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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 860 KB, 1174x918, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3108100 No.3108100 [Reply] [Original]

Okay straight to the point. I am 23, poor as fuck and I need money to move out as soon as possible.

>how do I get good fast (efficiency in getting better)
>what do I draw to get hired asap (no porn or furry)
>other tips for a digital artist (i do only digital)

I know that drawing takes time but I like doing it and I feel like that's the only thing I can do. I am a slightly above beginner tier, I only have drawn from observation in my life so far, pic related my still life study.

>> No.3108106

>blurry muddy values

Nigga you still a beginner. If your home life sucks so much commit sudoku.

>> No.3108110

Great post, hang yourself now.

>> No.3108113

>hang yourself

You're the one wanting to escape your shitty life not me.

>> No.3108116

You don't know what a beginner is and what blurry muddy values mean, so fuck off kindly from the premises

>> No.3108120

You get good fast by continuing to study like you are now. Never stop. You get hired when you start sending out resumes or do portfolios. Pretty much get noticed so people can even hire you.

>> No.3108121

>don't know what blurry means

Lmao. Look at your image and then try that response again.

Sorry if your ego can't take it. Ngmi.

>> No.3108125

At least use a trip so I can filter you out. My last response to your worthless posts in this thread.

>> No.3108127


>> No.3108132

Sorry to say but you aren't going to get there as fast as you like. Also it's personal preference as to what makes most people improve.

Just keep painting, studying and put a bunch of milage in those directions so you learn.

>> No.3108135

Make sure you have a day job if it’s that desperate. Gitting gud, finding clients, and getting paid all take time.

>> No.3108142

The problem is I lack structure in my improvement, I just do whatever and whenever, there's no scheduling, because sometimes I just don't know what to do.

I need to follow a path that will make me good in 2 years at most, going by my "routine" that is now I won't get good at least for 5 years, which is suicide in my case.

I don't have jobs that can support me in my area.

>> No.3108144

>I need to follow a path that will make me good in 2 years at most, going by my "routine" that is now I won't get good at least for 5 years, which is suicide in my case.
Doesn't work like that, only you can make yourself good. If you don't know what to do and for some reason want to make money, I don't really know why you're doing art at all. Should just honestly give up or find what you want to do and do it.

>> No.3108145

Can you post more work? This study isn't really a great indicator of your skill level

>> No.3108150

I know that I want to be an illustrator but I don't know how do I approach learning in a way that I get the most out of it. That is what I meant. Schools are specifically created to solve that problem but I can't afford them so yeah.

>> No.3108154
File: 505 KB, 684x746, png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is not great either but I don't have much to show.

>> No.3108155

>I know that I want to be an illustrator but I don't know how do I approach learning in a way that I get the most out of it.
Just draw the thing you want or what someone else wants. If you can't do it the first time, study and keep trying until you can. It's quite simple, I don't know why you're making it such a big deal.

>> No.3108159

here's a cold hard truth

studies don't really say anything about your worth as an artist

they are good for some things

but not for moving out of parents home

I'm sorry

>> No.3108163


This. Post your work.

>> No.3108164

I know that, everyone can do a good study if he takes time with it, it's just that it's everything I do, because I was told that first you have to learn to see, then comes construction drawing.

I don't want to be limited to drawing from observation but at the same time I don't know when to move on and so on... I need a schedule that makes me good in 2 years.

>> No.3108166

>I need a schedule that makes me good in 2 years.
>yfw OP keeps holding himself back with this excuse

>> No.3108168

To echo what >>3108159 said. Cold harsh reality is that you won't be able to get good as fast as you want. You need to learn to balance studying with painting stuff from your imagination so you can apply and get the lightbulb moment and go 'damn that's how I do it'.

Making excuses isn't going to do anything. We all have shit we have to deal with, so just practice and then apply that practice. If you're doing it just for the money then you've failed before you started.

>> No.3108175

I started drawing almost 5 years ago with breaks and no focus and because of that all I can produce after those 5 years are some shitty studies. If I continue doing that (which is what you suggest me for no valid reason) I will get nowhere in my life at all, not just in my current situation.

Now do you understand?

