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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 618 KB, 1920x948, 282e3f352da02c1bb9413b268ccfdd16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3114450 No.3114450 [Reply] [Original]

how do people get this good in just 4 years? Maybe it's just me being an idiot for believing them, but apparently the pictures on the left are done in 2013, while the picture on the far right is done july of this year. Is it really that easy to get good at art in a short amount of time?? I drew for 4 fucking years and I still suck shit.. Can I please get some genuine answers on how the fuck this is possible?? If not I'm going to fucking hang myself because life isn't fair. And life is just so damn miserable repetitive suck at art shit day after day.

>> No.3114453

Maybe instead of posting shit threads, you should get back to work.

>> No.3114454

Study the fundamentals and always head straight into failure so you gain experience. Also left side are also portraits which is what right also is so we don't know if the artist sucks at everything else. But yeah others progress don't matter. Post your work so we can help you instead.

>> No.3114455

You drew for four years and haven't improved? Doing what?

>> No.3114468

I was looking at this guy the other day too, and yes it's 100% possible. He probably grinded somewhere between 6~10 hours everyday for 4 years. considering he only does pretty girls and portraits, it's not that hugely impressive for 4 years. Algenfpledger advanced more in that time

>> No.3114469

is it really true that the more you draw the better you get? I know it sounds like a stupid question, but sometimes when you start timing yourself drawing 1 hour 2 hour etc.. it just gets so frustrating and boring that you end up just mindlessly drawing..

>> No.3114481
File: 47 KB, 500x295, yesitsamemefromtumblr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obviously what you study/practice is just as important. 2 hours digesting new information and challenging yourself out of your comfort zone is way more valuable than 8 hours of mindlessly doodling

>> No.3114482

>it just gets so frustrating and boring that you end up just mindlessly drawing..
>being this weak-willed
It's no wonder you haven't made it in 4 years.

>> No.3114505

College can take people from 0 to hireable in 4 years. Why is this so unthinkable to you?

>> No.3114508

I don't find this improvement impressive at all. My personal improvement rate is around this(No I wonk't post my work) and I consider it to be slow. What i'm impressed by is artists like vetyr or even those fzd academy students.

>> No.3114514

OP already answered that by saying he drew for the same amount of time but still sucks. Please read before posting.

>> No.3114516

You've probably been copying from anime screenshots the past 4 years.

>> No.3114532

>how do people get this good in just 4 years?
4 years is a LONG time.

>I drew for 4 fucking years and I still suck shit..
Because you draw like most people. You just doodle what you want with no eye for fundamentals or improvement.

Not if you don't practice mindfully. An artist who is going to make it practices fundamentals and when it doesn't turn out right they ask themselves "what is wrong about this?" Consciously zero in on their mistakes and then fix them. Most people draw something, and it sucks so they just get frustrated and throw it away without analyzing it and then try again blindly. Or they settle, and then even make excuse like "muh style" or "muh creativity". You can draw hedgehogs and Mongolian Lite Brite girls poorly all you want. But unless you're studying the right way and checking your bad drawings for mistakes and then working on those mistakes you're just internalizing and reinforcing errors and bad habits. That's how you don't improve after 4 years of drawing (the wrong way).

>He probably grinded somewhere between 6~10 hours everyday for 4 years.

Not even that much. 10 hours a day is pretty absurd and just something 99.9% of people simply don't have available to them. 10 hours a day is 4 years of being a NEET. If you grind and practice the right way, The left to the right picture is possible after 2-3 years of about 2-4 hours a day.

Crunching the numbers on the lower end and it approaches the 10,000 hour mastery meme. (So let's say Carravagio or Vermeer or something). Higher end it is surpasses it. This guy isn't on that level.

Except for how art college will actually train you in fundamentals and tangible techniques instead of just 4 years of random doodling like OP has clearly been doing.

>> No.3114533

well youre supposed to like what you do to do it passionately. And life isnt fair but thats okay, why worry about someone else than yourself. youve got hands, eyes, a brain. there should be no reason why you cant do the art that you want to do other than your own mindset. if your drawing because you "have" to, than you shouldnt be drawing at all. Even failure is important, so the years spent grinding arent a waste.

