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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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>> No.3093806

Richard Williams - The Animator's Survival Kit: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1A1FEDA47ADC18D4

Disjointed playlist, but interesting/useful.

Also, Mega.co link is down.

>> No.3094161
File: 23 KB, 464x464, 1496034131532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just rewatched my animation,and i realised it was just a cringey mess . What happened? I was going to put it on youtube, but now i'm having second thoughts.

>> No.3094214


I wanna start learning to animate, but I'm a little lost. Which of the resources above would you reccomend for an absolute beginner?

>> No.3094313
File: 592 KB, 704x480, 5-3g.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some drapery animation I did for a project I'm working on

The colors are a bit glitchy though, because of the compression

>> No.3094337

put it on here and get critiques

>> No.3094350

The blue one could use a fold to make it not so flat, but the red looks really nice. Also the shading on the armor makes it look too flat. A little rimlight would fix that.

>> No.3094353 [DELETED] 
File: 154 KB, 1917x887, CSsSTjU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also i just notice they are supposed to be looking at each other right? try making the red a bit smaller so that he is farther away from the camera. right now it looks like they are standing side by side, like that fast and furious shot

>> No.3094354

also i just notice they are supposed to be looking at each other right? try making the red a bit smaller so that he is farther away from the camera. right now it looks like they are standing shoulder to shoulder instead of face to face.

>> No.3094420

There's a figure in between them that adds that extra bit of depth that I removed when exporting the gif and there's a scene before this one that kind of establishes they're looking at each other

Other than that I can't afford to modify the scene right now, I've been working on the project for way too long and it's driving me nuts, it has taken way more than I had anticipated

But I will pay attention to stuff like that in the future, I just needed an opinion

Although I might add that fold on the blue cape, it shouldn't be too hard right now

>> No.3094459

reading through The Animator's Survival Kit is a good start, then do the exercises etc

>> No.3094634

Ahhh screw it.
Please don't burn me too hard.

>> No.3094649

Hahahaha. Fucking nice. Honestly, you've got a good sense of humour and timing, both visually and in the writing.

Draw more. Practice your fundamentals. I think you'll see a lot of improvement in your animation fairly quickly.

>> No.3094708

That wasn't too bad, like what you were going for here. Good sense of humor and the pace kept things interesting and it didn't feel too short or too long. Sure the art is very simple and it is clear you are still needing to learn fundamentals. But I can't say it was bad, reminded me of the early internet and youtube days. Just keep at it and study smart.

>> No.3094737
File: 565 KB, 1920x1080, LG_Eye_08-09-17-.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup, guys! I've been comming here for a while now, but never posted.
Did this yesterday, and wanted to share with you. I had a lot of fun doing it!

>> No.3095197

Bump 2 avoid 404

>> No.3095310

Eyyy not bad, pretty fluid. Good sense of humour.

Good luck on ya HSC dude. Kinda wished that we had Industrial Tech, but we only have Design and Tech (80 page folio). Legit scared.

Got a discord or something?

>> No.3095339
File: 61 KB, 1000x800, 1487344755573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for your responses, guys.
i've been planning to do some fundementals after the project, so i better start now before i kill myself when i see my atar.

>Got a discord or something?
i only got a twitter

>> No.3095636

I'd actually love to see this as a show on adult swim

doesn't even need voice actors, really good like this

>> No.3096652
File: 99 KB, 1081x907, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with the alphabetical "subframe" naming convention in CSP? Is there any way to change this?

What I mean is this "2a"-2z" (then begins "layer 2" "Layer 3" and so on) crap? It really seems useless and confusing when I'm over here trying to do pose-to-pose animation. I feel like frames should just automatically be named according to their place in the timeline (or not at all i.e. Flash, Toonboom and Krita). If nothing else why not just make "2a" 4 instead? I don't think it affects too much and I can certainly just rename the frames, but it just triggers my balls off.


>> No.3096706
File: 167 KB, 1081x907, smh tbh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just figured it out. I wish it was a default setting but I suppose in lieu of that this works just fine.

>> No.3097104
File: 156 KB, 800x529, 2017_08_12_handani.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3097375

Looks good, anon. Are you going to color it?

>> No.3097399

Try not to use blur it makes it look cheap

>> No.3097405

add more frames

>> No.3097416

PLEASE, please help : I dl'd the TVPaint 10 crack in the mega link a few months ago but the thing keeps crashing at launch (after the first window. (I'm lucky if it finally opens after the 30st try)

Anyone got a way to counter this? It's the animation software I'm the most comfortable with!

(other ways to solve my problem : suggest another frame-by-frame 2d animation software with onion skin as good as tvpaint or give some tips on animating with Ps CS6 without onion skin/a good timeline)

>> No.3097420

try reinstalling it

>> No.3097477

Give the fingers more overlapping action going forward (and overall), along with a recoil when you hit those forward and back poses. It feels very stiff at the moment.

The drag you gave it going back doesn't make sense/isn't appealing for the speed it's going back. Same with the blur. Either alter the drawings or change the timing.

Nice drawings and loop!

>> No.3097484

Fun motion, nice idea!

Try to work on having good tracebacks/consistency and solidity in shape when doing animation that strongly relies on graphics like this. The sloppiness takes away any impact it could have. Offpegs tracing in the light table/onion skin helps with this a ton but don't rely on it too much

You need to be more decisive/bold with your easing, the way you have it now is giving your spacing a stilted/overly even feeling. Think of the kind of momentum a skateboarder in pumping in a half-pipe. A natural/purely gravity driven easing into the "up", and a PUSH into the "down". It adds a nice rhythm.

For example (probably not the best charts but just off the top of my head),

going into the breakdown for example when you're having the iris swirl into the outer eye shape
A|----------|----|-|-|| B

B|----|------------|---|-| C

>> No.3097486

iirc when I used it it had to do with the startup settings, but I don't remember what caused it.

>> No.3097761

Is there any way to fix the brush in Flash? It's so weird and I don't see that effect in other videos

>> No.3097817

Not bad, the low frame rate is quite anime-ish Z (which isn't a bad thing). Be careful not to use blur as a crutch though.

