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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3124014 No.3124014 [Reply] [Original]

>I Figure Draw 24/7 to get better at animation
>I draw boxes every day all day and only boxes to understand perspective
>I copied every single page from Bridgman, Loomis, and Hampton books for anatomy
>I do painting studies from Life because I was told to xD

No wonder so many people complain why they are never improving or don't feel like drawing. You guys keep falling for the study meme. If you guys do these things unironically, then no shit you're not going to improve. Stop that.

>Post work

I would if the proof was in the fucking pudding. Look around ic and all this bitching, these are people who've been following the sticky. Now look up a great artists and check out their interviews. 95% of the time, they don't know who Hampton or whoever is. They don't go about saying how much they "studied". As long as you have a understanding of Form and Perspective, that's it.

Vilppu doesn't teach you "how to draw" per-say. He's simply offering Tools to help you grab whatever is from your imagination, and put it onto paper. That's it.

Don't fall for the study meme!

>> No.3124023

damn you're a dumb cunt

>> No.3124024
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>Now look up a great artists and check out their interviews. 95% of the time, they don't know who Hampton or whoever is.

So what? There are many great anatomy teachers teaching in those high price design schools in cali that you have never heard of all because they don't have a book on amazon.
>Vilppu doesn't teach you "how to draw" per-say. He's simply offering Tools to help you grab whatever is from your imagination
this is an absurd statement

>> No.3124025

Is this a counter post to >>3123934?

This board is fucking trash.

>> No.3124026
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>Don't fall for the study meme!

>5 years later
>why can't I improve bros

>> No.3124027


it's funny because OP probably fell for yet another one of my memes after shortly posting this thread

>> No.3124634

I thought that was a given, that you only take what you need from those books and teachers and make your own path based on your objetives.

>> No.3124649

The reason I know you're wrong is that this is what every bum does, they never study anything and they just fucking draw all the time and they never get any better. They keep drawing the same shit that looks like a five year old made it. Sure there are some exceptions but they basically figured out on their own what they could have learned from a number of books covering the same thing.

>> No.3124657

I drew 3-4 years from imagination. I noticed I hadn't improved shit. I've been doing studies 1-2 hours a day for 1.5 yeats and come long way since.

>> No.3124658
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>> No.3124680


who is tehmeh I forgot...I know he's basically that wanna be buttsage on discord

>> No.3124690

This is a poor advice. I did exactly as he says and what it turned out to be is that I am still lacking fundamentals necessary to do anything that can be regarded as somewhat good. I pushed my every piece to the maximum and it still was shit, because it was fundamentally broken.

Fundamentals are everything.

>> No.3124697

Y'all lack critical thinking, no amount of studying is going to fix that

>> No.3124704

Then it was good, because you could realize in what you were really lacking instead of just mindlessly grinding.

>> No.3124705

I think most people fail to understand that replicating pieces and looking at measurements isn't going to teach you anything if you aren't analyzing on your own. It's not studying otherwise.

>> No.3124719

No, because he suggest doing it further. Drawing without fundies is just instilling bad habits, you can't produce good art just by drawing whatever you like.

>> No.3124722

That's why should always be trying new things and not marry a method, when you see something is not working then you know is time to do something different.

>> No.3124985

>Now look up a great artists and check out their interviews. 95% of the time, they don't know who Hampton or whoever is. They don't go about saying how much they "studied".

Not sure what you're talking about. Most great artists I know of, especially those working in the animation industry, do tons of figure studies and life drawings. You don't need to know Hampton to do that.

>> No.3125112

Fuck off with your shitty tips. It's clear that you are trying to misguide beginners into doing whatever shit as long as they enjoy it, guess what - no one will make it with that attitude. Learning to draw is 90% mundane, you either bite the stick and grind as fuck or rot in mediocrity while doing anime swordsmen you wanted so much.

Drawing is not just about fun. Drawing is about discipline, mindfulness and after that comes fun.

>> No.3125127

Your post doesn't make sense to me. Are you implying that you learned to accurately draw what you see and to understand figure drawing and that you work hasn't improved? Or are you saying that you failed learning the fundamentals? If you learn to break down the figure and translate it into a mannequinized version that you can transform, it should be self evident that you will improve your overall work. If you failed to learn how to draw what you see, failed to learn how to break down the figure into basic 3D shapes then you didn't put in the practice.

In any case, I think you are lying and making a bitter, resentful post and try to blame your failure on false advice.

>> No.3125138

Based tehmeh even in this day and age. Gonna do the best cute anime girls I can from now on.