>> No.3114534

this is pretty spot on.

>> No.3114535
File: 1.96 MB, 1653x2448, 57697140_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't forget, if you grind 'fundamentals' like an asshat rushing to the smell of fame or fortune you will be dead creatively when you get 'there'. all that awaits you is cloning gamer gurls for kids and manchildren that both pay badly.

>> No.3114537

Let's see your improvement MR.knowitall.

>> No.3114538

>to the smell of fame or fortune you will be dead creatively when you get 'there'. all that awaits you is cloning gamer gurls for kids and manchildren that both pay badly.
so? better than the shitty life right now

>> No.3114539

well if your life sucks that much:
you can learn programming in under a year to an almost deterministic level of guarantee and have both a better quality of life and pay.

>> No.3114540
File: 3.04 MB, 1815x1151, sap_improvement_by_sachi_pon-d8wygkx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel content when I see things like this

>> No.3114541

>he thinks money is what I want
The fame of being able to clone game gurls for kids and manchildren is where it's at mate.

>> No.3114543

won't believe till i see it. For all i care you are lying and the artist in the op is lying just like how that guweiz guy is lying that he's only been drawing for 2 years. The reason that people do this is to demotivate other artists into thinking you need to be talented to be good.

>> No.3114544
File: 106 KB, 554x439, shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starting to see why your life is so shit. and it only took two posts.

>> No.3114546


>> No.3114547

There is no point in me lying when I'm anonymous. I just don't want to post my work and come across as pretentious. 4 years is a LONGGGGGGGGGGGG fucking time. I mean think about it. If you draw like 3 hours a day that's more than 1,000 hours a year. Erik olson's course covers almost the entirety of theoretical perspective and it's only 90 hours. Less than 1/10th of that. Spend another 900 hours grinding perspective and you pretty much are close to a master level. People waste their time making stupid fucking doodles and wonder why they make slow progress. If you practice deliberately for 4 years(3 hours a day) that's more than 4,000 of deliberate practice. You're bound to improve a shit ton. It's not talent at all.

>> No.3114551

Anon seems more concerned that you're a dunning kruger since you seem to think Vetyr and FZD students are better than the artist in the OP when the artist in the OP is much better than Vetyr and on the other hand doesn't have the skill set that FZD students are doing. Overall, you were confusing that anon with your "opinion" about it being slow and unimpressive. Comes across as pretentious as it gets.

>> No.3114565

vetyr is waaay better. are you retarded?

>> No.3114567

why is vetyr mentioned so much on this board? she's a nobody in the artist community yet is named dropped all the time here.

>> No.3114568

She's young and got her art posted a lot on the board. Her improvement is also a bit quicker than the typical beginner. It makes her stand out among all the trash.

>> No.3114572

i read that she also never studied books or anything? i'm guessing that makes her popular with the lazy fucks here looking for any excuse to work less and still see results.

>> No.3114575

damn, it wasnt drawn the very same day??

>> No.3114576

discipline its a guarantee that you could improve, maybe not that huge but it will work fine

>> No.3114585

there's not that many posters here, it's probably the same guy. you see threads like this and you're like 'ah obviously this is someone new to the board' but it's often not, for some reason people post the same first-time threads over and over.

>> No.3114586

>I can’t remember for sure how I got onto /ic/, but I’m pretty sure I found it before I started studying. I think I got onto 4chan originally because I read that it was the place where the cool edgy internet kids were and I wanted to be a cool edgy internet kid.

>> No.3114615

Plus she's girl. Don't forget about stalkers. Like anon who create vendetta threads about some popular girl from deviant

>> No.3114652

Do you know a place where its possible to download the perspective course?

>> No.3114673

This is true. And also, to more emphases in regards to drawing "12 hours a day" meme, know that there's a lot of people who do this in the industry, and their work never really seem to get any better (some will debate they got worse).

When drawing, work Smart and Hard.
There's artists out there who level the fuck up by just drawing 4 hours a day, but really look at what they are drawing and figure out how to fix it.

>> No.3114681


>> No.3114732

Looks like they learned how to draw from real life/photographs and tweaked it a bit instead of only drawing from imagination.