>> No.3097874

Set your brush smoothness to 40 in the tool's property panel and use pressure sensitivity. If you want really smooth lines, zoom in a bit and use a larger brush size. Make sure you don't draw slowly, anon. Do really fast lines using your whole arm and just a little bit of your wrist. You get more control and the lines will come out a lot smoother than if you set the brush to 0 or 100.
also use CTRL-SHIFT-SCROLLWHEEL to zoom around the canvas easier. it seems like not a lot of people know about the scroll-zoom function in flash

>> No.3098003

Is it a good idea to learn animation if you want to get gud at drawing? I don't want to be a pro, but I've noticed that tons of animators have good drawing skills

>> No.3098040
File: 90 KB, 800x450, jump yhinh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're good artists because animation depends on a strong knowledge of art fundamentals. They go hand in hand, and it's recommended to learn the fundamentals before you dive head first into animating.
I've been doing animation for the past 11 years and I still suck assholes at drawing things in proper 3D space. I can make things move pretty decently, but my sense of art is completely ruining the experience when I try to animate.
Don't learn them both at the same time. Your animation work will be mediocre for a long time and your art wont go anywhere if your focus is on making things move. Learn HOW you can make it move before you even start trying by studying construction and proper artistic techniques.

Just throwing that out there. It's a nightmare learning how to animate with a slim knowledge of art.

>> No.3098055

Makes sense. I've only been drawing for 3 years, guess I should wait till my fundamentals are in order

>> No.3099130
File: 145 KB, 750x500, taza.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a quick one

>> No.3099133

how come the shadow of the handle doesnt move

>> No.3099173

totally forgot

>> No.3099305

Found a clunky way to make it work. (not sure if I can reproduce it, but after deleting 2 times the default config it worked like a charm) Thanks for the suggestions though.

Another question : Anyone is animating in Ps CS6? I need to make little adjustments (like colors & stuff) but each time I create a new layer, it propagates to all the following ones. Got a little solution? (it's a bit annoying 'cause I need to go back on all the frames to make x invisible)

>> No.3099460
File: 79 KB, 426x240, Fall-harder-Jump-Higher TEST.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick one too...

>> No.3099462

I tried giving it a different color than the background and that made it look wonky. Keeping it simple for this exercise.

Gotcha. Smudging and dragging seemed to enhance it and was fun to play while I was working on it as the framerate is pretty low. I wouldn't be as tempted with more frames.

>> No.3099468

I'd expect him to roll/slide a bit and not stay fully smushed all the way during surface contact (most squished on impact).

>> No.3099471

True,thanks for the feedback. Will fix later.

>> No.3099578
File: 230 KB, 560x454, Pubganimate.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have the Aaron Blaise Animation Course?
Thanks in advance

>> No.3100742
File: 778 KB, 600x338, poo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are your animated short films coming, lads?

>> No.3100812


>> No.3100917

im suppose to be working on a portfolio this month, but ive been procrastinating

>> No.3101130
File: 99 KB, 500x400, GUEST_1913580176_1502802318.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shity anime

>> No.3101465

I'd recommend not posting transparent gifs. They don't look very good especially on dark themes.

>> No.3101467

Try leading with the head even more when he's turning to the left, then once he is facing left lead with his left arm. Aim for more overlap in the movement of the body parts to lessen the rigidness.

>> No.3101515

Oooh yeah, sorry. I understand why : I didn't erase all the little messy lines...
(we can see the spheres I used for the fall)

>> No.3101569

love your work dude. nites is one of my favorite web series

>> No.3101586
File: 1.23 MB, 800x450, anitest2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

low res af

>> No.3101862
File: 306 KB, 480x270, 2017-7-26 gifVer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


reminds me of 80's animu

>> No.3101982

Thanks man, glad you're enjoying it :D

>> No.3102161


some random loop i did a few months ago.

>> No.3102245
File: 414 KB, 342x512, Shirobako_Promotional_Poster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone watched shirobako and learned anything from it? a lot of good advice from this anime if you wanna be an animator.

>> No.3102287

You should look up some principles of animation by disney, like exaggeration and movement of bodys. This should help to improve the movement of the body, looks pretty stiff and "unrealistic".

>> No.3102661

can onlt find it in Russian fak

thanks for the critique
also which is why im looking for the aaron blaise course hes got that disney style of animation im looking for

>> No.3102689

alright gents if yall would like to add this to the list
i finally found ther Aaron Blaise Animation course


>> No.3102822
File: 11 KB, 217x260, muchacho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have funny idea for animated short
>The jokes and gags make me laugh, motivated to actually make the thing
>"It's only gonna be 5 minutes, I'll have it done in just a month or two!"
>Over a year later of consistent work
>Still not even done the animation, let alone backgrounds, colors, etc.
>Have heard all the jokes 1,000,000,000 times during the making of the short, have lost any semblance of humor to them
>No idea if the idea is even good any more
>Was it even worth all this time???
>Have since had much better ideas for other cartoons that'll take me nowhere near as long as the one I'm working on, but I've already worked so long on it, It'd be a waste not to finish it

Goddammit, does anybody else know this feel? I'm motivated enough to continue working, but it's just frustrating as hell how long this process is.

>> No.3103223
File: 12 KB, 321x339, 1497057508625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shirobako isn't suppose to learn as much as showing the progress of making anime by blending some of the issues facing the industry (ex. traditional vs. digital animations, owner dispute etc.) and covering some history.
There are good arcs in the mid which includes one of the animators, but be aware that its romanitcizing a great portion of the production in contrast to real life worker culture and atmosphere among japanese animators. Plus they pay shit.

I think the best lesson from that show for animators is to adapt and learn quick.

>> No.3103314 [DELETED] 

if you need a fresh perspective on if the jokes/animation is working post what you've got here. If you really think it's trash and you could do better now then ir's probably best drop it and start a fresh idea

>> No.3103348
File: 26 KB, 560x318, New canvas.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this look janky?

>> No.3103355

You can remove some of those stretch poses.

>> No.3103357

it doesn't arc right, your arcs look like w's when they should look like n's

>> No.3103384
File: 38 KB, 560x318, dropping ball 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this more better or keep trying?

>> No.3103396
File: 22 KB, 500x400, jackie-chan-facebook-good-day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those arcs look much better

>> No.3103406
File: 188 KB, 819x1199, DGE4jUmVYAAAQEU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Check twitter
>Notice someone talking about 'Don Bluth Univeristy'
>2 open seats left
>Excited to learn under the master


>> No.3103414

Arcs are better, but the last bounce floats more than the first bounce. In a toony way that can be ok, but keep the arcs consistent for air time too.