>> No.3108177

>If you're doing it just for the money then you've failed before you started.
>studies don't really say anything about your worth as an artist

Only advice I can give to you is to search for FZD homework and follow it, it might do some good to you. It's a git gud fast method.

>> No.3108179

>started drawing almost 5 years ago with breaks and no focus and because of that all I can produce after those 5 years are some shitty studies.

That a problem with you following studies because it's concrete without understanding how the apply the knowledge you've gained from studying. If you don't apply that info then that's your fault, nobody else's.

I suggested you apply the knowledge you've learned into an original piece. Seems you have selective hearing and just want to bitch about how hard it is and want a quick fix. Man up bitch or leave.

>> No.3108180

>>what do I draw to get hired asap (no porn or furry)
Why no porn and no furry?
Beggars shouldn't be choosers.
And it's a great opportunity to practice your fundamentals.

Other than that you could try doing traditional portraits or caricatures, but I doubt that you'll earn enough to survive. If you insist on doing digital, then there are some art contests and commissions (called adoptables) on DA, but I doubt that's what you're looking for.

>I do only digital
Stop limiting yourself like that. That's retarded. And traditional isn't that much harder; just more time consuming.

>how do I get good fast
By making your learning curve steeper - making sure that you're doing as difficult exercises as you can handle, that you know exactly what you're trying to achieve etc. Google deliberate practice.

>I need to follow a path that will make me good in 2 years at most
Luckily, you're not the only one with this mindset, and this exact question was answered in the past. Read guide from OP of this thread: >>/ic/thread/S2131491

Now give me (You)'s for spoonfeeding you.

>> No.3108182

You need to know what it is you want to make and start making that

Any more studies is a waste of time

>> No.3108196

I'm pretty sure OP's guide requires money which is exactly the problem OP has in this thead.

>> No.3108197
File: 98 KB, 472x574, Bronx-Zoo-Three-Pillars-of-Wisdom-Masonic-Tracing-Board.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being good has nothing to do with making money as an artist. Well I shouldn't say it like that, you should be at the top of your game always that would always be expected. AAA or major league ball players are never questioned if they can actually play the game you should be in the same mindset too.
What I really mean is it doesn't matter how good you are if you can't market yourself as an artist. As cynical as this sounds the reason modern artists get shit like blank/single color canvases auctioned for stupid amounts of money is because they have a sponsor getting their name our and/or they have marketed themselves as being hotshit/Edgy or shocking whatever.

I would get your name out, start a website use word press divix or something like that (take note of people around in your area and sphere doing the same thing) list your works/portfolio and obviously network talk to other artists.

Few things you can do

Start an LLC, so you have some legitimacy selling your work its not hard look it up by state.
Determine your wage by how much you will pay yourself (i.e $20 per/h x materials/RnD cost). If your doing digital use the same formula, your time is not free and neither is your computer, accessories and the licenses for the software free either. Don't forget the cost of marketing/hosting your site.



That really is all there is too it. And mind you I'm coming from a fine art side of things and honestly I'm a shitty artist that just copies techniques from youtube on my oil paintings but I make about aprox. 40k a year selling my paintings part time. If I commit to it full time I could be making a lot more.

If your trying to get work the process is the same I would rather start as a freelance imo since you can pick and chose your clients. Trust your gut on this because if a client gives you the feeling they are going to be a pain in the ass they probably are and aren't worth taking.

>> No.3108198

Get a real job and you will start getting paid today?

>> No.3108199

Aguri's Guide is straight up free, it even tells you where to get the resources.

>> No.3108201

Designing with Color and Light with Nathan Fowkes requires money and so does the gnomon workshop videos.

>> No.3108203

Except most people won't make it in terms of fine art and won't be selling their paintings for 40k.

That route is purely about money but good fucking luck.

>> No.3108205

You can pirate that stuff, at least I hope that's the case.

>> No.3108206
File: 123 KB, 774x1032, super_mario_genderswap_by_lolliedrop-dbf7iiv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

draw sakimichan-esque slutty fanart on deviantart? I'm serious though, people legit do this and within 8-10 months they have a patreon making $2,000 monthly.

>> No.3108207

I expected to get spoonfed about links but eh I guess I'll go search for it.

Thanks for this though. I think what I needed was something substantial.