>> No.3114734
File: 45 KB, 600x697, IMG_0982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped my pic but it seems like a lot of these artist use photographs from online blog accounts of girls, the always have a lot of similarities.

>> No.3114839

>Can I please get some genuine answers on how the fuck this is possible??

You could have asked in the Questions&Answers Thread...Anyway, if you're serious go at the source: Shal.E has vidya showing his work process. If his vidya don't satisfy your thirst for knowledge, check if he has a FAQ or interviews explaining his progression (book, exercises, school...) and Google translate from Korean to English, if not find his email and ask him directly.

>> No.3114908
File: 780 KB, 1465x608, Some progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ummm, in 4 years? Maybe i should start learning about color theory and all that stuff, i think it is indeed possible even with less time than 4 years to get at that point if you grind properly

Pic related is mine

>> No.3114921

you're really underestimating the drop off of beginner gains.

>> No.3114925
File: 265 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_n7fxknYoht1svt5w5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon nothing is easy. You don't know that person, maybe they worked really hard and put several hours into it everyday, or maybe they just got really good at drawing pretty girls and uses reference like another anon suggested. But you really shouldn't compare to this artist and put yourself down. It's good to self reflect and realise that maybe you haven't improved enough in 4 years. But the answer isin't that you're untalented and aritsts like this are special. For 4 years you've been doing something wrong, and you need to figure out what that is.

You should really post your work! You'll get a lot of shit for it but there's some nice people that will give you genuine advice I promise.

>> No.3114929

even without, for 4 years that perfectly normal. her mouth and nose are uncanny and she has phitral and extending ear issues as well. The rendering is good, but with a bit of practice and ref is easily achievable with 1h30 a day

>> No.3114934

having been practicing for 4 months all I can say is I better be that good in 4 years

>> No.3114982

>I feel content that another fellow artist didn't improve

sad. no wonder none of you are gonna make it

>> No.3114994

The truth is you probably wont

>> No.3115009

Not that guy but come on anon, everyone feels kind of good when they see a shit like that, "i am bad but not THAT bad"

>> No.3115088

you'd still be bad. Self satisfaction over not being "that bad" shows the insecurity you guys have.

>> No.3115095

Paintovers and tracing references is the new trend. Make a few tweeks and no one will be able to accuse you of anything with the plethora of references on the internet.

You save a ton of time skipping the hardest most tedious part like construction and proportions, and instead get to focus on the fun parts like color.

>> No.3115101


I highly doubt that guy is tracing.

>> No.3115104
File: 317 KB, 1200x777, 63845930_p1_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably heavy referenced some cute korean girl but not traced

>> No.3115138

you realize they could just do an overlay and "construct" on it? which is still smarter and saves time compared to constructing from imagination.

>> No.3115147

Doesn't matter, really. Unless you can prove he really sat there and traced his process over a photo, I'm gonna give the kid the benefit of the doubt say he's legit. And even then, tracing an outline of something is the easiest part of paintovers

>> No.3115150

I think there are two ways to get better.

One is easier and it depends on your talent (you got it or you don´t...I don´t have it), there are some people that get a lot of things naturally so they improve a lot easier.

The second is understanding, you need to know how it is done and put effort to make every single little thing in the right way (obviously will get easier and faster with time), is not "simply drawing a lot" is understanding how to draw and applying that theory constantly until you get better step by step. If you don´t understand how and why one of those steps works you will lack something, there will be always something off, maybe will not matter (your style is that way) or maybe it will make your art look like shit.

>> No.3115152

>/ic/ degenerates still trying to accuse every artist in tracing

>> No.3115158

>Doesn't matter, really.
Doesn't matter regarding what? You're getting defensive when I only explained a process that a lot of artists use.

>tracing is the easiest part
lmao no shit retard

>> No.3115162

He tracing photo in this video

>> No.3115171

I'm not being defensive at all what. Doesn't matter if he """could""" of traced it. Point is you can't prove that he did so in saying "oh pssh traced. every artist does it these days." is super gay and irrelevant to the thread. And let's imagine for a sec that he did make his reference black and completely trace over it, that in no way undermines his ability to render and stylise

>> No.3115187

You're so emotional you can't even think straight.

