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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.37 MB, 1440x1440, op.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3121935 No.3121935 [Reply] [Original]

IF YOU ARE A /BEG/INNER IN ART, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice. We should not have to make new threads or post in the Drawthread with our fundamental exercises.

Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up, make someone proud.


>screenshot the image and post that instead

>change camera capture settings to something smaller

>send to computer and resize in MSPaint

→ →
There's a new (and cleaner) sticky in town! You can see it at:


TRY TO BE MORE ACTIVE AND GIVE PEOPLE SOME FEEDBACK - many studies are left unreplied, which is a bit sad and can be quite demotivating for the people that try their best to improve, but are left directionless.

OLD THREAD: >>3118982

>> No.3121936
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Links to many art books including as Keys to Drawing (Dodson), Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain (Edwards), Perspective Made Easy (Norling), Color and Light (Gurney), The Vilppu Drawing Manual (Vilppu) and How to Draw (Robertson).

A website dedicated to understanding the basics and process of digital painting, based in Adobe Photoshop. Library of over 200 free videos.

Free pose library to practice drawing the human figure (as well as a portrait library). Draw at your own pace or set a timer for quick gesture drawings.

Croquis Cafe - Timed model poses.

Controversial yet helpful introductory course on the fundamentals of drawing with a focus on understanding the concept of form and thinking in a 3-dimensional mindset while you draw.

>Your local life drawing class
Life drawing is an indispensable tool in your art career. Do not be intimidated based on your skill level - there will always be someone worse than you and someone better than you. Use this opportunity to meet new artists for learning, critique, and growth.

>> No.3121946

Is she right?

>> No.3121952
File: 197 KB, 2158x800, 2017_09_02_value_study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3121989

Peppy music, pretentious happiness and a dumb founded argument spoken with an arrogant aura of authority – what a bitch.

Talent implies inborn dispositions towards certain characteristics that are foundational within a given artform. Whether it be observational skills, hand-eye cordination, a vivid imagination, memory and whatnot, all these are trainable traits.

The problem is that few people actually cultivate these traits, focusing on the technical aspects alone. By cultivating the former, the results will smoothly seep into the latter.

This mentality is of course a natural byproduct of the modern educational system, which fixates upon external results rather than the internal composition and makeup of ones character. I'm glad that I read the notebooks of Da Vinci before engaging myself with these hacks.

>> No.3121990

In the description she says the video is a joke

>> No.3121992 [DELETED] 

Delet this

>> No.3121997

about time you fucking retard

>> No.3122009
File: 433 KB, 1440x1615, IMG_20170831_191217_806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is /beg/ just shitposting now?

>> No.3122010

I'm about to start practicing gesture, but I have a big question that I'm not sure flew over my head or not.

What's the point of gesture beside capturing the motion? Do you do the gesture, then build around/over it? Is it a one and done thing to teach you how to percieve motion?

>> No.3122016

If she knew she was right she would'nt still be drawing.

>I was merely pretending to be retarded!

>> No.3122042

You don't ever ask /beg/ what the point of gestures are. You only ask the books, and they have an answer. Every book unfortunately has its own answer, so take one. Believe it, and then when you get a lot better, maybe try other ones

>> No.3122060

Is there some specific way I can practice so my line control on a tablet isn't shit?
None of my lines come out the way I want them to. I'm good by any stretch, but this is so much easier on paper, but I don't have a scanner and want to try digitally coloring things

>> No.3122061

Yeah, draw the thing you want to draw a lot.

>> No.3122074

Paint tool sai has a stabilizer for line work.

Yes the point of the gesture is to capture the action, then you build forms around it. Try drawing your pet while they are moving around and you'll see that you need to quickly make the gesture as a necessity. Even when drawing from a model you only have about 30 seconds to capture the action before the model settles into the pose.
It is best to learn from animators as they are always the best at figure drawing. Aaron blaise has good videos on yourtube and vilppu is a god if you obtain his videos.
Bottom line is if you don't understand the point of the gesture, you won't be able to make one that helps your drawing. Just keep drawing from life and you'll 'get it'.

>> No.3122096
File: 37 KB, 635x768, checker girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I'm that same nigger who posted that AE86, did this in 30 minutes.
Also, please dubs

>> No.3122098
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>> No.3122127
File: 409 KB, 813x1204, uefisfh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drawing machine broke

my wacom tablet got kill so I got back to digital, but I dont have a scanner so I'm improvising my drawing scanning.

Is this decent quality to you goys?

>> No.3122162
File: 400 KB, 1575x664, faces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been experimenting around with different methods of constructing faces/heads, using a perfectly circular cranium like in Hale's proportions as the foundation for it; the infographic in the lower right is the current standard i'm using

one thing i can't figure out, though, is how the hell the guy with the open hand's head works. i can construct his face with relative understanding, but i've been staring at this dude for like 20 minutes trying to figure out how the to illustrate the depth of his head. in theory, the back of his head shouldn't be too far from the central purple circle, but in reality it's over half the height of it. i'd think it's a flaw with my approach (it may be, i'll try to do more from this angle), but i did similarly foreshortened heads and didn't get this issue from it. whaddya you guys thing?

>> No.3122167

You placed the purple circle on his head too low, it's practically on his face while for others it's at the peak of their skull. Once you've fixed this, the green circle shouldn't seem so far.

>> No.3122216

What is this irrational fear of finishing a drawing/comitting to a piece? Why is it so much easier to do 100 shitty doodles or thoughtless scribbles than a single, though out drawing?

Specially when it comes to rendering.. ugh, already spent 40 minutes placing the features and sizing them up, now I don't wanna fuck it up with the values.


>> No.3122222

You think it's already perfect and don't want to mess it up by "finishing". Just trust that you can redo it if you have to and "finish".

>> No.3122332
File: 667 KB, 606x1024, Screenshot_2017-09-03-00-52-31-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try doing Vilppu
>everything is wrong and it feels like I just started drawing
I don't think the video I watched was decent. It seems that Vilppu has some .PDFs, but they're paywalled behind Scribd. Anyone got a torrent?

>> No.3122335

>everything is wrong and it feels like I just started drawing
That's because it is and you did. Watching more videos isn't going to help you, draw more.

>> No.3122346
File: 179 KB, 878x1402, 20170827_062906-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know everything is wrong, but I didn't just start drawing. I started out with Loomis a couple months ago but I'm going back and practicing gesturing and figure drawing with Vilppu based on a few pointers, but I don't feel I'm actually grasping the actual figure drawing correctly. The guy had some "I don't knows" and "I'm not sure if..." sparsed throughout, and I felt I learned better reading, so I was asking if anyone had .PDFs or torrents of it.

>> No.3122379

Is drawing along with instruction videos advisable, okay but not ideal, or outright stupid and counter-intuitive?