>> No.3125143

>he doesn't think studying is fun


>> No.3125147

your autistic if you think drawing is fun after the 1000th hour anyway

>> No.3125149

It isn't simply because of how much time you have to dedicate to it in order to go with your ideas. For example ateliers require doing 3 small and 3 bigger bargue drawings in the beginning and it's tedious a fuck do 6 bargue drawings in a row. THEN you go for cast drawings, so essentially a bargue drawing with extra steps and more complexity. For me, as someone who wants to draw my stuff, going through atelier training (on my own) is very fucking tiresome but there is no way around.

>> No.3125178

I'm pretty sure this is just malicious shitposting.

>> No.3125410
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I'm sorry you can't draw for fun while letting go knowing you suck. You know what happens when you do learn all those hard earned fundey wondies and wonder why noone likes your shit as you become a depressed sack of shit? It's because you lack appeal in your work. You lack inspiration, the milky spark, the feeling that you actually enjoy what you draw. You become a shallow shell of what you truly wanted to be as you kept telling yourself over the years that "once I learn the (((fundamentals))) everyone will love my stuff and donate to my patreon.

It's totally possible to, get this, do both at the same time. Just learn to let go.

>> No.3125417

lmao post work, let's see all that discipline and mindfulness you retard

>> No.3125441

This is probably good advice if you've got a lot of clear artistic ideas in your head. Grinding studies is more beneficial to a derivative hack like me because inspiration comes so infrequently I'd never produce anything otherwise.

>> No.3125446
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OP is wrong. Do studies all day. You'll make it, don't worry. Proko did just fine!

>> No.3125490

part of me thinks proko is trolling. I'm sure there's techniques he's not using.

>> No.3125517

Stick to your art bible you fucking sham. If you really need to stick to the basics and "muh funduhmentuls" for every single step of the way, if you need to overanalyze every single art piece in the most reductive and boring manner possible, and subscribe to the singular mindset this retarded fuckin board has regarding art, and that anything that slightly delineates from that ideal is considered bad, don't even fucking bother grinding those studies, because you completely missed the point of becoming an artist.

There's no general rule, only advice - which varies greatly between artstyles. Pretending that there's a general method you can apply to every level art is being disingenuous.

>> No.3125538

I've been away from /ic/ for a few years, what is this and what does it have to do with Proko?

>> No.3125683


I am just sitting here and smiling than some random garbage is talking trash about me while being the trash itself. Keep it up, I know my life and I know what happens when you are retarded like that. Keep being trash, less competition.

>lmao discipline and mindfulness, who the fuck wants that am i right my fellow teenagers XDDDD

>> No.3125695
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This is what happens when you spent the past decade grinding fundamentals and studying life drawing, depriving yourself from imagination hence the aborted fetus figure you see. Its become a favorite and a somewhat figure of speech on /ic/ because it implies the notion of mastering fundamentals first before drawing anything stylized which takes years only to realize you cannot draw the simplest forms from imagination without the use of reference.

>> No.3125698


what? learn english

>> No.3125702
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Basically, Proko had a live stream of him drawing from imagination. To say he failed horribly is being generous.

>> No.3125833

Wow, poor bastard.

>> No.3125835

Hey that's the crit he gave me, glad it helped you anon

>> No.3125839

Nile knows Tehmeh too? That's amazing.

>> No.3125846

He's a good guy, always really strict, atleast towards me lol. He once gave me a 800 word crit on why my world view was garbage hahaha, about how i treat art too much like a hobbyist still, he has some points.

>> No.3125852

It did, nile.
And you're a good man.

>> No.3125875

>says you treat art too much like a hobbyist
>advocates drawing no more than 37 minutes a day

That's our Tehmeh!

>> No.3125878


>whine whine whine whine

stopped reading right there

>> No.3125882

Thanks baby u too
Has he? Wasn't around when he posted on here but from what i've seen and heard from him he has worked really hard

>> No.3125883

Mind telling me how do you not treat art like a hobbyist? Also what was your world view?

