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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 92 KB, 900x654, well__by_Voodoorabbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3130985 No.3130985 [Reply] [Original]

Is it just me or do most artists in their 20s and teens draw in the exact same art style? That cartoony and ugly cutsey art style that most Tumblr and dA artists tend to have. It made me more suspicious when I looked through some art from 2000 to 2007 on dA and noticed that drawings back then had way more detail, was based on more realistic anatomy, had cleaner lineart, etc. which I kind of miss seeing.

>> No.3130995

10-20 years ago everyone who was basic drew anime, and even people who were pretty good were reasonably active on DeviantArt.

What you're comparing are basic, trendy hobbyists and semi-pros from now with pros from 10+ years ago. Compare them with the anime and sparkledog kids they more closely resemble. Compare people who were good from back then with people on artstation now, and also remember that fewer people share good quality things for free now that there are ways to monetize it. Surface trends are what makes the difference here.

>> No.3131024
File: 472 KB, 1500x1500, SOLD_Design_for_Sale_by_KaylaScelson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose that explains most of the cause of the issue, however I've also looked at what most trendy teens used to draw 10 years ago as well to make sure I wasn't only looking at what older people drew in the 2000s. I've noticed that even 16 year old furries back then, despite having bad design choices for their "characters", at least drew way more detailed and realistic looking dogs than people in their 20s do now. Some artists I knew that used to make very detailed looking artwork back in the 2000s now draw in a much more cartoony and sloppy looking way, as if they devolved. Don't you think it also is some sort of trend Tumblr/society started where it encourages artists to be more lazy with their work? Because sometimes it feels that way.

>> No.3131034

I hate detail faggots like you. Drawing more detail doesn't make your work better. Yoh yoshinari is one of the best artists alive today and his work is hardly detailed.

>> No.3131057

I never stated that art without detail is bad and having lots of detail magically makes your work good, it doesn't work that way when you don't know where detail should go. I just personally prefer correctly detailed but stylized artwork with somewhat simplified anatomy, it's just my personal taste, really.

Now stop being a pissy autist just cuz you fail at drawing detailed work and feel insecure about it, I was just saying that most trendy art of today is lazy and sloppy and want to know what are some of the causes for it to try and understand what happened.

>> No.3131567 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 634x651, bvabsdy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is a realistic drawing fur ya

>> No.3131570


>> No.3131650

This thread is so fucking vague. Who ate these "detailed" artists you are speaking of?

>> No.3131659

Dunno who ate them; if I had to guess, I'd say it were those vore fetishists that you see so frequently on DeviantArt nowadays.

>> No.3131662

You realize styles don't come out of nowhere and come from trends right? With the rebirth of cartoons and anime getting more mainstream, simplistic styles became the norm since anyone and everyone could draw that as opposed to what previous artists have done. Also with more social media coverage, it looks like more artists are doing it, but really this is a time where there's been more artists than ever in every style. If anything, you're just not looking hard enough to find those artists that you enjoy. I will say that I remember the realistic anatomy part, but it doesn't look all that great anymore because you can stylize and add better lighting. I guess you can say people got better at realizing what people want to see as opposed to what's right.

>> No.3131706

which style do you think is the most profitable?

>> No.3131771
File: 15 KB, 227x200, garbageshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean this shit?

>> No.3131788

don't shit on pernille orum, anon
she's actually pretty cool

>> No.3131819
File: 534 KB, 1280x765, barashit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't shit on pernille orum, anon
i'm sure she's a nice person IRL but her style is very tumblr. just because she's financially successful doesn't change that.

there's also the shitty "h.c. brown style" too

>> No.3131833
File: 119 KB, 396x385, 1504944558142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the hell is art anyways

>> No.3131882
File: 326 KB, 1000x1333, IMG_20170907_210503496_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayyyy I'm 19 and I don't draw in that tumblr style!!

This is my opportunity to gain acceptance! Yes!

>> No.3131885

I'm sorry, sir, but your art has been classed as "tumblr". Please follow us to the nearest station.

>> No.3131940

>You realize styles don't come out of nowhere and come from trends right?
So every art style ever came from a trend source only, riiiiight...doubt it. My own art style didn't come from a trend, I developed it somewhat naturally, somewhat took influences from other artists, but also took influence from amateur artists and druggies I knew, to try and form an art style different from the current masses. Makes it a bit more personal too, y'know? Art styles can come from several sources, not just trends. Often they come naturally and early things you observed as a child, to name a few common roots.

> I guess you can say people got better at realizing what people want to see as opposed to what's right.
Another excuse for laziness. Can you not see that popular opinion, while being highly profitable, will only settle you a mediocre art career and after you've passed away no one will remember your sad excuse for art. No books or fans will look up to you, you'll be as memorable as the guys who do the skyboxes for video games. Be better than just "let me just be a cheap sellout and appeal to the lowest common denominator" and improve on yourself and strive for the best. That is the way the art community should be, instead of just constantly following trends and being on watch about what's new. Art is about self expression of your own experiences and personality. If you want money, then go work a real job. Art isn't very profitable unless you draw furry porn or know a lot of people.