>> No.3122398
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feedback welcomed

>> No.3122492
File: 247 KB, 796x1000, heads2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah; in retrospect, the placement of the circle is super off-kilter in comparison to every other head construction in that compilation, even though they all follow the same referential points (using the bottom of the nose & ears). i've readjusted the central circle of it so it's better aligned with those points, but the top of the skull still looks really bizarre in comparison to the way the rest of the face is set up, though not as badly as before. the illustration below the reference is where i'd place the end cranium if i were to draw it from imagination, which looks sooooorta comparable to the original ref. if i were to overlay the face & circular mass from that head on top of the reference though, the back cranium looks totally out of wack & alignment with the rest of it, like he was born with 'megamind lookin ass' syndrome or something. instead of looking like the forms of the face gradually transform into the cranium, it looks more like a circle just popped out of the construction, like it came out of a toaster, totally screwing the depth effect it would otherwise have created

it looks like i needa refine my methods for drawing heads pointed downwards; i don't think i considered the amount of foreshortening & tapering the skull would undergo when seen from a relatively high angle like this. i also think the circle i started with was too small (i digitally upsized it later after noticing), so all of the facial features & self-referential proportions that base themselves off of the circle were affected, making it look more tilted than the reference photo actually is, which is likely one of the problems that is making the front & back parts of the cranium look misaligned

i'll do another study of this tomorrow & see if i can get a constantly reliable method for heads at this/similar angles. i'm liking this system so far; i didn't have much luck with other approaches


>> No.3122512

Anyone have references for crossed shoulders?

>> No.3122516
File: 422 KB, 1077x1182, still gross.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted here 2 months ish ago like 2 days after I decided to learn how to draw, I haven't given up since then but haven't been practicing faces much since that shits discouraging as hell. Could anyone recommend any books or videos on drawing the head? I've basically just been trying to apply stuff from the head chapter of Micheal Hampton's book but I really feel like I have no idea what I'm doing in regards to most anything. Pic is me trying to redraw that first face I posted in july, I'll post that for comparison

>> No.3122518
File: 29 KB, 1060x881, gross.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh man just looking at that in thumbnail it looks like he got his profile caved in with a fucking shovel

>> No.3122521


And loomis's head drawing book.

You've improved, keep it up bud.

>> No.3122536
File: 237 KB, 389x744, request-trash-03-09-17-1241am_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking christ I need a scanner

>> No.3122604

is it alright to skim Fun With s Pencil then concentrate hard on Figure Drawing for All its Worth and How to Draw the Head and Hands

>> No.3122610

Post something you've drawn.

>> No.3122611

his nose is extremely crooked sideways and upwards. lips flat. symbol drawing. etc.

use ref

>> No.3122612

I've mostly been copying his stuff. Can I post that?

>> No.3122618

the beginning of Keys to Drawing is so mind numbingly boring and slow and everything I draw looks like shit. Is it supposed to be like this?

>> No.3122620

Maybe art isn't for you then.

>> No.3122621

so just give up?

>> No.3122623

What did you expect?

>> No.3122625

idk. Is there a point where you begin to see improvement or does it look like shit forever to you?

>> No.3122627

You see improvement when you get better. The responsibility is on you, not your tools or resources.

>> No.3122628

What if I am only able to dedicate like an hour or less to drawing because of life/schoolwork
>inb4 nice excuse

>> No.3122716

I thought she'd be masturbating with a cucumber or something before you put that head in.. I got less excited now that I see that dwarf or whatever it is giving her head.

>> No.3122721


Follow that video series, trust me. It's better for absolute beginners. Spend 1 week doing what he says on each video, don't rush it, plus copy artists you like.

If I had gone straight into these books as soon as I started I probably would've stopped drawing. I started with this guy's videos, it's all low pressure and he focuses on what is important: Just draw.

If you are an absolute beginner like I was then ANY sort of drawing or copying will give you improvements. Don't listen to these tryhards saying you need the absolute more effective methods of improvement and several hours a day of practice. That's not true unless you want to be a pro fine artist/concept artist.

>> No.3122725

cool thanks. Can you post some of your work to show how effective he was?

>> No.3122732

Then do so.

>> No.3122734

anyone knows how I can make straight lines in corel painter 2017 that arent full pressure?
with shift i can only make horizontal or vertical lines that are lighter but not good for perspective
with the linetool (v) all lines are full on retarded pressure

>> No.3122772
File: 265 KB, 1011x766, niceu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You misunderstood me, maybe. My point is he does not focuses on efficiency, he focuses on inspiring you to draw so you draw every day, and when you are feeling up to it, you challenge yourself to improve. Consistency as a priority over efficiency. No point in making good gains for 2 months if you're gonna quit for 6 months after that and regret it all.

This is a "before", I'll reply with after. I'm still a beg though, not sure if there's much point in posting progress.

>> No.3122779
File: 241 KB, 1781x510, niceu2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the black girl that is rendered was done a couple of months ago and it took me maybe 6 hours.. the guy on the right was done I think 2 weeks ago or less and it took me 20 minuteish, the line-girl is WIP im on now

>> No.3122831

You can go eat some dick burritos and fuck off. You are "blunt and offensive"- okay, then don't act like a bitch when you are criticised for it. Fuck yourself and fuck your shitty art you thin-skinned, barret wearing fag-hag and don't you even dare come back shilling your horrible videos.

>> No.3122883

What has really helped me with portraits is after my attempt I'll trace the reference and compare, then try to draw again. You seem to be making the same mistakes. Watching videos on face anatomy also help because then you know what to look for.

>> No.3122928
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What are some re-ocurring mistakes you see that you could point out to help me see them too?

I am studying faces but I kinda take it little by little as I'm also studying feet, hands, perspective, general anatomy, starting to feel 3D shapes, trying to learn cross-hatching, etc.

That Steve Huston "Draw The Head" video helped me a lot but mostly for imagination drawings, when it comes to doing portraits I have yet to succesfuly connect construction with observation and achieve likeness.

If you have any pointers for the line girl (3rd one 2nd post) it would be specially helpful as I haven't finished that one yet.

Pic related is ref. I'm really shit at digital software even just doing those compilations on MS paint took time, lmao. Is it possible to layer a drawing on top of another/picture in MS Paint?

>> No.3122950
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are the proportions okay?

>> No.3122953
File: 30 KB, 453x604, 315637_158614770948545_1124005582_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfag here
Any tips on drawing eyes/nose and mouths?
I like drawing celebs and my last drawing i did was back in 2012. I'm not brilliant but you can only keep trying and get better!

>> No.3122956

Tiny baby hands. And why can't you take a picture of the whole thing instead of cutting off her feet?

>> No.3122957
File: 100 KB, 2000x703, 2017_09_03_gestures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used posemaniacs this time.
I feel like I'm learning more anathomy while drawing from it but on 30 min drawing I got completely distracted by all these muscles and started copying them one by one which leaded to a stiff pose.

>> No.3122958
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I also like drawing cartoon characters

>> No.3122972
File: 77 KB, 560x800, 1504464593416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need help with shading and finding a style that isn't cell shading

>> No.3122973
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>> No.3122976

I like this! Good job :)

>> No.3122999


>> No.3123060

No. Disregard her. She's a moron. It's laughable she's talking about "talent" and telling people to give up, when she's still a student, and her work is meme-level bad. She's just crab potting, don't pay attention to her.

>> No.3123061

It's a way to study gesture, because you can convey meaning in a pose through gesture, it's to train you to see it, so you can apply it later on. Say you're doing a painting, and you want a person in the painting to convey energy, and movement. You pull your memory of how to convey that through gesture, and work out a pose that conveys that energy. It's about controlling and thinking about the dynamics of pose.

>> No.3123063

underrated post

>> No.3123066


Mindless scribbling is just as bad as chicken scratching.

>> No.3123071

You need to spend a lot more time observing your model and learning to construct the head itself. You need to have discipline to not rush into defined shapes (it's called symbol drawing, your eyes look like flat water drops and any rendering cannot save you from that).