>Doesn't matter if he """could""" of traced it.
Repeating yourself doesn't make it any more relevant moron. I posted a possible scenario in response to doubts of a particular claim - a plausible and very common scenario relevant to the discussion at hand, in particular to the posts I quoted.

That somehow got you so butthurt you proceeded to try to qualify and justify the technique, which I already said was a SMART and TIME SAVING method.

>Point is you can't prove that he did so in saying "oh pssh traced. every artist does it these days." is super gay and irrelevant to the thread. And let's imagine for a sec that he did make his reference black and completely trace over it, that in no way undermines his ability to render and stylise
Worthless post, now THIS is irrelevant to anything I said. If you're not completely braindead you can figure it out. God you're fucking stupid.

>> No.3115188


Learn to paint are't improvement if you don't need learn to paint.

>> No.3115193

There was nothing worthless about my post. You were agitated from the start and went full attack mode after my first repy with the amount of insults you threw my way. You're clearly buttmad and refuse see things from any point of view that doesn't coincide with yours and that's fine. I won't entertain your rubbish

>> No.3115218

>Comparing shitty handsketches to polished turds
Lets see his lineart in current year

>> No.3115229

>refuse see things from any point of view that doesn't coincide with yours
This deep in the reply chain and this retard STILL can't see straight. What are my views? That paintovers/tracing references is a technique many people use? Unironically kill yourself, your lone brain cell won't miss you.

>> No.3115232

You need to use your time wisely
Every one of your drawings should focus on improvement
Also time management you can spend years with art as a 'hobby' but you won't improve
You need to focus all your effort on improving if you want to get better
I've been spending at least 6-16 hours a day for the past 2 weeks on improving my art
If I didn't have the ability to draw I would probebly kill myself but it's easy for me to draw for long periods of time because of this

>> No.3115234

Is some retard actually suggesting this artist traces? He has a mega popular youtube account where he records his process. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=do7dJFCJWpo&t=1s

>> No.3115254

It's called talent.
If you think they got there by hard work, you're kidding yourself. I spent my high school days just dicking around, doing literally zero homework and skipping out on classes periodically. I ended up with close to a 4.0 by acing exams with basic reasoning (for me) and common sense. I then got a 1580 on the SAT, and a 36 on the ACT. Wanna know how many hours I studied during those 4 years? Zero. Zilch.

Everything, and I mean, EVERYTHING is genetic. Get over it.

>> No.3115259

This is true.
I have talent and now draw at a professional level after only practicing for 3 years.

>> No.3115268

talentlets need to stop trying. their progress is honestly embarrassing and a complete waste of time.

>> No.3115284

I mean yay for you, but it doesn't mean you'll never have to work hard or study. Talent is cool but without hard work all you'll ever be is above average.

>> No.3115289

anon said he practiced for 3 years. do you think that meant he sat in his chair and waited for a job to come without doing anything?

>> No.3115304

>No I wonk't post my work
Then don't post anything

>> No.3115307

Please explain what gene makes people better draftsmen and how exactly it works.

>> No.3115317

ITT: insufferable newfags can't comprehend anyone being good at anything

>"whaddya mean it's not like vidya?"
>"no fair, he's hacking"
>"It's talent! I swear I'm totally not an incompetent knob! I work hard! really! "

go back to facebook, holy shit.

>> No.3115366

I'm confused as to why you'd bring that up. I was speaking to the Anon I was replying too.

>It's called talent.
>If you think they got there by hard work, you're kidding yourself. I spent my high school days just dicking around, doing literally zero homework and skipping out on classes periodically. I ended up with close to a 4.0 by acing exams with basic reasoning (for me) and common sense. I then got a 1580 on the SAT, and a 36 on the ACT. Wanna know how many hours I studied during those 4 years? Zero. Zilch.
>Everything, and I mean, EVERYTHING is genetic. Get over it.

>> No.3115405

I sort of like how this person does eyes, I'm a sucker for eye theories even if comes from a misunderstanding of anime tropes.

>> No.3115415

>you don't need to study, just draw!

