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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 245 KB, 960x720, 1463556022766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3131211 No.3131211 [Reply] [Original]

any artists want to collaborate on a comic? i got a lot of cool ideas

>> No.3131224

Fuck ideas, post a sample script and if I like it i'll work with you.

>> No.3131225


>> No.3131230

>implying that artists don't have their own ideas
>implying that anyone decent wouldn't prefer to work on something that will actually bring him some cash
>implying that anyone that's not decent wouldn't prefer to grind fundamentals to become decent

The only reason why would anyone work for you for free is if your ideas are really awesome. Like, awesome enough to become popular and almost instantly give some fanbase to the main artist. Or awesome enough to artist passionate about it.

>> No.3131236

Ideas aren't worth much anon, everyone has them. Sorry to break it to you.

>> No.3131330

post idea

>> No.3131332

[ - ]


>> No.3131335

Fan webcomic
Medabots plus Digimon Frontier
kids have medabots then at times the medabots become their power armor and the kids do the fighting.
Call it Medabots + buzzword like evolution or X or some cheezy crap like that.

>> No.3131339



Your falling for a common trap of artist and writers. Ideas are cheap it the skill to execute ideas that is the important part.

If you really have cool ideas, then write a novel. A lot of mangas are based on light novels now.

So if you have really cool idea, write a novel.

>> No.3131377

Doing fan fiction would attract all sorts of legal problems. It would be problematic to earn anything out of it - most webcomics have some kind of store with t-shirts, mugs or printed books, but here it would be impossible.

Maybe ask on some forums within Digimon/Medabots fandom? Most people here want to become pros some day and doing this kind of fan art won't help them.

Maybe if you could tell just as interesting story, but with different characters and in a different universe we could work something out.

Do you have any experience writing? Anything that I could see? Just as you wouldn't want to waste your time with a beginner artist, I don't want to waste my time with someone that doesn't know how to write an interesting plot.

>inb4 no response

>> No.3131411
File: 753 KB, 823x1307, DS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a writer, I'm an artist that likes drawing armor. I have seven pages of a comic that's basically two kids fighting in power armor that could be re purposed into the idea above.

>> No.3131421

Whoops, I thought that you're OP and that "Medabots plus Digimon Frontier" idea is why he created this thread. Anonymity gets confusing sometimes.

Just disregard everything I said.
Cute girl by the way.

>> No.3131425

I didn't make her up it was a request on /v/.

>> No.3131441

How do you find a partner that's not below mediocre, unmotivated and autistic?

If you're joining for free it's quaranteed to go bad.

>> No.3131454

you are one disappointment after another

>> No.3131457

How so?

>> No.3131458

You have to be able to write if you want to write a novel, just like you need to be able to draw to make a comic. An ideas man has nothing.

>> No.3131459

See if they've done good work and was a good person in the past and PM them. If you're good, there's a good chance you'll get it with them anyways.

>> No.3131463
File: 250 KB, 385x391, 1497776916229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah dude
I was waiting for an idea guy to collab with

>> No.3131465

That's actually simple and smart and I wonder why I've never thought about it.

>> No.3131466

>fake collaborate
>waste their time as much as possible
>have them regret their decision forever

>> No.3131473


>> No.3131476

The problem with that is it wastes my time too.

>> No.3131484

wtf is the problem you guys have with idea guys? idea guys are the foundation of a great project

>> No.3131487

Everyone has an idea, idea guys are parasites.

>> No.3131493
File: 37 KB, 516x226, 1500261360856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i got a lot of cool ideas
Why don't you share them with someone then? Oh wait, now they have *your* ideas too, and I can just work with them instead. Or, if you shared them with me, I cold do the project solo! Man, ideas are great.

>> No.3131494

not all ideas are created equal, some people don't have the spark of creativity needed for really great ideas

>> No.3131517
File: 97 KB, 640x640, PeterPan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A story is like a table, and the Big Idea is just one of its legs. So the artist is gambling that your story will be good and investing his time and effort, but why would he trust you? If you have an idea but no writing skills, then everything else is on the shoulder of the artist to save that table from falling. Writing skills is what artists are often missing, and good writers tend to have ideas. He would be better off taking an already existing story and putting it in comic form rather than gambling on your ideas.

>> No.3131555

yea but you'll eventually need more ideas to build on that idea.

>> No.3131617

Corrupt tea kettle.

Think it's a shit idea?
Stephen King wrote a great novel about a fucking space kindle.
All you need for idea is to put two random words together and if the story you come up with will suck, it's because you're lacking skill as a writer, not because the idea itself would be shit.
Ideas are only seeds.