You need to really spend a lot of time in that early loose, light soft lay in where you measure (not with actual ruler or anything like that, but with your eyes and with help of a side of your pencil) the proportions of your model. Then loosely and lightly with side of your graphite pens tip do those soft lines you can easily erase later, and lay in your construction of the head and the proportions not committing to any shapes (even to the silhouette of the head) at this point, but only to observing and comparing your proportions. When you have mastered this stage, everything that comes later is very simple when you start understanding volumes.

>> No.3123075


if you are truly interested and seek for assistance read this:


and after that watch this youtube video:


>> No.3123108
File: 58 KB, 500x667, IMG_0014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just downloaded photoshop CS4, can someone point me toward some brush tutorials, I can't figure out how these things work.

I've never painted anything or even shaded before, I thought digital might be easier to work with. Would a tablet help? Is digital actually easier to work or learn with if you have zero foundation?

>> No.3123158

How do you get your lines so clean?

>> No.3123168
File: 206 KB, 1165x727, spacestation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just did these two in the last couple minutes. Done with mouse as usual.

>> No.3123179

Seriously how the fuck do you draw feet?
Hampton's method is just fucking retarded and way too much work, Loomis doesn't go into detail at all and that nigga Sycra is no help either.

>> No.3123197


>digital actually easier to work or learn with if you have zero foundation?

No, it's hard. Even harder if you have no idea how to use it. A tool is a tool. It's up to the user and their fundamental knowledge to make use of it and produce good work.

Go to ctrlpaint.com it will teach you the basic.

>> No.3123198


Get a fucking tablet or draw with pencil and paper.

>> No.3123202
File: 818 KB, 647x1152, IMG_0461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how's this? first time using a dip pen and drew my hand (weird light sources in the room I did this in). also first time using cross hatching for shading with a dip pen, and probably should've used one that I can have further ink flow than dipping

gonna be studying Hampton and Loomis soon, so I thought I'd go ahead and practice my anatomy and see where I'm currently at

>> No.3123218

that right leg looks a bit like she's overextending it, hands are a bit too small, pupils are way too big (i know, it's supposed to be anime style, doesn't mean it has to look like that)

clothes look good, but I think the skirt looks a bit unattached to her, if that makes sense. like, maybe it should flow a bit more with her legs, and maybe her right thigh should touch some of the bottom of it

>> No.3123222
File: 89 KB, 850x944, test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time doing pr0n

>> No.3123226

I hope it's your first and last time.

>> No.3123230
File: 1.06 MB, 634x1178, sdfiojio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this coloring looks decent to you?

the strokes and blending and all

>> No.3123233

that looks bad

>> No.3123244
File: 895 KB, 1629x3121, IMG_6784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a small study and I fucked up the body... will try it again. Csn sb help me please and advice some videos how to draw legs and clothes?

>> No.3123245
File: 279 KB, 1060x881, Rough.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the best but i hope it helps a bit.

>> No.3123372

Thanks, man. That website is exactly what I was hoping for.

>It's hard. Even harder if you have no idea how to use it
Yeah, I thought that being able to draw on layers and undo would make it a lot less intimidating, but now I realize that taking full advantage of these features isn't as intuitive as I imagined. And something isn't really clicking spatially, but that's probably because I'm using a mouse.

>> No.3123390

Shit man thanks for taking the time to redline like that but that's the old one, >>3122516
is the one I did last night. To be fair I made pretty much all the same mistakes though just with a softer brush.

>> No.3123393

Hey guys any good resources for tackling specifically the bends/curves of the individual fingers? Not just talking about like reference images. Explanation or method? I observe that the fingers have these very subtle but specific curves and bends to them, it's hard for me to get it down and looking right and as a result my fingers off look off or like sausages.

>> No.3123409
File: 380 KB, 842x900, 1449973294528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What skill level do I need to be at to earn about $5000 in my first year?

Just want to see what I need to accomplish. I assume most of the money will come from small-time commissions.

>> No.3123427

Getting good is just one step of the problem. The other side that /ic/ seems to hate discussing is that you have to market yourself to get people interested in commissioning you.

Regarding your question, that's about 400 per month, so think about how much you'd charge for a commission, and at what skill level you'd have to be to charge such a price. At an intermediate/advanced level, you can probably charge at least 300 a piece. Or you can be a beginner and do little chibi drawings for 20 bucks, and do 20 of them a month.

>> No.3123449

Anyone got a collection of eyes, ears, noses, lips etcs for drawing? Mind sharing a folder with me?

>> No.3123455
File: 37 KB, 559x564, AmIgonna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3123459
File: 11 KB, 365x349, 12313123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting with Drawabox tomorrow


Any superior beginner resource?

>> No.3123462
File: 326 KB, 754x704, ELilly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been working on refining my heads all day, and when I finally got to a style I was happy with I figured I'd try my hand at color. Not too bad for a first attempt, I think.

>> No.3123472

That's what I did, I found it a good stepping stone. Although don't use it past the first 7 chapters.

>> No.3123484

Don't be lazy. Google, Flickr and other image collections exist. Stop asking people to do simple tasks for you.

>> No.3123485

this is nice keep it up

>> No.3123510

I don't have anything to show but I am about ready to give up on drawing as a whole. I understand perspective/form/etc but whenever I go to draw an eye at a front angle, it's ALWAYS flat looking, regardless of what I do. I am ready to fucking quit. I don't know what to do and I am getting very frustrated.

>> No.3123514

You're doing contour drawings, try focusing on just capturing the flow of the figures.

>> No.3123516

Asking for a collection of images isn't lazy nor is it wrong.

I already have tons of curated collections of images that I'd be willing to share. This is a community, not some king-of-the-hill shit.

It's being smart, I already spend hours digging through images to build up a folder of images that are meet a specific criteria. Nothing wrong with asking an anon who's already spent those hours curating to simply zip them up and share them.

>> No.3123543


>> No.3123550

Just stop. You're fucking lazy, throwing paragraphs at me won't change that.

Do your own fucking homework.

>> No.3123553


If this is the case what are the point of help forums/asking for help in general?

I need help finding/doing xyz.


Seriously...shut the fuck up.

>> No.3123563

You are the embodiment of arrogance. Ironic you would call someone lazy yet are too stupid to write a proper response outside of

>hurr durr don't ask questions, figure out the answer yourself

>> No.3123622
File: 178 KB, 300x300, 1444551824268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you just fall for such obvious bait like that lmAo

when you start to learn to weed out shitposts your life will get a whole lot easier

>> No.3123634
File: 141 KB, 1040x585, 2017-09-04 00.35.50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't do nothing My portraits look flat all the time. There is something I'm missing in terms of at least making things looks three dimensional.

>> No.3123635
File: 329 KB, 660x1000, void 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3123637
File: 2.23 MB, 1270x7324, 0O7P8gu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're just symbol drawing, that's all it is

once you learn how to actually see with your eyes and start doing still lives (instead of wasting your time with one of art's most complicated subject matters) you'll improve


>> No.3123638


I'm having the same problem. I know how to draw things in perspective/3d but my eyes/lips are ALWAYS wrong/flat/etc. I don't know what to do.

>> No.3123640

>instead of wasting your time with one of art's most complicated subject matters
Isn't that figures? Not portraits?

>> No.3123643


I'm not that guy but I'm not symbol drawing. I draw exactly what I see. I'm passed that beginner shit.

>> No.3123644

More shading. Line weight to indicate shadows.
Look at >>3122196 for an example of how to move forward.