>> No.3115421

And look how far he got just with that, he became a meme to be used in 4chan

>> No.3115426

>gets gud
>still stuck on big lightbulb head with a point chin

Kek. This cunt needs Loomis.

>> No.3115465

>generic big eye camwhore portrait
I don't see any improvement.

>> No.3115467


I'm also talented, I learned how to play all of Beethoven's pieces in about 2 hours when I was 4 years old. I literally just read his biography and I had all his music in my head.

Cheers, fellow talent-bro!

>> No.3115475

Jesus, you could make a salt mine with these

>> No.3115477

Im not salty its good. But everything can be critiqued. Just a humorous observation. Shes got a lightbulb pointy chin head exactly like the shitty before photo, pretty funny.

>> No.3115487

you dont even have a chin cause you fat af

>> No.3115496

I dunno I just reckon if you really really want to draw something like this then it becomes just a matter of being a project that you work on until youve done it. It doesnt take 4 yrs, if you have the right mentality of really wanting to do it then you could learn how to grind something like that out in a matter of days or weeks of hard perserverence
Once youve done that you improve your workflow and suddenly youve got this great skillset

>> No.3115523

Have you ever seen an asian girl before ?

>> No.3115525

That portrait is very basic anon, don't be discouraged by it.

>> No.3115579

I like Shal.E but this portrait is pretty ugly, in all honesty. An unattractive face

>> No.3115583

probabilities are for those who have to faith in certainties

That one's free of charge

>> No.3115589

art in any field is easy if you want to do it

>> No.3116064

God, this. The face looks so fucking shit. At least use something better OP

>> No.3116066

If you use a portrait that's too good, the bait won't work. It just has to have just enough flaws for /ic/ to bite.

>> No.3116163

Four years are more thands enough. Doing profiles is pretty easy. The real challenge is drawing a full harmonic body

>> No.3116182

I have heard of this method, but I honestly can't see how you can do this, but still makes the final work looks painterly and loose like OP's pic.

I've seen the method used for ultra realistic pixel-perfect paintings, but not something like this.

Is there any actual demonstrations of this cheat

>> No.3116184

Everything can be achieved through hard work. You sound as sour as those guys from the Virgin Documentary who think "we'll I didn't born pretty, that's i'm getting no pussy". Just because you stop trying, doesn't give you the right to lie about talent and hard work.

>> No.3116187


>> No.3116198
File: 262 KB, 349x422, 1495057909127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we'll I didn't born pretty, that's i'm getting no pussy
That's true though, your looks are determined by genetics. At least those guys make the right decision to give up instead of chasing something they will never get.

>> No.3116200

there are ugly girls too though

>> No.3116202

And? They are being rejected aswell, what's your point?

>> No.3116205

so then they should fuck each other lol, are you that dumb

>> No.3116207

That guy looks pretty average, which is good enough to get pussy. Thing is you have to be utter hideous nad/or deformed to get any. Taking this to the artistic topic, having your five fingers and not having parkinson is good enough to be an artist.

Talent helps, but hard work is an alternative way.

>> No.3116208

Well, if you are happy with being ugly and being with another ugly person, cool, but I was thinking more in a manner that is satisfying for both parties involved. Nobody is truly satisfied with an ugly partner, no matter what you might tell to yourself.

>> No.3116214

lol get a grip dude
or do you think you need to be a rich, successful, charming, handsome, talented, beautiful partner having, powerful guy to be happy?

if so you've been watching too many ads

>> No.3116216

>Thing is you have to be utter hideous nad/or deformed to get any

Hahah, sorry man but this ain't true. Women have such high standards nowadays that nobody gives you any attention if you aren't a buff Chad and I am not joking. Maybe you live in a different place and have different culture but it's not universal. I literally never got any attention from anyone and I am just 5/10 white guy.

And this is why men should focus on their dreams and jobs, women will get lonely and eventually kill themselves because they were picky. I don't mind that, I don't care.

>> No.3116232

Love this meme.
Maybe you are just socially awkward, who knows. It's a personality issue, and that can be worked out. Look at sociopaths, they are fully functional multiple personalities individuals a couple of crossed cables here and there.

Just like with art, the right mindset makes you better at it.