>> No.3103424

>no enemies here
>oi, you there mate

yeah pretty cringy, stopped there

>> No.3103430

get that stick out of you ass m8. Do you faggots even know what cringy means anymore?

>> No.3103433

>grind for 1 yr under supervision of actual living master vs spend 4 yrs at uni learning other shit that don't directly relate to animating or drawing

That's a fucking deal..... God I hope he lives a while longer and maybe I can save up to join some other time....
>cryz 4ever

>> No.3103460
File: 159 KB, 560x318, bloodborn backstep.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3103515


>> No.3103518

what are the legs doing?

>> No.3103524
File: 182 KB, 560x318, bloodborn backstep 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was trying to make it look like he was back stepping on the spot maybe this will help a little

>> No.3103527

Needs a few anticipation frames imo

>> No.3103532

alright thanks for the input.

>> No.3103538

>13 minutes

Redpill me on this

>all links are broken

Did this person get BTFO'd by Bluth so hard he quit animation forever?

>> No.3103551
File: 93 KB, 215x203, vilppu's brother.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God I hope he lives a while longer

What do you mean anon, he still looks like he fulls of life.... or so I thought till I saw pic related.

Jeez, they really cleaned up that twitter ad I posted earlier.

>> No.3103717
File: 157 KB, 560x318, stiff baseball pitch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very stiff and choppy....

>> No.3103721

choppy? yes. stiff? probably not as much as you think

>> No.3103878

How fucking detailed is your animation, that you take more than a year for 5 minutes? Also, I would'nt advice someone who is not a pro in animation to make a long video.
>Cut the animation in segments
>have more fun doing them one by one
>skip or change some ideas/jokes
>have more confidence, because you have many finished pieces instead of one unfinished you dom't even like anymore

>> No.3103882

listen to sleepcast, the animators in there talk a lot about animation stuff. you might learn a thing or two....

>> No.3103887

It kinda looks more like jumping than bouncing. The ball takes to long to get up from the ground.

>> No.3103889

The movement still doesnt look right. Try to get some good references.

>> No.3103897

The beginning is good, maybe some more anticipation and exaggeration. The end looks a bit too fast, add more frames and chanhe so it looks like it was very exhausting to tjrwo this ball so powerful.

>> No.3103902

hmm, looks to fast maybe lower the frame rate as well, it was on 30 fps for 15 frames with 2's
yeah i used 3 frames for the lower end part of the hit.
maybe need to strech it for back out and add more frames maybe?
yeah i got tired and lazy at the end of it. so i started to rush it. :/

>> No.3104020
File: 135 KB, 800x450, Thumbnail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's a surreal animated short I just finished up. I think the art style isn't an issue, but how can I make the animation better overall?

Everything seems way more static and lifeless compared to this anon >>3094634

>> No.3104028

You can make it better by making the poses more dynamic, add some interesting passing positions and make more things move overall

>> No.3104129

Looking at it again a week later, and I definitely see it now that it looks stiff.

>> No.3104282

Well, I work a part time job and also go to college, so I'm really only working on it in the limited free time I had. This >>3100742 alone took me about 2-3 days.

>> No.3104363

Have you ever read "How to steal like an artist"? Basically , it mentions that there are no new things under the sun.The creativity relies in how you put different materials (or sources)together and how you show them to the audience, that's what matters.

>> No.3104433

Hi everyone, is my NSFW w.i.p stuff welcome here? Undertaking a pet project that's very graphic in nature and might want to post the odd scene for critique.

>> No.3104435

yes it should be welcomed.

>> No.3104538
File: 11 KB, 641x480, AB_Logo_Harmony.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody here familiar with harmony?

>> No.3104682

>Characters are furfag shit
>Don offers some really neat ways to make it look less furry shit while sticking with anthro type characters
>Guy deletes everything


>> No.3104730
File: 3.33 MB, 640x360, FD1-PT1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently picked up my animation again after so many months.....

>> No.3104737
File: 48 KB, 477x642, le cant handle le heat face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-...when do they start touching each other?

>> No.3104742

If you wanna draw fanart, go ahead. I don't care. Just fyi, the characters shown are all supposed to be around 7-10 years old.

>> No.3104743

Oh. Well there goes that idea.

>> No.3104758

Aww what? You can draw them cuddling?

>> No.3104763

Give it proportione amounts of inbetween s so the movement corrects its pace.

>> No.3104771

Can you learn both drawing and animating at the same time, and would it be beneficial in any way?

>> No.3104816

No. If you don't have good drawings, you don't have good animation, it's as simple as that. Learn drawing first.

>> No.3104817

Logical enough. Thanks.

>> No.3104823

What softwares are generally used in the 2D industry nowadays? US and Japan.

>> No.3104864

Don't fall for the get good at drawing before doing finished piece meme

>> No.3104908

You don't have to draw at a high level to draw for animation. The simpler, the faster you can work. You do have to understand basic construction though, that's what I mean.

>> No.3104909

That's bullshit. Animation is just the illusion of motion, simple as that. Good animation does not need good art, but good art compliments it.

It's just like video games; it can look nice, but if it plays like shit, it's shit.

>> No.3104923

Show me something that is good animation with bad art.

>> No.3105111
File: 271 KB, 1280x720, muhball.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

practice, let me have it

how bad is it?

>> No.3105127

I'm guessing he meant good animation with a bad style, or a sucky design

Here's an example:


The animation is superb but the design and the colors are all mediocre, there's nothing captivating about them

>> No.3105134

TVPaint & ToonBoom

>> No.3105330
File: 463 KB, 740x420, jumping test.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay ill try do that more on the other one.

>> No.3105394

Timing isn't so bad but the conservation of mass is weird. When your ball squashes on the contact frames, it looks like it has more mass than the ball in it's regular state, it got wider but didn't get thinner. The same thing is going on in the frames where the ball is before and after the contact except with the stretch.

>> No.3105396

your timing looks really janky. you should experiment with changing the exposure of frames and no making them all last the same length.

>> No.3105515

oh yeah i see

>> No.3105518

are you just tracing over game anims? why?

>> No.3105538

naw man.

>> No.3105550

That hammer looks like it's made out of air

>> No.3105564
File: 406 KB, 660x371, retiming.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a really rough attempt at simply altering the timing to gain weight.