>> No.3123647

ok. thank you for your input

>> No.3123652

noice, good job m8. If you're looking for crits here's a few things that stand out to me.
1.The titties seem to be out of perspective compared to the shoulders. They kinda look like they're drawn straight on while the torso is actually facing slightly away from the viewer
2.The edges are a little too sloppy. Obviously it's not finished but I would recommend cleaning up the arm for example since it's hard to gauge it's actual shape or silhouette
3.The over all value structure is nice, you've got a light shirt, dark pants and mid ranged skin. However I think pushing your values farther in each of those areas would help make your work more three dimensional. For example, we can see a sort of twist and overlapping by her ribs however that is mostly conveyed to the viewer through the use of lines not value. Maybe add darken the values a little more so we can instantly tell at a glance what part is overlapping what. (without going darker than the pants obviously.
4.The pose also seems a little bit awkward to me. The arm holding the bag in particular. If I try to pose like that in real life it's quite difficult and painful to do and it looks like your character should be in a more relaxed pose so try bringing the elbow forward a little bit and showing a tiny bit of the upper arm as well.
5.Design wise I like we're you're headed.The face in particular looks really cool. I think you could play a little bit more with the shoulder pad (?) thing. I feel like it makes the design a little bit too top heavy, Just recommendations since I'm not that great at designing either but
maybe try adding a clothy portion to the back to elongate the shape or add wires and coils connecting to other places or have it arch around her back like a backpack? Just spit balling but basically try to elongate the shape of that piece so it's more evenly distributed.
That's what stands out to me at a glance. Keep up the good work and I hope this was helpful!

>> No.3123653


Do you think working with black and white portraits is the good step forward then. Or maybe focus more on the fundamentals of light and shadow.

I really try hard to measure every angle rather than symbol drawing, even things like the eye I use a ton of pipe lines and draw the underlying sphere of the eyeball before I start laying things on top of it.

>> No.3123667
File: 32 KB, 1092x476, figure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit, does this look right?

>> No.3123680
File: 589 KB, 1000x984, 20min2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mediocre with traditional medium
>Skill level drops even further
Well only one way to fix that I guess

>> No.3123681
File: 273 KB, 973x1000, 20msketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3123686

How come the people in drawing on the right side of the brain are able to draw accurately and realistically in just a week but I can't? Am I doing something wrong? Most people here can't either so I doubt it. What's the secret?

>> No.3123703

wow, thank you man, i haven't gotten this indepth of a crit in a long time. thanks! i will keep all these in mind.

>> No.3123711


Looks like you're drawing your heads too big.

>> No.3123766
File: 1.18 MB, 1200x800, Japanese House.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So How did I do?

>> No.3123769

How are you so good?

>> No.3123773

How do I get as good as you?

>> No.3123774


>> No.3123800

It's not by him. Reverse image search shows it on a bunch of different sites, can't find the artist but it looks like a background image for osu! or something? idk but it's not his.
Don't post other peoples art pls faggot-kun

>> No.3123803

GDamn you people are stupid

>> No.3123813

>implying they weren't replying ironically

>> No.3123819

I hope so but you never know

>> No.3123829

>taking the bait

I'll take my (You), thanks.

>> No.3123847
File: 2.38 MB, 4160x2340, 2017-09-04 04.44.20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple Light and Shadow Still Life

>> No.3123855

pls respond

>> No.3123873
File: 31 KB, 600x265, 1479267683185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

necks broken
anatomy is generally a bit off (lower leg, torso, shoulder, etc.

grind these

>> No.3123883

could i ask you to crit this >>3119676 ?

>> No.3123901

I'm following loomis/proko tutorials, and no matter what I do, when I try to build a head by myself, my eyes/nose/mouth are completely wrong/look flat/a massive mess. And this is without shading. I've busted my ass to get foreshortening down, and drawing things correctly as 3D forms. Yet my eyes/etc still look like flat garbage, and I don't do any symbol drawing shit either. Wtf am I doing wrong?

>> No.3123902

Post work.

>> No.3123903
File: 32 KB, 680x510, IMG_20170904_060353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is just one of the many random doodles I tend to do, and I do the step by step shit via loomis/proko, but meh. Idk if it's from me drawing too small or what.

>> No.3123904


I make sure the eyelids wrap around the ball, etc. And yet it still looks flat as hell. A few lines are messy as shit too/i didnt care enough to erase them because I feel like shit because even if I copy an eye it looks like shit. And I am getting extremely discouraged

>> No.3123907

Are you only doing straight on head shots?

>> No.3123909
File: 516 KB, 598x1663, NewCanvas1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh sweet, a shitpost thread. here's my shitpost, i'll go back to studying :)

>> No.3123911


No, 3/4 shots/side view shots are still a pain but not nearly as bad. I don't have any side/3/4 view attempts to show though

>> No.3123949
File: 265 KB, 611x889, SHU_23oeBv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are these gestures good? any tips?

>> No.3123964
File: 40 KB, 569x506, 1455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keep getting woken up early and sleeping less than 8 hours because my mind can't stop racing about all things art and how to improve

the second I wake up because I need to go take a piss, I immediately start thinking about how to improve and how to get as good as the best artists, to the point where it's impossible to go back to sleep

>> No.3123968

I just got my first commission, did I make it?

>> No.3123969

Getting pitty commissioned by your mom does not count.

>> No.3124001

Leave /beg/, you're good enough for /alt style/ (/beg 2.0/).

>> No.3124006

Good start, but I would suggest doing like 20 more. Also when doing gestures don't just mindlessly do them- OBSERVE the forms and how they relate to each other and analyze what shapes repeat and how the change with different angles, contraction, and extension, etc.
Tl:dr Practice the Glen Vilppu way

>> No.3124011
File: 359 KB, 1920x1080, Experiment14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3124013

well i actually practice the Glen Vilppu technique and thank you for feedback

>> No.3124020
File: 359 KB, 750x1000, 0000000011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what can i improve on

>> No.3124029
File: 128 KB, 447x548, GZYDbhw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3124035

Plz halp

>> No.3124039

Less clothing trust me I'm a professional

>> No.3124048

I support this opinion as an adult and expert on this matter.

>> No.3124051

Honestly, this drawing of 2B is pretty good, I'd give you advice to maybe work on your values more but that might be because of the poor lighting. The only other thing is that the ring finger looks a tad too thin. Keep it up, papa bless.

>> No.3124066
File: 75 KB, 694x960, 17425946_1878843149040139_7863013509790477892_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you so much! :D I definitely see the problem with the ring finger, and I think I could have spent a bit more effort on the rendering. Also here is the ref.

>> No.3124071
File: 103 KB, 514x768, Denise Milani 6[4].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gimme dat sauce boy.

>> No.3124073

>carbon copies a picture with a pencil
>calls it art
You're just a human printing machine
Draw from your own imagination or alter some parts of your references

>> No.3124082

Shut the fuck up and let him do what he wants. Getting observation skills first is a good thing.

>> No.3124084
File: 129 KB, 688x877, ss+(2017-09-01+at+08.23.29).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Italian cosplayer shinuki.

>> No.3124089

I am still learning sighting techniques since I am a beginner, but would drawing from imagination be the next logical step after that?

>> No.3124090

>doesn't know the basic the benefits of studies for improvement
Never GMI.

>> No.3124093

>Observation is a skill now
You're literally retarded
Improvement comes faster when you deferential from your image

>> No.3124094
File: 981 KB, 342x239, fuccboidetected.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alter some parts of your references
Unless he removed the bra strap, this drawing is fine as it is. Observational drawings ARE art, they are just not as interesting as made up ones. This guy is doing good, he's found a way to practice figures by drawing hot cosplayer girls and he can actually draw what he sees to decently enough which are the two things that most of the fucking threads here are asking solutions for: motivation and how to draw in general.