>> No.3116237

I agree that good art is created from good mindset, that is pretty obvious, as to women, your mindset doesn't mean much, because they judge you by how you look. There's not enough time to even introduce yourself to the point you may seem interesting. Also the rule that evaluate a person with first 5 seconds or something like that and after that it's hard to change what you thought. I am not socially awkward, I am just not handsome, that's all there is to it. People like me but nobody wants more.

>> No.3116239

How old are you?

>> No.3116242

i actually hate that meme personally, maybe because i'm old now but the thought of all these young people like subscribing to this invention of a like a phantom alpha male preemptively taking all their girlfriends strikes me as really self sabotaging and sick.

it's worse than like the idea of a jock or something like that because with chad they've got like 'art chad' and 'video game chad' a chad for all occasions so they can never escape their self-imposed pussy prison.

>> No.3116244

Why is it that I see pretty girls with not so attractive guys then? I honestly think beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And a little bit of confidence goes a long way. Not that I should be talking though. I don't even have a girlfriend and I'm 20. But I don't go out much because drawing turns you into one of those.

>> No.3116249

But getting good drawing really doesn't take hard work, that's why I believe people fail so much at it, they can't believe it really is that easy so they overcomplicate it.

>> No.3116254


>Why is it that I see pretty girls with not so attractive guys then
They either have money or they got together by luck, which will eventually run out. A lot of people don't realize that sure, you will see ugly men and not so ugly women together but it will end eventually. At some point the tension of being able to get something better is going to occur, it's unstable. Especially in today's world when it's encouraged to dump as many people as you can, it's almost impossible to have a healthy relationship if you are not at least 8/10. Even then it's not guaranteed.

>> No.3116259

>I don't even have a girlfriend and I'm 20
perfectly normal.
I'm 4 years older than you. Have a cute gf and a baby daughter, and i still think i have a whole life ahead of me.

>> No.3116266

i'm about your age, i wish i had a daughter, all the girls i date are too selfish to want children

>> No.3116290

>Have a cute gf and a baby daughter, and i still think i have a whole life ahead of me.

Lol, maybe with gf, but not with the kid you don't.

>> No.3116354

What do your practice regimens look like? What sort of exercises you following?

>> No.3116359
File: 489 KB, 500x500, fine-art-progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whenever people bring up this topic I always share this pic

I don't know what's "normal" progress but people can get really good in a few years' time.

>> No.3116361

Can we have a talent thread?
I just turned 20 and learned how to draw professionally by just doing nothing. Literally, my first attempt was a master piece and I work in the industry.

Art is so simple, and having talent is great!

>> No.3116370

literally can you post your work>? I'm genuinely curious

>> No.3116377

You just fell for a meme or maybe i just fell for your sarcasm, who knows

>> No.3116380

/ic/ is full of a bunch of hacks that say they have been "drawing" for so long but aren't as good.

>> No.3116456

same, my 16 hour a day meme schedule nigga!

>> No.3116902

That's relative at what do you mean with a life. If you want to get AIDS before turning 30, that's your choise, bro.

>> No.3116959

It is entirely possible. I've improved a lot in just a few months and honestly if I haven't come close to that level of improvement within TWO years I will honestly be disappointed, or rather, surprised.

It's a good thing that I know and can already see I'll be reaching that level 2 years from now.

It's all about putting the hours in and studying/drawing intelligently and efficiently, not just mindlessly drawing your favourite naked Chinese girl cartoons. Read some books, understand what you're doing and why, don't let your brain slip into the "auto pilot" when drawing. Start taking supplements and having a healthier mind. Lion's mane is the tits, so is l-theanine if you're anxious or drink a lot of caffeine.

Developing style, being original, and having creative ideas and subjects to draw is a completely different topic. I will most likely always be terrible at that, but it's a good thing I just like drawing portraits and realism.

It does really help if your job revolves being creative or allows you the time to just draw at work. You need to want it, you have to devote yourself to being creative, or better yet, don't. Just see it as a hobby and the pressure will be much less.

Take my advice with a pinch of salt though, I'm still a beginner.

>> No.3116968

There is a huge plateau in improvement once you can shade and colour decently.