>> No.3108210

That's a loooooong chest

>> No.3108214

or saaaaaggy tits.

>> No.3108218

Hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah.

Good one!

>> No.3108219

I don't get what's the problem of /ic/. Every career and I mean literally every career has shortcuts in a way that you learn the most important stuff of today's world. Efficiency is something that can be achieved with really specific methods.

So why the fuck do you keep talking shit like "it's just takes time bro, you have to draw for 10 years bro shieeet" when you can efficiently learn to draw in 2 years if you focus on what's important? Drawing is not rocket science, it's all about prioritizing and proper scheduling. I don't know why is it so hard to understand this. God you are fucking useless.

>> No.3108224

Not our fault OP is a retard who fell for the study meme without applying what he learned. He's probably not learned anything because all he does is study.

>> No.3108228

So what's your plan for OP?

>> No.3108231

An LLC is a waste of time and money for a beginning freelance illustrator. It's a hell of lot easier to upgrade to an LLC later on (IF there are legit reasons to do so), than it is to downgrade, there's really no benefit to you and it's just more paperwork and stricter limits on filing deadlines and such. DO NOT try to write off anything until you've sat down with an accountant and done it correctly, and if you're going to go with an LLC, sit down with and accountant AND a lawyer to make sure you know you're doing everything you need to - and get advice on if it's really anything you need.

40k on shitty paintings? I don't believe you, one bit. Going by your other lousy "advice", I'm pretty sure you're pulling all of it out of your ass.

>> No.3108234

There are no shortcuts to talent.

>> No.3108236

Killing himself because I am OP, but to be honest there has to be a way of doing this quickly with success, it was said that Algenpfleger got good in 2 years and I've seen his collection of drawings but that's all. I have no info on his schedule, what he prioritized and all other shit. I need specific information, not some vague shit.

In the end all people will get something good from this thread if you post something of actual value.

>> No.3108249

Dude, your post is like saying "I can't play an instrument, how can I gut gud enough to get a record deal and move out of my parents basement in a year?"

Your expectations are completely out of whack with reality.

IF you were in school, in a school that offers a decent major in Illustration, you *might* go from 0 to working in 4 years. Most graduates from art schools probably never work as commercial artists, and and most of those that do, unless they get staff positions, will have to grow a career alongside other jobs, to pay bills. The moment of quitting a day job to go art full time is a big one for freelancers - you're trying to skip ahead past what people with legit talent struggle for.

Lower your goals and expectations. If there are no jobs to life off where you live? Move. You won't be the first person that has to move to get ahead in life. And while you're at it, research loans and grants and assistance to go to school - a BfA is better than nothing, in today's job market.

Art is not a job you can do, just because you want to. Talent, creativity, and a whole slew of other influences come into play, and you haven't even proven you have the skills to master the basics of it.

>> No.3108252

>I can't play an instrument, how can I gut gud enough to get a record deal and move out of my parents basement in a year?

It's not really the same, because all I want is to have skills to get a job in art at all. I don't want to work for le Blizzard, I just want to be qualified to produce anything for money, which means the most basic stuff but still I can get paid for it.

>Most graduates from art schools probably never work as commercial artists, and and most of those that do, unless they get staff positions, will have to grow a career alongside other jobs, to pay bills

Not my fault there are people so retarded that they waste time on schools and then go to non art related jobs anyway. If it's this bad, why would you even study art? Nobody with a functioning brain dedicates his money and time to learn something that won't bring you a steady income.

You are saying that I have too high expectations, alright then. Let's narrow it down to living with my parents but paying for everything else. I can do that, for some time at most but I can do that. What then?

>> No.3108254

>all I want is to have skills to get a job in art at all. I don't want to work for le Blizzard, I just want to be qualified to produce anything for money, which means the most basic stuff but still I can get paid for it.
delusion the post

>> No.3108256

It's a delusion to want to be paid for producing art? Okay

>> No.3108257

>You don't know what a beginner is and what blurry muddy values mean
not him but what do they mean or are you just parroting things you don't understand yourself?

>> No.3108264

Does anyone know any place where I can ask the same question and I will get answers that can actually benefit my person and push me forward. I don't really have time nor patience for dealing with shitters.