>> No.3124095

Sure but that's after you know your basics. H's still /beg/.

Stop being a faggot with your awful advice.

>> No.3124098

>let him keep going through easier art techniques
Observation skill improve nothing
Besides from that image he is fine enough to start doing art without a reference
you're all limiting him by saying it's fine to countinue practicing observation

>> No.3124103

The ability to copy what you see will allow him to use references to quickly churn out new and interesting things later on. Your advice is nothing more than an attack on motivation, probably because you're garbage.

>> No.3124104

to be fair, my drawings from photo reference or real life usually have one or two glaring proportional issues, but I guess drawing from imagination would help me get out of my comfort zone, but would it help me improve faster?

>> No.3124111

>would it help me improve faster
Yes the more comfortable you get with reference drawing the harder it will be to draw without them
It's better to just to start practicing without a reference or to differentiate from your reference
Your past the point of needing to practise observation
Just work on you're lights and darks and you'll be doing great

>> No.3124148

neanderthal hand
hiding eyes
collarbone is wrong
its ok if you can do this kind of thing consistently, i assume you cant though.

>> No.3124159

Not to mention the chin looks autistic
You can improve all of these anon

>> No.3124166

Is it bad that I don't find art books helpful at all?

I told myself I was going to go through and try to learn from a bunch of them this past week but they're really not helping. I think I've tried reading at least two dozen and I haven't been able to make it all the way through any of them. It always seems like they'll be helpful the first few pages but then by page 60-100 I realize they're just regurgitating the same stuff over and over and I don't see any value in reading further. Is this normal or am I just lazy and not reading these right?

>> No.3124168

they are supposed to teach you the right way to practice and to think. not instantly add to your skill. grind them for months then see

>> No.3124172

I'm not saying they're supposed to instantly add to my skill, just saying it seems the only thing I'm taking away from them is that there's a billion different ways to approach drawing and I just got to find my own method. These guys go into so much detail about a particular method that doesn't seem applicable to the other methods and it just seems pointless. Is it just about finding a book that resonates with you?

>> No.3124173

Post work.

>> No.3124175

post work

>> No.3124185

>method this
>method that
Nigga just draw

>> No.3124189

cancerous idea
kill your self immediately

>> No.3124193

What books and stuff are memes and which aren't memes? So far from what I gather Loomis, Perspective Made Easy, and Drawabox are memes.

>> No.3124195
File: 66 KB, 742x739, IMG_6254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you draw volumes like pic related? Do you know any art book or tutorial that covers it? Or is it just a matter of learning perspective?

>> No.3124196

By drawing thought the object?

>> No.3124197


>> No.3124198

Learn perspective and draw a bunch of ellipses in perspective

>> No.3124221
File: 271 KB, 1592x866, IMG_20170119_020517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have I improved at all?

>> No.3124222


>> No.3124224
File: 120 KB, 2712x2164, New Doc 2017-09-01_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Practicing combining spheres and boxes.

>> No.3124234

you're ready for the paper towel smudge tool

>> No.3124235

You're fucking stupid.
There's a reason why adults can pick up an artistic skill far faster than any child can. Because they can observe.

>> No.3124236

Post your work.

>> No.3124240
File: 3.25 MB, 3088x4160, pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was redirected here. r8 my first drawing

>> No.3124244

I would be pretty insulted to be shown this as my portrait.

>> No.3124246

can you do a quick paintover to show me what i fucked up? honestly i've been looking at this picture for too long to see obvious mistakes

>> No.3124249

There's an app called "Cam Scanner". Does a decent job of scanning and correcting perspective

>> No.3124296
File: 303 KB, 1666x1058, IMG_20170111_113600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool thx

Here's another redraw

>> No.3124325
File: 89 KB, 1061x1106, File_000-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried a self portrait for the first time. :)

last time I posted here they told me to work on planes and values.

are the arms wrong?

>> No.3124328

Looks pretty nice anon.

If I might ask, do you have the reference or did you make it out of imagination?

>> No.3124336


Warped glasses
Warped skull

I've seen this type of drawing on webcomic. Then again they focus more on story.

>> No.3124337
File: 663 KB, 5719x1962, figu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3124341


You have the fucking source material. Compare it to the fucking source material. You're not observing properly. You're barely observing at all. If you can't observe and copy how can you focus on something like planes and values?

Keys to drawing, finish it. If you've done it then work on your observation starting with things with simple shapes then work your way up to more complex things like portraits.

>> No.3124348

made it with a mirror. idk about posting a pic of self on 4chan, seems like a bad idea.

>> No.3124352

Hands too small

>> No.3124356

wouldnt say its pleasing to look at, but the style is consistent, and that is really one of the most important things, so good job anon.

>> No.3124357

whys it so dificult to notice these things myself?

>> No.3124360

Surely you can show some form in less strokes than covering the figure in hair thin lines?

Also drop the feet, you reference is not even showing feet, you're just making shit up.

>> No.3124366

Sure no problem. Glad it helped.
Sure thing. Here's some stuff that stands out to me.
1.The linework is a little too messy and chaotic. Most of the lines seem to be shaky/wobbly and they don't connect cleanly, instead they overlap so you have a bunch of disjointed lines. You should overlap your lines deliberately to help convey the form and perspective of your drawing. When your lines overlap inconsistently and imprecisely it's harder to make out the form of your drawing. So I would focus on improving your lines. Maybe try using a bigger brush as well since those are easier to handle and get you thinking in shapes. Also try to experiment with varying line widths, right now everything is fairly uniform and that doesn't work well unless you're doing animation or focusing on color/rendering. Making it a lower resolution after you're done would also make your lines look a better.
2.I'm not sure if this was from ref or not, I'm gonna go ahead and assume it was. It looks like you aren't accurately copying the shapes from the reference. The lips in particular stand out as looking wonky. I don't know how the ref looks but in traditional proportions they should ideally extend tell around to where the center of the eye is and they should be around 1/3 (give or take) of the way from the nose to the chin. Also the lower lip is usually a bit fuller than the upper lip, from my experience at least. But yeah, try to zone in on the proportions and shapes more.
3.The perspective seems to be off on the elipse on the arm. Going off your construction, you seem to understand the basics of perspective it's just the execution that is a little lacking. I would just practice drawing elipses more and that should help you out. The eyelids also stand out to me, they don't properly wrap around the eyeballs as they should.

>> No.3124371
File: 1.87 MB, 1816x1792, Male Face Study.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am I doing lads?

>> No.3124375

4. Your overall understanding of form needs a bit of work. You can obviously "feel" the form and aren't drawing completely flat objects however everything is depicted uniformly, as in you're just rounding off all your forms arbitrarily. This means that your forms aren't flat but they aren't accurate either since you've just made them all round. Try experimenting with the way your lines wrap around the form, try to think of solid flat planes and maybe try throwing some more straight lines in there to contrast with the round wrapping lines.
5. The wrapping lines in general do not look that good and sometimes dilute the form. This comes back to something I touched on earlier with the other crits. When you're hatching along the form or making wrapping lines, linework, perspective and understanding of form all come in to play. So if you're lacking in those areas it'll come through on your wrapping lines. Try to focus on understanding where exactly a form turns so you can properly convey it to the viewer. In some parts of the drawing, like the robe, your actually flattening out the form cause your lines aren't wrapping around properly. Also again coming back to linework, I would practice making more uniform and consistent lines. That is very important when you're drawing wrapping lines, if you're lines don't flow well together than they just look like a bunch of random lines instead of lines that convey form.The hair for example is kinda messy and then adding all those wrapping lines only makes it more confusing. Oh and I would avoid using that white color for these lines, they just become a lot harder to see since they're already so thin and it doesn't look right. Only add a few where the highlights are.

