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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3093261 No.3093261 [Reply] [Original]

Is IQ a factor in art improvement? Could you improve faster and more efficiently with a high IQ?

>> No.3093277

Yes. IQlets will never make it.

>> No.3093279

They often say here, that you must study smart instead of mindless grinding.
So probably yes.

>> No.3093287

yes but only really visio-spatial iq. it's the reason why asians are better at art on average

>> No.3093288

it matters as much as the time put in and how much you actually want to improve. if you're smart but only care about making money through art you'd just find a way to manipulate people in to buying traced photocopies or something.

>> No.3093458

A smarter artist improves faster in general...
(concepts you need to understand like perspective,geometry, and so on)

>> No.3093465


They are not.

>> No.3093468

Depends if it is autist IQ or regular IQ.

>> No.3093487


Probably, so what?

You're going to give up now?

No matter what you do, you will never have the ideal conditions you want.
Just pick a goal and work towards it, it doesnt matter if there are people who are learning more efficient than you.
You don't have to be the best, you can still excel at your craft if you put in enough effort.

>> No.3093506
File: 646 KB, 1200x873, Canine (41).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as much as I don't like eastern culture and weaboos as you, yes they are.

We have to grind harder than these turbo autists

>> No.3093516


>visio-spatial iq

that's not the east azn forte

>> No.3093564

Probably, since the acquisition of skill somewhat depends on intelligence.

However as Peterson himself has said, Intelligence is the number one determinant of success, Industriousness is the second. So if you lack the first, you can still make up for it with the second to a degree.

>> No.3093575


Yes and yes but tell me why a thread needed to die for that question. You could've used one of the many threads on talent to ask it, or even (Betty Edwards forbids) the Questions&Answers General thread.

>> No.3093618
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>Some autistic kids/people are savants at fine arts.

>> No.3093625

> People still fall for the IQ meme
It's just a measure of how well you know the material compared to people in your age group, not how much of a genius you are.

>> No.3093641

He may have a photographic memory, but his line control is pretty shit

>> No.3093680
File: 857 KB, 500x375, 01100101 01111001 01100101 01110011 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01101111 01101110 00100000 01101101 01100101.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say that to Picasso. OR Van Goghs style. segmented. I'd say he has flow.

>> No.3093695

>doesn't know what an iq test tests for
brainlet detected

>> No.3093794

No they are better because they teach art as a serious craft, unlike most other places in the world. And they don't charge a ridiculous amount for it either, they have aforordable trade schools even just to get you to a high enough level to be ready for a university

>> No.3093796

> brainlet detected
Saw a mirror by any chance? It's not another person, you know.

>> No.3093946

I would say intelligence plays a huge role in anything. You could apply that to any interests or hobbies. But it's nowhere near as important as true passion.

I've been floating around here only recently but I see a lot of you on ic are approaching art and drawing with a mindset of it being like P90x or something like that. Grinding towards recognition. If you feel compelled to create art then being gifted or a genius, while no doubt would be nice, shouldn't be taken as an either/or scenario. If you enjoy it, making art and the satisfaction of growing and improving over time, then who cares about destiny or genetics?

>> No.3093968

His lines are shit despite him probably having a lot of mileage.

>> No.3093972

No it is not. Just hard work, luck and a little bit of talent.
sauce: all the dumb people who are pro artists.

>> No.3093986

>all the dumb people who are pro artists.

You mean shitty artists who know how to market themselves?

>> No.3093990

Asians cant judge space tho. have you seen how they drive?

>> No.3093993

these memes are getting out of hand. i had no idea 4chan had grabbed onto this guy as i was away for a few months.

>> No.3093996

absolutely. IQ will show how much you improve at literally anything. don't worry about it man as long as you're above 100 IQ you should improve with good ol deliberate practice.

>> No.3094000

yes, he was secretly being as cynical and bitter as you, good work ton petite fruit amère

>> No.3094001

>they are better because they teach art as a serious craft
Not really though, they're just naturally better at drawing. Pixiv might have some shit drawings, but pixiv's worst is nowhere as horrendous as the worst Deviantart has to offer. Statistically, pixiv's quality is better as well.

And don't confuse drawings with art, art has more substance than just visual illustration on canvas.

(((wh*te))) "bois" btfo

You need some brains to market your shit art. Warhol might be an idiot who was too stupid to market his art, but his visual composition was mesmerizing.

>> No.3094002

There's a reason why they're so obsessed with 2D girls. It's their home.

>> No.3094503

Rubens, Leonardo and Michelangelo were definitely in the very high IQ range. I think it's safe to say that if you measured every great artist (with technical ability) you would get an average IQ that is much higher than the overall average. My theory is that today's great minds are pushed towards STEM (maybe rightly so) or end up starting businesses which makes it a little harder to catch up to the old masters.

>> No.3094595

i don't think it's exactly "iq" there is some kind of creative thinking equivalent to iq that involves abstract problem solving. the new art- requires-high-IQ meme is pure neckbeardism, wanting art to be taken "seriously" like STEM.

>> No.3094729

Pixiv is way better because bad artists delete their account all the time to stop shamefuru disupray

>> No.3096983

Is KJG autistic?

>> No.3097046

No. Don't be abzurd. He's high in traits openness and conscientiousness, roughly speaking.