Also increased the exposure of the first and the last frames because I feel like that's good etiquette when posting non-looping animations.

>> No.3105566

oh yeah I think I might have removed one drawing, the one before contact, just because it fundamentally kinda fucked with being able to time it in any meaningful way because the hammer was being brought down at the same time as everything else which shouldn't be the case.

>> No.3105595
File: 1.23 MB, 1121x1395, Mutating animation cropped.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i dont really know how to use timing, ive just been aimlessly trying to animating things.

>> No.3105617

Timing is just how many frames (drawings) it takes for an action to happen, which determines the feeling of the movement.

>> No.3105668

animate extremes first, and then inbetween the other frames later.
going straight forward with character animation is really bad if you're trying to keep things consistent. you have to be an animation master if you really want to do things like that.
be sure to re-watch your work as much as possible and add inbetweens after you can picture what the character's movement will look like

>> No.3105673

Sure the designs are bad, but that sense of form and 3D space is fucking brilliantly executed. It's really clear that he has a sense of drawing in 3D, but it's just that his designs he uses are utter trash.
Fuck that was amazing though

>> No.3105696

like what >>3105673 said it's a shame he has such bad taste for his incredible animation skills.

Have you seen his latest thing? it's a music video for some trashy juggalo music artist, gross. But the animation is still top quality https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6H0x3OtuX0

>> No.3105897

Dude has an ungodly understanding of form. Just because of that I have to say it's drawn well despite him have a very unappealing style. In fact his style is more like Loomis's lumpy cartooning style than any actual animation styles, so this is really advanced drawing.

>> No.3105911

what a some good free animation programs

>> No.3105914

Youre mom

>> No.3105953


Opentoonz is free.

Not sure about good...

>> No.3106332

No arguing there. Amazing animation 100%
that style tho...

>> No.3106337

Style-wise I'd say it's slightly better than the prank one

>> No.3106338

to be fair, if juggalos offered you money to animate something for them would you decline? Money is money.

>> No.3106340

Oh yeah that hammer definitely feels heavier now

>> No.3106341

why is tvpaint crashing on startup. drives me crazy.

my mommy pays for adobe suite. are any of their programs good for animating?

>> No.3106344

That right hand at 1:30 didn't make sense

I'm guessing it's a joke

>> No.3106381

You can animate with photoshop. The lead animator of Skull Girls does so for example.

>> No.3106410


Adobe Animate (formerly flash) is not what I would call "good" but it is serviceable and a lot of productions use it.

>> No.3106446
File: 170 KB, 560x252, animation software 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3106490

I would decline. Money is money but art lasts forever.

>> No.3106495

Krita is pretty good if you have another program for compositing and editing

>> No.3106521

Make pulling up the hammer longer. You added more weight to the hammer making contact with the ground but it's still light as a feather on the pull up. Maybe even taking a step or half a step back while he pulls it up or when it's over his shoulder to emphasize weight.

>> No.3106554

anybody remembers the name of that little black and white pixel animation program people used to make those cool gifs years ago? it had a generic name and i can't find it anymore

>> No.3106566
File: 699 KB, 160x120, 았싸.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3106626

you're a true hero anon!

>> No.3106629


>> No.3106631


>> No.3106843

I did what I could with the poses I had, without drawing new better poses, which I understand can be a fundamentally faulty approach to correcting a scene but my point was more about showing the difference timing makes, rather than actually fixing the whole animation itself.

Optimally there'd be a new drawing between 88 and 98, with the hammer straight up, that the animator could ease in and out of, but because there was none, holding 88 for a longer time (as if there was a significantly longer hold at the apex of the arc) made the movement look weird as the poses by themselves couldn't communicate clearly why it would take such a long time for the pose to go from 88 to the next one. There should also be an accent or a moving hold after 102 with bent knees to cushion the hammer being brought down on the shoulder.

Overall the posing could be stronger.

>> No.3106845
File: 149 KB, 560x315, punch animation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i can really see the difference now. so is that the frames on the lower left?

>> No.3106851

Yes those are the frame count, but I didn't time specifically for those frames, I only played around with the frame exposure for a while until it felt somewhat better, I just marked them afterwards to make it easier to talk about the cut if needed.

>> No.3106854
File: 2.56 MB, 460x251, PbMhe5I.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well ill try again was trying to replicate the kirk hammer movement. but yeah im starting to understand a little more. thanks for the advice. ill put it to use

>> No.3107004
File: 24 KB, 576x324, building-blocks.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to make economy-amount of movements look as close to ok as I can. I plan to over render the hand to make up for the movement but how does this look?

>> No.3107307
File: 289 KB, 560x373, weight test.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

re done it has twice as much frames so yeah maybe it looks better

>> No.3107338
File: 225 KB, 1167x802, Constru exercise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it a waste of time to be doing things like this if you want to get into animation at some point?

>> No.3107362

study up on the mechanics of how the body moves, these are really awkward. you should be asking yourself what order the parts of the body are moving, and whether they are pulling or pushing eachother, throwing off balance or catching the body

>> No.3107371

Does the guy have massive arm strength that he can raise the hammer without springing his legs?

>> No.3107403

Not at all. A solid understanding of structure, perspective, form, depth, etc is pretty crucial to animation.

>> No.3107407


Thanks Anon, I was getting a bit dishearten.

>> No.3107459

He just swung that hammer over his head with nothing but his forearms.

Just try not to get stuck doing those kind of things exclusively. if you wanna animate then animate every now and then

>> No.3107470
File: 1.52 MB, 2992x1687, ap_458935397470-e1483456987581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before they made Bambi animators drawn deer for a few years

>> No.3107471

These should help. Not exactly war hammers but could aid in reference. Notice how they slide a hand up the pole on the pull up and bend their knees so they don't break their backs.

Some gym rats fucking around with a 91lb hammer. They're not swinging it like a sledgehammer but good for weight reference.

The problem is you're going off video game references. Obviously it's not realistic, but it's better to look at it realistically first and then tone/'cartoon' it down like this anon mentions with the Bambi animators >>3107470

>> No.3107473

How do you get cool scenes into your head? Like angles and cool motions and what not. Like if I wanted to do a battle scene I'd probably just end up having to guys with swords standing in side view swinging at each other and it'd look really boring. A good animator would had like a high angle establishing shot, and then maybe a close up of the swords, some sweat dripping from the brow and he'd only show like one swift swing and the battle would be over. Or maybe he'd have them doing some dope choreographed swings with a moving background whilst animating the camera around the action.