But yeah this is what stood out to me. Good job showing your process and construction and I feel like you're on your way. You have an understanding of form and construction already, you just have to refine it. Keep up the good work m80!

>> No.3124379
File: 119 KB, 399x399, fdgfgdgfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to draw a lot softer in the beginning. To puff up your mouth, don't connect the lower lip to the dimples but rather just suggest they are there. All your facial features are drawn firmly at their place one by one without working them as whole. That's why your eyes are not aligned, and why your mouth is just a flat ellipse.

If you are truly interested in taking your portraits to next level, watch this youtube video, it's pure gold: >>3122521

and read this post: >>3123071

It might seem like an overwhelming task but you need to begin slowly and take your time in that first phase where you softly and loosely place your proportions and your initial lay in without committing to these abstract shapes like eyes or mouth. Just draw softly with the side of your graphite using wide soft lines to just plot out where you want everything to be. If you skip or hurry this stage you won't get realistic beautiful portraits.

>> No.3124383
File: 119 KB, 683x1024, apollo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems like good advice desu. a lot of the imperfections you mentioned (eye) are a result of me compromising between mimicking the ref and the fact that my head is ever so slightly off kilter. the lips are just a plain mistake.
the wrapping hatching. i understand its kind of a high level technique, i want to be good at it but its simplified and also bad for now.
the arm ellipse, yeah its fucking way off, dont know what i was thinking there.
clean lines, i need to spend more time on them making them better? is it better to fully draw a curve with one stroke or to dash it in and connect them?
thanks a lot for the advice, it really helps.

here is the ref i think i used

>> No.3124394

Both are valid techniques imo. All it comes down to in the end is if the line is made with confidence. Also you're using fairly thin lines which are difficult to handle. Making your brush a little bigger would probably make it easier to control your lines for now. You could also start warming up with the peter han/draws box line exercises every now and then + mileage is general will help you out.

And no problem, glad the advice was useful.

>> No.3124399

been warming up with DAB every day for a year

>> No.3124409
File: 119 KB, 2262x800, 2017_09_04_gestures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3124417
File: 521 KB, 2262x800, gfddfggdfgdfGESTURE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yellow crosses marks where there was a good opportunity for gesture but in the drawing there was little to none. With red I emphasized the larger figure how it could have delivered the pose with more confidence having more gesture.

>> No.3124475
File: 518 KB, 1014x956, self portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started on a self portrait. I don't really know what I'm doing but I suppose I could use some direction.
Tear me apart as you would please.

>> No.3124477
File: 958 KB, 6165x2039, statu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rushed this one out while you are still here
fucked it up in a few ways i think. brows are so important for likeness arent they

>> No.3124479
File: 132 KB, 729x1073, sup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

random ass imagination drawing...

>> No.3124482

Every single decent artist in history has heavily done studies and copied other artist's work, but yeah, sure, you got Nosebro on your side, who has finished 0 pieces on his life, you must be right.

>> No.3124486

take a lot time to measure, I guess, get the perspective right..

>> No.3124493

all of your drawings look the same bro, unless you've been drawing your self all this time, that guy doesn't look like you

your arms are always completely fucking and your heads too big

>> No.3124494
File: 907 KB, 795x1161, stuff1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright /beg/, first time posting my "art". Be as harsh as you please.

>> No.3124495
File: 1.01 MB, 1163x781, Stuff2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the poor quality scans btw

>> No.3124497

deepen the skin tone. as much of a basement dweller you (we) are, your skin is not glowing white. don't be afraid to push yourself to add shading. you should probably start off with a mid tone grey and add shadows and highlights from there.

your irises need to be realigned, unless you naturally have a lazy eye. one eyebrow is higher than the other one.

Stop trying to draw each individual hair. Hair rests in clumps. you'll save yourself a lot of time and your work will significantly improve because it will look cleaner.

>> No.3124499
File: 805 KB, 1155x807, Stuff3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, anybody got a good book or tutorial for rendering in pencil?

>> No.3124500

have you read keys to drawing (or any other beginner measuring book) at all

polishing turds like this when you don't know how to measure is just a waste of time

>> No.3124507

Well, there are cancers like this:
Telling beginner's not to spend time improving their observation skills.

How can anyone draw anything without observation skills?

>> No.3124509

i agree my friend

>> No.3124514

I planned on darkening the skin tone. Have any ideas on how to do that specifically? Another layer for the mid tone gray or alter the color on the same layer?
Ah, I noticed the eyes looked off but thanks for pointing out what specifically.
Should I make a brush for hair or were you suggesting something else?

>> No.3124521
File: 184 KB, 384x664, 38f14a862049ff8b4e6418b07282f08c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a really rough sketch, and I can tell I was being way too harsh with my lines. coloring is uneven cause it's just there to plan. Any advice on how to make him chunkier, chubby, cute? we need help thank you

>> No.3124552
File: 8 KB, 249x325, 1476330233745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm happy for him. He helped me out a lot and still does as I'm in the beginner stages. Glad he's making some dosh.

>> No.3124553
File: 29 KB, 493x522, 57380525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand what I'm doing that makes it look flat. Please help.

>> No.3124561

what if you just want to paint boring stuff? like a boring landscape?

>> No.3124562

no contour lines. draw the forms
(cylinders and boxes). do some simple values

>> No.3124564

Landscapes are not boring

>> No.3124567
File: 83 KB, 544x710, IMG_2917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so for this one I held my hand up and drew it, so pretty straight forward

>> No.3124568
File: 129 KB, 531x733, IMG_2918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and for this one I drew a poster on my wall of a painting by Alphonse Mucha

>> No.3124572
File: 275 KB, 667x568, 1504225714238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I could find a good way to get my studies more accurate. I try to get myself to look at negative space and use that vertical/horizontal line method to compare where things Are, but I either forget to or it doesn't help much.

>> No.3124573
File: 30 KB, 574x510, 1478282443046.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


classical is god-tier when grinding fundies

used to listen to vocals but it just distracted me

>> No.3124577
File: 159 KB, 1040x698, face_study2.2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very incomplete but I want to move to something else. Having difficulty with lips, hair and cheeks.

>> No.3124590


I was looking at my friend who was watching YouTube on his phone. He was my reference. He turned out more chubby than he is in real life. This is my first attempt at life drawing. It started out as a joke drawing but then it didn't turn out so bad. My friend wasn't a very good model either. When he was done watching YouTube he started making weird faces and stuff. I'm quite happy with the outcome altough I realize it's not very good

>> No.3124594

Hey dude, just draw. I literally have no desire to create. I just practice drawing because I get it to some extent and feel like it would be a waste to not cultivate it. If I have any desire it would be so that I could teach someone who is more interested how to do it.
Honestly that's the only reason why I'm here. I appreciate art but I have no interest in being artist. I just want to know how and why it works. I disagree with a lot of the shit the more experience guys suggest and flat out reject it. Makes me wonder if people would believe what I say even if I do master it.
If you want to make landscapes. Do it. Desire won't be there forever and don't obsess over perfecting it. If you want to do something better than research it. Don't think you have to master it to satisfy yourself. The tools to learn are there. Use them if you want. Just don't try to convince people you're some great artist despite a lack of mastery. That's like laughing at your own joke or finding your own face attractive. That's not for you to decide. Make what you want. If people like it they do. There are ways to increase the likelihood of that happening and that's connected to mastery. You'll find that the pursuit of mastery is more enjoyable than the shallow appreciation people have for your work.

