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File: 129 KB, 640x360, moving-out-of-parents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3089720 No.3089720 [Reply] [Original]

is moving out of your parent's home a pre-requisite to being a great artist? I think it is

>> No.3089724

yes, get a part time job and a shitty gulag apartment, eat rice everyday. your life and art will be infinitely better i can tell you.

>> No.3089738

Or you stay with them, don't have to cook yourself and can focus on your job + studies.

>> No.3089758

this reeks of a neet trying to validate his own existance

>> No.3089765

if you make digital or smaller works, i don't see why you would have to. unless you wanted to bring models into your house. but regardless i hope i can move out my early next year. it's wearin on me.

>> No.3089769

don't worry anon, nobody is judging you here

>> No.3089810

depends what kind of parents they are. if leave you alone to draw, pay for everything, cook for you, and aren't pushing you to get out, then there's no need to move.

if they're an obstacle to your progress though, then yes.

>> No.3089838

not him but i dont see it. its an objective perk.

you really jumped some gaps there. i'm mocking you.

>> No.3089840

>be NEET
>2 years now
>parental pressure made me turn away from art
>wasted like half a year and 4000 dollars taking premed classes
>already got a B.A mind you
>they keep pressuring me into doing other things
>learn coding because why the fuck not
>drop that too
>decide ill be serious about it 5 months ago
>tell parents i dont want to be Le Doctor
>almost shit my pants doing so
>spend a month or so afterwards cowering in fear thinking theyll blow up at me
>that passes
>start drawing and improving rapidly
>occasionally get hit by bouts of fear/anxiety/depression because of stress residue
>still getting over it
>best decision i ever made
>becoming more honest with them actually bettered our relationship
>dad accepted that he wont have a doctor son
>worked out in the end

>> No.3089842

you won't become a great artist
get a real job, make family, let them take care of you when you grow old die
otherwise you'll die alone with broken dreams and an empty bottle

>> No.3089843

Where's the part when you make it though?

>> No.3089884

getting there. we're all gonna make it anons. just dont let people hold you back.

>> No.3089887

>make family
wtf are you talking about? the #1 not to do when you're trying to become a great artist is have kids before you made it. you can once you get good and have the job you've been after, but as a practicing artist you'll never get the time you require to get there.

>> No.3089897

i am telling you, you are not going to be a "great artist" with or without family, with or without money, with or without teachers

you don't have the talent. you are probably 13. if you are older, then i feel sorry for you, because you've still got a lot to learn in life.

>> No.3089905
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>job + studies

>> No.3089956

Odds are, unless you're a little shit, you're gonna inherit their (or another relative's) house when they die.

Why move out when you're set to have a house in the first place? I stayed with my parents' until my uncle passed away. Now I got my own place.

>> No.3089962

My parents don't have any property.

We're poor as fuck m8.

>> No.3090013
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>> No.3090057

why do you even hang around here? you sound like the underage one here bud. sounds like you didn't make it and want to put others down. just move on with your life and follow your own advice.

>> No.3090070

aw, you are so visibly upset that i called you 13

i did move on, that's why i'm giving helpful advice to deluded artists on the path to homelessness

>> No.3090078

>i did move on
Good for you anon. Yesterday my mom walked into my room and hugged me, i was shocked at first but later she told me to not give up on myself. I'm glad you moved on with your life but don't try to make others follow your path.

>> No.3090082

Cooking takes only half an hour a day.

Moving alone builds independence. You get to learn to do things your own way without having to depend on someone.

>> No.3090086

no you didnt man... youre so full of it. you probably didnt do jack shit in your life you just take it personal when artists talk about their futures.

there comes a time where you just stop.

>> No.3090407

Moving out is a prerequisite to being an adult.

>> No.3090409

Excuse #34423357534534335 "I'm still living with my parents"

>> No.3090411

No. I live with my parents and am light years ahead of 99.9% of /ic/.
>inb4 "pohst yer wurhk"
pic related boi.