I can kinda describe it but when it comes to coming up with this stuff and doing it on the fly I can't execute. What type of stuff should I be studying to get good at this?

>> No.3107492


Thank you for the responses, I'll continue with my studies and practice simple animation fundies too.

>> No.3107507

You watch a shit load of stuff, both regular and animated ones. After you've watched a bunch you'll just be able to come up with some cool looking scenes, but you have to be careful once you get there because you'll just want to copy stuff, once there you should try experimenting and combining different looking scenes.

Also, when doing a scene, think of the point of the scene itself, what is it supposed to tell us and then you just build from there

>> No.3107513
File: 137 KB, 704x480, 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try animating the hammer first and adding the figure later

Here's my take on it, hope it helps anon

>> No.3107514


A little janky, try bending the thumb a little when it's going back to its original position

Also try adding one more frame as an ease out, just before the thumb gets back to its original state

>> No.3108311
File: 158 KB, 1920x1080, peanutboy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just installed flash today and tried animating for the first time. You like?

>> No.3108313

I also did this. I'm really enjoying flash so far

>> No.3108314
File: 112 KB, 1920x1080, jumpman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot gif

>> No.3108326

It was finished for a while, but I finally uploaded it.


Submitting to festivals right now.

>> No.3108650

How the hell do you use flash? I try to move over layers and it ends up duplicating them..

>> No.3108653

What festivals are you submitting it to?

>> No.3108672

So far I got Sundance, Manchester Lift-Off, New York Lift-Off, USA Film, Los Angles IFS Film, and Big Mini Media.
Gonna apply to some more later, I need to do more research of some big ones. I know I have Toronto Film Fest on watch, and may sneak into the Savannah Film Fest.

>> No.3108680

Thanks for sharing anon

>> No.3108966

Is it possible to animate something in flash and then trace over the frames in another program to avoid the fuck ugly cheap vector look? I'm looking at some of the animations Noill has done and it seems like he must have done something like that to reach some trade off between quality and speed.

>> No.3109099
File: 217 KB, 560x466, RalphBakshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you need a push to re-invigorate your drive to animate.


>> No.3109104
File: 258 KB, 769x554, lines to shape.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After you draw down the base, use the pentool/linetool to trace over your drawings. Once you have the thing traced over, you can convert the lines to fills and refine all of lines to have weight. There's a lot of fiddling and time spent on trying to get the lines right, since using the pentool in Flash is utter fucking assholes, but it works to get the lines correct. Use the line tool to make the rough shapes, curve them, and spend time messing around with the pentool. Convert the lines to fills, and then just mess with the weight using the selection tool if you want. A little thing I learned in my ponyfag vector animation days
Better yet, you can change programs to something more suited for drawing. Flash isn't exactly 100% amazing at drawings. It's more built for shapes, tweening, and puppet animation. Best advice I can give if you want to continue using flash for stuff, take the extra few hours to rig a puppet of the character, spend even more time cleaning up the lines, or just don't worry about it and roll with the shitty lines.

>> No.3109129
File: 1.17 MB, 1068x921, foxlady-01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only ever animated sprites with flash before this. Did this in photoshop. I know it's really choppy but messing around with the layers while setting frames is driving me crazy. What would be a better program to use for simple shit like this.

>> No.3109186

The animation doesn't really have any anticipation into the transformation. It's just suddenly BOOM she's a wolf now. Easing and arcing your motions really does help a lot, and you should probably practice with it, man. I can see you're a capable artist, but figure out how things move and study up on the 12 principles before you jump into animating.
this video is pretty helpful.

>> No.3109192


or, just use tvpaint. Best Bitmap animation software.

Even photoshop (which i assume is the program you are planning on exporting to) has rudimentary animation tools. No point starting with flash unless you intent to use tweens and then your animation will look like shit regardless of what you do after.

>> No.3109228
File: 171 KB, 800x529, handyC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks kinda cool, but the blur does make it difficult to color

>> No.3109244

Why didn't you line-out and color everything first and then add the blur?

Post one without blur if you have it, just the sketch

>> No.3109249

sorry, I'm not the anon who drew it, I just added the color

>> No.3109634

And study how martial artists punch too : that guy has No Guard...

>> No.3109812

Wow nice work then

>> No.3110236

cool :) I didn't add shading, which indeed elevates it.

>> No.3111485

Hey I noticed you linked to an old rendition of my mega folder, I made a new one that I update, it has a lot more resources:

>> No.3112035

this is really cool, do you have a blog!?

>> No.3112091

Except Last Days of Coney Island looked like crap.

>> No.3112097

I heard the Fireworks movie by Shaft was made only in like 3 months. Is it really possible to make anime that quick? I always figured it would take a year. Feels like there's hope now to make your own anime.

>> No.3112743
File: 25 KB, 868x475, UmxegpY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3113558
File: 1.42 MB, 298x329, Ballsnappygif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey dudes (what do you people call eachother on this board/thread?)
I just recently visited a week-long animation class, and would like to keep going from there myself.
So in general, what kind of stuff do I need to know? I'd like to use traditional animation, but I've heard that it doesnt do well in the current era of animation. What kind of programs (free would be best) should I use? What tips can you give a newfag for starting out?
I'll post some of my stuff.
C&C appreciated.

>> No.3113559
File: 1.90 MB, 600x338, Golfgif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3113567
File: 3.96 MB, 600x450, hellohowareyou.gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3113579
File: 3.74 MB, 600x338, flyingIrongif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last one for now

>> No.3113681

>I'd like to use traditional animation, but I've heard that it doesnt do well in the current era of animation
Traditional can do fine in current era. Well depending where you work. For TV shows, probably not unless you do the digital cleanup yourself as well. But for example at Disney when they returned to 2D with Princess and the Frog, most of the animators preferred pen and paper. Same goes to Japan, where most in house animators still draw pen and paper. The principles are the same regardless of what medium you use.

>What tips can you give a newfag for starting out?
Learn to draw. This is absolutely crucial. One of the reasons why animation quality improved so quickly, from 3 little piggies to snow white, is because the new talent hired at disney were better draftsmen than the old guys who had pioneered the techniques. Figure drawing is especially important. Read the Drawn to Life books and practice your figures. You might think "but I feel pretty good about my drawing skills". Find yourself raw key frames (with timing charts) of classic disney movies and try inbetweening them. This should show you how far you still must go.