>> No.3116976

Honestly that doesn't look that impressive for 4 years, I've seen plenty of anon improve more on 1-2 years on /ic/ alone.

>> No.3116978

>I've seen plenty of anon improve more on 1-2 years on /ic/ alone.
Post their work

>> No.3116979

There's a thing called condom, but it's already too late for you.

>> No.3116980

Just go to a improvement thread when there's one. There's a bunch of stinkers but some people there get damn good in -3 years.

>> No.3116982

>There's a bunch of stinkers but some people there get damn good in -3 years.
Such as?

>> No.3116989

Getting good doesn't mean being able to draw what you want. I can now flawlessly photocopy a masterstudy or photo so long as I waste time on it, I'm guaranteed to get it wonderfully eventually, but trying to do anime with realistic shading is an absolute pain in the ass if I don't have a 1:1 reference. Art fucking sucks.

>> No.3116997
File: 998 KB, 500x264, 1408495661567.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

high school is easy as shit you fucking dumbass. Kids dont pass it because they dont give a fuck. Just because you weren't fucking stacy every day and night under the bleachers doesn't mean you're a supergenius for acing fuckin calc 1

>> No.3117006

Are you seriously acting like getting a 4.0 in high school is some sort of achievement? You realize that high school is made so that literal retards can pass it, right? As in people who are literally intellectually deficient.

>> No.3117007
File: 252 KB, 1065x423, talent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ai ai

>> No.3117012
File: 161 KB, 1556x711, 123253769780-98-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh huh?

>> No.3117014

How did you improve so much in such a short time?

I'm glad I'm finally drawing shit, but I have no idea how I'd get from left (where I currently am) to right.

>> No.3117016
File: 68 KB, 1024x768, 1502746463422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is bait but

The new SAT scale is out of 2400 bro

>> No.3117017

Anon said they studied portraits like 5 hours a day for a month.

>> No.3117020
File: 19 KB, 552x364, FB_IMG_1500503594017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is mine. 4 years difference. Only worked 1.5 hours

>> No.3117028

Not him.
I'll explain to you why this anon improved so much. Anime faces have fewer landmarks and generally portraits are easier than full body so you cangrind them quickly. Also it's only lineart. Lots of people have great linework and shitty colours/shading and others have shitty linework and good colours/shading (me). When you stack anatomy, form, pose and perspective on top of that, only 1 person in 10 is going to be good at lines, 1 in 10 good at shading, 1 in 10 good at colours... You see where this is heading? Even if you are good at three areas you are guaranteed to fuck up 999 times out of 1000 in another area making it shit.

The adding other stuff is when improvement can slow way down.

Takes years, man, and I
am not convinced that, I personally, will make it and I'm probably better than 90-92% of artists, although I definitely cannot compete with schooled artists on this board.

>> No.3117031

>Takes years, man, and I
>am not convinced that, I personally, will make it and I'm probably better than 90-92% of artists
Post your work

>> No.3117042

One of the ones on the progress bread. Read and despair. I wish that I could be as good as the other artists on that board but most anons are pretty approachable and give you pointers on what they studied.

>> No.3117104

The pencil works are 10 minutes each and the right work is at least 10 hours. There is no comparison worth talking about.

>> No.3117105

10 hours for a pro is 10 minutes for a beginner anyways.

>> No.3117108

I think you mean it the other way around.

>> No.3117112

and? I don't think these two texts go against each other.I agree with both.

>> No.3117127

Don't be like that. Accepting """inevitable""" failure is what causes you to fail. It's stupid.

Keep drawing and studying and you'll git gud, even if it takes time.

>> No.3117134

/ic/ is by far the most easily baited board on the entire fucking website

>> No.3117146

It would be dead if we didn't reply for fun.

>> No.3117534

when i first discovered shal.e on youtube i really liked their works. now that i havent seen their speedpaints in a while and going back to a few-- it really bothers me on how both the process and result would look in some instances

i just cant seem to find the work as appealing as i did before. am i the only one?

>> No.3117791
File: 81 KB, 419x480, 1500115471898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3117986


>You need to be a geneticist and be able to explain why you are 6'7'' in order to be 6'7''