>> No.3124626
File: 47 KB, 785x552, Reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does everything I do look potato? I did the loomis guidelines

>> No.3124627

loomis guidelines mean nothing if you're not drawing what you're seeing

not everybody's face is exactly conformed to some '50s illustrator's view of the world


>> No.3124628

Not symbol drawing bae,

>> No.3124629

Proportions are off--eyes are too small, nose too large, chin too large, etc. Compare more horizontals and verticals.

>> No.3124630


it's accurate enough, save enough for the iris's size and the philtrum's angle inclination. also the caruncula lacrimalis isn't well defined enough. On the left eye strengthen the edge of lower eyelid. The tarsal plate is weighing down on the upper eyelid in the reference, while your drawing does not incorporate that.

>> No.3124632

Also, her left cheek in your drawing is a bit more protuded than the ref.

Define some bit more of values and it won't look as potato-ish... Good luck!

>> No.3124633

Wow these are amazingly helpful, thank you.

>> No.3124636


>> No.3124639

Stop beating yourself up and finish this.
It still needs work.

>> No.3124662


If it were me, I would have started with a toned canvas (some sort of light middle gray since that's where you're starting). But if I were going to continue with where you're at, I would have started over with the toned canvas and reconstruct a face from there.

Its my personal preference, really, you could be more comfortable with a different approach (i.e. starting with the white canvas). I just find having a completely white canvas to be distracting because it intensifies colors the way I don't want them to. And it make me soooo finicky with adjusting shadows when I first started.

And no, I wasn't talking about textured brushes. I think you're too concerned with the details of hair when you still need to get across the very basic shape and tone of what your hair looks like.

Take a look at this, although Aldoori is painting cartoons, I think his lesson is still important to achieve realism:

try not to use your color picker so much, what are you even learning at that point when you do?

>> No.3124668
File: 149 KB, 1000x1000, smoking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how to scale hands compared to the rest of the body?

>> No.3124670
File: 158 KB, 600x800, handdigits7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3124684

Ok, I actually forced myself to start with a toned canvas. Truthfully I really agree with the idea of a white canvas as my understanding of color goes through the presence of white. I just thought that it might be faster to work with a toned canvas. I honestly have no idea how to work with it though.
I wasn't focusing on the details of the hair at all really. I didn't take very long to color the hair and most of the beard.
I've actually seen that video already too. I've been following Medders since 2009 or so.
I apologize for posting for criticism then throwing some of it back at your face but I'm not going to bite my tongue and not give feedback. I'm not really so much of a beginner so much as I am an undisciplined amateur.
I think most of the Loomis/Brigman work is hilariously useless. Like this:
There's no point in measuring the proportions of the human body if you don't understand what said proportions mean. Sure that is a constant of proportion but is the hand always going to be there to measure it? Is it always going to be on the same plane of depth? Is the head always going to be visible? There's no reason to learn that measurement. It doesn't have practical application. You're going to have to "feel" it out anyway.
You can learn to draw a male face from them. If you don't actually understand what makes a male face, male. You can be told how to make it LOOK male but if you don't understand what exactly that means then you'll never gain a mastery of it. You'll just learn how to draw THAT male face you were shown and deviate from it mostly through accident. It's not actually mastery.
This is all coming from someone who draws because he has nothing else to do though. It's disrespectful and pretty ignorant conclusions but feel free to shit all over my opinion. I am the anti-academic opposition here.

>> No.3124723

I'm getting kind of lost with Hampton.
In the videos, he first does gesture drawings, then creates the c and s curves to indicate weight distribution, and then finally volume, where he uses rectangles as construction.

I tried doing that with other gesture drawings, by doing his same approach but I'm having a lot of difficulty with the part of applying the 3d rectangles on to the body. Are there any other good resources that can go into this in more detail?

>> No.3124735

I will, and honestly most should, focus on the light construction lines of the face first. Then I go in with shadows, last I do highlights. So my focus goes from the relationship of shapes, then a period of refinement, the relationship of values in those shapes, then refinement again. As for your beard I think I'm just having a really big gripe over your sloppy strokes. Maybe more controlled stippling for the facial hair will make your work look cleaner? IDK what the texture of your beard is in actuality but tighter stippling would have been my approach.

If you know you're a lazy artist, then that's exactly what your work is going to register as. And your feedback is fine, I encourage it really. So long as neither of us is too dismissive.

This is the beginners thread for a reason.
So, ofc, people need reminders of basic construction skills because they just don't have that understanding. Fucking crazy right? Artists who draw in their own little shell make no improvements. This community wouldn't be here if that were not the case, but I assume you already know that.

>> No.3124746

I feel weird asking here, but in the /v/ drawthreads there's a meme about LOOMIS's work and I tried reading them but the books I tried reading were all pretty verbose and kinda bullshit sounding. I tried asking in the drawthread but it was /v/ so I didn't get any straight answers and everyone called me a retard.

When people talk about Loomis which specific books are they talking about in regards to teaching beginners to draw?

>> No.3124761

all of them senpai

>> No.3124762

2/3 of the forearm

>> No.3124763

Could I get a straight answer for once? Is this a fucking meme or do people actually like this guy?

>> No.3124765

any book that teaches you the basics

>> No.3124766

Please, for the love of God, straight answers. I'm so sick of this shit.

>> No.3124769

>that vocabulary


>> No.3124771

all these books >>3122728

>> No.3124773

Literally not the answer to my specific question. I hate coming here sometimes.

>> No.3124774

>When people talk about Loomis which specific books are they talking about in regards to teaching beginners to draw?
>all of them
>but which ones
>all of them
>I-I.. H8 this place! graawrr!!


>> No.3124778

No fuck you. All of them is not a fucking answer, I'm going to assume Loomis is a meme because this is retarded.

>> No.3124779
File: 380 KB, 1692x1002, IMG_20170120_000601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you redraw and old pic and fuck it up in new ways but it still kinda looks better so you're not totally bummed

>> No.3124780

literally no one cares what you assume or don't

go ahead and fail


>> No.3124783

looks a lot better anon! haven't you thought of adding shades/values?

>> No.3124784

you need more loomis senpai
mouth is too far to the left

>> No.3124786

Well, they're not answering it. Asking for specific books would imply that that the answer would be something definite. All being an indefinite pronoun would not be an answer to the question.

You kill yourself. Quit being such a shit.

>> No.3124787

Dude fuck off, I was asking about Loomis specifically and you redirect me to literally every beginner book in existence. What the fuck else am I supposed to think.

>> No.3124792

eh if you block all the upper side of his face the mouth looks okay.. you sure it's not his nose that is wrong and it makes the mouth looks wrong by default? considering it being a 3/4 view then the nose would start kind of at the side of the mouth, but go farther out towards the left..

>> No.3124793

Ehh when I use Loomis there's like a 70% chance the proportions will be all fucked up. When I freeball it it's like a 40% chance it's all fucked. Why doesn't Loomis seem to work as well for me?

>> No.3124796
File: 33 KB, 544x517, 1502752076622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using auperior boxes

>> No.3124800

The people who meme about Loomis obviously also come from /ic/.

>> No.3124806
File: 121 KB, 1600x900, gungirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many things in this need work but I'll post it anyways.