Animators survival kit is fantastic for every technical aspect of animating. Illusion of Life is the best for understanding how to think as an animator (as well as a wonderful history lesson).

When you're drawing, or sketching, or animating, focus on the large transformation in the movement. Forget any kind of nuanced movement. Make redrawing, or adding continuity to, your sketches a habit.

>> No.3113692


>> No.3113789

>One of the reasons why animation quality improved so quickly, from 3 little piggies to snow white, is because the new talent hired at disney were better draftsmen than the old guys who had pioneered the techniques.
Lies. Grim Natwick, animated Snow White and he did Betty Boop cartoons before that. A lot of the animators did early 1930s rubber hose style, it wasn't new talent that somehow knew how to animate. The 1930s style helps you easily understand form.

>meme books
The Preston Blair animation book is muc better than those it's 1940s style so it has more nuances than 1930s style but it's still very helpful in understanding the concepts of solid drawing and staging poses.

>> No.3113886

>Lies. Grim Natwick, animated Snow White and he did Betty Boop cartoons before that. A lot of the animators did early 1930s rubber hose style, it wasn't new talent that somehow knew how to animate

I did get my examples wrong, but the point is the same, People like Moore and Ferguson who worked on 3 Little Pigs were better draftsmen than their predecessors. (Snow white was such a leap thanks to advancements in methodology and technique...and Bill Tytla). And the Nine Old Men were better draftsmen than their predecessors.

>> No.3114637
File: 835 KB, 500x500, bellyfish.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made this the other day

>> No.3114665

Not only was Walt hiring better talent, with the guys who became the Nine Old Men, but they also started teaching on-campus, when they moved to the bigger campus. They pushed each other to draw better, and to approach it from an artistic point of view, not a "throw away kiddy flick" point of view- that's when the rubber band arms went away, and squash and stretch and better drawing appeared. They invented a lot of what's taken for granted now, as they went along. Them, and Tex Avery and the Warners studio gave birth to modern animation. Illusion of Life is a great book, as is Chuck Amuck. There are crappy PDFs of Illusion of Life out there (if you can get a real copy, grab it), but sadly have never seen Chuck Amuck online. Many, many of the artists who entered those studios were great when they started, but were masters when they retired, from working there, and learning as they worked.
Everyone's favorite here, Ron Cobb, was hired by Disney and taught to animate working on Sleeping Beauty. Who even does that anymore? That's why they had the talent - they invested in it, and developed it in-house, instead of expecting master level work from day one. Back then, you could only study fine art, animation was something you learned on the job. Don Bluth was another one, who dropped out of college to go to work for Disney.

>> No.3116038
File: 598 KB, 600x680, Nikki dancing - shaking to the left and right.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only just now finish'd this. i need 2 animate more

>> No.3116541

Nice! scrolling particles in the background could add a sense of movement.

Really nice too, especially that shimmy. Feet seem kinda glued to the floor. Maybe lift or slide the one a bit that she's not leaning on at the highest point.

>> No.3116644


>> No.3116728

Did this thread break?

>> No.3116734
File: 313 KB, 600x720, 1502800101175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait a minute....

>> No.3117033
File: 3 KB, 304x61, unix 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all posts go away, thread time resets to unix time 0

>> No.3117073

I missed it, what happened.

>> No.3117076

the blur looks really unnatural.

>> No.3117077

How to make it not look unnatural?

>> No.3117235
File: 781 KB, 1126x753, Untfdfdddaasdsdaasditled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3117244


>> No.3117249

>gas gas gas

>> No.3117258

it's moving slow enough, you don't need blur at all.

>> No.3117515
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, smoking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just getting started with animation. I've done some bouncing balls and stick figures. Am I going in the right direction?

>> No.3117558

very nice

>> No.3117799

work on your fundies more

>> No.3118014
File: 40 KB, 404x451, ref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my reference recording had lots more blur actually. imo anything can have blur (can make it feel trippy which is fun) it just needs to be done right

>> No.3118023

the animation of the arm itself is perfectly okay. but the drawing just isn't appealing.

and making your drawings appealing is a very big part of animation.

>> No.3118050

Yeah you get blur with a lower quality camera

>> No.3118078

either re-record it in a well lit room, or bump up the shutter speed

>> No.3118154

it's because the camera is bad. Unless the motion is supposed to be much faster than what is in your animation, in which case work on the timing.

>> No.3118726
File: 305 KB, 1280x720, sword-spin-around.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3119118
File: 626 KB, 4099x1171, 2oRZv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was amazing anon, good luck with the festivals. Was there some Evangelion influence in there or am I projecting?

>> No.3119148

Thnx bb

>> No.3120310
File: 39 KB, 848x480, eva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah totally. Also some stuff from Aku no Hana, and FLCL that I can remember off the top of my head. I remember one of the original drafts it was supposed to parallel genesis, but there's still reminiscence of that in the final. Such as the moon is akin to the apple. Also the art style was influenced heavily off of Rebeca Sugar, Hidari, and Michelangelo.

>> No.3120323
File: 193 KB, 2560x1440, XmFAsPM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rebeca Sugar

Patrician tastes, friend. I watched the other videos on your channel and I especially like pizza paulmer and Makes You Think About It. I'm planning on applying to art schools this year for transferring into some 2d animation program, do you recommend scad?

>> No.3120329

Definitely SCAD. It's been a few years since I looked at other schools, but I wound up accepted to like 13 or so art schools, SCAD was the most up to date with technology. In the Savannah Campus they have a full two floors of cintiques in one building. The biggest take away before going to art school is listen to all of your professors what ever school you end up going to. Don't focus on creating an art style, focus on learning to draw, style comes naturally over time. It's quite honestly one of the biggest speed bumps I see at school. Especially animation, if you can't design characters or something, find some sort of public domain reference. Most animation is with puppets and 3d btw. I recommend art school, but like always go in willing to listen and learn from the professors.
Also specifically more of Rebecca's illustrations or her college animations. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tgue81LVZ4E

>> No.3121275

Anyone here have experience with freelance jobs in animation? How was it? Any lessons you learned? Also, tips on going about it?

