all the time.
Even more so, I just feel like they think I'm a bum, which I guess eventually is what I became. When I tell them I'm an illustrator they usually act confused, as if im a nutter, or like I don't really have a job. I don't think they believe me. This was not what I thought would happen when I got to this point, but I guess I shouldn't be doing it for other people's approval anyway.
I don't know. Maybe just because I'm always drawing other people's stuff? Or maybe its because I associate it with working?
I associate hard work with hard times, I've had some low points in my life and it took some strain to get myself back up. Now that I'm up, I don't want to feel the strain again. I associate it with the trauma I think.
Either that,
Or I'm just fucking spoiled. My job is so easy its making me rotten.
That's true anon, I guess I was feeling like I really accomplished something, but there's still tons left to do.
I wish this hurt more, but I'm so numb to all your insults by now.
I wish you'd elaborate and really dig in.

>> No.3133310

Welcome to working, you'll be here for the next few decades.

>> No.3133319

How do you turn off all feeling when you're working?
Who are normal,
Just go to work-
And it's like they're not even a human being when they're flipping burgers or waiting tables, they're like machines.
Then they come home and thats who they are and what they live for.
How do they do it?

>> No.3133334
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They need the money

>B-But muh feelings XDDD
Oh yea, and what you do with that free time of yours? lemme guess:
>Shitpost and play vidya

>> No.3133419
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Same. Even though I can get work I end up procrastinating.

After thinking a lot about it. I think that being an illustrator is always working on the ideas and expectations of someone else.

But I'm not creative enough to invent my own material and stories. And this isn't a skill that can be worked upon.

>> No.3133477

For some reason that made me genuinely laugh

>> No.3133503

The key to a successful self-employed career in any field is that you have to start to really love making money.

>> No.3133532

Start working out, eating healthy, waking early and going out. The reason you're such a faggot is not so complex, you just have a shitty hormonal balance.

>> No.3133723

I think that's partially my problem. I've never cared that much about money as long as I've had the essentials+internet .
I fear I'm too ...alternative...

>> No.3133726

That may be true, but why does it always have to be paired with an existential crisis?

>> No.3133727

>Please call me names like you used to so I'll be motivated again
post your work and you'll get them.

>> No.3133731

I'm in the same fucking rut. I freelanced for years, have some savings and now I'm mooching off them. I think I need financial problems before I can be arsed to do anything about this.

>> No.3133750

We'll, im glad I'm not the only one.
Is this just inevitable when the temptation to slack off is so prevalent and doing so is so easy?
Let's try and figure this out together.
I just watched a cute "day in the life of a freelance illustrator" video and watching this cutesy little lady with her cats in her clean and posh apartment, working all day long, has brainwashed me into thinking that it's desiresble.
That's a start I guess.

>> No.3133777 [DELETED] 

I think we have to realize and accept that we wouldn't paint all day if we had no financial or social reasons to. We should stop telling ourselves that this what we want to do, because looking at us both, it's clearly not. Instead we need to create some sort of situation or environment for ourselves, that can push us to do so.

Dave Rapoza spent most of his income on stupid shit at first for this very reason, so that he'd have incentive to work harder. Idiotic, something I'm not going to do, but I can see now why he did it and why it worked.
So how else can we manipulate our environment to create incentive to work and paint?
I think what I personally need to do at some point is surround myself with other motivated artists. I have no art peers at all, which makes it easier to slack off because there's literally no one but me to judge my actions. I think it would also help a lot with my insecurities to be part of a social support structure.

I'm listening to a lot of Jordan P. Peterson lately and his notes on motivation, long term goals and such are helpful. I also picked up meditation thanks to Sam Harris but honestly, loss of ego is kind of counterproductive in this context.

>> No.3133781


I think we have to realize and accept that we wouldn't paint all day if we had no financial or social reasons to. We should stop telling ourselves that this what we want to do, because looking at us both, it's clearly not. Instead we need to create some sort of situation or environment for ourselves, that can push us to do so.

Dave Rapoza spent most of his income on stupid shit at first for this very reason, so that he'd have incentive to work harder. Idiotic, something I'm not going to do, but I can see now why he did it and why it worked.
So how else can we manipulate our environment to create incentive to work and paint?
I think what I personally need to do at some point is surround myself with other motivated artists. I have no art peers at all, which makes it easier to slack off because there's literally no one but me to judge my actions. I think it would also help a lot with my insecurities to be part of a social support structure.

I'm listening to a lot of Jordan B. Peterson lately and his notes on motivation, long term goals and such are helpful. I also picked up meditation thanks to Sam Harris but honestly, loss of ego is kind of counterproductive in this context.

>> No.3133803

>Dave Rapoza [...]
Why do you guys always think following successful people step by step is going to yeld success?

>> No.3133804

Ignore the context, why don't you.

>> No.3133806


>I think we have to realize and accept that we wouldn't paint all day if we had no financial or social reasons to.
This. This is hard to accept. There was a point in college where I was drawing for five hours straight on a project and felt great, I said to myself "I could definitely do this 8 hours a day, five days a week" and used that as motivation to continue.

d-do you wanna be f-friends??
I kind of miss the my old /ic/ chat group, they were motivating. The new discord group is garbage, there's too many people, either everyone's talking or nobody's talking.

>> No.3134025

>get up early

I hate this advice. Waking up early fucks me over, because I can really only work in the afternoon til late at night. Any earlier and I just waste time not working.

>> No.3134045

If you set a schedule and disciplined yourself, that wouldn't be a problem.

>> No.3135039

Sure, hit me up on Discord: Melgore#8682

>> No.3135204

For a natural hormonal balance, your habits should be synchronized with the sun cycle. It's common sense.

>> No.3137537

I take Vitamin D, thank you very much.