>> No.3108266

/las/ discord

>> No.3108267

Have you tried reddit?

I'm being completely serious and totally not condescending or sarcastic btw.

>> No.3108270

Are there even any subreddits that deal with the business side of art?

>> No.3108287


So go out and talk to real people or count your blessings for even having a place to start this desperate thread where you talk down on people talking real life.

>> No.3108297
File: 5 KB, 204x200, 1445054686797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

christ this thread is depressing

you're just roleplaying right op

>> No.3108301
File: 255 KB, 1329x1067, 1495979544194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure OP but I've been thinking a lot, after mindlessly studying fundamentals for years, and decided on this: Work on a comic and finished illustrations. Subordinate your studies to this and apply what you learn directly to your work.

Maybe the quickest way to improve is to have a concrete goal and dedicate your energies towards it, at least I hope that will be the case

>> No.3108303

You claim to be realistic, but you can't talk about actual numbers, jobs, experiences. The only thing you keep repeating like a drone is "just draw bro", like it actually helps people develop a meaningful career.

/ic/ is sure realistic in being one of the dumbest boards there are.

>> No.3108323
File: 51 KB, 640x640, 515905bd23c723c1d13740be31251d62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're 23 - what have you been doing all this time? What post-secondary education do you have?
What are your skills / what would you say you're good at?
Why art?
Do you think artwork is an easy thing to do?
What kind of artwork would you like to do?

Concept art is out of the question at the moment. If you want to get serious quickly you need to put in the effort daily. You can create a schedule for yourself.

>The problem is I lack structure in my improvement, I just do whatever and whenever, there's no scheduling, because sometimes I just don't know what to do.

If it's too hard to show up every day to work on this, or you're too lazy to bother to show up, you might want to reconsider.

Here's a schedule for you. Do you think you can do it even when you don't feel like it?

Another anon mentioned Aguri's guide: https://track4.mixtape.moe/dyiars.pdf.. Do you think you can go through that, and apply each lesson you learn in that to what you do from observation?

>> No.3108324

I did forget to mention you can alo self-incorporate which is more often than not a better
There isn't any excuse with paperwork burdens especially with how electronic and automated everything is. I did an LLC because I run another business apart from my art hobby doing aquarium work and if god forbid some disaster happened (i.e fire, flood) at least I would be protected as a person, that being myself.

Also if you order supplies wholesale which should always do, they usually require an EIN.

>40k on shitty paintings? I don't believe you, one bit. Going by your other lousy "advice", I'm pretty sure you're pulling all of it out of your ass.
Well I mean you be surprised, I wouldn't say they are shitty either but unoriginal I would agree. I learned from a watercolor painter who does her work for a living and I just basically copied her. If you only sold 4 paintings at for example $200, $400, $600, $200 a month on average that comes out $1,400 a month. Granted that's not really a lot in the big picture but consider if you put more effort into promoting your work and getting galleries to display your work then you can push that up. I know artists who probably do twice that easily and get away charging a lot more because honestly they are very good at what they do. Art, business is only as good as you make it.

>> No.3108329

There's no "cheat code" on getting good at drawing, and doing it for the money is a stupid idea. Get a job.

If you are serious though, get on that shit and learn from books 4-5 hours and study shit for 2-4 everyday, with your current level if you keep that rhythm for a couple of months up you should be able to at least start asking for actual commissions.

>> No.3108340

Ill give you actual advice. According to classical art standards, you should start by painting still lives (teach yourself to use the material, shade, develop a technique).

Next, move on to land/cityscapes(focus on proportion and developing depth).

Then move on to the human figure (classically considered the most accomplished subject to sculpt/paint). After you master the human form you can start fucking around with abstract shit cuz you'll understand the basic rules of art. So you'll know how to break them in a way that actually means something.
I'm an art teacher and this is the order I generally teach my students in.

The best thing you can do is start by using the grid method and then by slowly trying to draw just from observation.

Good drawing is basically learning to observe where in relation to one thing another thing is. Like if you're drawing a face, you would try to observe where in relation to the pupils the corners of the mouth and nose are. And the edges of the jaw to the edges of the forhead, etc..