>> No.3124817
File: 39 KB, 777x413, REDDIT2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand how you're supposed to apply paint, what's the workflow? All the charts are just "Draw the rest of the owl" tier....

>> No.3124818

So can I get a straight answer about it? Is it worth reading or not, and if so where do I start?

>> No.3124821

yea I'm in the same spot. I don't really know the order and I think that's kind of fucking me up. Yours looks better than mine at least.
The process really seems to be dependent on the medium though. I see most people paint the entire SKIN first and then add the features and hair. They seem to add highlights as they go along with other textures. I think it's something we'll just have to fuck around with to figure out.

>> No.3124828

Figure drawing for what its worth is probably the most commonly used, but, as we all said before, all Loomis's books are referred to when people say you need improvement. what you need improvement on is going to be unique case to case, and it just so happens that Loomis covers all of the basics in different books. Yes its worth pursuing. Yes all of them. Read the sticky.

>> No.3124829

Thanks for the relatively straight answer. Though I did read the sticky and honestly I think this is the last time I'm coming to these threads. You're all so fucking hostile, annoying, presumptuous, and pretentious about fucking everything.

>> No.3124830
File: 846 KB, 1000x2723, bugrhino2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help me shade with light and colour? When I applied these dark and light layers to the base colour for harsh lighting, it somehow looks wrong. The light layer especially looks weird when on top of the local colour. Like, I like the light + shadow layers when they're not on top of the base colours, but when I turn the base on it looks odd. I was going for a blueish light with brownish shadows for the colours reflecting from the sky and ground.

>> No.3124866

That reference would make a better color study.

>> No.3124937
File: 30 KB, 379x500, eb13bcdd1739d4908d6f6ecc4da12d80--charcoal-drawing-tutorial-charcoal-drawings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My greatest tip with this is don't rely too much on layer modes and sometimes they can be tricky if you're going for an easy color pass.

You're gonna have to push your values a lot more. Your lit layer is equally lit on every part of its body. Keep in mind that light drops of. You need only get a candle, stick it in the middle of a dark room and see how the area closest to the candle is brightly lit compared to two yards away from the candle. That's an extreme example since candlelight isn't that intense, but the same principle applies. The front-most part of your creature will have the highest light values and the back end will be lower. Ultimately that depends on how intense you want your lighting to be.

What you want to do is turn on your dark value layer, and put a layer mask on your light layer and fill it with black. Then very subtly with white, paint back in the areas that'll have highlights similar to pic related. You're letting the background gray color act as your midtone.

And don't be afraid to push your dark values a little bit more too.

>> No.3124943

I realize that doesn't fix your color problem but it fixes your actual problem -- your values.

As for color, setting it to a color mode won't fix it in one shot. Sometimes it takes a combination of different layer modes to get a good enough color and then you can paint on top of that with a Normal layer to do the fine touches.

>> No.3124952

Guys, when you digitally do a study (e.g. trying to copy a face perfectly) do you usually put your reference right next to your drawing or do you have it somewhere else, like for example a minimized browser tab

>> No.3124974

Fun with a pencil.

>> No.3124994

I'm proud of you. Now work on shading hair

>> No.3125022
File: 412 KB, 1197x809, 20170904_190120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you guys say this photo is of decent quality?


>> No.3125028
File: 172 KB, 617x598, SZp1nUf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i kind of understand how shoulders connect but they never look right from this angle and I don't know why

theres a lot more wrong with it, obviously, but that's always the most glaring because it sticks out from the torso usually

>> No.3125043
File: 1.05 MB, 1600x1200, lips1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tips? im able to do facial features but once i try and put them into a face the proportions or wacked. (critiques)

>> No.3125056

nvm i found better settings.

Is this too white?

>> No.3125058
File: 960 KB, 1616x1212, 20170904_190120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a dumbass forgot pic.

is this too white?

>> No.3125062
File: 2.44 MB, 4032x3024, 20170904_230910_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ, she's even worse than me (pic related is mine btw, also how do I get better at drawing backgrounds?)

>> No.3125063
File: 2.46 MB, 4032x3024, 20170904_230910_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate 4chan for rotating my images

>> No.3125064

perspective is a start

>> No.3125067
File: 1.22 MB, 756x1008, 20170904_230910_001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

third time's the charm?

>> No.3125072
File: 784 KB, 1067x800, CIMG0593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd start by pushing the face back and changing the perspective so the gun is facing the viewer, kind of like pic related.

>> No.3125080
File: 229 KB, 349x750, XA6ywFz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pray to loomis every day before I start drawing

>> No.3125091

hand is way too small/head is too big

>> No.3125107

Use a photo reference to incorporate what you learned from reading loomis.

>> No.3125166
File: 136 KB, 2544x1596, face_doodles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I have is the curve tool

>> No.3125197

nvm fixed it i think

>> No.3125236
File: 346 KB, 1700x957, 4_08_17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ran out of space

>> No.3125240

Your lines aren't wrapping around the form.

>> No.3125245
File: 2.11 MB, 2880x1800, Screen Shot 2017-09-05 at 09.17.59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, gimme some lomis tips

>> No.3125248

choose better refs and not just pretty girls

>> No.3125257




>> No.3125789

Try measuring angles more, the nose is way too straight, it should tilt to the right. You should only be using specific construction to learn how to draw things from imagination, not to copy references. You need to be able to draw what you see freehand because it forces you to think about and come up with your own shapes lines and angles to analyze reality.

>> No.3125820

You seem to have a little trouble with realistic faces but you clearly know how to draw. I like the little mannequins and cartoony doodles you did (like the girl next to the orc head) more than the realistic ones desu. I have to ask though, what did you copy or study? For some reason, I think you might be learning from Alphonso Dunn but I might be wrong. Really the best thing you can do now is just figuring out what field of drawing you want to specialize in and find the sketchbooks of good artists in those fields you like. Draw from life by using those sketches you copied/studied and you will start to improve fast and try to draw the same thing at least 5 times before you move on, otherwise you might forget what you learned.

>> No.3125827

that right eye needs to go up just a tad but i just wanna say somehow you made this white girl look like pochontas lol

>> No.3125840

Okay nigga I'm gonna give you some advice.
There is no FORMULA there is no MAGICAL trick that will allow you to draw what you see or from imagination. Literally all drawing improvement comes from looking at shit and drawing it over and over and ANALYZING it. I would reccommend some Glen Vilppu on your ass, as how he draws the human figure can be applied to EVERYTHING. Even if you learn how to draw volumes through drawing flat shapes and drawing contour lines, as long as it WORKS FOR YOU you will understand. Whenever you're studying using a trick or method and you can feel like that trick isn't working for you after a week of daily practice, drop that shit, don't listen to anyone else's opinion. For example, I learned perspective when I was struggling just by drawing bathrooms and glass cubes from life about 100 times in various angles. I now can draw cubes freehand and use em to set up perspective grids real quick while others have to fuck around with technical bullshit.
Glenn Vilppu, Steve Huston's face tutorial, and Krenz cube tutorials are some things you can try out.

>> No.3126637

Noob here, 'Keys to Drawing' or 'Draw a box'?
Keys to Drawing seems more advanced but I am afraid it will be too hard and I will end up ditching it...
Is Draw a box good?

>> No.3126639

Keys to Drawing is absolute beginner tier. You can't get any lower than observational drawing. That's the base of everything. Draw a box is more advanced since it's not as helpful if you don't already draw.

>> No.3126890

just got my wacom P&T setup. what gnu/linux software should i be using for drawing/painting?