>> No.3125890

Well basically my world view and more specifically my view on art is that it's supposed to be fun and the moment it stops being fun it starts to become meaningless.
While Olly sees it as a nice job, I see it more as a hobby that if you spend a lot of time doing, might bring you financial gain in the future.
So the big problem he had with how I view things was that it always has to be fun, and that it would stifle my progress and lower my chances of going pro one day, which is reasonable.
I'm still making sure I'm always having fun but try and get out of my comfort zone a bit more often

>> No.3125977

>look how unaffected I am xddd I-I'm totally happy and great, you're shit
lmfao pathetic, post work retard

>> No.3126415
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>> No.3126419

shit advice from someone posting a generic anime girl, not even his own work

>> No.3126483


that guy is better than all of /ic/ and I was the one who asked him for tips

>> No.3126485

post his work

>> No.3126490


>> No.3126494

ya thought so retard

>> No.3126505


I give less of a damn, pyw meemer

>> No.3126515

>retard idiom
>sounds like a FAS hillbilly
takes someone as stupid as you to ask for advice from some DA tier shitter

>> No.3126520
File: 48 KB, 600x337, bouttime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to google what 'FAS' means and urban dictionary came up with "funny as shit"; so you think I'm funny, huh? Why don't you throw me those gloves and challenge me to a public GESTURE BATTLE? Right now. I'll fucking end you.

>> No.3126526

What's the point of using Proko as example of why you shouldn't do studies? Every good artist has done studies too. That's like saying "don't drink water, bad artist drank water"

>> No.3126541

No one said that all you should so is study fundamentals. My point is that if you really put in the effort to learn them then you will improve. You can feel free to not study, it's none of my business, but don't blame your failures on others.

>> No.3126628

Post your work

>> No.3126762

Speaking of this shit and these people, anyone know how to get the images for old ca.org threads? Hannes backed his up but it isn't all of them and no one else seemed to.

>> No.3127189

link to blog/portfolio

>> No.3127354


>> No.3127356

Are you taking commissions?

>> No.3127364

Funny you ask, i've been thinking about opening up commissions this past week, still not sure if i'll do it but maybe?
I'll announce it on my blog if i decide to do it though

>> No.3128258
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This thread again.....
Oh my fucking god.

>> No.3128261

Nobody cares.

>> No.3128271

You're right. Nobody cares. You're a nobody. But I'm a somebody and I care.

>> No.3128282

The thing is, you need TO APPLY your STUDIES.

If you just copy your subject and don't apply it to what you actually wanna draw (from imagination or reference), it won't stick in your mind.

Don't overcomplicate things.

>> No.3128291
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Wait, but if you said ''nobody cares'' and he's nobody. Doesn't that mean he actually cares?

>> No.3128295
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that really f5s the synapses

>> No.3128312

like drawing stylized shit using real life references?
i mostly practice for hours for a few days, break occasionally with some drawing from imagination (no reference) and then do original stuff with irl references
the people I know who struggle with imagination always copy stuff but never do anything on their own. not even with references. maybe that's your problem too op? doodle for funsies from imagination sometimes. it really helps even if the result is shit

>> No.3128557

Post work.

>> No.3128866

This thread has been around.

>> No.3128935

This. Like any skill you need to employ some form of "guess and check" or you're just learning to copy.

>> No.3129985
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>Failing for the being a nihilistic whiny bitch that never does studies, nor does it correctly and spends most of his time mindlessly doodling and getting surprised when years after, he hasn't improved much at all meme.
I pity your soul

>> No.3130017

post work

>> No.3130539


If do, what will you do? Will you be convinced that hard work is the only way to achieve greatness in life, or will you reject it a fit of toxic anger and jealousy?
Will you face your dragons, or will you succumb to them?

>> No.3130589

>retard bending over backwards to try to not post work
if you can't even demonstrate all the knowledge you've 'gained' from your studies and hard work, it invalidates all the shit you spout.


>> No.3130621


Toxic anger and jealousy it'll be. I'll post my work, if you post yours first.

>> No.3130625

>>3130589 buttblasted cantdrawforshitfag detected

>> No.3130634

Why would my work be relevant when you're the one making claims that need to be substantiated? You really are braindead

LMFAO of what? Your skill? Maybe if you'd post work we'd know. But we all know what that the next post won't be your work, but another desperate deflection

>> No.3130641

>hur durr if you want to improve dont study
good thread op. you can neck yourself now

>> No.3130645
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>but another desperate deflection

You've clearly felt eluded in the words I said earlier, that's no fault of mine. I do not owe you anything. If you do not wish to follow my request, I have no more interest in talking to you anymore.

>> No.3130659

And the brainlet bows out, forming barely coherent thoughts as he goes. Another shitter who can only talk the talk ousted with a simple


>> No.3130663

>post work
>no, you
>no, YOU!
Why aren't you drawing right now, retards?

>> No.3130670
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Your wounded screechy laments of self loathing and hatred, fill me with determination, kid. I'll tell you something, ask me to draw an item of your choosing.

>> No.3130672

Just draw anything that shows the results of your hard work and studying so far