Last thing I can think of saying is that you need to think about how to make something 3-d translate as 3-d on a 2-d surface. Everything can be broken down as lines. Like to show depth on a cube, you would draw diagonal lines. Same thing with anything else. Its just harder to notice how tilted the diagonal lines are on a more complex subject. You need to loom at your 3-d subject and imagine it as 2-d. A trick I do is to close one eye and hold up a pencil to the "line" I'm trying to draw on a subject until the pencil covers it in my field of view. So the pencil should only move up,down, right, or left. Not toward and back. Then open the eye. And the angle the pencil is at is what you need to draw on your paper. You can even slowly move it on your paper/canvas(if its standing vertically) to trace the angle.

Sorry if this was too abstract, I'm better at drawing than writing.

>> No.3108346

Mind explaining why you should start with the grid method? I've heard it can end up being a crutch because you have to rely on it, but you do say to slowly try to move to just observation, so where's the line?

>> No.3108352

Grid method is good for getting your hand used to drawing. Basically anytime you're struggling to draw something, breaking it up into a grid will help you understand it better. (Figuring out how the different parts connect). You can also control how many squares in the grid there are. So by slowly moving away from it, I mean trying more and more to draw just from observation right away and also to decrease the number of squares in the grid. Lastly, the grid method helps you draw 2-d things. So drawing a 2-d picture of a subject instead of the actual 3-d subject also provides an extra stepping stone to help you get better at observation

>> No.3108354



you sure are being tsundere about asking for spoonfeeding
Maybe next time dont start such a poorly thought out thread then you wont piss a bunch of people off
>hurr durr how to make it here r my photostudies zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Yeah, shitter vents his impotence on /ic/. what else is new.

>> No.3108358

honestly op you're 23, you don't need a job in art right now. Just get any job until you can support yourself with art. There's no shame in working at macca's or cleaning.

>> No.3108363

You sound like a 12 year old edge lord. Just do us all a favor and fuck off to reddit.

>> No.3108364

Bruh it's a bait thread. This is a classic /ic/ topic along with "is talent real" and other bullshit. These are all kept in constant circulation to keep the board entertained.

>> No.3108462

Reading ops posts im kind of glad he won't make a dime

>> No.3108540

Not op, but how do you get into galleries? Do you need connections? I've read it's bad to walk in with a portfolio, but I get no replies to emails or snail mail.

>> No.3108550

The best advice is to work like 50-70% on portfoliopieces that targets a viable market perhaps mobile games. The rest of the time you work on improving specific skills.

>> No.3108559

Do mobile game studios need a degree though?

>> No.3108562

How do you even focus your studies without trying to make the the kinds of illustrations you want to do first.

Here's an exercise:
Don't copy any photos for a whole week.
Instead look closely at photos of certain things, then try to draw that thing from memory. You do not have to recreate the exact image.
Then, look at what you drew with a critical eye. See what you communicated well about the object and what looks wrong.

>> No.3108585

people live longer than 5 years on autopilot all the time

which is exactly waht you did, mr. autopilot

time to start running some evals on life 1.0

>> No.3108756

>it's a bait thread

If asking for tips how to succeed in this industry is a bait, then no wonder you are all so fucking shit. Braindead trash.

>> No.3108783

>Being this salty

Kek, stay mad. Ngmi

>> No.3108822

Post your work. I posted mine. Unless you can't because then you would reveal yourself as someone even worse, that would be a shame.

>> No.3108841

Not gonna make it ;)

>> No.3108847

ngmi simply because you're too lazy to research yourself before making this thread. "how do i git gut fast" is the most boilerplate vague generic question imaginable.

>> No.3108854

>"how do i git gut fast" is the most boilerplate vague generic question imaginable

yet you cant provide an answer to it.

>> No.3108863

>yet you cant provide an answer to it.
>'Why can't you provide an answer to a generic unanswerable question?'

Gee, I wonder why I can't answer it. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

>> No.3108867

I'm sure acting like this will magically make you reach your goal without any problem solving and research on your part.

>> No.3109002

>without any problem solving and research on your part

What do you think I am doing right now? This thread was made specifically to learn new stuff because (it may be a surprise for you) there are not many places in the internet where you can ask anything. If you ask pro artists, they won't respond, because they don't care... unless you pay for it like a good goyim. The truth is knowledge nowadays is more limited than you would think. People keep everything to themselves and share only shit they can get something in return.