>> No.3131767
File: 25 KB, 395x533, 1487613199584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kind know how to draw animu garbage
>Friend has a funny comic, very shitty because he is shit
>Shows me
>''Thats so funny, why don't you send me some scripts so we produce a few chapters together?''
>He thinks I'm trying to steal his idea because he is a paranoic antisocial cunt, even tho I know him for like 8 years and I'm his best and probably only friend
>Now he barely talks to me anymore after this incident

Its been 2 months and you need to put salt in the wound by reminding me of him

>> No.3131780

Why would you want to befriend someone like that? leave him to die with his shitty comic.

>> No.3131792

Hes still the best person I know, despise his flaws...

>> No.3131803

fuck already

>> No.3131807

that will teach you to steal ideas from your best friend, what kind of monster are you?

>> No.3131812

>Stephen King

That's just so true. Most people wouldn't be able to write anything good with Stephen King's ideas:
> It's a Clown but... it kills people!
> It's a good dog but... it kills people!
> It's an old car but... it kills people!
> It's a schoolshooter but... well, it's a schoolshooter.

>> No.3131827

Stephen King is fucking cancer tho, he has some good gems ( Cujo, Misery, It ) but a lot of his work is utter garbage that only sees the light of the day because his name has power

His short stories are a good and quick example for what I'm talking about, Premium Harmony is complete cancer yet people say its a solid piece of work just because has SK names on it

>> No.3131852
File: 18 KB, 376x260, 1436979195577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic

>> No.3131864

It doesn't matter if he's cancer. He made some good to great stories that inspire people and that's the best a writer/artist can hope for.

>> No.3131942

@ilikedogsman on instagram. I've got pretty high standards, but i know a diamond in the rough when i see one and i understand that scripts aren't perfect right off the bat.

>> No.3132170
File: 2.76 MB, 320x256, Kripp Smug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It doesn't matter
It does for me, I want to have impact on culture thats true, but I want to maintain a decent level of quality

Thats why some artists don't go so low to the point of drawing appealing garbage like Kikemichan, or do porn/furry/over fetichist stuff for money, some people have standards, some higher and some lower than others, but it does matter

>> No.3132175

not even once

>> No.3132200
File: 82 KB, 996x325, Waifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3132266

never go full skeleton

>> No.3133237

if u are willing to pay per page i would illustrate

>> No.3133646

post work

>> No.3134504

OP don't you have some balloons to be tying up or some shit?

>> No.3136780
File: 73 KB, 313x382, 6098852+_bcbd73ead9e9b7d79fe4aa4b0e2d5674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>idea guys

>> No.3136813

>bumping dead threads

>> No.3136823
File: 79 KB, 716x768, bigGuy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe he saged how do you know
are you cia ?
I dont think so little guy

>> No.3136832

This mindless hate for idea guys needs to stop. Some people have great ideas, get over it.

>> No.3136833

I saw the thead on the first page.

>> No.3136861

I don't know, have you ever worked with someone who could never get you a script or couldn't carry their own weight? Instant project death, but they try to pretend it's going somewhere while it's going nowhere and the next thing you know it's been years and why haven't you made any progress yet? Right because we needed a writer, not an idea guy.

>> No.3136914

mongolian midwife travels the nomad land to deliver babies so that the horde might one day be restored and the chinese bastards who wrongly imprisoned her husband for his political beliefs, letting his heart condition be untreated and causing him to die in prison, might be thrown into the sea by a mighty khan once more

on her journeys, she meets many people and introduces us to mongolian culture

i am literally shitting as i make this up

>> No.3136918

>i am literally shitting as i make this up
It shows.

>> No.3136948

>have friend who is really into writing
>brought up that we could do a comic together since I like drawing
>"so there's this girl whose family was brutally murdered and everyone hates her but she's like 1/4 dragon and 1/2 witch and has these special superpowers and her gay brother is a ghost that talks to her and she's on the run from-"

I didn't have the heart to tell him how bad it was

>> No.3136955

>falling for the naked hook like a chump
some idea guy lel

>> No.3136979

...maybe it wasn't THAT bad? I mean, maybe he it was a good story but poorly explained?

>"so there's this guy whose caretakers were brutally murdered and police wants him dead but he's really good with electronics and made himself a robot and he has superpowers like members of this ancient sect and he has a crush on her sister ever since he saw her video and later he finds his mentally unstable father and he convinces him to kill an elderly politician"
That was Star Wars.