>> No.3132577

the eb and flow
thats all i kno

>> No.3132614
File: 114 KB, 685x600, 1496646778592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why doesn't OP show us how is it done? Come on OP! Post your work.

>> No.3132669
File: 217 KB, 640x640, _critiques_wanted__like_an_ouroboro_but_a_wolf_by_destroyallantz-d7jil0q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off with that shit. I will sum it up though, I do all my master studies like the good little boy I am whilst also practicing from memory. I put as much time and effort as artists did 10 years ago as a small tribute. I'm no Kim Jung Gi, but I certainly don't let myself slack off.

>> No.3132921

You implied that having less detailed makes your work lazy you obnoxious stupid fuck. And now I'm apparently insecure because I don't like drawing detailed work? Lol. Lets see your big boy, I bet it's a cluster fuck of shitty detail that has no gesture or energy. Probably a furfag too based on what you post.

>> No.3132979

Ugh, I go to art school, and there's a fuckton of people who draws like that.
I don't like that style at all. So that's why I try to draw in a more comic book style. Hell, I take mid-way Berserk as a reference.
I hate the cutesy tumblr crap so much.

>> No.3132986
File: 231 KB, 725x1039, Wheelman_Comic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You implied that having less detailed makes your work lazy
I was referring to overly sloppy types of cartoon art that seems to be popular these days that have weak composition and dirty line-work or just appalling proportions. I didn't say ALL cartoon art is bad, you autist. But I see too many people who draw cartoon shit that don't even have a basic understanding of anatomy. Minimally detailed art with fluid lines and energy are all fine, but what annoys me are the stiff, overly simplified shit I see everywhere that all has the exact same cutsey but edgy tumblr tier art style.

> Lets see your big boy
fuck off, I didn't come here to share. I came here to see what theories people had is to why the majority of art deteriorated, and sharing my work is irrelevant to the thread.

> I bet it's a cluster fuck of shitty detail that has no gesture or energy
I hate detailed art that's lifeless, so no, I avoid that flaw.

>> No.3132988

Probably just you. Either that or you go out of your way to seek out artists who all draw the same.

>> No.3132991

Art is craftsmanship. Painters and sculptors in the past didn't do shit just to "express themselves". Art is just creating a product for people to buy and enjoy.

>> No.3132995
File: 46 KB, 455x600, 6a88c06bc4f7caac3367968fd12069a0--silent-hill-art-silent-hill-monsters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've went on various sites, searched up various types of art. Then began noticing a decline in quality in artwork. Back in the day, it honestly didn't take me much effort to find good art, but now it certainly does these days.

>> No.3132999
File: 65 KB, 736x779, 5d79977bba8d42925b30134a7d88084e--bully-game-rockstar-games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Painters and sculptors in the past didn't do shit just to "express themselves"
What period of time are you referring to specifically? If you create art and only do it to sell out, you won't produce quality work with your best potential. Not to mention that if you're always following trends to sell, you soon will begin to hate art as a job.

>> No.3133017
File: 118 KB, 800x544, SHill3_conceptart_7RTmj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's "artists" who only do it for money deliver a very poor and uinspiring piece of works.

>Painters and sculptors in the past didn't do shit just to "express themselves"
Sculptors did experiment with different styles, painters too. You are expressing the form of the human body, captivating it essentially, immortalizing a certain object. That is a statement that the old greeks made. To express situations and a general message of immortality.

>> No.3133028

This is the most depressing thread on ic

>> No.3133032

your life is depressing

>> No.3133100



>> No.3133138

Depends on the platform really. The only place i see the weird furry stuff dominate on the surface is deviantart. But people who draw this never gonna make it as concept artists or illustrators, they can only hope some zoophiles toss them a Shekel on patreon

>> No.3133584
File: 79 KB, 320x691, Disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, why is this suddenly about furries?

>> No.3133645

Is that a lactating fucking wolf????

>> No.3134360

Was waiting to see if anyone paid enough attention to notice, good job.

>> No.3134521

I know what you mean. I think it was about 2012 that I noticed this weird new style pop up, which I eventually learned was tumblr. It slowly infected my watch list.

>> No.3134527

What was the style before tumblr came along?

>> No.3135077

Noticed animu influences slightly, way more realistic anstomy even when it was cartoon drawings, more detail, cleaner linework with varied thicknesses, less wonky proportions, etc. Some JTHM influences here and there but other than that, the proportions weren't so butt-fuck ugly and the lineworks weren't and sloppy, had more perspective and wasn't just flat characters, sharper shapes, etc. It just feels people put more effort in art back then and had higher standarts. Less cutsey girly shit too. I feel like women (Tumblr) are influencing and ruining art trends right now. Not to sound sexist nor anything, just a theory.