It's logical but sad aswell, because if you are poor and with no connections, you are doomed to fail.

>> No.3109016

Ever heard of google? There is more help out there than ever. It's just nobody wants to help someone lazy and entitled.

Your questions have been asked a million times before, meaning you could research for them (e.g. the sticky, or q&a thread) instead of making a new thread written from a place of impatience and neediness.

>> No.3109038

In all honesty OP, if you need money ASAP you should just get a day job. Art isn't exactly the most reliable craft to make money with

>> No.3109044

People have already given you answers, if you don't put it into practice then that's your fault.

You got into art and only did studies without any consideration as to why you want to improve. What art do you want to make? If you just want money there are far better professions.

If you can't grasp said info I think you should give up or keep it as a hobby.

>> No.3109046

This. Even successful artists (ones with jobs) don't make more than a cop where I live.

Unless you're a genius there are no shortcuts, all you can do is grind. Read Loomis books (they are free in pdf form) and watch youtube videos to learn new shit.

>> No.3109049

It's fucking amazing OP hasn't realized it yet.

>> No.3109056

I said that I don't have jobs in my area and I am extremely poor so I can't move out. Hell, I need to get good at art SO I CAN MOVE OUT.

I know that it would be easier to kill myself, I thought about that many times but I want to try, because drawing is something that is genuinely fun for me and people kinda make money from it, so yeah, I want to try.

>> No.3109057

literally draw furry or starve to death, what sounds better?

>> No.3109061

I'm not going to question what you say any further: are you 100% sure there are no jobs in your area, have you been thorough with searching? The chances of you getting hired to do something are still much higher than you making any money with art within the year.

>> No.3109070

>completely ignores advice

Wow, you really do have selective hearing. Whatever, you're not gonna make it.

>> No.3109076

I am a college dropout, nobody wants to hire in my country if you don't have papers. Also not many jobs at all, also all of them are very physical based and I can't do that, I barely weigh 50 kg while being 23 years old.

What do you mean

>> No.3109078

Read >>3109044

You can't just be driven by money. Sorry to say but you can't, you need to figure out what you enjoy about art so you can do some personal pieces and put what you've learned into practice.

If you've done the studies the hard part is essentially over.

>> No.3109095

>You can't just be driven by money. Sorry to say but you can't, you need to figure out what you enjoy about art so you can do some personal pieces and put what you've learned into practice

I know that but when you are on the edge, you look at everything in a more extreme manner. I have no money and I have no family, so try to imagine that life, you too would be starving for money. The point is I am in a situation when drawing seems like the only option to become a normal human being but at the same time its something that will take a lot of time, so I need to fast forward everything as much as possible. Is something like that good? Obviously not but that is something I personally must do.

In the end when I think about where I'd like to go when it comes to drawing, I dont think about money, I think about working on top notch projects, interesting challenges, travelling and meeting good people. Money itself is something that just allows all of this to happen.

>> No.3109096

In this situation you're going to have to find a job. I get that it sucks but I'm afraid that's simply the way it is. Nobody here can give you advice to get really good other than what's already been said.

Best of luck anon.

>> No.3109102

You're extremely vague, my friend. Nobody doubts that youre in a tight spot, but you seem to hint that you actually know how to make money right away drawing, or, you saw someone else do it. And you're not touching upon it, but you will absolutely refuse to get a job. Your last part of your post is a great example of how erratic your mind is, because you describe how amazing the projects youll find in art and money will magically come around, and yet, your life is so shit? Would someone whose life is so shit be talking like you right now? Are you sure you didnt just have an argument with mummy?

>> No.3109119

you will still need to draw for about 3 years before you're able to "live of art"

>> No.3109137

No, I am slightly above beginner tier, I just want to learn only stuff that will make me closer to getting a job in art industry.

>> No.3109179

You'll just pointlessly argue in circles. This thread isn't answering your questions.

>> No.3109227

Just fucking draw you little bitch. You can achieve anything if you truly desire it, instead of wasting time here go and do your own homework and apply yourself.