>> No.3090435

>he never did a single work

>> No.3090447

why is this thread here, why does it have 20 replies, what is wrong with /ic/ god damn it

>> No.3090448

I'm impressed how many excuses (memes) that /ic/ can come up. NGMI.

>> No.3090453
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because I want to know if I should move out to make it. I want to take every variable into account

>> No.3090477

Ironically enough, Feng Zhu actually has commented on this. He said that it's best to avoid living with your parents if you really wanna grind because his parents always interrupted him when he was drawing late at night, got worried about him if he spent too much time drawing, made him eat, sleep, etc. Essentially they were too controlling and worried too much about him so he couldn't put in the effort and focus needed to git gud. However, I think it was Jim Lee who didn't go to college, talked to his parents about seriously pursuing art and then lived with them for like a year or two to git gud. I remember someone saying Dave Rapoza might have done this too so it really depends on your parents. If they're the type that wont give you any breathing room or are too worrisome than you should get the fuck out, however, if they don't interfere or even encourage your artistic growth than you could benefit from staying under their rood.
/reply to a dishonest thread

>> No.3090765
File: 82 KB, 476x593, 1465563507380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live with parents to avoid work
>parents fuck with you and distract you from drawing

>live on your own and pay for it with a job
>job wastes a consistent 8hr block of your time 5 days a week

>live with roommates but pay for it with a part-time job
>job wastes a consistent amount of time and you still have roommates to fuck with you.

hmm, decisions.

>> No.3090766

This is what I do.
I began working full time, and while I did want to have my own home for reasons, my parents are always insisting that I stay with them while I can.

>> No.3090871

I don't think where you live matters, as long as you can produce your work.

Although living with parents, it can be difficult to use your bedroom as your art studio, not to mention you have to keep dropping what you're doing to help them with their groceries or help them how to post a photo or Facebook.

>> No.3090881

This is a real problem.

Research as shown that it takes 25-30 minutes of work just to get back into focus after being distracted. Just something small like answering a call is enough to get you out of the groove.

>> No.3090890

The only difficult thing about living with parents is that it is their house, so you can't just put anything you want anywhere.

We have a spare bedroom in the house that we mostly use for storage, but they complain about my art supplies, portfolios, prints, art books, etc taking up space in the room.

My bedroom has doubled as my art studio, but it's just too small to have an art table, a computer desk a dresser, a bed and a bookcase. After rearranging my furniture, I decided the art table was taking too much space, so I had to take it out. It's in our storage shed, but my dad complains about it taking up space there, and I keep telling him that I plan to take it with me once I get my own place. So now my work is mostly digital, but if I want to draw something traditionally, I use a lap desk. Really sucks because the art table is an expensive table I got for free.

Living in NYC, I can only afford moving out if I had at least 2-3 roommates for a spacious apartment.

I can't imagine how artists deal with 2 or 3 roommates in small apartments.
I'd love to live on my own, I did it for 3 years at school, but at this point Id rather save up for a house.

>> No.3090928
File: 2.38 MB, 1573x910, nyc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>be born into a wealthy family
>move into one of many homes your family owns after going to an ivy league school for 4 years of partying and drug use
>get hired into an amazing company in NYC through nepotism
>make 6 figure salary while the interns and underlings do all the actual artwork

how can poorfags even compete

>> No.3090940

Well, looks like you're gonna have to work that problem yourself.

>> No.3090957

so it goes. it depends on your personality. its not a set thing.

>> No.3090968

Fact. Most young professional artists come from a rich family background and get enabled by their parents. See Miles Johnston, Algenpfleger, Janaschi, Ross Tran etc.
Not saying they're not supporting themselves now, I'm saying they never would have had the chance to work on their artwork that much if it weren't for their parents being somewhat wealthy and enabling them.

>> No.3090992

my family is a huge distraction to me too and on top of that I have ADD and shit. It's a "grass is always greener" kind of situation - you're just trading one form of distraction for another as well as the stress that comes with suddenly having to do everything for yourself.