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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3119126 No.3119126 [Reply] [Original]

I picked up my dusty tablet and I just realised I can't draw on it.
It's fucking hard.
My lines are 10 times worse than my traditional ones and I don't have landmarks ("lineghosting" is near impossible)
Any tips on how to transition ?

>> No.3119129

Just hover with the pen and you'll see where you are

>> No.3119130
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Use it more. Thats literally it.

Also stop caring about what you make for the first few sketches. Find a natural position to draw with it (I put it on top of my keyboard, so it has an incline) and just draw boxes, circles, lines and other simple shit until they stop looking wobbly.

>> No.3119291

sellotape a piece of paper on top, it will add more friction

>> No.3119335

Draw more. You need to get used to it and it can take a long ass time.
Live gesture drawing helped me get used to drawing without looking where you've got your pen.

>> No.3119369

Just practice, your brain makes and strengthens connections each second you use it.

>> No.3119417

Does the program you use have a stabilization feature for brushes? I have rediculiously shaky hands and that helps a ton

>> No.3119426

What if I'm retarded and my brain doesn't form new connections

>> No.3119429

I don't think that's how it works.

>> No.3119496

Well, I see you're perfectly able to write in english with punctuation and fine grammar; so I doubt you're retarded.

On the other hand: you are on 4chan.

>> No.3119505

I use Photoshop and Clip Studio.
I prefer the PS environment but my strokes look like shit on it.
CPS has great stabilization but I hate the UI and I find the brushes kinda meh.

>> No.3119646

Buy a tablet with a screen built in rather than a device you have to calibrate your brain to be able to use effectively.

>> No.3119668

not everyone has that kinda money lying around.

>> No.3119769

If you can use a mouse, you can use a tablet

>> No.3119806

okay, peeps I need your tutorials, your intuos intro vids, your paint streams etc as soon as possible. I' 32 years old and my brain is losing precious neuroplasticity every second

>> No.3119815

What kind of answer are you expecting to get? It's not rocket science, you draw with the pen on the tablet and the cursor on your screen draws on your canvas accordingly. You just have to practice more if this somehow is too difficult.

>> No.3119900

Well, I couldn't figure out how to set the opacity of a brush. Also, how to use layers the right way and the overall process with sketching, coloring background etc. And then there's all the unknown unkowns. The things I didn't know I needed. I thought maybe there was a couple of go-to-vids for beginners.

>> No.3120017

I taped a piece of paper on mine. Plastic on plastic feels terrible to draw on. Literally can't use a tablet without a piece of paper taped onto it.

>> No.3120025

Enjoy running down the nib by creating friction.
Photoshop doesn't make it slippery anyway. Just SAI, Clipstudio paint.

>> No.3120033

Nibs are cheap, I don't care. What do you mean by Photoshop doesn't make it slippery? Do you mean the inbuilt pen stabilizer in SAI and CSP make it feel slippery? I don't follow.

>> No.3120439

As I'm trying to draw a tiny area, my intuos pen triggers the right click menu in photoshop. Very annoying, and I can't find where I turn this feature off. I'm thinking that the pen has a trigger when it rests long enough on the surface... But I'm not resting it, I'm just drawing very small. damn this.

>> No.3120442

>Enjoy running down the nib by creating friction.
>Implying friction goes away without the use of the paper.

Stay stupid, /ic/.

>> No.3120470

You don't. Drawing on a tablet is always a different experience to real paper and you'll just have to adapt to the downsides of the tablet.

>> No.3120524

You have to draw on it. A lot.

Have you used a tablet for work before?
It takes getting used to, a few months usually. Be patient, you're basically learning a new skill.

>> No.3120556

How many hours till I can stop hating every fucking thing I draw? Or will that shit haunt me forever until I die?

>> No.3120588

They probably meant the nib running down faster than normal by putting paper on top of the tablet.

>> No.3121812
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>> No.3121813

don't look at your hand, look at the screen.

>> No.3121826
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ha ha, yes

>> No.3121880

The secret it's to activate Precision Mode.