>> No.3109242


>> No.3109247

Nobody is going to hire you to do still lifes. Decide hard on what you want to be, a concept artist? a magazine illustrator? etc. Then start building a folio showing stuff like that. It doesn't have to be perfect if you build up a small folio of passable work it may be enough to land your first commission/job then you can work your way up from there

>> No.3109272

>muddy values

>> No.3109364

>poor as fuck
>(no porn or furry)

You ain't that poor if you're being picky.

>> No.3109370

Whoa, OP just got busted.

>> No.3109387

Dog's testicles make me want to puke, so obviously it's not going to happen lol

>> No.3109419

You can draw cats

>> No.3109639

>I need money to move out as soon as possible
>I want to get money by doing art.
>first I need to learn.
Get a fucking job, you imbecile.

>> No.3109660

How do you find work in mobile games? Only by spamming random developpers or is there like some kind of site where they post offers?

>> No.3109685

Draw fetish art and charge a reasonable amount.

>> No.3109930

Why, in 5 years, have you not attempted to take your studies to the next level, and attempting finished pieces? Answer: no instruction. Art students move past studies and towards finished pieces after the first year.

>> No.3109936

>Not my fault there are people so retarded that they waste time on schools

I've got nothing else to say to you. There's no point. You're a fucking idiot.

>Let's narrow it down to living with my parents but paying for everything else. I can do that, for some time at most but I can do that. What then?

Dude, this is art critique, not "How do I adult?"

But here's some advice - go tell your father to put his foot up your ass, for being a weak as fuck loser, then smack him, for raising a weak as fuck loser.

>> No.3109949

you aren't either tho

>> No.3109962

Seems like good advice. Thanks for posting.

>> No.3109995

Fuck off moron, you take sentences out of context and expect to not look like a mentally deficient fool?

>Not my fault there are people so retarded that they waste time on schools and then go to non art related jobs anyway
>Not my fault there are people so retarded that they waste time on schools

End yourself because you are retarded.

>> No.3110009

If you need to make money get a real job. Fine arts doesn't pay well or consistently. Unless you draw furry porn.

>> No.3110097


Look buddy, I'm not the one crying about it.

>> No.3110238

Easy way : sell yourself like sakimichan or artgem or rossdraws. Get a job while you finish your fanbase a get 9999999999k on patreon. Of couse im not doing that i want to work in the hard way kek.

>> No.3110248
File: 107 KB, 307x307, 1452118930383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it funny all the people saying you can go the easy way and draw like Sakimichan/Another other furry porn artist, yet probably don't even have the skills to draw basic forms nor feel it.

>> No.3110251
File: 6 KB, 249x242, 1500174735415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dog's testicles make me want to puke

What are you, a woman? Sheesh

>> No.3110253

Yeah, people bitch about Sakimichan drawing/painting fanart but it still takes lots of technical skill and understanding of value to do correctly.

Yeah she is pandering but she has the skill to do just that. Most people on /ic/ won't have that ability aside from a few pro's.

>> No.3110254

It's a figure of speech but you have to enjoy drawing animal genitalia on daily basis to keep up, there's no way around really.

>> No.3110255

>anime pic

Wow really makes me think memelord.

>> No.3110263


I really don't get it. What I find enjoyable about drawing is just sculpting in 2D and getting in the zone. The subject matter is not really that big of a deal.

Also, if as someone said earlier. If you really are that poor, you would be drawing dog balls and whatever it takes, pal.

>> No.3110264
File: 36 KB, 268x237, Smuggi Juggi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks like I struck a nerve.

>> No.3110434
File: 2.13 MB, 3264x2448, 15035122358351822355422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not hard at all, and that dumb advice, you have to walk in to know what they want.

The hard part is they often have strict criteria, and can a pain in the ass with requirements. Like the materials you use have to be archival grade, and framed in the way they want. Wall space is limited and at the end of the day they are business trying to make money.

This is a gallery in DC/Arlington and they have really lax requirements I display in just took this photo at the time of this post since opening was talking about still lifes

>> No.3110478

get a real job??? :^)

>> No.3110564

>learn art for quick cash
lol that's a good one
Get a job at Mickey D's and draw on the side like every other artist.

>> No.3110895

dog balls, apples, what's the difference, really?