>> No.3121371

Man that character design is disgusting

>> No.3121759
File: 306 KB, 700x471, nbmbnmhjm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3121764

forgot to say its copied heavily from james baxter. that man knows his horses

>> No.3121858

Does anyone have good resources on making competent animatics? I can naturally imagine more emphasis goes into art direction and spacing as opposed to fluid motion, but if anyone's got any good production tips I'd love to see.

Right now I've been studying the animatics Nickelodeon puts on its youtube channel (which is doubly good as I'm trying to get an internship there).

>> No.3121881

Just ask yourself what is the point of an animatic.

This is my take on it: The point of an animatic is to convey the story of the finished animation as much as possible while using as little resource as possible.

1. Make it black and white.
2. Backgrounds shouldn't be more than a few lines, enough to represent space.
3. Try to capture the timing of the animation.
4: Try using keyframes only.

There's more but these are the basics, in the end it all depends on the animation itself

>> No.3121955

In addition to what other anon said, focus only on story (key) drawings and drawings that convey CHANGE in the characters emotions/thoughts in the scene.

>> No.3122584

animatics are just storyboards with added camera direction. there's no point in making them fancy since their purpose is to make sure the timing of your film is right.

>> No.3122736

this is so amazing and inspirational jesus christ

>> No.3123057

Anyone got any tips on getting a feeling for timing while animating straight ahead?

>> No.3123277

don't animate straight ahead. animate extremes first, since it's going to be VERY difficult to animate and time things correctly if you just animate from frame to frame.

>> No.3123446

I've been doing the pose to pose stuff for too long that it bores me I get a much better feel of overlapping and secondary actions when I do straight ahead, that's why I want to do it. I just don't know how to make the timing feel right.

>> No.3123522

Do the pose to pose for the rough body, do the hair and other things for secondary action later. it's going to be REALLY difficult to time things properly if you think about all the motions for the final at once. take it one step at a time.
dude if you get bored of doing animation by any stretch, i don't think it's even for you.

>> No.3123567

>wanting to do straight ahead animation means I hate animation.

I've been reading that early animators almost exclusively animated straight ahead. Ub Iwerks was said to exclusively work straight ahead. Preston Blair animated the hippo and alligator dance for Fantasia straight ahead. And I see that the most basic stop motion animators get a very lively quality out of their animation and that's all straight ahead too.

So I want to learn straight ahead.

>>3117235 Does this guy have any tips to give? That looks amazing, it's weird how even the best animators here animate straight ahead. There has to be something to it that teaches you a lot.

>> No.3123709

>"wanting to do straight ahead animation means I hate animation."
jesus you fucking read that completely wrong dude. i wasn't even implying that you hated animation or anything. it's just that straight ahead animation is difficult if you're just heading into it without any preparation

Do straight ahead animation if you want to man. I was just saying you should probably incorporate it with your pose-to-pose shit already so things look well-timed out and natural. though, if you want to do it all straight ahead, use a timing chart to help picture things in your head better.

animating straight ahead is a good practice for keeping things sized and on model properly. I don't recommend it for a full scene of nothing but character animation, but things like fire, bouncing balls, falling/landing objects, and secondary motions on a completed character motion are good places to use it. if you want to try it out on a character, please use a way of keeping track of how much frames you're going to use for a motion.

>> No.3123879
File: 11 KB, 713x713, YellowDesert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how to get the timing right for straight ahead animation

It's straight ahead, the point is to get something different so there's no formula to it, and if there is you shouldn't use it otherwise you're missing the point.

Trial and error, after a while it'll become natural
No other way that I know of.

>> No.3124125

>There has to be something to it that teaches you a lot.

Yes there is, just doing it has potential to teach you something you've never seen before. But asking for tips while animating straight ahead negates that potential.

Here's a tip for getting a built in sense of timing: Just animate till you get it & listen to a lot of music. Classical music can help you a lot but other genres can work just as well

>> No.3124269

>3117235 (You) Does this guy have any tips to give?

Thanks for the ego boost. I combine both pose to pose and straight ahead. Do pose to pose for the key drawings and extremes. Then you can just do straight ahead between the extremes. If the straight ahead drawings eventually "break" your extremes, then just alter the extremes. If altering the extremes breaks the whole thing then either alter the straight ahead drawings or rebuild the whole thing.

I mean I'm pretty much parroting every authority on traditional animation ever, but it's because what they say is true: don't do just exclusively one or the other, combine both.

The way you get the timing down is by thinking real hard. That said the magic of digital animation makes it so easy to play back your animation that you can literally just play around with the exposure rates of the extremes/keys that you don't even have to think that hard about timing. Think in terms of "how long would it take for this thing to travel this distance on the screen when it's supposed to be travelling this fast". Also getting up and acting it out and doing sound effects with your mouth or clapping/tapping things help with getting more intuitive feel for the timing.

In my opinion saying that you want to learn straight ahead, wanting it to be the only way you do animation, sounds more like a crutch than anything else.

>> No.3124304


>> No.3124390


>> No.3124465
File: 1.55 MB, 1366x768, Thumbnail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just finished this :)

>> No.3124478

Is animation hard?

>> No.3124492

If drawiny is hard, then animation is hard. It's time consuming, but if you actually know what you're doing it shouldn't be hard.

>> No.3124505

you've got potential, leave this board ASAP

>> No.3124524

Is this referenced from Castle of Cagliostro?

>> No.3124540

No, but I see what you mean though.

>> No.3124976

Very cool. I like character designs of the Nites a lot.

>> No.3125046

Thanks anon

>> No.3125198

Thanks Anon

>> No.3125201

Hey anon, any tips for promoting work?

>> No.3125632

Man I'd say I'm the worst person to be asked that question, I too find it hard promoting my work, it's like a whole other job and I don't have the energy to animate and do that as well but I'll share what I've done so far:

I've shared my work here on /ic/
I've made a facebook page and invited my friends to like it
I'm currently actively posting on these platforms: Newgrounds, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram
I've also shared my animations with two subreddits: /r/animation and /r/youtubeanimators

Also, just messaging someone you admire and asking them to tell you what they think about your work might help, people I've messaged so far have been more than happy to respond

Other than that I've heard applying for competitions helps a lot

>> No.3125983
File: 34 KB, 1280x720, Untitled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3128047
File: 652 KB, 1280x808, The Voice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow there's plenty of really good works in this thread, glad to have found it. I'm a beginner and I was looking for a critique/advice on my latest project. Most of the movements are rotoscoped, what is your stance on rotoscoping in general?