>> No.3137762
File: 54 KB, 540x754, tumblr_nezcw5tAzz1qz9v0to3_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually really like some of the art i find on tumblr, but im not sure if they constitute as "tumblr art style"

>> No.3137764
File: 673 KB, 1152x1920, tumblr_otvtwrI7ma1ruaetso1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3137775
File: 602 KB, 1280x1877, tumblr_olfhwlog6D1qz8skxo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3137809

What exactly is the "tumblr style"? Can you post examples? All I see on deviantart are Sakimichan clones and moe weeb stuff.

>> No.3137815

>All I see on deviantart are Sakimichan clones and moe weeb stuff.
What exactly is the "Sakimichan clones and moe weeb stuff" style? Can you post examples?

>> No.3137825

Back in the day Devianart was all furry and gargoyle drawings, and after that it went from anime to phobs/some chick I can't remember the name of that drew a bunch of Hetalia characters with giant noses, now it's waxy anime drawings like Kron and Sakimi.

And then there's Tumblr making everything fat, ugly and transgender.

>> No.3137853

so is this girl actually 18?
it's all over for me...
i'm... not gonna make it...

>> No.3137856


>> No.3137864

>tfw only one of these look like anime while the rest are semi-realistic/westernized anime

>> No.3137881
File: 1.20 MB, 1084x1037, tumblr_nfd6ltAqUX1rf8rdmo2_r1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also like epsee's style though some might disagree

>> No.3138006
File: 90 KB, 500x400, tumblr_inline_o6mv5r1d331ttagmf_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3138009
File: 384 KB, 960x1280, fRMGHrG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this

>> No.3138018
File: 846 KB, 1338x2138, Screenshot_2017-09-15-21-04-50-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's not forget the generic Tumblr style (furry edition) too.

>> No.3138034
File: 121 KB, 804x994, too_many_colors_by_pheberoni-d9qrx0q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>phobs/some chick I can't remember the name of that drew a bunch of Hetalia characters with giant noses

this chick?
i can see how everyone on tumblr is ripping her style now

>> No.3138044


Who is the artist that started this trend of red noses on tumblr?

>> No.3138063


>> No.3138080


>> No.3138097
File: 809 KB, 1330x3248, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


also, image related.

>> No.3138116

I just noticed that this is Kill La Kill and I am disgusted

>> No.3140015
File: 282 KB, 400x500, p_g__bad_boys_by_s0urgrapes-dbdy8be.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, pure tumblr art 2000

>> No.3140016

The irony is all these "tumblr style" artists draw better than virtually every single one of you.

>> No.3141595

You're not amusing, you're embarrassing

>> No.3144321
File: 7 KB, 316x202, 8a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is some horrendous art.

>> No.3144931
File: 152 KB, 886x858, new_yt_icon_by_kittensneezikuns-db20pkj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This generic style

And here they think they're unique.

>> No.3144935

Oh yeah that same-face, everyone looks like Rapunzel, generic disney lineless style.

>> No.3145224

You sound insecure op.

>> No.3145228

Also if you are actually curious about how current styles were introduced, id research the relationship between france and japan's art communities in the early 80's, it pretty much starts there.

>> No.3145235

God, chromatic aberration is fucking cancerous.

>> No.3145413
File: 125 KB, 763x1047, 1502094949299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yoh yoshinari
his work is pretty detailed. wanna try another example to support the aggressive position you've taken vs your imaginary opponent?

>most trendy art of today is lazy and sloppy and want to know what are some of the causes for it
digital artists today spend hours polishing the lighting effects on a piece of shit or churn out as many simplistic pieces as possible. digital artists lacking any sort of artistic appreciation decided on process and popularity over final work and merit. this is just more consequences of that fast paced unthinking modern lifestyle so it goes highly unnoticed.

>> No.3145416

NONE are anime and the first is western anime by 15 year old future art school grads.

>> No.3145553

>digital artists today spend hours polishing the lighting effects on a piece of shit or churn out as many simplistic pieces as possible. digital artists lacking any sort of artistic appreciation decided on process and popularity over final work and merit. this is just more consequences of that fast paced unthinking modern lifestyle so it goes highly unnoticed.

this this this

>> No.3145614

Pretty fucking tumblr. Big fat faggort noses, outlandish proportions, Sakimichan esque hard white light lighting issues.

>> No.3145623

some of the details make this delightful but the splatter is infuriating
should just make this into a religious/icon type piece and skipped the bizarre beheading WHY IS THE BLOOD GOLD AGH

>> No.3146753
File: 29 KB, 480x480, 12545515_1501585333480604_1474967145_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not insecure, I'm just sick and tired of this hideous gook looking art style I fucking see everywhere, I miss the days where art wasn't cutsey and sloppy and boring and repetitive. I no longer find artists that inspire me to challenge myself so I'm only now primarily looking up old forgotten artists. Pretty autistic of you to assume first thing "durrhurr u don't liek wat I like, u must be insecure durrrrrrr xdddddd"

Fucking thank you, someone that finally knows shit. I was beginning to think I was the only one that saw art has degraded due to people no longer having the patience to concentrate on their work.

1000% accurate.

Again, cancerous pic related. You gotta be blind not to think this is a hideous and lazy art style. Just look at the fucking proportions and fingers.