>> No.3136985

that sounds hot desu

>> No.3137007

What are the chances of making it as a comic artist anyways? Most people suck at drawing, much less comics. The only real competition is probably the Japanese because they're born and raised on comics. Maybe other Asians too since it all gets around.

>> No.3137050

give me a request rn if you like it you can message me and i will show more

>> No.3137053

Draw a cute anime girl.

>> No.3137095
File: 2.19 MB, 3262x2446, IMG_1199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Doesn't get cuter than this

>> No.3137174

>Is regular shitter with tumbrl style
>Wants to get paid for this

I mean if you count promotion as payment this is alright, but I bet anyone can find better illustratos if they are willing to pay a couple more bucks

>> No.3137211

Hestia pls

>> No.3137218

Holy fucking shit I think I know what this is.

Do you guys remember when that Chronexia and the Eight Seals thing launched on YouTube? There was a guy who did an interview with one of the animators who said he got paid only $150 for 4-5 months of work, up to 18 hours a day.

So, let's assume he worked 8 hours average (which is normal) per day for 4 months. So a low estimate. 150/4 is $37.50 a month. Let's keep rounding low and say that there's 30 days average. So that's... $1.25 a day. Which is, for 8 hours a day... About 15 cents.

It fucking adds up. This is the interview in question. The only thing that doesn't match is that this particular human being says there were no contracts, but he might not know all the information. And even if it's not related at all, how fucking difficult is it to pay your fucking staff? If you work with people, pay them fairly. Because when they're straight taken advantage of like this it shows.

You might wanna turn closed captions on, the voices are a little mumble jumble.


>> No.3137517
File: 122 KB, 800x1160, 2807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are the chances of making it as a comic artist anyways?
For webcomics, it's pretty good if you consistantly put up pages at a good rate on your site. pic related has been going on for years because everyone just wanted to see him fuck the tranny.

For big name comics chances are good too, as the big 2 are lowering their standards a lot and smaller companies like Boom! and skybound are giving chances to lesser names

but of course being responsible for the line art of a 24ish page comic book that comes out monthly is no small feat. you'll definitely earn what little they'll pay you

not everyone thinks in terms of fame and instant guaranteed success. if there's a amateur writer and an amateur artist, they can help each other out just by trying to see if they have what it takes to actually make stuff. let's face it, if anyone's in this thread they aren't a big name artist who is too good for a small collab. People underestimate how crucial a community is when creative people are starting out. one person can make all the difference

>> No.3137518

why don't I just move to a rice field in china and make the same wages, and just draw in my free time ?

>> No.3137649

you'll make way more than that in China, the average pay for people working in factories is something like 300 dollars a month.

>> No.3138303
File: 37 KB, 419x424, 144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chronexia and the Eight Seals
holy shit I almost got motion sickness from this camera
>Make me
holy shit

>> No.3139747
File: 468 KB, 1762x2121, bubble gum crisis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey man, I love power armor too. we should chat. about armor.

>> No.3139755

>Bubblegum Crisis

Muh nigga

>> No.3139764

Ha!, this thread's gonna wind up hitting 300

>> No.3139780

Visual storytelling is an entirely different ballgame from prose form writing. Scripts are infinitely better at determining how a writer would actually work out in a visual medium.

Let me put it this way. Say you want to open up a scene with a character walking into a park. Maybe you're a novelist, and you open with, say

>a few fun facts about the park
>the main character's musings and opinions on the park
>seeing an event happening in the park through the lenses of the speaker
>whatever else is on the speaker's mind at the moment
>finally actually have the scene start

In a script, you might do
>2-3 sentences describing park, 4-5 if you're a fancy type
>protag enters
>there is [event] happening
>scene actually begins

What might take half a page or more in a novel might just be a couple lines in a script, and vice versa with dialogue sequences. In a visual medium the artist (director, musician, whatever) has a ridiculous amount of control over the tone and mood of a scene, to the point where the screenwriter just has to establish the basic tones and beats of the scene and if their writing is good and concise enough the artist will be able to color in the blanks with their own artistic flair.

>> No.3139794

Ideas are not worthless moron, the problem is everyday a lot of people have them but it needs the right execution to make it work ( and obviously not all ideas are good )

George Lucas is the producer of SW, he can't write, neither draw or act

Basically ideas guys = producers, but of course you need to believe in the idea. So either he pays you and you just illustrate or you do a collab and become a co-creator

>> No.3140349
File: 1.04 MB, 888x500, tiger and bunny.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably, if I keep bumping it.

how do I draw aesthetic power armor /ic/?