I love that speech :)

>> No.3128124

What series?

>> No.3128225

This one >>3124465

>> No.3128231

I find rotoscoping highly unappealing... and I honestly have no idea why, even when done by professionals like studio Ghibli it still kicks me out of the experience

>> No.3128268

I'm wondering what kind of joke takes 5 minutes to tell

>> No.3128270

It's certainly a different experience compared to traditional animation. I've only watched few movies by Studio Ghibili (not very into anime in general) and I don't recall a lot of rotoscoping, might be wrong though. If you ever feel like giving rotoscope another try I suggest checking out the way Bakshi implemented it in his earliest works.
"A Scanner Darkly" and "Waking Life" are interesting, more modern examples of rotoscoping done well

>> No.3128281

"the aristocrats"

>> No.3128309
File: 1.78 MB, 889x500, taliyah_animation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this mega link no longer works

>> No.3128468

>a few years
>citation needed

>> No.3128473

>what are smear frames
you know WHY they use smear frames, right?

>> No.3128729

Seen the trailer for Waking Life and it seems like I could enjoy it

Ghibli used rotoscoping in a scene in The Wind Rises when Jiro is adjusting his ruler thing

>> No.3128734

This actually looks better than the finished animation

>> No.3128787


>> No.3129501

I'm working on short nsfw animation loops and i was told i could either post it here or on the porn thread. Could i post it here for critique?

>> No.3129514

go for it

>> No.3129535
File: 264 KB, 768x768, mutual2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so here's the animation loop that i posted in the main /ic board, sorry about that

>> No.3129542
File: 670 KB, 1368x768, ErikaBj.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And here's another one. I'm working on these animation loops for games instead of CG because i don't have the skills/tools and patience to make really detailed art. I figured maybe i could make do with animation. Ofc with better details than flat colors but still.

These are my first loops though and i'm still getting used to anime studio. What do you guys think?

>> No.3129582

Have the male's hand and arm perform its own motion; maybe as a secondary action. Right now, it looks like he only fingers her every time he thrusts, it doesnt look right.

Make her head tilt up when she raises her head

>> No.3129625

Thank you! This is really helpful

>> No.3129738
File: 590 KB, 1280x720, bat_test.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little test animation thing. Haven't animated anything in ages.

>> No.3129831
File: 395 KB, 480x270, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been doing 50 frames a day and ended up here somehow. It's actually 51 because there's a colored thing at the end but there's like literally no difference.

This is the sized down version, the original is pretty large.

>> No.3130002

An example of a good rotoscoped animation https://vimeo.com/169689840

>> No.3130003

quite cool indeed, thanks!
What did you think of mine? Any suggestions to avoid making the same mistakes in the future?

>> No.3130004
File: 769 KB, 1198x332, soisoisoisoi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need these when the character swings

>> No.3130006


Don't animate every frame, more frames does not equal better animation.

Definitely aim for either 24fps or 12fps, and even then try experimenting with frame length, making some frames longer and others shorter will give your movement extra power - try looking for some tutorials about timing and spacing in animation, that's a must for good looking animation

Don't rely entirely on the video footage you're gonna rotoscope, some things like cloth for example you should try animating on your own

That's all I could think of for now

It shows it's your first animation but you demonstrated you have the patience for it, try following the tips above, I'd really like to see what you make next

>> No.3130033

it triggers me that you draw the same thing over and over when its not moving. thats just a waste of time

>> No.3130072
File: 21 KB, 530x482, thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must say, you have a really good sense for colour and composition. great work - thanks for the inspiration

>> No.3130093

when has that ever stopped anyone

>> No.3130119

>about a month later
somewhat, but you should check their forum for more in depth information.

>> No.3130192

It's not a waste of time, it looks 10x better rather than just re-drawing a segment of the body

>> No.3130194
File: 463 KB, 1920x1080, 1498531953608.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem anon, also thank you

>> No.3130234

The 50 frames a day is supposed to be a speed exercise, most of the frames are redrawn quickly instead of stylized and rotated to match the movements.

Get quick, then develop your style.

>> No.3130240

It's a crutch for shitty animation not to mention boring as hell to draw.

>> No.3130262

>get quick

It's quicker to copy paste parts that don't move. And no it doesn't looks bad if it's done right.

if someone was blinking would you redraw the whole body for every part of the blink?

>> No.3130280


What are you even on about...

>> No.3130284

Cels were invented for a reason, anon.

>> No.3130285

i'm fresh out of ideas. any suggestions of what to animate?

>> No.3130332

The whole body moves, though. The legs move, the arms move, the mouth moves... If you've got a different process there's nothing wrong with that, but I don't quite understand the point you're trying to make here.

>> No.3130524

>It's quicker to copy paste parts that don't move.

You talk about animation like someone who knows nothing about animation.

>> No.3131215

Regardless of his attitude, I agree with the anon that you are creating too much unnecessary work for yourself by redrawing parts that don't move without putting the required amount of care and effort (or simply lacking in ability to do so) in ensuring that the line quality stays consistent and steady.

The end result of this unnecessary labor is linework that is aesthetically less appealing and more distracting than what you'd get by simply holding the stationary parts.

Also I find the goal of this 50 frames a day thing questionable. You don't get quick by doing things quickly. You get quick by doing things properly, multiple times, over the span of decades. Speed comes from being familiar with whatever your drawing. Speed comes not from literally drawing fast, but rather from eliminating steps from the process.

You shouldn't be worrying about speed. Worry about making good animation.

>> No.3131217


>> No.3131285


>> No.3131289
File: 2.99 MB, 320x240, Untitled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3131291

did he die?

>> No.3131298

just sneezed

>> No.3131300

new thread


>> No.3131426

I can understand that, and I do appreciate the feedback. But it takes me very little time. That specific one took somewhere between 40-45 minutes to do? And they're just exercises, practices, nothing close to the final product of what I've been working on.

I have a very weird brain. Also some debilitations that muck me up a bit when it comes to memory. Doing repetitive work is actually good for those problems, I've just applied it here to animation. I do disagree with you on how you get quick, but again, everyone functions differently.

I'd like it if someone that's chimed in here could post their own work in the new thread, give something to compare and contrast with what I've done. Just for discussion.